HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.c. Minutes of October 5, 1993 Regular Meeting D AFT ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS � REGULAR MEETING ' OCTOBER 5, 1993 ' Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Port Authorit was-duly held on 'hiesday, October 5, 1993, at 5:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Rosemount ity Hall, 2875 - 145th Street West. Chair Dunn called the meeting to order with Commissioners Anderson, Carroll, Edwards„ McMenomy, and Sinnwell present. Commissioner Wippermann was absent. Staff prese�t inclnded Executive Director Jilk, Economic Development Coordinator Miller, Public Works Direc�or Wasmund, Finance Director May, and Port Authority Attorney Miles. ; Additions and changes to the agenda included 4.C. Muller Theater Discussion, 7.C. CM � Discussion, 7.D. Kerry Johnson Proposal, 9.A. Change Nov. 2 Meeting Date, 9.B. Plan�ing Workshop/October 7, 1993, and delete 7.B. Downtown Parking Issue. � MOTION by Edwards to approve the consent agenda. SECOND by Sinnwell. Ayes: 6: Nays: 0. i MOTION by McMenomy to approve payment of$23,421.00 to Mr. Monk for personal �elocation, search for rental property, and lost rent of property. SECOND by Carroll. Ayes: Carrdll, Dunn, McMenomy. Nays: Anderson, Sinnwell. Present: Edwards. Motion passed. Commissioners agreed to defer discussion of the rental agreement with Repairs, Inc. to it�m 7.D. Kerry Johnson Proposal. � � MOTION by Carroll, 1) that the Rosemount Port Authority's Economic Development Coprdinator prepare a written timetable or project schedule for the Muller Theater Project; 2) that the �timetable or project schedule specify each step that must be taken in order to bring the Muller Thea�er Project to a conclusion, along with a projection regarding the completion date for ea.ch step in th� process, and an indication of the party or parties who are responsible for (or involved in) completi$�g each step; 3) that the written or project schedule be distributed to the Mullers, the City Adminiistrator, the Rosemount Port Authority Commissioners, the Rosemount Planning Department, and the �ort Authority's legal counsel no later than Wednesda.y, October 13, 1993; 4) that if or when it becomes necessary to modify the original timetable or project schedule in any significant respect, tl�e Economic Development Coordinator shall be responsible for making said revisions and fo� immediately distributing copies of the revised project schedule to the parties identif'ied in $he preceding paragraph; 5) that the Economic Development Coordinator shall attend any me�ting of the Planning Commission at which issues related to (or potentially affecting) the Muller Thea.�er Project are expected to arise, and that he shall provide the Rosemount Port Authority Commissio�ers with a report on any such Planning Commission meeting at the next regularly scheduled Port Authority meeting; 6) that the Economic Development Coordinator shall meet regularly with the M�illers, or with any representatives that the Mullers shall designate, to discuss the progress of the M�ller Thea.ter Project; and that at least two days' advance notice of any such meeting be given tb the City Administrator, the Planning Department, the Port Authority's Business Park Promotional I Subcommittee members, and the Port Authority's legal counsel so that any of the aforemeintioned parties can determine whether their attendance would be necessary or useful; 7) that unless or until the Port Authority indicates otherwise, the Muller Theater Project shall be listed as the fu�st item � � � � ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS � REGULAR MEETING ' OCTOBER 5, 1993 under "Old Business" on the Agenda for each future meeting of the Port Authority, and th�t at each such future meeting of the Port Authority, and that at each such future meeting of the Port Authority, the Economic Development Coordinatar shall provide a report regarding the Mi�ller Theater Project's progress toward completion. SECOND by Anderson. ' Commissioner Carroll explained that this motion would assist the Port Authority in taking;a more active role in the coordination of projects and allow the Port Authority to give more direct�on on how projects are completed. Commissioner Sinnwell commented that he was comforta.ble'with the way the project was progressing and Economic Development Coordinator Miller concurred that the project was on track and it was an incorrect assumption that no progress was being made. i Mr. Muller was allowed to speak and suggested that it was important to have interaction with t�e Port Authority and work as partners and that there should be interaction among all affected dep�.rtments as well. Chair Dunn called for a poll of the motion. ' Ayes: Anderson, Carroll. Nays: Dunn, Edwards, Sinnwell. Abstain: McMenomy. Motion failed. David Drown from Springsted, Inc. provided the commissioners with bid tabs from the sale of the Taxable General Obligation Bonds, Series 1993E, business park bonds, to fmance the purc�ase of the Abbott property. Drown reviewed the bid tabs and advised that Park Investment Corpbration was the low bidder. Executive Director 7ilk advised that if the Port Authority takes action; to approve the resolution, the City Council then needs to adopt an ordinance approving the sa�1e, a1so. MOTION by Edwards to approve Resolution 1993-7, A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING OFFER ON THE SALE OF $580,000 TAXABLE GF.NF_R,aii, OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIE� 1993E, PROVIDING FOR THEIR ISSUANCE AND LEVYING A TAX FOR THE PAYN�NT THEREOF. SECOND by Sinnwell. Ayes: Dunn, McMenomy, Edwards, Sinnwell, Ca#�roll, Anderson. Nays: 0. Economic Development Coordinator Miller introduced Diane Nordquist of the Dakota Couinty HRA and advised that she was present to discuss the proposed senior housing project for Rosemmunt. Nordquist advised that they are continuing to work on two sites; Burma Avenue, between �46th Street and 147th Street; and Cameo Avenue, between 146th Street and Upper 147th Street; She explained that there were three criteria to consider when attempting to choose a site, those ibeing 1) proximity to retail and health care, 2) architectural criteria, and 3) cost to acquire the site.; Both sites are equal in there proximity to the downtown, but the Cameo site is preferred becaus¢ of the more residential feel and quietness. In response to commissioners' questions, Nordquist e�plained that the HRA is proposing to acquire the site in 1994 with construction to start sometime i� 1997 and that a site would need to be selected soon if that timetable is to be followed. Renee Stevenson, representing Cameo Avenue residents, was allowed to speak and questioned if the resident� of Cameo Avenue would be allowed to voice their concerns regarding the project. Commissibners assured Ms. Stevenson that public hearings would be held where residents would be allow�d to speak regaxding their concerns. Commissioners concurred that they needed more 2 � � DR� FT ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING ' OCTOBER 5, 1993 information regarding the project and agreed to hold a special meeting on Wednesda.y, November 17, 1993, to discuss the pmject further. Commissioners Anderson suggested �that each member submit questions they may have to Miller to forwazd to the HRA so that they ca�n prepare for the meeting. Another suggestion was to schedule tours of other HRA senior housing'projects. Commissioners directed Miller and Miles to make sure that a notif'ication process takes appropriate form and that residents are informed of any upcoming meetings. , MOTION b Edwards to schedule a s ecial meetin to discuss the HRA ni r h Y p g se o ousulg pro�ect for Wednesday, November 17, 1993 at 6:30. SECOND by Sinnwell. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Wayne Delf'mo from CMC Heartland was introduced to the Port Authority. Mr. Delfincj advised that CMC is looking for assistance from the Port Authority in several matters. He requ�sted that the Port Authority consider using TIF monies to purchase the quonset building on the corner of T.H. 3 and C.R. 42 and relocate the tenants leasing that building, purchase land to reloc�te the railroad spur line that runs through their proposed project, and consider selling an easem�nt for stormwater ponding on the Port Authority's business park property. Considerable discus�ion ensued including liability concerns for environmental clean-up. MOTION by McMenomy to direct staff to prepare tax increment financing information �n regards to acquiring the spur line for the CMC project and have staff inquire into acquiring the r�.ilroad hut and to work with CMC with whatever numbers they need for return, and bring back infarmation to the next meeting in two weeks. SECOND by Edwards. Ayes: Dunn, McMenomy, Edwards, Carroll, Anderson. Nays: Sinnwell. Port Authority Attorney Miles advised the board that he had met with Kerry Johnson on �October 4, 1993, regarding moving ahead with the demolition of the structures and environmental cliean-up and whether there was agreement to move up the date of giving notice as to whether the proj�ct was a "go" or "no go." Miles advised that Mr. Johnson is willing to alter the date to Februaly 1, 1994 on the condition that demolition of the structures is undertaken. Also agreed upon were coriditions, that if the Port Authority is to proceed, that he would provide to the Port Authority before February 21st copies of leases, a form of financial security or letter of credit, and submit $4,000 of his own money to indicate his seriousness. Mr. Johnson advised that he didn't see any problems ;with any of these conditions and indicated that they should be ready by the February 21 st deadline bacause they were getting close on leasing the entire build'mg and needed only one more major tenant. He felt that digging should start before February 21, 1994. MOTION by Edwards to direct staff to prepare an agreement with Johnson that substantial progress on the project must be made by the February 21, 1993, and that the port authority would undertake the demolition of the structures and that Johnson would pay the reasonable costs of demalition activities and surveys. SECOND by Sinnwell. Ayes: Edwards, Sinnwell, Carroll, Andierson, Dunn. Nays: 0. Abstain: McMenomy. MOTION by Sinnwell to allow Repairs, Inc. to lease the buildings on a month-to-month basis for ' $500.00. Motion failed for lack of a second. � 3 DR F`� ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS �. REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 5, 1993 ; MOTION by Dunn to give Mr. Cope any necessary legal notice to vacate as expeditious�y as tune permits. Motion failed for lack of a second � I ; Because of time constraints, the remaining items on the agenda were not discussed. j MOTION by Edwards to adjourn. SECOND by Sinnwell. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0 Meeting adjoumed at 7:31 p.m. ' Respectfully submitted, � Deborah Widstrom Recording Secretary i � 4 i