HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.a. Set Public Hearing - Minnesota Industrial Containment Facility IUPCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 7, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Set Public Hearing: MN Industrial AGENDA SECTION: Containment Facility (MICF) Interim Use Permit NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: Lisa AQENDAI� p ��(�8 A Freese, Director of Planning ATTACHMENTS: Project Overview ; Location Map; Hearing Notice; Mailing List, DC License.�(;�1� AP�,,ROV D BY'' , City staff and Consultants have reviewed the draft permit released by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and have drafted an Interim Use Permit (IUP)Agreement for the proposed 236 acre Minnesota Industrial Containment Facility. This facility will be an industrial solid waste disposal facility for the disposal of non -hazardous wastes. Ultimate design of the facility consists of 10 self contained disposal cells. The proposed IUP is for a term of 5 years and is for only the first three containment cells. The Planning Commission initially reviewed the proposed IUP at their December 10, 1991 Regular Meeting and will be making a recommendation to the City Council regarding the IUP Agreement at their January 14 Regular Meeting: The notice period for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency- (PCA) permit ended December 16, 1991. PCA staff indicated that one comment letter was submitted on the draft permit. The final permit and the staff response to the comment letter have been forwarded to the PCA Director's office. PCA staff anticipates that the permit will be administratively approved by the Director.' If, however, the Director decides to bring the permit to the full 'PCA 'Board for approval, the permit will be considered at their regular monthly meeting on January 27, 1992. The Dakota County license was approved by the County Board on December 17, 1991 subject to the City's approval of the rezoning and IUP. I. INTRODUCTION This Operational Plan for the Minnesota Industrial Containment Facility (MICF) is one of five volumes being prepared as part of the final permit applica- tion to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), Dakota County and the City of Rosemount. The other four volumes cover Introduction, Overview and Facility Design (Volume I), Environmental Impact Statement (Volume II prepared by the Metropolitan Council), Hydrogeologic Report (Volume III) and Closure, Post -Closure and Contingency Action Plan (Volume V). This Operational Plan was prepared through a collaborative effort among Hansen, Allen and Luce (Midvale, Utah), Environmental Engineering and Management Limited (Bloomington, Minnesota) and USPCI, Inc. (Houston, Texas). This volume is divided into fourteen sections. Section II provides a general over- view of the project. Section III provides a general overview of the operation of the facility. Section IV addresses the types of wastes that can be accepted at the facility. Section V summarizes the waste acceptance procedures that will be employed at the facility and summarizes the administrative controls (both regulatory and USPCI, Inc. internal) in place to evaluate waste before shipment to the facility. REV -1 a INTRODUCTION Sections VI through VIII address operation plans including the function and use of the container management building, the sequence of the cell construction and typical waste placement operations within a cell. Section IX describes the operation of the leachate collection system and storage tanks. The operation of the stormwater management plan over the planned lifetime of the MICF is described in Section X. The remaining Sections, XI, XII, XIII and XIV, describe general inspection and maintenance, reports and record keeping, personnel training and the facility safety plan. All of these materials are available for review at the Planning Department. Please contact Donna Quintus at 322-2051 if you would like to review these materials. IV -I.2 REV -1 II. PROJECT OVERVIEW A. Background USPCI, Inc. (hereafter referred to as USPCI or the Company) is a subsidiary of Union Pacific Corporation and maintains corporate headquarters in Houston, Texas. USPCI operates waste recycling, treatment, storage and dis- posal operations in various locations across the United States and currently operates other waste containment cells similar in design to those being proposed for this project. Such cells have been used for disposal of both haz- ardous and non -hazardous waste. The cells proposed in this project will be permitted for disposal of non -hazardous waste. USPCI proposes to locate and operate a waste containment facility in Rosemount, Minnesota (see Figure IV -1). The MICF is planned and designed specifically to manage non -hazardous industrial waste. The MICF will serve many of the waste management needs of industries in the Minneapolis/St. Paul Metropolitan Area. Currently the majority of these wastes are either disposed of at on-site landfills operated by the waste gener- ator or disposed of with household garbage at mixed municipal solid waste if landfills. The Company considers the MICF's waste acceptance procedures, facility design and mode of operations a significant improvement over the existing system of industrial waste disposal. The MICF employs five basic factors that work together to improve manage- ment of industrial wastes. These factors are: • constructing the facility on a site identified by local government as potentially suitable for waste management facilities, ° removing the industrial waste from the acidic conditions found in municipal landfills by separating these wastes from household gar- bage, • containing the waste in a facility designed and constructed with two synthetic liners, one clay liner and two leachate collection systems, ° sizing the containment cells to be operated for relatively short periods of time, then closing and capping each cell to reduce future leachate generation and ° maintaining the major facility units, including the capped contain- ment cells and leachate collection system, even after the facility has ceased accepting waste. IV-II.3 REV -1 Figure IV -1 Location of Proposed Site IV-II.4 PROJECT OVERVIEW These five basic operating factors ensure that the MICF will serve as an improvement over the existing waste management system and will safely handle these wastes both now and in the future. B. General Design and Operations Of the 236 acres on the site, about 60 acres will be occupied by the contain- ment cells. Approximately 40 acres will be used for the following: an ad- ministrative building, a container management building, dock area, rail siding, leachate storage tanks, internal roads and parking areas. The ad- ministrative building will house offices, a waste -testing laboratory and per- sonnel facilities. The container management building will be located near the administrative building (see Figure N-2). it is anticipated that the remaining 136 acres will remain as buffer area. The facility will eventually consist of ten, 6 -acre containment cells, each with an overall capacity of approximately 250,000 cubic yards. The approximate waste receiving rate will be 80,000 cubic yards per year, transported by twenty to twenty-five trucks per day. Some waste may be transported to the facility by rail. At this rate, the MICF is projected to operate over a period of approximately thirty years. Each cell will operate for about three to five years. Generally only one cell will be actively receiving waste at any one time. However, as a cell nears its capacity, another will be constructed. During these periods of time, two cells will be open. The containment cells will be underlain by two synthetic liner systems and two leachate collection systems. A third liner made up of two feet of compacted clay will underlie the two synthetic liner and leachate collection systems at the floor of the cell. A "Claymax" S (or equal) barrier will extend up the sides of the cells. The leachate generated in the cells will be collected and transferred to the leachate storage tanks. The leachate in the tanks will be tested before dis- charge to a wastewater treatment plant. If the leachate testing shows the leachate does not meet discharge standards, the leachate will be pretreated by a mobile treatment unit, pretreated through in -tank treatment or transported off site to an appropriate treatment facility. The MICF will accept only wastes classified as non -hazardous industrial wastes by federal, state and local regulations. Under current regulations, non -hazardous industrial wastes are being disposed of at existing municipal waste landfills. The existing regulatory system and the MICF Waste Acceptance Plan will work to ensure that only acceptable non -hazardous industrial wastes are delivered and accepted for management at the MICF. A summary of these procedures include: IV-II.5 REV -1 C PROJECT OVERVIEW ° waste testing by the potential waste customer consistent with federal, state and local regulations to determine waste classification, ° predelivery agreements between the potential customer and the, MICF, • waste deliveries by the potential customer or waste transporters and • waste inspection, sampling and waste receipt analysis at the MICF to ensure that the waste received is what was anticipated by showing con- sistency with both the waste shipping papers and with the waste test- ing that was completed by the customer. Only after a waste is evaluated and certified by the customer to be non -haz- ardous, industrial waste will it be approved for acceptance of the facility. The Company has chosen to adopt these stringent waste acceptance procedures to ensure that only permitted wastes are accepted for containment at the MICE. When a cell has reached its designed capacity it will be capped with high density polyethylene (HDPE) liner material, a drainage net and filter fabric, graded with topsoil and seeded to retard erosion. C. MICF Site Selection The MICF site is located in the Pine Bend Industrial Area of Rosemount. The site has been identified as a potential site for waste management facilities and has been the subject of technical evaluations and public hear- ings to determine its suitability for waste management facilities. The site was one of five identified as displaying geological, social and land use characteristics potentially suitable for land disposal facilities as part of Dakota County's landfill site selection responsibilities, required by the Minnesota Waste Management Act of 1980. Further, the site was found to be "intrinsically suitable" for land disposal Facilities by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) and found to be consistent with the Solid Waste Management Development Guide/Policy Plan of the Metropolitan Council, the regional planning agency for the seven county metro area. In addition to the environmental protection factors required by state, regional and local governments, the Company believes the site offers supe- rior characteristics for development of a waste management facility. These characteristics include zoning, topography, low-density development in the site vicinity, compatible surrounding land uses, adequate transportation facilities and proximity to wastewater treatment facilities. USPCI analyzed all potential landfill sites identified by the seven metropolitan counties as potential sites for an industrial waste containment facility before proposing to develop a facility at the Rosemount site. IV-II.7 REV -1 F D. Environmental Features 0 PROJECT OVERVIEW The site is characterized by a rolling topography ranging in elevation from 820 feet mean sea level (MSL) in the southwest comer to 907 feet MSL near the center of the site. The site lies in the Vermillion River Watershed. Two small areas, defined as wetlands, exist on the site which contain water only during spring snowmelt or unusually heavy precipitation events. Storrawater flows either to natural depressions scattered on the site or to these wetlands located in the southwestern corner of the site. These wetlands are not located within the active portion of the facility and will not be altered or dredged by facility development. The nearest open water body is the Mississippi River, approximately 3,000 feet to the north of the site. E. Existing Land Use and Zoning The existing land use in the site vicinity consists of a mixture of heavy in- dustrial and agricultural use and a few residential housing units. The site is adjacent to the Pine Bend Industrial Area of Rosemount. Land use adjacent to the MICF site includes railroad right-of-way, highway right-of-way, the Rosemount wastewater treatment plant, two single-family residences, a golf course and agricultural lands. The existing land use on the MICF site con- sists of rolling, open fields with scattered woodlots. The site has been used for pasture or grazing as its varying topography makes it undesirable for more intensive agricultural uses. Approximately two-thirds of the site is zoned as a Waste Management District and one-third is zoned as an Agricultural District by the City of Rosemount. Zoning adjacent to the site on the west, northwest and north consists of General Industrial Districts. Agricultural Districts are adjacent to the south and east. IV-II.8 REV -1 rrll�-1,Y1�''j \ MINNESOTA INDUSTRIAL , l/9 \l\� : CONTAINMENI FACILIAW TY e / j,;! //% \'�' . � +`.�y�� °T --��, �?r.. ��`/l \.\\V �'� Vii' /' �"•'r lj. � � -- raa �.: "iiijy:;% d f_/., 4 �..`, ,.'tt`�'a-\' -.�✓/� � /s�• F•. (� +i Usvcl. INC.cri e( t` i/ � �"�� r% _.. � 1 .. .'.-- � 7. � '�-�b��i' !�\\�.I � °. l ' l � ,�eA�^.JI! • usaM ncac cosoun Ab'.l �; %, �4�c� 1 , :,, ;.�. ,-.--� ,�:5 s.•� _�• 'rl rl �'(.1.V (o.. , w \l� � � '' 1 j � \ \ .-.3-: iCE�i; l `ar p / �'� "`it!�� ;:\ \•' �; t a l�t \'tv �!S r�j •� �--V,- \ ,,�'"Y ' ,�\\• \ l,l, /�1, l`( �e y .; ,�\i\`�\ l b\ td \J` ;.�' i1tr tl'11 ii�j�' -`l` i/ I `'.,. �r - y r`.-� .�1, ,yr.. '..t •�• '�1� r� r , I 1 (/,.;.i �� lr �l �_._w,sa,n °w:xorn /s/ !! , I> ��.�y _ �J��,�,,� ss�;, � ,� � �\• %ice .�;;�: �.1P.f' �,I, I�t ' (� �i-- ! �' ���-_ _) l ^ ` i �C�L_�1? u %� t ��- •k'�55 ? f� i .� `,',,,'1 Vit' 8 `} r� v 1:4 �"� � '�' ~ ��1 .'i. `i(o�\1.''ti_ .,-ipt,\ ' ��� s. •v `' �`\�� ve, o A.. � Olt 1 � --.�. ; (N >cx-)1 '9 p ' \� Figure N-2 too �woMr,n w '► "` "�` USPCI GENERAL SITE LAYOUT IV -11.6 • �••�•••• "• _'••L' � rxoww. ex.m wn r ,4 ,n sm • [r. s, s x s n cx'O' � :r�w�. usxr.+� Public Notice INTERIM USE PERMIT APPLICATION Minnesota Industrial Containment Facility (South Side of Courthouse Blvd.) TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the City Council of the City of Rosemount will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, January 21, 1992 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, beginning at 8:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible. The public hearing pertains to the following described property: A tract of land lying in Sections 19, 20 and 29, Township 115N, Range 18W, all in the City of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, commencing at the SW corner of the East 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 19; thence east and southeasterly along the centerline of County Road 38 to its intersection with the North and South Quarter Section Line of Section 29; thence north along said North and South Quarter Section Line of Section 29 and the North and South Quarter Section Line of Section 20 to the southwesterly right-of-way line of State Trunk Highway 55; thence northwesterly along the southwesterly right-of-way line of said Highway 55 to its intersection with the centerline of the Chicago and Northwestern Transportation Company right-of-way; thence southwesterly along the centerline of said right-of-way to its intersection with the west line of the East 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 19; thence south along said west line to the point of commencement. The property in question is owned by USPCI, Inc. and is located on the south side of Courthouse Boulevard (STH 55) east of US Highway 52 and north of County Road 38. The proposed facility is referred to as the Minnesota Industrial Containment Facility. The purpose of the hearing is to consider an Interim Use Permit Application for USPCI, Inc. to allow the construction and operation of an industrial solid waste land disposal facility at this location for the disposal of non -hazardous industrial waste. Persons wishing to speak on this issue are invited to attend this meeting on Tuesday. January 21, 1992 at 8.00 p.m. Dated this 7th day of January, 1992. Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Minnesota Industrial Containment Facility (USPCi) INTERIM USE PERMIT APPLICATION MAILING LIST 1. Koch Refining Company 34-01900-010-02 P.O. Box 2256 34-01900-010-06 Wichita, KS 67201 34-01900-010-10 34-01900-010-62 34-01900-010-80 2. Chicago & NW Trans Co 34-01900-010-50 1 N WSTN CTR 34-01900-010-82 Chicago, IL 60606 34-02000-010-27 34-02000-010-75 3. Paul J. Nieland 34-01900-010-52 13250 Clayton Avenue E Rosemount, MN 55068 4. Metro Waste Control Commission 34-01900-010-86 Capitol Square Building 230 E Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 5. Orrin Kirschbaum 34-02000-010-01 13220 Doyle Path 34-02000-010-11 Rosemount, MN 55068 6. Joseph M. & Julie A. Simones 34-02000-010-08 13273 Pine Bend Trail Rosemount, Mn 55068 7. Pine Bend Development Co. 34-02000-010-13 % Melvin G. Astleford 34-02000-010-25 1200 Highway 13 West 34-02000-010-28 Burnsville, MN 55337 34-02000-010-39 34-02000-010-82 34-02900-010-01 34-02900-010-20 34-02900-010-25 34-02900-010-35 34-03000-010-01 34-03000-010-19 8. USPCI, Inc. 34-02000-010-33 Suite 500 34-02000-010-50 515 West Greens Road Houston, TX 77067-4524 9. Beverly K. Aspenson 34-02000-010-35 150 10th Avenue North 34-02000-010-38 South St. Paul, MN 55075 10. Ninth Street Prop., Inc. 34-02000-010-37 One Commerce Green 515 W Greens - Suite 500 Houston, TX 77067 11. D. W. Severson 34-02000-010-77 3389 140th Street East Rosemount, Mn 55068 12. James H. Kromschroeder 34-02000-010-86 13625 Courthouse Blvd - RR 2 Rosemount, Mn 55068 13. Masahiro & Brenda Sugii 13701 Courthouse Blvd Rosemount, Mn 55068 14. Rich T. Burger M. G. Astleford 1200 Highway 13 West Burnsville, MN 55337 15. Calvin V. & Eleanor C. Twining 5480 142nd Street East Rosemount, Mn 55068 16. Dale B. & Betty L Agre 14175 Eilers Path Rosemount, MN 55068 17. Raymond A. & Rosella Rahn 3855 145th Street East Rosemount, MN 55068 18. Marlin W. & Joann Rechtzigel 14727 Clayton Avenue East Rosemount, MN 55068 19. Solberg Construction Co. 13245 Clayton Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 20. Spectro Alloys Corp. 13220 Doyle Path - Box 10 Rosemount, MN 55068 21. Holienback & Nelson, Inc. 7700 Wentworth Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55423 22. Eagle Sanitation, Inc. Box 228 Newport, MN 55055 23. Cary Perket USPCI Suite 210 14450 South Robert Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 34-02000-010-88 34-02900-010-10 34-02900-010-11 34-02900-010-15 34-03000-010-09 34-03000-010-25 34-03000-010-30 34-03000-011-35 34-03000-012-35 34-03000-010-40 34-33400-010-01 34-33400-020-01 34-33400-030-01 34-33400-040-01 34-34000-040-02 34-34000-050-02 34-33400-050-01 34-33400-060-01 34-33400-070-01 34-33400-080-01 34-33400-010-02 34-33400-020-02 34-33400-030-02 APPLICANT BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA DATE_ December 17 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 91-994 :viotion by Commissioner MaherSeconded by Commissioner Loeding WHEREAS, United States Pollution Control, Inca (USPCI), has submitted to the Public Health Department a license application for a proposed industrial waste disposal facility as required by County ordinance No. 110, Solid Waste Management, and WHEREAS, staff have reviewed this license application, and find it to be acceptable with the inclusion of the conditions specified below. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Dakota County Board of Commissioners hereby issues a license for an industrial waste disposal facility classified as a Type A special waste facility (greater than 20,000 tons per year), to United States Pollution Control, Inc.,.for the Minnesota Industrial Containment Facility (MICF), effective through December 3 1 r 1992, subject to compliance with all applicable federal, state and local standards and rules, and subject to the conditions specified below: Washes Acceptance Plan (Qanditions The MICF must obtain and keep on file reports of all waste analyses that are performed on any waste streams accepted for disposal. Any waste streams with a concentration of 10 percent or greater of the organic compounds lasted in Minnesota Hazardous Waste Rules, Chapter --7045.0135, subpart 2, A. through E., are not acceptable for disposal. All incoming waste loads must be checked at the gate or scale area for radioactivity. Any waste which exhibits more than 0.2 mrems per hour or 1,000 counts per minute must be held for inspection and review by the Department. YES NO Harris X Harris Maher X Maher Chapdolaiue X Chapdelaine Loading X I..00ding Turner X Turner State of Minnesota; County of Dakota I. Joan L. Kendall. C)erk to the Hoard of the County of Dakota, State of hfinnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of a resolution with the origins) minutes of the proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners, Dakota County, Minnesota. at their session held on the 17th day of Decemberlg 91 now on the in the County Administration Department, and have found the same to be a true and correct copy thereof. Witness my hand and official scai of Dakota County this ._ � � l day of&-r,..,o •7 �1� CoastZ:uCtion_ and Operation Conditions Department approval is required before the MICF may utilize waste as cover material or for surfaces of.. ramps and roadways within a cell. Approval will be based on physical and chemical characteristics as well as general suitability of the waste. The. monthly operating report shall include the following additional information: (1) a description of the wastes accepted and (2) the addresses of the generators. The leachate monitoring report will also include an annual assessment of the leachate production expected in the new cells based on the actual data collected from an active cell. Closure/Post Closure and Financial Assurance Condition Before MICF's initial acceptance of waste, USPCI shall implement a financial assurance plan covering closure and postclosure care that has been approved by the county Board. Additional itions Prior to the construction of cells 6-10, the portion of the facility now zoned agricultural, must be rezoned as a Waste Management District by the City of Rosemount. The County license is contingent upon USPCI obtaining an Industrial Solid Waste Land Disposal Permit from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPGA) and an Interim Use Permit from the City of Rosemount. USPCI.is required to pay the license application fee of $34,068.00, which includes 501 hours of staff time at $68.00 per hour, and a license fee of $4,890.00 for operation in 1992 as specified in County Board Resolutions Numbers 90-860, November 20, 1990, and 91-789, November 19, 1991,.respectively. i and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That USPCI be granted a variance from ordinance No. 110, Section Iii., Subsections 1., D. and E., to allow Siting this facility within 1,000 feet of residential dwellings and public roadways.