HomeMy WebLinkAbout6. Conny Wenzel RezoningCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTI`iE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 4, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Conny Wenzel Rezoning Petition AGENDA SECTION: PUBLIC HEARING PREPARED BY: Lisa J. AGENDA �M Freese, Director of Planning `�,' ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance; Rezoning Petition; AP Y: P.C. Reviews; Hearing Notice; Mailing List. Conny Wenzel has petitioned the City to rezone a ten -acre pa cel from Agriculture (AG) to Rural Residential (RR) to allow a lot division of her property into two five -acre parcels. The subject property is located on the west side of Bacardi Avenue, just south of the easement for the future 130th Street extension. The Planning Commission reviewed this rezoning request at their January 28, 1992 Regular Meeting. They found this request to be an extension of the Rural Residential uses to the north and in conformance with the City's Comprehensive Guide Plan. The City Council will be considering a lot split application for this property. City staff and the Planning Commission have requested that the applicant complete percolation tests on both lots prior to approval of either the rezoning or the lot split. Ms. Wenzel has indicated that she will not be able to complete those tests before Tuesday. Therefore, staff recommends that the public hearing be conducted for the rezoning, but action should be tabled until the February 18, 1992 City Council Meeting. RECOMMENDED ACTION: A motion to close the public hearing and table action on the Rezoning Petition until the February 18, 1992 City Council Meeting. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ORDINANCE NO. B-19 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Ordinance No. B, adopted September 19,1989, entitled "City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance," is hereby amended to rezone from AG Agriculture to RR Rural Residential the following described property located within the City of Rosemount, Minnesota to -wit: The north 74394 fleet of the east 585.50 feet of Government Lot 1, Section 21, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota Subject to easements of record. SECTION 2. The Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount referred to and described in said Ordinance No. B as that certain map entitled, "Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount," shall not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the said zoning map on file in the Clerk's office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance and all of the notation references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Ordinance. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. Enacted and ordained into an Ordinance this 4th day of February, 1992. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT E.B. McMenomy, Mayor AT'T'EST. Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Published in the Farmington Independent this day of • 1992• i�y Of Rosemount PHONE (612) 4234411 2675. 145th Street West, Rosenaunt, Minneaota FAX (612) 4235203 Mailing Address. P.O. Sox 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Lisa J. Freese, Director of Planning DATE: January 24, 1992 SUBJ: January 28, 1992 Regular Meeting Reviews Agenda Item 5(a) ATTACHMENTS: Rezoning Petition Subdivision Application Survey Guide Plan Map Concept Map Location Map Hearing Notice and Mailing List 5b. CONNY WENZEL REZONING/1,0T SPLIT MAYOR Edward S. McMer,=y COUNCIt.MEMSERS Sheila Kwan James (Red) Stria Harry WON= Dennis Wippeneann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jlk Recommended Action: Motion to recommend approval to the City Council of the rezoning of the Canny Wenzel property from Agriculture (AG) to Rural Residential (RR) because it is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. Motion to recommend approval of the lot split subject to 1) cash dedication in lieu of land for parks; 2) the completion of perculation tests demonstrating that both lots can be developed with septic tank systems; 3) the revision of the 130th street easement agreement to include only the northerly lot description; and 4) the delineation of the driveway locations on the survey per the Public Works Director's approval 1. Nature of Request. Conny Wenzel has petitioned the City to rezone a 10 acre parcel from Agricultural (AG) to Rural Residential (RR) to allow the metes and bounds lot division of her property into two five acre parcels. The subject property is located on the west side of Bacardi Avenue just south of the easement for the future 130th Street alignment. The northerly lot, Parcel A, has 371 feet of frontage on Bacardi and a depth of 585 feet. This lot has a 60 foot wide permanent road easement along the entire north side. The southerly lot, Parcel B, also has 371 feet of frontage on Bacardi Ave., a depth of 585 feet but no encumbrances or easements. 2. Background. In 1989, this ten acre parcel was split off of a larger parcel owned by Jerry Anderson and located to the south and west of the subject property. At that time the City required a road easement agreement for 60' on the north portion of the parcel for the future 130th Street alignment. In exchange for this easement, the City agree to give a credit of up to $4,000 against a future special assessment for street improvements for (Sverylhings (90ming `Ut,6 (RospmouvIO Planning Commission Reviews - 2128192 Agenda Item 5(a) Pam 130th Street. 3. Existing Land Uses and Plan Designations. The area to the west, south and east of this property is primarily undeveloped land used for agricultural purposes. These properties are zoned Agricultural (AG). To the north is a single family development called Jay Simmon's Addition. Ibis development is zoned Rural Residential (RR). Most of the lots in this development are well below the minimum 2.5 acre lot size in the RR zone and are legal nonconforming. The City's Comprehensive Plan has this area currently designated as Rural Residential. In the recent Comprehensive Plan updates there has been discussion about changing the designation of this area to the south to Agricultural, especially since it is largely undeveloped at this time. 4. Discussion. The proposed lot split meets the lot width and size requirements of the Rural Residential Zoning District: a 300' width and 5 acre minimum when the lots are not platted. The applicant has not provided information regarding the suitability of the proposed lots for private sewage system and this should be required prior to City Council action on the lot split. Although the applicant is not platting the lots, the proposed lot split meets the definition of land subdivision in Section 2a. for purposes of parkland dedication. The Parks Commission has reviewed the lot split and is recommending a cash contribution in lieu of land dedication. The required fee will be $960. As discussed above, there is an easement agreement that is recorded for the entire 10 acre parcel. City staff concurs that if the lot split is approved the easement agreement should be revised to encompass only Parcel A. Parcel B will not be affected by any future improvements to 130th Street and therefore should not receive any credits on future assessments. The access to the lots will be from Bacardi Avenue. Since Bacardi Avenue is considered an arterial street the Public Works Director would like to delineate the locations of the driveways either on the recorded survey or through a separate instrument recorded with the property in order to insure safety on Bacardi Avenue. Applicant: Address: I City of Rosemount REZONING PETITION Z. (/(fieKze, .ese-Qev1% \ rct► �e STATUS OF APPLICANT: Owner Buyer Lessee OTHER: No: Date: Z3 i7 C L Phone: < 2_3— 1S7-77 Uc, k1eY_ 5 S 12, 4 _ LOCATION: Lot_____, Block , Addition Street Address: k&) E ST S ►CQ 2 �� B 0. LA — ou't 13 Metes & Bounds Description Attached: . Survey or Piot Pian Attached: Affected Section(s): Present Zoning: v ck�f �� Proposed Zoning:uYa�251c� REASON FOR R€oU€ST: t. Tc Ce— i\ ?- 5 a 2. 3. n Signature of Applicant: Application received by. ,)✓t Z�" l ' ✓' i Fee: S 2 5 O How Paid: C 6 k Planning Commission Action Dare: l — 3— q2— Date: 1 --3 ` q Z Dare: ascriptions ior: .arolyn Wenzel L 0 a� N a. � r 'v L N DELMAR H. SCHWANZ two aawa01115. Old Mwrw i/eM New � Ur M. M wu■wsrs 14750 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 550116 51 /4251755 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE a2 ia' au} r Nafrll U�/Lf Go✓'?LoT /, SEZ Z/- rll6d ClfW- ") V. re . _ - J scales 1 inch s`4' 33 3.00 fwet .z K� •. M.:;. ROAD EASFME>JTi ° .o , p Q Q e• 5 ACRES iM O N -XZ. rgOki V T- / Q X r ir 5 ACRS Q OC J SS••53 33� 35 55 - �J69'47 Jection Description Parcel A The north 371.97 feet of the east 585.50 feet of Government I Lot 11 21, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota. Subject to easements of record. Description Parcel B The south 371.97 feet of the north 743.94 feet of the east 585.50 feet of Government Lot 1, Section 21, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota. Subject to easements of record. I hereby Certify that this survey. Dian, or report was Prepared by me or under my dirow supervision and n that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under / �l r, I AA the laws of the State of Minnesota. Delmar N. Sc+wanz Dated January 2, 1992 Minnesota Registration No. 8625 [II p FIG. 12 1990 LAND USE PLAN ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA �--� p L vbjact PAropl �i LEGEND 1990 URBAN SERV. AREA RH c HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ,,.........». P/I PUBLIC & INSTITUTIONAL RR RURAL RESIDENTIAL POS PRESERVATION OPEN AG AGRICULTURAL J MISSISSIPPI RIVER CRITICAL GI SPACE mama GENERAL INDUSTRIAL AREA IP CC INDUSTRIAL PARK COMMUNITY (CBD) MAJOR STREETS HC COMMERCIAL HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL UNDESIGNATED: MEDIUM RESIDENTIAL GC GENERAL COMMERCIAL DENSITY CNC CONVENIENCE COMMERCIAL that Corks PT (14 fp o S.6ic.t its' _- W • . s _. -•• � 4040. _0101 _0101 _ 0101.. 0101 »•. -• i 0101.. �• 0140 l meq(/7 I / 7.. �f. • i 0101- _ •- f"- .— . l 4001. • W • \ »0101. • / i 0101.... L R _4040, , � •.I � • � _. W.Yki AG -U— U— _ l 4040,. :'0140 � . �,�'� T � _ . , -- -- � •. -'� I -'-1c.1. •, C�..rt� � - _0101 0101 T � I CONNY WENZEL REZONING LOCATION MAP A P E� AGP RR _ iS .rte AG AG all - AG p 1 ,PUB _. _ _ - 22 •>, AG i r IG r °d j R -- I,� • - � - it --�. �.:Pu -,rte _ '• AG �� `\ "• _ ACM _ AGP R -I IP_ .. �.� k-- • } �j PUB _. 30 k 29rR428127 ri - ..y 1�3" 0-3 / R2. i PUB �UNIVER wmt IP r•' •- /, I AGRICULTURAL ROSDAMW AG -• R�3' ' C-4-7 14 33 ; 34 LRESEARCH _ 32._ _ -+ _ ExFE7i+ENT - �'� PUB r — IG _ STA.TICH r-14pIRE QD SUBJECT SITE ZONING MAP , QEVISED t EGEND , II/f'1 R•I SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL R•2 SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED R-3 MULTIPLE FAMILY RE%IDENTIAL R-4 MULTIPLE FAMILY RERIDENTWL i RR RURAL RESIDI-NTIAL RL RESIDENTIAL LOW DENSITY C•1 CONVENIENCE COMMERCIAL 1 C-2 COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL - C -3 MIGNWAY SERVICE COMMERCIAL C•4 . GENERAL COMMERCIAL PUB PUBLIC OR OUASI•PUBLIC IG GENERAL—JNOUSTRIAL IP INDUSTRIAL PARK AG AGRICULTURE AGP AGRICULTURE PRESERVE FW FLOOD WAY WM WASTE MANAGEMENT C i 0-ii (Rosemount osemouni PHONE (612) 429-411 2875 - 145th SMW Wast. RwsmouMn. Minrwota MAYOR Edward B. MOMWO Y FAX (612) 423.5209 MW" AdOrew. P.O. Box s10. RoNmwuru. Monnota 53066-0510 COShob KEMBERS lNila fWssan James (Rb) Sines Nary VVMM Dennis Wippsrmane January 24, 1992 ADMINISTRATOR saphan JNk Ms. Lonny R. Wenzel 15375 Dresden Trail Apple Valley, MN 55124 Dear Ms. Wenzel: After completing our initial staff review of your lot split request, the City has determined that you will need to provide for each proposed lot percolation test results. These tests are required to determine whether the land can be developed as five acre lots with private utilities. You must have these tests performed by a certified septic system installer and a written report should be provided to the Planning Department of the City of Rosemount. The city building inspection staff will need to review these results prior to any City Council action on your lot split request. If you have questions about the percolation tests please contact a building inspector at 423-4411. The rezoning and lot split request will be reviewed by the Planning Commission on January 28 at 5:00 P.M. (see enclosed agenda). Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Lisa J. Freese Director of Planning ij Enclosures (Svertylhing s (Poming Ui 'CR osemounl Y (Pity. of (Rosemount PHONE (612) 4234411 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYO Edward B. McMenomy FAX (612) 4235203 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 550880510 COUNCIIMEMBERS Sheft Kiessen James (Red) Stalls Harty Will= Dennis WoMrma n ADMINISTRATOR stePhan Jilk Public Notice Conny Wenzel - Rezoning Petition (West side of Bacardi Avenue, south of the 130th Street easement) TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the City Council of the City of Rosemount will hold a Public Hearing to consider the item listed below on Tuesday, February 4, 1992, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, beginning at 8:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible. The public hearing listed below pertains to the following described property: The north 743.94 feet of the east 585.50 feet of Government Lot 1, Section 21, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota. Subject to easements of record The purpose of this hearing is to consider a rezoning of the above described property from AG Agriculture to RR Rural Residential to enable the ten - acre parcel to be divided into two five -acre lots. Persons wishing to speak on this issue are invited to attend this meeting on Tuesday, February, 1992 at 8:00 p.m. Dated this 21st day of January, 1992. Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota (Sveryihings COoming (Up Rosemoun,Y WENZEL/HORSCH REZONING PETITION MAILING LIST SECTION 16 TWN 115. R19 (-01610-1 1. City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 2. Timothy W. & Dagmar Jerin 12795 Bengal Avenue West Rosemount, MN 55068-3620 3. Leonard Joseph Peterson 12781 Bacardi Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-3734 4. August R. & Marjorie Hanson 12790 Blanca Avenue West P.O. Box 66 Rosemount, MN 55068-0066 5. Ray A. & Phyllis C. Barton 2175 128th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3021 6. William C. Jr. & Mary Lindell 2261 130th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3919 7. Frank E. & Joan M. Haataja 12965 Bengal Avenue West Rosemount, MN 55068-3616 8. Paul A. & Mary K. Schmidt 12965 Bengal Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-3616 9. Ronald R. & Joan A. Goettsch 2113 130th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068.3906 10. Eugene A. & Shirley Barthel 12962 Bengal Avenue West Rosemount, MN 55068-3617 11. Donald E. & Donna F. Nelson 2141 130th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3906 12. Richard D. & Carol Beckman 2090 130th Way Rosemount, MN 55068-3618 13. Timothy W. & Patricia Baker 12930 Bengal Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-3617 14. Eugene D. & Ruby V. Quinnell 25873 Dodd Boulevard Lakeville, MN 55044-9774 15. Daniel J. Lockler Barbara J. Kaldahl 2187 128th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3921 34-01610-032-51 34484000-010.00 34-84000-020.00 34.01610-012-55 34-01610-014.55 34-01610-016-55 34-01710-130-80 34-01610-018-55 34-01610-019-55 34-01610-020-55 34-01610-020-59 34-01610-010-59 34-01610-030-59 34-01610-050-59 34-01610-040-59 34-01610-060-59 34-01610-070-59 34-01610-100-59 34-01610-0110.59 34-01610.120-59 34-01610-130-59 34-68300-010-02 31. Douglas J. Young 1741 135th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3012 32. Paul J. Nieland 13250 Clayton Avenue East R.R. #1 Rosemount, MN 55068.2719 33. Gerald & James Anderson 2295 Bonaire Path West Rosemount, MN 55068-3400 34. John W. & Couny Horsch 15375 Dresden Trail Apple Valley, MN 55124-6831 35. Walter H. III Kdesel 2318 Bonaire Path Rosemount, MN 55068,3432 36. Larry L Mann 2316 Bonaire Path Rosemount, MN 55068-3432 37. John H. Gillespie Karen P. Schuller 2322 Bonaire Path Rosemount, MN 55068-3432 38. Walter H. Jr. & Ethel Kriesul 2316 Bonaire Path Rosemount, MN 55068-3432 39. Jeffrey & Katherine Nelson 13823 Darnell Court Rosemount, MN 55068-3305 40. Forrest & Fern Krogh 2685 132nd Court Rosemount, MN 55068.3435 41. Northern States Power Co. Tax Manager 414 Nicollet Mail Minneapolis, MN 55401-1993 42. Henry E. & Deanna M. Nieland 2067 135th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3425 43. Phillip J. Anderson 2025 135th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3425 44. Paul J. Nieland 13250 Clayton Avenue East R.R. #1 Rosemount, MN 55068-2719 45. Leon & Carol Flach 2100 135th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3405 46. George A. & Judy L Novacek 2058 135th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3424 34-02110-010-09 34-02110-010-25 ' 34-02110.011-29 34-02110-018-31 34-02110-019-31 34-02110-012-29 34-02110-013-31 34-02110-014-31 34-02110-015-31 34-02110-016-31 34-02110-020-31 34-02110-021-31 34-44300-020-01 34-02110-010-33 34-02110-011-34 34-02110-012-34 34-02110-020-37 34-02110-010-35 34-02110-011-50 34-02110-013-50 34-02110-014-50 63. Wm. J. & Leona K. Katzenmaier 2100 128th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3922 64. Stephen A & Linda E. Schmid 2146 Rosewood South St. Paul, MN 55113-5328 65. Bruce K. & Nancy N. Nelson 2076 128th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3905 66. Janet McNamara 2056 128th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3905 67. Michael A. & Suzanne Mortenson 2026 128th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 68. Christopher & Karen Gonion 12865 Bacardi Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-3732 LAN -O -KEN (-44300-1 69. Charlene Kiemenhagen 2693 / 2695 132nd Court West Rosemount, MN 55068 70. Mark & Debra Halter 2675 132nd Court West Rosemount, MN 55068-3435 71. Edwin J. & Mary E. Ahrens 2665 132nd Court West Rosemount, MN 55068=3435 72. Dannie H. & Ruth Gustafson 613 4th Street fast Northfield, MN 55057-2315 73. Gilbert W. & Maureen Wentzel 2645 132nd Court West Rosemount, MN 55068-3435 74. Richard & Judy Thili 576 Michigan Court Eagan, MN 55123-2032 75. Dale R. & Lois M. Jahnz 2625 132nd Court West Rosemount, MN 55068.3435 76. Richard C. Porter 2615 132nd Court West Rosemount, MN 55068-3435 77. Florence E. Baker 2605 132nd Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3421 78. Allan F. & Janet H. Feldsien 2694 132nd Court West Rosemount, MN 55068-3419 34-68300-070-03 34-68300-090-03 34-68300-100-03 34.68300-110-03 34-68300-120-03 3444300-010-01 34-44300-030-01 34-44300-040-01 34-44300-050-01 �I.f 34-44300-070-01 34-44300-080-01 34-44300-090-01 34-44300-100-01 34-44300-010-02 95. Jeffrey Roy & Laurie Paulus 3738 73rd Street East Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076-4341 96. Lee & Joyce Lunde 12590 Biscayne Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 97. Leroy M. & Card J. Heuer 2329 126th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 98. Dale B. & Sandra L. Cody 2275 126th Street West Rosemount, MN 5068-3934 99. Robert T. & Judith Jenkins 2219 126th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3934 100. Daniel & Rebecca Heiwig 2145 126th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 34-84000-020-03 34-84000-030-03 34484000-040-03 34484000-050-03 34-84000-060-03 3484000-070-03 79. Charles & Betty West 34-44300-020-02 2684 132nd Court West Rosemount, MN 55068-3419 80. Gregory A. Wiggins 34.44300-030-02 2686 132nd Court West Rosemount, MN 55068-3419 81. Edmund T. & Marjorie Schoenbauer 34-44300.040-02 2604 132nd Court West Rosemount, MN 55068-3419 WHITE LAKE ACRES (-84000-) 82. Michael J. & Margaret Meszaros 34-84000-010-01 8690 Asiatic Avenue Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077-3555 83. Alberg H. & Mary E. Schwab 34-84000-020-01 1351 Lakeside Drive Eagan, MN 55123-2810 84. Robert & Jeanne Boche 34-84000-030-01 12845 Bengal Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-3618 85. Patrick J. & Diane Neisius 34.84000-040-01 12525 Biscayne Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 86. Robert G. & Margaret Nagel 34-84000-010.02 2400 126th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3900 87. Bradley D. & Susan L Wisherd 340-84000-020-02 12890 Biscayne Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-3936 88. Joseph E. Romain 340 -84000 -OW -02 Alan G. Blat 11811 Tatem Boulevard North Phoenix, AZ 85028-1614 89. Ronald B. & Clarita C. Gonzalez 34-84000-040-02 4179 158th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 90. Robert W. Sime 34-84000-050-02 2300 126th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3900 91. Philip R. & Janet L Holmes 34-84000-060-02 2200 126th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3900 92. David & C. Robin Schmitz 34-84000-070-02 15645 Comell Trail Rosemount, MN 55068-1556 93. Norman H. & Julie A. Zurfiuh 34084000-080-02 2038 126th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3900 94. John D. Buehler 34-84000-010-03 4235 Dodd Road Eagan, MN 55123-1614 47. Gerald J. Abbott 34-02110-010-55 2182 135th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3405 48. Craig J. Minea 34-02110-010-75 1982 135th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 ,JAY SIMON`S FIRST ADDITION 49. Thomas & Barbara Murphy 34-68300-010-01 12865 Bengal Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-3618 50. Robert & Jeanne Soche 34-63800-020-01 12845 Bengal Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-3618 51. Timothy W. & Dagmar Jerin 34-68300-030-01 12795 Bengal Avenue West 34.68300-051-01 Rosemount, MN 55068-3620 52. Ray A. & Phyllis C. Barton 34-68300-020-02 2175 128th Street West 34-68300-030-02 Rosemount, MN 55068-3921 53. John Marchand 34.683004)40-02 Jeannette Anderson 34-68300-120-02 2159 128th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 54. Ralph H. & Deborah R. Hanson 34-68300-050-02 2135 128th Street West Rc�emount, MN 55068-3921 55. Donald & Donna Berg 34-68300-071-02 2119 128th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3921 56. Glenn L Larson 34-68300-080-02 2075 128th Street West 34-68300-090-02 Rosemount, MN 55068-3904 57. Delwin R. & Penelope Carter 34-68300-100-02 2025 128th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3904 58. William D. & Susan C. Stillwell 34-68300-110-02 12785 Bacardi Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-3734 59. Howard R. Foster 34-68300-020-03 2192 128th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3922 60. Thomas T. & Helen Y. McDonald 34-68300-030-03 2168 128th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3922 61. Bruce W. & Diane M. Garbrecht 34-68300-040-03 2152 128th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3922 62. Dennis K & Paulette Abbott 34-68300-050-03 2118 128th Street West 34-68300-061-03 Rosemount, MN 55068-3922 16. Bruce C. & Marcene Pyikas 12995 Bengal Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-3616 17. Donald H. & Joanne A. Varey 12920 Biscayne Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 18. William H. Schlichting 2305 130th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3918 19. Howard & Nora Hanson 2543 130th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3608 20. Alice V. Genz 2397 130th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3918 21. Arthur T. & Mary C. McMenomy 2204 Dayton Avenue St. Paul, MN 551045705 22. Jeffrey A. Wllcziek 12800 Bacardi Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-3733 23. Joseph S. & Barbara H. Lape 12780 Bacardi Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-3735 24. Richard W. Winkler 7300 W. 147th St. #403 St. Paul, MN 55124-7580 25. Oak Cliff Development Inc. 7300 West 147th Street Apple Valley, MN 55124-7580 SECTION 17, TWN 115. R19 (-01710-) 26. Louis & Phyllis Billmeyer 2625 130th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3607 27. Robert & Carol Herkenratt 12850 Blanca Avenue P.Q. Box 91 Rosemount, MN 55068-0091 28. Carl G. & Marlene Leldner 12895 Blanca Avenue West Rosemount, MN 55068-3649 29. David & Joanne Weinner 2575 130th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3608 SECTION 21, TWN 115, R19_(-02110-) 30. Norman & Sharon Brucker 1665 135th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 34-01610-140-59 34-01610-010-60 34-01610-010-62 34-01610-010-64 34-01710-030-80 34-01610-010-70 34-01610-010-75 34-01610-012-85 34-01610-014-85 34-01610-015-85 34-01610-016-85 34-02110-011-01 34-01710-010-80 34-01710-080-80 34-01710-100-80 34-01710-110-80 34-01710-190-80 34-02110-012-01 0- k'/tty of Rosemount PHONE (612) 4234411 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612) 4235203 Mailing Address: Edward B. McMenomy P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068.0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James (Red) Steals Harry Willcox AFFIDAVIT OF MAILED AND POSTED HEARING NOTICE Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR CONNY WENZEL - REZONING PETITION Stephan Jilk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) ss CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ) Susan M. Walsh, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. On January 23, 1992, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, and deposited in the United States Post Office, Rosemount, Minnesota, a copy of the attached notice of a public hearing for consideration of a rezoning of property from AG Agriculture to RR Rural Residential, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the persons listed on the attached listings at the addresses listed with their names. There is delivery service by United States Mail between the place of mailing and the places so addressed. St[san M. Waj,sh City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Subscribed and sworn to before, me .this v�- 3:r �. _,...day of , 1992. CINDY DORNMEN -er emprise .,%;IylFUE?iio INNS OTA. VN1.Jj�OI FNT r..2y CC, t1t n. En?res Aug. 2E. 119 ���/�: 1 otary Public (Sverylkings Coming (UP gosemounly `i rKVC1eU parer eity of (Rosemount PHONE (612) 423-4411 2875 - 145th Street West. Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR Vernon Napper FAX (612) 423-5203 Mailing Address: P. O. Box 510. Rosemount, Minnesota 55068.0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen John Oxborough Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR Public Notice Stephan Jilk Conny Wenzel - Rezoning Petition (West side of Bacardi Avenue, south of the 130th Street easement) TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the City Council of the City of Rosemount will hold a Public Hearing to consider the item listed below on Tuesday, February 4, 1992, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, beginning at 8:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible. The public hearing listed below pertains to the following described property: The north 743.94 feet of the east 58550 feet of Government Lot 1, Section 21, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota. Subject to easements of record. The purpose of this hearing is to consider a rezoning of the above described property from AG Agriculture to RR Rural Residential to enable the ten acre parcel to be divided into two five -acre lots. Persons wishing to speak on this issue are invited to attend this meeting on Tuesday February 4, 1992 at 8:00 p.m. Dated this 21st day of January, 1992. Susn M. Wal , City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota (Sverylkings (Pouring �U[-,�i (Rosemounl� WENZEL/HORSCH REZONING PETITION MAILING LIST SECTION 16, TWN 115. R19 (-01610-) 1. City of Rosemount 34-01610-032-51 2875 145th Street West 344MM-010-00 Rosemount, MN 55068 34-84000-020-00 2. Timothy W. & Dagmar Jerin 34-01610-012-55 12795 Bengal Avenue West Rosemount, MN 55068-3620 3. Leonard Joseph Peterson 34-01610-014-55 12781 Bacardi Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-3734 4. August R. & Marjorie Hanson 34-01610-016-55 12790 Blanca Avenue West 34-01710-130-80 P.O. Box 66 Rosemount, MN 55068-0066 5. Ray A. & Phyllis C. Barton 34-01610-018-55 2175 128th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3021 6. William C. Jr. & Mary Lindell 34-01610-019-55 2261 130th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3919 7. Frank E. & Joan M. Haataja 34-01610-020-55 12965 Bengal Avenue West 34-01610-020-59 Rosemount, MN 55068-3616 8. Paul A. & Mary K Schmidt 34-01610-010.59 12965 Bengal Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-3616 9. Ronald R. & Joan A. Goettsch 34-01610-030-59 2113 130th Street West 34-01610-050-59 Rosemount, MN 55068-3906 10. Eugene A. & Shirley Barthel 34-01610-040-59 12962 Bengal Avenue West Rosemount, MN 55068-3617 11. Donald E. & Donna F. Nelson 34-01610-060-59 2141 130th Street West 34-01610-070-59 Rosemount, MN 55068-3906 12. Richard D. & Carol Beckman 34-01610-100-59 2090 130th Way Rosemount, MN 55068-3618 13. Timothy W. & Patricia Baker 34-01610-0110-59 12930 Bengal Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-3617 14. Eugene D. & Ruby V. Quinnell 34-01610-120-59 25873 Dodd Boulevard Lakeville, MN 55044-9774 15. Daniel J. Lockier 34-01610-130-59 Barbara J. Kaldahl 34-68300-010-02 2187 128th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3921 16. Bruce C. & Marcene Pylkas 34-01610-140-59 12995 Bengal Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-3616 17. Donald H. & Joanne A. Varey 34-01610-010-60 12920 Biscayne Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 18. William H. Schlichting 34-01610-010-62 2305 130th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3918 19. Howard & Norma Hanson 34-01610-010-64 2543 130th Street West 34-01710-030-80 Rosemount, MN 55068-3608 20. Alice V. Genz 34-01610-010-70 2397 130th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3918 21. Arthur T. & Mary C. McMenomy 34-01610-010-75 2204 Dayton Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104-5705 22. Jeffrey A. Wilcziek 34-01610-012-85 12800 Bacardi Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-3733 23. Joseph S. & Barbara H. Lape 34-01610-014-85 12780 Bacardi Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-3735 24. Richard W. Winkler 34-01610-015-85 7300 W. 147th St. #403 St. Paul, MN 551247580 25. Oak Cliff Development Inc. 34-01610-016-85 7300 West 147th Street 34-02110-011-01 Apple Valley, MN 55124-7580 SECTION 17, TWN 115. R19 (-01710-) 26. Louis & Phyllis Billmeyer 34-01710-010-80 2625 130th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3607 27. Robert & Carol Herkenratt 34-01710-080-80 12850 Blanca Avenue P.O. Box 91 Rosemount, MN 55068-0091 28. Carl G. & Marlene Leidner 34-01710-100-80 12895 Blanca Avenue West 34-01710-110-80 Rosemount, MN 55068-3649 29. David & Joanne Weinner 34-01710-190-80 2575 130th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3608 SECTION 21, TWN 115. R19 (-02110-) 30. Norman & Sharon Brucker 34-02110-012-01 1665 135th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 31. Douglas J. Young 1741 135th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3012 32. Paul J. Nieland 13250 Clayton Avenue East R.R. #1 Rosemount, MN 55068-2719 33. Gerald & James Anderson 2295 Bonaire Path West Rosemount, MN 55068-3400 34. John W. & Conny Horsch 15375 Dresden Trail Apple Valley, MN 55124-6831 35. Walter H. III Knesei 2318 Bonaire Path Rosemount, MN 55068-3432 36. Lary L Mann 2316 Bonaire Path Rosemount, MN 55068-3432 37. John H. Gillespie Karen P. Schuller 2322 Bonaire Path Rosemount, MN 55068-3432 38. Waiter H. Jr. & Ethel Knesel 2316 Bonaire Path Rosemount, MN 55068-3432 39. Jeffrey & Katherine Nelson 13823 Darnell Court Rosemount, MN 55068-3305 40. Forrest & Fern Krogh 2685 132nd Court Rosemount, MN 55068-3435 41. Northern States Power Co. Tax Manager 414 Nicoilet Mail Minneapolis, MN 55401-1993 42. Henry E. & Deanna M. Nieland 2067 135th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-0425 43. Phillip J. Anderson 2025 135th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3425 44. Paul J. Nieland 13250 Clayton Avenue East R.R. #1 Rosemount, MN 55068-2719 45. Leon & Carol Fiach 2100 135th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3405 46. George A. & Judy L. Novacek 2058 135th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3424 34-02110-010-09 34-02110-010-25 34-02110-011-29 34-02110-018-31 34-02110-019-31 34-02110-012-29 34-02110-013-31 34-02110-014-31 34-02110-015-31 34-02110-016-31 34-02110-020-31 34-02110-021-31 34-44300-020-01 34-02110-010-33 34-02110-011-34 34-02110-012-34 34-02110-020-37 34-02110-010-35 34-02110-011-50 34-02110-013-50 34-02110-014-50 47. Gerald J. Abbott 2182 135th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3405 48. Craig J. Minea 1982 135th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 JAY SIMON'S FIRST ADDITION (-68300-) 49. Thomas & Barbara Murphy 12865 Bengal Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-3618 50. Robert & Jeanne Boche 12845 Bengal Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-3618 51. Timothy W. & Dagmar Jerin 12795 Bengal Avenue West Rosemount, MN 55068-3620 52. Ray A. & Phyllis C. Barton 2175 128th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3921 53. John Marchand Jeannette Anderson 2159 128th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 54. Ralph H. & Deborah R. Hanson 2135 128th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3921 55. Donald & Donna Berg 2119 128th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3921 56. Glenn L. Larson 2075 128th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3904 57. Delwin R. & Penelope Carter 2025 128th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3904 58. William D. & Susan C. Stillwell 12785 Bacardi Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-3734 59. Howard R. Foster 2192 128th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3922 60. Thomas T. & Helen Y. McDonald 2168 128th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3922 61. Bruce W. & Diane M. Garbrecht 2152 128th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3922 62. Dennis K & Paulette Abbott 2118 128th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3922 34-02110-010-55 34-02110-010-75 34-68300-010-01 34-63800-020-01 34-68300-030-01 34-68300-051-01 34-68300-020-02 34-68300-030-02 34-68300-040-02 34-68300-120-02 34-68300-050-02 34-68300-071-02 .: C# 1 :TI 1 34-68300-100-02 34-68300-110-02 34-68300-020-03 34-68300-030-03 34-68300-040-03 34-68300-050-03 34-68300-061-03 63. Wm. J. & Leona K. Katzenmaier 34-68300-070-03 2100 128th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3922 64. Stephen A. & Linda E. Schmid 34-68300-080-03 2146. Rosewood South St. Paul, MN 55113-5328 65. Bruce K & Nancy N. Nelson 34-6&300-090-03 2076 128th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3905 66. Janet McNamara 34-68300-100-03 2056 128th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3905 67. Michael A. & Suzanne Mortenson 34-68300-110-03 2026 128th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 68. Christopher & Karen Gordon 34-68300-120-03 12865 Bacardi Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-3732 LAN -O -KEN (-44300-1 69. Charlene Klemenhagen 34-44300-010-01 2693 / 2695 132nd Court West Rosemount, MN 55068 70. Mark & Debra Holter 34-44300-030-01 2675 132nd Court West Rosemount, MN 55068-3435 71. Edwin J. & Mary E. Ahrens 34-44300-040-01 2665 132nd Court West Rosemount, MN 55068=3435 72. Dannie H. & Ruth Gustafson 34-44300-050-01 613 4th Street East Northfield, MN 55057-2315 73. Gilbert W. & Maureen Wentzel 34-44300-060-01 2645 132nd Court West Rosemount, MN 55068-3435 74. Richard & Judy Thiil 34-44300-070-01 576 Michigan Court Eagan, MN 55123-2032 75. Dale R. & Lois M. Jahnz 34-44300-080-01 2625 132nd Court West Rosemount, MN 55068-3435 76. Richard C. Porter 34-44300-090-01 2615 132nd Court West , Rosemount, MN 55068-3435 77. Florence E. Baker 34-44300-100-01 2605 132nd Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3421 78. Allan F. & Janet H. Feldsien 34-44300-010-02 2694 132nd Court West Rosemount, MN 55068-3419 79. Charles & Betty West 34-44300-020-02 2684 132nd Court West Rosemount, MN 55068-3419 80. Gregory A. Wiggins 34-44300-030-02 2686 132nd Court West 84. Rosemount, MN 55068-3419 34-84000-030-01 81. Edmund T. & Marjorie Schoenbauer 34443004040-02 2604 132nd Court West Rosemount, MN 55068-3419 WHITE LAKE ACRES (-84000-) Patrick J. & Diane Neisius 82. Michael J. & Margaret Meszaros 34-84000-010-01 8690 Asiatic Avenue Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077-3555 Rosemount, MN 55068 83. Alberg H. & Mary E. Schwab 34-84000-020-01 1351 Lakeside Drive Eagan, MN 55123-2810 84. Robert & Jeanne Boche 34-84000-030-01 12845 Bengal Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-3618 85. Patrick J. & Diane Neisius 34-84000-040-01 12525 Biscayne Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 86. Robert G. & Margaret Nagel 34-84000-010-02 2400 126th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3900 87. Bradley D. & Susan L Wisherd 340484000-020-02 12890 Biscayne Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-3936 88. Joseph E. Romain 340-84000-030-02 Alan G. Blat 11811 Tatem Boulevard North Phoenix, AZ 85028-1614 89. Ronald B. & Clarita C. Gonzalez 34-84000-040-02 4179 158th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 90. Robert W. Sime 34-84000-050-02 2300 126th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-0900 91. Philip R. & Janet L Holmes 34-84000-060-02 2200 126th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3900 92. David & C. Robin Schmitz 34-84000-070-02 15645 Cornell Trail Rosemount, MN 55068-1556 93. Norman H. & Julie A. Zurfluh 34084000-080-02 2038 126th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3900 94. John D. Buehler 34-84000-010-03 4235 Dodd Road Eagan, MN 55123-1614 95. Jeffrey Roy & Laurie Paulus 34-84000-020-03 3738 73rd Street East Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076-4341 96. Lee & Joyce Lunde 34-84000-030-03 12590 Biscayne Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 97. Leroy M. & Carol J. Heuer 34-84000-040-03 2329 126th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 98. Dale B. & Sandra L Cody 34-84000-050-03 2275 126th Street West Rosemount, MN 5068-3934 99. Robert T. & Judith Jenkins 344MM-060-03 2219 126th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-3934 100. Daniel & Rebecca Helwig 34-84000-070-03 2145 126th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 TIMOTHY W & DAGMAR JERIN LEONARD JOSEPH PETERSON AUGUST R & MARJORIE HANSON 12795 BENGAL AV W 12781 BACARDI AV 12790 BLANCA AV W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3620 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3734 P 0 BOX 66 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3921 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-0066 RAY A & PHYLLIS C BARTON WILLIAM C JR & MARY LINDELL FRANK E & JOAN M HAATAJA 2175 128TH ST W 2261 130TH ST W 12965 BENGAL AV W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3021 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3919 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3616 PAUL A & MARY K SCHMIDT RONALD R & JOAN A GOETTSCH EUGENE A & SHIRLEY BARTHEL 12965 BENGAL AV 2113 130TH ST W 12962 BENGAL AV W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3616 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3906 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3617 DONALD E & DONNA F NELSON RICHARD D & CAROL BECKMAN TIMOTHY W & PATRICIA BAKER 2141 130TH ST W 2090 130TH WAY 12930 BENGAL AV ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3906 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3618 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3617 EUGENE D & RUBY V QUINNELL DANIEL J LOCKLER BRUCE C & MARCENE PYLKAS 25873 DODD BLVD BARBARA J KALDAHL 12995 BENGAL AV LAKEVILLE MN 55044-9774 2187 128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3616 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3921 DONALD H & JOANNE A VAREY WILLIAM H SCHLICHTING HOWARD & NORMA HANSON 12920 BISCAYNE AV 2305 130TH ST W 2543 130TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3918 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3608 ALICE V GENZ ARTHUR T & MARY C MCMENOMY JEFFREY A WILCZIEK 2397 130TH ST W 2204 DAYTON AV 12800 BACARDI AV ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3918 ST PAUL MN 55104-5705 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3733 JOSEPH S & BARBARA H LAPE RICHARD W WINKLER OAK CLIFF DEV INC 12780 BACARDI AV 7300 W 147TH ST - #403 7300 W 147TH ST ROSEMOUNT MN 55068.3735 ST PAUL MN 55124-7580 APPLE VALLEY MN 55124-7580 LOUIS & PHYLLIS BILLMEYER ROBERT & CAROL HERKENRATT CARL G & MARLENE LEIDNER 2625 130TH ST W 12850 BLANCA AV 12895 BLANCA AV W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3607 P 0 BOX 91 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3649 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-0091 DAVID & JOANNE WEINNER NORMAN & SHARON BRUCKER DOUGLAS J YOUNG 2575 130TH ST W 1665 135TH ST W 1741 135TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3608 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3012 PAUL J NIELAND GERALD & JAMES ANDERSON JOHN W & CONNY HORSCH 13250 CLAYTON AV E 2295 BONAIRE PATH W 15375 DRESDEN TR R R 1 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3400 APPLE VALLEY MN 55124.6831 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-2719 WALTER H III KRIESEL LARRY L MANN JOHN H GILLESPIE 2318 BONAIRE PATH 2316 BONAIRE PATH KAREN P SCHUL.LER ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3432 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3432 2322 BONAIRE PATH ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3432 WALTER H JR & ETHEL KRIESEL JEFFREY & KATHERINE NELSON FORREST & FERN KROGH 2316 BONAIRE PATH 13823 DARNELL CT 2685 132ND CT ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3432 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3305 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3435 NORTHERN STATES POWER CO HENRY E & DEANNA M NIELAND PHILLIP J ANDERSON TAX MANAGER 2067 135TH ST W 2025 135TH ST W 414 NICOLLET MALL ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3425 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3425 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55401-1993 JOHN MARCHAND RALPH H & DEBORAH R HANSON LEON & CAROL FLACH GEORGE A & JUDY L NOVACEK GERALD J ABBOTT 2100 135TH ST W 2058 135TH ST W 2182 135TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3405 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3424 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3405 CRAIG J MINEA THOMAS & BARBARA MURPHY ROBERT & JEANNE BOCHE 1982 135TH ST W 12865 BENGAL AV 12845 BENGAL AV ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3618 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3618 TIMOTHY W & DAGMAR JERIN JOHN MARCHAND RALPH H & DEBORAH R HANSON 12795 BENGAL AV W JEANNETTE ANDERSON 2135128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3620 2159128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3921 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 DONALD & DONNA BERG GLENN L LARSON DELWIN R & PENELOPE CARTER 2119 128TH ST W 2075 128TH ST W 2025 128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3921 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3904 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3904 WILLIAM D & SUSAN C STILLWELL HOWARD R FOSTER THOMAS T & HELEN MCDONALD 12785 BACARDI AV 2192 128TH ST W 2168 128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3734 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3922 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3922 BRUCE W & DIANE M GARBRECHT DENNIS K & PAULETTE ABBOTT WM J & LEONA K KATZENMAIER 2152 128TH ST W 2118 128TH ST W 2100 128TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3922 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3922 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3922 STEPHEN A & LINDA E SCHMID BRUCE K & NANCY N NELSON JANET MCNAMARA 2146 ROSEWOOD S 2076 128TH ST W 2056 128TH ST W ST PAUL MN 55113-5328 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3905 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3905 A MICHAEL A & SUZANNE MORTENSON CHRISTOPHER &KAREN GORDON C HARLENE KLEMENH GEN 2026 128TH ST W 12865 BACARDI AV 2693 / 2695 132ND CT W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3732 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 MARK & DEBRA HOLTER EDWIN J & MARY E AHRENS DANNIE H & RUTH GUSTAFSON 2675 132ND CT W 2665 132ND CT W 613 4TH ST E ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3435 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3435 NORTHFIELD MN 55057-2315 GILBERT W & MAUREEN WENTZEL 2645 132ND CT W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3435 RICHARD C PORTER 2615132ND CT W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3435 CHARLES & BETTY WEST 2684 132ND CT W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3419 MICHAEL J & MARGARET MESZAROS 8690 ASIATIC AV INVER GROVE HTS MN 55077-3555 PATRICK J & DIANE NEISIUS 12525 BISCAYNE AV ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 JOSEPH E ROMAIN ALAN G BLAT 11811 TATEM BLVD N PHOENIX AZ 85028-1614 PHILLIP R & JANET L HOLMES 2200 126TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3900 JOHN D BUEHLER 4235 DODD RD EAGAN MN 55123-1614 LEROY M & CAROL J HEUER 2329 126TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 DANIEL & REBECCA HELWIG 2145 126TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 RICHARD & JUDY THILL 576 MICHIGAN CT EAGAN MN 55123-2-32 FLORENCE E BAKER 2605 132ND ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3421 DALE R & LOIS M JAHNZ 2625 132ND CT W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3435 ALLAN F & JANET H FELDSIEN 2694132ND CT W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3419 EDMUND & MARJORIE SCHOENBAUER GREGORY A WIGGINS 2604 132ND CT W 2686 132ND CT W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3419 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3419 ALBERT H & MARY E SCHWAB 1351 LAKESIDE DR EAGAN MN 55123-2810 ROBERT G & MARGARET NAGEL 2400 126TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3900 RONALD B & CLARITA GONZALEZ 4179 158th ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 DAVID & C ROBIN SCHMITZ 15645 CORNELL TR ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-1556 JEFFREY ROY & LAURIE PAULUS 3738 73RD ST E INVER GROVE HTS MN 55076-4341 DALE B & SANDRA L CODY 2275 126TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3934 ROBERT & JEANNE BOCHE 12845 BENGAL AV ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3618 BRADLEY D & SUSAN L WISHERD 12890 BISCAYNE AV ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3936 ROBERT W SINE 2300 126th ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3900 NORMAN H & JULIE A ZURFLUH 2038 126TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3900 LEE & JOYCE LUNDE 12590 BISCAYNE AV ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 ROBERT T & JUDITH JENKINS 2219 126TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-3934 Farmington Independent AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Diane Berge, being duly sworn, on oath says that she is an authoriz- ed agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper, known as The Farmington Independent, and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below: (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements con- stituting qualification as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statutes 331A.02, 331A.07 and other applicable laws, as amended. (B) The printed -dzjj�k A A which is attached, was cut from the columns of said newspape , and was printed and published once each week for succes ive weeks; it was firstpublished on Thursday, the - day of , 19and was thereafter printed and published on evea Thursday, to and including Thursday, the --ziay of , 19— ; and printed below is a copy of the lowercase alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of the notice: abcdefghij klmnopgrst uvwxyz By: Title: Administrator for the Publ>s er. Subsai d and sworn to before me on this e2�/i✓ day of , 19-�;�Czs--• / (J�o '1�7 __ — 1. otary Public AFFIDAVIT ,::: fu:a%6A.A �A Abl R.A�A AAAAiiAA 00:12:08 LISA M. SHERVF;Eih,4 ,T. l t, -r Pcvfr+FY PUBLIC-i.li•.u�aJTA r R =_ DAKOTA COWN - ' ,,v Gc nr,i!ssian Expires Prov. 19, 1992 • ty of Rogemonat Publk Notice Conny Wenzel- Rezoning Petition F (West side of Bacardi Avenue, south of. the 130th Street easement) TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: ' . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the City Cotmal of the City of Rosemount will hold a Public Heating to consider the item listed below on Tuesday, February 4, 1992, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, beginning at,8.•00 p m., or as soon thereafter as possible. The public hearing- listed- below pertains to the following described property The north 743 94 feet of the, east 585:50 feet of Government L;k 1. Section 21, Township 115: Range 19 Dakota County, M nieaota:. Sobjea to miinmu of record.. rY, ^fit The purpose of this heating is to a rezoning of tbe above described - from AG Agriculture to RR Rujral Residential to enable the ten -acre parcel to be divided into two five -acre lots. - . Persons wishing to speak on this issue are invited to attend this meeting on Tuesday, February 4, 1992 at 8:00 pm. Dated this 21 st day of January, 1992. Susan X Walsh, City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota 123