HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.n. Payment Voucher #3 - Jaycee Park, City Project #223CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JANUARY 7, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: CITY PROJECT # 223 AGENDA SECTION: E PARK P OJECT # 91 - 9 CONSENT PREPARED BY: VWWA41100000�AGENDTM DAVID J. BECHTOLD / DIR. P & R ATTACHMENTS: • APP f QQPY F PAY VOUCHER # 3 The grading contract # 91 9 for Jaycee Park was for the amount of $ 37,500 with the firm of Ryan Contracting, Inc.. Our consultants of OSM have submitted pay voucher # 3 for wor-k completed at this time. The payment of $ 4,750.00 -will come from account # 202 - 24413. I The amount of the voucher is $ 4,750.00. With this payment we will have paid a total of $ 30,827.50 towards the contracted work. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Move to approve the payment to Ryan Contracting, Inc. for the amount of $ 4,750.00 as per Pay Voucher # 3 of Park Project # 91 - 9 - City Project # 223. COUNCIL ACTION: December 24, 1991 City of Rosemount 2875 - 145th St. gest Rosemount, Minnesota 55058 Re . .eycee Park Phase II 6r ding City Project No. 223 - Park: 'Protect No. 91-9 OSIS Come. No. 4804 Orr Schelen hlayeron & Associates, lnc. 2021 East Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55413 612-331-8660 FAX 331-3806 Engineers Surveyors Planners City Council : Enclosed ire four (4) copies of Construction Peyteni Goucher No. 3 on the referenced prDJect in the amount of S 4,75Q.00. Ple25e tike peysint in eEo',:nt of S 4,750.00 to Ryon Contrecting, inc., 15':4 E. C)iif '-,.d urr.sv:lle, Yn. r 53,37 at your ferl:ESt convenience. Very truly Frn�rc ORR-SCHELEMAYERON ASISILEAIES' INC. henry C. Dsaundson,?.E. Protect _ncinEer HCO:RnD Enci.sures . CC Ryan Contracting, inc. FztirateF:ljcher NoNT VOU :R ------------------------- Date December 24, 1991 For Period Ending : Deceaber 20, 1991 ------------------------------------------ ----------------------------- Project No. City Project No. 223 - Park Project No. 91-9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class of Work : Jaycee Park - Phase iI Grading Location Far A. B. C. D. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To : Ryan Contracting, Inc. -------------------------------------------------------- 1534 E. Cliff Rd. ` Burnsville, Mn. 55337 -------------------------------------------------------- Ph (612) 894-3200 City of Rosemount, Minnesota Fax (612) 894-3207 -------------------------------------------------------- Original Contract Amount S 37,500.00 ------------------------ iotal Additions S 0.00 ------------------------ Total Deductions S 0.00 ------------------------ Total Funds Encumbered $ E. Total Value of Work Certified to Date F. Less Retained Percentage 5 Y ------------ E. Less Tot a1 Previous Payments H. Total Payments Including This Voucher 1. Balance Carried Forward J. APPROVED FOR PAYMENT, THIS 37,500.00 ------------------------ S 32,45e.00 S 1,622.54 ------------------------ f 26.077.50 ------------------------ S 30,827.50 ------------------------ S 6,672.50 ------------------------ V O U C H E R S 4,750.00 ------------------------ APPROVALS ORR-5CKLEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. Pursuant to our field observation, as perforced in accordance with our contract, and based on our professional opinion, materials are satisfactory and the work properly performed In accordance with the pians and Specifications and that the total work. is 95 1 completed as of December 20, 1991 We hereby recommend payment of this voucher. -------- ----------------------------- Signed ; Signed C Construction Otserver ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is to certify that to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief the quantities and values f work certified herein is a fair approximate estimate for the period covered by t _s vo r Contractor Ryan Contracting, Inc. Signed By__ --- -- ------------------- Date------z;O °/11----------- Title ., Iz ,--- City of-r.osemount Approved for payment"' Voucher------------------------------------ ------------------------- Checked Py : Authjori ed Reprjsentlative ------------------------------------ Date Date ------L a� � �¢-1 1 --------------------- : Page I of 2 - 4804 i -------------- -te DE cember 24, 1991 ----------------------------- Jaycee Park - Phase II Grading City Project No. 223 - Park Project No. 91-9 for the City of Rosemount, Minnesota Cc'n:faCiGf "j'cT/l ContrEctlnc' lnc. iurn.vilie, Mn. 55337 Ph (612) 694-3200 Fax (612)694-3201 Contract Date . kork Started : Work Completed : Completion Date : October 15, 1991 Work Completed Contract This Amount Total to Date Iter No. Ite■ Guantity Unit Unit Price Total Price Month This Month Quantity Total Price ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 ) 2101.502 Charing 14 Tree 25.00 350.00 0.00 15 375.00 2 ) 2101.507 Grubbing 14 Tree 25.00 350.00 0.00 15 375.00 3) 2105.501 Common Excavation (Plan quantity) 15500 C.Y. 1.60 24,600.00 0.00 15,500 24,800.00 4) 2573.503 Erosion Control - Silt Fence 1500 L.F. 1.00 1,500.00 0.00 1,900 1,900.00 5) 2575.501 Seeding 6 Acre 1,250.00 10,000.00 4 5,000.00 4 5,000.00 6) 2575.523 Fiber Blankets, Type Regular 500 S.Y. 1.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 Total S, 37,500.00 S 5,000.00 t 32,450.00 Total to Date 37,500.00 race 2 of 2 - 4804