HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.d. Snow Removal ComplaintsCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 4, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Snow Removal Complaint AGENDA SECTION: Department Head Report PREPARED BY: Ron Wasmund Official AGENDtffM # 3p tt Public Works Director/Building ATTACMdENTS: Letters of Complaint APP R D : Public Works Directors Written Response Council has received a letter of complaint and a request from the complainant to appear before the Council regarding his complaint. He has been acknowledged and scheduled to appear before you on February 4, 1992. In an attempt to resolve the matter I have responded to the complainant's letter in written form. I have attached copies of both his letter and my response. Both Steve Jilk and myself have spoken with the complainants spouse and have obviously not satisfied their questions. The conditions the complainant is referring to are no greater nor any less than what exists anywhere in our City and neighboring communities. The County Engineer and one County Commissioner have complimented our crew on the snowplowing quality. Also attached are letters of complaint the City received this week from residents who indicated they would be at the February 4, 1992 meeting. I will be available to address any questions you have. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None COUNCIL ACTION: 1 SALVATORE A. GAROFALO 3960 137th ST W ROSEMOUNT, MN. 55068 423-4068 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL ROSEMOUNT, MN. 55068 Council Members: I would like to address the subject of snow removal in the City of Rosemount, specifically Country Hills subdivision. This subdivision was built with the approval of the City of Rosemount and according to your building codes. Yet, each time my street is plowed I have to dig out my mail box to receive my mail. The problem seems to be the snowplow drivers do not go any closer than 4 feet to the curb. This results in all of the snow and ice from the middle of the street towards my property to piles 4-5 feet high and 5-6 feet out from the curb. I have had to stop mail delivery until I was able to remove this very heavy snow and ice. (Mostly ice) The second issue is the driveway. I am responsible to maintain my properties safety. Everytime I clean my snow along comes your snowplow drivers and once again place 3-4 feet of snow, 5-6 feet out across the access to my property. Why can't you be conciencious enough to clean up your mess. If I throw a shovel full of snow in the street I may be fines, however , if you place a barrier with your 10 ton machine, I must clean up your mess. The third issue is the sidewalks. I have made several calls beginning on December 23rd, to get the sidewalk accross from my home cleared. I have been told it would be taken care of and it is still untouched causing pedestrians to continue to walk in the street causing a safety hazard. I would appreciate the opportunity to speak to the City Council regarding this matter. I know there is a better and cost elf,ective way to handle this situation, not only for the Country Hills, but for the entire community. SALVATORE A. GA�OFALO January 13, 1992 RECEIVED JAN 219 1992 3898 154th street West CLERK'S OFFICE Rosemount, MN 55068 CITY OFROSEMOUNT Wed. Jan. 29, 1992 City Council Rosemount City Hall 2875 West 145th Street Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Council Members, On Saturday January 25, 1992, snow fell in the Rosemount area. The end of my driveway was covered with more snow than most of my neighbors when the plow went by. On Monday January 27, the plow came by again to "wing back" the snow on the streets. I arrived home from work to find snow, three feet deep, at the end of my driveway. Most of my neighbors only had three inches of snow from the plow at the end of their drive- ways. Most of them did not bother to shovel. I had to, unless I wanted to park in the street. This is not a one time occurrence. It has happened almost every time the plow has come through this winter. Why? Because I live on the corner of 154th Street West and Columbia Way. The plow blade comes three feet into my yard and all this is then dropped into my driveway. I realize people need to see at the intersection, however, this plowing poses problems for me as I live alone and do not have a snow blower. plus, I suffer from lower back problems. I had to go to my doctor on Tuesday January 28 from the pain I was suffering from shoveling the three feet of snow on the 27th. One of the other, and there have been many, times that the plow came through was to scrape up the three inches of ice on the street. There again I had to shovel my driveway. But the chunks of ice were so big and clumsy that I had to pick them up and throw them into a pile. I can not afford to hire a service to clean out my driveway every time the plow comes through. And I do not believe I should have to. Nor can I afford the doctor bills after every plowing. Is there nothing that can be done? ror instance, couldn't the snow be plowed around the side street where I so would not have to do so much shoveling? One other comment I would like to make is why is my corner winged back so well? 154th Street West comes to a dead end cul-de-sac right after the intersection with .Columbia Way and the streets do not have that much traffic. One corner that needs work is 155th Street West when turning onto Chippendale. I have had two near accidents there because of high snow banks. Sincerely, Xz�) Mary Jo Robbins Michael G. Ryan RECEIVED 3726 148th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 JAN 2 9 1992 CLERK'S OFFICE January 28, 1992 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Rosemount City Council Rosemount City Hall 2875 West 145th Street Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Dear Council Members: This letter was prompted by a phone conversation today with Mr. Mike Widstrom in regards to city snow plowing. I live on the southeast corner of 148th Street and Cimmaron Ave- nue, when the city plow operator clears the cul-de-sac and corner he pushes all the snow into my yard and driveway. I understand he does this to eliminate the high pile at the corner so the drivers can see other traffic. This creates a great problem for me, I too work his shift, so after plowing for 12 hours for MN DOT I must come home and shovel my driveway with a windrow at the end at least 3 to 4 times the height and depth of any other on the block. Previous years this has not been a problem as I have owned snow removal equipment of my own, so after plowing I would stop home with a loader and remove,:the snow; but this year I sold the business. This year we have had very few snow falls, the Halloween Day storm I hired a bobcat to come clear it, Thanksgiving Day I used my snow blower and the one foot diameter ice balls that were buried in the windrow ripped the auger off the blower. Now I'm forced to shovel the snow by hand, what God puts their I can handle, but what the city puts their is impossible to keep up with. It's obvious that after dumping the extra snow in my drive he should clow the end of the driveway open. I'm sure that would appear unfair to the rest of the residents, but what he does now certainly is not fair to me. Please get this resolved at your next board meeting and send me a determination as to what you intend to do about this matter. Sincerely, Michael G. yan 423-3361 �ity of (Rosemount PHONE (612) 4231411 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minns30ta MAYOR FAX .(812) 4235203 Mailing Address: Edward S. McMenomy P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 550680510 GOUNOILMEMBERS January 28, 1992 SheftKissm .tames (Red) slants Harry Wflk*x Dennis Wippemtarm ADMINISTRATOR Mr. Salvatore Garofalo Stephan ail 3960 137th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Mr. Garofalo: I have received a copy of your letter to the City Council dated January 13, 1992. I would like to respond to your questions of snow removal. The City is responsible for keeping its streets clean, safe and free from ice and snow as is reasonably practical. After a snow fall of 2 or more inches our Maintenance Crews plow all streets pushing the snow out from the center of the street to the curb line and boulevard on each side. The amount of accumulation and frequency of snow falls impact the ability to clear streets to their full width. In all cases, we plow the streets as wide as possible. This year's back to back snows in October and November created hardships and limited our abilities. Not only was the snow deep, but it was also very heavy and wet in consistency making it very difficult to move. We were fully prepared and ready for the first snow inOctoberbut because of the unusual conditions, it took exactly twice as long to plow all streets as it does under normal snowfall conditions. The twenty-seven inches of snow in that snowfall alone did result in piles along the sides of streets approximately four feet high and approximately three feet out in front of the curb. These conditions existed in any city in the Metro area. I personally visited four other cities and witnessed them. Those cities were Bloomington, St. Paul, Golden Valley and Eagan. We realize that large snowfalls create inconveniences for all property owners as it affects driveways and curbside mailboxes. The same amount of snow that gets piled along the curb also gets piled along the ends of driveways and around mailboxes. It is not practical or even possible to have City crews clean out each driveway. First, there is a time and cost factor to deal with. The snow removal budget would have to be greatly increased which affects taxes. Secondly, there is a liability issue. Since property owners are responsible for their lawns and landscaping the City would end up defending or repairing damage caused by equipment. The same applies for the driveways themselves. They are not constructed to bear the weight of our snow removal Sverylkings (90ming UP (osemounly LI N YCIM OiM' equipment. This also would add to the budget and cause inequitable increases in property taxes. The third and final question of your letter relates to sidewalks, particularly the one on the north side of 137th Street across from your home. From your previous phone calls and mailed information we've provided, you should be aware of our policy. Sidewalks are the responsibility of the adjacent property owners. After a snowfall those owners are required to remove the ice and snow. The characteristics of the first snows this season again created difficulties in getting walks cleaned down to bare surfaces. In high pedestrian traffic areas or along streets with high vehicular traffic the City has issued written orders for compliance In other less traveled areas, such as your street, the City has made contact via telephone and asked the owners to clean the walks. In most cases this is effective and cost efficient. In this situation the property owner, U. S. Homes, has made attempts to clear the walk. Even with relatively small amounts of ice on the walk some people will walk in a less traveled street that is clear of ice and snow. We apologize for the inconvenience you feel. There is no malicious intent to create hardships for individuals. The City has very qualified equipment operators some of which have been plowing snow for the City for over 15 years. We use proven equipment and practices that are employed throughout the State and Midwest. Sincerely, Ron Wasmund Public Works Director/Building Official 4-4-1 CHAPTER 4 4-SN01N REMOVAL"ONzt;lbtVNALKS 4-4-2-1 4-4-2: NOTICE If the snow and ice are not removed as required in `..1 Section 4-4-1, the City may serve upon the owner or occupant a notice ordering removal of the snow and ice within twenty four (24) hours. 4-4-2-1: SERVICE OF NOTICE: Service of notice may be accomplished by personal service upon the owner or occupant, or by leaving such notice with a person of suitable age and discretion on the premises. 785 SECTION: 4-4-1: Snow Removal 4-4-1-1: Violation 4-4-2: Notice 4-4-2-1: Service of Notice 4-4-3: Nuisance 4-4-3-1: Assessment of Costs .4-4-4: Penalty 7 4-4-1:: SNOW REMOVAL: Removal of snow and ice from concrete sidewalks in the City shall be the responsibility of the abutting -property owners, or occupants. Snow and ice shall be removed within twenty four (24) hours after the snow or ice has accumulated. 4-4-1-1: VIOLATION: It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit snow from private property upon any public street or public right of way within the City. 4-4-2: NOTICE If the snow and ice are not removed as required in `..1 Section 4-4-1, the City may serve upon the owner or occupant a notice ordering removal of the snow and ice within twenty four (24) hours. 4-4-2-1: SERVICE OF NOTICE: Service of notice may be accomplished by personal service upon the owner or occupant, or by leaving such notice with a person of suitable age and discretion on the premises. 785 4-4-3 4-4-4 4-4-3: NUISANCE: Snow and ice which is allowed to remain on a con- crete sidewalk within the City for a longer period of time than twenty four (24) hours after the same falls, gathers or accumulates is hereby declared to be a nuisance, and the City may remove the snow and ice and charge the cost .of the removal against the abutting property. 4-4-3-1: ASSESSMENT OF COSTS: Following such snow and ice removal, the cost of removal shall be calculated. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes §429.101, the City Council shall assess the cost against the abutting property owner. 4-4-4: PENALTY: Any person who violates Section 4-4-1-1 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Ord. 4, 12-4-84) 8-1-1 '~ CHAPTER 1 TRAFFIC CODE SECTION: 8-1-1: State Law Adopted 8-1-2: Unreasonable Acceleration of Motor Vehicle 8-1-3: Penalty 8-1-3 8-1-1: STATE LAW ADOPTED: The regulatory provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 169 as amended, are hereby adopted as the Traffic Code regulating the use of highways, streets and alleys within the City and are incorporated in and made a part of this Chapter as completely as if set out here in full. (Ord. XI1.1, 9-28-72) 8-1--2: UNREASONABLE ACCELERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLE: No person shall start or accelerate a motor vehicle with an unnecessary exhibition of speed on any public or private way within the City limits. Prima facie evidence of such unnecessary exhibition of speed shall be unreasonable squealing or screeching sounds emitted by tires, or the throwing of sand, gravel or rocks by the tires, or fishtailing by the vehicle. 0983 Code) 8-1-3: PENALTY; Any violation of the Statute adopted by reference herein is a violation of this Chapter when it occurs within the City. Any person thus violating any provision of this Chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment in the City or County jail for a period of not to exceed ninety (90) days, or both. If a minimum fine or imprisonment is prescribed by the State Highway Traffic Act for an offense, such penalty shall apply to a person convicted of the same offense under this Chapter. (Ord. XII -1, 9-28-72; amd. 1983 Code) 388 B-2-1 CHAPTER 2 DRIVING AND PARKING REGULATIONS SECTION: 8--2-1: Definitions 8-2-2: Parking Provisions 8-2-3: Towing and Storage of Illegally Parked Vehicles 8-2-4: Driving Near Fires Restricted 8-2-1 8-2--1: DEFINITIONS: For the purpose of this Chapter, certain words and phrases are defined as follows: JUNKED VEHICLE Any vehicle, as defined in this Section, which does not have lawfully affixed or attached thereto an u unexpired state registration or license plate or plates, or the condition of which is wrecked, dismantled, partially dismantled, inoperative, abandoned or discarded. OPERATOR Includes every individual who shall operate a vehicle as the owner thereof, or as the agent, employee, or permittee of the owner or any individual who is in actual physical control of a vehicle. PARKING The standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, upon a street, otherwise than temporarily for the purpose of, and while actually engaged in, receiving or discharging passengers or loading or unloading merchandise, or in obedience to traffic regulations, signs or signals or an involuntary stopping of the vehicle by reason of causes beyond the control of the operator of the vehicle. PASSENGER VEHICLE A vehicle which meets the criteria for "passenger" class registration and license plate as established by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, and licensed motorcycles. 8-2-1 8-2-2 } PRIVATE PROPERTY I Any real property within the City which is privately owned and which is not public property as defined in this Section. PUBLIC PROPERTY Any street or highway and includes the entire width between the boundary lines of every way publicly : j!: 7 wi maintained for the purposes of vehicular travel, and shall also mean any other publicly owned property or facility. RECREATION VEHICLE A vehicle which meets the criteria for "recreation" class registration and license plate as established by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT Residential zoning districts mean zoning districts R-1, RR and RM. SEMITRAILER- Any vehicle of the trailer type so designed and used in conjunction with truck -tractor that a considerable part of its own weight or that of its load rests upon and is carried by the truck -tractor and includes a trailer drawn by a truck -tractor semitrailer combination. STREET Any public street, avenue, road, alley or highway located in the City and established for the use of vehicles. - TRUCK Any vehicle designed and used for carrying things other than passengers, except pickup trucks and vans included within the definition of passenger automobile. TRUCK -TRACTOR Any vehicle designed or used for drawing other vehicles and not constructed to carry a load other than a part of the weight of the vehicle and load drawn. VEHICLE Any device which is self-propelled or designed to be pushed or pulled and shall include, but not be limited to, automobiles, buses, motorbikes, motorcycles, motor scooters, trucks, tractors, go- carts, golf carts, campers, trailers, boats, planes and gliders. 8-2-2: PARKING PROVISIONS: A. Parking Designated By Council: The City Council is authorized to designate parking and restrict the length of time parking shall be permitted at any place within the City. In establishing or changing parking zones J� 388 B-2-2 8-2-2 A) or parking restrictions, the Council shall pass a resolution at a meeting adequately describing and defining said parking zones or parking restrictions. The Chief of Pace is authorized to erect signs prohibiting or limiting parking at locations he deems appropriate. B. Parking Generally: No owner of a vehicle shall leave, park or permit the same to stand on any City street or alley for more than twenty four (24) hours. C. Parking After Snowfall: No owner of a motor vehicle shall leave, park or permit the same to stand on any street or alley for a period longer than four (4) hours after a snowfall of two inches (2") or more in depth or of such amount which necessitates the plowing and clearing of City streets and alleys of snow by the City, until such time that the streets or alleys in question are actually plowed and cleared of snow. D. Parking Near Fires: No person except Fire Department members shall park a car within three hundred feet (300') of a fire. E. Violating Parking Signs: No person shall park a vehicle in such a manner or location as to disobey or violate a parking sign which was posted by the City. The registered owner of a vehicle shall be deemed responsible for the parking of a vehicle under this subsection, along with the person who actually parks the vehicle. F. Storing or Parking Junked Vehicle Prohibited: It is unlawful for any person to park, store or leave any junked vehicle, whether attended or not, upon any public or private property within the City, or for any person, as an owner of or an occupant having control of private property within the City to permit the parking, storing or leaving of any junked vehicle upon such private property, unless such junked vehicle is within an enclosed building or structure lawfully situated upon private property or is so parked, stored or left upon private property lawfully zoned and operated as a junk yard. G. Unauthorized Parking of Vehicles: Unauthorized parking of vehicles or display of vehicles for sale shall not be permitted on public property or publicly zoned property. H. Residential Streets: No trucks, truck -tractor or semitrailer combination are permitted to be parked on public streets in residential zoning districts, except to load or unload or do repair to streets or property. I . Residential Neighborhoods: No truck -tractor or .semitrailer combination are permitted to be parked on private property in residential zoning districts, except if parked in a fully enclosed authorized structure. J. Public Nuisance Declared: The presence of a junked vehicle upon private or public property within the City, except as permitted by the provisions of paragraph F of this Section, or the violation of any of the provisions of this Chapter, is hereby declared to be a hazard to the public health and safety and a public nuisance which may be abated by the City as such. 1. See Section 8-2-4 of this Code. 8-2-2 8-2-3 _ 8-2-2: PARKING PROVISIONS: A. Parking Designated By Council: The City Council is authorized to designate parking and restrict the length of time parking shall be at any place within the City. In establishingor changing ng zones or parking restrictions, the Council shall pas a resolution tion at parking ng adequatelydescribing and definingsaid parking zones or parking restrictions. The Chief of Police is authorized to erect signs prohibiting or limiting parking at locations he deems appropriate. (Ord. X11.4, 2-1-72; amd. 1983 Code) B. Parking Generally: No owner of a vehicle shall leave, park or permit the same to stand on any City street or alley for more than twenty four (24) hours. (Ord. X11.10, 7-7-87) C. Parking After Snowfall: No owner of a motor vehicle shall leave, park or permit the same to stand on any street or alley for a period longer than four (4) hours after a snowfall of two inches (2") or more in depth or of such amount which necessitates the plowing and clearing of City streets and alleys of snow by the City, until such time that the streets or alleys in question are actually plowed and cleared of snow. D. Parking Near Fires: No person except Fire Department members shall park a car within three hundred feet (300') of a fire.' E. Violating Parking Signs: No person shall park a vehicle in such a manner or location as to disobey or violate a parking sign which was posted by the City. The registered owner of a vehicle shall be deemed responsible for the parking of a vehicle under this subsection, along with the person who actually parks the vehicle. (Ord. XIl.4, 2-1-72; amd. 1983 Code) 8-2-3: TOWING AND STORAGE OF ILLEGALLY PARKED VEHICLES: A. Removal and Storage: Members of the Police Department are hereby authorized and empowered to have removed any vehicle on any street or alley in violation of Section 8 — 2 — 2 or stalled thereon and to have such vehicle placed in a garage or outdoor area by any person engaged in the general garage or filling station business. .� B . Redemption, Charge: Such uch vehicle shall not be removed therefrom until reasonable costs of storing and towing the same have been fully paid. The police shall have the further authority to direct employees of the City to remove any such vehicle and to that event the Police Chief may impose a charge to be paid to the City Clerk before the said vehicle may be taken or recovered by the owner thereof. C. Lien Provided: In the event that any vehicle held or stored by the direction of the Chief of Police upon which there are charges for storage 1. See Section 8-2-4 of this Code. 987 8-2-5 8-2-3 the C) or towing or both, shall not eemed t be imposedrecovered upon such vehicle a owner thereof, there shall be d possessory lien in the amount so charged and unpaid andshould u Ythbee owner thereof fail to pay the same, the the possessory foreclosed in the manner provided for by law. 8_2_4: DRIVING NEAR hundredFIRES feet 13001 of�e apparaED: No tus going to a fireerson shall ; within three . apparatus or fire officers' cars immediately, upon the approach of any fire app sounding proper signals and responding to an alarm, all other vehicles shall draw as near as possible to the curb and remain standing until such app aratus or vehicle shall have passed.' (Ord. X11.4, 2-1-72) of 8_2.5: PENALTY: Any person conviction, l'bey of the punished by �anfine toot his Chapter shall, upon exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding ninety (90) days. (Ord. X11.4, 2-1-72; amd. 1983 Code) 1. See Section 8-2-2D of this Chapter. 987 8-2-3 T 8-2-3: TOWING AND STORAGE OF ILLEGALLY PARKED VEHICLES: A. Removal and Storage: Members of the Police Department are hereby authorized and empowered to have removed any vehicle on any street or alley in violation of Section 8 — 2 — 2 or stalled thereon and to have such vehicle placed in a garage or outdoor area by any person engaged in the general garage or filling station business. B. Redemption, Charge: Such vehicle shall not be removed therefrom until reasonable costs of storing and towing the same have been fully paid. The police shall have the further authority to direct employees of the City to remove any such vehicle and to that event the Police Chief may impose a charge to be paid to the City Clerk before the said vehicle may be taken or recovered by the owner thereof. C. Lien Provided: In the event that any vehicle held or stored by the direction of the Chief of Police upon which there are charges for storage or towing or both, shall not be reclaimed, recovered or taken by the owner thereof, there shall be deemed to be imposed upon such vehicle a possessory lien in the amount so charged and unpaid and should the owner thereof fail to the same, pay the possessory lien may be foreclosed in the manner provided for by law. 8-2-4: DRIVING NEAR FIRES RESTRICTED: No person shall come il f�, within three hundred feet (300') of fire apparatus going to a fire; ��� immediately upon the approach of any fire apparatus or fire officers' cars sounding proper signals and responding to an alarm, all other vehicles shall draw as near as possible to the curb and remain standing until such apparatus or vehicle shall have passed.' (Ord. X11.11, 11-3-87) 1. See Section 8-2--2D of this Chapter. 388