HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.d. Approve Use of Minnesota Municipal Money Market Fund for InvestingCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 7, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Approve Use of Minnesota AGENDA SECTION: Municipal Money Market (4M) Fund for Investing Consent PREPARED BY: Jeff May, Finance Director AGENDAEii ATTACHMENTS: Y: Resolution, Information on the 4M Fund MAPOVED 400 v The Minnesota Municipal Money Market Fund has been in operation, through a Joint Powers Agreement with other municipalities, since 1987. It has become increasingly popular as one method of investing for cities because of the higher rates of return and, slowly, its convenience in use. I have copied information on the program to you. I am recommending your approval for the City to enter into the Joint Powers Agreement which allows us to utilize the program if we choose to do so. Adopting the resolution allowing us to utilize the program does not require us to do so, but gives us the opportunity if we so choose. RECOMMENDED ACTION: To adopt A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ENTRY INTO A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT IN THE FORM OF A DECLARATION OF TRUST ESTABLISHING AN ENTITY KNOWN AS "MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL MONEY MARKET FUND" AND AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN CERTAIN INVESTMENT PROGRAMS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1992- A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ENTRY INTO`A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT IN THE FORM OF A DECLARATION OF TRUST ESTABLISHING AN ENTITY KNOWN AS "MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL MONEY MARKET FUND" AND AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN CERTAIN INVESTMENT PROGRAMS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Section 471.59(the Joint Powers Act) provides among other things that governmental units, by agreement entered into through action of their governing bodies, may jointly or cooperatively exercise any power common to the contracting parties; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Municipal Money Market Fund was formed in January 1987 pursuant to the Joint Powers Act by the adoption of a joint powers agreement in the form of a Declaration of Trust by a group of Minnesota Municipalities acting as the Initial Participants thereof; and WHEREAS, the Declaration of Trust has been presented to the Rosemount City Council; and WHEREAS, the Declaration of Trust authorizes municipalities of the State of Minnesota to adopt and enter into the Declaration of Trust and become Participants of the Fund. Municipality shall mean city, county, town, public authority, public corporation, public commission, special district, and any "instrumentality"(as that term is defined in the Joint Powers Act) of a municipality; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount deems it to be advisable for this municipality to adopt and enter into the Declaration of Trust and become a Participant of the Fund for the purpose of the joint investment of this municipality's monies with those of other municipalities so as to enhance the investment earnings accruing to each; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount deems it to be advisable for this municipality to make use from time to time, in the discretion of the officials of the municipality indentified in Section 2 of the following Resolution, of the Fixed -Rate Investment Program available to Participants of the Fund. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City of Rosemount shall join with other municipalities in accordance with the Joint Powers Act by becoming a Participant of the Fund and adopting and entering into the Declaration of Trust, which is adopted by reference herein with the same effect as if it had been set out verbatim in this resolution, and a copy of the Declaration of Trust shall be filed in the minutes of the meeting at which this Resolution was adopted. The Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to take such actions and execute any and all such documents as they may deem necessary and appropriate to effectuate the entry of this municipality into the Declaration of Trust and the adoption thereof by this municipality. RESOLUTION 1992 - Page 2 Section 2. The City of Rosemount is hereby authorized to invest its available moniesfromtime to time and to withdraw such monies from time to time in accordance with the provisions of the Declaration of Trust. The following officers and officials of the municipality and their respective successors in office each hereby are designated as "Authorized Officials" with full powers and authority to effectuate the investment and withdrawal of monies of this municipality from time to time in accordance with the Declaration of Trust and pursuant to the Fixed -Rate Investment Service available to Participants of the Fund: Jeffrey A. May, Finance Director Stephan Jilk, City Administrator The City Clerk shall advise the Fund of any changes in Authorized Officials in accordance with procedures established by the Fund. Section 3. The Trustees of the Fund are hereby designated as having official custody of this municipality's monies which are invested in accordance with the Declaration of Trust. Section 4. State banks, national banks, and thrift institutions located either within or without the State of Minnesota which qualify as depositories under Minnesota law and are included on a list approved and maintained for such purpose by the Investment Advisor of the Fund are hereby designated as depositories of this municipality pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 118.005 and monies of this municipality may be deposited therein, from time to time in the discretion of the Authorized Officials, pursuant to the Fixed -Rate Investment Service available to Participants of the Fund. It is hereby certified that the City of Rosemount duly adopted this Resolution at a duly convened meeting of the Rosemount City Council held on the 7th day of January, 1992, and that such Resolution is in full force and effect on this date, and that such Resolution has not been modified, amended, or rescinded since its adoption. ADOPTED this 7th day of January, 1992. ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Voted in Favor: Voted Against: E.B. McMenomy, Mayor Seconded by: Minnesota Municipal Money Market fund 4M fund A Comprehensive Financial Service for Municipalities Sponsored by the League of Minnesota Cities APPLICATION FORMS HOW TO OPEN ACCOUNTS WITH THE FUND Any Minnesota municipality may join the Fundus a participant and take advantage of its investment program. Municipality whall mean city, county, town, public authority, public corporation, public commission, special district, any other political subdivision, and any "instrumentality" (as that term is defined by the Joint Powers Act) A participant does not need to maintain any minimum investment in its account and there is no minimum initial investment. A municipality that wishes to open one or more accounts -with the Fund and become a participant should complete Forms A and B. 1. FORM A (Model Resolution). The governing board of the municipality must adopt a Resolution in the model form provided. The Resolution authorizes the municipality to become a participant of the Fund and adopts the Declaration of Trust. It also designates the officials of the municipality who are authorized to effect transactions with the Fund. This form must be completed with the name of the municipality, the names and titles of Authorized Officials, and the signature of the treasurer of the municipality and must be sent to the Fund's sub -administrator, Cadre Consulting Services, Inc. along with the Registration Form (FORM B). It is only necessary to submit Form A (Model Resolution) for the first account opened by the municipality. 2. FORM B (Registration Form). This form must be completed for EACH account opened by the municipality with all applicable information about the municipality, and the depository bank(s) of the municipality and must be signed by the treasurer of the municipality. If the municipality elects to use the optional checkwriting service, that section of this form must be completed. Upon receipt of the form, Cadre Consulting Services Inc. will supply the municipality with certain information about its account, such as an account number. The municipality may then make its initial investment of monies following the "Instructions for Deposits and Withdrawals" guide. Upon the Fund's receipt and acceptance of the forms and documents referred to above, the municipality will be a Participant of the Fund. A municipality that wishes to take advantage of any of the optional services offered by the Fund should complete the applicable forms listed below, and mail them along with Forms A and B to Cadre Consulting Services Inc. 3. FORM C (Model Automated Clearinghouse/Depository Transfer Authorization Letter). If the municipality chooses to use this optional service, a letter in the model form provided should be typed on the municipality's letterhead, signed by the treasurer and sent to the municipality's depository bank. A voided blank check relating to the municipality's account at the depository and a copy of the letter must be sent along with the Registration Form (FORM B) to Cadre Consulting Services Inca 4. FORM D (Model Fixed -Rate Investment Service Letter). If the municipality chooses to use the optional Fixed Rate Investment Service a letter in the model form provided should be typed on the municipality's letterhead, signed by the treasurer, and sent along with the Registration Form (FORM B) to Cadre Consulting Services, Inc. 4. FORM E (Direct Deposit of State Payments). If the municipality chooses to use the optional lock box for direct deposit of state payments, a letter in the model form provided should be typed on the municipality's letterhead, signed by the appropriate official, and copied to the municipality auditor. Please send a copy of this letter to Cadre Consulting Services, Inc. For more information regarding the opening of an account, or the use of any of the optional services available to participants of the Fund, please call Cadre toll-free 1-800-2214524 or Piper Capital Management toll-free at 1-800-333-6000, ext. 6423. Note: All completed forms and documents contained in this booklet should be mailed to the Fund's Sub - Administrator at the following address: Cadre Consulting Services, Inc., 905 Marconi Avenue, Ronkonkoma, New York 11779. �e FORM A MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL MONEY MARKET FUND ("THE 4M FUND") MODEL RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ENTRY INTO A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT IN THE FORM OF A DECLARATION OF TRUST ESTABLISHING AN ENTITY KNOWN AS "MINNESOTA MUNICIPAIe MONEY MARKET FUND" AND AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN CERTAIN INVESTMENT PROGRAMS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Section 471.59 (the Joint Powers Act) provides among other things that governmental units, by agreement entered into through action of their governing bodies, may jointly or cooperatively exercise any power common to the contracting parties; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Municipal Money Market Fund was formed in January 1987 pursuant to the Joint Powers Act by the adoption of a joint powers agreement in the form of a Declaration of Trust by a group of Minnesota Municipalities acting as the Initial Participants thereof, and WHEREAS, the Declaration of Trust has been presented to this council (or board) and WHEREAS, the Declaration of Trust authorizes municipalities of the State of Minnesota to adopt and enter into the Declaration of Trust and become Participants of the Fund. Municipality shall mean city, county, town, public authority, public corporation, public commission, special district, and any "instrumentality" (as that term is defined in the Joint Powers Act) of a municipality and WHEREAS, this council (or board) deems it to be advisable for this municipality to adopt and enter into the Declaration of Trust and become a Participant of the Fund for the purpose of the joint investment of this municipality's monies with those of other municipalities so as to enhance the investment earnings accruing to each, and WHEREAS, this board deems it to be advisable for this municipality to make use from time to time, in the discretion of the officials of the municipality identified in Section 2 of the following Resolution, of the Fixed - Rate Investment Program available to Participants of the Fund. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 This municipality shall join with other municipalities in accordance with the Joint Powers Act by becoming a Participant of the Fund and adopting,and entering into the Declaration of Trust, which is adopted by reference herein with the same effect as if it had been set out verbatim in this resolution, and a copy of the Declaration of Trust shall be filed in the minutes of the meeting at which this Resolution was adopted. The President (or Chair) and the clerk/treasurer of the council (or board) is hereby authorized to take such action, and execute any and all such documents as they may deem necessary and appropriate to effectuate the entry of this municipality into the Declaration of Trust and the adoption thereof by this municipality. Section 2. This municipality is hereby authorized to invest its available monies from time to time and to withdraw such monies from time to time in accordance with the provisions of the Declaration of Trust. The following officers and officials of the municipality and their respective successors in office each hereby are designated as "Authorized Officials" with full powers and authority to effectuate the investment and withdrawal of monies of this municipality from time to time in accordance with the Declaration of Trust and pursuant to the Fixed -Rate Investment Service available to Participants of the Fund: -2- _(List the name(s) and title(s) of the officer(s) and official(s) who will be authorized to invest and withdraw municipal monies in and from the Fund and pursuant to the Fixed -Rate Investment Service. You may have any number of Authorized Officials; attach an additional list if necessary.) Printed Name Title Printed Name Title Printed Name Title Printed Name Title The treasurer shall advise the Fund of any changes in Authorized Officials in accordance with procedures established by the Fund. Section 3. The Trustees of the Fund are hereby designated as having official custody of this municipality's monies which are invested in accordance with the Declaration of Trust. Section 4. State banks, national banks, and thrift institutions located either within or without the State of Minnesota which qualify as depositories under Minnesota law and are included on a list approved and maintained for such purpose by the Investment Advisor of the Fund are hereby. designated as depositories of this municipality pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 118.005 and monies of this municipality may be deposited therein, from time to time in the discretion of the Authorized Officials, pursuant to the Fixed -Rate Investment Service available to Participants of the fund. It is hereby certified that (insert name of municipality) duly adopted the Model Resolution at a duly convened meeting of the council or board held on the _day of 199, and that such Resolution is in full force and effect on this date, and that such Resolution has not been modified, amended, or rescinded since its adoption. Signature of Clerk Date (or Treasurer) of Municipality Note: A copy of this Model Resolution should be completed, attached to the Registration Form (FORM B), and mailed to the fund's Sub -Administrator, Cadre Consulting Services Inc., 905 Marconi Avenue, Ronkonkoma, New York 11779. It is only necessary to adopt this Model Resolution for the first account opened by the municipality. This form may be photocopied. _3_ FORM B 4M FUND REGISTRATION FORM I. BASIC INFORMATION Name of City, County, Town, Public Authority, Public Corporation, Public Commission, Special District, or Instrumentality (hereinafter the "municipality"). Name of Account Name of Municipality Address City/Zip Attention Telephone Number Federal Identification Number IL WITHDRAWAL INFORMATION AND AUTHORIZATION Authorization is hereby given for the Fund to honor any request, believed by it to be authentic, for the withdrawal, in whole or in part, of the monies of the municipality from the Fund. Unless withdrawn by means of the checkwriting privilege afforded to Participants of the Fund, monies of the municipality withdrawn from the Fund shall be wire transferred by the Fund only to the bank account of the municipality listed below: Bank Name Account Number Bank Address III. CHECKWRITING OPTION The municipality wishes to use the optional checkwriting Service: Yes No (circle one) If yes, the number of Fund account checks initially required for use by the municipality is: 250 50 Other (please fill in amount.) Number of signatures required on each check is Please check here if your municipality would like a specification sheet for computerized checks. (Please allow 2 weeks for delivery of your free checks.) IV. INFORMATION STATEMENT AND DECLARATION OF TRUST It is hereby certified that the municipality has received a copy of the Information Statement of the Fund and the Declaration of Trust creating the Fund, and agrees to be bound by the terms of such documents. - 4 - V. EFFECTIVENESS OF REGISTRATION FORM The information, certifications, and authorizations set forth on this Registration Form shall remain in full force and effect until the fund receives written notification of a change. V1. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES This Registration Form must be signed by the Council President (or Chair) and the Clerk/Treasurer of the municipality in order for the municipality to become a Participant of the Fund. Typed Name of Council President (or Chair) Signature Date Typed Name of Clerk/Treasurer Signature Date Mail this form to: Cadre Consulting Services Inc., 905 Marconi Avenue, Ronkonkoma, New York 11779. —5— MODEL FORM C 4M FUND AUTOMATED CLEARING HOUSE DEPOSITORY TRANSFER AUTHORIZATION LETTER (Insert name and address of depository) (Insert appropriate bank account number) Gentlemen: As a depository of (insert name of municipality) you are hereby authorized and directed to honor EFT transactions for the purpose of withdrawing monies from the account designated above as a depository transfer account of the above-named municipality. You are directed to honor such withdrawals if they are payable to First Bank National Association for credit to the Minnesota Muncipal Money Market Fund. This letter shall constitute sufficient and continuing authority, until revoked in wilting, for you, as an authorized depository of the municipality, to honor such transactions. Sincerely, (Signature of Authorized Official) (Title) (Dated) Note: If the municipality chooses to use this service, this model letter should be completed with information about the depository bank, typed on the municipality's letterhead, signed by one of the Authorized Officials designated in Section 2 of the Model Resolution (FORM A), and sent to the depository bank. Please remember to fill in the name of the municipality, the bank name and address, and the bank account number where indicated. A copy of this letter, and a voided blank check relating to the municipality's account at such depository bank should be attached to the completed Registration Form (Form B) and sent to: Cadre Consulting Services Inc., 905 Marconi Avenue, Ronkonkoma, New York 11779. (Allow 2 to 3 weeks before receiving your identification number.) -6- MODEL FORM D 4M FUND FIXED-RATE INVESTMENT SERVICE LETTER Minnesota Municipal Money Market Fund c/o Cadre Consulting Services Inc. 905 Marconi Avenue, Ronkonkoma, New York 11779 Gentleman: This letter will authorize the wire transfer of monies from the Minnesota Municipal Money Market Fund account or accounts of (insert name of municipality) to pay for certificates of deposit purchased by the municipality to be issued in its name under the optional "Fixed -Rate Investment Service" available to Participants of the Fund through its Administrator and Sub - Administrator. Sincerely, (Signature of Authorized Official) (Title) (Dated) Note: If the municipality chooses to use this service, this model letter should be typed on the municipality's letterhead, signed by one of the Authorized Officials designated in Section 2 of the Model Resolution (FORM A) and sent along Nvith the Registration Form (FORM B) to Cadre Consulting Services Inc. at the above address. MODEL FORM E DIRECT DEPOSIT OF STATE AID PAYMENTS To take advantage of the 4M Fund lockbox, please send the following letter to the State Revenue Department. And, either send a copy of the letter to the municipality auditor or have the municipality auditor co-sign the letter. Date Mr. Richard Gardner Department of Revenue Local Government Service Division Mail Station 3340 St. Paul, MN 55146-3340 Dear Richard: The (municipalitu name) requests that effective (date). all State of Minnesota payments (state warrants) be mailed to our municipality directly to the following lockbox: 4M Lockbox Lockbox/State Funds CM -9574 St. Paul, MN 55170 It is understood that this address change rATill affect the mailing of state payments only, and that other correspondence and materials will continue to be sent to the current address on file for our municipality. Please acknowledge that this change has been made. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, cc: County Auditor (Please note highlighted portion of this letter) -8- S INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAKING DEPOSITS DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO MAKE A DEPOSIT USING THE AUTOMATED CLEARING HOUSE (ACH) DEBIT WILL BE MAILED AFTER THE APPLICATION HAS BEEN PROCESSED. (Interest earned the following business day) TO MAKE A DEPOSIT BY WIRING MONIES: (Interest earned same day) 1. Call (800) 221-4524 no later than 11:00 a.m. and a Cadre Consulting Services operator will answer. 2. Say: a. "I am a Minnesota city wishing to wire transfer a deposit." 3. After you have reached the correct person say: a. "This is (name of municipality), Fund account number with a wire transfer report." b. Deposit amount is 4. The operator will verify the amount. 5. The operator will acknowledge the deposit and provide you with a three -digit verification number for your reference. 6. Advise your local bank to wire -transfer monies to First National Bank of Minneapolis, credit account 4M Fund, bank account number 6023408260, for the benefit of (name of municipality), fund account number (Please note that your bank may have an early afternoon cut-off time for wire transfer.) -9- INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAKING WITHDRAWALS TO MAKE A WITHDRAWAL BY CHECK: (Interest earned on withdrawal until check clears First National Bank of Minneapolis) Simply write 4M Fund check payable to your municipality (for a local deposit), or to a vendor or other payee. There is no minimum amount required to make a withdrawal by check. TO MAKE A WITHDRAWAL BY WIRING MONIES: -- - . (No interest earned on wire transferred monies on day of withdrawal) 1. Call (800) 221-4524 no later than 11:00 a.m. and a Cadre Consulting Services operator will answer. 2. Advise the operator that you area Minnesota city wanting to withdraw monies from your account. S. After you have reached the correct person say: a. "This is - (name of municipality), fund account number , with a request to wire transfer dollars (no cents) to (name of bank), bank account number INSTRUCTIONS FOR PURCHASING CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT (Minimum amount $100,000; minimum time 30 days.) 1. If the necessary amount is not already available in your money market account the purchase will take place on the following business day, after you have deposited such amounts in the 4M Fund. (Deposits to money market fund must be made according to previous instructions no later than 11:00 a.m.) All monies earn interest daily in the money market fund. 2. Call (800221-4524) no later than 11:00 a.m. and request Certificate of Deposit information. 3. Determine rates and, if acceptable, ask for the exact amount necessary to purchase the certificates (principal + fee). Advise the staff of your decision to purchase. Once you have opened one or more accounts for your municipality, you'll want to tear out this page as a handy reference when making deposits or withdrawals. MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL MONEY MARKET FUND W FUND A Comprehensive Financial Service for Municipalities Sponsored by the League of Minnesota Cities INFORMATION STATEMENT This booklet provides detailed information about the Fund and its program Please read it carefully and retain it for future reference. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TheFund......................................................................................................................................................1 InvestmentObjective and Policies..........................................................................................................2 Trusteesand Officers.................................................................................................................................3 TheInvestment Adviser...........................................................................................................................4 TheAdministrator ......................................................................................................................................4 TheCustodian.............................................................................................................................................4 Legal Counsel and Independent Accountants.......................................................................................4 Expensesof the Fund................................................................................................................................5 DailyIncome Allocations............................................................................................................ ..........5 Computationof Yield .................................................................................................................................G Determination of Net Asset Value...........................................................................................................6 PortfolioTransactions............................................................................................................................ r ReportsTo Participants .. .................................................................. ....... ................ ............ i Taxes.................................................................................................................................................S Declarationof Trust...................................................................... ........ ............................................5 No person or entity has been authorized to give any information or to make any representations other than those contained in this Information Statement, and, if given or made, such information or representations must not be relied upon as having been authorized by the Fund, its Trustees, the Investment Adviser, the Administrator, the Sub -Administrator, or any agent of the Fund or the Trustees. The date of this Information Statement is January 1991 THE FUND The Minnesota Municipal Money Market Fund (the "4M Fund") is a common law trust organized and existing in accordance with the provisions of the Minnesota Joint Powers Act (Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59) (the "Joint Powers Act"). The Fund was established in January 1987 by the adoption of a Declaration of Trust by the initial Participants. The Declaration of Trust allows municipalities, as defined therein, to open an account and become a Participant as described in this Information Statement. Municipality is defined as a city, county, town, public authority, public corporation, public commission, special district, and any `Instrumentality" (as that term is defined in the Joint Powers Act) of a county. The address of the Fund is: Minnesota Municipal Money Market Fund, c/o League of Minnesota Cities, 183 University Ave. E. St. Paul, MN 55101. 1— INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE AND POLICIES The general objective of the Fund is to provide a high yield for the Participants while maintaining liquidity and preserving capital by investing only in instruments authorized by Minnesota Statutes 475.66 which governs the temporary investment of county monies. No assurance can be given that the Fund will achieve its investment objective or that any benefits described in this Information Statement will result from the placement of monies in the Fund. The Fund seeks to attain its investment objective by pursuing a professionally managed investment program consistent with the policies and restrictions described below. Portfolio Composition. The Fund is specifically designed for Minnesota municipalities. Accordingly, its portfolio at all times consists solely of instruments in which municipalities are permitted to temporarily invest monies pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.66. Such instruments are the following: (a) Government bonds, notes, bills, mortgages and other securities which are direct obligations or are guaranteed or insured issues of the United States, its agencies, its instrumentalities, or organizations created by an Act of Congress; (b) Any security which is a general obligation of the State of Minnesota or any of its municipalities; (c) Bankers' acceptances of United States banks eligible for purchase by the Federal Reserve System; (d) Commercial paper issued by United States corporations or their Canadian subsidiaries that is of the highest quality and matures in 270 days or less; (e) Deposits in a national bank or in a state bank or thrift institution insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, provided that any such deposit shall be insured, bonded, or collateralized in the manner required by law and that any such bank or thrift institution shall meet criteria designated from time to time by the Trustees; (f) Repurchase Agreements with: 1. Broker/Dealers a. The Fund will deal only with firms which, in the judgement of the Adviser, have a reputation for sound management and ethical business practices. b. Each broker/dealer must be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission and be a primary reporting dealer to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Broker/dealers must have at least $50 million in "Excess Capital". "Excess Capital" is that portion of a firm's permanent capital which is in excess of the minimum capital required under the Uniform Net Capital Pule of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Broker/dealer subsidiaries of companies having at least $1 billion in net worth shall also be considered creditworthy, in the event of a lack of publicly available financial information. The Adviser will use its best efforts to monitor the creditworthiness of broker/dealers. d. Broker/dealers must have short-term unsecured debt ratings of "Al" by Standard & Poor's or "Pl" by Moody's Investors Service. 2. Banks a. The Fund will only, enter into repurchase agreements with banks whose short, unsecured debt is rated "Al" by Standard & Poor's or"Pl" by Moody's Investors Service. (g) Any other investment instruments now or hereafter permitted by applicable law for the investment of municipalities organized under the laws of the State of .Minnesota. The investments above are referred to in this Information Statement as "Permitted Investments." —2— Investment Restrictions. The Fund may buy and sell, and enter into agreements to buy and sell, Permitted Investments subject to the restrictions described below. These restrictions are considered to be fundamental to the operation and activities of the Fund and may not be changed without the affirmative vote of a majority of the Participants. The Fund: (a) may not make any investment other than a Permitted Investment; (b) may not purchase any Permitted Investment which has a maturity date more than one year from the date of the Fund's purchase thereof, unless it is subject at the time of its purchase by the Fund to an irrevocable agreement on the part of a responsible party to purchase it from the Fund within one year, (c) may not purchase any Permitted Investment if the effect of such purchase by the Fund would be to make the average dollar weighted maturity of the Fund's investment portfolio greater than ninety days (however, in detennining the effect of a purchase on the average portfolio maturity, any Permitted Investment which is subject to an irrevocable agreement of the nature referred to in the preceding clause (b) is deemed to mature on the day on which the Fund is obligated to sell such Permitted Investment back to a responsible party); (d) may not borrow money or incur indebtedness whether or not the proceeds thereof are intended to be used to purchase Permitted Investments, except as a temporary measure to facilitate «withdrawal requests which might otherwise require unscheduled dispositions of portfolio investments; and (e) may not purchase securities or shares of investment companies or any entities similar to the Fund. TRUSTEES AND OFFICERS Subject to the power of the Participants to amend the Declaration of Trust, the Board of Directors of the League of Minnesota Cities shall act as the initial governing body of the Fund. Appoin tments and vacancies are filled pursuant to the by -lases of the League of Minnesota Cities. The M-ustees have full, exclusive, and absolute control and authority over the business and affairs of the Fund and the Fund's assets, subject to the rights of the Participants as provided in the agreement. The 'Il ustees may perform such acts as in their sole judgement and discretion are necessary and proper for conducting the business and affairs of the Fund or promoting the interests of the Fund. They oversee, review, and supervise the activities of all consultants and professional advisers to the Fund. The Trustees serve without compensation, but they are reimbursed by the Fund for reasonable travel and other out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection with their duties as M-ustees. The Trustees are not required to devote their entire time to the affairs of the Fund. The Officers of the Fund shall be the same as the officers of the Board of Directors of the League of Minnesota Cities. The executive director of the League of Minnesota Cities shall act as secretary of the Fund and will be an ex officio non-voting member of the Board of Trustees. The Tlrustees may elect or appoint, such other officers or agents, who shall have such powers, duties and responsibilities as the 'I- ustees may deem to be advisable and appropriate. The Tl•ustees are responsible for the general investment policy and program of the Fund and for the general supervision and administration of the business and affairs of the Fund. However, the Trustees are not required personally to conduct all of the business of the Fund and, consistent with their ultimate responsibility, the Trustees have appointed an Administrator, an Investment Adviser, a Custodian, and a Technical Advisory Board. The'h ustees assign such duties to the Investment Adviser and the Administrator and the Custodian as they deem to be appropriate. THE INVESTMENT ADVISER Piper Capital Management, Incorporated (PCM), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Piper Jaffray Incorporated, has been appointed by the Trustees to provide investment advice and, in general, to supervise the investment program of the Fund. The agreement pursuant to which PCM serves as Investment Adviser will remain in effect until December 31, 1991, and thereafter from year to year if approved annually by the M-ustees or by a majority of the Participants. The agreement is not assignable and may be terminated without penalty on sixty days written notice at the option of the Fund or the Investment Adviser. —3— The Fund does not engage in the trading of investment instruments I-vith or through Piper Jaffray Incorporated or any of its subsidiaries. THE ADMINISTRATOR The Trustees have appointed PCM as the Administrator of the Fund. In addition, Cadre Consulting Services, Inc. of Ronkonkoma, New York,11779, serves as the Fund's Sub -Administrator. The agreement pursuant to which PCM has been retained by the Trustees as Administrator will remain in effect until December 31, 1991, and thereafter from year to year if approved annually by the Trustees or by a majority of the Participants. The agreement is not assignable and may be terminated without penalty on sixty days written notice at the option of the Fund or the Administrator. The Administrator and Sub -Administrator service all Participant accounts in the Fund; determine and allocate income of the Fund; provide certain written confirmation of the investment and withdrawal of monies by Participants; provide administrative personnel and facilities to the Fund; determine the net asset value of the Fund on a daily basis; bear certain expenses for the Fund; and perform all related administrative services for the Fund. On a quarterly basis, the Administrator provides the Trustees xvith a detailed evaluation of the performance of the Fund based upon a number of factors. This evaluation includes a comparative analysis of the Fund's investment results in relation to industry standards, such as the performance of money market mutual funds and various indices of money market securities. THE CUSTODIAN First Bank National Association serves as Custodian for the Fund pursuant to a Custodian Agreement. The Custodian acts as a safekeeping agent for the Fund's investment portfolio and serves as the depository in connection with the direct investment and withdrawal mechanisms of the Fund. The Custodian does not participate in the Fund's investment decision making process. The Fund may invest in obligations of the Custodian and buy and sell Permitted Investments from and to it. TECHNICAL ADVISORY BOARD The Trustees may appoint a Technical Advisory Board to assist and advise the Board of Trustees in developing policies and overseeing and reviewing the activities of the 4M Fund. The Technical Advisory Board Nvill consist of individuals skilled in the area of municipal finance and investments. LEGAL COUNSEL AND INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS Legal Counsel of the League of Minnesota Cities serve as General Counsel to the Fund. In 1991, the Fund's independent auditor is KPIMG Peat Marwick. EXPENSES OF THE FUND Under its agreement with the Fund, the investment adviser is paid a fee for its services at an annual rate equal to 0.075% of the 4M Fund's average daily net assets. This fee is computed daily and p.rid monthly. Under its agreement with the Fetid, the Administrator is paid a fee at an annual rate equal to 0.205% of the 4M Fund's average daily net assets. This fee shall be computed daily and paid monthly. This fee shall be computed daily and paid monthly. Of the amount so received, the Administrator will pay to the League of Minnesota Cities for its services an amount equal to 0.03% of the Fund's average daily assets. This fee shall be calculated daily and paid monthly. The Sub -administrator is compensated by the Administrator. Under its agreement with the Fund, the Administrator or Sub -administrator is paid at an annual rate of 0.25% of the amount of each Certificate of Deposit placed in the fixed rate investment program available —4— to all participants. Of the amount so received, the Administrator or Sub -administrator will pay to the League of Minnesota Cities for its services at an annual rate of 0.03% of the amount of each Certificate of Deposit placed. The Administrator provides adequate office space and utilities and all necessary office equipment and related services and administrative costs of the Fund such as postage, telephone charges and computer time. In addition the Administrator shall pay the costs of making presentations and contacts to market the Fund and out of pocket expenses incurred by the Trustees and officers in connection with the discharge of their duties. Under its agreement with the Fund, the Custodian is paid based on the following schedule: Average Market Value First $50,000,000 .15% Next $50,000,000 .12% Over $100,000,000 .08% $300.00 per month flat fee for cash management service. The Fund pays for audit and accounting expenses and expenses of preparing tax returns, if any, and pays legal costs (including start-up fees) of the Fund, insurance costs, and expenses of preparing and printing promotional material including Information Statements, Application Forms, brochures, notices and meeting material for Participants of the Fund. DAILY INCOME ALLOCATIONS All net income of the Fund is determined as of the close of business on each Minnesota banking day (and at such other times as the Trustees may determine) and is credited immediately thereafter pro rata to each Participant's account. Net income which has thus accrued to the Participants is converted as of the close of business of each calendar month into additional shares which thereafter are held in each Participant's Fund account. Such net income is converted into full and fractional shares at the rate of one share for each one dollar credited. Although daily income accruals are not automatically transmitted in cash, Participants may obtain cash by withdrawing shares at their net asset value without charge. Net income for each income period consists of (1) all accrued interest income on Fund assets, (2) plus or minus all realized gains or losses on Fund assets and any amortized purchase discount or premium, and (3) less the Fund's accrued expenses (including accrued expenses and fees payable to the Investment Adviser and the Administrator) applicable to that income period. Since net income of the Fund (including realized gains and losses on the Fund's assets, if any) is allocated among the Participants each time net income is determined, the net asset value per share remains at $1.00 per share. The Fund expects to have net income each day. If for any reason there is a net loss on any day, the Fund will reduce the number of its outstanding shares by having each Participant contribute to the Fund its pro rata portion of the total number of shares required to be cancelled in order to maintain the net asset value per share of the Fund at a constant value of $1.00. Each Participant will be deemed to have agreed to such a contribution in these circumstances by its adoption of the Declaration of 'Dust and its investment of monies. COMPUTATION OF YIELD The "seven-day average yield" of the Fund may, from time to time, be quoted in reports, literature, and information published by the Fund. Seven-day average yield is computed in connection with an identified seven-day period with respect to a hypothetical Participant account having a balance of exactly $1.00 at the beginning of the seven-day period. The unannualized seven-day period return for such period is the change (namely accrued investment income, plus or minus any amortized purchase discount or premium less all accrued expenses, including investment income accrued or income earned during the period but —5— the hypothetical account during the period divided by $1.00. The seven-day average yield is calculated by multiplying the unannualized seven-day period return by 365 divided by 7. The Fund also may prepare an effective annual yield computed by compounding the unannualized seven-day period return as follows: by adding 1 to the unannualized seven-day period return, raising the sum to a power equal to 365 divided by 7, and subtracting 1 from the result. The Fund also may quote its yield from time to time on other bases for the information of its Participants. The yields quoted from time to time should not be considered a representation of the yield of the Fund in the future since the yield is not fixed. Actual yields will depend not only on the type, quality, and maturities of the investments held by the Fund and changes in interest rates on such investments, but also on changes in the Fund's expenses during the period. Yield information may be useful in reviewing the performance of the Fund and for providing a basis for comparison with other investment alternatives. However, the Fund's yield fluctuates, unlike certificates of deposit or other investments which typically pay a fixed yield for a stated period of time. DETERMINATION OF NET ASSET VALUE The net asset value per share of the Fund for the purpose of calculating the price at which shares are issued and redeemed is determined by the Administrator as of the close of business on each Minnesota banking day. Such determination is made by subtracting from the value of the assets of the Fund the amount of its liabilities and dividing the remainder by the number of outstanding shares of the Fund. The Fund determines the value of its portfolio investments by the amortized cost method. The amortized cost method of valuation involves valuing an investment instrument at its cost at the time of purchase and thereafter assuming a constant amortization to maturity of any discount or premium, regardless of the impact of fluctuating interest rates on the market value of the instrument. While this method provides certainty in valuation, it may result in periods during which value, as determined by amortized cost, is higher or lower than the price the Fund would receive if it sold the instrument. During such periods, the yield to Participants may differ somewhat from that which would be obtained if the Fund used the market value method for all its portfolio investments. For example, if the use of amortized cost resulted in a lower (higher) aggregate portfolio value on a particular day, a prospective Participant of the Fund would be able to obtain a somewhat higher (lower) yield than would result if the Fund used the market value method, and existing Participants would receive less (more) investment income. The purpose of this method of calculation is to attempt to maintain a constant net asset value per share of $1.00. The Trustees have adopted certain procedures with respect to the Fund's use of the amortized cost method to value its portfolio. These procedures are designed and intended (taking into account market conditions and the Fund's investment objectives) to stabilize net asset value per share as computed for the purpose of investment and redemption at $1.00 per share. The procedures include a periodic review by the Trustees, in such manner as they deem appropriate and at such intervals as are reasonable in light of current market conditions, of the relationship between net asset value per share based upon the amortized cost value of the Fund's portfolio investments and the net asset value per share based upon available indications of market value with respect to such portfolio investments. The Trustees will consider what steps, if any, should be taken in the event of a difference of more than 1/2 of 1% between the two methods of valuation. The Trustees will take such steps as they consider appropriate (such as shortening the average portfolio maturity or realizing gains or losses) to minimize any material dilution or other unfair results which might arise from differences between the two methods of valuation. The Trustees intend to (i) maintain a dollar weighted average portfolio maturity (which will not be more than ninety days) appropriate to the objective of maintaining a stable net asset value of $1.00 her share, and (ii) not purchase any instrument with a remaining maturity of more than one year (unless such investment is subject at the time of its purchase by the Fund to an irrevocable agreement on the part of a responsible person to purchase such investment from the Fund within one year). Should the disposition of a portfolio investment result in a dollar weighted average portfolio maturity of more than ninety days, the Trustees intend to invest available cash in such a manner as to reduce sucil average portfolio maturity to ninety days or less as soon as reasonably practicable. —6— PORTFOLIO TRANSACTIONS Subject to the general supervision of the Trustees, the Investment Adviser is responsible for the investment decisions and the placing of the orders for portfolio transactions for the Fund. The Fund's portfolio transactions occur primarily with major dealers in money market instruments acting as principals. Such transactions are normally on a net basis which do not involve payment of brokerage commissions. Transactions with dealers normally reflect the spread between bid and asked prices. The Investment Adviser places orders for all purchases and sales of portfolio securities. Although the Fund does not ordinarily seek, but may nonetheless make profits through short-term trading, the Investment Adviser may, on behalf of the Fund, dispose of any portfolio investment prior to its maturity if it believes such disposition is advisable. The Fund's policy of generally investing in instruments with maturities of less than one year will result in high portfolio turnover. However, since brokerage commissions are not normally paid on the types of investments which the Fund may make, any turnover resulting from such investments should not adversely affect the net asset value or net income of the Fund. The Investment Adviser seeks to obtain the best net price and most favorable execution of orders for the purchase and sale of portfolio securities. Where price and execution offered by more than one dealer are comparable, the Investment Adviser may, in its discretion, purchase and sell investments through dealers which provide research, statistical and other information to the Investment Adviser or to the Fund. Such supplemental information received from a dealer is in addition to the services required to be performed by the Investment Adviser under its agreement with the Fund, and the expenses of the Investment Adviser will not necessarily be reduced as a result of the receipt of such information. Portfolio investments will not be purchased from or sold to the Investment Adviser or the Administrator or any affiliate of the Investment Adviser or the Administrator. REPORTS TO PARTICIPANTS Participants receive transaction advices, subsequent to all investments and wire withdrawals that they make, and separately receive cancelled checks for all %vithdrawls they make by writing checks. Each Participant receives quarterly and annual reports providing; financial information regarding the Fund (including a statement of net income) as well as a monthly statement of the Participant's account. The annual report includes audited financial statements of the Fund. The Fund's fiscal year ends on December 31 of each year. Potential Participants are advised to review the financial reports of the Fund that are made available to them. The Fund answers inquiries at any time during business hours from a Participant concerning; the status of its account (number of shares, etc.) and the current yield available through the Fund's investment prognam. Such inquiries can be made by telephoning CADRE toll-free, 1-800-2214524, or by telephoning; Kathleen Callahan at Piper Capital Management toll-free, 1-800-333-6000, or by -%vriting; to the Fund's sub -administrator, Cadre Consulting; Services, Inc. at 905 Marconi Avenue, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779. TAXES Counsel to the Fund is of the opinion that the Fund is not subject to Federal or Minnesota income tax upon the income realized by it, and that the Participants are likewise not taxable upon distributions to them of such income. Counsel to the Fund is further of the opinion that neither the Fund, nor the Participants, as a result of their investment of municipal monies in the Fund, sue subject to taxation. DECLARATION OF TRUST Each potential Participant is given a copy of the Declaration of Trust before becoming a Participant. Certain portions of the Declaration of Trust are summarized in this Information Statement. These summaries are qualified in their entirety by reference to the text of the Declaration of Trust. Description of Shares. The Declaration of Trust provides that the beneficial interests of the Participants in the assets of the Fund and the earnings thereon are, for convenience of reference, divided into shares which are used as units to measure the proportionate allocation of beneficial interest among the Participants. The Declaration of Trust authorizes an unlimited number of full and fractional shares of a single class as well as adjustments in the total number of shares outstanding from time to time without changing their proportionate beneficial interest in the Fund in order to permit the Fund to maintain a constant net asset value of $1.00 per share. All shares participate equally in dividend allocation and have equal liquidation and other rights. The shares have no preference, conversion, exchange, or preemptive rights. For all matters requiring a vote of Participants, each Participant is entitled to one vote with respect to each matter, without regard to the number of shares held by the Participant. It is not necessary for a Participant to hold any minimum number of shares to be entitled to vote. Participants are not entitled to cumulative voting. No shares may be transferred to any person other than the Fund itself attire time of withdrawal of monies by a Participant. Participant Liability. The Declaration of Trust provides that Participants shall not be subject to any individual liability for the acts or obligations of the Fund and provides that every written undertaking made by the Fund shall contain a provision that such undertaking is not binding upon any of the Participants individually. No individual liability will attach to the Participants under any undertaking containing such a provision. The Trustees intend to conduct the operations of the Fund, with advice of counsel, in such a way as to avoid ultimate liability of the Participants for liabilities of the Fund. Responsibility of Trustees, Officers and Agents. No Trustee, officer, employee, or agent of the Fund is individually liable to the Fund, a Participant, an officer, an employee or an agent of the Fund for any action or failure to act unless it is taken or omitted in bad faith or constitutes willful misfeasance, reckless disregard of duty, or gross negligence. All third parties shall look solely to the Fund property for the satisfaction of claims arising in connection with the affairs of the Fund. The Fund will indemnify each Trustee, officer, employee, or agent of the Fund designated by the Trustees to receive such indemnification, to the extent permitted by law, against all claims and liabilities to which they may become subject by reason of serving in such capacities for the Fund, except in certain circumstances set forth in the the agreement. Termination of the Declaration of Trust. The Fund may be terminated by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Trustees and consented to by a majority of the Participants entitled to vote. Upon the termination of the Fund and after paying or adequately providing for the payment of all of its liabilities, and upon receipt of such releases, indemnities and refunding agreements as they deem necessary for their protection, the Trustees may distribute the remaining Fund property, in cash or in kind, or partly in cash and partly in kind, among the P.n•ticipants according to their respective proportionate beneficial interests. Amendment of the Declaration of Trust. The Declaration of Trust may be amended by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Participants entitled to vote or by an instrument in writing, signed by a majority of the Trustees and consented to by not less than a majority of the Participants entitled to vote. The Trustees may, from time to time, by a two-thirds vote of the Trustees, and after fifteen days prior written notice to the Participants, amend the Declaration of Trust without the vote or consent of the Participants, to the extent they deem necessary to conform the Declaration of Trust to the requirements of applicable laws or regulations, or any interpretation thereof by a court or other governmental agency, but the Trustees shall not be liable for failing to do so. NVithdrawal. A Participant may withdraw from participation in the Fund at any time in its discretion by sending an appropriate notice to the Fund, as specified in the Declaration of Trust. The name "Minnesota Municipal Money Market Fund" is the designation of the Fund under the Declaration of Trust. The Declaration of Trust is filed in the Office of the Secretary of State of Minnesota, and provides that the name of the Fund refers to the participants jointly in such capacity and not personally or as individuals. All persons dealing with the Fund must look solely to the Fund property for the enforcement of any claims against the Fund since neither the Trustees, officers, agents, nor Participants assume any personal liability for obligations entered into on behalf of the Fund. MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL MONEY MARKET FUND (A Minnesota entity formed pursuant to the Minnesota Joint Powers Act) DECLARATION OF TRUST (As adopted in January, 1987) TABLE OF CONTENTS Page RECITALS 6 ARTICLE I The 4M Fund Section 1.01 Name 7 Section 1.02 Purpose; Only Certain Minnesota Municipalities to be Participants 7 Section 1.03 Location 7 Section 1.04 Nature of 4M Fund and Declaration of Trust 7 Section 1.05 Definitions 8 ARTICLE II Powers of the Trustees Section 2.01 General 9 Section 2.02 Permitted Investments 10 Section 2.03 Legal Title 11 Section 2.04 Disposition of Assets 11 Section 2.05 Taxes 12 Section 2.06 Rights as Holders of Fund Property 12 Section 2.07 Delegation; Committees 12 Section 2.08 Collection 12 Section 2.09 Payment of Expenses 12 Section 2.10 Borrowing and Indebtedness 13 Section 2.11 Deposits 13 Section 2.12 Valuation 13 Section 2.13 Fiscal Year; Accounts 13 Section 2.14 Concerning the Fund and Certain Affiliates 13 Section 2.15 Investment Program 14 Section 2.16 Power to Contract, Appoint, Retain and Employ 14 Section 2.17 Insurance 15 Section 2.18 Seal 15 Section 2.19 Indemnification 15 Section 2.20 Remedies 15 Section 2.21 Information Statement 15 Section 2.22 Further Powers 16 Section 2.23 Compliance With Laws 16 Section 2.24 Tax or Aid or Revenue Anticipation Borrowing 16 ARTICLE III Technical Advisory Board. Investment Adviser. Administrator, and Custodian Section 3.01 Appointment 16 Section 3.02 Duties of the Adviser 17 Section 3.03 Duties of the Administrator 17 Section 3.04 Duties of the Custodian 17 Section 3.05 Successors 17 Liability Insurance ARTICLE IV No Waiver Investments Section 4.01 Statement of Investment Policy and Objective 17 Section 4.02 Restrictions Fundamental to the Fund 18 Section 4.03 Amendment of Restrictions 19 ARTICLE V Limitations of Liability Section 5.01 Liability to Third Persons Section 5.02 Liability to the Fund or to the Participants Section 5.03 Indemnification Section 5.04 Surety Bonds Section 5.05 Apparent Authority Section 5.06 Recitals Section 5.07 Reliance on Experts, Etc. Section 5.08 Liability Insurance Section 5.09 No Waiver ARTICLE VI Interests of Participants Section 6.01 General Section 6.02 Allocation of Shares Section 6.03 Evidence of Share Allocation Section 6.04 Reduction in Number of Shares to Maintain Constant Net Asset Value Section 6.05 Withdrawals Section 6.06 Suspension of Right of Withdrawal; Postponement of Payment Section 6.07 Minimum Withdrawal Section 6.08 Defective Withdrawal Requests Section 6.09 Allocation of Certain Expenses 19 19 19 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 3 ARTICLE VII Record of Shares Section 7.01 Share Register 23 Section 7.02 Registrar 24 Section 7.03 Owner of Record 24 Section 7.04 No Transfers of Shares 24 Section 7.05 Limitation of Fiduciary Responsibility 24 Section 7.06 Notices 24 ARTICLE VIII Particit)ants Section 8.01 Voting 24 Section 8.02 Right to Initiate a Vote of the Participants 25 Section 8.03 Inspection of Records 25 Section 8.04 Meetings of Participants 25 Section 8.05 Notice of Meetings and Votes 25 Section 8.06 Record Date for Meetings and Votes 25 Section 8.07 Proxies 25 Section 8.08 Number of Votes 26 Section 8.09 Reports ` 26 ARTICLE IX Trustees and Officers Section 9.01 Number and Qualification; Non -Voting Trustees 26 Section 9.02 Meetings 26 Section 9.03 Officers 27 Section 9.04 Committees 27 Section 9.05 Reports 27 • ARTICLE X Determination of Net Asset Value and Net Income: Distributions to Particit)ants Section 10.1 Net Asset Value 28 Section 10.2 Constant Net Asset Value; Reduction of Allocated Shares 28 • Section 10.3 Supplementary Distributions to Participants 28 Section 10.4 Retained Reserves 28 ARTICLE XI Custodian Section 11.1 Duties Section 11.2 Appointment Section 11.3 Custodian Agreement Section 11.4 Agents of Custodian Section 11.5 Successors Section 11.6 Custodian as Depository for Participants ARTICLE XII Recording of Declaration of Trust Section 12.1 Recording ARTICLE XIII Amendment or Termination of Fund: Duration of Fund Section 13.1 Amendment or Termination Section 13.2 Power to Effect Reorganization Section 13.3 Duration ARTICLE XIV Miscellaneous Section 14.1 Governing Law Section 14.2 Counterparts Section 14.3 Reliance by Third Parties Section 14.4 Provisions in Conflict with Law Section 14.5 Gender; Section Headings Section 14.6 Adoption by Municipalities Electing to Become Additional Participants; Resignation of Participants Execution t 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 M WITNESETH: WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59 (the "Joint Powers Act") provides, among other things, that governmental units (as such term is defined therein), by agreement entered into through action of their governing bodies, may jointly or cooperatively exercise any power common to the contracting parties; and WHEREAS, the term "governmental unit" is defined in the Joint Powers Act to include municipality as defined herein; and WHEREAS, all of the Initial Participants are Municipalities of the State of Minnesota that desire to enter into an agreement and thereby establish an entity for joint investment, under the provisions of the aforementioned Joint Powers Act, pursuant to this Declaration of Trust for the purpose of combining their respective available investment funds not currently needed by such Municipalities so as to enhance the investment opportunities available to them and increase the investment earnings accruing to them respectively; and WHEREAS, this Declaration of Trust is intended to be an agreement entered into pursuant to the Joint Powers Act for the purpose of better exercising the Participants' power to invest their respective funds in accordance with the Laws of the State of Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the Board or Council of each of the Initial Participants has duly adopted a resolution authorizing the applicable Initial Participant to become a party to, and has approved, this Declaration of Trust pursuant to the Joint Powers Act; and WHEREAS, the Board or Council of each of the Initial Participants, by its aforementioned approval of this Declaration of Trust, has authorized the investment of funds of such Initial Participant in investments of the nature permitted by Minnesota Law, as applicable, and in the manner contemplated by this Declaration of Trust; and WHEREAS, it is proposed that the beneficial interest in the 4M Fund's assets shall be divided into non -transferable shares of beneficial interest, which shall be evidenced by a share register maintained by the 4M Fund or its agent; and WHEREAS, the Initial Participants anticipate the other Municipalities of the State of Minnesota may wish to become Participants by adopting this Declaration of Trust and thus becom- ing parties to it; NOW, THEREFORE, the Initial Participants hereby declare that all moneys, assets, securities, funds and property now or hereafter acquired pursuant to this agreement shall be held and managed in trust for the equal and proportionate benefit of the holders of record from time to time of shares beneficial interest herein, without privilege, priority or distinction among such holders, and subject to the terms, covenants, conditions, purposes and provisions hereof. 21 ARTICLE I The 4M Fund 1.01 Name. The name of the common law trust created by this Declaration of Trust shall be "Minnesota Municipal Money Market Fund" (the 4M Fund) and, so far as may be practica- ble, the Trustees shall conduct the 4M Fund's activities, execute all documents and sue or be sued under that name, which name (and the word "4M Fund" wherever used in this Declaration of Trust, except where the context otherwise requires) shall refer to the Trustees in their capacity as Trustees, and not individually or personally, and shall not refer to the officers, agents, employees, counsel, advisers, consultants, accountants, or Participants of the k4M Fund or of such Trustees. Should the Trustees determine that the use of such name is not practicable, legal or convenient, they may use such other designation or they may adopt such other name for the 4M Fund as they deem proper, and the 4M Fund may hold property and conduct its activities under such designation. or name. The Trustees shall take such actions as they, acting with the advice of counsel, shall deem necessary or appropriate to file or register such name in accordance with the Laws of the State of Minnesota or the United States of America so as to protect and reserve the right of the 4M Fund in and to such name. 1.02 Purpose: Only Certain Minnesota Municipalities to be Participants. (a) The purpose of the 4M Fund is to provide a means through which Municipalities may jointly and cooperatively exercise their power to invest their respective available funds so as to enhance their investment opportunities pursuant to an investment program conducted in accordance with the Laws of 'the State of Minnesota, from time to time in effect, governing the investment of the Municipal Funds. Only Municipalities organized under the Laws of the State of Minnesota may become Participants. A Municipality may become a party to this Declaration of Trust and may place moneys in the 4M Fund only after its Board or Council has duly adopted a resolution, or taken other applicable official action, authorizing such Municipality to become a Participant of the 4M Fund and adopting this Declaration of Trust. (b) It is not necessary for a municipality to place any funds in the 4M Fund to become a Participant, and no minimum investment balance must be maintained by a Municipality which has become a Participant in order for such Municipality to continue to be a Participant. 1.03 Location. The 4M Fund shall maintain an office of record in the State of Minnesota and may maintain such other offices or places of business as the Trustees may from time to time determine. The initial office of record of the 4M Fund shall be: c/o League of Minnesota Cities, 183 University Ave. East, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101. The office of record may be changed from time to time by resolution of the Trustees, and notice of such change of the office of record shall be given to each Participant. 1.04 Nature of 4M Fund and Declaration of Trust. (a) The 4M Fund shall be a common law trust (also known as a business trust) organi- zed and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota. The 4M Fund is not intended to be, shall not be deemed to be, and shall not be treated as, a general partnership, limited partnership, 7 joint venture, corporation, investment company, joint stock association or joint stock company. The Participants shall be beneficiaries of the 4M Fund, and their relationship to the Trustees shall be solely in their capacity as Participants and beneficiaries in accordance with the rights conferred upon them hereunder. (b) This Declaration of Trust is an agreement of indefinite -term regarding the joint or cooperative exercise of a power common to the parties thereto within the meaning of the Joint Powers Act. 1.05 Definitions. As used in this Declaration of Trust, the following terms shall have the following meanings unless the context hereof otherwise requires: "Administrator" shall mean any Person or Persons appointed, employed or contracted with by the Trustees under the applicable provisions of Section 3.1 hereof. "Administration Agreement" shall mean the agreement with the Administrator referred to in Section 3.3 hereof as the same may be amended from time to time. "Adviser" shall mean any Person or Persons appointed, employed or contracted with by. the Trustees under the applicable provisions of Section 3.1 hereof. "Affiliate" shall mean, with respect to any Person, another Person directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by or under common control with such Person, or any officer, director, partner or employee of such Person. "Board of Trustees" or "Trustees shall mean the Board of Directors of the League of Minnesota Cities. "Board" or "Council" shall mean the governing body of a Minicipality as defined herein. "Custodian" shall mean any Person or Persons appointed, employed or contracted with by the Administrator under the applicable provisions of Section 11.2 hereof. "Custodian Agreement shall mean the agreement with the Custodian referred to in Section 11.1 hereof as the same may be amended from time to time. "Declaration of Trust" shall mean this Declaration of Trust as amended, restated or modified from time to time. References in this Declaration of Trust to 'Declaration", "hereof", "herein", "hereby" and "hereunder" shall be deemed to refer to the Declaration of Trust and shall not be limited to the particular text, article or section in which such words appear. "Employee of a Municipality" or "Municipal Employee" shall mean a director of finance, a finance official or other managerial employee of a Municipality charged with responsibility for municipal finance. "4M Fund" shall mean the common law trust created by this Declaration of Trust. "4M Fund Property" shall mean, as of any particular time, any and all property, real, personal or otherwise, tangible or intangible, which is transferred, conveyed or paid to the 4M Fund or the Trustees and all income, profits and gains therefrom and which, at such time, is owned or held by, or for the account of, the 4M Fund or the Trustees. 8 "Information Statement" shall mean the information statement or other descriptive document or documents adopted as such by the Trustees and distributed by the 4M Fund to participants and potential Participants of the 4M Fund as the same may be amended by the Trustees from time to time. "Initial Participants" shall mean the League of Minnesota Cities and the City of Minnetonka which Municipalities initially formed the 4M Fund by the execution and adoption of this Declaration of Trust. "Investment Advisory Agreement" shall mean the agreement with the Adviser referred to in Section 3.2 hereof as the same may be amended from time to time. "Joint Powers Act" shall mean Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59. "Laws" shall mean common law and all ordinances, statutes, rules, regulations, orders, injunctions, decisions, opinions or decrees of any government or political subdivision or agency thereof, or any court or similar entity established by any thereof. "Municipality" shall mean county, city, town, public authority, public corporation, public. commission, special district, any other political subdivision, or an agency of the state or its subdivisions and any "instrumentality" (as that term is defined in the Joint Powers Act) of a municipality. "Participants" shall mean the Initial Participants and the Municipalities which adopt this Declaration of Trust pursuant to Section 14.6 hereof. "Permitted Investments" shall mean the investments referred to in Paragraph (b) or Section 2.2 hereof. "Person" shall mean and include individuals, corporations, limited partnerships, general partnerships, joint stock companies or associations, joint ventures, associations, companies, trusts, banks, trust companies, land trusts, business trusts or other entities (which or not legal entities) and governments and agencies and political subdivisions thereof. "Share" shall mean the unit used to denominate and measure the respective beneficial interests of the Participants in the Fund Property as described in Article VI. "Share Register" shall mean the register of Shares maintained pursuant to Article VII hereof. "Technical Advisory Board" shall mean the persons appointed by the Trustees to act as technical advisors to the Trust. ARTICLE II Powers of the Trustees 2.1 General. Subject to the rights of the Participants as provided herein, the Trustees shall have, without other or further authorization, full, exclusive and absolute power, control and authority over the 4M Fund Property and other the affairs of the 4M Fund to the same extent as if the Trustees were the sole and absolute owners of the 4M Fund Property in their own right, and 0 with such powers of delegation as may be permitted by this Declaration of Trust. The trustees may do acid perform such acts and things as in their sole judgment and discretion are necessary and proper for conducting the affairs of the 4M Fund or promoting the interests of the 4M Fund and the Participants. The enumeration of any specific power or authority herein shall not be construed as limiting the aforesaid general power or authority or any specific power or authority. The trustees may exercise any power authorized and granted to them by this Declaration of Trust. Such powers of the Trustees may be exercised without the necessity of any order or, or resort to, any court. 2.2 Permitted Investments. The Trustees shall have full and complete power, subject in all respects to Article IV hereof, (a) to conduct, operate and provide an investment program for the Participants; and (b) for such consideration as they may deem proper and as may be required by Law, to subscribe for, invest in, reinvest in, purchase or otherwise acquire, hold,. sell, assign, transfer, exchange, distribute or otherwise deal in or dispose of investment instruments as permit- ted by Law (the "Permitted Investments"). Permitted Investments include, without limitation, as of the date hereof, the following: (i) any security which is a direct obligation of or is guaranteed as to payment of principal and interest by the United States of America or any agency or instrumentality thereof; (ii) shares of an investment company (1) registered under the federal invest- ment company act of 1940, whose shares are registered under the federal securities act of 1933, and (2) whose only investments are in securities described in the preceding clause and repurchase agreements fully collateralized by those securities, if the repurchase agreements are entered into only with those primary reporting dealers that report to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and with the 100 largest United States commercial banks; (iii) any security which is a general obligation of the State of Minnesota or any of its municipalities; (iv) bankers acceptances of United States banks eligible for purchase by the Federal Reserve System; (v) commercial paper issued by United States corporations or their Canadian subsidiaries that is of the highest quality and matures in 270 days or less; (vi) deposits in a national bank or in a state bank or thrift institution insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, provided that any such deposit shall be insured, bonded or collateralized in the manner required by Law and that any such bank or thrift institution shall meet criteria designated from time to time by the Trustees; (vii) repurchase agreements (a) with any bank qualified as a depository of money held in the debt service fund of a municipality of the State of Minnesota or (b) with any national or state bank in the United States of America which is a member of the Federal Reserve System and whose combined capital and surplus equals or exceeds $10,000,000 or (c) with a Primary Reporting Dealer in United States Government Securities to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York as such term is defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.51, Subdivision 11 or (d) a securities 10 broker-dealer having its principal executive office in Minnesota, licensed pursuant to Chapter 80A or an affiliate of it, regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission and maintaining a combined capital and surplus of $40,000,000 or more, exclusive of subordinated debt; and (viii) such other investment instruments now or hereafter permitted by applicable Law for the investment of moneys of Municipalities organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota. In the exercise of their powers, the Trustees shall not be limited, except as otherwise provided hereunder, to investing in Permitted Investments maturing before the possible termination of the 4M Fund. Except as otherwise provided in this Declaration of Trust, the Trustees shall not be limited by any Law now or hereafter in effect limiting the investments which may. be held or retained by trustees or other fiduciaries, and they shall have full authority and power to make any and all Permitted Investments within the limitations of this Declaration of Trust, that they, in their absolute discretion, shall determine to be advisable and appropriate. The Trustees shall have no liability for loss with respect to Permitted Investments made within the terms of this Declaration of Trust, even though such investments shall be of a character or in an amount not considered proper for the investment of trust funds by .trustees or other fiduciaries. The Trustees shall be permitted only to make Permitted Investments in accordance with Article IV of this Declaration of . Trust. 2.3 Lepal Title. (a) Legal title to all of the 4M Fund Property shall be vested in the Trustees on behalf of the Participants and be held by and transferred to the Trustees, except that the Trustees shall have full and complete power to cause legal title to any 4M Fund Property to be held, on behalf of the Participants, by or in the name of the 4M Fund, or in the name of any other Person as nominee, on such terms, in such manner, and with such powers as the Trustees may determine, so long as in their judgment the interest of the 4M Fund is adequately protected. (b) The right, title and interest of the Trustees in and to the 4M Fund Property shall vest automatically in all persons who may hereafter become Trustees upon their election to the Board of Directors of the League of Minnesota Cities and qualification without any further act. Upon the expiration of term of office, resignation, disability, removal, adjudication as an incompetent, or death of a Trustee, he (and in the event of his death, his estate) shall automa- tically cease to have any right, title or interest in or to any of the 4M Fund Property, and the right, title and interest of such Trustee in and to the 4M Fund Property shall vest automatically in the remaining Trustees without any further act. 2.4 Disposition of Assets. Subject in all respects to Article IV hereof and to the Laws from time to time applicable to Municipalities of the State of Minnesota, the Trustees shall have full and complete power to sell, exchange or otherwise dispose of any and all 4M Fund Property free and clear of any and all trusts and restrictions, at public or private sale, for cash or on terms, with or without advertisement, and subject to such restrictions, stipulations, agreements and reservations as they shall deem proper, and to execute and deliver any deed, power, assignment, bill of sale, or other instrument in connection with the foregoing. The Trustees shall also have full and complete power, subject in all respects to Article IV hereof, and in furtherance of the affairs and purposes of the 4M Fund, to give consents and make contracts relating to 4M Fund Property or its use. 2.5 Taxes. The Trustees shall have full and complete power: (i) to pay all taxes or assessments, of whatever kind or nature, validly and lawfully imposed upon or against the 4M Fund or the Trustees in connection with the 4M Fund Property or upon or against the 4M Fund Property or income or any part thereof; (ii) to, settle and compromise disputed tax liabilities; and (iii) for the foregoing purposes to make such returns and do all such other acts and things as may be deemed by the Trustees to be necessary or desirable. 2.6 Rights as Holders of 4M Fund Property. The Trustees shall have full and complete power to exercise on behalf of the Participants all of the rights, powers and privileges appertaining to the ownership of all or any Permitted Investments or other property forming part of the 4M Fund Property to the same extent that any individual might, and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, to vote or give any consent, request or notice or waive any notice either in person or by proxy or power of attorney, with or without the power of substitution, to one or more Persons, which proxies and powers of attorney may be for meetings or actions generally, or for any particular meeting or action, and may include the exercise of discretionary powers. 2.7 Delegation: Committees. The Trustees shall have full and complete power (consistent with their continuing exclusive authority over the management of the 4M Fund, the conduct of its affairs, their duties and obligations as Trustees, and the management and disposition of 4M Fund Property), to delegate from time to time to such one or more of their number (who may be designated as constituting a committee of the Trustees as provided in Section 9.9 hereof) or to. officers, employees or agents of the 4M Fund (including, without limitation, the Administrator, the Adviser and the Custodian) the doing of such acts and things and the execution of such instruments either in the name of the 4M Fund, or the names of the Trustees or as their attorney or attorneys, or otherwise as the Trustees may from time to time deem expedient and appropriate in the further- ance of the business affairs and purposes of the 4M Fund. 2.8 Collection. The Trustees shall have full and complete power: (i) to collect, sue for, receive and receipt for all sums of money or other property due to the 4M Fund; (ii) to consent to extensions of the time for payment, or to the renewal of any securities, investments or obligations; • (iii) to engage or intervene in, prosecute, defend, compromise, abandon or adjust by arbitration or otherwise any actions, suits, proceedings, disputes, claims, demands or things relating to the 4M Fund Property; (iv) to foreclose any collateral, security or instrument securing any investments, notes, bills, bonds, obligations or contracts by virtue of which any sums of money are owed to the 4M Fund; (v) to exercise any power of sale held by them, and to convey good title hereunder free of any and all trusts, and in connection with any such foreclosure or sale, to purchase or otherwise acquire title to any property; (vi) to be parties to reorganization and to transfer to and deposit with any corporation, committee, voting trustee or other Person any securities, investments or obligations of any person which form a part of the 4M Fund Property, for the purpose of such reorganization or otherwise; (vii) to participate in any arrangement for enforcing or protecting the interests of the Trustees as the owners or holders of such securities, investments or obligations and to pay any assessment levied in connection with such reorganization or arrangement; (viii) to extend the time (with or without security) for the payment or delivery of any debts or property and to execute and enter into releases, agreements and other instruments, and (ix) to pay or satisfy any debts or claims upon any evidence that the Trustees shall deem sufficient. 2.9 Payment of Expenses. The Trustees shall have full and complete power: (i) to incur and pay any charges or expenses which in the opinion of the Trustees are necessary or incidental to or proper for carrying out any of the purposes of this Declaration of Trust; (ii) to reimburse others for the payment therefor; and (iii) to pay appropriate compensation or fees from the funds of the 4M Fund to Persons with whom the 4M Fund has contracted or transacted business. The Trustees shall fix the compensation, if any, of all officers and employees of the 4M Fund. The Trustees shall not be paid compensation for their general services as Trustees here- under. The Trustees may pay themselves or any one or more of themselves reimbursement for 12 expenses reasonably incurred by themselves or any one or more of themselves on behalf of the 4M Fund. 2.10 Borrowing and Indebtedness. The Trustees shall not have the power to borrow money or incur indebtedness on behalf of the 4M Fund, or authorize the Fund to borrow money or incur indebtedness, except as provided in clause (iv) of Section 4.2 of this Declaration of Trust, but only if and to the extent permitted by Law. ' 2.11 Deposits. The Trustees shall have full and complete power to deposit, in such manner as may now or hereafter be permitted by Law, any moneys or funds, included in the 4M Fund Property, and intended to be used for the payment of expenses of the 4M Fund or the Trustees, with one or more banks, or thrift institutions meeting the requirements of Section 2.2(b)(vi) hereof. Such deposits are to be subject to withdrawal in such manner as the Trustees may determine, and the Trustees shall have no responsibility for any loss which may occur by reason of the failure of the bank or thrift institution with which the moneys, investments, or securities have been deposited. Each such bank or thrift institution shall comply, with respect to such deposits, with all applicable requirements of all applicable Laws, including, but not limited to, Laws of the State of Minnesota relating to Municipalities. 2.12 Valuation. The Trustees shall have full and complete power to determine in good faith conclusively the value of any of the 4M Fund Property and to revalue the 4M Fund Property. 2.13 Fiscal Year: Accounts. The Trustees shall have full and complete power to determine the fiscal year of the 4M Fund and the method or form in which its accounts shall be kept and from time to time to change the fiscal year or method or form of accounts. Unless otherwise determined by the Trustees pursuant to this Section 2.13, the fiscal year of the 4M Fund shall terminate on June 30 and commence on July 1 of each calendar year. 2.14 Concerning the 4M Fund and Certain Affiliates. (a) The 4M Fund may enter into transactions with any Affiliate of the 4M Fund or of the Adviser, the Administrator, or the Custodian or of any Trustee, officer, director of employee of the 4M Fund or with any Affiliate of an agent of the 4M Fund or of the Adviser, the Adminis- trator, or the Custodian if (i) each such transaction (or type of transaction) had, after disclosure of such affiliation, been approved or ratified by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Trustees, including a majority of the Trustees who are not Affiliates of any Person (other than the 4M Fund) who is a party to the transaction or transactions with the 4M Fund and (ii) such transaction (or type of transaction) is, in the opinion of the Trustees, on terms fair and reasonable to the 4M Fund and the Participants and at least as favorable to them as similar arrangements for comparable transactions (of which the Trustees have knowledge) with organizations unaffiliated with the 4M Fund or with the Person who is a party to the transaction or transactions with the 4M Fund. (b) Except as otherwise provided in this Declaration of Trust or in the Laws of the State of Minnesota, in the absence of fraud, a contract, act or other transaction between the 4M Fund and any other Person, or in which the 4M Fund is interested, is valid and no Trustee, officer, employee or agent of the 4M Fund shall have any liability as a result of entering into any such contract, act or transaction even though (i) one or more of the Trustees, officers, employees or agents of such other Person, or (ii) one or more of the Trustees, officers, employees, or agents of the 4M Fund, individually or jointly with or affiliated with, such contract, act or transaction, provided that (i) such interest or affiliation is disclosed to the Trustees and the Trustees authorize such contract, act or other transaction by a vote of a majority of the unaffiliated Trustees, or (ii) such interest or affiliation is disclosed to the Participants, and such contract, act or transaction is 13 approved by a majority of the Participants. (c) Any Trustee or officer, employee, or agent of the 4M Fund may, in his personal capacity, or in a capacity as trustee, officer, director, stockholder, partner, member, agent, adviser or employee of any Person, have business interests and engage in business activities in addition to those relating to the 4M Fund, which interests and activities may be similar to those of the 4M Fund and include the acquisition, syndication, holding, management, operation or disposition of securities, investments and funds, for his own account or for the account of such Person. Each Trustee, officer, employee and agent of the 4M Fund shall be free of any obligation to present to the 4M Fund any investment opportunity which comes to him in any capacity other than solely as Trustee, officer, employee or agent of the 4M Fund, even if such opportunity is of a character which, if presented to the 4M Fund, could be taken by the 4M Fund. (d) Subject to the provisions of Article III hereof, any Trustee or officer, employee or agent of the 4M Fund may be interested as trustee, officer, director, stockholder, partner, member, agent, adviser or employee of, or otherwise have a direct or indirect interest in, any Person who may be engaged to render advice' or services to the 4M Fund, and may receive compen- sation from such Person as well as compensation as Trustee, officer, employee or agent of the Fund or otherwise hereunder. None of the activities and interests referred to in this paragraph (d) shall: be deemed to conflict with his duties and powers as Trustee, officer, employee or agent of the 4M Fund. (e) To the extent that any other provision of this Declaration of Trust conflicts with, or is otherwise contrary to the provisions of, this Section 2.14, the provisions of this Section 2.14 shall be deemed controlling. (f) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section 2.14, the Trustees shall not have the power to engage in any transaction with any Affiliate that would be inconsistent with the Laws of the State of Minnesota concerning conflicts of interest, including, but not limited to, Minnesota Statutes, Sections 471.87 and 471.88, or any other Law limiting the Participants' power to enter into such transaction, and the By -Laws of the 4M Fund may contain provisions more restric- tive than those set forth in this Section 2.14. 2.15 Investment Program. The Trustees shall use their best efforts to obtain through the Adviser or other qualified Persons a continuing and suitable investment program, consistent with the investment policies and objectives of the 4M Fund set forth in Article IV of this Declara- tion of Trust, and the Trustees shall be responsible for reviewing and approving or rejecting the investment program presented by the Adviser or such other Persons. Subject to the provisions of Section 2.7 and Section 3.1 hereof, the Trustees may delegate functions arising under this Section 2.15 to one or more of their number or to the Adviser. 2.16 Power to Contract. Appoint. Retain and Emolov. (a) Subject to the provisions of Section 2.7 and Section 3.1 hereof with respect to delegation of authority by the Trustees, the Trustees shall have full and complete power to appoint, employ, retain, or contract with any Person of suitable qualifications and high repute (including one or more of themselves and any corporation, partnership, trust or other entity of which one or more of them may be an Affiliate, subject to the applicable requirements of Section 2.14 hereof) as the Trustees may deem necessary, or desirable for the transaction of the affairs of the 4M Fund, including any Person or Persons who, under the supervision of the Trustees, may, among other things: (i) serve as the 4M Fund's investment adviser and consultant in connection with policy decisions made by the Trustees; (ii) serve as the 4M Fund's administrator or co -administrators; (iii) 14 furnish reports to the Trustees and provide research, economic and statistical data in connection with the 4M Fund's investments; (iv) act as consultants, accountants, technical advisers, attorneys, brokers, underwriters, corporate fiduciaries, escrow agents, depositaries, custodians or agents for collection, insurers or insurance agents, registrars for Shares or in any other capacity deemed by the Trustees to be necessary or desirable; (v) investigate, select, and, on behalf of the 4M Fund, conduct relations with Persons acting in such capacities and pay appropriate fees to, and enter into appropriate contracts with, or employ, or retain services performed or to be performed by, any of them in connection with the investments acquired, sold, or otherwise disposed of, or committed, negotiated, or contemplated to be acquired, sold or otherwise disposed of; (vi) substitute any other Person for any such Person, (vii) act as attorney-in-fact of agent in the purchase or sale or other disposition of investments, and in the handling, prosecuting or other enforcement of any lien or security securing investments; and (viii) assist in the performance of such ministerial functions necessary in the management of the 4M Fund as may be agreed upon with the Trustees. (b) The manner of employing, engaging, compensating, transferring, or discharging any Person as an employee of the 4M Fund shall be subject to Minnesota Law. For purposes of the preceding sentence, "employee of the 4M Fund" shall not include independent contractors such as the Adviser, the Administrator, the Custodian, counsel or independent accountants and their respective employees. 2.17 Insurance. The Trustees shall have full and complete power to purchase and pay for, entirely out of 4M Fund Property, insurance policies insuring the 4M Fund and the Trustees, officers, employees and agents of the 4M Fund individually against all claims and liabilities of every nature arising by reason of holding or having held any such office or' position, or by reason of any action alleged to have been taken or omitted by the 4M Fund or any such Person as Trustee, officer, employee and agent, including any action taken or omitted that may be determined to constitute negligence, whether or not the 4M Fund would have the power to indemnify such Person against such liability. 2.18 Seal. The Trustees shall have full and complete power to adopt and use a seal for the 4M Fund, but, unless otherwise required by the Trustees, it shall not be necessary for the seal to be placed on, and its absence shall not impair the validity of, any document, instrument or other paper executed and delivered by or on behalf of the 4M Fund. 2.19 Indemnification. In addition to the mandatory. indemnification provided for in Section 5.3 hereof, the Trustees shall have full and complete power, to the extent permitted by applicable Laws, to indemnify or enter into agreements with respect to indemnification with any Person with whom the 4M Fund has dealings, including, without limitation, the Adviser, the Administrator, and the Custodian, to such extent as the Trustees shall determine. 2.20 Remedies. Notwithstanding any provision in this Declaration of Trust, when the Trustees deem that there is a significant risk that an obligor to the 4M Fund may default or is in default under the terms of any obligation to the 4M Fund, the Trustees shall have full and complete power to pursue any remedies permitted by Law which, in their sole judgment, are in the interests of the 4M Fund, and the Trustees shall have full and complete power to enter into any investment, commitment or obligation of the 4M Fund resulting from the pursuit of such remedies as are necessary or desirable to dispose of property acquired in the pursuit of such remedies. 2.21 Information Statement. The Trustees shall have full and complete power to prepare, publish and distribute an Information Statement regarding the 4M Fund and to amend or supplement the same from time to time. 15 2.22 Further Powers. The Trustees shall have full and complete power to take all such actions, do all such matters and things and execute all such instruments as they deem necessary, proper or desirable in order to carry out, promote or advance the interests and purposes of the 4M Fund although such actions, matters or things are not herein specifically mentioned. Any determin- ation as to what is in the best interests of the 4M Fund made by the Trustees in good faith shall be conclusive. In construing the provisions of this Declaration of Trust, the presumption shall be in favor of a grant of power to the Trustees. The Trustees shall not be required to obtain any court order to deal with the 4M Fund Property. 2.23 Compliance with Laws., The Trustees shall at all times exercise all powers granted hereunder in compliance with, and the operations of the 4M Fund shall at all times be conducted in accordance with, the applicable Laws of the State of Minnesota. 2.24 Tax or Aid or Revenue Anticipation Borrowing. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 2.10 or 4.2 or any other provision of this Declaration, the Trustees shall have full and complete power to borrow money or incur indebtedness as a part of a program of tax or aid or revenue anticipation borrowing by Participant Municipalities. They shall have the power to issue such obligations on behalf of the Participants, coordinate the issuance of such obligations by the Participants, to become members of joint powers entities authorized to issue or coordinate the. issuance of such obligations, or to enter into contracts or agreements of any nature authorized by law related to the issuance of such obligations. The assets of the 4M Fund itself shall not be pledged by the Trustees to the repayment of any portion of such borrowing and any obligations issued shall not constitute a debt of the 4M Fund, shall not be payable from or be a charge upon any assets of the 4M Fund, shall not give rise to any pecuniary liability of the 4M Fund, and shall not be enforceable against any property of the 4M Fund, other than amounts received from participating Municipalities inn connection with that anticipation borrowing program which are pledged to the repayment of the borrowing or obligations. The Trustees shall have such powers as necessary to conduct or participate in such anticipation borrowing programs as approved by the Trustees, including a program of investment of obligation proceeds. ARTICLE III Technical Advisory Board, Investment Adviser, Administrator, and Custodian 3.1 Appointment. The Trustees are responsible for the general investment policy and program of the 4M Fund and for the general supervision and administration of the business and affairs of the 4M Fund conducted by the officers, agents, employees, investment advisers, adminis- trators, or independent contractors of the 4M Fund. The Trustees are not required personally to conduct all of the routine business of the 4M Fund and, consistent with their ultimate responsibility as stated herein, the Trustees may appoint, employ or contract with an Adviser as an investment adviser to the Trustees, an Administrator as an administrator for the 4M Fund and a Custodian. The trustees may grant or delegate such authority to the Adviser and the Administrator (pursuant to the terms of Section 2.16 hereof) or to any other Person the services of whom are obtained by the Adviser or the Administrator, as the Trustees may, in their sole discretion, deem to be necessary or desirable, for the efficient management of the 4M Fund, without regard to whether such authority is normally granted or delegated by trustees or other fiduciaries. The Trustees may appoint one or more persons to serve jointly as Co -Advisers and one or more persons to serve jointly as Co -Administrators. The same person may serve simultaneously as the Administrator and as the Adviser, but no person serving as the Administrator or as the Adviser may serve as the Custodian. Piper Capital Management, Inc., a subsidiary of Piper Jaffray, Inc., a corporation organized and existing under the Laws of the State of Delaware, is appointed as the initial 16 Administrator and Adviser for the 4M Fund. Marquette Bank Minneapolis is appointed as the initial Custodian for the 4M Fund. The Trustees shall appoint a Technical Advisory Board to assist the Trustees in the development of policies and the overseeing and reviewing of the activities of the 4M Fund. The Technical Advisory Board shall be made up of such individuals as the Trustees deem advantageous to the Fund. The composition of the Technical Advisory Board may be changed from time to time in the discretion of the Trustees. 3.2 Duties of the Adviser. The duties of the Adviser shall be those set forth in the Investment Advisory Agreement to be entered into between the 4M Fund and the Adviser. Such duties may be modified by the Trustees, from time to time, by the amendment of the Investment Advisory Agreement. Subject to Article IV hereof, the Trustees may authorize the Adviser to effect purchases, sales, or exchanges of 4M Fund Property on behalf of the Trustees or may authorize any officer, employee, agent or Trustee to effect such purchases, sales: or exchanges pursuant to recommendations of the Adviser, all without further action by the Trustees. Any and all of such purchases, sales, and exchanges shall be deemed to be authorized by all the Trustees. The Invest- ment Advisory Agreement may authorize the Adviser to employ other persons to assist it in the performance of its duties. The Investment Advisory Agreement shall provide that it may be terminated at any time without cause and without the payment of any penalty by the 4M Fund on sixty (60) days written notice to the Adviser. 3.3 Duties of the Administrator. The duties of the Administrator shall be those set forth in the Administration Agreement to be entered into between the 4NI Fund and the Adminis- trator. Such duties may be modified by the Trustees, from time to time, by the amendment of the Administration Agreement. The Administration Agreement may authorize the. Administrator to employ other persons to assist it in the performance of its duties. The Administration Agreement shall provide that it may be terminated at any time without cause and without the payment of any penalty by the 4M Fund on sixty (60) days written notice to the Administrator. 3.4 Duties of Custodian. The duties and qualifications of the Custodian shall be those set forth in Article 11 herein. 3.5 Successors. In the event that, at any time, the position of Adviser, Administrator, or Custodian shall become vacant for any reason, the Trustees may appoint, employ or contract with a successor Adviser, Administrator, or Custodian. A predecessor shall assist and cooperate with the 4M Fund in the smooth and orderly transition in the event a successor Adviser, Administrator, or Custodian is appointed for any reason. ARTICLE IV Investments 4.1 Statement of Tnvestment Policy -and Obiective. Subject to the prohibitions and restrictions contained in Section 4.2 hereof, the general investment policy and objective of the Trustees shall be to provide to the Participants of the 4M Fund the highest possible investment yield, while maintaining liquidity and preserving capital by investing in Permitted Investments in - accordance with applicable provisions of Law, as may be set forth more fully in the 4M Fund's Information Statement, as the same may be amended from time to time. 4.2 Restrictions Fundament:►! to the 4M .Fund. Notwithstanding anything in this Declaration of Trust which may be deemed to authorize the contrary, the 4M Fund: 17 (i) May not make any investment other than investments authorized by the provi- sions 'of Law applicable to the investment of funds by the Participants, as the same may be amended from time to time; (ii) May not purchase any Permitted Investment which has a maturity date more than one year from the date of the 4M Fund's purchase thereof, unless subject, at the time of such purchase by the 4M Fund, to an irrevocable agreement on the part of a Responsible Person to purchase such Permitted Investment from the 4M Fund within one (1) year; (iii) May not purchase any Permitted Investment if the effect of such purchase by the 4M Fund would be to make the average dollar weighted maturity of the 4M Fund's investment portfolio greater than ninety (90) days, provided, however, that in making such determination any Permitted Investment which is subject to an irrevocable agreement of the nature referred to in the preceding clause (ii) shall be deemed to mature on the day on which the 4M Fund is obligated to sell such Permitted Investment back to a Responsible Person or the day on which the 4M Fund may exercise its rights under such agreement to require the purchase of such Permitted Investment by a Responsible Person; (iv) May not borrow money or incur indebtedness except to facilitate as a tempor- ary measure: (a) withdrawal requests which might otherwise require unscheduled dispositions of portfolio investments; (b) for a period not to exceed one business day, withdrawal requests pending receipt of collected funds from investments sold on the date of the withdrawal requests or with- drawal requests from Participants who have notified the 4M Fund of their intention to deposit funds in their accounts on the date of the withdrawal requests; or (c) for a period not to exceed one business day, the purchase of Permitted Investments pending receipt of collected funds from Participants who have notified the 4M Fund of their intention to deposit funds in their accounts on the date of the purchase of the Permitted Investments; (v) May not make loans, provided that the 4M Fund may make Permitted Invest- ments; (vi) May not hold or provide for the custody of any 4M Fund Property in a manner not authorized by Law or by any institution or Person not authorized by Law; (vii) Except as permitted by Section 2.2(b)(ii) hereof, may not purchase securities or shares of investment companies or any entities similar to the 4M Fund; and (viii) May not pledge assets except to secure indebtedness permitted by (iv) of this Section 4.2; however in the case of indebtedness secured under Section 4.2(iv)(b) or (c) hereof, it may pledge assets only to the extent of the actual funds in the account of a participant on whose behalf the permitted indebtedness was incurred plus an amount equal to that amount which that Participant has notified the- 4M Fund that it intends to deposit in its account on that date. For the purposes of this Section 4.2, the phrase "Responsible Person" shall mean• a person with which the 4M Fund is authorized to enter into agreements pursuant to Section 2.2(b)(vii) hereof. 18 4.3 Amendment of Restrictions. The restrictions set forth in Section 4.2 hereof are fundamental to the operation and activities of the 4M Fund and may not be changed without the affirmative vote of a majority of the Participants entitled to vote, except that such restrictions may be changed by the Trustees so as to make them more restrictive when necessary to conform the investment program and activities of the 4M Fund to the Laws of the State of Minnesota and the United States of America as they may from time to time be amended. ARTICLE V Limitations of Liability 5.1 Liabilitv to Third Persons. No Participant shall be subject to any personal liability whatsoever, in tort, contract or otherwise to any other Person or Persons in connection with 4M Fund Property or the affairs of the 4M Fund; and no Trustee, officer, employee or agent (including, without limitation, the Adviser, the Administrator and the Custodian) of the 4M Fund shall be subject to any personal liability whatsoever in tort, contract or otherwise, to any other Person or Persons in connection with 4M Fund Property or the affairs of the 4M Fund, except that each shall. be personally liable for his bad faith, willful misconduct, gross negligence or reckless disregard of his duties or for his failure to act in good faith in the reasonable belief that his action was in the best interests of the 4M Fund and except that the Investment Advisory Agreement and the Admin- istration Agreement shall provide for the personal liability of the Adviser or the Administrator, as the case may be, for its willful or negligent failure to take reasonable measures to restrict investments of 4M Fund Property to those permitted by Law and this Declaration of Trust. 5.2 Liability to the 4M Fund or to the Participants. No Trustee, officer, employee or agent (including, without limitation, the Adviser, the Administrator and the Custodian) of the 4M Fund shall be liable to the 4M Fund or to any Participant, Trustee, officer, employee or agent (including, without limitation, the Adviser, the Administrator and the Custodian) of the 4M Fund for any action or failure to act (including, without limitation, the failure to compel in any way any former or acting Trustee to redress any breach of trust) except for his own bad faith, willful misfeasance, gross negligence or reckless disregard of his duties and except that the Investment Advisory Agreement and the Administration Agreement shall provide for the personal liability of the Adviser or the Administrator, as the case may be, for its willful or negligent failure to take reasonable measures to restrict investments of 4M Fund Property to those permitted by Law and this Declaration of Trust; provided, however, that the provisions of this Section 5..2 shall not limit the liability of any agent (including, without limitation, the Adviser, the Administrator and the Custodian) of the 4M Fund with respect to breaches by it of a contract between it and the 4M Fund. 5.3 Indemnification. (a) The 4M Fund shall indemnify and hold each Participant harmless from and against all claims and liabilities, whether they proceed to judgment or are settled or otherwise brought to a conclusion, to which such Participant may become subject by reason of its being or having been a Participant, and shall reimburse such Participant for all legal and other expenses reasonably incurred by it in connection with any such claim or liability. The rights accruing to a Participant under this Section 5.3 shall not exclude any other right to which such Participant may be lawfully entitled, nor shall anything herein contained restrict the right of the 4M Fund to indemnify or reimburse a Participant in any appropriate situation even though not specifically provided herein. 19 (b) The 4M Fund shall indemnify each of its Trustees and officers, and employees and agents (including, without limitation, the Adviser, the Administrator and the Custodian) designated by the Board of Trustees to receive such indemnification, against all liabilities and expenses (including, without limitation, amounts paid in satisfaction of judgments, in compromise or as fines and penalties, and counsel fees) reasonably incurred by him in connection with the defense or disposition of any action, suit or other proceeding by the 4M Fund or any other Person, whether civil or criminal, in which he may be involved or with which he may be threatened, while in office or thereafter, by reason of his being or having been such a Trustee, officer, employee or agent (including, without limitation, the Adviser, the Administrator and the Custodian), except as to any matter as to which he acted in bad faith or with willful misfeasance or reckless disregard of, his duties or gross negligence; in addition, in the case of the Adviser, Administrator, or the Custodian in willful or negligent violation of the restrictions on investments of the 4M Fund Property; provided, however, that the provisions of this Section 5.3 shall not be construed to permit the indemnification of any agent (including, without limitation, the Adviser, the Administrator and the Custodian) of the 4M Fund with respect to breaches by it of a contract between it and the 4M Fund; and further provided, however, that as to any matter disposed of by a compromise payment by such Trustee, officer, employee or agent (including the Adviser, Administrator or the Custodian), pursuant to a consent decree or otherwise, no indemnification either for said payment or for any. other expenses shall be provided unless: 1) The 4M Fund receives a written opinion from independent counsel approved by the Trustees to the effect that if the matter had been adjudicated, the defenses that could have been presented on behalf of such Trustee, officer, employee or agent (including the' Adviser, the Administrator or the Custodian), were meritorious; and 2) If in the opinion of the Board of Trustees, the Trustee, officer, employee or agent (including the Adviser, the Administrator of the Custodian) were not acting in bad faith or with willful misfeasance or reckless disregard of their duties or gross negligence. The rights accruing to any Trustee, officer, employee or agent (including, without limitation, the Adviser, the Administrator and the Custodian) under the provisions of this paragraph (b) of this Section 5.3 shall not exclude any other right to which he may be lawfully entitled; provided, however, that no Trustee, officer, employee or agent may satisfy any right of indemnity or reimbursement granted herein or to which he may be otherwise entitled except out of the 4M Fund Property, and no Participant shall be personally liable to any Person with respect to any claim for indemnity or reimbursement or otherwise. The Trustees may make advance payments in connection with indemnification under this paragraph (b) of this Section 5.3, provided that the indemnified Trustee, officer, employee or agent (including, without limitation, the Adviser, the Administrator and the Custodian) shall have given a written undertaking to reimburse the 4M Fund in the event that it is subsequently determined that he is not entitled to such indemnification. (c) Any action taken by, or conduct on the part of, the Adviser, the Administra- tor, a Trustee, an officer, an employee or an agent (including, without limitation, the Adviser, the Administrator and the Custodian) of the 4M Fund in conformity with, or in good faith reliance upon, the provisions of Section 2.14 or Section 5.7 hereof shall not, for the purpose of this Declaration of Trust (including, without limitation, Sections 5.1 and 5.2 and this Section 5.3) constitute bad faith, willful misfeasance, gross negligence or reckless disregard of his duties. 5.4 Surety Bonds. No Trustee shall, as such, be obligated to give any bond or surety or other security for the performance of any of his duties. 5.5 Apparent Authority. No purchaser, seller, transfer agent or other Person dealing with the Trustees or any officer, employee or agent of the 4M Fund shall be bound to make any inquiry concerning the validity of any transaction purporting to be made by the Trustees or by such officer, employee or agent or make inquiry concerning or be liable for the application of 20 money or property paid, transferred or delivered to or on the order of the Trustees or of such officer, employee or agent. 5.6 Recitals. Any written instrument creating an obligation of the 4M Fund shall be conclusively taken to have been executed by a Trustee or an officer, employee or agent of the 4M Fund only in his capacity as a Trustee under this Declaration of Trust or in his capacity as an officer, employee or agent of the 4M Fund. Any written instrument creating an obligation of the 4M Fund shall refer to this Declaration of Trust and contain a recital to the effect that the obligations thereunder are not personally binding upon, nor shall resort be had to the property of, any of the Trustees, Participants, officers, employees or agents of the 4M Fund, and that only the 4M Fund Property or a specific portion thereof shall be bound, and such written instrument may contain any further similar recital which may be deemed appropriate; provided, however, that the omission of any recital pursuant to this Section 5.6 shall not operate to impose personal liability on any of the Trustees, Participants, officers, employees or agents of the 4M Fund. 5.7 Reliance on Experts. Etc. Each Trustee and each officer of the 4M Fund shall, in the performance of his duties, be fully and completely justified and protected with regard to any act .or any failure to act resulting from reliance in good faith upon the books of account or other records of the 4M Fund, upon an opinion of counsel or upon reports made to the 4M Fund by any of its officers or employees or by the Adviser, the Administrator, the Custodian, accountants, appraisers or other experts or consultants selected with reasonable care by the Trustees or officers of the 4M Fund. 5.8 Liability Insurance. • The Trustees shall maintain insurance for the protection of the 4M Fund Property and the Trustees, Participants, officers, employees and agents (not including Advisor, Administrator, or Custodian) of the 4M Fund in such amount as the Trustees shall deem adequate to cover all foreseeable tort and contract liability to the extent available at reasonable rates. 5.9 No Waiver. Nothing in this Declaration of Trust shall be construed as constituting the waiver of any immunity from liability available to the 4M Fund or the Trustees, Participants, officers, employees or agents of the 4M Fund pursuant to any applicable provision of Law. ARTICLE VI Interests of Participants 6.1 General. The beneficial interest of the Participants hereunder in the 4M Fund Property and the earnings thereon shall, for convenience of reference, be divided into Shares, which shall be used as units to measure the proportionate allocation to the respective Participants of the beneficial interest hereunder. The number of Shares that may be used to measure and represent the proportionate allocation of beneficial interest among the Participants is unlimited. All Shares shall be of one class representing equal distribution, liquidation and other rights. The beneficial interest hereunder measured by the Shares shall not entitle a Participant to preference, preemptive, appraisal, conversion, or exchange rights of any kind with respect to the 4M Fund or the 4M Fund Property. Title to the 4M Fund Property of every description and the right to conduct any affairs hereinbefore described are vested in the Trustees on behalf and for the beneficial interest, of the Participants, and the Participants shall have no interest therein other than the beneficial interest conferred hereby and measured by their Shares, and they shall have no right to call for any partition or division of any property, profits, rights, or interests of the 4M Fund nor can they be called upon to share or assume any losses of the 4M Fund or suffer an 21 assessment of any kind by virtue of the allocation of Shares to them, except as provided in Section 10.2 Hereof. 6.2 Allocation of Shares (a) The Trustees shall credit a Participant with additional Shares upon receipt of funds (including, without limitation, income from the investment of 4M Fund Property) for the account of such Participant, based on the net asset value per Share as determined pursuant to Section 10.1 hereof. In connection with any allocation of Shares, the Trustees may allocate fractional Shares. The Trustees may from time to time adjust the total number of Shares allocated without thereby changing the proportionate beneficial interests in the 4M Fund. Reductions or increases in the number of allocated Shares may be made in order to maintain a constant net asset value per Share as set forth in Section 10.2 hereof. Shares shall be allocated and reduced in numbers as whole Shares and/or one hundredths (1/100ths) of a Share or multiples thereof. (b) Shares may be allocated only to a Municipality which has become a Participant of the 4M Fund in accordance with Section 1.2 hereof. Each Participant may establish more than one account within the 4M Fund for such Participant's convenience. (c) The minimum amount of funds which may be placed in the 4M Fund by a Participant at any one time shall be as determined by the Trustees from time to time. Unless otherwise determined by the Trustees pursuant to this paragraph (c) of this Section 6.2, the minimum amount of funds which may be placed in the 4M Fund by a Participant at any one time shall be One Dollar ($1.00). 6.3 Evidence of Share Allocation. Evidence of Share allocation shall be reflected in the Share Register maintained by or on behalf of the 4M Fund pursuant to Section 7.1 hereof, and the 4M Fund shall not be required to issue certificates as evidence of Share allocation. 6.4 Reduction in Number of Shares to Maintain Constant Net Asset Value. The Shares of the 4M Fund shall be subject to reduction in number pursuant to the procedure for reduction of outstanding Shares set forth in Section 10.2 hereof in order to maintain the constant net asset value per Share. 6.5 Withdrawals. Funds may be withdrawn from the 4M Fund at the option of a Participant, upon and subject to the terms and conditions provided in this Declaration of Trust. The 4M Fund shall, upon application of any Participant, promptly pay to such Participant the amount requested and shall reduce the number of Shares allocated to such Participant to the number of Shares which shall reflect such Participant's proportionate interest in the net assets of the 4M Fund after such withdrawal of funds. The procedures for effecting a withdrawal shall be as adopted by the Trustees 'and as set forth in the Information Statement of the 4M Fund, as the same may be amended from time to time; provided, however, that such procedures shall not be structured so as to substantially and materially restrict the ability of the Participants to withdraw funds from the 4M Fund. 6.6 Suspension of Right of Withdrawal; Postoonement of Payment. Each Participant, by its adoption of this Declaration of Trust, agrees that the Trustees may, without the necessity of a formal meeting of the Trustees, temporarily suspend the right of withdrawal or postpone the date of payment pursuant to withdrawal requests for the whole or any part of any period (i) during which there shall have occurred any state of war, national emergency, banking moratorium or suspension of payments by banks in the State of Minnesota or any general suspension of trading or limitation of prices on the New York or American Stock Exchange (other than customary week -end 22 and holiday closing) or (ii) during which any financial emergency situation exists as a result of whicli disposal by the 4M Fund of 4M Fund Property is not reasonably practicable because of the substantial losses which might be incurred or it is not reasonably practicable for the 4M Fund fairly to determine the value of its net assets. Such suspension or postponement shall not alter or affect a Participant's beneficial interest hereunder as measured by its Shares or the accrued interest and earnings thereon. Such suspension or payment shall take effect at such time as the Trustees shall specify but not later than the close of business on the business day next following the declaration of suspension, and thereafter there shall be no right of withdrawal or payment until the Trustees shall declare the suspension or postponement at an end, except that the suspension or postponement shall terminate in any event on the first day on which the period specified in clause (i) or (ii) above shall have expired (as to which, the determination of the Trustees shall be conclusive). In the case of a suspension of the right of withdrawal or a postponement of payment pursuant to withdrawal requests, a Participant may either (i) withdraw its request for withdrawal or (ii) receive payment based on the net asset value existing after the termination of the suspension. 6.7 Minimum Withdrawal. There shall be no minimum amount which may be withdrawn from the 4M Fund at any one time at the option of a Participant; provided, however, that no request by a Participant for the withdrawal of less than one dollar ($1.00) need be honored. 6.8 Defective Withdrawal Requests. In the event that a Participant shall submit a request for the withdrawal of a greater amount than is then credited to the account of such Participant, such request shall not be honored, and each Participant, by its adoption of this Declaration of Trust, agrees that the Trustees shall have full and complete power to withdraw funds from the account of a Participant, and to reduce proportionately the number of Shares allocated to such Participant in accordance with Section 6.5 hereof, in an amount sufficient to reimburse the 4M Fund for any fees, expenses, costs or penalties actually incurred by the 4M Fund as a result of such defective withdrawal request. 6.9 Allocation of Certain Exnenses. Each Participant will, at the discretion of the 4M Fund, indemnify the 4M Fund against all expenses and losses resulting from indebtedness incurred on that Participant's behalf under Section 4.2(iv)(b) or (c) hereof. Each Participant authorizes the Trustees to reduce its Shares to the number of Shares which reflects that Participant's proportion- ate interest in the net assets of the 4M Fund after allocation of those expenses and losses to it. ARTICLE VII Record of Shares 7.1 Share Register. The Share Register shall be kept by or on behalf of the Trustees, under the direction of the Trustees, and shall contain (i) the names and addresses of the Partici- pants, (ii) the number of Shares representing their respective beneficial interests hereunder and (iii) a record of all allocations and reductions thereof. Such Share Register shall be conclusive as to the identity of the Participants to which the Shares are allocated. Only Participants whose allocation of Shares is recorded on such Share Register shall be entitled to receive distributions with respect to Shares or otherwise to exercise or enjoy the rights and benefits related to the beneficial interest hereunder represented by the Shares. No Participant shall be entitled to receive any distribution, nor to have notices given to it as herein provided, until it has given its appro- priate address to such officer or agent of the Fund as shall keep the Share Register for entry 23 thereon. 7.2 Registrar. The Trustees shall have full and complete power to employ a registrar. Unless otherwise determined by the Trustees, the Share Register shall be kept by the Administrator which shall serve as the registrar for the 4M Fund. The registrar shall record the original allocations of Shares in the Share Register. Such registrar shall perform the duties usually performed by registrars of certificates and shares of stock in a corporation, except as such duties may be modified by the Trustees. 7.3 Owner of Record. No Person becoming entitled to any Shares in consequence of the merger, reorganization, consolidation, bankruptcy or insolvency of any Participant or otherwise, by operation of Law, shall be recorded as the Participant to which such Shares are allocated and shall only be entitled to receive for such Shares the amount credited to the account of the Participant whose beneficial interest in the 4M Fund is represented by such Shares. Until the Person becoming entitled to receive such amount shall apply for the payment thereof and present any proof of such entitlement as the Trustees may in their sole discretion deem appropriate, the Participant of record to which such Shares are allocated shall be deemed to be the Participant to which such Shares are allocated for all purposes hereof, and neither the Trustees nor the registrar nor any officer or agent of the 4M Fund shall be affected by any notice of such merger, reorganization, consolidation,. bankruptcy, insolvency or other event. 7.4 No Transfers of Shares. The beneficial interests measured by the Shares shall not be transferrable, in whole or in part, other than to the 4M Fund itself for purposes of effectuating a withdrawal of funds. 7.5 Limitation of Fiduciary Resoonsibility. The Trustees shall not, nor shall the Participants or any officer, registrar or other agent of the 4M Fund, be bound to see to the execution of any trust, express, implied or constructive, or of any charge, pledge or equity to which any of the Shares or any interest therein are subject, or to ascertain or inquire whether any withdrawal of funds by any Participant or its representatives is authorized by such trust, charge, pledge or equity, or to recognize any Person as having any interest .therein except the Participant recorded as the Participant to which such Shares are allocated. The receipt of the Participant in whose name any Share is recorded or of the duly authorized agent of such Participant shall be a sufficient discharge for all moneys payable or deliverable in respect of such Shares and from all liability to see to the proper application thereof. 7.6 Notices. Any and all notices to which Participants hereunder may be entitled and any and all communications shall be deemed duly served or given if mailed, postage pre -paid, addressed to Participants of record at their last known post office addresses as recorded on the Share Register provided for in Section 7.1 hereof. ARTICLE VIII Participants 8.1 Voting. Each Participant shall be entitled to one vote as a matter of right with respect to the following matters: (i) amendment of this Declaration of Trust or termination of the 4M Fund as provided in Section 4.3 and Section 13.1 hereof; and (ii) reorganization of the 4M Fund as provided in Section 13.2 hereof. It shall not be necessary for any minimum number of Shares to be allocated to a Participant for the Participant to be entitled to vote. Participants shall not be entitled to cumulative voting with respect to any matter. 24 8.2 Right to Initiate a Vote of the Participants. The Participants shall, by an instru- ment or concurrent instruments in writing delivered to the Board of Trustees signed by at least ten percent (10%) of the Participants, have the right to initiate a vote of the Participants as to any matter described in clause (i) or clause (ii) of Section 8.1 hereof. Within twenty (20) days of receipt of such instrument or instruments, the Board of Trustees shall cause a ballot to be sent to each Participant, setting forth the matter to be voted on and the manner in which such ballots should be executed and delivered. 8.3 Inspection of Records. The records of the 4M Fund shall be open to inspection at all reasonable times pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13. 8.4 Meetings of Participants. (a) Meetings of the Participants may be called at any time by a majority of the , Trustees and shall be called by any Trustee upon written request of not less than ten percent (10%) of the Participants, such request specifying the purpose or purposes for which such meeting is to be called. Any such meeting shall be held within the State of Minnesota at such place, on such day and at such time as the Trustees shall designate. (b) A majority of the Participants entitled to vote at such meeting present in person (including, if permitted by applicable Law, participation by conference telephone or similar communications equipment by means of which all: Persons participating in the meeting can hear each other) or by proxy shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of Participants. 8.5 Notice of Meetinpas and Votes. Notice of all meetings of the Participants, stating the time, place and purposes of the meeting, and notice of any vote without a meeting, stating the purpose and method thereof shall be given by the Trustees by mail to each Participant at its registered address, mailed at least ten (10) days and not more than thirty (30) days before the meeting or the day by which votes must be cast. Only the business stated in the notice of a meeting shall be considered at such meeting. Any adjourned meeting may be held as adjourned without further notice. Any notice required by any 'open meeting", "sunshine" or similar law, whether now or hereafter in effect, shall also be given. 8.6 Record Date for Meetings and Votes. For the purposes of determining the Partici- pants that are entitled to vote or act at any meeting or any adjournment thereof, or who are entitled to participate in any vote, or for the purpose of any other action, the Trustees may from time to time fix a date not more than thirty (30) days prior to the date of any meeting or vote of Participants or other action as a record date for the determination of Participants entitled to vote at such meeting or any adjournment thereof or to cast a ballot in such vote or to be treated as Participants of record for purposes of such other action. Any Participant which was a Participant at the time so fixed shall be entitled to vote at such meeting or any adjournment thereof, or to cast a ballot in such vote, even though it then had no Shares allocated to it or has since that date redeemed its Shares. No Participant becoming such after that date shall be so entitled to vote at such meeting or any adjournment thereof or to cast a ballot in such vote or to be treated as a Participant of record for purposes of such other action. 8.7 Proxies. At any meeting of Participants, if permitted by applicable Law, any Participant entitled to vote thereat may vote by proxy, provided that no proxy shall be voted at any meeting unless it shall have been placed on file with the Secretary of the, 4M Fund, or with such other officer or agent of the 4M Fund as the Secretary of the 4M Fund may direct, for verification prior to the time at which such vote shall be taken. Pursuant to a resolution of a 25 majority of the Trustees, proxies may be solicited in the name of one or more of the officers of the 4M Fund. All proxies shall be revocable at the option of the Participant. 8.8 Number of Votes. Only Participants of record shall be entitled to vote and each Participant shall be entitled to one vote without regard to the number of Shares allocated to it, if any. A proxy purporting to be executed by or on behalf of a Participant shall be deemed valid unless challenged at or prior to its exercise, and the burden of proving invalidity shall rest on the challenger. 8.10 Reports. The Trustees shall cause to be prepared at least annually (i) a report of operations containing a statement of assets and liabilities and statements of operations and of changes in net assets of the 4M Fund prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principals and (ii) an opinion of an independent certified public accountant on such financial statements based on an examination of the books and records of the 4M Fund made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. A signed copy of such report and opinion shall be filed with the Trustees within ninety (90) days after the close of the period covered thereby. Copies of such reports shall be mailed to all Participants of record within a reasonable period preceding the annual meeting or vote of the Participants. The Trustees shall, in addition, furnish to the Partici- pants, at least quarterly, an interim report containing an unaudited balance sheet of the Fund as at- the t.the end of such quarterly period and statements of operations and changes in net assets for the period from the beginning of the then current fiscal year to the end of such quarterly period. ARTICLE IX Trustees and Officers 9.1 Number and Qualification. (a) Subject to the power of the Participants to amend this Declaration of Trust, the Board of Directors of the League of Minnesota Cities shall act as the initial governing body of the 4M Fund and shall be the Board of Trustees. The by-laws and constitution of the League of Minnesota Cities shall govern the operation and make-up of the Trustees and Officers of the 4M Fund. , (b) The Trustees, in their capacity as Trustees, shall not be required to devote their entire time to the business and affairs of the 4M Fund. (c) The Executive Director of the League of Minnesota Cities may be an ex officio non-voting member of the Board of Trustees. 9.2 Meetinpas. (a) Meetings of the Trustees shall be held from time to time upon the call of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, the Secretary or any two trustees. Regular meetings of the Trustees may be held without call or notice at a time and place fixed by the By -Laws or by resolution of the Trustees. Notice of any other meeting shall be mailed or otherwise given not less than 48 hours before the meeting but may be waived in writing by any Trustee either before or after such meeting. Any notice required by any 'open meeting", "sunshine" or similar Law, whether now or hereafter in effect, shall also be given. The attendance of a Trustee at a meeting shall constitute a waiver of notice of such meeting except where a Trustee attends a meeting for the express purpose of objecting to the transaction of any business on the ground that the meeting has not 26 been lawfully called or convened. The Trustees may act with or, if permitted by applicable Law, without a meeting. A quorum for all meetings of the Trustees shall be a majority of the Trustees. Subject to Section 2.14 hereof and unless specifically provided otherwise in this Declaration of Trust, any action of the Trustees may be taken at a meeting by vote of a majority of the Trustees present (a quorum being present) or, if permitted by applicable Law, without a meeting, by written consents of a majority of the Trustees. Any agreement or other instrument or writing executed by one or more of the Trustees or by any authorized Person shall be valid and binding upon the Trustees and upon the 4M Fund when authorized or ratified by action of the Trustees as provided in this Declaration of Trust. (b) Any committee of the Trustees may act with or without a meeting. A quorum for all meetings of any such committee shall be a majority of the members thereof. Notice of such meeting, including such notice as may be required by an 'open meeting", "sunshine" or similar Law, shall be given as provided in Section 9.2(a). Unless otherwise specifically provided in this Declaration of Trust, any action of any such committee may be taken at a meeting by vote of a majority of the members present (a quorum being present) or, without a meeting, by written consent of a majority of the members. (c) With respect to actions of the Trustees and any committee thereof, Trustees. who are affiliated within the meaning of Section 2.14 hereof or otherwise interested in any action to be taken may be counted for quorum purposes under this Section 9.2 and shall be entitled to vote. (d) All or any one or more Trustees may, if permitted by applicable Law, partici- pate in a meeting of the Trustees or any committee thereof by utilizing conference telephone or similar communications equipment by means of which all persons participating in the meeting, including members of the public, can hear each other and participate in a meeting pursuant to such communications shall constitute presence in personal at such meeting. The minutes of any meeting of Trustees held by utilizing such communications equipment shall be prepared in the same manner as those of a meeting of Trustees held in person. 9.3 Officers. The Officers of the 4M Fund shall be the same as the officers of the Board of Directors of the League of Minnesota Cities. The executive director of the League of Minnesota Cities shall act as secretary of the 4M Fund. The Trustees may elect or appoint, such other officers or agents, who shall have such powers, duties and responsibilities as the Trustees may deem to be advisable and appropriate. 9.4 Committees. The Trustees may elect from time to time from their own number committees consisting of one or more persons, the number composing such committees and the powers conferred upon the same to be determined by vote of the Trustees. 9.5 Reports. The Trustees shall cause to be prepared at least annually (i) a report of operations containing a statement of assets and liabilities and statements of operations and of changes in net assets of the 4M Fund prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles and (ii) an opinion of an independent certified public accountant on such financial statements based on an examination of the books and records of the 4M Fund made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. A signed copy of such report and opinion shall be filed with the Trustees within ninety (90) days after the close of the period covered thereby. Copies of such reports shall be mailed to all Participants of record within a reasonable period preceding the annual election of Trustees. The Trustees shall, in addition, furnish to the \participants, at least quarterly, an interim report containing an unaudited balance sheet of the 4M Fund as at the end of such quarterly period and statements of operations and changes in net assets for the period from 27 the beginning of the then current fiscal year to the end of such quarterly period. ARTICLE X Determination of Net Asset Value and Net Income; Distributions to Participants 10.1 Net Asset Value. The net asset value of each allocated Share of the 4M Fund shall be determined once on each business day at such time as the Trustees by resolution may determine. The method of determining net asset value shall be established by the Trustees and shall be set forth in the Information Statement as the same may be amended from time to time. The duty to make the daily calculations may be delegated by the Trustees to the Adviser, the Administrator, the Custodian or such other Person as the Trustees by resolution may designate. 10.2 Constant Net Asset Value: Reduction of Allocated Shares. (a) The Trustees shall have full and complete power to determine the net income (including unrealized gains and losses on the portfolio assets) of the 4M Fund once on each business day as provided in Section 10.1 hereof and, upon each such determination such net income. shall be credited proportionately to the accounts of the Participants in such a manner,and with the result, that the net asset value per Share of the 4M Fund shall remain at a constant dollar value. The accounting method used for the determination of the net income of the 4M Fund and the crediting thereof proportionately to the respective accounts of the Participants shall be determined by the Trustees and shall be set forth in the Information Statement as the same may be amended from time to time. The duty to make the daily calculations may be delegated by the Trustees to the Adviser, the Administrator, the Custodian or such other Person as the Trustees by resolution may designate. Fluctuations in value will be reflected in the number of Shares allocated to each Participant. If there is a net loss, the Trustees shall first offset such. amount against income accrued to each Participant. To the extent that such a net loss exceeds such accrued income, the Trustees shall reduce the aggregate number of the 4M Fund's allocated Shares in an amount equal to the amount required in order to permit the net asset value per Share of the 4M Fund to be maintained at a constant dollar value by having each Participant contribute to the 4M Fund its gro rata portion of such number of Shares. Each Participant will be deemed to have agreed to such reduction in such circumstances by its investment in the 4MFund and its adoption of this Declaration of Trust. The purpose of the foregoing procedure is to permit the net asset value per Share of the 4M Fund to be maintained at a constant dollar value per Share. (b) The Trustees may discontinue or amend the practice of attempting to maintain the net asset value per Share at a constant dollar amount at any time and such modification shall be evidenced by appropriate changes in the Information Statement as the same may be amended from time to time. 10.3 Suaolementary Distributions to Participants. In addition to withdrawals made at the request of individual Participants pursuant to Section 6.5 hereof, the Trustees may from time to time also declare and make to the Participants, in proportion to their respective allocation of Shares, out of the earnings, profits or assets in the hands of the Trustees, such supplementary distributions and the determination of earnings, profits, and other funds and assets available for supplemental distributions and other purposes shall lie wholly in the discretion of the Trustees and may be made at such time and in such manner as the Trustees may in their sole discretion from time to time determine. Any or all such supplementary distributions may be made among the Participants of record at the time of declaring a distribution or among the Participants of record at such other date as the Trustees shall determine. 28 Y 10.4 Retained Reserves. The Trustees may retain from the gross income of the 4M Fund such amount as they may deem necessary to pay the debts and expenses of the 4M Fund and to meet other obligations of the 4M Fund, and the Trustees shall also have the power to establish such reasonable reserves as they believe may be required. ARTICLE XI Custodian 11.1 Duties. The Trustees shall employ a bank or trust company organized under the Laws of the United States of America or the State of Minnesota having an office in the State of Minnesota and having a capital and surplus aggregating at least twenty-five million dollars ($25,000,000) as Custodian with authority as its agent, but subject to such restrictions, limitations and other requirements, if any, as may be contained in the By -Laws of the 4M Fund to perform the duties set forth in the Custodian Agreement to be entered into between the 4M Fund and the Custodian, or as may be imposed by Law. 11.2 Appointment. The Trustees shall have the power to select and appoint the Custo- dian for the 4M Fund. The Custodian Agreement shall provide that it may be terminated at any time without cause and without the payment of any penalty by the 4M Fund on sixty (60) days' written notice to the Custodian. 11.3 Custodian Agreement. In addition to containing such other provisions as the Trustees may deem appropriate, the Custodian Agreement shall provide that all investments constituting 4M Fund Property shall be held in safekeeping in the manner required by Law, including, without limitation, Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.66, Subdivision 2. 11.4 Agents of Custodian. The Trustees may also authorize the Custodian to employ one or more agents from time to time to perform such of the acts and services of the Custodian and upon such terms and conditions, as may be agreed upon between the Custodian and such agent and approved by the Trustees; provided, however, that, in every case, such agent shall be a bank or trust company organized under the Laws of the United States of America or one of the States thereof having capital and surplus aggregating at least twenty-five million dollars ($25,000,000). 11.5 Successors. In the event that, at any time, the Custodian shall resign or shall be terminated pursuant too the provisions of the Custodian Agreement, the Trustees shall appoint a successor thereto. 11.6 Custodian as Depository for Participants. Each Participant hereby designates the Custodian as a depository for funds of the Participant. ARTICLE XII Recording of Declaration of Trust 12.1 Recording. This Declaration of Trust and any amendment hereto shall be filed, 29 1( s recorded or lodged as a document of public record in such place or places and with such official or officials as may be required by Law or as the Trustees may deem desirable. Each amendment so filed, recorded or lodged shall be accompanied by a certificate signed and acknowledged by a Trustee stating that such action was duly taken in the manner provided for herein; and unless such amendment or such certificate sets forth some earlier or later time for the effectiveness of such amendment, such amendment shall be effective upon its filing. An amended Declaration of Trust, containing or restating the original Declaration and all amendments theretofore made, may be executed any time or from time to time by a majority of the Trustees and shall, upon filing, recording or lodging in the manner contemplated hereby, be conclusive evidence of all amendments contained therein and may thereafter be referred to in lieu of the original Declaration of Trust and the various amendments thereto. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section 12.1, no filing or recordation pursuant to the terms of this Section 12.1 shall be a condition precedent to the effectiveness of this Declaration of Trust or any amendment hereto. ARTICLE XIII Amendment or Termination of 4M Fund; Duration of Fund 13.1 Amendment or Termination. (a) The provisions of this Declaration of Trust may be amended or altered (except as to the limitations on personal liability of the Participants and Trustees and the prohibition of assessments upon Participants), or the 4M Fund may be terminated, at any meeting of the Participants or pursuant to any vote of the Participants called for that purpose, by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Participants entitled to vote, or if permitted applicable Law, by an instrument or instruments in writing, without a meeting, signed by a majority of the Trustees and a majority of the Participants; provided, however, that the Trustees may, from time to time by a two-thirds vote of the Trustees, and after fifteen (15) days' prior written notice_ to the Participants, amend or alter the provisions of this Declaration of Trust, without the vote or assent of the Participants, amend or alter the provisions of this Declaration of Trust, without the vote or assent of the Participants, to the extent deemed by the Trustees in good faith to be necessary to conform this Declaration to the requirements of applicable Laws or regulations or any interpretation thereof by a court or other governmental agency or competent jurisdiction, but the Trustees shall not be liable for failing to do so. Notwithstanding the foregoing, (i) no amendment may be made pursuant to this Section 13.1 which would change any rights with respect to any allocated Shares of the 4M Fund by reducing the amount payable thereon upon liquidation of the 4M Fund or which would diminish or eliminate any voting rights of the Participants, except with the vote or written consent of two-thirds of the Participants entitled to vote thereon; and (ii) no amendment may be made which would cause any of the investment restrictions contained in Section 4.2 hereof to be less restrictive without the affirmative vote of a majority of the Participants entitled to vote thereon. (b) Upon the termination of the 4M Fund pursuant to this Section 13.1: (i) The 4M Fund shall carry on no business except for the purpose of winding up its affairs; (ii) The Trustees shall proceed to wind up the affairs of the 4M Fund and all of the powers of the Trustees under this Declaration of Trust shall continue until the affairs of the 4M Fund shall have been wound up, including, without limitation, the power to fulfill or discharge the contracts of the 4M Fund, collect its assets, sell, convey, assign, exchange, transfer or otherwise dispose of all or any part of the remaining 4M Fund Property to one or more persons 30 at public or private sale for consideration which may consist in whole or in part of cash, securities or th6 property of any kind, discharge or pay its liabilities, and do all other acts appropriate to liquidate its affairs; provided, however, that any position of all or substantially all of the 4M Fund Property shall require approval of the principal terms of the transaction and the nature and amount of the consideration by affirmative vote of not less than a majority of the Participants entitled to vote thereon; and (iii) After paying or adequately providing for the payment of all liabilities, and upon receipt of such releases, indemnities and refunding agreements, as they deem necessary for their protection, the Trustees may distribute the remaining 4M Fund Property, in cash or in kind or partly in each, among the Participants according to their respective proportionate allocation of Shares. (c) Upon termination of the 4MFund and distribution to the Participants as herein provided, a majority of the Trustees shall execute and lodge among the records of the 4M Fund an instrument in writing setting forth the fact of such termination, and the Trustees shall thereupon be discharged from all further liabilities and duties hereunder, and the right, title and interest of all Participants shall cease and be cancelled and discharged. (d) A certification in recordable form signed by a majority of the Trustees setting. forth an amendment and reciting that it was duly adopted by the Participants or by the Trustees as aforesaid or a copy of the Declaration, as amended, in recordable form, and executed by a majority of the Trustees, shall be conclusive evidence of such amendment. 13.2 Power to Effect Reorganization. If permitted by applicable Law, the Trustees, by vote or written approval of a majority of the Trustees, may select, or direct the organization of, a corporation, association, trust or other Person with which the 4M Fund may merge, or which shall take over the 4M Fund Property and carry on the affairs of the 4M Fund, and after receiving an affirmative vote of not less than a majority of the Participants entitled to vote at any meeting of the Participants, the notice for which includes a statement of such proposed action, the Trustees may effect such merger or may sell, convey and transfer the 4M Fund Property to any such corporation, association, trust or other Person in exchange for cash . or shares or securities thereof, or beneficial interest therein with the assumption by such transferee of the liabilities of the 4M Fund; and thereupon the Trustees shall terminate the 4M Fund and deliver such cash, shares, securities or beneficial interest ratably among the participants of this 4M Fund. 13.3 Duration. The 4M Fund shall continue in existence in perpetuity, subject in all respects to the provisions of the Article XIII. ARTICLE XIV Miscellaneous 14.1 Governing Law. This Declaration of Trust is executed by the Initial Participants and delivered in the State of Minnesota and with reference to the Laws thereof, and the rights of all parties and the validity, construction and effect of every provision hereof shall be subject to and construed according to the Laws of said State of Minnesota. 14.2 Counterparts. This Declaration of Trust may be executed in several counterparts, each of which when so executed shall be deemed to be an original, and such counterparts, together, shall constitute but one and the same instrument, which shall be sufficiently evidenced by any such original counterpart. 31 14.3 Reliance by Third Parties. Any certificate executed by an individual who, according to the records of the 4M Fund, or of any official or public body or office in which this Declaration of Trust may be recorded, appears to be a Trustee hereunder or the Secretary or the Treasurer of the 4M Fund, certifying to: (i) the number or identity of Trustees or Participants; (ii) the due authorization of the execution of any instrument or writing; (iii) the form of any vote passed at a meeting of Trustees or Participants or taken pursuant to a vote of Participants; (iv) the fact that the number of Trustees or Participants present at any meeting or executing any written instrument satisfies the requirements of this Declaration of Trust; (v) the form of any By - Law adopted by or the identity of any officers elected by the Trustees; or (vi) the existence of any fact or facts which in any manner relate to the affairs of the 4M Fund, shall be conclusive evidence as to the matters so certified in favor of any Person dealing with the Trustees or any of them or the 4M Fund and the successors of such Person. 14.4 Provisions in Conflict with Law. The provisions of this Declaration of Trust are severable, and if the Trustees shall determine, with the advice of counsel, that any one of more of such provisions (the "Conflicting Provisions") are in conflict with applicable federal or Minnesota Laws, the Conflicting Provisions shall be deemed never to have constituted a part of this Declaration of Trust; provided, however, that such determination by the Trustees shall not affect or. impair any of the remaining provisions of this Declaration of Trust or render invalid or improper any action taken or omitted (including, but not limited to, the election of Trustees) prior to such determination. 14.5 Gender: Section Headings. (a) Words of the masculine gender shall mean and include correlative words of the feminine and neuter genders and words importing the singular number shall mean and include the plural number and vice versa. (b) Any headings preceding the texts of the several Articles and Sections of this Declaration of Trust and any table of contents or marginal notes appended to copies hereof, shall be solely for convenience of references and shall neither constitute a part of this Declaration of Trust nor affect its meaning, construction or effect. 14.6 Adoption by Municipalities Electing to Become Additional Participants: Resignation of Participants. (a) Any Municipality meeting the requirements of Section 1.2 hereof, may become an additional Participant of this 4M Fund by (i) taking any appropriate official action to adopt this Declaration of Trust, (ii) furnishing the Trustees with satisfactory evidence that such official action has been taken, and (iii) if requested by the Trustees, providing the Trustees with an opinion of counsel to the effect that such party desiring to become a Participant of the 4M Fund is a Municipality as defined herein. A copy of this Declaration of Trust may be adopted by executing a written instrument of adoption in such form as may be prescribed by the Trustees. Delivering an acknowledged copy of such instrument shall constitute satisfactory evidence of the adoption contemplated by this Section 14.6. (b) Any Participant may resign and withdraw from the 4M Fund by sending a written notice to such effect to the Chairman of the 4M Fund and the Administrator and by requesting the withdrawal of all funds then credited to its account within the 4M Fund. The written notice shall be in the form of a certified resolution of the Municipality Board or Council of the Participant, stating the Municipality Board or Council's intention to resign from the 4M Fund. 32 Such resignation and withdrawal shall become effective upon the receipt thereof by the Chairman of the 4M Fund and the Administrator. No resignation and withdrawal by a Participant shall operate to annul this Declaration of Trust or terminate the existence of the 4M Fund. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Municipalities of the State of Minnesota, acting in the capacity of Initial Participants of the Minnesota Municipal Money Market Fund and pursuant to the authority granted by the Joint Powers Act, have executed this Declaration of Trust as of the day of , 19 , as of which date this Declaration of Trust shall take, and come into, full force and effect. By Its and Its By Its and Its By Its and _ Its 33