HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. Review and Discussion of Revised 1994 Work Program and Operating Budget t � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE STTL�lARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: NOVEMBER 16, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: REVIEW OF 1994 WORK PROGRAM AGENDA SECTION: AND BUDGET OLD BUSINESS PREpARED BY� EOONOMICLDEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR AGENDA j�'e�/� � � � 1 B {:IVI ATTACffi�SENTS: AMENDED DR.AFT OF WORK PROGRAM AP��-�/�VE Y: AND BUDGET At its November 3 meeting, the port authority reviewed the draft work program and budget for 1994 . Several changes were requested. Attached is a redraft of that budget document that I believe reflects the commissioners' wishes. Included are: 1. A work item to reflect the Muller Family Theater project. �C2 . Revised CDBG funding amounts. � . Reference to the "mall block" as a focus of port authority activity. 4 . More reference to extension of infrastructure in the business par}�. �5. Revised language and dollar amounts for legal fees reflecting the current contract. This item is placed on the agenda so that action can be taken prior to December 2, 1993, the date the city council has scheduled for final budget action. RECOI�SENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend approval of the port authority' s 1994 work program and budget to the city council. (�t/} � `�����e�� � PORT AIITHORITY ACTION: � � � 1994 WORK PROGP:AM AND BUDGET FOR THE ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY APPROVED DATE INTRODUCTION This is the second annual work program and budget for the Rosemount Port Authority. Becoming operational in February of 1992, the authority has devoted much of its early efforts to completing projects inherited from its predecessor organization, the Rosemount Economic Development Authority. In 1993, however, the commissioners were able to initiate some new activities including the development of senior housing, the creation of the Rosemount Business Park, and the provision of assistance to the Downtown Scoping Committee in completion of a downtown redevelopment plan. In discussions held late in 1993, the commissioners agreed to focus their activities in a manner that would see the cornpletion of several projects and the actual start of new cammercial and industrial construction. This work program and budget reflects those discussions and the desire to complete planned projects. PROCEDURE The.port authority should approve a budget prior to December 2, when the city council is scheduled to hold its public hearing on municipal spending. CALENDAR October 29 Distribute draft agenda to commissioners November 3 Work session to review and amend draft budget November i 6 Work session to consider and approve fmal draft November 23 (If necessary) additional session to amend and approve final draft 1 � TABLE OF CONTENTS CURRENT PROJECTS PAGE 101. Senior Housing Development 3 102. Business Park Promotion and Development Including Infrastructure 4 103. Repairs, Inc. Site Redevelopment 5 104. CMC Heartland Partners Development 6 105. Completion of Muller Family Thea.ter Project 7 ADNIINISTRATION 201. Business Liaison Includ.ing Motel Development 8 202. General Administration 9 203. Staff/Commissioner Development 10 204. Audits and Evaluations 11 NEW INITLATIVES 301. Redevelopment of Carlson Tra.ctor Site 12 302. Assistance of Cottages Inc. Senior Housing Project 13 303. Initiate Downtown Redevelopment (Mall) Aetivities 14 1994 SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS Sources of In-Flows and Cash Balance 15 Expenditures ' 2 Budget Categary: Cunent Projects Budget Item: 101 - Senior Housing Development Description of Work: Work with the Dakota County HRA in initiating acquisition activities for the construction of a senior housing project. Community Block Grant funds will provide all revenue for this project. Responsible Staff; Economic Development Coordinatar Timetable: J F M A M J J A S 0 N D 3 Budget Category: Current Projects Budget Item: 102 - Business Park Promotion and Development Description of Work: This work item is really two projects in one. First the port authority with city council approval must extend utilities and infrastructure into the business park so that land can be developed. This item recognizes that some coordination of activities is necessary to accomplish that task. Second, the port authority's business park promotion subcommittee will have its report to the full board completed by December 31. Implementation of that plan is accounted for in this work item. Responsible Staff: Economic Development Coordinator, Consulting Engineer Timetable: J F M A M J J A S 0 N D 4 Budget Category: Current Projects Budget Item: 103 - Repairs, Inc. Site Redevelopment Description of Work: The port authority has an agreement with Johnson Partnership to redevelop the site at 14390 South Robert Trail. That activity is to be assurect to the commission by February 21, 1994, with completion by October 1, 1994. If Johnson Partnership fails in its efforts to redevelop the site, alternative uses will be sought for the land. Responsible Staff: Economic Development Coordinator Timetable: J F M A M J J A S 0 N D 5 , `� Budget Category: Current Projects Budget Item: 104 - CMC Heartland Partners Development Description of Work: Residential development of the 103 acre parcel immediately east of downtown Rosemount is pmjected to start in 1994. The developer is CMC Heartland Partners and it has requested that tax increment fmancing be used to assist it in relocation of a rail spur and acquisition of a deteriorated industrial structure adjacent to the property. Stormwater drainage and walking access to downtown are also issues that must be resolved. 'Fhis work item relates to completing an agreement with CMC on those several issues. Responsible Staff: Economic Developrnent Coordinator Timetable: J F M A M J J A S 0 N D 6 �� Budget Category: Current Projects Budget Item: 105 - Completion of Muller Family Theater Project Description of Work: Work is to continue with Muller Family T'heaters tv complete the theater project initiated in 1993. This work is to be coordinated with development of the business park as Mullers wish to locate in that development. Responsible Staff: Economic Development Coordinator Timetable: J F M A M J J A S O N D 7 ■� Budget Category: Administration Budget Item: 201 - Business Liaison Including Motel Development Description of Work: This work item is a continuation of the 1993 business liaison work item. In the 1993 work program it was noted that "the port authority must work with existing businesses on issues of retention, expansion, and community business climate. Second, work must be completed to attract new businesses to the city." Certainly the port authority has had some successes in doing this over the past year and the work should be continued in 1994. Of particular importance to the commissioners, however, is the development of a matel in Rosemount. the port authority wishes to emphasize the motel project in 1994. The motel would be complementary to the annory and community center and provide additional support for local restaurants, lounges, and other entertainment centers. Responsible Staff: Economic Development Coordinator Timetable: J F M A M J J A S 0 N D S Budget Category: Administration Budget Item: 202 - General Administration Description of Work: This work item includes all of the routine but necessary tasks necessary for the operation of the port authority. Included are agenda preparation, budgeting, administration and reporting of tax increment activities, preparation of payroll, disbursements of port authority funds, and other office functions. The amount budgeted for legal fees is based on 30 hours of work per month at a billing rate of$90 per hour. A1so included here is the General Fund Service Fee paid to the city of Rosemount for auditing, accounting, and other administrative services. This is in direct relation to city approved Policy F-4. Responsible Staff: Executive Director, Attorney, Economic Development Coordinator Timetable: J F M A M J J A S 0 N D 9 Budget Category: Administration Budget Item: 203 - Staff/Commissioner Development Description of Work: Local economic development activities are dependent upon, subject to, and affected by changes in state and federal legislation, banking conditions, market shifts, and population changes. To effectiuely complete their responsibilities to the residents of Rosemount, the part authority commissioners and staff must make themselves available for training and education as provided through conferences, seminars, and various meetings as provided by professional and trade organizations. Time and travel are included as are memberships in several professional organizations. Responsible Staff: Timetable: J F M A M J J A S 0 N D 10 Budget Category: Administration Budget Item: 204 - Audits and Evaluations Descrigtion of Work: The port authority is required by law to complete an annual report of its activities for the city council. In addition, the commissioners need to review their own accomplishments in a manner that provides both an evaluation of procedures and results. Standards should be adopted that provide quantifiable criteria for year-to-year comparisons. Obviously it is hoped the commissioners and their staff people will improve the quaiity of their operations as a result of this work. It is also hoped the work tasks of the part authority will become more focused as results of different activities are studied. Responsible Staff: Executive Director, Economic Develapment Coordinator Timetable: J F M A M J J A S O N D 1l Budget Category: New Initiatives Budget Item: 301 - Redeveloprnent of the Carlson Site Description of Work: Preliminary discussions have been held with the Carlson family regarding redevelopment of the seven acre "txactor site" located at the intersection of T.H. 3 and C.R. 42. The land appears eligible for inclusion in a redevelopment tax increment fmance district. Early discussions have also been held with individuals interested in locating on the site. As the property is located at the 100 percent comer in Rosemount, its redevelopment to a more intense use should be actively promoted. Responsible Staff: Econornic Development Coordinator Timetable: J F M A M J J A S 0 N D 12 Budget Category: New Initiatives Budget Item: 302 - Assistance to Cotta.ges, Inc. Senior Housing Project Description of Work: Cottages, Inc. has selected Rosemount as its next site for single- story, attached senior housing rentals. The developer will need assistance in the form of a housing tax increment finance district. With construction expected to begin in the spring of 1994, this 'T� work will need the attention of the port authority in the winter and early spring of 1994. Responsible Staff: Economic Development Coordinator Tunetable: J F M A M �? J A S O N D 13 � a Budget Category: New Initiatives Budget Item: 303 - Initiate Downtown Redevelopment (Mall Block) Activities Description of Work: At its first 1994 budget session, the commissioners stated that it was time to start redevelopment activities in the downtown area.. In part, this downtown emphasis is a spin-off of the downtown planning efforts of the Scoping Committee. The Chamber of Commerce is active in setting goals for Rosemount businesses and can be expected to act as a partner in coordinating efforts. The mall block area has been selected for first consideration. Responsible Staff: Economic Development Coordinator Timetable: J F M A M J J A S 0 N D 14 '� * 1994 SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS * * CASH BALANCE (estimated) January l, 1994 $ 114,579 � � * SOURCES OF CASH IN-FLOWS Mortga�e Payments Blake (South Robert Square) $ 62,400 Loch (South Robert Squase) $ 60,000 G� REVENUE . . . Tax Increment Payments July Payment $ 139,000 December Payment $ 139,000 Investment Income $ 4,OQ0 Communitv Development Block Grant $ 264,269 TOTAL SOURCES OF IN-FLOW AND CASH BALANCE $ 783,248 15 �` '� 1994 SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS '� � EXI'ENDITURES Personnel Full-time Employees * Economic Development Coordinator $ 56,104 * Port Authority Secreta.ry (50% of costs) $ 17,118 Part-time Employees * Port Authority Stipend $ 6,500 Professional Services and Charges I.egal Fees $ 21,600 Other Professional Services $ 20,000 General Fund Administrative Fee $ 5,625 Travel $ 1,000 * Mileage Reimbursement Legal Notices $ 400 Worker's Compensation Insurance $ 2,OQ0 Education and Training Dues and Subscriptions $ 2,000 Economic Development Association * Minnesota Real Estaxe Journal * City Business * Urban Land Institute * Sensible Land Use Coalition * Wall Street Joumal - * American Economic Development Council Books and Periodicals $ 4Q0 16 '� '� 1994 SOITRCES AND USES OF FUNDS * * Conferences/Seminars/Meetings $ 3,000 * Star City * Northern Dakota County Chamber of Commerce (Port Authority) * Rosemount Chamber of Commerce (Port Authority) * Urban Land Institute Workshops * Minnesota DT'EU Economic Development Workshops Miscellaneous $ 25� Subtotal Administrative Costs $ 135,997 Project Development Project Activities * Senior Housing Property Acquisition and Planning $ 264,269 * Business Park Property/De opment and ` 1 Promotion $ 20,000 � �� Fund Transfers Debt Service Transfer * 1988 Taxable G.O. TIF Bonds 8-1-94 1988A G.O. TIF $ 31,317 2-1-95 1988A G.O. TIF $141,317 $ 172,634 * 1992 G.O. Municipal Build'mg Bonds 8-1-94 1992E G.O. $ 12,381 . . . 2-1-95 1992E G.O. $107,381 $ 119,762 TOTAL EXPENDITLTRES $ 712,662 CASH BALANCE ESTIMATED 12-31-94 $ 70,586 17 . Pay� Oaa . . . . . . � � � 1994 D4DGET NORxSHXETS � .� . � � PORT ADTSOAZTY OP�TZN6 EIID68T � � � � . � . Nov�mb�r 16, 1993 - 1tYVgip3g _ � � 1993 1994 OSJECt 1994 � � � 1991 � 1992 � ADOPT� DETAZL PROPOSID � � � :luad �ccoant • Obj # Ducziptlon 71Ct'OlS ACiVAl, DppGET )11{ppliT SQDCYT Cooeats ._..""'._...""""•""'"""._...."""""""""""""""""""""'""""'...""""""""'_""""""""""'...__. � � . 101 - 31050 -00-�000.0 Tu[ Inermaats S23S,513 $27�,190 5272.000 � . f27l,D00 � � � 201 - 31050 -00- OOO.T July Rae�ipts � � � 5179,000 . � � � 301 - D1050 -00- 000.2 D�orbar Yac�lpts . . � � f13l�,000 � � 201 - 33100 -00- 000.0 l�d�ral Crants 4 11ds S6L,950 � SO t114,031 . 52f4,369 � � . � �201 - 33100 -00- 000.1 Camuaity D���lapaent Eloek � j264,169 . � � 2A1 - 33100 -00-�000.2 Graat � � � � . � . � 201 • 3410i -00- 000.0 7Wmialstrati�� l�rOtlur Zunds f0 �SO 512.000 � $0 � . � � 301 - 34103 -00- 000.1 ?�u 7zaa Y�locatioa Yroj�ei � SO 201 - 36105 -00- 000.0 Pziaelpal oa Yotu � . j0 =0 =7,301 . 516,777 � � 301 - 3i105 -00- 000.1 Elak�L/?llot� � . � j6,703 �� - . 201 - 3i105 -00- 000.2 Loch L/T IIOCs � =��074 � 201�- 36410 �-00- 000.0 Iatar��G Zaratag�-2a�udaats . 52.640 §5,753 � =3,000 � 53�,000 � � 201 - 36210 -00- 000.1 Iatar�s[ =arp�d oa CD�■ � .53,000 � � . 201 - 36]il -00- 000.0 Iatarut =araia9� ' �� , C53,603 =54,342 552,443 � � =51,926 � � 201 - 36211 -00- 000.1 boch LJS ltortqaq� IaGatut � � i51,926 � � � � � 201 - 36211 -00- 000:2 - � . � :0� � . � � 201 - 36312 -DO- 000.0 Iat�r�st *�**�a�qs - Dlaka 551,011 550,771 352,507 SSS,il7 . � Z01 - 36312 -00- 000.1 Dlak� L/T Yortaqa IntaruE s53,697 � � 201 - 3b212 -DO- 000.2 � i0 � � � . 301 - 36215 -00- Q00.0 Iatarait iazaiags 53.440 j1,953 51,000 51,000 � �oi - sczis -oo• 000.i cn•�xsnQ rnc.re,e �xssc u,000 301 - 362i5 -DO- 000.0 9ie o! Au�� lunds . EO t0 5254,256 � �543,993 201 - 36365 -00- 000.1 543,993 � � . ]01 - 393Q3 -00- 000.0 Traasfar lraa � 53,023 t0 i0 SO � 201 - 39203 -00- 000.1 � SO � px� T�'�S =43l,1l0 S3f0,00f 5768,340� 5712,:662 � 5712.662 . � � � � �� T�'u3 $43L,180 =390,009 5�6E,340 5713,662 $TS],662 � � . . ...........""'.....'.'.................."""....... � Pag� Oae . . �. .. � 199� lIIDGYT NOFiSBZS!'S � . . . . . . ... . . PORT AIITSORITY OPERIITZNG EIIDGST � � � � � � Nor�mb�r 16, 1993 � - EZpalpIipRg9 _ � 1993 1994 OSJBCT 1994 � � � � � 1991 1992 11DOPT� DtSAIL AROYfT38p � � � tuad I.ecouat { ob j t Dueriptioa aCtW�L� 11CTGU7„� � �SODGrt 1NtOUNT DDDRET � Ca�eats � . . � .._...«..._�.__»._______•__--____•____•'_____________"_•"'___________•'_'______•_'_'___________________•_____.."-_'.'__•_••____•__'_' . � 201 - 4C300 101.0 Sala=i�s 4 D�aafits � t3C,1l9 530,61G t70�,740 . =73,122 � � 201 - 46)00 -02- 101.0 � J, Y111ar, icoa Dw Coordatr 556,104� .SOO+k faid by Port 1Wtlwrlty � � � 301 - {6300 -03- 101.0 D. Nid�Groa, S�er�tary(SO}) . - � � �S17,1U � SOk Paid � .by Oea�ral Tund . � �� 201 - 4i300 101.0 Tnll-Tla� 6tartia� . � ti,l57 � t35 i0 =0 � 201 - 46300 -03- 102.1 D. KiNtsta. S�es�tary � . � =p � � � . . � .201 - ��300 -9l- 103.0 Part-Tia� Salariu 4 Dw�lits 52,037 t5,695 ���if,500 . � =i,500 201 - �i300 -f9- iG3.1 Yort AutLority Ilabars =6,500 . � � � 201 - 46300 -01- 201.0 OLlic�Aecusoziu =0 =E1 =0 j0 � � 201 - 46300 -01- 101.1 � . =p � � � � � 701 - 46D00 -01- 701.0 Auditiag 4 aecouatiaq S�icu 51,000 SO j0 � SO � � � 201 - 463D0 -01- 301.1 =p � . � 201 - 4G300 -01- 303.0 Arehit�ets� !w . =0 =�Oi =3,A00 � f0 � . �01 - �i300 -01- 30].1 � � _� � �. 301 - 46300 -OS- 308.0 �tgia�arinq ?�u � f350 � �=4l7 � =8,000 . =0 � � . ]O1 - 4i300 -01- 103.1 � t0 � ��� 201 - 46300 -01- 304.0 S.�ga1�F��s =11,Oa6- =?,2i1 ;6,000 531,600 � � � 201 - 46300 -OS- 304.1 � � � � 571,600 . � � ]01��- 46�00 -01- 305.0 Y�dicai h D�atal fNs =0 S7! .. =0 � �. �0 � � 201 -� 46300 -01- 305.1 . � � � � � f0� � � � � 201 - 46300 -01- 307.0 YaaagemenG !w � � - i0 � 51,616 . . =0 =0� . � � 301 - 46300 -01- 807.1 � =p � 301 - {6300 -01- 317.0 Wa�l lnad lld�aiairtrati�a l�es� =0 � 55,625� i6,750 � � iS,i25 � � � 301 - {G300 -01- 317.1 S�arly�T�a P�r Poliey i-3 � 55,625 � . � . � 201 -��6300 -OS- 319.O�OtLar Prolys;aaal S�r►icu � $7,961 f1d,225 529.500 � =20,004 . 201 - {i300 -01- 319.1 � SZ0,000 . � � � � � 701 -.�Q300 -OS- 331.D ira��l ssa�ns• ;546 � � .=320 51,000 � 51,000 � � 201 - 46D00 -01- 331.1 Yil�ay� =�iabur��at . s1,000 � � � � � � �I01 - 46300 -01- 341.0 AeployaanE Mt�rtiilnq � i0 =1,563 � ;0 � ' � SO 201 - {6300 -01- 341.1 . . =p � � � � . � . . 201 - 4i300 -01- 351.0 Lqal AotScu Publlihin4 � SO SO =400 � � � ;l00 soi - acsoo -oi- an.i t�oo 301 - 46300 -01- 165.0 Mo:��, ca� xa.,u.a�. si,�os si,ssi u�,000 ss,000 � � � 201 - 46)00 -01- 365.1 � � � 52.000 � � � 201 - 46]00 -01- 389.0 Oth�r 9tility S�zvieu . =0 .539 f0 � � SO � � � � 301 - <6300 -D1- 3L9.1. � � � tp � � . � � . 201 -� 46300 -01- �03.0 Coatractad A i Y-Other Isprova � i2,000 =0 � . 201 - 46300 -01- 403.1 Relsburie P.M. D�yt. Lor SO SO . $0 � 201 -�46300 -01- 403.2 Maiateaanc� 01 P/�Proparty � � � 201 • 46300 -01- 433.0 Du�� i Sub�criytioa� f174 $S1! S1,II00 � =2,000 � � � . . 101 - �b300 -01- 433�.1 ?m! orqaaisatipas/Jousaala �� . . . 52.000 . � � � .. . � . �201 - �6300 -01- 135.0 Dooks 4 P�h1�i� � j7i. j393 5400 � f400 � � . . � 201 - 4i300 -01- 415.1 � �400 � � � � � � , . 201 - 46300 -01- 437.0 Coal�r�ae�s i S�inara =1,201 � t917 =3,000 � � � =],000 � � . � � 201 - ♦6300 -01- 437.1 Star Clty, Cha�b o1 Oo�rc� ., . . _ � =3,000 � � � ]O1 - �6300 -01- 437.2� � E Var3oas Norluhops . . . . � �� � . � � � � 201 - 46300 -01- 43l.0 Othar Yiauliaa�ous Charqu =SO S94 =350 - . j350 � . 201 - 46300 -OS- {39.1 � � � � . t250 � �. 81UiE T017�7.3 =65.632 =75,5l2 i13�7,3�0 ;13S,9f7 9135,987 � Pag� 1bo � . � � 1994 EIIDGBT NOW.3888T3 � PORT J1D7HOASTY OPERATZ2iG SDD617 . . . � Nov�mb�r 16, 1993 - YZp�TTD21VRgg _ . � 199� .299{ OBJ8CT 1994 . � .� � 1991 1994 �I�DOPrID DYTAIL PROP09tD � � � � Tnad aceouat t Obi � � De�criytioa � ACTOAL ACRVJJ. HIIDGlt . . 111t0UNT HDD6Sl� Ca�eal� . """""."'.._..""""""""""'_"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""' . ]01 - 46300 -01- 510.0 Lanp purchau• t120,000 f0 201 - 46300 -01- 530.1 Purcpas�s i R�loutioas � � � . f0 � 301 - 4i300 -01- 511.0 Land ?urcha�u � =4,670 514,303 � =15,000 =264,264 � � � 301 - 46300 -01•�511.1 S�aioz 8mu iay prpyar�j• � � 5264,264 201 - 4i300 -01- 512.0 Land Purchasu . =40�.000 . sp . � 201 - 4i300 -01- 512.1 Ewinass Park Property � � � � � � qp � 201 - �C300 -01- 522.0 Duildiag i Struetur� Purchas�s� $131,000 � SO �SO � ..;0 . � � � . 201 - 46300 -01- 521.1 � � 56 � � � ]O1 - 46300 -01- 530.0 Iaprov�ats OGL�z Thaa Dldgi SO . �SO � . =0 5�0,000 � �� 201 - 46300 -01- Sl0.1 Eusiaus Patk D���lop�at . � � � =3C,000 � �OS - 46300 -01- T10.0 Traasf�ri � � . =1i3,000 =171,000 t�0i,000 � f192,39i � � . � �. ]01 - 46300 -01- �30.1 8/3/94 Pyat-1fiiA 6.0. TZT 531,317 � Iat�rut �ly 201 - 46300_-01- 710.2 2/1/95 Pyat-19!lA�G.O. TI! . 5141,317 Priaciyal � Iatarut � � .201�- 46300 -01• 710.3 D/1/94 Pyat-1l92Y G.O. Eldgs 513,3b1 Iat�rut Only � 401 - ♦i300 -OS- 710.4 2J1/95 Pyat-1992! C.O�. aldq� =107,3E1 . Yriaciyal c Int�rut . . 201 - 46300 -01-�710.5 � - �. - � ]Oi - 4f300 -OS- 420.0 1Yaulers 10 550,000 SS0,000 � � ;0 � � 301 - 46300 -01- 770.1 To tiaa�l Pund(;3 0! 3) . Sp p�Y T�� t31l,670 �5235,203 =i31,000 t57i,665 ;5?f,665 � FOlID TO?xL3 S3l4,502 ;310,7lS .;76i,340 5712,661 f712,662 �