HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.i. Port Authority ByLaws i . CITY OF ROSEMOIINT EXECtTT?VE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JUNE 1, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY AGENDA SECTION: BYLAWS AMENDMENTS OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: MIKE MILES, CITY ATTORNEY AGENDA N���� � � � ATTACFII�SENTS: PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO PORT D SY: AUTHORITY BYLA.WS; PORT ALT'I'HORITY STANDING RULES ��� � At its meeting of May 3, I�993 , tMe Port Authority voted to amend its Bylaws to achieve the following purposes: 1. Authorize the adoption of Standing Rules which will govern the procedures for Por� Authority meeting; 2 . Prova.de for the suspensi.on and amendment of such Standing Rules; and . 3 . Remove "procedural" provisians from the Port Authority Bylaws so that all procedure-related matters would be contained in the Standing Rules. Under the requirements ot Minnesota Statutes, §469 .0813 , Subd. 2 and City Council direction, the Port Autharity must obtain the City Council ' s approval tq amend its Bylaws . Therefore, the Port Authority's proposed Bylaws amendments are submitted for your consideration. Also attached for your information is a capy of the Port Authority' s propased Standing Rules. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE THE PORT AUTHORITY' S AMENDMENTS TO YTS BYLAWS ADOPTED AT THE PORT AUTHORITY' S MAY 3, 1993 MEETING. COUNCIL ACTION: � UEGEL MOYNIHAN TE� No . 16124389777 May 28 ,03 12 �41 No .401 P .02 R E S O L U T � Q N . BE IT RESOLVBD, by the membez�s of tihe Rosemcsun� Port Authority as fallQws : 1 . The Bylaws o� the Rosemaunt Porti AULhority are anrend�d by strikir►g Ax'ti�les VIS. vill and IX . 2 . The Bylaws are further amended by inserting a n�w �rticle VII, Lo read as tollows : Art.�cl.e vzz . Part puthor�.tv M�eLina Procedur�s . Section l. . Adovti4n,of Stand�.nt� Rules . The meetings and procedures th�reunder of che Paxt Authority sha�l ve governed by a set of _._...._.. .. . . . --. _. . . . . .__. ....... . Standing Rules which Shall be adc�pted by- a majar�ty of the canunissioners . At a minimum, the Standing Rules shall address: the tyoes of �c:� AuLhority meatings , time an� locati.csn oi such meetiings , order of business to be disCussed, governance c� ttie �treetings and voti�g revuirements . T:�e Standinq Rul�s may conLain such other proc�dures and . r�qu'i.rements �s the commissiUr�ezs fre�rn time tio �ime determirie. 5ection 2 . Sus��nsion/Amendment of Szandin Rule . The Standing � Rules adopted by the � cor�tnissioners may be suspended at any - r time by a majority vat� o� the commissi.oners . ��h� Standing Rules m�y be i FLUEGEL MOYNIHAN TEL No . 16124389777 Jun 1 ,03 15 � 30 No .003 P .02 r , �mended at any time by a ma jt>rity vote of _ th� ccsmmissic►ners, pravitied that the Standing Rule amendments may not be ednsid�red at the same meeting of the Port Autharity �,t which they are initially raised. Sect�.on 3 . Th� Part, Avthority Bylaws are fur�hex amended by renumbering existxng Articles X, XI, XII, XIYI and XIV, as Articles VIZI, IX, X, XI astd XY�, respecti.vely. A.DO�TEDs , 1993, at � regulaz meeting of the -RosemounL- Poxt Au�thority. .. ... ... . .-._.._.._._.__ ..----.-_..�:.-,:,... ._._.__. :_. ,:..:..._ . Chaizperson A2TEST: Executive Dizector APPKOVE1a by the Rosemount City CounG�ii on , 1993, at a regular C�ty Council meeting. Mayor , . " City Clerk , 2 , rLUEGEL MOYNIHAN TEL No . 16124389777 May 28 ,03 12 �41 No .001 P .03 Ros�Mouwr PaR�r au-rr�aR��r . STANd1NG RULES I . MEF.'�S ' The Yor.t Ruth��ity shall Conduct its bu5irless, using th� meetings forma�. outlined by Robe�ts �2ules of t)rd�r, newly revis�d . Addirionally, exce�r where c�therwise pro�icied for, the anJy meeLi.ngs of the Port Autt�or.S.ty whi.ch shal]. b� in order are : I * RFyular Session * Executive Session * Committee Uf Lhe Wh4].e � Specia]. SeSsiort * Artnual MeeL•ing A. R�gular Session 1'he Port� AuthoriLy wa.11 meet in Regular Session, Che f irst Y'uesday c�f every month. 1 . Regular 5zssion meetings wi11 convene aL 5=30 p.m, , i.n the Counci3 Cham�ers , RosEmaunt City Hall , Rosemount, 2dinnesota, or such other location in the City ' of Rasemount the Port Auttl�r.ity sha11 designatc:. 2 . Regular Session 2�teetinc�s will ad jr�urn at 7 : 34 p.m. B. Fx�cutiv� Session �r�y businesg, praperly beforE the P�rL lLuthori�y, which meets the 1'egal standards f.ar closed (Executiv�} session me�tings, sha11, foJlowing pr.ocedures establisheci for canvening such meetings, be in c�r,der. On�y that k�ub.in�ss for whl.ch the session was convened shali be in arder. � c. Commi.tt�� of the whole The Part Authority , wil� meet, �s the CUriu��ittee of the Whole, the , third Tuesday of e�ery month . 1 . Committe� Of the WhOle rt`leetingS sliall be consic�crr.•�d workiny sessir�ns a� the port Attthor.ity. 2 . rieetings will convene at� 5: 30 p.nt. , at a location designated by the Ch3ir . , UEGEL MOYNIHAN TEL No . 16124389777 May 28 ,03 12 �41 No .001 P .O� D. Specia3. Session �� Upon due call of th� Chaiz, or ti�pon t�e request af � ' � simp].e ma�ority of its members, the Port Authority shall , meet and a Special. Session shal�. be canvenc:d . 1 . Special Session meetings sha1.1 k,>e l.imit�d to L•he busi nesb stated i.�j thc call . 2. Action t�ken in Special Sessaon musz b� ratifi�d by ma jority of the Part Au�hori�y, at L}ir next Regul.ar $essi,on �f L•he Aufihority. E. Arinual Meeta.ng I The Annual. Meeting shaJ.l be c�nducted at, the samP time and Qlace as the first Regu].ar Session it1 February of each year. II. CONUUCTING BUSINESS R. At�enda Items . l. . ReyUlar Sessians . The Port Authar�.ty Agendz�, far Regular Session 'I meetings , will consist o� the f�llowing : a . C�nsent Agenda. b. Old l3us�ness - Specia�. Aetic�n Item.s . c . CommiLtee �f Lhe Who).e Re�iorts - . ftecommendatioris - Action 3:t�ms . ' d. New Iiusiness � ActiUn It�mS . ' e . NEw Busincss - Inf�zmation dnly. ', f . �2�ports . ' { 1 ) Consu�tant/SLaff Re�Ur.�:s . (2 } Chair' s Report. � 3 ) Execu�.zve Dir�ci.or' s report . , g . Mc:r�►t��rs Is�i�es . h . Community/Audic�nr.a Rec�yrii�ion . i . Adjou�nment. 2 ' . F�U.EGEL MOYNIHAN TEL No . 16124389777 May 28 ,03 12 �41 No .OG1 P .uS , , , Or.dinary business of the ��orL Author�ty wi21 app�az on th� cansent agend��, � A memk�er, upon �pproval. of tY►e body, may adcl Tio morc than two it�ms to the printed agenda . Addit�.onally, no item may be added ta Lhe prir�ted ay�nda , as an acLlc�n item without a 314 affirmative vote of Lhe POiL 1�uthc�ri.�y. Any it�m propcxly beiore th� body at a Reyular SEssion m�eting ag an informa�i�n item sh�l,l r,emain as such . Once heard, the onl:y mation in order, shall be a motion to ref er tb the Cottlmi.t tee of the Whnle. ?. . Publ.i.c Teatimany Puhli.c testimony, shall not b� in c�r.r3er exc�p� as provir�ed for herein. a . Infr�rmation requested t4 clarify a spec:i.�ic point concerning a moLion prope�rly k�eiare the bady. b. ?Presentation to L-he body regarding a specifie iriformaL�.on-only agenda �.tem. c. ';Upon spe�ific agPndd alaocativr'is �f tim� for 'c;ommunitylcitizen input. Said ���eakers wi 11 be limited to tive minutes �aeh . 3 . CommitLee of the Whole The agenda of L-he Cc�mmiLti.ee v€ the whol:e may be braad',/ex�ansave. Since these are working s�ssions, public te�timony/ir��ut may be hcard . The only motions a.n order are tv c+,c��ncl �nd adopt, and that th� committ�e rise and re�aozt . The only way L'o cic�se ar limit debat� irt meetings af the Gammittee of the Whole is f.ar th� bc�dy ta vots that debate shall cease at: � certain Cime, c�r t.hat after a caxtain ti.me no debate shall }a� aliow�d, excepting riew ame»dment�, and th�ri c���ly ors� spea3:er for and onP apposed to the amendment. may spe�3k for noL more than five mirtut.es each. B. Motions The fol.lowing ar.e motions which shall at all t�.mes be tc�r�siclered improper: l . Motions that c�ntlict w�th the Cc�nsti�utir��1 an� Bylacas of the Authozity. 3 1. � l UEGEL MOYNIHAN TEL No . 16124389777 May 28 ,03 12 �41 No .�01 P .Ob 2 . Motions that conflict with business alrea�y adopted at the same meeting. 3 . Motion5 that re�3.�ct �ri t.l�e motives of inembers . 4 . MOLians not in at:eord with t:he ob jec:� d�lcl ��olicies of the baay. 5 . Motions that conflict wit?i the law� oi: the fet�eral, state or local. government. 6 . Motion5 that PrOT_ect dbSentees c:c�nnot bc suspendcc� b�r unariimou 5 vote. Further, questions thdL ��re intrUducect th�t are not in accor.d with the aims and objeC.tives of the Poart Authority, ar that are controversia�. or irre�.evant, shall be ruled out af order by the Chair. An "appeal" may be madc from this ruling . ` C. (�uorum h majority of the commissianer� shall canstitute: a quar.um. A lesser number may d�3 juurn a meetiny urx�il a quorum is obtainEd . When a quorum is in atterid�nce at a mEet�.ng, acLion may b� t;aken u�orl a vote of. a m�jc�ri.Ly in attendance. No voting �ha11 be done k�y praxy oz othexwise by �� commissioner who .i s not prr5eri�. D. Manner of V�t-ing The voting on c�a.l queSLic�ns cUming befoie the Porc 7�uthor� ty which rc�quire a vt�te shall be by rol.l call, anc3 L'he yes and no votes shall b� entered u�on the rn.i.nu�as of Lhe m�eting at which Zhe votc: iw tcken . 1II . AUTHORI'I'Y TO ACT No m�mk�er, excepr as otherwa.se provic3ed, shall act on k�chalf of , or �urpor..t to represPnt the �.utharity, However, t}�c Chair sh�ll, i.n accordance with Roberts Rules, have Lhe authority to a�spoint Select Committ�cs, as n�cded. A Select Committee, once appoa.nted shaal : A. Have no a.ess t}ian t�hxee ( 3 ) ac�.ive Pvri: T�.uthori�y members �.n i�s scr.vxce . 4 ,=Lt�E,GEL IYlOYfdIHHld TEL No . 16124�8y777 I�lay 28 .03 12 �41 No .UUl P .G7 f�. Conform it� rr�eeL.i.ngs ta the rulc-.s goverr►ing meetings of. tihe G�mmittee of Lhe Who�.e, C . ' Liniit its dctivi.txes to only thc�se i�ems referred tv it. Additionally, S�).ect' Committ�es, at i.}te ti.me of their crca�i.�n, wi.11 ne given a tirrie' cer.ta�.n for com�l�tior► oL their work. U�Uri th�t L•ime L'hP committe� will be dissalved. H�wever, u�>c�i1 a �/4 ma jority of the Author.�.ty meeting in Regul.�r. Session, th� S�l�c;` �vrnmiLLees appointment may Yae exLended one time. Any mEmb�r, whFt.hPr intentionall.y �r inac�ve��ently, who conduct:�, zraribacts or other.w�.se engages in r�r�y T�u�iness currently, b�for� vr reasonably expPctPd , to come before Lhe Pnrt Autharity shall , fol.lawing such O�ca�i.on and priar to thc: nc:xt xeyulr�r session of the Por.t Authority, notiiy t�}te C:hair and the Ex�CuL'iv� njrector in writi.ng . The notification sht�u.i.d inciude the time, dat.e, location and substAnce of such occasion . r'a�.}.ure to comply will be grc�unds for sanetia�. NOx'F: Nothing in this sc�cL-ion i.s intended to pr�clud� n�rcnal extempor�neous socxaJ. contacts. koaQmount\S:And4��1.PA ' 5