HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.b. Lindquist and Vennum - Legal . , 42001DS CerrtER iN OErrveR 80 SourN E�ct�ni 3tt�er Urroouisr,V�NUM 3 GHwsr�NseN M�riroenvol.ts.MINNE90TA S.r?$02-2'LOS B00 17ni STpEEr.SurtE 2125 LINDQUIST &VENNUM T�'"°"'�6,2.�"-�„ °�'�,"°°�.�, Fn�e 672371-3207 TE�a�+Or�:303-573-5900 ArroaNEvs AT Lnw RICkUWQ T.QSTLUi� 612�371�3256 May 21, 1993 Rosemount Port Authority c/o Mr. Stephan Jilk, City Administrator 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-0510 Dear Steve: Enclosed please find our invoice for services rendered on your behalf. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our billing, please don't hesitate to contact me. Best regards. Very truly urs,; , � ��-- / � � �L'INDQUIST: ' VEN Ricn a T. os luna RTO/mjw Enclosure , . . , In Account With LINDQUIST £r VENNUM � � � 4200 IDS CENTER - � � � � MINNEAPOtIS, M�NMESOTA 55402 � . � � 6A2-371.3211 � � � /� � � AMOUNTENCLOSED$. . � RBSEMOUNT POR�' AUTHORITY C/0 MR. STEFHAN JIL1f, CITY ADMINISTRA7UR 2875 145TH STREET iJFST DATE MAY 20, 1993 P. O. BOX 514 FILE lVO . 434124 . �Ofl1 ROS£MOUNT, MM 55458tl5i0 INVOIC£ N0. 93987 16� � � GENERAI. C4UNS�L-CONDEM .F'R4 04d01193 V L FRANK Pra�are and ass�a�blt dozuser�#s for cla�ing; conference witt� title closer regarding +clasing i��u�s; fax rlatu�ent s t o t i t 2 e co�r�any; canference with J . Mfller reg�rdfRg fee tit �e 04lO1J93 D K PAGE Ctrnfer afth David Allgeyer reg3rding �o�pie# fon of closing on M�nday; canfer xith Vicky Frar�k reqard#ng prgparation o# tit2e and cla�ing docuoents . 04102l93 D K PACE T�l�pt►one conferestca with Vicky Frank and As►n 6ross�an. 44f02�93 A i� fiROSSMAN Draft R,�pairc, inc . praposed agree�en�t ; discu�s postpane�aent af closing aith D. Pag�, S . li�izberg, .I . �rf23 , 0 . Allgeyer and 3 . Miller; research regarding r¢2ocation obligaticns to businesses on Repaira, inc. gite. 0�l02/'�3 V t FRANK Conference with D. PagQ at�d A. &ra�$man to p3an client strategy r�gardir�g clo�ing issues; conference with tftle claser ta resched�sle clasing 04/Q3/93 A K GR4S3MAM Prepare �nalysis re+�ardi�q retocaxion abligations With respect t� Repairs, Inc. 04/OS/93 D K PA6E Telephone conferenc� wfth David Al2qeyer rega�rding pa�tential settle�ient fr► 1i�u c# :�ale and ta strat�gize regarding title problem; teiephone confergnce with �rian 1Jei�berg regar�ling title �atters an� postpor�e+�ent o� closing, t�lephoc�e conf+rrence� with lVar� Johnson af t?aka�te County Ab�tract regardfnq titl: matters; telephane confsr,ence with Dave Snoeyenba� cf Dakata �ovnty Abstract regarding saa�er draft carresp+ondence ta i 12 part i ss regardi rsg �a�re. 04/OSf93 A K GROSSMAM Send drat`t a!' agreement to Repafrs, I�c. C4Ltf15Q�1 ; di�cus� agre�e�ent revi�fcr►s with 8. �leisberg; fax re�rised a�gr�eement Eo B. t�ei�berg. LINDQUIST&VENNUMISAN LINDQUIST £t VENNUM � �EEO/AA EMPLOVER. � . . FED.I.D.#410656379 . � , in Account With LINDQUIST it VENNUM . 4200 IDS CENTER � . . � � MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 �. . � � � 612-371-32T1 � � . . � � AMOUNT ENCLOSED 5 ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHQRITY C/0 MR . STEPHAN JII.K, CITY ADMINISTRATt?R 8875 14STH STREET t�EST DATE MAY 20, f993 P.O. 80X 510 FILE At� . 43�#24 .4401 ROSfiMOUI�T, MN SSOb805tQ INVOIG� N4. 93�ST 168 �. J CENERAL COUNSEi.-CflM�EM.PRO 44�05/93 D A AL�GEY£R Study Strese �frtutes; write ta D . t#idstro�e regarding torttfn�tc, Qtc . : doub2e chetk Rep�irs, Inc . repaye�ent obligati�o�: �tt�nt ian ta agre�ee�en� . Q4/ti6/93 I? K PAGE Tei�phone confQr�ttce froa� J�hn �13I2er regarding ��tabli�h�nent af Ecano�nfc Deveio��aertt Authority and transfer of property intere�ts to Port Authority . 44/Obl93 Q A ALLG€Y£R Negatiat� with ueisb�rg; coaferencc �fth A . Crogs�aan; appear ba�far: Porrt Autharity . ��/Q7193 D A ALIG£YER Cha�ge sgre¢�ent to canference ta action of Rose�►ount Port Author�fty; �rrite oppo�fng �aunsel ; speak �ith �pposfn� counsel . 0410T/93 A #� CROSSMAM Revie� revised agreement : telephane conference aith B. Eie€�ber9 tcounse3 fa� Repa�irs, Inc. ) regarding sa�e. �4/08/93 D A ALL6EYER Finalfze agree�ment and i�tter ta opp��it�q caun�el . Q4/13/93 D K PACE Tel�phone conferestcQ Wi�th Davfd A21g�yer re}ardint� ststus of transf�r of property fcow £DA ta Port Auth�rity ; dratt carrespondenc� to 3ahn Mil2er re�arding saRe. 04/13/93 D A ALL6EYER S�eak w#th $rian �Jei�sberg re�arding hf�a request for cZar�ification, spe$k uith E . Du�ri and ,I . Miiier ra�srding st�tus �f sftuation; cI$rify �atter witt► B . Weisbery and arrange far s�ettle�er�t . 4�/1�l93 D A ALI.�EYER Revia� �inutes; make clarificatiaz� . O�F/f6/93 D K PA&E Revie� Settlguent Agree�4nt reg�rdi�q releasa� of option and vacation af pro��rty ; tQ2ephon� cor►ference �fth p�ufd Allgeyer �eqardi�g requi�ed ch:n�v to s��e ta acturately deccrfb� sub2���eas. 04lt9�93 A K 6ROSSMAN Arrange f�r correctfon� o#` R�pai�s, Inc. aqreea�an# . F£ES �0� SERVICES R�N€�EREi� � 2,345.45 uNDQUIST&vENNUMISAN LINDQUIST fr VENNUM EEO!AA EMPLOYER. PED.1.D:#410658379 InAccount With LINDQUIST tt VENNUM � � 4200 IDS CENTER � . � .� . . � � . MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 554�02 � � � � � � � � � � � � 672-377•3211 . . . . � � � �� �AMOUNT ENCIOSED$ . � . ROSENOUi�T POR7 AUTH{?RITY C/0 MR . �TEPHAN JILK, CITY ADl4INISTRATOR �C875 i�45TH STREET WES1' DAi'E MAY 2{t, fi�393 P.O. BOX 510 FILE MQ . 43�#24 .fl001 ROS�MOUNT. MN 550b845tt1 iNitOICE NQ. 1398? t68 � � CENERAL COUNSEI-CONDEM.PR� DATE QI8$URSEM€NTS Photocopy Charges 6.80 Facgfail� Charg�ts 2.50 T4TAL DI8BUR3EMENTS � 9. 30 TOTAL CURRENT FEES AND OISBURSEMENTS # 2,354. 75 LINDQUISTBVENNUMISAN LINDQUIST $ VENNUM EEO/AA EMPLOYER. FED.I.D.#410658379 in Account With LtNDQUIST £t VENNUM . � � . . 4200 IDS CENTER . � - . � � MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 � � . � � � � 612-371-3211 � �. � � . � � � . � AMOUNT ENCLOSED$ � � . . .� RO�SEMQUNT PORT AUTHORITY C!0 MR . STEPHAM JILK, CITY AOMINIST�tATOR 2$75 145TH STREET 4JE�T UATE MAY 20, f9�� P.O. BOX Si0 FII.E MO . 4341C4 . 0402 R�OSEMOUNT, liN 55068051 0 I NVOi CE MlO. 939'87 t b8 � � 6ENERAL GORPORATE 04E4S/93 A K 6ROSSMAW Research anQ analysis reQardinq Port Autharfty 's ri�ht to �r�t�r property subj*ct #o c�nde�nation proceedin9s . 04/84193 A �C CROSSMAN Co��rl4ta opinion ■emorar►duR rggirdinq Port Autha�ity's rfght ta enter p�operty subject to tond��anat ian proceedings. 04t05f93 a A ALL6EYER Write J. Milier regardfn� research ar� ent�y of dQ�al it f crn. etc . 44/07l43 D A ALLGfYER RQvie�e lett�r fro�e oppasing eounsai , �rite 3ohn Miller . 04�tf8/93 D A ALL6EYER Study relocstian issues s�t out fn te�trter fror� .T . �lentko�th; assiqn research �fth vfew to�ard li�ft #ng any further paywent . 0�/Q9/93 t3 A AL�.GEY�R Conference c�ith J. uentwerth . 04/1�/93 D A ALLCEYER L.Ddif it a�aving �xpen�+�s ��ai�r:d. 04/12/93 A K 6ROSSMAN Research reqardfng amendes! ��iocation claim for act us 1 �aavf ng �xpense� and ree�t ab2 i sh�er►�t payment submitted by Ad�G �Hatbert ) and Mank '� aa�Qnded raqugst ; con#erenc4 �i•th David A3lgeyer and .tackie Wentworth reqarding saa�e; n�ap aut stratlgy regarding denial o# rQquest� for addit fo�►al payeent . 491i2f93 T Z PABEL M�eting with Oauid A13�#yer rggarding prablem� aith relocatia� and anticfpa�ted Iitfgs�tian. 04f14193 Q l� AILCEYER Speak to Ai Man�C . 04/i'�/93 D A A�I.GEYER Conference aith �. Mill�r reqardfng Brili co�ataer►ts� speak wf th 3. 8ri I! . 041t6/93 A K 6R88SMAM agter�ine and plan f�e ca�pletien 4€ ta�sk� rQ�aining with r�spect to Battag2i�, R�pafrs, Inc. and Tourdot properties. 04f16193 D A ALLCEYER Attend to s+ettle�ent and apprai��3s; draft lEtter and analysis to John Miller aft$r a�aly$is of appraisals a�d off�r�. 04l19/93 A K 6ROSSMAM Canfer:nce �ith J. Srill reqarding settle�nec�t LINDQUIST6VENNUMISAN LINDQUIST 8 VENNUM EEO�AA EMPLOYEfi. PED.I.D.#a10658379 In Account With LINDQUIST £r VENNUM . . � � 4200 IOS CENTER� ' � � � � � � . . . MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 � � � . . . . fi12-371-32ti � . � � �� . � AMOUNT ENCLOSED$ RQS£HflUNT POR'f AU'iHaRITY C/0 MR . S7Ef�HAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR 2�75 145Tii STREET WES7 DATE MAY �0, t993 P.O. BOX 510 FIi.� NO . �34124.80fl2 ROSEM�UNT, MM 55Q6$45t4 INV�ICE H4. 939ST 168 � � CENfRAL C�RP4RATE offer �especting Battagli� and Tourdat prapert i�s, requect coa��it�eent ragsrding apprafsals frow C . Bulta�a; draft Ietter to Aibert Monk 's attorn4y regar�ling pay�ent of approved apprafsal of value; res�arch r�ga►rd3ng act ions to coa�p�l pac��ession and dra�t �see►o to da�id Allqayer regardinQ saa�� . 04�20/93 A K CR03SMAN Ana2yze a►at�rials r#Iated to AdC's and lionk's relocation benefit ��title�ent; draft letter ta thei� respective attor�eys; tel:phone confer�nce aith J. 8ri11 re�ard3ng �apacass� in��re�t in Tcurdat Qrop�rty; co�munfcate ufth J. Miller reQar�ing settle�rent of Tourdot :nd ��ttagifa matters; c�nferertce +�fth C. �3ulte�a r�egardin$ Monk sppraisal ; canflr�rn�e w�th D. Sissevitla rega�rdf ng cowpe l I i�g cfe 2 i very of pos�ses;f on of Mvnk proper*y . fl4127/93 A K GROSSMAM Receive instruction� fram Part Authcrfty thrauqh John Miller; agr�e on se�#tle�en# regarding Tourdot and Sattaglfa prop�rti�es aith Jerry Hri 12 : wark on payee� na�red ort che�ks; t�2ep�►one confe�e�ce aith Marc Sin�psan regardi�g A�G amar►ded relocat tfln clai�. 04/�2/93 A K GROSSMAN Revi�� rQ�pon�es and strateqY wfth resp�ct ta relecati�n af Monk and A�6 w#tn 3ackie u;nta,�r#h; revige letters t� Mank and AiG to to�port �ith Port Author f t y�� dec f s f ot�s, det er�f�� n�a��s t o be put fln checks; obtaitt cer#ified order�t; conference �fth J . DorsarY �eqardfng praperty v#ewing; check pay�ent o! praperty t�xas. 44l�2/93 V � FRANK Research real estate tax fnformatiar� 44/23193 V L FRANK Dreft n�a�c to A. �ross�an reg�rtfir►g re�al e�tate tax informatian 04l26193 D K PACE Con�fer �ith Ann 6r4ss�ar► and Vfcky �r+�nk rQgardin9 LINDQUISTbVENNUMJSAN LINDQUIST & VENNUM � EEO�AA EMPLOVEF. � . . � . . � � . . FFD I p s a�p65H379 . in Account With LINDQUIST £t VENNUM . � 4200 IDS CENTER � � � � MINNEAPOUS, MINNESOTA 55402 . � fi12-371-3217 � � � � � � /� . � � � AMOUNT ENCLOSED$ . .� � R4SEMOUNT POR'f AUTHflR I TY C10 MR . STEPHAN JIl.K, CITY A�MiNISTFtATOR 2875 145TH ST'REET uEST OATE Ml4Y 2�1. T993 P.O. �OX S10 FILE N8 . 43A1L'�t . �442 ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068051 � INW4iCE Na. 93987 tb8 � J GEMERAL CflRPORATE C�ds�l1Q 4fl purchast� of ton�3e�n+�d properties, intludfng tax graration, far�a a! deed, �+tttlemgnt agre��aant , et c. 04l25/93 V � FRANK Me�tfn9 with i? . Fiqe and A . Grassuan to df�cuss aettle�eent issues; ordtr UCC s�archQs 'FOT �}i�8t2 County and Secretary ot St�t$'� of�fic4, revi�w awner 's and encuabt�ance r+�parts; draft clo�ir�q chfcklist ; order special asse�sment searche� fro� Dakota County Abstra�ct Compac�y 04/CGl9� A K 6ROS8MAN Arran�Q for property wiewing; df�cuss AdG relocatian pay�ent with r. Sfap�on; distu�s Monk relocatfon pay�nent with Dars4y; plan for May t , 1993 title tra�sfer . 04/2Tl93 A K CROSSMAN P2an for viewing of Mon� property #d occur on 4128f93; discus� A�G �e2ocation payn��ni aith John - Mi21er, David Al2g�y+er, Marc Si�pcon; arrang4 for transfer of title; res�a�ch regarding aliQca�tion af tax liabi�iti�s. 44l27/93 V � FRANK Prepar� for 4t3Q cla�ing; a�sea�ble closing docu�ent�; r�searc�t conde�anat3an statutes 04/2?/93 D K PA�E Confer with Ann Crosswan �nd lticky Frank regarding process for quick take purch�se af property . 041�8143 V L FRANit Draft termfnetion of 2eace for Taurdot/Rend'� Pizza; di�cussio� �ith A. �ros��an re�ardfnq map� of property ; r�rvie�r sp�c3a3 �►ssess�ent s�arches a�#/28�93 A K 6ROSSMAM Prepare for a�►d attend viea3ng of p�ro�erty; analyze rpel prop�rty tax 31abi23ti�s as a r�su3t af conde�natian of Ar�aory properties . 04/2$193 D K PACE Lagal res+e�rch regardinQ �ay�+ent of taxes in tvent of cond��►nation; canfer aith ARn Gross�art re�arding same. 04/E9l93 A K CROSSMAN Negotiations with J. �ri12 �rtd J . Dflr�ey regarding tax allocation aith re�pect ta candeened �roperty; canference �itt� Dav#d A3lgeyer LINDQUIST6VENNUMISAN LINDQUIST & VENNUM � EEO�AA EMPLOVER. � . . . . FED.I:D.#410658379 � in Account With LINDQUIST fr VENNUM � � 4200 �OS CENTER � . � . . � �MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 612-371-3211 � � . . � � � /'. . � .� � AMOUNT ENCLOSED S . � R08EMOUNT PBRT AUTNORITY C/0 MR. STEPHA�1 JILi{, CITY ADMINISTRA3aR �8?5 145TH STttEET tiEST �}ATE MtAY �0, 1993 P.O. BOX 510 FILE NO. 4341�^4 .#l00� RflSEM4lJNT, MN 5506805t0 INYOICE N0. 93g87 ib8 � J 6ENERAL GQRPORATE r�gsrdinq fa�e; draft atipu2at ifln agr��ea��rt# and or�de� �eqarding Battagifa and Taurdot propertie�; di�cussian vacatton of Monk prop+erty with 3. itorsey. 04l29/93 D p ALL6EYER Canference and ne�otfat4 reyarding taxes; arran�e ta make pay�er►t . 04/30/93 D K Pp6E R$vie►t propos�d sftt lfm�nt a�rae�s�nt� far cont#ea�nation; canfer with Ann 6rosssan re�a�dinq potentfa3 revision� to same to recite a21 interests of recard. Q4/34193 i� A ALE.6EYER R�vie� stipu3atians; confer+rnte r4garding Sa�• and reqa�diny payment . 44134/93 A �{ CRQSSMAN Prepare n�en�orsndu� re9arding re]o�ation arid settleaent issues; arrange far de2fvery a!` a check fvr approved apprais�l of vaIue #o a2 monk; report to and co�ferente wfth J. Mf1Ler �egardi�q relocstian issuer: revie�+ing monk va3uatiar� date; draft letter� fo� Davfd A2lgeyer revie+� ta J. Dorsey and M. Si�pson regarding relotation procedures to be folloafd by A. Mank sr�d D d� �'. Halbert . Q4/34l93 V L FRAMK Record Order aith Dakota Caunty Record�r via Mftro Lega2 ; r�vie�t UCC searche� and special a�sess�+rn-t sea�ches - FEES FOR SERVICE& REKDEttED ! 6,785.T5 EiATE QISBURSEMEMTS 04/21l93 Re�ocatien Services par DRA �5�.5� 44121/93 Docum�nt Copies of findinqs fact per AKG �• a4 44�22/g3 Documtnt Cop ie� of f indi nq� fact s p+�r A1tG t 9.5Q 44/22/93 Docu�ent Capie�s af fi�dings fact per AK6 -�+• �Q 0412Tf93 MN UCG Seerches per VLf 8. 00 tINDQUISTBVENNUMISAN LINDQUIST fr VENNUM FF(l�an EMPL.OVFR. � � � . � � � . FED.1.D.#410658379 In Account With LINDQUIST £t VENNUM 4200105 CEMTER � � . � MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 � � � � � � . � � 612-377-3211 . . . � . � . ��� AMOUNTENCLOSEDS � . . � ROSEMOUHT PORT AUTHORITY Cl0 MR . STEPHAN .TII.K, CITY ADMINISTRATOR C$75 1+l5TH STREET W€ST DATE MAY 80, t993 P.O. BOX St fl �'I�.E MO . 434124.t�Q02 ROSEMOUf�T, MN 554680�1t1 1N1l0ICE H4. 93987 tGB� � � 6EN�RAL CORPORATE DA3E DISBURSEMENTS 04�2Y/93 MN UCC Searthes per V�F $. 04 04/27/93 MN UCG Search�s p$r VLF �• �� 44t�7/93 MN UCC Searches per VLF �• Q� 0412T�93 MN UCC Sesrch$s per VLF $• ti� 04/�7/93 MW t/CC Searches per V�F $• �� 09f2Tl93 MN UCC Searches pgr ULF �. 0� 84/27/93 MN U�C Searches per VtF 8- �� Q4l27/93 MN tfCC S�srches ptr VLF $. �a 04/2Y/93 MN UCC Se�rch�s per V�F $• Q� 04/27�93 MN UCC 8Earchas par VLF �• �� 04/27/93 MN t1CC Searthes per YLF } 4•'�� 04127/93 MN UCC Sesrches per Vl.F 9.�� 04f27/93 MN UCC Searches per VLF $•6� Q4/�?�93 MN UC� Searchec p�r VLF 9. �0 44l�7/93 Non-MN UCC Searches per VC.F 53.89 04/2T/93 Nan-MN UCC Searches per VLF 33.24 fl�/28/93 Non-MI� UCC Sea�ches per VLF 33.Z0 44l28/93 Ncn-MN tJCC S4arche� p�r VLF 33. 20 0�4J�8J93 N�n-MN UCC Search�s per VlF 33.20 44/28�93 N�n-MN UCC Sea�rchas per VLF �3.�� O+i/28/93 Man-MN UCC Searches per Vl.F 33.20 04/28l93 Nan-MN UCG Se�rchs� per VLf 33.P4 4�4/28193 Nan-MN UCC Searches per VI.F �3.�� 44.�E8/93 Non-MN t)CC 8earch�s per VLF 33.20 04128/93 Mon-MN UGC SQarches per VLF 33.24 04J88/�3 N�n-MN UCC Sesrches p�r VLF 33.20 04��8l93 Non-MN UCC S�arches per VtF 33.Z4 04�L8193 Nan--MN UCC Searchas per VLF 33.20 LINDQUISTbVENNUMISAN LINDQUIST £t VENNUM EEO/AA EMPLOYER. FED.I.D.#410658379 in Account With LiNDQU1ST Er VENNUM �� . 4200 IDS CENTER � .� � � � . . MINNEAPOLIS, MIN�NESOTA 55402 � . � 612-371-3271 /� � � � � � � AMOUNT ENCLOSEO S � . . � ROSEM4UNT PORT AUTHORITY C/O Mit . 8TEPHAN JILK, CiTY ADMINIS?RATOR 2675 t45TN STREET 4tE3T tfAT£ MAY 24, 1993 P.O. 80X 510 FIIE N0 . �34#�4. Q0a2 ROSEMOUNT, MN SSOb8451-0 INVOIGE Nt}. 93987 168 � J 6ENERAL GORPORATE Photacopy Charges 14. Ot1 MessengQr D�lfvsry Charges �$. �� F�cs i�a i l e Ch�►rge� Sb.54 TOTAL OISSURSEMENTB � 1 ,592.24 30TAL. CURREl�T fEES AN� tf I3BURSEMENTS # 8,377.99 LINDQUIST&VENNUMISAN LINDQUIST £i VENNUM EEO/AA EMPLOYER. FED.LD.#410658379 in Account With LINDQUIST Er VENNUM � � �� � 4200 IDS CENTER � . � � . � �MINNEAPOUS, MINNESOTA 55402 � � � � � � � 612-371-3271 � � � . /� � AMOUNT ENCIOSED$ . � � R4S�MOUNT P4R'f AU'f NORI TY C�0 MR . BTEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR E875 i45TH 8TREET WEST DATE MAY �0, 1993 P.O. SOK 510 CLIENT �k 4�4124 ROSEMOUNT, i1N 550b80510 INVEfiCE N4. 93987 1b$ � � i'OTA�. FOR COMSINED CC.I£Mi' fiATTERS AM4UNT UIVPAID FRQI� f'RI�R STATEMENTS f 8,84�. i i� FEES FOR SfRVICE 9� t31 . 24 DIg�URSEMEi�TS t .btlt .54 T�TAL THIS STATEMENT � t9,5?4. 90 � z�� -7� � � uNDnulsT&vENMUMtSAN LINDQUIST & VENNUM EEO/AA EMPLQYER. PED.1:0.#410658379