HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.c. Review of Condemnation Award Made to Al Monk CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SZTNIM'ARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 19, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: REVIEW OF CONDEMENTATION AWARD AGENDA SECTION: MADE TO AL MONK OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: JOHN MILLER, AGENDA���/� � J� � ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR ��� a 'T ATTACHMENTS: OCTOBER 14 LETTER FROM ANN APP Y GROSSMAN, "PORT AUTHORITY EXPENDITURES. . . " As you are aware from a previous memorandum, Al Monk was awarded $220, 000 for property condemned by the port authority for the Armory/Community Center project . The port authority is also required to pay a $500 appraisal fee to Monk. Grossman' s letter of October 14 calculates the interest the port authority owes Mr. Monk from May 1 when the property was taken. At this point the port authority has three options : A. Pay Al Monk $220, 000 + $500 + $1, 036 . 71 B. Appeal the award in district court C. Wait to see if Mr. Monk appeals the award While I am prepared to discuss the merits of the three options with you in closed session (pending litigation) , I believe payment of the award would be the prudent action. Court costs of an appeal would more than offset any potential gain. I am enclosing a summary of expenditures to date in completing the armory/community center project . RECONII�IENDED ACTION: Motion to approve payment to Al Monk of $56, 536 .71 as final and complete installment for land located at 13955 and 13965 South Robert Trail . PORT AUTHORITY ACTION: FROM LINDQUIST&UENNUM 10, 14, 1993 09:25 N0, 4 P, 2 � � . - d2'QQ f�s(�MF;R . . IN DEhhLP � . . ��qy}}�fp�(fi1$1�EET � LiVi{YII�,ST VFNd.W 6�}IWSTENSEN � Mn�E�WtluS;Mwi+E90TA:�S�i02•22OS G00 ti Tn+S�EeT.Su+g 2125 LINDQUIST &,VENNtJ1VI ::. r�:a,2��,�,� ��a����� F�Vc.$12-311,420T To�rHo►�:303-5735900 Arr�Ners AT!�w - ANN K GiIOSSMAN 61?J371�247 October 14, 1993 , . BY TELECC}PZER Mr. Jahn Miller City of Rosamount Port Authority Economic Deveiopme�t Coardinator 28�5 145 Street West � Post Office Box 514 Rosemount, Minnesota 550b8 Dear John: This letter i�s:`�o let you know the amciunt of interest which . must be added to the net amount awed Albert Monk as a result of the recently-issued commissioners' : award. According to Minn. Stat. § 117. 195: [a]11 damages allawed under this chapter, whether by the commissioners or upon appeal, shall bear interest from the time of filing of the cor�missioner's, report or from the date . of the petitianer's possession whichever occurs first. At the statutory 4% ;interest rate, which is to be calculated on a simple, per annum basis;` interest owed on the $55,000 portion of the award which mus� now be pazd to Monk `equals $2,d36.71. 1 This amount is based on the praduct of $55,OOQ x .04 x 172/365. Please .let David or .me know sbould �Qu need additional . . infarmation. .. , _ Very truZy yours, LINDQUI.ST .&. VENNUM C��,� .""�I'_I✓f--G/t.-�-m �..-u.,� Ann K. Grossman cc: David A. Allgeyex �$55, Od0 is, of course, the difference between the $220, o0D commissioners' award a,nd the am�unt the Port Authority has already paid Monk, $165,000. The number- of days between the date the Port Authority took possessian af the Mnr�k property, May l , I993 , and October 19, i993 is 172 . PORT AUTHORITY EXPENDITURES IN ACQUISITION AND RELOCATION OF THE ARMORY PROPERTIES (UNAUDIT'ED) Acc�uisition Costs L Lindquist and Vennum $52,241.14 2. Bultema Appraisal $11,185.00 3. Peer, Inc. (environmental) $ 6,285.90 4. West Suburban Mediation $ 267.00 5. Dakota County FiRA $ 90.00 6. R.J. Valek (demolition) $ 6,121.00 7. Dakota County Treasurer (taxes) $ 4,118.33 8. Southern Business Comm. 33.00 Sub-Tota1 $80,341.67 Environmental Clean-Un l. R.J. Va1ek $ 2,018.00 2. Hickey Consultants $10,772.00 3. AA Environmental $19,599.00 Sub-Tota1 $32,389.00 Land Purchase l. A1 Monk $220,500.00 2. Tourdot $100,000.00 3. Battaglia $ 49,050.'70 Sub-Total $369,550.70 Relocation 1. Monk $43,421.00 2. Anderson $13,743.82 3. Halbert $28,300.00 4. Tourdot $16,937.65 5. Capocasa $26,899.50 6. Battaglia $59,000.00 Sub-Total $188,301.97 TOTAL ALL COSTS $670,583.34