HomeMy WebLinkAbout5. USPCI Interim Use Permit Addendum � : t City of Rosemount Exeeutive Summary for Action Pianning Commission Meeting Date: Mav 25. 1993 Agenda Item: USPCI Interim Use Permit Arnendment Agenda Section: NEW BUSIIVESS Prepared By: Lisa Freese Agenda No.: Director of Planning IT'F.,1vI NO. 5 Attachments; IUP Amendment; IITP. Approved By: :;�:.�'�.,.e�-�.,s�f At the April 27, 1993 Planning Commission Meeting amendments to USPCI's ILTP were discussed relative to the disposal of coal ash in the Minnesota Industrial Containment Facility. Work.ing with City Attorney Mike Miles we have drafted an amendment to the IUP Agreement approved in 1992. The items are self-explanatory and are related to recommendations made by Ban Engir�eering in their technica.l memorandum. Recommended Actian: A MOTION to recommend approva:l of an amendment to the USPCI Interim Use Permit pertaining to the handling of coal ash and leachate monitoring. Planning Commission Action: -03-25-93.005 � , , Amendment to Interim Use Permit Agreement USPCI, Inc. 1993 THIS AMENDMENT, dated , 1993 is made by and between USPCI, Inc. , a Delaware Corporation (hereinafter °USPCI" ) and the City of Rosemount, a Minnesota municipal corparation {hereznafter the "Cit�") is intended C�o amend the Intera.m Use Permit Agreement, dated March 19, 1992, between USPCI and the City (hereinafter the "Agreement") . RECITALS * USPCI entered into the Agreement wi,th the City an March 19 , 1992; * Among other things, the Agreement the types of wastes which USPCI may dispose of at the nc�n-hazardous waste containment facility (hereinafter the "Facility") further described in the Agreement; and * The parties to the Agreement are desirous of amending the Agreement to allow the disposal of coal ash at the Facility under certain specified conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree to amend the Agreement by adding a section after Section 12 of the Agreernent �o read as follows: i2A. Dis�osal of Coal Ash/Conditions: Despite the provision of Section 12 above, USPCI may dispase of coal ash at the Facility, but only pursuant to the following conditions: 1) USPCI shall not use coal fly ash as cover over waste fill heights exceeding the height of the perimeter berm. � , � 2) During transportation and dumping of coal ash, trucks carrying the ash must be covered with tarpaulins adequate to limit dusting. 3� to further limit dusting, coal ash must be condiCioned t�etted) prior to dumping at the Facility, but tihe conditioning must not result in introducing free liquid to the coal ash and coal ash cannot be disposed in the cell if wind conditions exceed 10 knots per hour, 4) Coal ash disposa]. at the Facility rnust not result in leachate discharges to the waste water treatment plant which fail Co comply with Industrial Discharge Permit requirements. 5} USPCI shall annuaily repart in detail as to the effect on the clerical �omposition af leachate of the dispasal of coal ash at the Facility. " Except as specifically amended in this and other proper_1y execu.ted Amendments, the Agreement shall remain at full force and effect. IN wITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendment as of the date first above written. � , s CITY OF ROSEMOIINT ' �. ; ESECIITIQE sIIMMARY FfJR ACTION CITY CQUNCIL MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 4, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Minnesota Industrial Containment AGENDA SECTI�N: Facility (MICF) Interim Use Penait PIIBLI.0 IiEARING PREPARED BY: AGENDA I�C�cM �' . Lisa J. Freese, Director of Planning 11 C � 8 � ATTACHMENTS: Resolution; IIIP Agreement; APPROVED BY: Dev. Committment; MPCA permit; DC License. � Attached is a copy of the Interi.ua Use Permit Agreement that has been developed with the assistance of Dean Johnson, RSC, Gardy Meyer, Barr Engineering, and Dave Grannis, Grannis & Grannis. Since setting the public hearing �on January 7, 1992, representatives from USPCI have met with the City staff and consultants several times to fine tune the agreement ta meet the concerns of USPCI. At the Planning Commission Meeting on January 28th, there were still two areas of concern for IISPCI regarding the Term and Termination clauses. At the request of the Planning Commisssion, staff and consultants have attempted to develop language that is more in line with the objectives of IISPCI. On Monday staff will be delivering a memo discussing these issues i.n more detail. RECO��MENDED ACTZONs A Ynotion to adopt A RESOLUTIdN APPROVING AN INTERIM USE PERMIT FOR THE USFCI, INC,' MINNESOTA INDUSTRIAL CONTAINMENT FACILITY. COIINCIL ACTION: Adopted resolution. 1 f : (February 4, 1992) INTER{M USE PERMIT AGREEMEPiT USPCt, 1NC. MINNESOTA INDUSTRtAL CONTAtNMENT FAClLtTY TH1S AGREEMENT, dated �/�� _. 1992, is rnade by and between USPCt, Inc., a Delaware Co�ration (hereinafter'USPCI"j and the Ctty of Rosemou�r[, a Minnesota municipal corpo�ation (hereinafter the 'Cit�. The parties hereto agree as fdlows: 1. Interim Use Permft. USPC1 has requested an irtterim Use Permit (lUP) ftom the Ctty for the constructton, operatian, and maintenance of the Mlnnesota industrtal Co�ainmerrt Factitty (M1CF�. The execution of this Agreement by the parties shall const}tute approval and issuancQ of the tUP by the Giry subject to the provisions of this Agreemerrt. This Agreement constitutes the IUP. Corrapliance with Minnesota Pc�llution Control Agency Permit No. SW-383, dated January 8, )992 {MPCA Perrnit), and Dakota Cvunty Solid Wasie l.jcense, approved December t7, 1991 (DC License), which are incorporated herein by refer�nce, are conditions of the IUP. This IUP ts issued by the City in accordanee with Ordinance B, City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance, adopted September 19, 1989, as amended, inciuding Section 11.3. 2, Term. The MICF Pe�nit Application details ihe design, construction, operatlon, ciosure, coniingency actions and financiai assurances for a ten (10) ceii non-hazardous industrial waste car�tainmeM facility, with an anticipated operating Crfe of ihirty (3dj years. Construction, operation, arxi ciosure of the individual celis wiil be phased throughout the operating life of ihe faciiity. Consistent with the term of MPCA Permit and the provisions of Ordinance B, this�IUP is valid for f'rve years frorn the date issued. or until terminated, or amended by the City. Prior to expiration of the IUP, o�io appty for an amendet! tUP, USPCI shaii request that the C'rty review and reissue the IUP. To avoid possibie termination of the tUP at the time the IUP expires, an applicatian for reissuance of the permit must be submitted no later than 180 calendar days before the expiration date of the permi� The reissuance of the IUP may, at the option of the City, be approved without mod�cation to this Agreement, or the Ctry may require USFCI to modify this Agreement. � , � 3. MICF Descrit�tion. MiCF is iocated on property legaily descrlbed on attached Exhibit A. The 236-ac�e sfte is located between TH55 and CR38, iying easte�ly of the Chicago and Northwestem Raiiraad. Tfie location of MICF is illustrated on attaehed Exhibit B. MICF consists of ten (1�) rectangular containment cetis, each oGcupying a surface area of � approxirnately sbc (6) acres, with a vdume capactty of 252,000 cubic yarcis per celi. The anticipated operating life of MICF is thirty (30) years. The facitiry aiso consists af an o�ce/laboratory butiding, a container managemern butiding, raii and truck unloadfig facilities, ieachate storage tanks and on-site stormwater retention areas. The general stte pian !s Itiustrated on attaehed Exhlbit C, Thfs Agreement aliows for the constnactlon of aU the roadways, railways, buiidings, leachate storage tanks, stormwater retentian structures, santtary sewer, berming, landscaping, and other anctltary components of MICF. This Agreement aiso ailows for the construction, operation, closure arxi postclosure care of cetls 1, 2, and 3, and aii reiated earth work and excavation, subject to the provisions of this Agreement, compiiance with Ctty ordinances and issuance of necessary permits. 4. Desiqn Plans and Specifications. USPCI shail construct MICF in aceordance wfth plans, spec�ications and procedures approved by the Minnesata Pdiution Corrtrd Agency (MPCA), Dakota Courtty (DC) and the City. Any exceptions to the approved pians and spec�cations made during constNction shaD be listed in the Canstniction Certification provided pursuant to Item 9. USPCI shall not make �ny aiteration or addition to the faciltty that would materiaAy aiter the method or effect of disposal wfthout first obtalning . the wr'itten approvai of the City Administrator. 5. �ualit�Assuronce�.0uality Controt. USPCI shatt construct, operate, and monitor MICF irt accordance with the quality assurance/quailty contrd pian(s) approved by MPCA. Any modifications to the quality assurance/quattty contrd plan(s) require the w�ttten approval of the City Adminlstrator. 6. Additional Construction Permits. USPCI shal( obtain all required construction permits, such as grading, excavation, buitding, piumbing, heating, electrical, and occupancy permits, In accordance with the adopted standards, procedures, arxJ requirements of the Ciry. Ali consinaction permtts for improvements kientified (n Section 3 and authorized by tssuance of the IUP are administratively issued and administered. i . � ! 7. Gonstruction Inspection. USPCi shail instruct 1ts contractars and subcontractors to contact the City at least two (2) working days in advance of routine inspectiQns (bultding, ptumbing, electrical, etc,) required by the City. USPCi shaii contact the City at least ten (10) warking days in advance of the commencement of construction af (iner insta!lations, leachate coilectton systems, anti final celi cove�. During hours of construction, USPCI shatl grant the Ctry and tts agents, upon presentation ot proper credentials, access to MICF for the purpose of Inspections and ertiforcemeni related to construction. 8. Sanitary Sewer Connection. USPCI shatl eonnect MICF to the Metropoift.an trrte�ceptor and the Rosemount Wastewater Treatmer�t Ptant P�lor to the issuance of a Cert�cate of Occupancy for MICF, USPCI must obtain approvals for the deslgn, constn�ctian, and financing/biliing agreements for the sanitary sewer connection to the Metropolitan interceptor. USPCi wiil be responsibie for ali costs �esuiting � from the sewer connection inciuciing, btrt not limheci to, the City's engineering, c;onstruction, permit#ing, easement, and legai costs. 9. Sonstruction Ce�tificatlon. Within thlrty (30) days of constructfon compietfan, USPCi shait submft to the Ctty a copy of the constnaction certification as required by MPCA. 10. Soil Protective Cover. The C'rty acknowledges the o�going nature of soil covec placement and wili not requtre natice for inspections. The City and tts agents may make random tnspections throughout the iffe of MICF 11. Ocerations and Mairttenance. USPCI shaA operate arxi maintain MICF in accordance with the "Operationai Pians' (lidume IV of V, MICF Permiti Appiicationj, MPCA Permit, and DC Ucense. No amendments may be rnade io the "Qperational Plans"wfthout the wrttten approval of the C�ty Atlministratar. �2. Waste Accea#ance. USPCI shalt accept,reject, and manage wastes according to the approved "Waste Acceptance Pian" (Volume IY of V, MtCF Permit Appiication. USPCI shail not dispose of any wastes identified as unacceptable wastes in the `Waste Acceptance Ptan', Cit�r Zoning O�dinance, DC 3 , . , License or MPCA Permit. No amendments may be made to the `Waste Acceptance Pian` withaut ihe written approval of the City Administraior. 13. Personnel Trainina. Ati USPCI personnel invdved In the operations and maintenance of MiCF shail be trained, quai�ed, and cert�ed as identifieci in ihe "Operatianal P1ans" 14. Incidertt Reporting, ln any'A-type' inckient during operations at MiCF, as defined in the 'Operationat Contfngency Action Plan' (Volume V of V, MICF Permtt Appiication) USPCI shail nottfy#he Ctry's Potice Departmerrt�y telephone wtthin two (2) haurs of the detection of the incklerrt. USPCI shaii promptly fumish the Ctry with wrttten reports of the incident, as speclfied in ihe plans. 15. Genersi inspections. Records. Rec�ortinu, Enforcemerrt. USPCI shali, during normai operating fiours, grant the Ctty and fts agents, upon presentation of proper credentials, access to MlCF for the purpose of inspections and enforcement of this agreement Except for ic�formation deemed priviteged in accordance with state iaw, USPCI shaii ailow the City to inspect wrltten documentation pertaining io compliance by USPC1 with the terms ot thls IUP. Records pertaining to compliance at MICF shaii inciude, but are not lim:ded to, operating records as described tn the `Operational Ptans', the "Operatlonai Contin- gency Action Plan'� and MPCA Permft; inspection� recards; monitonng, irnestigaiion and modeling data; personnei training records; reports and pians required by regulatory agencies; cnnespondenee w)th regulatory agencies; and records and cor�espc�ndence regarding waste characterization, evatuation, management, inspection and acceptance/rejection. AI! information obtained during the course of inspections shail be used solely bythe Ciry or its agents for matters pertaining to ihis IUP. USPCi shaii fumish the Cfty wfth a copy of the 'Annuai Report" accordi�g to the timetabie and requirements of MPCA, as ident�ied in MPCA Permtt, • 16. CorrtingencY Actions. USPCi shati imptement coniingency and/or eorrectfve actions as spec�ed in the permit appiication and MPCA Permit and DC License. USPCI shaU fumisfi the City with a copy of the remedia{ measures report or remediai measufes plan, according to the timetable spec�ed in 4 a . . MPCA Permit. No amendments may be made to the'4perational Contingency Action Pian'or the `Posidosure Cor�tingency Action Plan'without the wrftten approvat af the Ctry Administrator. 17. MonitorinaLRepartina. USPCI shafi monitor MICF in accordance with MPCA Permit. Nothing shaii be construed to prevent USPCt fram exceeding MPCA Permit requirements: 18. , losure, USPCI shail dose MICF in ac�orciance wlth the requiremerrts of MPCA PermtL USPCI shaii notify the Ciry at least ten (t0� working days prior to the date dosure activlties for each cet( are scheduled to begin. USPCt shall notl#y the Ctry at least 90 days prior to the date fina{ closure activities for MtCF are scheduled to begin. Upon compietion of closure of a cell or MICF, USPCI shali notify the Clty to provide ihe opportunfry for a final inspection. A copy af the dosure cert�ication and supporting documern � tation that is required by MPCA Permft shaii be submitted to the C'�ty upon submittai to the MPCA. No arnendment may be made to the 'qosure Pian' (Vdume V of V, MICF Permft Appiication) without the written approval of the City Administrator. 19. Postclosure. USPCI shail provide postciosure care of MICF in accordance with the requirements of MPCA Permft. No amendments may be made ta the 'Postciosure Pian" (Vc>iume V of Y, MICF Permit Appiication) wiihout the written approvat of the City Administrator. 20. Financiat Assurances. USPC1 shaA comply with the financiai assurance requirements of MPCA Permit. No reduction ln the fina,nciai assurance requirements rnay be made without the wrttten approvai of the City Administrator. 21. Develot�ment Commitment. The provisions of the Developmeni Commftment, approved by the City CouncD on October 3, 1989, and dated October 17, 1989, are incorporated by reference as conditions of the IUP and attached as Exhibit D. 5 i . ' { 22. ResaonsibNitv tor Costa. USPCI and the City agree to furxi the aut-of-pocket expenses • incurred by the Ctty in the review and fssuance of the IUP, according to the provtsions of the Development Commftment. Costs incurred by the City for ongoing monitoring of the operatlon of MICF and adm(nistra- tion of the IUP shall be paid by the Ctt�+. 23. Hours of Oueration. MICF operations are restricted to the hours of 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. 'fhe hours of operation may be amended by the City Councii for reasonabie cause. 24. Indemnificstion. USPCI shall defend, indemn'�fy and save the City, its afficers, and employees harmiess from and against any and aii claims, sufts, demands, acttons, fines, damages and � iiabilities, and aif costs and expenses related thereto (incfuding, withaut limttation, reasonable atiomeys' fees) arising out of or in any way related ta MtCF. 25. Other Laws and Regulations. USPCI agrees to comply with ali other laws, regulations, permfts, or licenses which apply to MICF. 26. Severabititv. I#any provisian of this Agreement is found to be trrvatid, such finding shali have no affect on the validtty of ihe remainder o#thls Agreemeni. 27. Notice of�ofation. Notice of a violation af any provision of the IUP shaii be given to USPCI by the Clty in wrlting. Such written notice shaD specify the vic�latlon and request that the vidation be z corrected, USPCI shatl have ten (10) days after reeeipt of notice to carrect the violation. Upon evldence that the heaith, safety, and weifare of the public is not in jeapardy and upon evidence of ditigent coopera- tion by USPCI to correct the violation, the City Administrator may agree in writing to extend'the ten-riay period. . . 6 . , 28. Terminstion. This lUP shaU terminate on the happening o# any of the foitowing events, whichever first occurs: (t) frve (5) years from the date of this Agreemer►t; (2) Upon change In the Cfry's zoning regulation which rerxlers the use non-conforming; (3) By ihe City Councp {Councilj for vidation of any provisions of the 1UP, in accordance w�th the fotiowing proceedures: Tennination shail not occur eariier than ten (10) working days from the time that written notice of termination is served on USPCI or, ff a hearing is requested, untii written notice af the Counc�actian has been served on USPCi. Notice to USPCI shaii be served personally o�by registered or certi�ed malt at the address designated (n the lUP. Such wrltten not(ce of teRnfnation shalF cor�tain the e#fective date of the termination, the nature of the violation or v{oRations constituting the basis far the termfrzation, the facts whlch support the conclusion that a violation or viotatians has occurred and a staiement that if USPCi desires to appeal, ft must wfthin ten (10) working days, exciusfve of ihe day of service, flle a request for a hearing. The hearing request shal( be in wrfting stating the grounds for appeal and be served personally ar by registered or certified mail on the Ctty by midnight of the tenth (10th) woricing day foilawing senrice. Foliowing receipt of a request for a hearing, the Ciry sha8 set a time and a place for the hearing. HEARINGS: A. tf USPCI properiy requests a hea�ing on termination of the IUF, such hearing shall be heid before the Cauncil, or a hearing e�miner as provided below, and shail be open to the pubtic. B. Unless an e�ctension af time is requested by USPCi in writing directed to the City and is granted, the hearing wili be held no later than forty-five (45) caiendar days after the date ot service of request for a hearing, exclusive of the date of such service, in any event, such hearing shail be heid no later than sixty (60) calendar days aftec the date of service of request for a hearing, exciusive of'the date of such service. C. The City shall maif notice of the heanng to USPCI at least fifteen (1 S) warking days prior to the hearing. Such notice shali inciude a statemenf of time, piace, and nature af the hearing. D. Hearing Examiner: The Counclt may by resolution appoint an individuat, to be known as the hearing examiner, to conduct the hearing and to make findings o#fact, canciusions, and recommendations to the Counclt. The hearing examiner shall submit the ffndings of fact, conciusions and recommendations to the Councii in a written report, and the Cauncii may adopt, modify. or reject the �eport. 7 i . � E. Cc�nduct of the Hearina: USPCI may be represented by counsel. The Ciry, USRCi� and additional parties, as determined by the Council or hearing ea�caminer, in that orcier, shall present evidenca Ati testimony st�alt be swom under oath. Ail parties shall have ful! opportuntty to respond to and present evidence, cross examine witnesses, and presertt argument. The Counctl or hearing examiner may aiso examine wftnesses. F. The City shall have the burden of proving its position by a preponderance of the evidence, uniess a different burden is provided by substanthre law, and ail findings of fact, conctu- sions, and decislons by the Councit shait be based on evtdence present and matters . �c�aliy�otified. G. All evidence which possesses probative va{ue, fnduding hearsay, may be admitted if ft }s the type accustomed to rely in the conduct of their serious affairs. Evidence which is incompetent, irrelevaM, immateriat, or unduly repetitious may be exciuded. The hearing shall be cortPined to matte�s raised in the Ciry's written notice of termfnation or in USPCI's written request for a hearing. ' . H, At the request of the Ctty, USPCi, or the hearing examiner, a pre-hearing conference shait be conducted by ihe hearing e�miner, ff the Councti has chosen to use o�e, or by a designated representative of the Councii. The pre-hearing conference shaA be heid na tater than five (5} working days before the headng. The purpose of the p�e-hearing conference is to: (1) Ciarffiy the issues to be determined at the hearing. (2) Provide an opportunfity for discovery of all reievant documentary, photographic, or other demonstrative evidence in the possession of each parry. The hearing e�caminer o�City's represeniative may tequire each party to suppiy a reasonable number of copies of relevant evicience eapabte vf reproduction. (3} Prc�vide an opportun'rty for discovery of the fuil name and address of al! witnesses who wiil be cailed at the hearing and a brief description of the facts and apinions to which each is expected to test'rfy. if the names and addresses are nat known, the party shail describe them thoroughly by Job derties and invavement with the facts at issue. i. If a pre-hearing cor�ference is held, evidence not divuiged as provided above may be exciuded at the hearing. J. If USPCI fails to appear at the hearing, tt shali forfeft any right to a hearing before the • Councii or hearing examiner. : 29. Amendmerrts. Any change� in the provisions of this Agreement, requested by USPCi, require the express written consent of the City. The City may at its option impose additionaf requitements for the IUP,when changes or amendments in waste managemer�t nties, laws, or technology are in the best 8 � . , �nterest of pubiic health, safety, and welfare, or if there are changes in the MPCA Permft or DC Ucense. 7he proceciure to amend the IUP shaii be the same procedure required to issue the IUP. 30. Enforcemerrt. USPCI sMaU reimburse the City for tts reasonab{e costs (including without iimitation engineering and legai fees) IncuRed in the enforcement of the !U�', which resuit in a Ciry Councii decEsion to terminate the IUP. Paymerrt of these costs witi be in addftion to the City Service Cttiaarge, provided for in ihe Development CommttmeM. � 31. irrterpretation. in any chatlenge of the provisions of this Ag�eemeM, the irrterpretation of the provtsions shaii be Hberaity construed to protect the public heatth, safery, and wetfare. 32. AssiqnmeM. The IUP is not assigriabie or transferable without ihe express written consent of the City. in the event an assignment of the IUP is proposed, the City may at�ts option impose addfitional requirements to this Agreement or may require a new agreemen� 33. Notice. Notices gwen pursuant to this Agreement shal( be persona4ty delivered or sent by certified mail to ihe Ctty of Rasemount, P. O. Box 510, Rasemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 ami to USPCi, lnc., 13425 Courthouse Boulevard, Rosemouni, Minnesota 55468. A41 notices shaii be effective upon receipt 34. Recording. Thls Agreement shaN run with the subJect tand and may be recorded in the Dakota County Recorder's C?ffice. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties he�eto have executed tt�is �greement as of the date#irst written above. USPCt, ING. A Delaware Corporation � /'�) By:/ l //� ._/1 • s � , . . CiTY OF ROSEMOUNT By: � �_ ,�,-�- ���y'''"'�' ," E.B. McMenomy, Mayor 8y: Stephan k, Ctry Ad strator STATE OF N4FNhfES9�A ) ) � COUNTY OF -�m-�r� � ) f-(, �The forego�ng instrumerrt was acknowiedged before me this�day of �1 U--t�'c--��- iss2, by —a�.c. ��� ns Sr, V►'t� P�eS��'ev�'. and . ks — . on behatfi of USPCI, Inc. a Delaware Corporation � � * . . Na PubEic STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) � COUNTY OF � r�. ) The foregoing {nstrument was acknotiMedged before me ihis���day af �P�� . 1992, by E. B. McMenomy, Mayor, arxi . , n behalf of the Cfry of Rosemount, a Minnesota municipai corporation. =��G'('h�"�° t �-- - � �� �� ry Public . � ,�� s-. �E��mM M�. G'JAi.SH � ��w►� RGF('!:Y FUQCfC--NtiNP:;SQTA �� �_ DA(.�TA C�ll�l1Y My Eomn. t�p;res lu�e I l, }992 .wwvwvv4 , ��