HomeMy WebLinkAbout3. Copy of City Policy in Committee Selection � .3. • �� � .. . � . . . . . ' . December 3, 1991 CITY OF RfJSEMOLTNT POLICY TITLE: COMMZTTEE SELECTION POLICY TM� �OLICY NUMBER: AD � 1 PROP�SED BY: ADMINISTRATION DATE APPROVED December 3, 1991 BY CITY COUNCIL: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PURPOSE , The City of Rosemount wants to assure equal and open access to the selection process for all City Council appointed standing Ccmmissions and Committees. This policy will set a regular and formal recruitment and selection process for eligible m�mbers to all City Council Cvmmissions and Committees. It will provide applicants for Citizens Advisory Commissions and Committees with basic information on the application procedures and the appointment process. ., PO ICY This policy will provide guidelines governing the application procedure and the appointment process far Citizens Advisory Commissions and Committees. � The Commissions and Committees shall be advisory bodies to tne City council, charged �Tith the responsibility of researching, reviewing, and making recommendations on related issues. PROCEDURE 1. The following Commissions shall be appointed by the City Council and shall meet on the days designated belows Davs & Times of Meetinqs Port Authority 6;00 p.m. - lst & 3rd Tuesday of each month Utilities Commission 6c30 p.�. - lst Monday after the 1st Tues. of each month Cable Commission 6:30 p.m - lst Monday after the lst Tues. of each month Parks & Recreation Committee 7 :30 p.m. - 3=d Monday of each month � Planning Commission 5:00 p.m. - 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month , Policy AD-1 - Page 2 . i I�ncth af Te�-ms: ' Port Authority 6 years UtiZities Commissicn 3 years Cable Commission 3 yea�� ParY.s & Recrea�ion Ccmmi�tee 3 yea�s Planning Commission 3• years 2. All persons making application to the City Council for a position on a Citizens Adviso:y Commission or Committee shell be residen�s o� `-,,.he Ci�y of Rosemount. 3 . Pe�s�r.s interested in being consiaered for z�pointmerrt or reappointmen� to a City Gonmission or Committee shzll complete an "Application fo� �ppoin�ment �o City Commi�tee or Commission" fo�m furnished by the City. ' � . k�pcintments to expire� te�a:s shall ae �uade annuzlly by the Ci�y Counc�l a;. the_r secon: regul�r mee�ir�g in Januant. ; ��i �em�e�s, �ecu?�� ana al�e�nzte, s�zil �e a�aointea to �e�s as des�.�nate� abovp, howeve�, the �e�n aay �e ���,ina�ed e��iy by �he Cou�ci'_. :.�ch me�e� s�zil se�-ve a r..aximum o� three �.2r'IL'.S y e�f ec�ive w��h �hose meri�e�s , a��oi:,te� Janua�y, , ocl a�d a.�e_. Com�ensa�i�n fo� me;�e:s s�.a11 be se� �y the City CaLncil. ; �. k�en an indiviaual ' s �ec,ul�a� emploti-men� r�ay �o�en 4iali y cause a can�lic� of inte�es� w��h �he no�al items o� b;:siness o� � Citv Co^.�nissio:� o� Canmi��ee, he o� she s:�all c�ti*u�ge suc'� possible c�nfi:c� �.n �+�iting p�ior to the C.^,.^.S1QE�S�.1CI3 �Oi d'J30?T1�T.l��i:.. ?�lO.r. :.O Til�}:?i�.^�. �il a��ointmen�, the Ci�y Coun:.�l sha'1 de�e�-mine k:�e�he� or not snch �oter,�izl con�lict o� in�eres;. would p_ecluae the ��pointment o� the applic�n`.. � , 6. F�vone already holding an elect�ve countti*, st�te, or federal o�fiCe sh�ll T�oi. be e?icible to se�-ve in a regul�r vo��.ng ��si�icn o:� �ny o� tne C�.tv Cc.:�nissi�ns o� Cor�n:it�ees. 7 . N� �e�-mznen� �ull-time o� pa�t-time Ci�y Oi �05�IitOLiri� sta�_ er�?loyee shall hold a �eaula_ vo��ng pcsi��on on any Cor.�:iss ion or Corrar�ittee e�:ce�� th�� z s�z�� mem�e� rnay se�ve as an ex-o��icio ner�e�. s • A:� e��o=t s:�all be naoe to nave a c�ve�sity o� 5ro�essions and occu�a�ions represente� on zll co,�a.*;:issions znd C�:�.:�._��ees an�, zs a ce�e�al cuice��ne, a� no o:�e t�me �:.,,,-, .. ,. . _�:. . .._ .. ___ ___ . _ _ . -- - __ � � aoli�y �,.D-1 : Page 3 • � 9. As a general guideline, `�.he members of each Commission/Commi�tee shculd be comprised of inemb��s represen�inq a wide range of: civic groups and interests.. . � I0, Attendance at the mee�ings of these advisory bodies is critical �o t.heir effecti�eness; t.herefore, missing th=ee consecutive mee�ings or attendance at less '-,,han 75� of the mee�ings in a six-month period �+•ill cause the Committee/Commission Ch�irman to review '-..he nature of the abs�nces and, pending '-�he outcome of that reviek•, i� may be necesszry tc fcrward a zecommenda`ian to �he City Council that the member of the Comicittee/Commission be removed for poor attendance. 11. Alternate membe=s may be appointed and �re considered �s members in training and shall act as regulz� voting membews in �he zbsence of zny regular member. Mid-term vacancies shall temporarily be filled by the zlternate if appainted fo� the unexgired te�m. The _alternate shall apply and ae cansiciered for regul�r membe�ship on�`,.he commission a3ong wi`,�i any o'-�.her applicants. If alterr�ates are not �.p�ainted vacancies would be �illed follo��ing guidelines set in `,..his po�icy. 12. Conmission/Committee mem�e�s a�y be removed f:om o�fice at � znytiae �o� good cause by the City Council. t'Z�C�I;TTI✓�;�'?' Fi3�D S�L�C�'IQN hinety da��s �rio� to the er.pi�ation of com�ission te�-n:s each y�a�, the Counci3 shall be advised af �he �encing vacancies ana �ne a�ten�ance record o� the inciv�auals whose te�s a�e e�:�i�inc, s:�oulc :.:��se inciviauals �e elicible fo� �Ez��oin�nen�. Sho�ld - �he in�ivicuals me�it rea��ointmen.., those persons kill be contac�ed to de�e�nine :.f he/she k�ishes to seak �eap�ointmen�. 2�eN* zp�l�cz�io:�s should be cor..�le�ea by �he incu:,,ben�s. Co�:n.:il �:i}1 �lsa announce �o the aene�8� t�L'�J�1C �he vaczne1 es on the G��y Cor��.ss�ons �t leas� sik`v da�fs p�io� �o the e}:pir��ion o� corsmiss�on te�ms e�ch yez� znc ���lications �•ill be accep�ed ��om zll interes:�e3 citizens o� Rosemount. mh�.��y ciavs p�io� to the eYai�z�ion o� comrnission terms, th� Ci�y Co�ncil kill meet �o review all a��lication� ana inte�-view z��lica:�ts, :.:�clucing incur.�e:�t mer.:ae�s �•:�ase te:.-r:s zre e�:p�.��.�g z:�d kho kTish to seek re��poin�ment. The aual�ficztions o� the ne:.�ers o� the Co.�.�rissions shzll be �hose k�ho in judaement o� the C�uncil aie �e��esen�a�ive o� th$ cor,.muni�y zn� are cruali�ied �y ;.�ainir��, exae�ience zn3 �n�e_es� use�Ll _o� the ��lf illmen 4 0� �ae C�;,r,.ission` s Yesponsibili�v. � :��CmT�%_ Dfim^ m'::is policy �ill co in�o e��ec� t:�e day `ollowin� its �do�tion b�� `�:Ze C��y Council o� ��senou:��, *`;n:�eso�a . (� � k3"'U N Cl 5 n F t N 1�.'U N �{ 1-i F�, (T �t C� t't f; l� (') O� F3 (U t�( _ �t N (� t) 17 O �' (D N U Uf V (D O 1 J cf O tn ib !'• � ;Y ii p' p p C7 (D 4 tF tD N O M O O N•M 'V 't1 p 'l N Ut O 1-+• () N C�s Ul N V1 1-' tA t fi :1 N fD tD ►} :7 �1 �3 �S :x N O• i-' � � f t a o p �' s, �n Ef•'tJ W ►f �t tn �; n� tJ' �n rt rr tD t�- rfi' �t �� 0 rv w w � rr *C w m N N m F • r-�•�n ro :�" F�,- 'U 'U t-•. :-i rr N R+ ri t�. ►i �" ►i � n r-� tl rt n b' fr � N. I�• t t !--' t J" � ►i U" N. (p t j U' f" !�-F-' t i ��. �r p � t( ►.�' P r F'.pr fp � Vl t n .�►}C :1 Ui f� F-' � N O H � 1 h �i O 4-' .y {-i C) 1-' U1 IJ� O �C� O h' h'• 0► F'i 'C N O {t N H F'•tA �' O .'�'' �q , ►-�• (U N rt +i N O N �ta tD �q :7 G 'd �i G rfi rt �t � tD t� �t N•hi V1 � � N� �v cr ►t o' �j r. N n� �nr� m t� o ►t Y• v' 0 �1 tn p. � �v ►i "c o v � � n� � �c� r r r� c rt ►t m �r ro 'U =�'cs Cr t� �r ►,•�i �Q t-� rt rn n tn b' m �' � m N � G M• a Cy =� N O N (D O O �]. Vt N :1 i t `C �' F.,. 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