HomeMy WebLinkAbout2. Goal Setting Session with Commissions and CouncilISSUE COUNCIL STAFF RANK RANK 1 Waste -to -Energy Plant J. Industrial Development on. Eastside 8 * Land Use policy Consensus 3 -Taxes versus Service Needs 6 Southside Business Development Impact of 1990 Legislative Session Non -Hazardous Waste Disposal City Input/Involvement Process 7 * Westside Business. Development Update COMP GUIDE FLAN 2 2 �. Balance Small Town Rural Ambience with Growth 4 Street Reconstruction Koch Refinery Expansion City Facilities Expansion/Construction 5 Staffing on Special Projects U of M Lands * 6 New Commercial Development outside of 3 Downtown/Different Business Types Implement Sidewalk Plan Promote Additional.Senior Housing Identify/Recruit Retail & Industrial Businesses that work for Rosemount 9 Armory Design Tax Base Growth 4 Size and Type of Growth in City * 8 Need of and Relationship with School - District _ _ 2 o 4 COUNCIL STAFF ISSUE RANK RANK City Attractions ZZ. Update COMP Guide Plan 1. Define process. Summarize available data and update. (Timeline: 0-2 months) 2. By July 1, 1990, hire consultant and define work program. (3-6 months) 3. Implement process.: -,(7-12 months) 4.; Completion/Adoption of plan by June, 1991. ZII. Land Use Policy Consensus 1. Staff recommendations will be guided by current policy: 2. Guiding Principal: Land use decision making process will be " open and complete. Iv.. Balance small Town. Rural Ambience with Growth 1.` Recognize the importance of•this.issue 2. Agree on the meaning of this issuehs Select process for reaching agreement. (Timeline:' 3 6 wont ) 3. Complete process by the beginning of the Comprehensive Plan Update, July 1,. 1990. 1. V. -Maintaining,Open/Rural Areas 1. Identify the means to maintaining open/rural areas (Timeline: 3-6 months) VI. Taxes versus service Needs 1. Use budgeting and development review process,to: (a) Determine the proper balance to define and protect basic services: (b) Consider upgrades. vii. City-Input/Involvement Process 1. Establish...'a policy to continue citizen involvement - communications whenever feasible. (Timeline: 3-6 months) 4 VIII, industrial Development on Eastside 1. Evaluate need/feasibility of providing public services to existing industries and promoting additional development. (Timeline: 0-6 months) IX. Identify/Recruit Retail & industrial Businesses that work for Rosemount 1. Complete,"Star City" process by July, 1990 (Timeline: 0-6 months) 2. Determine process for identifying business suitable for Rosemount. (3-6 months) 3. Determine process for recruiting businesses. (3-6 months) X.. Impact. of 1990 Legislative Session 1. Maintain contact with area legislators. XI. New. Comm Development outside of Downtown/Different Business Types 1. Define "Downtown Area." (Timeline: .3 -6 -months) sinesses and services not currently available in 2. Assess bu Downtown Rosemount. (3-6 months) 3. Discussion of businesses which might.- relocate out of. (3-6 months) XII. City Facilities Expansion 1. Determine a process to prioritize and meet the city's special needs to the year 2000. (Timeline: 3-6 months) XIII. Non -Hazardous Waste Disposal 1. Examine consolidating waste management industry: locations: -.(Timeline:..0-2 months) 2: Assess_teems-of permit approval .(7-12 months)_ The record just reviewed provides a systematic workplan for 'action on the major priorities suggested by both Council and Staff. Much of the emphasis is on the determination of processes for decision-making, but several of the tasks call for the implementation of specific policies and plans 5 Work Schedule: placing the action steps on a timeline indicates that Staff will be required to undertake quite a number of activities during the intermediate 3-6 month future time period. 0-6 Month Activities_ Push for acquisition of the University of Minnesota lands; subject to not assuming liabilities. I-4. Acknowledge receipt of EIS (EnvironmentalSimpacand Stud). of heExpect County to live up to the letter new technologies as they emerge. II-1. Define process. Summarize available data and update. VIII-1. Evaluate need/feasibility of providing public services to existing industries and promoting additional development._ IX-1. Complete "Star City" process by. July, 1990. XIII-1. Examine consolidating waste management industry locations. 3-6 Month Activities Publicize. city strategy: rationale for position and- Publicize. nd . I-2.. timing and :actions. Develop communications plan, including g message content. I-3. Develop host community relationship with Dakota County. Identify bargaining points. II-2. By July 1, 1990, hire consultant and define work program. IV-2. Agree on the meaning of this issue. Select process for reaching agreement. IV-3. completer-process by the-beginning of the Comprehensive Plan Update, July 1, 1990. ~V-1: Identify the means to maintaining open/rural areas. VII-1. Establish a' policy to continue`. citizen involvement to whenever feasible.. IX-2. Determine process for identifying business suitable for Rosemount. IX-3. Determine.,process for recruiting businesses. 6 3-6 Months (cont.) XI -1. Define "Downtown Area." XI -2. Assess businesses and services not currently available in Downtown Rosemount. XI -3. Discussion of businesses which might-. relocate out of Downtown. XII -1. Determine a process to prioritize and meet the city's special needs to the year 2000. 7-12 Month Activities _ II -3. Implement process. XIII -2. Assess terms of permit approval .1991 Activities II -4: completion/Adoption of plan by June, 1991. while staffing on special projects and city staffing, in general, were not priority issues for this session, the numbers of tasks to be accomplished in the 3-6 month time period would suggest some discussion is needed. Summary and conclusions:.` The goals session achieved its two broad purposes first, an issues prioritization was determined; and, second, a workplan for 1990 was agreed upon. However, like any strategic planning document, these results should not be considered permanent. They should be evaluated periodically and re -appraised, particularly at the end of six months. The session indicated another very important fact: a solid accord of both city council and Staff on the major issues facing Rosemount and a surprisingly high' level of consensus on the approaches to be used in examining the issues of the day. 7 ► J .t " y GENERAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT/LAND USE ISSUES Quality of Life A. Parks / Open Space B. General Recreational C. Quality / Diverse Housing D. Services E. Taxes F. Balance of Small Town with Growth Economic Development A. Downtown B. Industrial C. Retail D. Commercial E. Land Use F. University of Minnesota Communication (City Involvement Process) A. On issues before Council B. General Public Information (i.e. newspaper) C. Between Commissions / Council D. Between Staff and Council City Infrastructure A. City Facilities B. City Streets, Sewer, Water, Stormwater Environmental A. Management of Waste Programs B. Working with Industries, existing and new C. Interacting with outside agencies (i.e. County, MPCA, U of M)