HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.a. Discusstion of Time Table r 5 i�� o osemoun� PHONE (612)423-4411 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)423-5203 � Mailing Address: Edward B.MCMenomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-05t0 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen TO: Mayor E.B. MCM2ri0ITty �ames(Red)Staats Councilmembers: Klassen, Staats, Willcox, Wipperma��arryWillcox n is Wipparmann ADMINISTRATOR FROM: Ron Wasmund, Interim City Administrator StephanJilk DATE: November 5, 1993 RE: 1994 Budget Discussion On Monday, November S, 1993 at 6.30 p.m. we will resume our discussions of the 1994 Budget. We have included with this packet a copy of the budget that was used for establishment of the preliminary levy. It is our intent to have discussion on the Capital Improvement (CIP) Budget also. We have provided a list of 1994 items which have been ranked by Department Heads and staff. Please bring with you the thick packet of CIP description sheets . We are faced with a very tight time schedule to complete the budget for adoption. The public hearing for comment on the budget is scheduled for December 2, 1993 at 8 :00 p.m. We have two meetings set now for November 8th and November 18th. It is our goal to have the budget ready for adoption in time to present to you in a packet November 24, 1993 for the December 2, 1993 hearing. If we need to have an additional meeting it will have to be scheduled during Thanksgiving week. If we do schedule a meeting on November 22, 23 or 24 it will delay packet delivery until November 29 . The packet for the December 2 hearing will include the budgets for the Utility Commission, Port Authority, and Community Center. Jim Topitzhofer, Community Center Ma.nager has identified a revenue shortage which won' t allow the Community Center Budget to balance. His budget as currently prepared has included $70; 000 transferred from the General Fund for administration of indoor recreational activities the : fir�t year. In August you authorized an additional $26, 000 to be tr�nsferred to help balance the first year start up costs. Jim will be making .a ,presentation on Monday to request an additional $27,200 to be transferred in an effort to operate the Community Center Budget with balanced revenues and expenses. With start up costs and a lack of revenue producing history for the center Jim has been very conservative with r estima.tes of income. Next year' s Community Center Budget may be � easier to prepare because of a one year history of income and expenses. However we do know that debt payments will be higher in 1995 . We will not occupy or take ownership for a full year in 1994 so debt paymen�s are prorated. �ver�yl�ings �oming �U(.� C�JLosemounl�� � � . � 1 . . . . . . 1994 Budget Discussion November 5, 1993 It is reasonable to expect that there will be some need to support the "Community" Center next year also. Whether these funds come from general revenues, CIP funds or reserves is the needed determination. The need to support the Community Center has an unanticipated effect on the General Operating or CIP funds if determined to come from there in 1994. Jeff May, Finance Director will also provide discussion of the affect of the Preliminary Levy on the city's share of property taxes based on home values. In this packet, a page titled "Worksheet for Estima.ting Property Taxes (ISD #196 Figures) " . this sheet demonstrates the estimated affect on a $68, 000 home to be a $16 .00 tax increase; $110, 000 home will see a $36 .00 increase; $150, 000 home equals a $54.00 increase; and a $250, 000 home will see a $103 . 00 increase. This effect I've cited is the � city share of a property tax. These are very modera�e increases. The CIP Budget is being presented for discussion of your ranking or prioritization. The total budget as prepared and discussed to this date provides approximately $219, 633 for CIP items. The Capital Improvement Project list identifies $1, 723 ,248 worth of needs. There is obviously not enough money available to fund the entire needs list. Department Heads have done a couple of exercises in ranking CIP items. First, we ranked our own items based upon need. We then independently ranked the total list comparing individual department needs to each other, devising the list which is included in this packet. It provides a good perception of how we all feel the projects rank in importance. Approximately the top ten items can be funded. The only identified method of expanding the fundable list is to consider Equipment Certificates for certain items . The general budget as presented has included an assumption of issuing $220, 000 worth of certificates. This assumption requires a $50, 000 payment on those certificates. this budget identifies an ability to handle that debt. If certificates are not used � � then the $50, 000 marked for payment can be added to the $219, 633 far funding of the CIP list. In previous discussions with you it has been may perception that certificates are not a favored option. I would like to review this further to see if any portion of the equipment such as the �,,, four squad cars can be considered for certificate issue. ' ti 2 . � s 1994 Budget Discussion November 5, 1993 There are two items which are listed in the CIP that can not be funded by the amount available in 1994 even if only one or the other were listed as top priority. They were eliminated form the ranking for that reason and need to be discussed separately. the two items are: 1. Aerial Fire Truck 2 . 145th Street Reconstruction We would like to review our rankings with you and get your concurrence. - The Operating Budgets have previously been discussed with you in great detail . There is some fine tuning ,to be done in each department' s general operating based upon tentative settlement with all bargaining units . Each will show a slight reduction. Our true objective is to get your approval of the adjusted amounts or a consensus of the amount to work within. Going through each operation budget line by line does not seem to be the most appropriate use of time in a public meeting. If you have suggestions for changes I would hope you can identify them to us from the documents �ou have had for approximately two months . In summary, we have a very limited amount of time to make revisions and complete a budget document to present at the December 2nd Public Hearing. We feel that the budget we've presented you contains no frills and requires these funding levels to provide the level of service to the community consistent with their desires. We are hopeful you concur or can provide the direction necessary to complete this budget in an orderly and expeditious manner. We look forward to your discussion on Monday night. - � '�, h 3