HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.d. Proposal for Maintenance Work to Personal Computer Network System � . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXEGUTIVS SU�4'MARY FOR ACTI�N CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 1, 1993 AGENDA ITEMz Proposal. far Maintenance Work AGENDA SECTION: to Personal Computer Network System New Business PREPAR.ED BY: AGENDA N�Ep� f, Jeff May, Finance Director IVI �f 9 � ATTACAMENTS: APP ED Yt Proposal, Confidential Non-Disclosure Waiver Attached for Council consideration is a proposal from Computer Integration . Technologies (CIT) for work to be done on the City' s persanal computer network system. This work will address the configuration of the network system that has been virtually unchanged since the network went on line in 1989 . Many things were done at that time that allowed the system to work, but ma.y not have been what really should have been done. Areas like security and efficiency are lacking in many respects. Staff feels that now is the time to ' get our network in proper order befare we look at how we will deal with the Armory. There exists the possibility that we may e�lore networking the Armory into the City Hall' s existing network system, and if we are going to do that, it is important that our current system is given a thorough going over so that its configuration is as clean and efficient as possible before we expand it. CIT' s proposal includes two options for us to consider. Qne is for them to do al1 of the work at our building. The other is for them to take a backup of all of our data to their offices and do all of the reconfigurations before putting the "upgraded" system back onto our system. The second option is much more preferrable to staff, as it decreases immensely the down time that aZl City staff will have to experience and also decreases significantly the cost that the City will have to pay for the same service. This beeomes a win-win situation for CIT and for the City, as CIT is able to use its personnei more effi:ciently and the City saves both time and money. CIT' s proposal also includes prieing for a tape backup unit that is compatible with their hardware and would allow for a smooth conversion of the material. This backup unit also is larger than our existing unit that is used for system- wide backups. This will allow us to do unattended backups on a daily basis, rather than backups that are done twice a week with staff required to be present for parts of the backups, eausing overtime or staff coming back to work --two ox three times for each backup. Finally, attached is a copy of a Confidential Non-Disclosure Waiver that CIT will sign to ensure data integrity. Mike Miles, City Attorney, has reviewed both the proposal and the waiver and found both to be in order: Also, all of these costs are budgeted for in the 1993 CIP budget. t�-t��;:c�..�e... a-�. -1�v c� •o RECO'�SENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the network proposal from CTT for work to be done to the City' s personal computer network system and for the purchase of a new tape backup unit. These costs will be taken ' from the CIP(budgeted for 1993) account number 202-49002-01.-586 not to exceed the budgeted amount of $8, 000. COUNCIL ACTION: . e . �� • . . . . - . . . . . . � . � Computer Integration I N CO R PO RATE D -r��r,��iog�es TO: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT FROM: COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHNOLOGIES, INC � Thank you for your interest in CIT, Inc. CIT is a complete network product and service organization. After meeting with Jeff May (MIS) CIT proposes the reconfiguration of the Rosemount City Office Novell computer system. Through recent upgrades to the Network file server, changes in the p=inting utilities, combined with adding and deleting users and data over time has altered the. basic security, logic structure and reliability of the network, Reconfiguring the network will establish the proper security to provide users flexible usage of the applications while maintaining restricted access to confidential information. Reconfiguring will establish a documentsd logical and reliable structure that will simplify ongoing maintenance requirements. CIT understands administration of Novell Networks . It is important that this readministration process delivers the goals of the City of Rosemount in a qualifying manner. This will be achieved through phases and check points. Implementation will be in stages to insure Rosemount expectations are met. The user base at the City will be protected from down time because all reeonfig work will be done through a parallel process either on-site or off-site. � Jef f S ata - Net ork Engineer � Network Sa1es 6949 Valiey Creek Road, Woadbury, MN 55125 • Phone (612) 738-0332 • Fax (612) 735-8149 , � . . - Computer INCORPORATED ��teg��on Technologies � NETWORR PROFOSAL � � FOR . THS CITY OF 'ROSEMOUNT . ��� THERE WILL BE A PLANNING PROCESS FOR THIS PROPOSAL. WE NEED, TD SIT DOWN AND DISCUSS WITH YOII HOW YOU WANT THE NETWORR SET—UP. CONSIDER.ATIONS ARE; UPDATING/DELETING CURRENT USERS, DETERMINING DIRECTORY BTRUCTURE, T�iE IDENTIFYING AND GROUPING OF USERS, DEFINING RIGHTS/RESTRICTIONS FOR USERS, DEFINING APPLICATION BASE AND FOR WHAT .USERS, AND DISCUSSING MENU STRUCTURE, INCLUDING APPLICATION MENU AND FRINTING MENU. SOLUTION RE—ADMINISTR.ATION Q� � USER $ASF' * ASSIGN USERS/USER GROUPS * ASSIGN SECURITY TO USERSJGROUPS * ASSIGN SOFTWARE TO USERS/GROUPS I�ENUjSUB-MENU CONFIGURATION * STANDARDIZE ON GENERAL MENU * CREATE A MINIMUM # OF SUB—MENU'S (APPLICATION MENU/PRINTER MENU) RE—INSTALLATION Q� PRINTING SERVICES � , * SET—UP PRINTING SUB-MENU'S � * FULL UTILIZATION OF NETWORK PRINTERS RECONSTRUCTION Q� �, jZIRECTORY STRUCTUR� * CONSTRUCT DIRECTORY TREE STRUCTURE * CONVERT MIILTIPLE VOLUMES INTO SINGLE VCILUME 6949 Va11ey Creek Road, Woodbury, MN 55125 • Phone (612) 738-0332 • Fax (612) 735-8149 1 WORRSTATION CONFIGURATION ' * DEVELOP STANDARD WORRSTATION CONFIGURATIQN IN DOS 5.0 * DEVELOP CONSISTENCY OF CONFIG.SYS IN AUTOEXE.BAT WITH THE WORKSTATION ENVIRONMENT 1?OCUMENTAT I ON . " * DOCUMENT DIRECTORY STR.UCTURE * DOCUMENT MENU STRUCTURE * DOCUMENT USERS/RIGHTS * DOCUMENT GROUPS/RIGHTS * PRINTER �pmT_Q*?g CIT, Inc. proposes a block hou= rate pe= process. We have listed approximate time for each process . Work wili not �xceed estimated time. In case of extra time upon completion of the , service work, we will carry the additional time on our books where it is non-terminating and can be used for LAN maintenance � or products. , PROCESS � ESTIMATED TIME PLANNING 3 HOURS RE-ADMINISTERING OF THE USERS BASE 20 HOURS MENU/SIIB-MENU CONFIGURATION 10 HOURS RE-INSTALLATION OF PRINTING SERVICES 15 HOURS RECONSTRUCTION OF THE DIRECTORY SERVICE 15 HOURS WORRSTATION CONFIGURATI�N (1 HR PER PC) 30 HOURS DOCUMENTATION 5 HOURS THIS TOTAL IS QUOTED WITH Total 98 Hours ALL WORR DONE ON SITE Goals set during the planning stage will provide checkpoints for progression of service. This w�-11 provide a schedule for the various stages of the services being performed. ��a2�$ �Q�B �� - . 90.00 PER SINGLE HOUR � 80.00 PER HOIIR 10-HOUR BLOCR 65.00 PER HOUR 54+ HOUR BLOCR : � i L ALTLRNATIVE SNSTALLATION . There is anothe= scenario that we discussed. This scenario includes CIT, Inc. taking a complete back-up from your company and doing all the preliminary set-ups before we come on-site. Benefits include; minimizing down time far users, minimizing hours on-site and the associated lass of production, and this allows us to trouble shoot any problems that occur early in the install. The biggest benefit is the flexibility that this allows � us to do the work. This benefit is converted directly into cost savings far your company. Running a parallel process, setting up off site, can give the customer an opportunity to work with the � n�w systym Y�it�out affecting �he day to day operation of �t�e users. This also insures a faster, more productive transition for the City Offices. Following, you will find the totals for both scenario's. ON-SITE Total time 100 hours at 65.00 per hour = 6500.00 Q�'I,''LQ�I SITE Total ti.me 80 hours at 65.00 per hour = 5200.00 The off/on-site scenario is obviously a more cost efficient choice and can reduce the loss of produetivity do to PC down time. Either option is available to you, There is an accompanying Confidential Non-Disclosure Waiver that accompanies the off-site contract. RECOP�IlKENDED PRODUCTS 1/GB DAT 4MM INT TAPE BACR-UP UNIT WITH CONTROLLER SOFTWARE $ I650.00 If you have any questions or need more information plea5e cali us at 738-0332. CIT, Inc. would like the opportunity to work with the City of Rosemount. - Thanks, Jeff Syata Mark Wagner Network Sales Netwo=k Engineer � , � i�� o osevYcouvc� PHONE (612)42344N 2875•745th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)4235203 Mailing Addresas Edward 8.McMenomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCtIMEMBERS SheilB K18ssen Jamea(Red)Staats Harry Wilkoz Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOH Stephan Jilk We, the undersigned, understand that as part of our work for the City of Rosemount, are being given access to proprietary and confidential information in order to perform our duties. We agree not to disclose such information to others inside or outside of our company, except such supervisory personnel who have knowledge of this Non-Disclosure Agreement. We further agree to utilize the information disclosed to us solely for the purpose of carrying out our work. We further agree not to ma.ke any copies of any portion of such information without prior written approval by the City of Rosemount and any such needed reproductions or material derived from the informa.tion shall be disposed of upon completion of our work for the City in accordance with directions from an appropriate representative of the City. (Signature) (Signature) (Printed Name) (Printed Name) tDate) (Date) (Company Name) (Company Name) {City and State) (City and State) �ver��htngs �oming `(Jt,�S �JLasemounf�l � . . a..�� , �.