HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.c. CIP Discussion � , . Fire Department CIP Dollar Allocation - $325,000 Item: Aerial Fire Truck This item is a large piece of firefighting equipment which can operate as a pumper and also as an aerial platform. It would provide fire suppression capabilities as well as rescue. An aerial truck in Rosemount is essential if we wish to continue to provide the services the citizens are used to, and we wish to retai.n our current ISO rating. The $325,000 in the 1994 CIP represents one of two payments. _ A vehicle of this type costs approxi.mately $575,000 and with necessary add-on equipment brings the total to approximately $650,000. If this item were to remain in the CIP for 1994 and 1995, we would still need to maintain our current vehicle until we took delivery of a new vehicle sometime in 1996. Over the past several years this item has always been in the CIP. A cl�art indicating its past history is below. CIP Yea.r Future Years 1982 '83 '84 '85 '86 $0 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $0 1983 '84 '85 '86 '87 $0 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $0 1984 '85 '86 '87 '88 $0 $100,000 $200,000 $0 $0 1985 '86 '87 '88 '89 $� $300,000 $0 $0 $0 1986 '87 '88 '89 '90 . $0 $100,000 $100,000 $150,000 $0 1987 '88 '89 '90 '91 $4 $100;000 . $150,000 $150,000 $0 _ 1988 '89 '90 . . '91 � '92 $0 $200,000 $200,000 $0 $0 1989 '90 '91 '92 '93 �,; $0 $200,000 $1Q0,000 $100,OQ0 $0 1990 '91 '92 '93 '94 $0 +$150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 � . : . 1991 '92 '93 '94 '95 $� $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $0 1992 '93 '94 '95 '96 �� $300,000 $300,000 $0 $0 1993 '94 '95 '96 '97 $0 $325,000 $325,000 $0 $0 A general funding pattern that was followed for this vehicle is quite evident. That procedure would be: to keep the aerial truck in the CIP until the current funding year when dollars are needed and then postpone. Because funding was not available af any time in past years, we were told that this procedure was unavoidable, as we are being told for 1994. As I indicated in my annual and semi-annual report for the last several years, that because of this postponement and the postponement of one additional tanker and two replacement pumpers, the fire department has an average need of$250,000 each year from 1994 forward for as far as we can accuraxely deternune the city's needs with respect to fire protection. A $325,000 item this year, along with a $325;000 payment next year, and an average of $250,000 every year thereafter is a heavy burden on the CIP. This burden was created by not funding these items when they were originally identified. Eliminating this line item in the 1994 CIP will only escalate costs in the future. I believe the city council needs to weigh the fire protection and life safery needs of the city and of its firefighters. c � a, h Page One Septemb�r,.15, 1993 �=.�' RSVENUE SOT7RCES 1993 ADOPTED 1994 PROPOSSD +/- TYPES BtJDGBT SIIDGET DIFFBRSNCS PERCSNTAC�3S Local Goverment Aid $296,512 $980,794 $84,282 28.42� (Includea Equalizatioa Aid for 1994) Homeatead & Agricultural Credit Aid $0 $555,804 $555,804 100.00+k Iateraal Revenue Ganerated: Liceasea aad Permits $239,150 $250,850 $11,700 4.89� Iatergovarnmental $165,000 $176,000 $11,000 6.67� Chargea for Servicea $429,800 $368,025 ($61,775) -14.37+k Fiaes aad Forfeits $42,OQD $43,000 $1,000 2.38Ac Recreatioaal Fees $101,000 $63,100 ($37,900) -37.52� Miacellaneoue Revenues $57,500 $55,780 ($1,720) -2.99+k q Tranafers Ia $185,000 $70,000 ($115,000) -62.16$ ------------------------------------------------------- Total Interaal Reveaues $1,219,450 $1,026,755 ($192,695) -15.80� IIse of Reserve Fuads - CIP Fuad Sudget $0 $175,000 $175,000 100.00�k Levy Sources: Special Leviea $612,2T0 $(04,9,68 � �,($T;'40�) `:2".21� Geaeral Levy $2,301,�#1 $2,061,07�9 ($240,052) -10.43ic Total Levy $2,913,401 $2,665,947 ($247,454} -8.49� TOTAL R8V8NII8 SOIIRC$3 $4,429,363 $4,804,300 $374,937 8.46� �==�s=�aa�gas===�===:�as=�s��==�___��=====a�����aa:s�T_ , • { A. � . . � � � �..�.. . c._, . . . . . . Page Two Septamber 15, 1993 FUNDING REQUIREb�NTS 4-:. �c:.s'; 1993 ADOPTED 1994 PROPOSED +/- DEPARPbISNTS BIIDGET SIIDGST DIFFERBNCE PSRCENTAGS Couacil Budget $166,747 $133,807 ($32,940) -19.75� Admiaiatratioa Budget $224,608 $233,637 $9,029 4.02� Slectioa Budget $7,615 $10,570 $2,955 38.80� Fiaance Budget $140,115 $148,496 $8,381 5.98� Geaeral Qovernment Budget $156,500 $1T9,550 $23,050 14.73� Planniag Budget $157,982 $165,031 $7,049 4.46� Goverament SuilBings Budget $72,600 $73,278 . $678 0.93$ 4 Police Budgat $T94,706 $911,441 $116,735 14.69� f°��� Fire Departmeat Sudget . $160,182 $166,758 $6,576 4.11� p,�, Public Works Operatiag Budget $720,038 $807,683 $87,645 12.17� Paved Streata Budget $82,649 $98,098 ��$15,=44� 28.69� �' . IInpaved Streets Budget $32,2Z8 $5?,951 $25,673 79.54� Ice & Saow Budgat $17,413 $20,413 $3,000 17.23� Straet Lights Sudget $64,294 $66,224 $1,930 . 3.00� Sigaal Lighta Budget $6,991 $7,2a1 $21U 3.00� Park & Rec Budget-Geaeral OperaGiag $521,915 $562,561 $40,646 7.79� Park � Rec Budgat-Reveaue Producing $101,000 $53,100 ($47,500) -47.43� Iasurance Budget $158,OA0 $188,000 $30,000 18.99� Other Financing IIses - Transfera $0 $96,000 $96,000 100.00� TOTAL OPTsRATINa BIIDGBTS $3,585,633 $3,979,799 $394,166 10.99� Five (5) Year CIP Requiremeat $171,460 $219,b33 $48,173 28.10Ac Retiremeat/Saveraace Fuad #204 $60,000 ' ' $0 ($b0,000) -100.00� Bonded Indabtedness $436,887 $379,447 ;$57,449) -13.15� *Of 1994'a, $103,877 for Comm Ceatar• Certificatae of 2ndebtadaese $50,054 $48,290 ($1,764) -3.52A� 1994 Certificate Isaue of $220,A00 $0 $5-0,000 $50,000 100.00� � � � � . � �.k,. . Armory Anticipatory Levy(Value as of 3/31/93) $125,329 $127,131 $1,802 1.44�k *$95,000 + ($402,639,OOOx.00798�)* TOTAL FIINDING RBQUIREIr�NTS $4,429,363 $4,804,300 $3T4,937 8.46$ �.. . . . ea��vaeamaemmexemmaeem:aaaeas�am=mm=oaa:o�anex�saamaaaa ••NOTE'• When using this ranking shee�igase use the summary provided to you prevjtwSry for applicable notes about moves,cuts,eta Also,items marked r,rith a•N/A'in the Overall Rank cdumn,ere marked so because there is no C.I.P.Requirement for those items,thus no need to rank. The Overall Renk Cdumn is based on a pdnt system(800 possible pants) using/00 pants fa a�t rank,99 pants for n�2 rank,98 pdnts for a�3 rank, down to 60 pdnts fa a�41 rank. AII items that were not renked were given a�Y41 ranking a 60 pants. RUNNING TOTA OVERALL DEPT PROJECT TOTAL C.I.P. C.I.P. RANK RANK NUMBEH OEPARTMENT TYPE DESCRIPTIQN COST REQUIREMENT REOUIREMENT 778 1 PIN 94-105 Administration Equipment Copy Machine 520,000 g2p,ppp glp,ppp 778 1 PIN 94-615 Park$Rec Equipment ADA 8 Snfety Upgrades-Playground Equip 540,000 g40,0pp S6p,ppp 773 t PIN 94-502 Rre Equipment Bunket Gear S3.0p0 g9,ppp Sg3,ppp 741 1 PIN 94-201 Finance PC 8 Computer Items PC Repiacement Program $20,000 $2p.ppp Sg3,ppp 739 1 PIN 94-401 Pdice Vehicle Vehicle Replacements(4) 556,000 $Sg.ppp 513g,ppp 725 1 PIN 94-301 Planning PC&Computer Items GIS System Development S7,TD0 57,700 5146,7�0 723 3 PIN 94-501 Rre Equipment Fre Fghting Equipment 53,800 53,800 ffi15p,5pp 721 2 PIN 94-712 Public Works Street Reconstruction Reconstruction-Cemeo Avenue 583,000 S43,pOp g1�,5pp q 717 4 PIN 94-709 Public Works Sidewalk Sidewalk Repiacement 528,325 $28,325 S2'21,625 717 3 PIN 94-711 Public Works Street peconstruction Reconstruction-143rd Street West $49,000 S2g,00p g'25p,g25 703 3 PIN 94-104 Administration Equipment Councii Chamber Remodeling-Cable 540,000 $25,000 5275,g25 689 5 PIN 94-710 Public Works Rand Resurtacing Gravel Road Resurtacing 537,158 Si7,158 5312,983 687 6 PIN 94-704 Public Works Equipment Diagnostic Computer $B4O00 5B4O00 53t8,983 680 2 PIN 94�809 Park 8�Rec Park Development Parfting Lot-Erickson Community Square $20.000 S20,Opp 533g.gg3 661 2 PIN 94-402 Pdice Equipment Mabile Squad Radio Addition 51,065 51,065 5340,Od8 654 9 PIN 94-708 Public Worfcs Curb 8�Gutter Curb 8.Gutter Replacement 312,000 512,000 5352,048 651 8 PIN 94-701 Public Works Equipment �Sender � „_ - $3.Q04, s'� S3,ppp ` :' '$355.pqg 650 2 PIN 94401 Administrabon Office Fumiture Filing Cabinets fc�r�'ersonnel � 51.500 S1,500 Si58,548 650 5 PIN 94�07 Park&Rec Park Development Basketball Courts(5 Parlcs) 512,000 572.000 �388.548 648 4 PIN 94617 Park 8,Rec Park Development Park Shelter-City Hall(Erickaon Square) 560,000 g6p.ppp 5428,548 647 7 PIN 94-6�5 Park&Rec Equipment Playground Equip-Connemara Park $10,000 510,000 Sd38,548 639 3 PIN 94fi19 Park 8�Rec land Acquisition �r,d-c�rais woodg S168,000 ' S3g,ppp 5477,ytg 63t B PIN 94-fi10 Park&Rec Equipment Repiace&Upgrade Equipment-Kidd�Park $40,000 540,000 S517,548 624 4 PIN 94-103 Administration Equipment Council Chamber Remodeling-Staff Area 515,000 S15,000 5532,548 810 8 PIN 94-603 Park&Rec Park Development Phase IIA Vegatntion-Cartdl Woods 510,000 510,000 S542,548 608 9 PIN 94-602 Park 8 Rec Park Development Phase F Vegatation-Carrdl Woods 510.000 S10,0o0 5552.548 608 12 PIN 94-613 Parfc 8 Rec Park Deveiopment Grading-Erickson Communiry Square 535,000 535,000 5587,548 605 1 PIN 94-713 Public Works Street Reconstruction Reconstruction-145th Street West 5761,700 5496,7p0 S1,084,248 591 11 PIN 94-705 Pubiic Works Vehicle 3/4 Ton 4x4 Pickup 318.000 S78.000 S1,102.248 586 11 PIN 94-606 Park&Rec Equipment Tree Spade for Sidd Steer I.oader 510,000 $10,000 $1,112,248 584 7 PIN 94-707 Pubiic Works ' Vehicle Single Axle Truck pius Plow end Wing 5/00,000 $100,000 $1,272,248 583 13 PIN 94-614 Park$Rec Park Development Parking Lot-Erickson Park �i5,000 Si5,000 S1,247,248 583 10 PIN 94-706 Pubiic Works Vehicle 3/4 Ton Pickup $20,000 520,000 $1,267,248 571 10 PIN 94-611 Park 8 Rec Park Development Phase II B-C Vegation-Carrdi Woods S27,000 $27,000 51,294,248 555 5 PIN 94-102 Administration Office Fumiture Book ShNves fa Administrator 51,000 51,000 S1,295,248 551 2 PIN 94-302 Planning i Vehicle Vehicle Replacement $15,000 515,000 $1,310,248 549 14 PIN 94-606 Park&Aec Office Furniture Office Fumiture fa Staff 515,000 S15,000 Si,325,248 547 14 PIN 94-616 Park&pec Park Development Generei Lighting-Shannon Park 540,000 540,000 $1,365,248 546 14 P�N 94-601 Park 8�Rec Equipment Aerator $3,000 53,000 $1,368,248 536 2 PIN 94-503 Fre Vehicle Aerial Fre Truck{7/2 Required) Si25,000 5325,000 S7,693,248 521 14 PIN 94-612 Park 8�Rec Park Development Park Shelter-Twin Puddles $30,000 $30,000 St,723,248 _N/A_ 2 PIN 94-202 Flnance PC&Gomputer Items Armory PC H/W 8�S/W 540,000 SO 57,723,248 _N/A_ 3 PIN 94-203 Fnence PC 8 Computer Items Armory PC Netwaldng $30,000 SO 51,723,248 _N/A_ 14 PIN 94-604 Perk&Rec Park Development Park Sheiter-Shannon Park 510,000 50 51,723,248 _N/A_ 14 PIN 94618 Park&Rec Lend Acquisltian land-8iscayne/145th $120.000 SD Si,723,248 _N/A_ 12 PIN 94702 Utilides Equipment Utility Box 53,800 50 $1,723,248 _N/A_ 12 PIN 94-�03 U6lities Maintenance Wnter Tower Maintenance $5,000 $0 $1,723,248 � . '�3 ••NOTE" When using tt�is ranking sheet please use the summary provided to you previously fa nppiicabie notes ebout moves,cuts,etc. Aiso.items mmked with n'N/A'in the Overall Renk cdumn,are marked so �0�� ��� because there is no C.I.P.Requirement ta th�a items,thus no need to rank. The Overdi Renk Column is based on a pant system(8(f0 possible pants) using 100 pdnta for n#Ei renk,99 pdnts tor n�2 renk,98 pdnts fa a AE3 rank, dovm to 80 pdnts fa a�41 rank. All items that were not ranked were given a#41 renidng or 60 pants. RUNNING TOTAI. OVERALL DEPT PROJECT TOTAi. C.I.P. C.LP. RANK RANK NUMBER DEPARTMENT TYPE DESCRIPTION CO3T REQUIREMENT RE4UIREMENT 778 1 PIN 94105 Admirristrntion Equipment CoPY Machine --,Q,�Q.d:Q„r 525.000 525�000 S25�000 (f0 778 1 PIN 94-615 Park 8 Rec Equipmmt ADA 8 Safety Upgratles-Pinyground Equip 'i�A,900�ao° 54b.000 S�s,000 773 1 PIW 94502 Fre Equipment 8unker Ge�u 53.000 Si.000 SB8,000 74t t PIN94201 Rnence PC&Computer Items PC&apla�nent Progrem-�or+�.C-�{!, S2D,Q00 S20.00t) SBB,000 739 1 PIN 94401 Pdice Vehide Vehids Replacements� � SS8;600 Z$�OAo 556.000 St44.06D 725 1 PIN 94�301 Planning PC 8�Computer kems GIS System Deveioprrient �, 57,700 37�700 St51,700 (�(���� 723 3 PIN 94-501 Fve E�ipment F�e Fighting fquipment QK, 53.800 53.800 5155.500 �"'� 721 2 PIN S4-7t2 Public Works Street Reconatructian Retonstrucfion-Cameo Avenue QK' S83,000 543.000 5198,500 �i, 717 4 PIM 94-709 Pubtic Works Sidewelk Sidewelk Repiecement 0�: 528,325 528,325 5228,825 717 3 PIN 94711 Public Waks Street Reconstruction Reconstruction-143rd 5Veet West �� S49,U00 529,000 iQZ�2��55.825 ��i� 703 3 PIN 94-104 : AdmiMstratiai Equipment Council Chember Remodeling-Ceble a1L. 540,000 S25,000 � 52�,825 {� 889 5 PtN 94-7t0 Pubiic Waks Road Resurteang Gravei Rond Resurfacing Ol�/ S37,t58 S3T.158 z5y�4�'3 ss��,983 �y 687 6 PIN 94-704 Pubiic Waks Equipment DiagnosOc Computer�1p 56.004 SB,000 Si23.983 �', 680 2 PIN 94-�g Park 8 Rec Peric Development Patking L.�-Erickson Community Square O� 520.000 520,000 53�13.983 861 2 PIN 94-402 Pdiee Equipment Mobile Sqund Rndio Addition S1,Off5 51,065 5345.048 fi54 9 PIN 94708 Publie Wpks Curb 8.Gutter Curb 8 t3utter Replacement 512,000 Si 2,000 5357,048 851 8 PiN 94-701 PuWic Waks Equipment Sender 53.000 53.000 5380.048 850 2 PIN 94t01 Administration Office Fumiture Fding Cebinets fa Personnei 51,5�0 S1.S00 8381,548 650 5 PIN 94�807 Park 8 Rec Perk Development Bnskelball Courts(5 Parlcsj S12.00D St 2,000 537�,548 S48 4 PIN 94617 Park 8 Rec Paric Dsvelopment Park Sheiter-City Hatl(Erickson Square) SB0,000 �80.OQ0 5433.548 Bd7 7 PIN 84-8oS Puk&Rec Equipment Pfaygro�md Equip-Connemern Perk 310.000 S10,Eb0 S4A3,548 8� 3 WN 94619 Par1c&Aec land A�quiaition LnnGCandis Woods 5768,000 539,000 $482,548 631 8 PIN 948t0 Perk 3 Rec EquipmeM Replace 8 Upgrade Equipment-tGdder Park 340.000 540.000 5522,548 824 4 PIN 94-103 Adminiatrnticm Equipmettt Gounc�l Chamber RemodelingStatf Area 575,000 Sf S,OOD 5537,548 610 8 PIN 94-6ai Paric&Rec Park Deve7opment Pt�nse IIA VegetaOon-Gand1 Woods 510.000 510.000 S547.548 808 9 PIN 94-802 PaTk 3 Rec Park Development Phase i Yegatntion-Ce�roli Woods St0.OQ0 510.000 SSS7,S48 � � �(� 608 12 PIN 94813 Park�Rec Park Devdopment Grndi�g-Eeicksm Community Squere 535,000 535,000 5�2.549 (}�(jp/�[ .-^ 805 7 PIN 94713 Public Warks 3treet Reconstruction ReconsWction-145th Street West $7B1.700 5496,7Q0 51.089,248 �r � 591 17 PIN 94705 Public Works Vehide 3/4 Tan 4x4 Pickup 518,000 S18.Q00 51,107,248 5BB 71 PIN 94-8p8 Paric 8.Rec Equipment Tree Spade ta Skid Steer Loader St0.000 510,000 51,417.248 5&4 7 PIN 94-707 Public Works Vehicle Single Axie Truck plus Plow and Wi�g 3100.000 5100,000 51.217.248 ' 583 13 PIN 94B14 Park&Rec Park Development Parfdng Lot-Erickson Park Si5,000 $35.OQ0 31.252.248 583 10 PIN 94708 Public WaAcs Vehicie 3/4 Ton Pickup S20,000 520.000 31,272,248 57t 10 PIN 94-611 Perk 8 Rec Perk Deveiopment Phnse ii&C Yegation-Certotl Woods S2T.000 527.000 Si,299.248 555 5 PIN 94-102 Administration Office Fumiture Book Shelv�ta Administrata 51,000 S1,000 S1,3t�Q,248 551 2 PIN 94-3D2 Pienning Vehide Vehicle Aeplacement St5,000 $15,000 51.315.248 549 14 PtN 94-808 Park&Ree Office Fumiture Otfice Fumityre for Staff 515,000 515.000 51,3i30,248 547 14 PIN 94618 Park 8�pec Park Development Genero!Lighting-Shannon Perfc 340,000 540.000 51.9��0,2A8 G��� (� 548 14 PIN 94-BE11 Peric 8 Hec Equipment Aerator 53�000 53.000 ' S1,3T3,248 �,�011L .....538 2 PIN 9d-503 F�e Veivcie Aerial Fre truck(1/2 Eiequiredj 5325.000 S3?S�DDO Si.�.248 r� 521 14 PIN 84892 Perk 8 Rec Park Development Perk Sheiter-Twln Fuddiea 530.000 530.000 St,728.2A8 _N/A_ 2 PIN 64202 Fxience PC&Camputx ftems Armory PC H!W&S/W S40.OD0 SO 51,728.248 _N/A__,_ 3 PIN 94209 Fnence PC S Computet itams Armory PC Networidng . . ° ' g9p.000 SO St,�.248 _N/A_ 14 PIN 94-804 Parfc&Rec Park Development Park ShelterShennon Peric 510,0�0 SO St,��.2A8 _N/A_ 14 PIN 94-818 Perk&Rec Land Acquisition Lnnd-8iacayrre/145th 5120.000 SO 51,728,2+18 _N/A_ 12 PIN 94-702 U�iftiea E9uipment Utility Box 53.800 50 51,728.248 _NlA,_ 12 PW 94-703 UWiti� Maintenance Water Tower AAairrtenance 35.000 SD Si,728,24a8 l.� !` , �8 ' . TOt Mayor McMenomy Councilmembers Willcox, Wippermann and Klassen FROM: Red Staats, Councilmember DATE: November 5, 1993 SUBJ: Recommendations for November 8, 1993 Budget Workshop This is to advise you that I support a final -levy amount equal to the preliminary levy established on August 30, 1993 and also the � operating budget which was reviewed on August 30th. I would also like to advise the Council that I feel that as much money as possible should be included in the 1994 C. I.P. Budget without causing any further reductions to the 1994 operating budget presented on August 30, 1993 . � � �_ � 1994 Budget Discussion November 5, 1993 CIP ITEM EXPLANATION PIN 94-105 Copy Machiae Cost: $25, 000 Dept: Administration � The City is presently using a copier which is almost four years old. the copier is making an average of ,59 , 000 copies per month. Due to older technology of the copier and periods of extremely high copy volume at certain times of the month, such as for meeting packets, productivity and reliability are poor. Maintenance repairs are done on an average of once per week. Research has shown that the new copiers should handle the city' s high volume copying needs. since there is very little trade-in value for the present copy machine, this one would be kept as a back-up. With less copy volume, the present machine should run more efficiently. � 3, h 7 �• •� � ' ,TO,.' Ron Wasmund / Interim C ' ty Administrator . �. F'ROM: David .7 . Bechtt5�f'-Director of Parks & Recreatian DATE . No�ember 1 , 19R3 RE: CIP 8udget Summary Tl�e followinc� is a summary of budget items �from the Parks & Rec`reation CIP Bud�et requests that were ranked high by the department heads . It was their intent to have_ these items included in the recommendation to the City Council for 1994 CIP funding . � I . SAFETY and ADA PLAYGROUND UPGRADES ( BUDGET ITEM PIN 94 - 615) R . Request � 40 ,000 tor 1994 ADA and safety upgrades to play equipment . This would be for the first phase of these upgrades . Included would be 1 . Camfield Park , 2 . Jaycee Park , 3 . Connemara Park , 4 . Kidder Park , 5 . Winds Park , 6 . Schwarz Park . 7 . portions of Biscayne Park . B . We are required to put together a plan to meet safety and ADA guidelines for play equipment in our parks and to proceed with the implementation of those guidelines . Earl F . Anderson has evaluated ten of our parks and has put together cost estimates for bringing those play areas into compliance with these guidelines . The cost for this first " stage of upgrades is � 41 ,003 for ADA and � 16 ,198 for Consumer Product Safety Council. guidelines . 7win Puddles Park was recommended to be replaced rather than upgraded due to its age and condition at this time for a cost of approximately � 15 ,000 . Parks not listed above in item A . and other parks that were not constructed of Earl F . Anderson equipment would be considereci for upgrades in 1995 and beyond . � II . PARK�NG LOTIERICKSON COMM . SQUARE ( BUDGET ITEM PIN 94 - b09 ) A . The Erickson Community Square Cnmmittee is working with volunteers and city' �����ff to complete the amphitheater and the park shelter for the Erickson Community Square area . B . Funding in this CIP is for � 20 ,000 to pay for all paving , grading , curb and cutter work , etc . that is associated with ,, the upgrades required to provide additional parking in this area . This project shnuld be considered for completion when the shelter and amphitheater are completed . � Fire Department CIP Dollar Allocation - $3,000 Item: Bunker Gear Bunker gear is the day-to-day protective clothing that is wom by a firefighter when responding to an emergency scene. Ou�tting a firefighter with bunker gear requires the following equipment and expenditure: 1. Bunker coat $ 350.00 2. Bunker pants 250.00 3. �Ielmet 120.00 4. Boots 95.00 5. Gloves 32.00 6. Belt 36.00 7. Hood 23.00 Total $ 906.00 per firefighter The fire department's requirement in this area is approximately $6,000 each year. Some firefighters respond to more calls than others. 5ome firefighters are more involved and more active on the scene than other firefighters. For these reasons, instead of replacing the equipment every five to six years for the entire department we found it to be more cost effective to replace items on an as needed basis. The funding in this area does provide for all firefighters to receive new gear, if needed, on approximately a five to seven year cycle. During the course of the budget process, up until this time, the amount of funding available for gear has been cut from $6,000 to $3,000. I believe that this will be enough monies to take us through 1994 as our number of firefighters has dwindled from approximately 40 members in 1992 to 30 members at the present time. Any new members that are taken on will be able to use some of the equipment that was left behind by those firefighters that resigned. With less active firefighters we will not go through such items as hoods, gloves, and boots as quickly during the winter months either. � , � i�� o osemouvi� PHONE (612)423-4411 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612}42&5203 Mailing Address: Edward B.McMe�omy P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James(Red)Staats Harry Wilicox Dennis Wippermann DATE: October 28, 1993 ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk TO: Ron Wasmund, Acting City Administrator FROM: Jeff May, Finance Director SUBJECT: C. I .P. Item Explanation - PIN #94-201 PC Replacement Program Fixiance Department This item is normally for the yearly PC replacements. This would be the 5th year of the program, allowing all City PC' s to be covered under warranty. However, staff has agreed that it would be most appropriate to use these funds in 1994 to purchase PC' s and printers for the Community Center and Park & Rec staff at the Community Center. Based on today' s prices, we should be able to get 8 PC' s, a laser printer and a dot matrix printer for the two departments. We will then be allowed to rotate the 3 or 4 old XT PC' s, that have become almost obsolete, out of daily use. These PC' s have been a maintenance problem the last year or so and have discouraged use by staff that could be utilizing them. ; � , ti �ver���tngs �oming �U(,�i �osemount�� � MEMORANDOM DATE: October 29, 1993 TO: Ron Wasmund, City Administrator FROM: Elliel Knutsen, Chief of Police �� RE: 1994 CIP Project # PIN94-401 Police Vehicle Replacement Purchasing four patrol vehicles would replace two 1991 Chevrolets which will have over 90, 000 miles each and two 1992 Fords with approximately 65, 000 miles each. The two Ford patrol vehicles _ would be re-assigned as non-patrol,unmarked vehicles for investi- gation. One of the Chevrolet patrol vehicles would be assigned to the Rosemount Poliee Reserve Officers and the remaining vehicle sold. � S.I h Fire Department CIP Dollar Allocation - $3,800 Item: Firefighting Equipment This portion of the CIP budget is used to replace firefighting equipment, and purchase new firefighting pieces of equipment that are no longer serviceable. Over the past three years some of the uses of this CIP item were for items such as: Hose noz�les Battery manager Various fittings and adapters Flashlights Medical bag Suction machine Fire extinguishers Stokes basket Oxygen resuscitation units Pasitive pressure fans Hard suction hoses Generators Fire suppression foam Saws SCBA updates Hose tester Various other items of this type This line item is retained each year in the CIP as there are always a few items we wish to add to our firefighting equipment, and a few items which need replacing. This item could possibly be reduced somewhat in the amount that is needed for 1994. We are not anticipating needing to add a great deal of equipment, but it is difficult to predict what will need replacing. � aj b 1994 Budget Discussion November 5, 1993 CIP ITEM . EXPLANATION PIN 94-712 Reconstruction - Cameo Avenue Cost: $43, 000 Dept: Public Works - Cameo Avenue from 145th Street north to 143rd Street is a project tied to 145th Street reconstruction. It facilitates the replacement of the existing 40 year old 6" watermain with new 12° main creating the necessary interconnecting loop with the high school and armory. The street portion of this project improves drainage at intersections and enhances the downtown area adjacent to newly reconstructed 145th Street West. � �, fi 6 CIP ITEM EXPLANATION PIN 94-709 Sidewalk Replacement Cost: $28, 325 Dept: Public Works This is the first year of a planned replacement program for deteriorated or shifted sidewalks at scattered points through out the city. This program is intended to improve accessibility and compliance with ADA requirements. It is also intended to reduce the city' s liability in personal injury cases resulting from falls induced by poor sidewalk conditions. � s, h 1994 Budget Discussion November 5, 1993 CIP ITEM EXPLANATION PIN 94-711 Reconstruction - 143rd Street West Cost: $29, 000 � Dept: Public Works The reconstruction of 143rd Street east from Cameo to T.H. 3 is a project tied to 145th Street reconstruction. It facilitates the replacement of the existing 6" watermain with new 12" ma.in providing the necessary interconnecting loop with the high school and arinory. The street portion of this project enhances the entrance to the elementary and middle school . It will also improve drainage and provide new sidewalk to the schools. � ,, � 5 1994 Budget Discussion November 5, 1993 CIP ITEM EXPLANATION PIN 94-710 Gravel Road Resurfacing Cost: $37, 158 Dept: Public Works This gravel road resurfacing is the first year of a five year program. 1.5 miles of gravel road is planned to receive 6 inches of new gravel each of the five years. The 1994 item is planned for podd Road from 132nd Street to 120th Street. � ,. � 9 1994 Budget Discussion November 5, 1993 CIP ITEM TXPLANATION PIN 94-704 Diagnostic Computer Cost: $6, 000 Dept: Public Works The diagnostic computer will provide our mechanics the ability to perform a diagnostic check on the police department vehicles and fire department vehicles. All new vehicles are computer controlled. This scope will be an incorporated process of our preventive maintenance program. � :�, h 8