HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.a. Basic Builders, Inc. Variance Petition (2086 128th St. W.) City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action Planning Commission Meeting Date: Mav 25, 1993 Agenda item: Basic Builders, Inc. Variance Petition Agenda Section: (2�86 1�8th Street West) PITBLIG HEARING Prepared Byc Rick Pearson Agenda No.: Assistant Planner ITEM NO. A Attachments: Petition; Publie Hearing Notice; Mailing List; Approved By: Surveys. {� �'.�P.�.- - SEE ATTACHED - Recommended Action: Absent any additional supporting information, Planning Staff recommends derual of the variance request front yard setback standards because the request does not rneet findings 2, 3, and 4 of Section 15.2 of the Zoning Qrdinance. Planning Commissian Action: as-�.s-9s.00A . z�� o osemovcvt� PHONE (612)4234411 2875-4451h Stresi West,Rosemounl,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)a23�5203 Mailing Address: Edward 8.MCMenomy P.O.8ox 510,RosemouM,Minnesota 55066•0510 COI.INCILMEMBERS Sheila Kiassen TOt Planning Commission �ames�p�a�s,ag►s Harry Wiil�ox Dennis Wippermann FROM: R.ichard Pearson, Assist.ant Planner n�M�NFSTc�,roa Stephan Jilk DATE: May 24, Z993 SUBJ: May 25, 1993 Regular Meeting Reviews Agenda Item A ATTAC�ill�NTS: Petition; Public gearing Notice; Mailing List; Survey. A. PUBLIC �IEAR.ING: BASIC BUII,DERS T�vc (20$6 128th Street West) PROPOSAL Mr. Jeff Nivala of Basic Buiiders, Ine. has petitioned for a variance to build a house on an existing undersized lot in the Rural Residential District north of 13Oth Street West. The petition is for two variances - one for a private septic s�stem on an undersized lot and also, a reciuced front yard setback consistent with the average front yard setbaeks in the neibhborhood. The survey places the house 35 feet from the front property line. The ordinance standard for front yard setbacks in the Rura1 Residential District zs 4Q feet. DISCUSSION The lot was recorded on September 16, 1969 as part af Jay Simon's First Addition. Tl�e lot is 0.77 acres in size which is 1.73 acres belaw the 2.5 acre minimum lot size for platted rural residential unsewered lots. Zoning Ordinance Section 4.2 A (2h) specifies that minimum requirements for private of public utiiity service are met in order to determine whether a lot of record is buildable. Prior to the eurrent Zoning Ordinance, varianees were granted for substandard lots of record proven to be buildable. If this lot is sl�own to be buildable, no variance will be required unless a setback would be encmached upcm. Percolatzon tests have been campleted that indicate the lot can accommodate a septic system. In additian, two alternate locatians are available on the lot that could work. One would require a purnp along the west prvperty line, and the other would be a mound system on a high point on the western corner of the lot. Although perc tests have not been campleted for the two alternative sites, the borings indicate that the soil structure is the same as that of the primary septie system location. Section 7.2 C {4a. 1) permits reduction of Front Yards (setbacks) relative to e$tablished front yards in the Residential District where forty percent or more of the lots are developed with buildings. If the average setback of the developed lots is less than the required front yard, the average or twenty feet, whichever is greater, shall be the required front yard. However, where the average is greater than the front yard, the average shall be the required front yard. �ver���tngfs �omiszg l(Jt�i C�osemount�� � , � Basic Builders, Inc. - Variance Petition May 25, 1993 Planning Commission Agenda Item No. A Page Two The average front yard setback for Block 3 in Jay Simon's First Addition and including those lots that are developed that back up to it 'is approx.imately 39.36 feet. The adjaeent lot to the east happens to be setback 28 feet from the right-of-way and preciates the cunent zoning ordinance. . The petitioner has also indicated that several significant trees may be save.�i or gain a reasonable chance of survival if the front yard setback variance is granted. Site survey information verifying tree locations has not been provided in time for this review. FINDINGS The Planning Commissian must make the following findings in order to grant a vasiance as specified in Section 15.2 G of the Zoning Ordinance: 1) Granting a variance will not adversely affect the public health, welfare and safety and will not be detrimental or injuriaus to property or improvements in the neighborhood. 2) Striet interpretation or enforcement would result in a practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship inconsistent with the intent of this ordinance and the Comprehensive Guide Plan. 3) There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property, use or facilities that do not apply generally to other properties in the same district. 4) Strict or literal inteipretation would deprive the applicant of the use and enjoyrnent of his property in a manner similar to other owners in the same district. 5) Granting of the variance will nat allow a use which is otherwise not a permitted use in the zoning district in question. CONCLUSION Regarding the private septic system requirements, the petitioner has shown the lot to be buildable. Planning Staff would prefer to have separate perc tests for the alternate septic system locataons. In lieu of a separate perc test, the getitioner shauld provide in writing, the consultant's opinion regarding the alternate site(s). With regard ta the Front yard setback variance request fails to meet findings 2, 3, and 4; unless significant tree locations can be verified that would provide an argument far finding #3. RECOMMENDED ACTION Absent any additionai supporting infozmation, Planning Staff recommends denial af the variance request front yard setbaek standards because the request does not meet findings 2, 3, and 4 of Section 15.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. � ♦ City of Rosemount N°: VARIANCE PETlTlON /�9 i��� t�S/G l,�.t fL77�2.�., �/1.�C�' � Date: t�r, � Applicant: - . _ �..�. Phone: r1cL2„� �/,2�--14Dc.�'� 3(!`{ Address: � �Q � .Zl.- � ,— ' ��' STATUS OF APPLICANT: �_ Owner Buyer �essee 07HER: � - ' LOCATION: Lot�, � Block � , Addition �'fl � Stf1•tDr� S �, rr �-�' �-�.��in,t� street Address: ��'��" 1•����" �%G�1 , Metes & Bounds Description Attached: Survey or P�ot Plan Attached: ?� Variance Requested: N�N�M+�M �cr s.�G ,�o�e �.us.>E J`�/�fG �fsrM:.�'.c��:f! ��vG ra-,�a s���3�.,es, Proposed Zoning: k'u2r�� �P�'s�oC.�`:�.9G REASON FOR REQUEST: 1. S��T�3r�c�5 <<i� >�i�i�rl� i�/';/f�,,f t/i/i�G ✓I ST/'if T c�r^�,� 1✓C�� �.,�" /'ricT D!J 'T/�i 5 l fJ 7^ �i�rA� "7"['� ,� S�= �/���,e.'.�c�i �'Ti�i7l/c�S - i�' � /1�T�i�c=�t1�uzr;: ! 2. L£«/ Lv i v�= ��Ccl�T� in/ Scct3 n�ui 5r'av �'i,A-TrEn F/:�cly � l�r'9-�- 3. � �� �.� , ���- ti ' ' igna�ure of Appiicant cl� Nrv.�►r..q 0 OF IC SE ON Y APPlication received by:�• ��-Y..-�.— Date: �t ' �� - �-� Fee: .S How Paid: Date: Planning Cornmission Action: � . ,� 2�Z� O C)SeYYL01�LYL� PHONE (612)423-4411 2875•145th Street West.Rosemount.Minnesota MAYOR FAX j612)4235203 Mailing Address: Edward B.McManomy P.O.Box 510.Rosemount,Mi�nesota 55068-0510 COUMCfLMEMBERS ShBiia Klassen Jamea(Red)Staats ���*.+ �TO���� Marry Witloox 1 r Dennis Wippermann AOMINISTAATaR Stepnan JiNc VARIANCE PETTTIt3N THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING 34 FEET FROM THE FRONT PROPERTY LINE & AN ON-SITE S£PTIC SYSTEM ON AN UNDERSIZED LOT Basic Builders, Inc. 2086 128th Street West To Whom It May Concern: Notice Is Hereby Given, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount will hold a Public Hearing to consider the item listed below on Tuesday, May 25, 1993, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, beginn.in� at 5;30 p.m. ar as soon thereafter as possible. The Public Hearing listed below pertains to property located at 2086 128 Street VJest, legally described as follnws: Lot 8, Block 3, Jay Simon's First Addition The purpose of this hearing is to consider a variance to minimum setback requirements to allow the canstruction of a singie family dwelling 34 feet from the front pro�eny line trn an undersized lot as required in Sectian 7.1 of Ordinance B - City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance and to permit the instaliation of an on-site septie system on a lot less than 2-112 acres. Persons wishing to speak on this variance request are invited to attend the meeting on Tuesdav, Mav 2� 1993 at 5�30 p m Written comments will alsa be accepted grior to the meeting date. Please farward all comments and inquiries xo the City of Rosemount Planning Department. Dated this 1Oth day of May, 1993. S M. Walsh ity Clerk City of Rpse nt Dakota County, Minnesota �vert�things �oming ���5 �osemount�� � � . BASIC BUILDERS. INC. VARIANCE PETITION (MAY 25. 1993) MAII,nvG Lts�' 1. Thomas &Barbara Murphy 34-68300-410-01 12$65 Bengal Aver�ue Rosemount, MN 55068 2. Robert & Jeanne Boche 34�68300-020-01 12845 Bengal Avenue Rosemount, MN SSQ6$ 3. Timothy W. & Dagmar Jerin 34-68300-030-01 12795 Bengal Avenue 34-6$300-051-01 Rosemount, MN SSp68 4. Daniel J. Lockler 34-6$300-Q10-02 Barbara 7. Kaldahi 34-01610-130-Sg 2187 12$th Street West Rosemount, NIN 55068 5. Ray A. & Phyllis C. Barton 34-68300-020-02 . 2175 12$th Street West 34-68300-030-02 Rasemount, MN 55068 34-01610-018-55 6. Jeannette f. Shaver 34-6$3�0-041-02 2159 12$th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 7. Ralph H. & Deborah R. Hanson 34-68300-050-02 2135 12$th Street West Rosemaunt, MN 55068 8. Donald & Donna Berg 34-683Q0-071-02 2119 12$th Street West Rosemount, MN SSQ68 9. Glenn L. i.arson 34-68300-0$0-02 2075 128th Street West 34-68300-090-Q2 Rosemount, MN 55068 10. Delwin R. & Penelope Carter 34-6830Q-100-02 2025 128th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 11. William D. & Susan C. Stillwell 34-6830Q-110-02 127$5 Bacardi Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 12. Howard R. Foster 34-68304-020-03 2 i 92 128th Street West Rosemount, MN SSOb8 , � 13. Thomas T. & Helen Y, McDonald 34-683U0-030-03 2168 128th Street West Rosemount, MN SSQ68 14. Bruce W. & Diane M. Garbrecht 34-68300-Q40-03 2152 128th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 15. Dennis K. & Paulette Abbott 34-b8300-050-03 2118 128th Street West 34-68300-061-03 Rosemount, MN 5506$ 16. William r. & Leona K. I�atzenmaier 34-68300-Q7Q-03 2100 12$th Street West Rosemount, MN SS068 17. Basic Builders, Tnc. 34-68300-080-Q3 2810 145th Street West - PETITIONER - Rosemount, MN 55068 18. -Bruce K. Nelson 34-68300-090-03 ' �tancy N. Alexander-Nelson 207b i28th Street West Rosemount, MN 550b8 19. Janet McNamara 34-68300-20�-03 2056 128th Street West Rosernount, MN 55068 20. Michael A. & Suzanne Mortenson 34-68300-110-03 2026 128th Street West Rosemount, MN SSQ68 21. Christopher & Karen Gordon 34-68300-120-03 12865 Bacardi Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 22. Robert G. & Margaret Nagel 34-840Q4-010-02 2400 126th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 ' 23. Bradley D. & Susan L. Wisherd 34-84000-42Q-p2 12890 Biscayne Avenue Rasemount, MN SSOb$ 24. State of MN - F Tax 34-84fl�0-030-02 1590 Highway 55 �iastings, MN SS433 25. Robert W. Sime 34-84000-050-02 2300 126th Street West Rosemount, MN 5506$ � 26. � ��filip R. & Janet L. Holmes 34-84000-060-02 2200 126th Street West Rosemount, MN 5506$ 27. David & C. Robin Schmitz 34-84000-f�70-02 15645 Cornell Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 28. Norman fI. & Julie A. Zurfluh 34-840�0-080-02 2038 126th Street West Rosemount, MN 550b$ 29. Timothy W. & Dagmar Jerin 34-01610-012-55 12795 Bengal Avenue Rosemount, MN 55�68 30. Leanard Joseph Peterson 34-01610-0i4-55 12781 Bacardi Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 3L August R. & Marjorie Hanson 34-01610-016-55 '12790 Blanca Avenue P.O.'Box b6 �' Rosemvunt, MN 55068 32. William C. & Mary Lindell 34-01610-019-55 2261 130th Street West Rosemount, MN 55�68 33. Frank E. & Joan M. Haataja 34-01610-02�-55 RR 5 P O Box 93 Fergus Falls, MN 56537 34. Paul A. & Mary K. Sehmidt 34-01610-01Q-59 12965 Bengal Avenue 34-01610-Q20-59 Rosemount, MN 5506$ 35. Ronald R. & Joar� A. Goettsch 34-01610-030-59 2113 130th Street West 34-Q1610-050-59 Rosemount, MN 5�06$ 36. Eugene A, & Shirley Barthel 34-01610-040-59 i2962 Bengal Avenue Rosemount, MN SSObB 37. Donald E. & Donna F. Nelson 34-OI610-060-59 2141 130th Street West 34-OI610-070-54 Rosemount, MN 55068 38, Richard & Ruth A.nn Back 34-01610-090-59 12895 Bengal Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 39. John D. & Carol Beckman 34-01610-100-59 , 2090 13Qth Way Rosemount, MN 55068 40. Tirnothy W. & Patricia Baker 34-01610-110-59 12930 Bengal Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 41. Eugene D. & Ruby V. Quinnell 34-0161a-120-59 25873 Dodd Boulevard Lakeville, MN SSQ44 42. Bruce C. & Marcene Pylkas 34-01610-140-59 12995 Bengal Avenue Rosemount, MN 5506$ 43. VJilliam H. Schlichting 34-01b14-010-62 2305 130th Street West Rasemount, MN S50b8 44. Arthur T, & Mary C. McMenomy 34-01610-010-75 2204 Dayton Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 45. 7effrey A. Wilcziek 34-01610-012-85 1280Q Bacardi Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 46. 3oseph S. & Barbara H. Lape 34-41610-014-85 12780 Bacardi Avenue Rosernount, MN 55058 47. Oak Cliff Development, Inc. 34-Q1610-015-$5 Suite 403 34-�1610-016-85 7300 W. 147th Street 34-02110-011-01 Apple Valley, MN 55124 48. Betty Jane Nieland 34-02110-010-25 7740 Cahill Raad, #106 Edina, MN 55439 49. Gerald & rames Anderson 34-02120-011-29 2295 Bonaire Path Ros�mount, MN 55068 .. ........� .t,..a..ii r�l1L : , .. .,-.�-�•� � ,,�' �j ��' ' �j,'� Jeff Nivila ;�x� `�` � �.� � Basi;c Builders, Ine. "� t� �/� � Rosemount, HN 55068 _:� � ,� � .� \ � '� k \ tt,� p . �����, �� DELM/�R N. SCHWANZ J,,, ��. � �ANO SURYEYORS,lkC. � �J Apl�t�r�d 11n6er 1�..�ol TM Slal�of I.tine.�sda 14750 SOUTH FiOBERT TRAtL ROSEMQUNT, MDNNESOTA 5508a 612/< 17Q9 � . , SURVEYQR'S GER7IFICATE ���'s' p�� � � r`� �T�'f fT • �.� _•9 �.1� Sca1e: 1 inch = 40 £eet • a ?s`� ", Average front ysrd � a� setback by�scale from ►� '�z , `_ s.,� �.",`_ Average side setback by topography map = 35� ee ,F,; scaie at front of house ������ `9$'c3 at closest side = 21 ft. / `� �' "`�- �� more or less. � V �1 ^ rZ �2 %��LL � // ~ `/�'+_ 4 . . . . ^�` �) ~ 'C�r, . ��� � � . . /V /' � b , �„ � ` �. � � . ,p� �0. � y�l.�/ '�< �p ?`` '�' , . b 1�� �� �- ��. �. ; ' Description: l� �,� y p� � `� ! Lot 8, B10Ck 3, JAY•SIMON'S � ; J� •,y� �' �it.�PO4 / ` � ' ! .� � �M FIRST I�DDITION, according to the / '- : \ .4� a ^ ,� recorded plat thereof, Dakota . ' '. .�/ �"� � ' `"i� '•l;;��\ ` " � `^ rp� ^' . . _J . {ft l� 1 Gounty, t3innesota. i '. :� '�u; � � d �� �~ � . � � /��, � ' .�� .�, � , � Also showing the location of &,,,s � , - ' y�•yb � a proposed house thereon. � �a lc.�'�;-3 (1. � IE%C•. � � � � v ] � L o 7' S �' � �-,- \� f3r.oG�� 3 � -'"r �� !f � i�,.. '.- \0� Drainage & Utility � \ ---�� � � � • Easements � � a` � /�„ -/ � . . �/ / . -_"=- � ,_. � . . . . . . �� . /'��� � /���-�.. t`. � . "!/ i) �,---� � /� Q '-Y� ` S O �� � '�1 '� .� �,,�, /� , 2��� ,=` /i� r_'�` '"� ;� i J'.f \�,,`�Q� �� ``� ` . � \ i � , •,r , \tib � '�,',� �f/ `- r w.i ,� � � r � �U � - '° '� � `�• , � � � � � �� i heroby certlfy that thlt survey,plan,or report was ' � prepared by me or uncter m dlrect w f Y penitbn anE • • y!, that t em a duly Repiaterod Land Survtyot undar • v the law:ot the Stals ot Mlnnesota. , C !/��� t/ 01-21-93 De1mar H,Schwanz Dated MEnnesota ReqirtraElon No.6625 • OZ-25-93 � .� � ' ' Certificate of Descri�tion For: � Jeff Nivila ' � ' Sasic Builders, Inc. ' � Rosemount, l+II�1 55068 DELMAR H. SCHWANZ �A�+o aunveroas.�Nc. PepNf�r�O UnEa L�w+a�TM Snu oi u�nn�sa� � . . 14750 SOUTH flOBERT TRA1L ROSEMOUNT, MtNNE507A 55066 6i2/4 1789 . ..-���y SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE . ` s r,�,� ',w..�" . �,`, ��'s-r ��� Scale: 1 inch = 40 feet a �9 / Average front yard �, a; setback by scale frc>m sF rs-,S •_ Average side setback by topography map = 35 fee ,,,�` '� Q�, � '� scale at front of house . 9 �3 at c2osest side = 21 ft. / .� ,��1 �� more or less. �� � 'YV E,C"C' � tit� �� 2Z � '� ,� , G.9� ^ `� �� ,p� t,°` � � � f �� �b �'� :� k, ' ,o �.� � ►�/ Descrigtions }� N y '� d J Lot 8, Block 3, JAY SIMON'S ` �/ �`.---J- •Si�'''� .� �S� �� -•.2Z . � • / .�� ;Q FIRST 11DDITION, according to the �^,� �� ry�' ; :a � recorded plat thereof, Dakota SJ .;�> ��„���K- ti �, ` '� r�� County, Minnesota. f `�% �� �9 � 2p ' h � � � L,rr � � Pw�.,(� Also showing the location of � � a proposed house thereon. � � �,J�� � �� ���� � %- = � � s �. �T ` � �' \ \� a G�T��� � \ L ���_t � �• �o-T. , S J _. Qo. _ \ B�oc�L ���3 �;, � o- �, �d� Drainage & Utiiity., �., �� �''�� . \ • Easements '� ;Y�;�. '�, �,,.-'' � �o� �/� �� o / . � \..�''� /f� �::Y _ • . , � .� _. �, . �:. .\`. -v} � . ---��.- � ta �"► ' ��a-� �- � r:� ' �� i�i��-�� 1�'�'� '.�� , �.y � f' 1 �,,' , w,�� ,U�o i � � � � � . / �0 � � Ney+ house locatian 04-27-93. ���k��tt�'�i�iisrt�;y� / Nei+ house location 45-1f1-93. ����`'�`�Z�"��sO�'v,,, v .`� f`'`•... ,� '�'.:''.. 1 hereby certily ihat tMs survey,plan,o�report waa ? � '9 :, prepared by me or under my direct supervfaton and � *r� p,ELMA� H. ��� �' 1 thet I am e duly Regfsbrod lnnd Sun►eyor under � t ' � f i the I�ws ot the State oi Mlnneacta. � � 5�����''�Z � , '�l ��l/li�T";,�' � 01-21-93 =�'', '862� ;Q�;'Oelrner H.Schwanz � � :, Oeted �.,��i�•., y��t Mlnnesota ReQlstratlon No.aQ2S 01-25-93 ����.��.J�*'��,.��`, • �''��;�v,.. ..::�^'�' - • .. __. . ___.'. �_�`��"�� •a_ � ,���� r - - Tit!! � ' , � _ _- _ _- / � _ _ - / - ___ = ,_� . i je __ _� - _--�i� � ... .y : . = �,-, ,� :-��.,,� ;: ���1� -;: ___ ��'' -� - =� �'` . � -z = _ -;;r - � � �. _ _ , �'�;,� ■ :. _ -_ _ ._ ,e�� � �i�� � ■ , - - - . _ _ - - _ - - �� - - ' _��- • - . • ,�+,'_ = _ . 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