HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.g. Shannon Hils 5th Addition Final Plat C t CITY OF RQSEMOt7NT EXECUTIVE SUMb�ARY FOR ACTIUN CITY COUNCZL MEETING DATE: June l, �993 AGENDA TTEM: Approve Change �rder AGE'�DA SECT=ONs Shannon Hills 3�d Addition Sidewalks, Prj .225 New Busi.ness PREPAREI) BY: Bud {JsmuridsOn AGENnA N�T�� � City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director � ATTACHI�SENTS: Change Order APP D B : � Shannon Hiils 3�d Addition, City Aroject #22'5, called for the construction of sidewalks along Cobb�er on the east side an.d along 143rd Street along the south side. After discussions with the developer, Ground I�evelapment, it was de�ermined that the bui].der fc�r each home would be responsible for the canstrueti�n of the sidewalk upon carnpletion of the construction Qf each house. The cost would then be borne by the develope�/builc�er for each house. The reascan for th� change was th.at in previous additions the sidewalk was installed prior to any home construction, the sidewalk was damaged and then replaced by the builders during the hame cr�nstructian. Therefore, the City ended up gaing back to the bui3.der to have him replace sometimes up to half the amaunt of sidewalk install.ed in a project. This change to "builder installed" sidewalk� hati worked in other subdivisions within Rosemaunt. However, i� this case the plan has resulted in more Staff and consultant time trying to comple�e the project, plus many questions frarn home buyers on respansi�ility ot eost. Therefore, we are coming to you tanight to ask for the approval af a Ch�nge Order to eomplete the siclewalk zn the Shannon Hills 3rd Addita.an through c��ar gener�3. contrac�or which will then b� assessed to the developer. Attached is a copy of the Change Order. `The to�a1 cost is estimated to be $15, 100 and can be completed this we�k. The priee and timing w�r� cor�siae��a well within accepta}�le limits . Therefore, Staf£ is recommending approval of the Ch�nge Order td complete the sidewalk through the Shannon Hills �rd Addition. R,EC4N�N'DED ACTION: MOTI4N T0 APPROVE A CHANGE ORDER TO COMPLETE THE SYDEWALK THRaUGH THE SHANNt7N HILLS 3RD ADDITION, CT'TY PROJECT #225 . COUNCIL ACTION: 9 _ �eler� Mayeron& _ Assor.�ates,lne. 3d0 Park Place Center 5775 Wayzata Bc�ulevard Miflneapcsiis.MN 55416-1228 6I2-�95-5775 May 26, 1993 i-soo-7s�•5��s FAX 595-57Z4 Engineers Architects Planners Surveyars Mr. Bud 4smundson City of Rosemount 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Shannon Hi11s 3rd Addition City of Rosemount City Project Na. 225 OSM Project Na. 4$69.01 Dear Mr. 4smundson: Enclosed please find Change Order No. 2 for the above-referenced project. We have reviewed the quantities and the costs of the proposed change order with the contractor and are in agreement. The proposed sidewalk construction is scheduled to uccur on Wednesday, June 2, 1993. If you have any questians or comments, please cantact me at 595•5694. Sincerely, ORR-SC:HELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, TNC. .�Y,,.�t.�.- � - �e��.����.-��.-- � Brian J. Bourassa, P.E. e: Mr. Steve Fiterman Gzound Develapment /� Enclosures ��...,„ �_..._....�,._._.�_ , , . Change Order No. 2 City Prnject No. 225 Froject: Shannon Hilis 3rd Addition OSM Project No. 48b9»Od Uvrners: City a€ Rosemount Date of Issuance: May 26, 1993 2875 145th Street West Rosemaunt, MN 5506$ Contractor. Erickson Constructian, Inc. Engineer. Orr-Schelen-1Vlayeran 13616 Ple�.sant Irane & .Associates, Inc. Burnsville, MN 55337 You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Documents: Description:See Attachment No. 1 Purpose of Change Order.See Attachment Na. 1 Attachments (list documents supporting change);5e� Attachment No. 1 CHANGE IN �ON'CRACT PRICE CHANGE IN CQNFRACT TIME Original Contract Price $199,859.20 flriginal Contraet Time N/A Previous Change Qrders No. �: to No. = Net Change from Previous Change Orders $5,407.29 N/A Contract Price Prior to this Change Order Contract 1�me Prior ta this Change Order $205,266.49 N/A Net Increase of this Change 4rder Net Increase (decr�ease} of Change Order �Zs,loo.00 N/� Contract Price with all Approved Change Orders Gontract Time with' Apprvved Change Qrders $22Q,36b.49 N/A Recommended Approved By: � sy: En neer Contractor Appro d Apprnved Date of Cauncil Action By: � �• r��� By; City Engineer City Manager . , . D�t�: �vtay �6, z�g� CHANGE 4RDER NO. 2 Sl:[ANNON HILLS 3RD ADDITION CITY OF RQSEMUUNT CITY PROJECT NO. 225 OSM PR4JECT NO. 4869.00 The purpase of this change Order is to allow for the ehange of conditions assaciated with remabilization, additianal grading necessary for installation of waik and sand eushion and driveway removal. The quantities listed below are approximate. The final cost of the Change C�rder will be based on the actuai quantities instalTed 1. Install 4" concrete walk alang 143rd Street West and Cobbler Avenue including necessaty grading and sand �ushion, Totai Cost = 6,640 S.F,x $2.25 = $14,$SO.UQ 2. Remove existing bituminovs driveway required to install 4" concrete walk (Item 1) including sawcutting removal area. Total Cast = 1 Each x $250.00 = $250.00 Totai Cost Change 4rder No. 2 .= $15,144.00