HomeMy WebLinkAbout6. Implementation Plan s ` IMPLEMENTATION PLAN The Comprehensive Guide Plan establishes what the City wants to strive to become during the 1992 to 2000 planning period and beyond. The Implementation Plan, on the other hand, describes the programs and procedures the City will need to initiate/carry o�t to successfully achieve its vision for the future City of Rosemount. Without a plan of action, the Comprehensive Plan will be of reactive value only, serving as a tool to evaluate public and private development proposals. Its real value is as a proactive body of public policy which establishes priorities and balances public needs against its ability to pay; which is proactive rather than rea.ctive. This Implementation Plan includes the following elements: I. Additional Studies II. Ordinances: Zoning and Subdivision III. Capital Improvements Program IV. Housing V. Inflow and Infiltration Reduction VI. Solid VJaste VII. Transportation/Official Mapping VIII. Parks and Trails IX. Public Services X. Plan Amendments I. ADDI770NAL STUD�ES During the course of the Comprehensive Guide Plan Update, several areas have been identified warranting further study. In several cases these studies are cunently under way and the initial fmdings have been included in this Guide Plan Update. In order to complete these studies, however, the City must solidify the proposed Land Use Plan and Urban Service Boundary. Transportation Study (west side): In June, the City commissioned OSM, consulting engineers, to conduct a Transportation Study on the western one-third of the City. Their task was to investigate existing conditions, model present and future traff'ic, and investigate and make recommendations on the timing of roadway unprovements. Initial work has been completed and these items are to be included once analyzed by the consultant and the City's Capital Improvements Prograrn. Highway 52 Corridor Study: In coordination with the City of Inver Grove �Ieights, Dakota. County, and MnDOT, the City of Rosemount has agreed to participate in a study of Trunk Highway 52. The intent of this study is to go beyond the frontage road concept developed as a part of the City's Comprehensive Guide Plan Update to identify the future functional classif'ication and develop design concepts for Trunk Highway 52. When the functional classification is agreed upon, the study will develop alternatives for the Trunk Highway 52 corridor capable of accornmodating the projected traffic flows and street extensions. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 54 1ANUARY, 1993 tr East End Utility Study In November, 1992, the City of Rosemount initiated an East End Utility Study. This study is being conducted by Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates, Inc. The purpose of this study is to develop a sewer and water plan for an urban service area in the Pine Bend Eastern Rosemount area. While this area will not be included in the City's Interim MUSAc, this MUSA addition will incorporate an area for urban industrial development prior to the year 2000. Downtown Development Plan Early in 1992, the City Council appointed a Downtown Scoping Committee. The task of this committee is to look at commercial development, in particular in the Central Business District area, and provide recommendations regarding a detailed land use plan in the downtown. The intent of this plan would be to supplement the broad direction provided in the Comprehensive Guide Plan Update. Business Park Concept Plan: Section 31 In November, 1992, the City Port Authority initiated a Business Park Plan for Section 31, south of County Road 42 and east of Trunk Highway 3. The concept plan is being developed by SEH Consulting Engineers. The plan, when developed, will provide: 1) an overall concept plan showing road, utility, and business lot locations; 2) a proposed phasing of the project over it 400 to 500-acre area; and 3) estimated cost for infrastructure. II. ORDINANCE REVISIONS One of the primary implementation tools o,f the Comprehensive Guide Plan are the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. These ordinances are the official controls that will enable the City to proactively utilize the Guide Plan to achieve the City of Rosemount's visions for the year 2000. Zoning Ordinance The Zoning Ordinance was adopted in 1989 and has been amended 23 times since. Although a complete revision is not necessary, extensive amendments will have to be adopted by the City Council to implement the Comprehensive Guide Plan. 1. Establish a Planned Unit Development District - Residential and Mixed-Use Districts for sensitive land use transitional areas and to preserve unique topographic features. The R-L Low Density Single Family Residential. District should be eliminated, having been replaced by PUD - . Residential. 2. Establish Interim Use Permit (IUP) and/or Conditional Use Permit (CUP) provisions to legitimize some existing non-confarming uses with performance criteria and to enhance official eontrols as needed. These mechanisms will promote greater flexibility within existing zoning districts. 3. Expand locational criteria for R-3 Multiple-Famidy Residence District to go beyond the Rosemount Central Business District (CBD). Expand locational criteria in the Purpose and CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 55 JANUARY, 1993 f � Intent paragraph in accordance with High Density Residential plan elements that are not dependent on the CBD. 4. Establish performance standards for Multi-Family Districts that specify density bonus r�:quirements. Maximum overall densities will be lower per ordinance if the density bonus is not requested. Examples of performance standards include, but are not limifed to: 1) enhanced architectural or aesthetic treatments; 2) private recreational amenit�es; 3) enhanced landscaping, parking, open space, and/or building setbacks. 5. Reduce the maximum density allowed in R-3 Multiple-Family Districts to twelve (12) units per acre from the previous eighteen (18) dwelling units per acre. Up to eighteen (18) dwelling units per acre would be allowed with conformance to performance standards to be established. 6. Modify the Purpose and Intent paragraph of the R-2 Single-Family Anached District to discourage development of additional manufactured home parks. Existing manufactured home parks should not be rendered non-conforming. 7. Consider expanding the list of permitted uses under R-1 Attached Single Family by PUD to accommodate density bonuses allowed for adherence to adopted performance standards. 8. Analyze the results of the Downtown Scoping Committee to consider combinations, modifications, or refinements as appropriate to the Commercial Districts. 9. Rezone and amend zoning map: 1) Broback Industrial Park: Industrial Park to Residential; 2) University Addition: Industrial Park to Residential; 3) CMC 104-acre Site: Industrial Park to Residential; 4) Kelley Trust Property: Agriculture and R-1 Single Family Residential to Residential PUD; 5) 15-acre Islamic Community Cemetery Site: Agriculture to PUB (Public or Quasi-Public); 6) East of Shannon Parkway, West of Chippendale, South of CSAH 42, and North of 152nd Street VJest: Agriculture to Mu�ced Use PUD; 7) I.ots 4, 5, and 6, Block 3, South Rose Park Addition Replat: R-3 to Business Park; 8) South Half of Section 32, Range 19, East of Chippendale, and West of STFi 3: Agriculture to Business Park. 10. Identify Non-conforming Uses and enhance non-conforming use provisions for maintenance. 11. Adopt the model Storm Water Management Ordinance containing storm water design criteria or standards for new storm water ponds in conformance with the National Urban Runoff Program, as mandated by the Metropolitan Council. 12. Establish a Tree Preservation Policy and Ordinance. 13. Establish a Sidewalk/Pedestrian Corridor Standard for neighborhoods that connect 14. Establish Site Plan Review Requirements for parking lots of more than fifteen (15) spaces and development of slopes that are in excess of twelve percent (12%) gradients. 15. Establish a Conditional or Interim Use Permit for any tower or structure to be built 200 feet or higher. 16. Create a Conservancy Zoning District consistent with the Conservancy Land Use Designation. Subdivision Ordinance The Subdivision Ordinance, originally adopted in 1972, has been amended several times. Upon adoption of the Guide Plan it will be completely overhauled. Among the needed changes that have been identified are: 1) increasing setbaeks to major thoroughfares and railroads; 2) converting all references of "Village" to °City"; and 3) clarification of the lot split/administrative plat process. The overhaul will streamline the ordinance by removing repealed sections and consolidating defuutions and exemptions. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 56 JANUARY, 1993 . City of RosemQunt Summary of Zoning Districts MINIMUM ' MAXIMUM ZONING DISTRIC7' LOT AREA DENSITY AG�uctrL�uxaL ' AG Agricultural 2.5 acres 1 unit per 10 acres AG-P Agricultural Preserves 2.5 acres 1 unit per 40 acres Rvx�L RESIDEi�'rr�, RR Rural Residential 2.5 acres (platted) 1 unit per 5 acres 5 acres (unplatted) URBAi�t RESIDENTIAL PUD-R Residential PUD* N/A 2.5 unitsper acre R-L Low Density Single Family Residential** 20,000 sq. ft. N/A R-1 Single Family Residential 10,000 sq. ft. N/A R-lA Single Family Residential 10,000 sq. ft. N/A R-2 Single Family Attached Residential�-fa��y> 12,000 sq. ft. 6 units per acre R-2 Single Family Attached Residential�3+ f8auiy� 18,000 sq. ft. 6 units per acre R-3 Multiple Farnily Residential (Attached) 22,500 sq. ft. 18 units per acre : R-4 Multiple Family Residential 22,500 sq. ft. 40 units per acre C41wnv�RC�AL ' PUD-M Mixed Use PUD N/A N/A G1 Convenience Commercial 15,000 sq. ft. N/A G2 Community Commercial N/A N/A C-3 Highway Service commercial 0.5 acres N/A C-4 General Commercial 20,000 sq. ft. N/A , I�U�Tx�►z. : : _ BP Business Park*** N/A N/A IP Industrial Park**** 0.5 acres N/A IG General Industrial 5 acres N/A WM Waste Management 5 acres N/A Si'ECTAL DISTRI�TS P Public or Quasi Public N/A N%A FP Flood Plain N/A N/A * Replaces RL ** Will be deleted in favor of PUD-R *** Replaces IP **** VJill be deleted in favor of BP CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 5'] JANUARY, 199 . III. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM The City is in the process of developing a Comprehensive five-year Capital Improvement Program. The expansion of the City's CIP process will consolidate all capital expenditures from the various funding sources including water, sanitary, storm sewer core funds; park improvement funds; TIF funds; MSA funds, and so forth. Streets/Reconstruction The Public Works Department has identified a street reconstruction program for the older portion of the City. the intent of this program is to keep the City's older neighborhoods vital by maintaining quality infrastructure. Streets/New Construction Loca1 and collector streets required by new developments are installed at the developer's expense and the right-of-way is dedicated to the City. Arterial streets are initiated by the City and are constructed/reconstructed as development warrants it. The Transportation Study cunently underway will assist the City in identifying when such improvements can be supported or will be necessary. Armory/Community Center The City and the Minnesota guard have broke ground during 1992 on the joint Armory/Community Center facility. When complete, in early 1994, the City's Park and Recreation Department will be officed in this facility. Fire Station In the first quarter of 1993, the City will decide wlien to hold a referendum to construct a new fire station and purchase a major piece of equipment, an aerial truck. Depending on the timing of the referendum, a new faciliry could be completed in la.te 1994 or early 1995, if approved. Public Works Maintenance Facility Because of the City's continuing growth, the Public Works Maintenance Facility is inadequate. Presently the City must rent space for equipment stora.ge. As outlined in the 1989 Space Study, the existing fire station will be converted for use by the Public Works staff, if a new fire station is approved and constructed. Long term, the City will need to consider a new site for the facility as the Town Green/Erickson Park plans are implemented. The City should identify a site and possibly acquire the property prior to 2000. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 58 JANUARY, 199 . City of Rosemount Street 5 Year CIP IMPROVEMENT JURISDICTION FROM - TO SCHEDULE 145th Street Rosemount Cameo to Shannon Parkway 1993 Chili-Chippendale Rosemount 146th to end 1993 Cameo Rosemount 143rd to 145th 1993 143rd Street Rosemount TH 3 to School 1993 CR 38 Dakota Co. Past Billings Row Acquisition 1993 Lower 147th Rosemount ' TH 3 to Canada 1993 Cameo Rosemount 145th to Lower 147th 1994 Cambrian Ave. Rosemount Lower 147th to TH 3 1994 Camero Rosemount Cambrian to End 1994 CR 46 Dakota Co. Apple Valley to Highway 52 1994 CR 73 Dakota Co. Inver Grove Heights to CR 42 1995 Chippendale Rosemount 151st to 160th 1995 145th Rosemount Brazil to CR 42 1995 Biscayne Rosemount CR 42 to Railroad Tracks 1995 Connemara Trail Rosemount Shannon Parkway to Highway 3 1996 Dodd Blvd Rosemount Chippendale to Delft 1997 Source: Rosemount CIP, Dakota County CIP . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 59 JArrualtY, 1 3 IV. HOIISING IMPLEMENTATION The City has a large supply of affordable first-time home buyer housing. The a�erage value of I homes in Rosemount is approximately $90,000. As the City's residential base expainds the City ' would like to insure that it can provide a range of housing types and values. The City has targeted two housing areas that it needs to be pro-active in order to facilitate: 1) ' move-up housing; and 2) senior housing. MOVE-UP HOUSING: The City recognizes that some of the City's most prixne residential land could begin to develop during this planning period. Essential to ensuring that this land achieves its potential are adopting zoning ordinance provisions that protect and capitalize on this area's natural resources. SEIVIOR HOUSING: The Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority has targeted downtown Rosemount for a senior housing project in 1995. In order to ensure that the HRA proceeds with this project it will be necessary for the City's Port Authority to assist with acquisition and clearance. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT (� JANUARY, 19 � � V. INFLOW AND INFILTRATION RED UCTION CITY OF ROSEMOUNT C1 JANUARY, 1993 . :- VI. SOLID WASTE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT C2 JANUARY, 19 3 . �, VII. TRANSPORTAT70N/OFFICIAL MAPPING One of the major problems facing every community is the financing of non-local street improvements and public tra.nsit. There are only limited sources of funding for major street and � highway improvements. Generally speaking, county road 'unprovements are financed by the County and state highway improvements are financed by the State all based on priorities that may not correlate with the scheduling needs of the City. All local and collector streets should be the responsibility of the developer except in those instances where a county road is involved, thus qualifying the County to participate in the cost of improvements. Generally, all local and collector street rights-of-way should be dedicated by the developer and all construction costs, except those to be born by the County, should be assessed to or otherwise paid for by the developer. � Where development is imminent, rights-of-way should be dedicated by the developer as part of the platting process. In order to protect rights-of-way for arterial streets, the City should be prepared to utilize the official mapping process as per Minnesota Statute Section 462.359. This procedure allows the City to legally map rights-of-way to prohibit development that would add appreciably to the cost of acquisition and development. It requires no compensation for structures placed without a permit or in violation of permit conditions. On the other hand, the law may compel the City to acquire the land if it wants to continue to protect right-of-way in the face of a building permit request. If a building permit is denied by the City within an officially mapped right-of-way, the proponent may file an appeal with the Board of Appeals and Adjustments. The Board may deny the permit, but if it authorizes issuance, the City has six (6) months from the date of the Board's decision to institute proceedings to acquire the land or issue the permit. VIII. P�xxs A1vv TRAILS IP In as much as possible, all trails and parks should be dedicated by the developer at the time of platting. Trails construction should be the responsibility of the developer and should be done in accordance with City specif'ications. Neighborhood and community parks design and development should be the responsibility of the City and should be done in accordance with the Comprehensive Park Plan and Development Guide. In the case of park land dedication, the size requirements for a whole park will not likely be satisfied by dedication. In such cases, paxcels should be accepted that are adjacent to another ownership where the remaining land needed can also be acquired at a later date by dedication. If this is impractical, the City should require that the whole park be set aside so that.the remainder can be acquired by the City. In any event, the City should not accept small paxcels that do not meet the minimum standards for a park and have no potential for enlargement. It should, likewise, not accept lands as part of the dedication requirement that are unsuitable or undevelopable for park purposes. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT �'y JANUARY, 1993 0 � 9 Iw � IX. PUB�IC SERVICES CITY OF ROSEMOUNT "' 6 c{ TANUARY, 1993 �- ► X. PLAN AMENDMENTS The Comprehensive Plan is a body of policy which serves as the basis for, among other things, zoning and public improvement decisions. As such, any departure from the plan requires an amendment that must also be reviewed by the Metropoli Council to detemune whether or not it is of local or regional significance. While the plan can be�terpreted broadly, it is essential that its principles not be violated or abused. �'� Plan amendments may be initiated periodically either by p�titions or the City Planning Commission. In either case, proposed amendments should be studied carefully to assure that an altemative course of action will not have an adverse effect on surrounding n�ighborhoods or esta:blish an undesirable precedent. Where a petitioner applies for a plan amendm�nt, the burden of proof to evaluate City- wide impacts and document compatibility with plans, the �eighborhood, etc. should be the petitioner's responsibility. Planning Commission initiated'�,i amendments will require a similar level of consideration by the City. �, Plan amendments should not be discouraged because time�I'S and conditions do change. it is important to document changes that have occurred since the adoptio� of the original plan that might warrant the amendment. �', For any plan amendment which is specific to a parcel of�and, public notice should be published and mailed in accordance with the requirements for rezoning. ', For a general City-wide plan amendment, notice should be published in the official City newspaper �ten (10) days prior to the hearing date. Discretion will have to be exercised where an amendment affects several parcels but may be construed to be City-wide in nature. The best option will be to provide mailed notiee in such instances. ' Any plan amendment requested by petition should be accpmpanied by documentation supporting the amendment and its effects on the City, the neighborhood, and the Plan. It should also document changes that have occurred since adoption of the Plan that warrant an amendment. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 6 S JANUARY, 1993 �� � r � � _ � � >. _ � _. , � = ,. ,...,� „ �� .�. �, , � � � � � � -r,� - ... _ , �� . . . . .. .� . . . .� � . ... . . � . .. � . . � . � � . � .. . .. .� . � � �,, .- -.�; r-, , � ---=_-*�� -- --- ----='=z�-=",, ,;1 ,��,.?,,,"[�"'='-'� - � ,� ;�;, • ^ , �. `' r- � r�'----,-^- S •� - � 1��. � . I ��l'� / \�'. iV •1. 1f ,�+'� `� .p 'r '' i�i� ,� `I�1�'ty,�"Ly; r.'c: -�C: ' F�� ��� ,•J � � . I/ a� � ��5 11��. i'1 � :� .Y. �:i:,%��� •\� i14� � v% 1 :T. 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