HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.j. Accept Jaycee Park Irrigation Quotes and Award Contract . CITY OF ROSEMO'�CTION _ EXEGt1TIV� SUM��'Y FOR � ETING DATE: June 1, 1993 CITY CO�CIL � AGEN'�p, SECTION: AWARD pROJECT OLp BUSINESS AGENDA ITE1�i: ACCEP PARK IRRIGATXON - pHASE II • ��A ND� FOR JAYCEE �; ' �� � gECHTOLD / DTR • p �` R , PREPARED BY: �P D Y��%�" pAVID ATTACHMENTS= C5 � JAYGEE PROJECT NOTES COPY OF' SPE in the southern ir�ri9ation That ProJect was �ase af �he t}�� f irs� P raved bY t�e Council - q�gust a`� 1`j92 r� was aPP the baseball/softba�-�- In of JaYCee facilitY • Pa hase included�hat fenced portion �hat time . This P outside of all of th� comPleted �he area5 immediatelY includes field and the southern secti-°n shelter and P1aY the irr i9ation o f the Par k arOUnd th� Phase II of ,��� sectian rink areas and list at an earlier equiPment . struction th� �rail li9htin� identif ied a.n a con This ProJ�ct was a roval was given for this Y��r when PP is attached . l�.st and meetin9 A coPY of that list That pro�ect . f�v� Uendors - and sPecs were delivered t� ted) t�uote sheets late C na� acceP Teceived �5� tted quote quotes submi 1 ,82b .0� IrriJa�.ion Inc . � �' r�ceir�ed RaUa CitY Const . � no quote pesi9n & no quote receive but i'�ems li�ted 5outhuiew Center received , FairS Garden quote req�e�t �awn ScaP� Inc . �ot accoYdin9 �° scheduled to come from Midland NurserY fu�,d for t�'� cee Par k �� e �.hat ation of �aY is to char� �tion material� ��,e irr i9 endationro J�ct fnr irr i9 Funding for Funds . MY r�comm the P tion , Znc . • Pa�k Dedicatio��26 .p0 and to award n and Construc amount o� � 11s 5outhview Oesi� and installation to - 93 .1 • c�ntract The PYo��ct number is J award the �I � ,�he quote and t�e Phase AcceP °f ED ACTION: for the instal�4�'Sauthview De�iJn.��om gECON� and labor �-93 .1 ) . come for the matar ials �aYCe'� P fr k C w�.th fundin� �O ation sY�tem i� � 11 �826 irri� �he amount ° Can�trrk pedication account . the p� � covrtczL �czzoN: , ' r SPECIFICATtONS FOR IRRIGATION PHASE 11 - SHELTER AND �PEN AREA IN JAYCEE PARK PARK PROJECT #J - 93.1 City of Rosemount Park Department Date: May 12, 1993 David J. Becfitold - Director of Parks and Recreation Rick Cook - Parks Maintenance Supervisor (322-2042� PROPOSAL FORM JAYCEE PARK - PROJECT #J - 93.1 IRRIGATION PHASE II - SHELTER AND OPEN AREA 15425 SHANNON PARKWAY Parks & Recreation Director City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West P. O. Box 510 Rosemount, MN 55068 We, the Undersigned, doing business as: and hereinafter known as the CIUOTER, have examined the drawing and specifications with related documents and the site of the proposed work, and are familiar with al1 of the conditions surrounding the construction of the proposed project including availability of materials and labor. We hereby propose to enter into an agreement with the city of Rosemount to furnish all labor, materials, equipment, skills, and facilities for the complete construction of the Jaycee Park - lrrigation Phase II improvements in accordance with the drawings and specificatians and addenda thereto, as prepared by the Par4�s and Recreation Department, for the prices shown in the Proposal Form which includes sales tax, license fees and taxes, and all city and other permits applicable. irrigateJ �2) , � QUOTE FORM CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PARKS DEPARTMENT JAYCEE PARK - IRRIGATtON PHASE II - SHELTER AND OPEN AREA PARK PROJECT #J - 93.1 SECTION 1 .0 IRRfGATION PHASE II - SHELTER AND OPEN AREA ITEM DESCRIPTION AMOUNT IRRIGATION - SHELTER & OPEN AREA INCLUDING INSTALLATION TOTAL O.UOTE OF SECTION 1.0 STARTING DATE FOR PROJECT: Written quotes wiil be accepted until 11:00 a.m. on May 26, 1993. NOTE: Consideration will be given to those vendors who witl best meet the time schedule requirements for this project. We ask that the irrigation installation project commence as soon as possible after asphalt trail is installed or June 15, 1993, whichever is earliest, and ta be completed no later than June 25, '1993. By: Signature Title Print NamB Address Phone Number City, State, Zp Code irrigate.7 (3) CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PARKS DEPARTMENT JAYCEE PARK- IRRIGATION PHASE il - SHELTER AND OPEN AREA PARK PROJECT #J-93.1 IRRIGATION SYSTEM GeneraF Information Material Specification Installation Specification ', GENERAL INFORMATION INDEX 1. Scope of work 2. Description of System 3. Examination of the Site 4. Time of Completion 5. Conduct of Work 6. Handling of Materials and Equipment 7. Contractor's Responsibility 8. Codes and Inspections 9. Owner's Supervision 10. Cleaning Premises 1. SCOPE OF WORK A. The work contemplated by these specifications consists of the provision of labor, material, equipment, and services required for all work as described herein. B. Unless otherwise specified,the plans and specifications are intended to include everything requisite and necessary for the proper installation and completion of the work whether each necessary item is mentioned herein or not. C. The plans and specifications are intended to be cooperative and any item called for in one and not the other shall be as binding as 'rf called for in both, D. All work herein specified or caNed far on the drawings will be executed in accordance with all governing ordinances, laws and regulations that meet all local conditions. Additional changes and/or conditions will be made without additional eost to the Owner. 2. DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM Layout of the system shall be as shown on Drawing No. 3. EXAMINATION OF THE SITE The Contractor acknowledges that he has examined the site, and the submission of his/her proposal shall be considered evidence that examination has been made. irrigate.7 (4) CITY QF ROSEMOUNT PARKS DEPARTMENT JAYCEE PARK- 1RFtIGATION PHASE II - SHELTER AND OPEN AREA PARK PROJECT #J-93.1 IRRIGATION SYSTEM - General information - Continued 4. COMMENCEMENT AND COMPLETtON A. The successful bidder must agree to commence work on or before a date to be specified in a written "Notice to Proceed" and to fu11y complete the work within the number of conseeutive calendar days shown on this bid fiarm. B. Completion time, expressed in consecutive calendar days, will be converted to ' a specific date at the time the notice to proceed is issued. 5. CONDUCT OF WORK A. The Contractor shall maintain skilled laborers on the work during progress, together with competeM superintendent who has the authority to act in all matters pertaining to the work. B. The Contractor shaH coordinate work with the other trades and, in particular, the landscape construction. C. The Contractor shall confine his operations to the areas to be improved and to the areas allotted him for material and equipment storage. D. Work week days from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Work on Saturdays only with written authorization. No work will be done on Sundays. 6. HANDLING OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT The Contractor shall provide and pay for all transportation required to deliver and remove from the site all materials and equipment, as required for al1 the work shown and specified. 7. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBiLITY The Contractor shall be responsible for their work and every part thereof and for all materials, tools, and property of every description used in connection therewith. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Owner against ali liabilities, ctaims, ar demands for injuries or damages to any persons or property growing out of the performance of the work under this contract, except such liability, claims, or demands for injuries or damages resulting for acts or failure to act of the Owner. 8. CODES AND INSPECTtONS The entire installation shall fully comply with all local and state laws and ordinances, and with ail the established codes applicable thereto. The Contractor shall take out all required permits, arrange #or afl necessary inspections and shaH pay any fees and expenses in conjunction with the same as a part of the work under this contract. irrigate.7 (5� CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PARKS DEPARTMENT JAYCEE PARK- IRRIGATION PHASE II - SHELTER AND OPEN AREA PARK PROJECT #J-93.1 IRRIGATfON SYSTEM - Generai In€ormation - Continued 9. OWNER'S SUPERVISION The Owner assumes no responsibility in the supervision and inspection of the work involved in the execution of this contract beyond insuring, to the Owne�'s satisfaction, that the plans and specifications are being properly interpreted. This supecvision and checking will not relieve the Contractor of any responsibility for the performance af ' work in accordance with the plans and these specifications. 10. CLEANING PREMISES A. The contractor shall at all times keep the premises on which the work is being . done, and the adjoining premises, clean of rubbish caused by his/her work. B. Upon completion of the job, the Contractor shall clean up all debris caused by his/her work and leave the job in a neat and clean condition. All debris removed from the job will be taken away from the premises. irrigate.7 (6) �;ITY OF ROSEMOUNT PARKS DEPARTMENT JAYCEE PARK- IRRIGATION PHASE 11 - SHELTER AND OPEN AREA PARK PROJECT #J-93.1 MATERIAL SPECIFICATION INQEX 1. Materiais 2. Polyvinyf-Chloride Pipe (PVC1 3. PVC Pipe Fittings 4. Electric Remote Contral Valves 5. Valve Boxes 6. Sprinkier Heads 7. Swing Joint 8. Communication Circuitry 9. Automatic Controller 10. Quick Caupling Valves 11. Sod 1. MATERIALS A. All materials and equipment furnished under this contract shall be new. 2. POLYVINYL-CHLORIDE PIPE (PVC) A. All pipe shall be virgin, high impaet, polyvinyl-chloride tPVC3 pipe, having a minimum 160 PSI working pressure rating. All PVC pipe shall be continuously and permanently marked with manufacturer's name,material,size and schedule or type. B. Pipe shatl conform to A.S.T.M. (American Society for Testing and Materiats) standards D2241 and D2632 or latest revision. Materials shall confarm ta aU requirements of A.S.T.M., D1784, or latest revision. 3. PVC PIPE FITTINGS PVC pipe fittings shall be constructed or Schedule 40 PVC and shall be joined to the pipe by solvent welding. PVC snap on saddle tees are not acceptable. 4. ELECTRIC REMOTE CONTROL VAIVES Valves used in the electrically controlled automatic system shall be RAIN BIRD VALVE 200-PEB/24V or equal. Valves shall be sized as shown on the plan an� shall be installed in valve boxes of appropriate size and type as described under valve boxes. 5. VALVE BOXES Valve boxes shall be asmanufactured by AMETRIC CORP (10" Round) or equal. Valve box shall be of a size that provides adequate space for valve repairs. irrigate.7 �7� CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PARKS DEPARTMENT JAYCEE PARK - IRRIGATION PHASE II - SHELTER AND OPEN AREA PARK PROJECT #J-93.1 IRRIGATIONS SYSTEMS - Materiai Specification - Continued 6. SPRINKLER HEADS A. Sprinkler head shall be HUNTER I-25 36S/RAIN BiRD R-70-FC or equal. B. Type and location of heads shall be as shown on plan. 7. SWING JOINTS PVC SCH 80 SWING JOINT/SPEARS 1" SJR MPT*MPT W/8" BT $. COMMUNICATION CfRCUITRY Electric control lines from each controUer to the automatic valve shall be direct burial wire. Minimum size - #14 gauge (List specific type of brand and wire.) 9. AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER A. Automatic controllers shall be RA1N BIRD CONTROLLER RC-7C/RC-1260C (OUTDO�R}or equaL 40. 0!.UICK COUPLING VALVES Quick coupling valves shall be RAIN BIRD QUICK COUPLER VALVE 5 RC/1" or equal. 11. SOD Highland. irrigate.7 ($) CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PARKS DEPARTMENT JAYCEE PARK - IRRIGATtON PHASE II - SHELTER AND OPEN AREA PARK PROJECT #J-93.1 INSTALLATION SPECIFICATION INDEX 1. Permits, Licenses and Certi#icates 2. Rights ofi Way 3. Underground Structures 4. Excavating and Backfilling 5. Installation of Piping 6. Installation of Wire 7. Sleeving 8. Rock excavation 9. Water Supply Installation 10. Controller Installation 11. Electrical Work. 12. Automatic Control Valve Installation 13, Improperly Operating or Located Equipment 14. fnstructions 15. As Buiit Plan 16. Catalog and Instruction Data 17. Seasonal Drainage 18. Guarantee 1. PERMITS, LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES A. The Contractor shall procure all permits and licenses, except as otherwise indicated, pay all charges and fees and give all notices necessary and incident to the proper and lawful prosecution of the work. Contractar shall also obtain and supply the Owner all certificates required to shaw that the work fias been performed in accordance with the building, plumbing, electrical or other codes, rules and regulations of local or other autharities, the Board of Fire Underwriters, or such other like bodies, as the specifications may require directly or by implication. B. When the work performed affects the property of facilities of public utility or other corporatians or of private persons,contractor shall obtain and supply from such corporations or person if required, statements that the work has been performed satisfactorily so far as their interests are affected and that all claims therefore have been settled by the Contractor. 2. RlGHTS OF WAY The Owner will furnish the necessary rights of way for the contract work, also all iawful autharity that may be necessary for approved crossings or occupation of any roads, street or alleys upon which the contract work will be done. irrigate.7 (9) + 2 , �;ITY OF ROSEMOUNT PARKS DEPARTMENT JAYCEE PARK - IRRIGATION PHASE H - SHEITER AND OPEN AREA PARK PROJECT #J-93.1 IRRIGATION SYSTEMS - Instaliation Specific�tions - Continued 3. UNDERGROUND STRUCTURE A. The 4wner shall make availabte to the contractor atl necessary inforrnation regarding the exact location of existing underground structures and utilities and shall mark their location, at the site. B. The Contractor shall be liable for the damages to and the cost of repairing or replacing any buried conduit, cables or piping encountered during the installation of the work, unless they were not marked or he was not previously informed of such ur�derground utilities. If the Contractor is aware of such buried lines, he/she shall immediately have the incurred damages repaired at his/her own expense. Conversely, the Owner shall be liable for the cost of replacing or repairing damages to any of those existing utilities of which the Contractor had not been previously informed. 4. EXCAVATING AND BACKFILLING A. Contractor shall do all necessary excavation required for the proper installation of his work. B. When backfilling , All backfill material shall be fres from rock larger than 2" in diameter, large stone or other unsuitable substances to prevent damage to the pipe and swing joint. C. BackfilJing of trenches containing plastic piping shaN be done when pipe is cool to avoid excessive contraction. All backfill material will be compacted in 6" layers as it's brought up to grade so as to insure that no settling results. D. Sod to be installed at a minimum of four (4) square feet centered around irrigation heads. 5. fNSTALLATION OF PIPING A. All main line pipe which is under constant pressure, shall be installed with a minimum depth of cover of 12" to 18". AII other pipe shall be installed with a minimum depth of cover of 8" to 12". B. All pipe shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation. C. Piping shall be securely capped at the end of each days work to prevent entrance of foreign materiaL irrigate.7 (10) . o . CITY OF ROSEMt�UNT PARKS DEPARTMENT JAYGEE PARK- IRRIGATION PHASE II - SHELTER AND OPEN AREA PARK PROJECT #J-93.1 IRRIGATtON SYSTEMS - InstaBation Specifications - Continued 6. INSTAILATION OF WIRE A. Wire shall be installed with main line piping in the same trench. At each connection to the valve sufficient slack shall be provided to faciFitate future service. B. All underground splices shall be waterproofed with the wire connectors and Direct Burial splice Kit tDBY} as manufactured by 3M Company or equal. 7. SLEEVING Pipe.and wire shall be enclosed in PVC sleeves at each walk and road crossings as shown on plan. 8. ROCK EXCAVATION If rock is encounte�ed in the alignment and depth shown on the plan the alignment and/or depth shall be adjusted in order to avoid its excavation if at all possible. If alignment and depth adjustment cannot be made and it becomes necessary to remove the same, the Contractor shall be paid for additional cost incurred in the handling of it. 9. WATER SUPPLY Water for the system shall be taken from appropriate locations shown on drawing. 10. CONTROLLER INSTALLATION Contractor shall install controllers at locations shown on the plan and in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 91. ELECTRICAL WORK A. Contractor will be responsible for wiring at controller locations. 12. AUTOMATIC CONTROL VALVE INSTALLATION All control valves shaH be installed in valve boxes. 13. 111APROPERLY OPERATING OR LQCATED EQUIPMENT Any equipment which fails to operate properly and/or is located incorrectly shaH be promptiy relocated and/or removed at the direction of the Owner and at the Contractor's expense. Before any piping ar equipment islocated other than shown on the plans, permission to do so shall be obtained from the Owner by the Contractor. irrigate.7 (11) CfTY OF ROSEMOUNT PARKS DEPARTMENT JAYCEE PARK- IRRIGATION PHASE 11 - SHELTER AND OPEN AREA PARK PROJECT #J-93.1 IRRIGATION SYSTEMS - installation Specifications- Continued 14. INSTRUCTIONS After completion and testing of the system, the Contractor wili instruct the Qwner's personnel in the proper operatian and maintenance of the system. 15. AS BUILT PLAN Contractor will provide "to scale" As Built Plan of entire project when completed. 16. CATALOG AND INSTRUCTION DATA A. The Contractor shaA collect two (2) sets of catalog data including instructions for installation, operation, spare parts lists, and care of equipment for a!I pieces of equipment furnished under this contract, to include electrical equiprnent installed on the job. B. This data shatl be bound in a three ri�g, loose-leaf notebook of appropriate size or in binders approved by the Engineer. Two (2) notebooks shall be delivered to the Owner upon eonclusion of the work, and before receipt of final payment. C. The Contractor shall submit at campletion one set of as built contract plans which show all modifications to the contract and changes of locations, materials or configurations. This set shall be submitted with the operating manuals to the Owners. 17. SEASONAL DRAINAGE Winter drainage shall be accomplished by replacing the water with compressed air. 18. GUARANTEE For a periad of two {2) years from date of final acceptance of the work performed under this contract, the Contractor shall promptly furnish, without cost to the Owner, any and all parts which prove defective in material and workmanship. In the falF t 1993) following the installation the Contractor shall drain the system for winter and the following spring (1994) shall put the system back into operation without cost to the Owner. This procedure of preparing the systems for winter shall be repeated in the fall of 1994 and start up in the spring of 1995. A11 repair work "through" the start up in 1995 wiil be at the expense of the contractor. irrigate.7 (�2)