HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.g. Right - of - Way Vacation Methodist Church 4 ' Z CITY 4F ROSEbiOUNT E�FCUTIVEs SLf�NlARY FOR ACTION � CSTY COUNCIL M�ETING DATE: June 1, 1993 AGENDA ITF�S: Right-of-Way Vacation AGENDA SPCTIDN; Meth.adi.st Church Old Busineas PREPARED B"Y'z Ron W�smund AGENDA �/� , Public Wnrks Director/Bui�.ding Of f icial ��{Yi � � ,�,'� ATTACHI�iENTS: Letter� to Lots 4 & 5 �' D Y� Resolution AtCached are copies of the letters tha� were sent aut to the o�mers of Lats 4 and 5 clarifying the vacatian action. You' 1]. also notice they were specifically asked to comznent on their desires for an acces� easement, As of the preparation of this summary, T have not received a respanse from either party. I have had additional discussion with representatives of the Church. They have �.�a�G���a a willingness to entertain an easement to the - owners' with this indieation of willingness I recommend proceeding with the vacation action and allow the property own�rs �he oppc�rtunity to decide the easements. � REC4 , •', ED ACTION: MOT�N TO AD�PT A RESOLVT�ON TO VACATE THE 6� X 467.52 RIGHT-C?F-WAY�ON L�T 13, AUIJITOIz.'S SUBD�VISION 27 AND QUST CLAIM DEEI7 IT 'TO THE�T7N�TET3 METHODIST CHURCH.,Z `�u�ti St�, �o.-� l�y� 3 `� `� s� . � COUNCIL ACTI�N: 6 , CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, M{NNESOTA RESt'�LUTI�N 1993 - A RESOLUTiON Tt} VACQTE THE 6fl X 467.52 RIGH'f-QF-WAY ON LOT 13, AUDIT(?R'S SUBt�►tY1SION 27 AND a.UIT CLAIM QEED tT TO THE UN{TED METHGIDIST CHURCH V1/HEREAS,the City Gounci! at its Regular Meeting af Aprit 20, 1993 set a pubtfc hearing to� a right-of-way vacation described as f�liows, to-wit. The �ast 60 feet af the North 467.52 feet of;Lat Thirteen 4'13) Auditor's Subdivision No. 27 ta the Viitage of Rosemount, ail accordin� ta the plat thereo# naw an file and of record in the office of our Register of Qeeds in and fc�r said County and State. WHEREAS, a publie hearing was scheduied and held on the 18th day of May, 1 J93 after due pubfication as required by law, and all interested persons were given an oppartunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, it appears�that it will be for the best interest of the City of Rosemount to vacate said right c�f-way as it does not servE a public purpose. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following right-of-way is hereby vac�ted, to- wit: The east 60 feet of the North 4fi�7,52 feet of Lot Thirteen t13) Auditor`s Subdivision No. 27 to �the Vitlage o# Rosemount, afl according ta the plat thereaf now on file and of record in the office of our Register of Deeds in and far said County and State. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Attorney shall prepare a notice of completion of the proceedings and n�cessary QuiC Claim De�ds to the United Meth'odist�hurch which shalt contain ihe name af the city� identification of the vacation and a statement Q# the #ime of completion thereof, and shall present the same to the County Auditor and then #ite a copy with the Register of Deed�, AD�DPTED this 1 st day of June, 1993. E. B�. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: , Susan M, Walsh, City Clerk Motian by: Seconded by; Voted in favor. Voted aqainst: � 2�� a oSevs2ou�z� PNONE (Bi2}423-4411 2875•145th Straet Wast,RosemOunt.Mi�nesota hAAYOfl FA3t (612)4235203 Meifing A�kiress: Edwartl B.McMetwmy P.O.Box 510.RosettWunl.Miru�esoia 55058-OS10 COUNCilMEMBERS SMiia KiasSan James fA�}Staats Ma 25 1993 Ha��w�i� y � Denrtis Wippetmartn ADMfMIS7RATOR SteP��+Jiik Helen Judkins 14755 Camero Lane Rosemount, MN 55�68 Dear Ms. Judkins: at their regular meeting of May 18, 1993, the City Council eonducted a pubiic hearing to receiue comments regarding the vacation o# a pubiic right-o#-way situated behind your property. _ The specific right-of-way in question is 60 feet wide and 467.52 feet in length extending south fram the right-of-way tine of Lower 147th Street West. Qur records indicate that yau live on Lat 4 with 170 f�et of front�ge alor�g the right-ofi-way being vacated. This right-af-way is locate�! solety upc�n Lot 13 of Auditpr's Subdivision 27 which is owned by Rosemount United Methodist Church. The public hearing was closed but ncr action was taken on the vacatian until the owners of Lots 4 and 5 were contacted. The purpose af the contact is to solicit written comments #rom those owner� regarding any desire for an easernent #ram the Church for access to rear yards. This item wii! be on the a�enda #or the .�une 1, 1993 Council meeting. I,wauid like yaur written comments back to be copied to the Council for that meeting. �_, � 1 have spoken with a-representative o# the Ch�rch. He has indicated that the Church will provide an easemenx far access to LQts 3, 4 and 5 if they are desired by the owners af those lots. Please let rne know of yaur intentions at your earliest convenience. Sincerefy, ...�/� � Ron Wasrnund Public Vllorks Director!$uilding 0#ficial . . . � f/"1,...,. ,1/,..,.,��� I "..n,��.�..�n � /I /i �nc�tl�htrt���� � . . . . �. . . + � i�� o osevYcoun� PHONE (612}4234411 2875-1451h Stree!West,RosemouM.Minnesota MAYpR FAX (612)a23-5203 Mailinp Rddress: Edward$.McMenomy P.O.Box StO,Rosamount,Minnesota 55068•GS1Q COUNCILMEMBERS Shdila KloSsen Jamss(ReOj Staats May 25, 199� ws.rywaroox Dem�is wippermann ADMINiSTRATQR Stephan,Filk Bradiey 8� Katherine Renn 14765 Camera Lane Rosemount, MN 55068 �ear Mr. & Mrs. Renn: At thei,r regular meeting of�May 18, 1993, the City Council conducted a public hearing to receive comments regarding the vaeatio� of a pub{ic right-ofi-way situated behind your property. . The specific right-o#-way in �uestion is 60 feet wide and 467.52 feet in length extending south from the right-of-way line ot Lawer 147th Street West. Our records indicate that you live on Lot 5 with 60 fieet of frontage atong the right-of-way being vacated. This right-of-way is iocated soleiy upon Lot 13 of Auditor`s Subdivision 27 which is aw�ed by Rosemount United Methodist Church. The public hearing was closed but no action was taken on the vaGatiQn until the awners ofi Lots 4 and 5 were contacted. The purpose of the contact is to solicit wr'rtten comments from those owners regarding any desire for an easement from the Church for access to rear yards. This item will be an the agenda for the June 1, 1993 Council m�eting. l would like your written camments back to be capied to the �ounci} #or that meeting. I have spoken with a representative a# the Church. He has indieated that the Church will provid� an eas�ment.for access to �ots �, 4 and 5 if they are desire�t by �he owners of those Iots. Please let me know of your intentions at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, ���+�`',I�{,{,,G � Ron Wasmund Pubtic Works �irector/Building Official .�.7ver�i�is�gs �amiv�g �C/C�i �asemaunt��