HomeMy WebLinkAbout2. Conduct Interviews of Applicants for Commissions / Committees and Port AuthorityGiiy of (Rosemount PHONE (612) 4234411 2675 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR Edward B. MCMenomy FAX (612) 4235203 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55066.0510 COUNCIIMEMBERS Sheila Wasson James (Red) Staats Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk TO: MAYOR MOMENOMY COUNCIL MEMBERS KLASSEN, STAATS, WILLCOX AND WIPPERMANN FROM: SUSAN L. VANDERHEYDEN, ASSISTANT CITY ADMINISTRATOR DATE: JANUARY 10, 1992 ITEM: NON-RESIDENT POSITIONS ON PORT AUTHORITY It has come to my attention through discussions with Joel Jamnik of the League of Minnesota Cities, that State Statute 469.003, Subdivision 5 concerning Housing and Redevelopment Authorities, specifically states that its members must be residents of the area of operation. The special legislation granting Rosemount- the authority to establish a port authority includes a provision outlining that the Port Authority would encompass the Economic Development Authority and Housing and Redevelopment Authority, therefore, Port Authority members would have to be residents of the City of Rosemount. Staff is contacting City Attorney, Mike Miles, to pursue this matter as well as doing other research. A definitive answer on this issue will be provided to City Council at the Tuesday evening special meeting. 6verylhings Coming (U� Rosemounill JANUARY 14, 1992 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT COMMISSION/COMMITTEE APPLICANT INTERVIEW SCHEDULE TIME NAME COMMISSION/COMMITTEE 6:30 Joan Anderson Port Authority 6:45 Linda Ladzun Port Authority Park & Recreation Committee Planning Commission 7:00 Cathy Busho Port Authority 7:15 Ena Cisewski Port. Authority 7:30 Ed Dunn Port Authority 7:45 Break 8:00 John Edwards Port Authority 8:15 Keith Holm Port Authority 8:30 Dick Holman Port Authority JANUARY 16, 1992 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT COMMISSION/COMMITTEE APPLICANT INTERVIEW SCHEDULE TIME NAME Q0MMISSI0N(C0MMITTEE 6:30 W.C. Mawe Port Authority 6:45 John Oxborough Port Authority Utilities/Cable Commission 7:00 Don Sinwell Port Authority 7:15 Joe Walsh Port Authority 7:30 Jay Baago Planning Commission 7:45 Break 8:00 Kurt Gundacker Planning Commission 8:15 Dave Giliusons Park &Recreation Committee 8:30 Jerome Puciaty Park & Recreation Committee 8:45 Tom Reller Park & Recreation Committee INTERVIEW QUESTIONS GENERAL 1. Please provide us with a summary of your background and involvement in the community. 2. Tell us what you feel your .role should be as a member of an advisory committee. 3. Why do you feel that you would be a good person to represent the opinions and concerns of the City? 4. What isyourmain reason for applying for this appointment, in other words are you basically interested in serving the community or do you have a specific motivating issue that is compelling you to apply for this position? 5. In your opinion, what are the three most important responsibilities an advisory committee member has towards his/her community? 6. What expertise, special experience, etc., do you have that would assist you in a position on an advisory committee? INTERVIEW QUESTIONS PORT AUTHORITY 1. With the prospect facing us of limited funding, and yet many special demands upon our economic development resources, list some of the priorities that you would use to set the course for economic development in 1992 and the coming years. 2. What is your experience as it relates to economic development. 3. As a leader in the community who serves as a member of the Port Authority, you will be asked to identify and support the role that economic development plays in an overall healthy community. List two of the values that are most important to you regarding economic development. 4. What involvement, if any, have you had with the Rosemount business community, Chamber of Commerce or Northern Dakota County Chamber of Commerce? 5. Are there any particular issues that you see facing the community concerning economic development? ------ 6. What relationship do you -think is needed between the Port Authority and City Council? INTERVIEW QUESTIONS PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Are there any particular issues that you see facing the community? 2. What role does the Planning Commission have in dealing with these issues? 3. How do you feel you can personally contribute to this role? 4. What relationships are needed between City Council and Planning Commission and staff and Planning Commission? 5. How much weight do you think should be placed on staff reports and recommendations when making a decision? 6. How much weight do you feel should be placed on citizen input when making a decision? 7. Do you feel you can make a decision, consistent with previous actions of similar nature, when confronted by a large neighborhood objection? 8. How much weight do you feel the City Council should place on Planning Commission recommendations when making a decision? 9. _Do you think Planning Commission should play a different role inthecommunity than that which you understand it to be today? INTERVIEW QUESTIONS PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE 1. With the prospect facing us of limited funding and yet many special demands upon our parks system, list some of the priorities that you would use to set the course for 1992 for programming and facilities. 2. It takes a combined effort of citizens and staff to generate a quality program for our community. List ways that you would use for a "continued strengthening" of this working together process. 3. As a leader in the community who serves as a member of the Parks and Recreation Committee, you will be asked to identify and support the role that the parks system plays in an overall healthy community. List two of the top values that you place on a community park system. 4. As an active member of the community, you already know that there are many park projects under way. This include Town Green, Jaycee Park, Shannon Park, Carrolls Woods, etc..,__ Identify the role that you feel you would be willing to play in making those projects become successful. (this could _include heading up one of the committees, serving as a member of the committees, etc.) 5. Joint programming and joint use of facilities between cities is one way to generate additional programs and yet, at times, to hold the line on costs. List types of programs or facilities that might be shared between cities. 6. A large percentage of participants of the parks and recreation programs do not live in Rosemount. What are your feelings towards possibly setting up a fee structure that would be reflective of a rate for residents and another rate for non- residents? List two ideas that would support your rationale for this. INTERVIEW QUESTIONS UTILITIES/CABLE COMMISSION 1. Do you have any prior experience dealing with water or sewer utilities and/or water, sewer or storm sewer core issues?