HomeMy WebLinkAbout3. Minutes of May 17, 1993 Work Session PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS �� „ "'Y WORR SESSION MAY 17, 1993 . Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a work session of the Rosemount Port Authority was duly held on Monday, May 17, 1993 at 5 : 35 p.m. at the Rosemount Fire Station. Chair Dunn called the meeting to order with Commissioners McMenomy, Wippermann, Dunn, and Edwards present. Commissioners Carroll, Sinnwell, and Anderson were absent. Also present were Executive Director Jilk and Attorney Mike Miles. Attorney Miles requested that item 6 . C) Update on the Proposed Carlson Shopping Center be added to the agenda. MOTION by Edwards to approve the May 3, 1993 regular meeting minutes as printed. SECOND by McMenomy. Ayes: 4 . Nays: 0 . MOTION by Edwards to approve the April 20, 1993 closed executive session minutes as printed. SECOND by McMenomy. Ayes: 4 . Nays : 0 . MOTION by Wippermann to approve the invoices as presented. SECOND by Edwards. Ayes: 4 . Nays: 0 . Dave Simons, from SEH, provided an update of the Business Park Feasibility Study, Phase I. Simons advised that the cost of the Phase I project is estimated to be 1.5 million dollars, which does not include land acquisition costs. Commissioners discussed the need for sidewalks in the business park and agreed that this could be an area to cut some costs. Simons further advised that there are still issues to be resolved before finalizing the formal report. Meetings with CMC representatives to discuss drainage issues and Dakota County to discuss C.R. 42 access issues will be made. Also discussed was the proposed NNSA expansion which would include the business park if approved by the Metropolitan Council and the MWCC. The Met Council notified the city that they had extended their review period to September 22, 1993 . Simons was directed by the Board to resolve these issues and finalize the feasibility report. biOTION by Edwards to negotiate a purchase agreement with Roy Abbott and place the agreement on the June 1 Port Authority agenda. SECOND by McMenomy. Discussion ensued. Commissioner Edwards questioned the advisability of moving forward with a purchase agreement when there is uncertainty that the Met Council will approve the MUSA expansion or that Dakota County will approve the C.R. 42 access to the business park. Edwards requested that staff be as assertive as possible when dealing with the Met Council and Dakota County when attempting to resolve these issues. Commissioners also discussed how the project would be financed and whether this project would hinder financial assistance for the proposed motel project. Executive Director Jilk answered questions regarding specific items to be included in the purchase agreement. Ayes: McMenomy, Wippermann, Dunn, Edwards. Nays: 0. (Polling of the above motion. ) �KAt'T PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS �IORR SESSION MAY 17, 1993 Discussion continued regarding acquisition of a portion of the Harold Wachter property and the Michael Gerten property, which are also needed to complete Phase I of the business park. MOTION by McMenomy to direct staff to enter into negotiations with the Wachters and the Gertens for acquisition of their property located within Phase I of the business park. SECOND by Edwards . Discussion ensued and consensus was reached to direct staff to negotiate a purchase agreement with Abbott first and then begin discussions with the Wachters and Gertens. Commissioners McMenomy and Edwards withdrew their motion and second. Attorney Miles updated the Board regarding his meeting with the Carlsons and Mr. Heiberg concerning their proposed shopping mall . Miles advised that the Carlsons are requesting $247, 000 in assistance for infrastructure improvements and 10 acres in the proposed new business park, for which they will pay the assessments on. Commissioner Wippermann requested that staff research EDA proceedings to find information on the original commitment made to the Carlsons by the EDA. Staff was directed to draft a development agreement for this project and present it to the Board June 1. MOTION by McMenomy to adjourn. SECOND by McMenomy. Ayes: 4 . Nays: 0 . Meeting adjourned at 7: 05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Deborah Widstrom Recording Secretary 2