HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Peddlers; Solicitors; Transient Merchants Ordinance t i . i . _. � . . . . . .� . . . CITY OF ROSEMOIINT EXECiTT2VE SUD�l�RY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JUNE 1, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: CONSIDERATION OF PEDDLERS, AGENDA SECTION: SOLICITORS, AND TRANSIENT MERCHANTS ORDINANCE NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BYs JOHN MILLER, AGENDA ��� � n � ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR y ATTACI�IENTS: DRAFT PEDDLERS OR.DINANCE, VED BY: REQUEST CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GAC TO BRING TO � COUNCIL, RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING FEES The Rosemount Chamber of Commerce, through if:s Government Action Committee, is concerned of the activities of some peddlers and transient merchants. In turn the committee, through its chair Lucy Holzer, has asked the city to consider an ordinance regulating the activities of these mobile business persons. Attached please find a draft ordinance that requires licensing of persons or organizations conducting this activity and regulates to some degree their activities. Major points include: l. Sales activities on public right-of-way and public land defined. 2 . Owner� s approval to operate from private property. 3 . Fifty dollar fee required of for profit organization. No fee for non-profit. . The ordinance as drafted contains language suggested by the League of Cities and from ordinances presently in effect in Apple Va11ey, Eagan, and Lino Lakes. Application and license forms from Eagan are attached. The city clerk and police chief are comfortable with the use of similar forms . Two actions for adoption are required: A motion to adopt the ordinance and a motion to adopt the resolution establishing the fee. The ordinance would become effective upon publication. RECONIlylENDED ACTION: Motion to approve AN ORDINANCE�RELATING TO THE LZCENSING OF PEDDLERS, SOLICITOR5, AND TRANSIENT MERCHANTS AND PROVIDTNG PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF. Motion to approve A RESOLUTION SETTING THE LICENSE FEE FOR PEDDLERS, SOLICITORS, AND TR.ANSIENT MERCHANTS. COUNCIL ACTION: � x , , CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, l���t1VESOTA . ORDINANCE NO. XVI.24 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE LICENSING OF FEDDLERS, SOLICITORS, AND fiR,ANSIENT MERCHANTS AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF The City Council of the City of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota does hereby ordain as follows: SECTION l. Pur,�ose. This Ordinance is not intended to in any way hinder, delay or interfere with legitimate business or organizational activities. The City Council finds, however, that solicitors have used public streets and their direct contact with residents of the City for the illegitimate solicitation practices of harassment, nuisance, theft, deceit or menacing, troublesome or unlawful activities. This ordinance is intended`to identify and control: {1} businesses and organizations using solicitation as a means of concealing unlawful activities; and (2) businesses and organizations which, though its activities be lawful or even commendable, use such illegitimate practices in solicitation; and (3) individual natural persons who, though they represent lawful businesses and organizations, use such illegitimate solicitation practices. SECTION 2. Definitions. For the purpose of this Ordinance, the terms defined herein shall have the following meanings: A. "Peddler° means any persons who goes from house to house, from place to place, or from street to street, conveying or transporting goods, wares or merchandise or offering or exposing the same for sa1e, or maki.ng sales and delivering articles to purchasers. B. "Solicitor" means any person who goes from house to house, from place to place or from street to street, solicitia�g or taking - or attempting to take orders for sale of goods, wares or merchandise, including magazines, books, periodicals, or personal property of any nature whatsoever for future delivery, : or for service to be performed in the future, whether or not such individual has, carries or exposes for sale a sample of the subject of such order or whether helshe is calleeting advance payments on such orders. Such definition includes any person, who or himself/herself, or another persons, firm or carporation, hires, leases, uses or occupies any building, motor vehicle, structure or other place within the City for the primary purpose of exhibiting samples and taking orders for future delivery. . � i�' • i � C. "Transient Merchant" means any person, individual, copartnership and corporation, both as principal and agent, wha engage in, do, or transact any temporary and transient business in this state, either in one Iocality or in traveling from place to place in this state, selling goods, wares and merchandise; and who for the purpose of carrying on such businesses, hire, lease, occupy, or use a building, structure, vacant lot, or railroad car for the e�chibition and sale of such goods, wares and merchandise. The term, "transient merchant" does not include a seller or exhibitor in a firearms collector show involving two or more sellers or exhibitors. SECTION 3. License Required. �t is unlawful for any peddler, solicitor or transient merchant to engage in any such business within the City of Rosemount without first having obtained a license from the city clerk in compliance with the pravisions of this chapter, except those specifically excluded by Section 4. SECTION 4. Exclusions. No person shall be required to obtain a license in the following instances: ��e.s� �'0 2 �u.6�Pw�u. C� ; A. A solicitor-doing business by appointment. B. A solicitor taking orders for the future door-to-door delivery of newspapers. C. Salespeople selling goods to retail or wholesale stores or to professional or industrial establishments. D. The conduct of "garage sales° or "rummage sales." E. No licenses shall be required for vendors as a preliminary step to the establishment of a regular route service for the sale and delivery of such cornmodities or the providing of such services to regular customers. F. School aged children selling items for fundraisers. G. Any canvassing, soliciting or fund raising for the purpose of charitable organizations if such an organization is registered with the State Department of Commerce pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 30952 as a charitable organization or exempted pursuant to the provisions of Minnesata Statutes 309.515, provided dacumentation is filed with the city clerk giving the following information: 2 � . , I (1) Name and address of the organizatian; (2) Name, address and physical description of the person seeking to register on behalf of the organization; (3) Names and addresses of all of the officers and no more than four (4) directors of the organization; (4) Period during which canvassing, solicitation or fund raising is.to be carried on; (5) Purpose of the cause for which registration is sought; and (6) Evidence of registration with the Department of Commerce or exemption from registration pursuant to M.S. 309.515. Upon receipt of the statements required in this subsection and receipt of evidence that such organization is a charitable organization, the city clerk shall issue a license. SECTION 5. A�lication. In addition to such information as the City Clerk may require, the application shall also include: A. The name and address of the applicant and a11 persons associated with the applicant in the applicant's business. B. A brief written description of the nature of the business, the goods to be sold, and the applicant's method af operation. C. If employed, the name and address of the employer, together with credentials establishing the exact relationship. D. The length of time which the applicant intends to do business in the city with the approximate dates. E. The place where the goods or property proposed to be sold, or order taken for the sale thereof, are manufactured or produced, where such goods or products are located at the time said application is filed, and the proposed method of delivery. F. A statement as to whether or not the applicant or the person managing the business has been convicted of any crime, misdemeanor or violation of any municipal ordinance, involving activities lieensed under this Chapter, the nature of the offense and the punishment or penalty assessed therefore. G. If a vehicle is to be used, a description of the sarne together with license number or other means of identification. H. A statement of the nature, character, and quality of the goods, wares, or merchandise to be sold or offered for saie by applicant, the invoice value and quality of such goods, wares, 3 and merchandise, whether the same are proposed to be sold from stock in possession or by sample, at auction, by direct sa1e, or by taking orders far future delivery. I. The drivers license number of the applicant and all persons listed in subparagraph A above. J. Credentials from the person, for which the applicant proposes to do business, authorizing the applicant to act as such representative. K. In the case of transient merchants, the place where the business is to be carried on and a copy of xhe lease for such place or a letter signed by the owner thereof authorizing the use. SECTION 6. Investigation and Insurance. A. There will be a fourteen (14) day waiting period between the .._ application and issuance of the license during which period of `-time the chief of police shall make such investigation of the applicant's business moral character as he shall deem necessary for the protection of the public good. The iicense may be issued by the city clerk when the foregoing investigation is completed. B. The issuance of the license shall be denied if it appears that the applicant has been convicted of a felony, a misdemeanor invoiving moral turpitude or a violation of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 329, or of this ordinance. SECTION 7. Duration of License. All licenses issued pursuant to this article shall expire at midnight of Deeember 31st in the year when issued. SECTION 8. License Fees. Fees shall be set from time to time by City Council resolution. SECTION 9. Use of Streets. No peddler or solicitor shall have any exclusive rights to any location in the public streets, nor shall any be permitted a stationary locatior�.thereon, nor sha11 any be permitted to operate in a congested area where such operation might impede or inconvenience the public use of such streets. For the purpose of this chapter, the judgment of a police officer, exercised in good faith, shall be deemed conclusive as to whether the area is congested and public impeded or inconvenienced. SECTION 10. Exhibition of License. All licenses issued under this chapter, including those issued to company representatives, shall be carried by the licensee upon the person or in the case of a transient merchant, 4 conspicuously posted in su�h merchant's place of business. Such license shall be shown at the request of any citizen. SECTION 11. Prohibited Practices. No person under this ordinance shalL• A. Sell or solicit before the hours of 9 a.m. or after 9 p.m. unless a previous appointment has been made. B. Enter or conduct business upon any premises where a sign or plaque is conspicuously posted stating in effect that no peddlers or solicitors are allowed. Such signs shall have letters a minimum of 1/2 inch high. C. Occupy for the purpose of advertising and/or conducting business any area within a sight triangle, at any road intersection. D. Occupy as a transient merchant, solicitor or peddler, any public right-of-wa� for the purpose of advertising and/or conduchng business. E. Occupy as a transient merchant, solicitor or peddler public property for the purpose of advertising and/or conducting business unless approved by the City Council. SECTION 12. Revocation of License. Licenses issued under the provisions of this ordinance may be revoked by the council of the City of Rosemount after notice and hearing for any of the following causes: A. Fraud, misrepresentation, or incorrect statement contained in the application for license. B. Fraud, misrepresentation or incorrect statement made in the course of carrying on his business as solicitor, canvasser, peddler, transient merchant, itinerant merchant or itinerant vendor, C. Any violation of this ordinance. D. Conviction of any crirne or misdemeanor. E. Conducting the business of peddler, canvasser, solicitor, transient merchant, itinerant merchant, or itinerant vendor, as the case may be, in an unlawful manner or in such a manner as to constitute a breach of peace or to constitute a menace to health, safety or general welfare of the public. 5 ` Notice of hearing for revocation of a license shall be given by the city clerk in writing, setting forth specifically the grounds of complaint and the time and place of hearing. Such notice shall be mailed, postage prepaid, to the licensee at his last known address at least five days prior to the date set for hearing, or shall be delivered by a police officer in the same manner as a summons at least three days prior to the date set for hearing. SECTION 13. A�eal. Any person aggrieved by the action of the chief of police or the city clerk in the denial of a license as provided in Section 6 of this ordinance may appeal to the council. Such appeal shall be taken by filing with the council within fourteen days after notice of the action complained of, a written statement setting forth fully the grounds for the appeal. The council shall set a time and place for a hearing on such appeal, and notice of such hearing shall be given to the appellant in the same manner as provided in Section I2 af this ordinance for notice of hearing on revocation. SECTION 14. Rea,p�lication. No licensee whose license has been revoked shall make further. application until at least six manths have elapsed since the last previous revocation. SECTION 15. Penaltv. Any person who violates any provision of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $700 or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding 90 days or both, plus in either case, the costs of prosecution. SECTION 16. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication. ADOPTED this day of June, 1993. E. B. Mcl�Ienotny, Mayor Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Published this day of June, 1993 in "Dakota County Tribune." 6 April 13, 1993 To: John Miller This is a request for the presentation of the vendor ordinance to be set before council, and the very earliest date. Thar�C;l you, � � � ���� ' �ucy H zer Comnittee Chair • U����—y� 11 : �U�lti'I rkUldl i;Iii' GF EtiGnN TU y��35�U3 rUU�/UlU , ;, � I � � �= � �1lVtSLl�BtlOn�CC �0�-�C��ZC� r+w*w*rwy+w.+rrr�i�s�����*�r I��w*+rw;.•r i ,,,_,,,,#�2S Lic�nse for np.ta thrt.G t�icifara �AFPi�TCA�'ION FORM ��E � `S S Fvz uch sddinaau�l�alidtor . !'K�!'�RLY C��1ZP'LFTED O�t TF WILi. ` NOT BE P�tC�,'�r'.S.��b. --r- ���" Cir{�Z1�QR � '� �AIE Y�`AR �r►�sr�s����r����+►��r�rs�s��ras�s�es*r�■ , , i Cn"f'QF F,�ICsATT , �USINE35 St7LdC1TATIC?N I.it�iSE (�'UR PROFIT) � 'i ApP11CANi''S NA2v�: I � (��) <middlo) (L,st) I.tN`.�L�A�DDRESS: � � y� i��n� - r.��r i t�) . I . (aty&btate} (nP) HOME PHOh'E: � SUSAIE,�S Pk10TTE: �II�i�H1'DAT�: SOCiA,L SECURIT'Y NO.: DRTYER'S IIC.PtO. � � I t�t, AI�'PLIG�Irfi 5 Ctl'RRENT A2ti'I7 P'R�VIOUS ADDRESSES FaR THREE ��S PRL�C�D G 1'f� DiATE OF AFPL2CATIOh': , . � �t�E�.� �1sTa�rzt� �,,0� . T�2 ����N,-; ..---- -�_,— � � - APP'LICAhfi S CURRE2.'? AND PRE'sJIOUS OCCt1PA'T44f+tS F�C3R � YEA'k.S PREG�ING TF� I3A'TE OF APPLICA7ION: � , • QGct.r�A�or� �M TQ � • j ��_ i r -r -r�.r---� � �.+iww.�r�. � �� � IdA,iviES�►ND ADDRE5S�5 OF�+.FFLiG�it*�''S Elvff'L07'�RS,IF AN'�,POR'3'f�'1�IRE.E'YF1�R5 P1iEC�17ING T!'iE T.�ATE OF AFPLJ�+,TI�N: ��) . : �ItM NAME STREET • FRaM SUPERVISOR �TY STATE . 2� �QN� TQ �) . � FIRM hq,� STRgT FR�M SUPERVISOR CxTX STr,TE �' PHQ� � Tp f�3UR CH1'sRACTER R�,�R�NC�,S (IP AF1'LiC.�N? iiA� NG7 RES�E#� �T T�iE t�T"Y :PC3A �'W� YEA.RS �MEDIA7'F1.,Y PRECEDJNG L>A1'E bF APPI.�CATIOI`.1): . ' • ; ' �� ST��"I:.CfZY dz STATE � ' u�-��-y� 11 : 3Un1�� Fku1�I Ci'1Y ur EnGn�1 'iu `y4���ZU� PUu3/U1U , I � , . , ; F E r#yMl�I�tMtMttM�R�rtw '��M�I*��i#�#�I�tyi• CI'�'t� AGAN � HUSINESS 3dL1CITATION LICENSE THE APPLICATIOY+t ORM 11�75 BE : (Ft3R PROFIT) FR�PERLY CQMP��TED OR TT WiLL � . NQ"x'BT� PRf_1�5SE�.1. i . � . . � #i!f#l�tEiil�lY1/Sf#�F���4�lRi4fRi4ltttlMi � .� . BUSII�'E5S NAM�: BU5I1`t�'SS PFIaN�: � I.00AT7+DN OF SALES: ' (ADDRFSS) C170bR-TU-DOUlt) Nt1ME & DESCRIP'��ON' C1F PRODUCT: � � 'VEHIGLE USED FOR THIS BUSYNESS: (iF MORE THAN ONE I�..fi7'SF.�'ARP.TFZ-�'} I MAK,E MODEL YEAR STATE LIC�NSE NUMBER LENGTH OF TIME RE�UtREZ7 TN C['TY: ' DATES OF AC1"tYI'I'Y IN CI'I'Y FROM: TO: C3THER COMMUNITIBS WHERE SAME PERMIT WAS ISSUED: ; Have yau �ver been convfcied uf s telony,gross misdcmcauor,or misdemcsao�', tn�clvd�8�+a�Iat�pII oi n i uokipal or�iinance bn:t excludlag traffc violatians'! No,,,,_Yes lf Xes,expisin on the reverse side,t6e datc and place of coaviction �►nd titt�ns►tar+e ot t�e o![e.ose. � - — ��.._.--.. ...._.......-......�.......�..�.. _M.�____. ATTACH A COMPL.ETE Li.�,T CfF ALL SOLi�tT4�tS, I�ICLUDING £AC�i P�R50N'S FULI�Nrl11�f� (FTRST,J�IU�LE,ir#�"T� A,DDRESS(S'fREET,CITY,5'r'A7'E,2IP,PHON'�NUM���t,AND DATE C1F SIR'i'H).EACH SDLICTI'OR MUST CC�MPIrETE AND SIGN A CONSENT F4R RELEASE QF I1r'FORMATION �ORM. , �-- - -- --- -.,........,.,..__�� �.�...---- -- � -- - ORDiNAIVCE ALL�QWS A FIVE-DAY E$USIN�.SS DA7� WAIT'LNG PER�OD BE'iWEEI�t THE APP;L�CATIOI� � AND APPROVAL OF REGiSTRA'i'ION DURING WHICH �ZME THE POLiCE SHA�,.G h3,�iH� �+►N INVESTIGATIOl+1 OF THE A.P�LICANT. THE RE�1S�'RA'�7UN MAY BE EFFEGTIVE WHEN THE FCIR�GOING tNVE5TlGATIQN IS CQMPi.ETED OR WITHIN �'NE BLJSFNESS DAYS OF' � PLIC�►TION, WHICH�'V�R IS �ARLIER I SWEAR AND ATTEST TO Tt�FACT THAT TriE PRECEDllVG iNFQRM�1Ti0N I$TRUE �iND COR3tE�T','I'C)'�'NE BEST OF MY�1V�t'VL�DG�. �AL.SU GIVE MY P'ERMiSSI,BN T4 IT�tWESTi GATE ANY OR AL�L OF THE P`ER.SOI�S LISTED,AS DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE CY'1`1'. �. GIS�NA.TURE OF APP23CANT DATE _.....,;.�.,.�r__._._.....____..____. Pt�LlC�AP�'ROVAL DftTE UFFICE UF THE GITY CLERK A�'FfiQYr�L DriTE CIT4' OF EAGAN 383t► PIIAT�IVG$ROAD TAGAN SS1?�-1897 b81-4bOf1 ' li5-���-'�3 11 3Un1vI r�ulvi Cii'Y' UF ExGhI� Tli y4�351U� rUU4%UlU • . . ', - - . • . . �� - �'EE: x23.OQ br a period ot ( I ' uP t0 one(t j year 71�E APPLIGATI N F[,fRi�R I�11$ 8� PRO�°iERW tA PLETEo 0�+1 YVILL 3630 F91a1 Knob Fbad C1T'I QF EAGAM 110T SE PFtCC ED. ; Ea�en,MN 55122-189T $OLlCITA'{lON LICEttSE � , {p.iy�ous,cl�.rtl.p{e a tiw►prane orpants.tior►j NAME OF ORGANI?ATION: ' ORCaANlZAT10N'S F'RESEhfi ADDRESS: (sV'�) . � (�Y) �1 G�iP) I tPhone) MINNESOTA TAX E�MPT Nt7.: P'URPOSE FOR WHICH LICENSE tS REOU�S"IED: � LOCATION QF SALES: I PEFiIOD FOR WN1CH UCENSE IS DESIRED: � lL4ME3 8.ADDf�SSES t?F bFFlGERS OF C?FtGiAt�lLc�ATiQhI: 1 i � (name) {stceet) (c�t�+&�kv) (zIP) �tsone) (name) (atreet} (cttYB�ts} (ziP) I iphan�) (name? {a�reetj (dty8�atate) (��P? � tPhone) {name! tat►est) (e+tYB�tate) (xiP) I (p1'►ons> APPUGANT'S NAMB: � �iret} '(middle) I (laet} APf+UCANT'S tOCAL ADDRESS: h�'�tt� i . i (d�ye�st8w) t��p? Dy4TE OF BIRTH: PF30NE PlUMBER: SOGIAL.SEGUF3ITY NQ.: DRfVER'S EJC.Np. �� llRv��rou�wr b�en conviebed ot i tl�lony�pross sMsd�ap�t,ot mfad�rt�naq fnciudirp viatrtioe at�au�nbfpd but �xaludfnp VafRo vtefatle.►�? No Y�s If Yes,txpiaM at 1t+�nv;rs�r skN,1M OI�ri 1uW pt�ct ot oawr�k�lfor�and tt»efstut�o�t�oM�ns�., --------_._- _...._. ... ATTA�ti A CpMP�.ETE k,.lSY OF ALL SOLICRORS,INGUJDING EACH PERS�ON'$FtiLL NAME(fiRST,MIt1DLE,t.AB'I��►D�RE3S (STREf�,GtM,£TATE,ZII�,pHONE NUMBER,AI�tD Dr1TE OF BIRTFtj.EAGM SQUCtT'QR MlI�S7 GOMPLETE ANp$iGiN A CONSENT 1=0rti RELE/��'sE.-:�1F INFORMAT1�t�!FbRlul. � ORD[NAHCE ALLpVYS A FiVE-1]AY(BUSIHESS W►1�YVAli7HG PERIOa BETWEEN THE APPiJCATFql11Wb APPROYAL OF REGt3TRAT#ON DUREfiCt WHlCN T1ME THE POUCE SHALL iAAKE AN INYE$71(�t'tN�#ij(3F . TME APPUCAN'T. THE REGtSTRAT{ON MAY BE EFFECTNE MMEN THE FQREGOING INN�STIGA711�1i t$ C`AMPLETED pR WlTHIN FtYE @UStME35 DAYS OR MPUCAI'iON.WHICMEYER IS�ARUEi�. ' i SWEAa ANb A77E$T Tq TME FAC'Y'?'FlAT"f MiE PRECEDlNfi INFORMATION iS TAl1E AND CrDiiRECT,TO THE 9EST OF MY ICl�lOWlEDGE !ALSO QiV�I�A'Y PCRMtg�ION TO IMIESTlG�T'E MiY OR ALi.Of'1'ti�PERSOFiS L257'EQ�AS . D�EMEp NECE8SARY BY TME CITY. - Sit3NATURE OF/1PPUCANT ; pAT� POUCE APPR4VAI,. DATE (7FF1GE�F THE�ITY qFRK APPFiOVAL , DATE � � �����-y3 11 �UhIvI rxulai �iiY uF LhUhiu 1U y��3��U3 POUS/U10 � � . , � � CITY OF EAGAN � R I' . , , I' �, flrst ntiddle l�tst ( res�ding et _ address c[ty sta�e ztp drivers #icense # date Qf blrt� , �uthorize the Eagan Police Tfepartment ta disclose to the Esgs�!Gfty Administrs�r snd the Eagan City Councjt all informatian cottec�ed as a r�sult of the ba�kground [a estigation d�ne far the purpvse vf evgtuating the attachetl Iicense �tpplicetion. I understsnd that failure to provide this release wttl result �n a d�nial of my �PP�ir�tion. � t understan�d th�t my records are sabject to state data ptsctices act&became public doruments unless othenvise provided for by stsfe or federgt l�w. I atsa nderstand � that i may revoke this consent at any time except to the ext�nt #hat action has been taken in reiiance Qn it and Xhat in any event, the consent expires �utamatically as described below•. Cqnsent expires (expirativr t19te) I (Natsrize8 signature of in�ivjdua� SIIE�IOTjZ�IIg TE��RSS) � Executed th'ss day of , ��_• ritot�ry � ; � . (s�af) � ; s.�z _. . � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1993- A RESOLUTION SETTING THE LICENSE FEE FOR PEDDLERS, SOLICITORS AND TRANSIENT MERCI�[ANTS WI3EREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount adopted Ordinance No. XVI.24 to regulate the business activities of peddlers, solicitors and transient merchants; and WHEREAS, licenses are required of such business operations; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. XVI.24 allows for the City Council to set license fees by resolution. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby establishes the fee for licenses issued under Ordinance No. XVI.26 in the amount of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars. ADOPTED this 1 st day of June, 1993. E. B McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: ti - ��. Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: