HomeMy WebLinkAbout3. Budget DiscussionCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUb[MARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE:November 24, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: 1993 Budget review AGENDA SECTION: COUNCIL ACTION: PREPARED BY: Stephan Jilk AGENDI � �r + Vj •/ ATTACM0NTS: Memo APP Y: The purpose of this evenings meeting is to continue discus General Fund Operating budget, 1993 1997 CIP budget, and for 1993. The Council has had several discussions on the and has set the preliminary levy for 1993. But much of the Councils time has involved direct input fx citizenry,on the format of the budget and suggestions on E proposed expenditures. This input has been valuable and I will assure the Council City staff will provide several changes in the way the bud drafted and presented to make fora more readable product. V ion of the 1993 proposed levies 'oposed budget the general of the that I and the et document is The Council will be holding a. public hearing on the proposed budget and the prposed levy on December 10, 1992. At that hearing, or on the date it is to be continued to which is December 17th, 1992 the Council must approve the 1993 operating and CIP budgets and adopt the 1993 le So that city staff may develop the final draft of the bud et for consideration at the public hearing it is essential that Ne City Council and City staff work together to set this final document. I have provided an additional overview of the budget in i s present form and what it reflects as far as changes from 1992 in the meas of service, personnel and costs. I have also outlined the type of changes I have asked Jeff May, our Finance Director to make in the manner in which the budget docume t is put together and presented. RECOMMENDED ACTION: No formal action - consensus on fin1 budget for the public hearing on De draft of ember 10, 1992 COUNCIL ACTION: eity of (Rosemouni PHONE (612) 423.4411 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota FAX (612) 423-5203 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 TO: Mayor McMenomy Council Members: Rlassen, Staats, Willcox, FROM: Stephan Jilk, City Administrato DATE: November 20, 1992 RE: Budget Review/Discussion November 24, 1992 The purpose for discussing the 1993 budgets on Tuesc will be to gain,consensus for developing a final dra document for consideration at our public hearing on 1992. MAYOR Edward B. McMenomy COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Kiassen James (Red) $tests Harry Willcox Dennis Wippennann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk Wippermann ay, November 24, ft of the December 10, Following is a brief review of the work -conducted or. the proposed budget to this date. Additionally, we are attempting to make significant changes in the format of the budget document to make it more "user" friendly. On August 11, 1992, the 1993 Operating and CIP Budgets were presented to you for your consideration. Following that initial discussion Council direction was to work with city staff to reduce the proposed budget to a level not to exceed a 100 increase from 1992 to 1993. At that meeting the Council also gave direction to make some $155,000 in cuts in the proposed CIP. Staff was to return on September 9th with recommended changes at the given direction of the Council. On September 9th I provided to you a revised budget which reflected the changes requested. The resulting budet provided for: 1. $216,359 in Operating Budget reductions as proposed for 1993. 2. $231,200 in CIP Budget reductions as proposed for 1993. This figure included the $155,000 cuts the Cou cil directed. 3. The total reductions amounted to $447,379 (1. 6verylhing s coming (Up RoseinouvdY `.� ecvoea Dane.. 2.) This second draft of the budget provided for: A. A 1993 Operating Budget of....... $3,566,878 B. A 1993 CIP Budget of ............. $ 269,535 C. Retirement/Severance Cost of..... $ 60,000 D. Debt Service of ............... $ 388,587 E. Armory/Community Center Cost of.. $ 223,713 TOTAL ....... $4.508,683 This proposed budget caused a levy need of $2,996,096 increase over 1992. or a 9.021 On September 9th, 1992, after considerable review and minor changes the Council approved a preliminary budget of 3,585,878 and a preliminary levy of $3,015,096 for 1993. Since September 9 Council has considered input from the general public at two Council meetings. At these meetings the public voiced concerns about the format of the budget document and about proposed salary adjustments. The Council then took a vote on October 27, 1992, considering a wage freeze, for City employees in 1993. This motion was defeated and the Council directed that City staff was to draft a work program to complete a review of the current salary/benefit compensation program with recommendation on developing a revised compensation program. A proposal from Mr. Cy Smythe of Labor Relations, Inc. ill be presented on December 15, 1992 for completions of thi s work. The proposed budget contains appropriations for 3%� in reases in salaries across the board as a cost of living adjustor nt, increases for employees who are working through their salary structure based on agreements at the times of hiring 9.nd/or promotion and satisfactory performance. The City is currently considering proposals from the wo existing employee unions. A third union representing an addit'onal 19 city employees, is now being voted on by those employ es. If that third union is voted in, the City will have to n gotiate with those employees through the bargaining process. Notice of Hearing for the Truth in Taxation have been Dakota County. As required by law, these notices ind several items in regard to the property being taxed. these items indicates the change in City tax from 199 If a change is indicated it can be caused by one or n factors. 2 sent out by icate One of 2 to 1993. ore of many Some of these are: 1. An increase in the City's levy greater than the tax capacity as calculated by Dakota County. This tax rate capacity would be increased or decreased by several factors but the single greatest is the increase of the City's levy. 2. Tax rate classification changes as determined by State law on the property taxed. 3. Market value of the property taxed. In developing the 1993 budgets and associated levy it was my suggestion that because of the increase in market value in the City and with a proposed levy increase of some 10.016, taxpayers as a whole, would not, experience an increase in taxes due to the City levy. In reviewing the Hearing Notices sent out last week and in contacting Dakota County and receiving data from them recently compiled, I would suggest that the increase in tax capacity rate, overall, will be approximately 5.516. This increase will not cause a tax increase for all property owners. Some will actually experience a decline in City tax, others may see no change at all. The fact that the effect of the City's levy is different on almost every parcel is due to the fact that tax rate classifications, market values and fiscal disparities distribution all have an effect on the final tax rates and taxes paid. This increase is greater than I had suggested even though the market value in the City's tax base has increased approximately 9.516. I wanted this known prior to the adoption of the final levy at the hearing on December 10th in case any further reduction of the levy would be considered. I would not recommend further reduction in the proposed levy at this time. In regards to discussion on the format of the budget document and suggestions made by the representatives of the Taxpayers group and the Council I have worked with Finance Director Jeff May and directed that the final budget will be presented with the following changes made to its format: 1. An attempt will be made to make the budget more "readable." This will include a "presentation letter" from me outlining significant factors in the proposed budget such as personnel increases, service levels, levy information and the process followed in development of the 1993 Budget. 3 I '� 2. A "Council Action" section providing all officia actions taken by the Council in approving the budget suc as the required resolutions and public hearing documents- 3. ocument . 3. A new "Total" Budget sheet which will provide do which can be "read" more easily. 4. A Revenue Section which will provide a narrative the different revenue sources for the general fu representations of this information will also be It is our hope that this will provide a more and way of seeing the information. This will be sup with the numerical, line by line, representation information in the existing (1992) format. is describing d. Graphic provided. rstandable lemented of the A comparison of revenue sources for 1991, 1992, and 1993 will be provided. As we move into 1994 and 1995 and beyond a 5 year comparison will be provided. It is oux hope that this will provide a "tracking" of revenue. 5. A complete budget spreadsheet which provides a "total" for each type of expenditure such as fuels, repairs, travel/conference, office supplies. This was recommended by the citizens to provide a better picture_on specific costs on individual items. We will also provide a three year comparison of expenditures in each department and line items. An "expenditure by function" (General Government, Public Safety, Recreation, Public Works, Retirement, Debt Service and CIP) fact sheet, with graphic display, will be provided. The gr uping of departments in these general areas follows the presentation of our financial audit format and can be used for effective comparison of how the City spends the tax dollar and can more easily compared to how other cities spend their funds. Individual department budget sheets will have the three year comparisons. Individual department budget sheets will also note where salary costs are shared by other funds to clarify the total cost of position salaries. 6. An introduction narrative will be added to each department giving a brief discussion on the "program" provided by the proposed budget. A "tax levy" section will be rovided to indicate: a. A comparison of tax levies for three years. b. A comparison of tax levy as a proportion tb total revenue for a three year period. 4 C. The City's share of the total tax bill for a three year period. d. An expenditure per capita for the general fund budget for a three year period. These comparative values reflect items brought out in the discussions presented by the citizens and the Council. The final document will, for the first time, include the Water, Sewer and Stormwater Budgets and the Port Authority Budget. Again, this will provide a more complete budget "package" so that the Council and the public may track through the overall budget and its management. All of these changes will be part of the final draft of the budget document as presented at the Public Hearing on December 10, 1992. In preparation for the hearing on December 10, I would ask that we receive your approval on Tuesday, November 24, 1992 to draft the final budget. At this time I would recommend no additional changes in the budget amounts as now amended and that we leave all expenditures, as proposed, in tact. With respect to hiring and promotions for employees and salary adjustments we would leave budgeted funds in the budget and consider specific approvals on December 15 and later as negotiations continue. lj 5