HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.h. Comprehensive Guide Plan Process � U City o� Rasemount Executive Surnmary for Action Cit� Cou�cil Meet3�ng Date: 3une 1 1993 Agemda Item: Comprehensive Guide Plan Agenda 3ection: Process-In�erim Plan QLD BUSZNESS Prepared By: Lisa Freese Agend����t'1Y! � Director of Planning k ,� � Attachments: Memo Approved By: At the Special. Cauncil meeting on May 25 it was direetion of City Council to prc�ceed with requesting approval from the Metropolitan Council !, of an interim plan rather than update 2400. The ' attached memo outlines the process tihat will be necessary to accomplish that redirec�ion of the Comprehensive Guide Plan. I will Qverview the proeess on Tuesday. No action is recommended at this time. Reco�ended Action: . No action required at this time. Cit}� Couacil Action: �5101/93.t?04 � t � � � � � 2��2��� �O � � �SE'.?iYt01,�LYt� � � � � � � � PHONE (6t2)4234417 2875-145th 5treet West,Rosemount.Minnespta MAYpq FAX (612j 423�5203 Maiii�g Adtlress: Edward 8.MCMenomy P.O.Box StO,flosemount,Minnesota 55068•0540 COUNCILMEMBERS $heila KlassOn T�; Mayor E.B. �G�G11flITly James(Red}Staats Narry Wi�tcpx City Council Members Klassen, '�Jt��tS� �111COX� wlppei`IIIaiIIl pennis wippermann V ADM1MIStN&TOA FROM: Lisa Freese, Director of Planning � �r��1Z._- s�ecn$���� DATE: May 28, 1993 SUBJ: Comprehensive Plan Pracess - Interim Pian Based o�n the discussiQn at'the special City Council meeting on the Comprehensiv� Plan last Tuesday, it is my understanding that the City Council wauld lil:e to request that the Metropolitan Council consider an interim plan rather than Update 2000. City Attorney Mike Mi1es has consulted the staLe enabling legislation, and it is his le�al opinian that because the City will be changing the focus c�f the plan previously reviewed, another public hearing is rettuired. In order to have a public hearin; we have concludeti that a bacl��round document and revised Land Use/NiUSA Map should be prepared prior to the hearing so that it is clear what the public hearing is about. In order to revise the plan, it is important to have the actual report on interim improvetiients to the Rosernount Wastewater Treatment Flant to deterrnine the actual capacity. �urther ctiscus5io�1 with MWCC staff has indicated that the capacity is in part limited by the classifieation of ttje NPDFS pernait rather that the operational capacity of the plant. I thu�k it is important that we have clarification of the plant's actual capacity prior to puttinb to;ether a revised plan. Therefore, prior to any revisian being made to the plan it would be important ta receive and evaluate the MWCC assessment of last falis piant improvements. The fotlowing is an outline of the steps that should be followed and the anticipated timeline for those activities, Step l - City review IvIV,�CC assessment of Rasemount WWTP unprovement5. Report to be campleted during 1 st week of June. Step 2 City staff ineetin; with MWCC and Metro Council reaardin� the report findings and alternatives for comp plan revisian. Week of 3une 14 Step 3 Prepare a hackground paper and revised map for the City's interim Plan. Step 4 Hoid Special Joint City CounciUPlanning Commission meetin� to discuss City Interim Plan: If acceptable set publie hearing. Tentative meetin� date either June 22 or 29. J , ) // � �ve�-�lhings �oming �tJC�i �osesnour�,��� � • � • Comprehensive Flan Pra►cess - Interim Plan May 28, 1993 Page Two Step 5 Hold Public Hearing an Interim Plan. Adopt resolution regarding Interim Plan. Tentative Hearing date either 7uly 7 or July 13. Step b Submit resolution tc� Metro Council-�continue Metro Council review. This timeline is dependent upon the MWGG report sa we are nat recommending that any meeting dates be set at this time. I would encourage you tn hold your calendar open and make me aware of any conflicts you may have for attending the progased meetings. At the next eauncil meeting we will be asking you to set the special Joint City CaunciUPlanning Commission meeting, cc: Steve Jilk, City Admuustrator Departtnent Heads Planning Staff Planning Commission