HomeMy WebLinkAbout2. Discussion on Managing the Community Center � �� , f .. . � ��� . . � � . . , , i��� �- emm�, •�_ r F`�(�v►un15't�c� � � I� � --'-�"�_' � . � �Cccf V-!- �f�, k�`trE���o<� � M��.�-ane�re Q�� �am�;� c:�- �. -_.� � � :�- 1ee_�re,�c�� __ �c� � c� _ cze�� ��c,.. �Sa\�.,�+Iqr�(:t�;nt�� �r,�s+�✓Vr��G �v,r � �c�r K ���A° � LF;i 5u r2: Pr�� e_c�s , sC���tir► o��- �tcF 'Sc.����:c� � -� p � �I.��a-'-' F ,�� C�eu►� S�S�ba,�� I i� -I v�s r�.e<<i� � c.�°��aa�s o��,��` Cby�- y y � � k�c��� 2�ir� �as1�,e°��ce.�� �rk0r pce�fa�S �-rt�c;�en� Cb+'���u�� CE�SiOv�S � , C/�r�il� �1�0� �C�Cr���I "��� CI.�MOf� I��CxSO� �r�cl��S�c� 1�ol�Ey1��� T�i�,s ; Qp1� eom�pl�u�c� Sd��.e� �lallo�e�en� ; . -;,, R � • P�RIC,S AND IZECItLA"I'ION OPTIONS FOR M�INAGING COIvIMUNITY CENTER OP I'ION �f l . 1 crrY nDn•�iNfs•rizn•r�ri t'ARKS S: RLC. I�IRIiC'i'OR RGCL"•P1'tONIS.I' DLh7'.SL•CItET/�RY nllt.Or PROGltAMh•ltNG I�4AINTGNAt�ICG COOItllINA1'O[t . PAtiKS, `I'ItA1LS, RiNK ALL A't'ti1.GTIC i'ItOGItAA�tt�•IlNG ALI.NON-ATt1LG"f1C PItOGRAi�•3t�fi1NG PACiLtTY AlA1NTCNANCG NoGes s 1. P�rlcs & Re creation Director mainLaiils maiaagemenL of a11 parks and recreation programs and a7.1. �acilities. All oper�t�ion and ►»�in�enance is managed rhrou�h the Parks � Recreat;ion Direck:ai. . 2 . Farks & Re creac:zon Conunit�ee is advisory con�ntitl:ee to Parks and Recreation Direc�or , "�� and City Council . � , ' it is run as stand alone eiit;crpris e �u n d ,u n d ee�d i�n��sCor°�sewe�sfunds. 3 . I'acx.l y Recreation Con�nii�Le� and Dir�c�vr as ai� sewer, wa�_ � _ _ _ � OPTIONS 111 • . P1Z0'S AND CON'S ' � P� ' n ro rams eon�inu� to be ma��aged by Parks & Recreation Department �. All recreario p 5 n. �ii Recreation progranuninc� can be coordina�ed, through Parks & Recreation Department hedulinc� and pro�ramma.nJ of personnel and Se°vices innvarious areasea(i��e Dir. �, Maintenance, s�urilizing personrtel L-o conduct or provide eLficienrly by ro i�n�s; Maintenance Coordinator can utilize tull and c�£ Pro�ramming can manaersonnel�in�differenl-.�areas . part time n�aintenance p D, Public c an rurn to a single source �or Parks & -ReCreat;ion Adminis�ra�ion nC �. Since all Recreation Operations will be located �-�C��rfacil�ity{�Ce� �his will be consiste wiCh a single administration oL- a11 act�iviC.ies a�. y lannin can Ue Council ta ottaer Parks & Recrea�ion pra�rams and facili� p g F. Tying in the City : more efficiently completed G. Comp uter use in accounting and programming will be more efficient Ii. Takes workload off City AdministraCor and places it wiCh Department i�ead. CON'S a ' t as a enterPrise is inconsisten� wi�h Parlcs & RecreaCion operations. p, Ru��ning fac�.7.i y °Some�hing New" ! n, Conununity may be looking t o the Communiry Cen�er as some��iing all �oge�her different than other Parks & Recreation programs and LuncCions �, 'This additional iunct ion wil]. add stress and wor)cload to Parks & Recreation Committee, may be too much when added to exis�ing worlcload ort to rhe Community Center to other D, The prioritization of th� �i�an�noC bedmpir�ained supp Parks � recreation Programs Y �, �xistinc� Parks & Re creation managemen� may not k�e capavle o,f handlinc� adciitional responszbilities Pl1RI�S t1ND I2�CRCA'1'ION . ' OPTZONS FOR MANAGING CON1MUNiTY C�NT�R � OPTION �/2 crrv nn���r�is•ritnro�t COh1t�4UNITY CC:N'!'G[t NtANr\GGR rAGiLtTY SLCIiG't`AiLY DINATOIi CONGCSSlON$ COOItptNh'1'Olt I SCt1GDULINC COOItDINA'TOR I'ACiLt'CY h�tA1NTCNANCG COOR na er manages all opera�inns, scheduling, maintenance af facility. Notes: 1. Community CenLer Ma � Manager reports tiirecC.ly to Ci�y Adminis�raCor. - . „ . -y usL ano�her user like school district 2 , A11 recreation progz'anls "ut�ilize �acili� as j and City Council . 3 , I�acility is run ag stand alone en��rPrise lilce sewer, water, and storm ,sewer. Se arate Communii:y Center Commission �-� �o�`bAuLhoaiLyLanderesident�slves from , 4 . 1� R�, HS, Far}cs & Recreatio�i Conutti��ee, e , OP1'ION ��2 PRO'S �1ND CDN'S � PRO'S A, �dministration has direct control over operation Of faci.li�y n� de artment can cause inCe rity of operaLion and rreat all users same B, I'aciliL-y can be opera�ed as e�tn�Pl�se mu�h mo�:e easily because no 0 problen�, Adniinistration can m� �. C. Separat e cornmission helps mainLain sCrang mission �or Ltie �acility ' zaCion o� facilil:y, revenue sources and program are easier because it is D. Decisions on ut�:l�- sCand alone � ration wi�h ano�her person reportinc� directly to him/lzer. �, Admini.stra�ion talces on anather ope This spreads out time to administzate. commission and additianal involvenient by CitY �dministrator is needed B. Development of anoCher , taking even more time Erona City �dniinis�rator ro xamnjinc� and faca.lity - - �� -ions deteriora�ion �or en�ire Parks & Recreation C. Po�. �n��aL �or consistent confl.icl. be�ween�o�i�Lr P1rks & Reereation p g programs, this cou l d le a d �o ' c o n u�i u n i t.y Department D. Use of any personnel would be less efficient PARICS E1ND R�CI�EATION •. OPTIONS rOR MAN�IGING COn�[MUNITY C�N'I:ER � OPTION t�3 CI'CY AD�•16NlSTRn1'Olt PAIiKS S. I2tiC. [)lltGC'I'Oi2 DUUGGT 1'GRSONNGL i�•tANhGG�1LN'C SEGRL'TA{tY S(:GItGTA1tY • , AS3'1'. f'&Ii D1RGC'i'OR (P[tOGitAhdA•IlNG Of'ERATIONS) 1�4A[NTENANCG i=r�CtLlTY R•fANAG1iR (I�AINTENANCG) �_ SCi'tLl2t1L1NG GONCL'•SSfiONS NON-rACIL1TY FACIL(TY � No�es; 1. Par)c� & Recrea Cion Director rnaintains Lacility under Parks , s Facility�Managera�, Th�sW position of Assistant Parks & Rec�o�an��°r �na�schedulingl- basically an operat�.ons pasition is respoi�sible for all p � � person. 2 . All maintenance is manag�d throuc�l� Parlcs & Recreaim�� ���o�n�lnr� but 2 areas are sp1iC to provide better control and use of par� � P 's still run as enterprise Eund wi�h all users, including Parks and 3 . Facility �. RecreaCion other payinc� cas� of use. � s & Recreal.ion Con�nlitLee advi.se Council and Parks & Recreation Director on �1 . Park . operations. OP�I'ION tl3 : . PRO'S AND GON'S PRO'S �. AIl r�creation programs coiztinue to be nianaged by Par}cs & Recreation Department B. 1�11 Re�reaGion programming can be coordinated throuc�h Parks & Recreation Department C. Maintenance, scheduling and programming of personnel and programs can all be managed more efLiciently by uCilizinc� personn�l to conduct ar provide services in various areas. f�- .e. Dir. of Proc�ramming can manage a� recreation programs; Maintenance Caordinator can utilize full and part time maintenanee personnel in di£ferent areas . D. Public can turn to a single source �or Parks & RecreaCion Adrninistration E. Since a11 RecreaCion Operations will be loca�.�d in "Armory" office, this wil.l be consistent with a single administration of all activities at the �acility P. Tying in the Community Center to oGher Parks & Recreation progran�s and L-acility planning can be mare efficiently completed G. Computer use in aecounting and programming will be more efficient H. Takes workload oft City Administrator and places it with Depar�ment Head I. Develops a "Facility Manager" in addition to Parlcs & Recreation Direetor to take work load off Parks & ttecr�ation DirecCor but defines role of I'acility Manager. A1so develops neecied Assis��in� Parks & Recreation Director posic:ion. O1'TION �l3 • CON'S C4NTINU�D, PAGE 2 � CON'S ` nin L-acility as a enterprise is inconsis�en� wi�l-� Parks & Recreation operata.ons. �. Run g ��Sometl�ing New" t lookin Co l.he Community Center as some�hing a11 to3erl�er diLferent than oCher n, Community may b� rams and tuncCions Parks & Recrea�ion prog �, This addit�.onal function will add stress and workload to �Parks & Recreation Comrnittee, maY be too mueh when added to existing workload • n of the financial and p�rsonnel supporL- to the Conununity CenCer to o��e�' p, The priori�izatio , Parks & recreation Programs may nat be niainLained E. �xisting Parks & ReC reaCion manac�ement may not Ue capable oi I�andling addiCional respansa.biliCies i . . PARI�S E1ND R�CRE�ITION ` OPTiONS FOR Mf1NAGING CONIMUNITY CENTER OPTION ##4 C(TY ADMlNlSTRATOR PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR GOMMUNITY GENTER MANAGGR SGCRETJ�RY RGCEPTIONiST SGCRGTARY ' ' MAIN'1'ENANCL' SCi•tEDUUNG/PROGRhMI�4lNC MAINTGNANCG SCiIEDULiNG/PROGRAMM[NG Notes : 1. Parks & Recreation Director and Community Center Manager are equal in levels of authoriCy. Both earry responsibilities for operational management in different segments of Parks & Recreatian creating a second Department Head. 2 . A separate Commission/Committee should be formed to advise Community Center Manager and City Council on operation of facility. 3 . �aci�ity is stand alone enterprise fund under direction of Facility Manager and City Council as are Sewer, WaCer and SCormwater utilities. � OPTION �#4 PRO'S AND CON'S PRO'S A. Administration has direct control over operation of facility B. Facility can be aperated as enterprise much more easily because no one deparrment can cause problem, Administration can maintain integriry of operation,and treat all users same C. Separate commission helps maintain strong mission for the facility D. Decisions on utilization of facility, revenue sourees and program are �asier because it is stand alone CON'S A. Administration takes on another ogeration with another person reporting directl� to him/her. This spreads out time to administrate. B. Development of another commission and additional involvement by City Administrator is needed taking even more time from City Administrator C. Potentzal for consistent conflict between other Parks & Recreation programming and facility programs, this could lead to °community" relations deterioration for enCi�e Parks & Recreation Department D. Use of any personnel would be less efficient PARKS AND RECREATION � � -� OPTIONS FOR 1VIANAGING COMMUNITY CENTER . OPTION #5 CITY COUNCIL CITY ADMMiSTRATOR PARKS&RECREATION COMMITTEE � \ . '1 PAIiKS & REC. DIRECTOR C�NSULTANTS SECRETARY e PARKS&RECREATION NON—FACILITY PROGRAMMING FACILITY MANAGER MAINTENANGE SUPERVISOR PARKS, RINKS, TRAILS FACILITY PARKS PROGRAMS NON—FACILITY ATHLETIGS SECRETARY ' ICE GENERAL MAINTENAI�tCE FACILITY SCHEDULtNG FACILITY SCHEDULING PARKS AND RECREATION � ' - � OPTIONS FQR MANAGING COMMUNITY CENTER � . OPTION #6 CITY COUNCti. PARKS &RECREATION COMMITTEE � CITY ADMiNI5TRATOR \ \ PARKS &.REC.DIRECTOR CONSULTANTS SEGRETARY MAINTENANCE PROGRAM DIRECTOR FACILITY MANAGER� ICE ARENA � PARKS FACILITY PARK PROJECTS ATHLETIC LEISURE Sales, Marketing Responsible far Grants Softball TinyTots Scheduling of Facility, Ice Surf$ce, Adopk-a-Park Basketball Serrior Frog. Contracts, Possibly concessions Carrolts Woods Broomball Rosettes Efficier�cy Control Erickson Square Volleyball Trips Armory Liaison ARMORY / COMMUNITY CENTER Staffing Time Schedule (revised 2-4-93) Jan. 18, 1993 P & R Committee Considers Alternatives Jan. 2b, 1993 City Council Considers Alternatives Feb. 4, 1993 City Council Approves Chosen Alternative, Job Description of Facility Manager, Authorize Advertisement for Position Feb, 22, 1993 Parks & Rec. Comm, approves job description/salary range Mar. 2, 1993 City Council approves job description. Authorizes advertisement for position Mar. 3, 1993 Advertisement/Public Notice far Position Mar. 22, 1993 Closing for Positian Applications Mar. 29-Apr. 2 Review Applications - Choose Five for Interview Selection Review Committee Apr. 12-14 - Interview� - Selection Review Committee Apr. 19, 1993 Selection Made - Prelirninary Offer May 4, 1993 Council Approves Hiring May 24, 1993 Manager Starts June 2i, 1993 Manager provides preliminary job description for additional staff. July 6, 1993 Approval of job descriptions and authorization to advertise, interview and recommend hiring of additional personneL Sept� 7, 1993 Additional first line staffing approved for hiring Uctober 5, 1993 First line sta.ff starts, may include full time rnaintenance and programming coordinators Exempt Employee Salary Range to CYTY OF ROSEMOUNT POSITZON RESPONSIBIL,ITY WRITE-UP DATE: January 12, 1993 Position Title COMNNNITY CENTER MANAGER Department PARKS AND RECREATION � Accountable To DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION Primary Objective of pasition To manage the opera�ion of the City' s Community Center in a method which meets the mission statement through camprehensive programming, operation, maintenance, staffing, and user development. Maior Areas of Accountabili� 1. General Administrative Adver�ise for, hire, schedule, supervise, and evaluate front desk personnel . Coordinate and provide that information necessary for the front desk to communieate regarding departmental programming. Directs proper accounting procedure of all Community Center operations . Directs marketing and promotion of the Community Center. Creates method of ma.rketing the Community Center during different seasons and to different groups . -- Administer evaluation of Community Center Programs and patzons. Annually reeommends Community Center general fund and capital fund budget for consideration of Parks and Recreation Director and Parks and Recreatian Committee. Develops and maintains a strong relationship with the Par;�s and Recreation Committe2. Involves school and community groups in making Community Center meet mission statement. Position Responsibility Write-Up ' Community Center Manager Page 2 Keeps the Director of Parks & Recreation informed of all important matters which require attention. Coordinates facility staffing for all city leisure prograrnming. Develop and recommend as necessary policy for the smooth operation of the Community Center. Perform other duties as required and directed by the Director of Parks and Recreation. 2 . Administer the Multi-Use Arena Component Actively promotes prime time and non-prime time ice availability. Actively promotes use of advertising in Arena. Active�.y promotes non-ice events in the arena and coordinate the use of the arena xn conjunct'ion with other Community Center components_ Dire�ts proper scheduling and accounting procedure for arena including ice sales, daily admissions, lessons, and cance�sions. Hires, supervises and evaluates concession attendants . Reeomrnends and oversees any concession agreements . Oversees the maintenance of the arena ta insure satisfactory public service. Hires, supervises, and evaluates ri,nk attendants . Administers contracts and agreements with schools, youth athletic associations, and other groups desirous of using arena. Maintenance of the Community Center. Coordinates with head maintenance in establishing policy �nd job responsibilities (task autlines) for total building maintenance. Assures that building and grounds maintenance is completed in a satisfactory manner. Assures that the building mechanical systems are operated and maintained in a satisfactory manner. Position Responsibility Write-Up Community Center Manager Page 3 3 . Coordinates the Appropriate Procxramming Staff in the Schedulinc{ and Pramotion af the G,.ymnasium and CTassrooms. Oversee accommodating different user groups including leagues, lessons, cage, and special needs. � Coordinate the use of classrooms and the gymnasium with the National Guard. 4. Over��_es Banquet Hall and Auditorium �..perations Oversees the hiring af qualified attendants for running equipment, scheduling facility use, and coordination of activities in these two companents. Administers contracts and agreements with private groups, schools, youth organizations and others desirous of using the Banquet Hall and Auditorium. Oversees the maintenance of the Banq�et Facility and Auditorium. Coordinates the scheduling of the Auditorium with the Minnesota National Guard. 5 . Res_ponsibility for Work of Others Supervision Over: Secretary Programmers/Schedulers Community Center Receptionist Rink Attendants Concession Coordinator Building Monitors 6 . Position Oualifications a. Two yeax degree in Recreation Facility Management from a vocation program. b. Three years experience in the management of a similar size and scope facility. A four yeax degree may be substituted for up to one year of experience. Experience in a similar size facility as an assistant operations manager may be substituted at a ratio of 1:1 for up to two years of the experience requirement. . Position Responsibility Write-Up Cammunity Center Manager Page 4 c. Written and oral communication skills rnust be exhibited through material provided and references. d. An ability to manage diverse groups of users and all levels of staff. e. Cooperation with other Parks and Recreation staff to efficiently utilize all departrnental resources to reach goals in facility operation.