HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.b. Review of Star City Recertification MaterialCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 15, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: REVIEW OF STAR CITY AGENDA SECTION: RECERTIFICATION MATERIAL WORK SESSION PREPARED BY: AGENDA RMJOHN MILLER, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR , ATTACHMENTS: OCT. 26 LETTER, 1993 1 YR., 3 YR. APP VEP Y: PLAN, AND PREVIOUS 1 YR. AND 5 YR. PLAN -. . ( , A4 The Star City Committee will meet starting to review Rosemount's one year and three year action plans. Upon committee approval the plans (and a couple of other documents) will be submitted to the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development for Star City Recertification. I have already had the plans reviewed by the Chamber of Commerce' Government Action Committee and its recommendation for changes are included in the text. Would you please review the plans and suggest any changes. Officialaction by the Port Authority is not required. RECOMMENDED ACTION: NONE. PORT AUTHORITY ACTION: NONE. Minnesota Department of s Trade and Economic Development Business Development and Analysis Division 900 American Center Building 150 East Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-1421 612/296-8341 Fax: 612/296-1290 October 26, 1992 John Miller, Economic Development Coordinator City of Rosemount 2875 — 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-0510 Dear John: As per our phone conversation I am sending you a list of activities that the City of Rosemount must accomplish as part of your continued participation in the Star Cities Program. Although we have not finalized the specific requirements for the 1993 recertification, there are several things that Star Cities should do on an annual basis. . First and foremost the Star City Commission should work together with the _City Council and the Port Authority Board in developing a one year action plan of economic development projects that you would like to accomplish during 1993. Secondly, you should develop a three year plan which will objectively look at some of the long range issues that Rosemount will need to focus its resources on. Three, develop a budget which appropriately reflects the activities that you want to accomplish in your one year plana Four, by statute the Port Authority must submit a copy of its annual report to the Secretary of State. A copy of this report will serve to meet the star City requirements as well. Lastly, as part of your annual economic development program you should ,be conducting a business retention and expansion survey and visitation program. As of this year, the survey will be required on a three year cycle. Since Rosemount participated in the full survey last year, you will not be required to complete one this year, although you should still maintain a comprehensive business visitation program. An Equal Oppormnin Emplover • A I've enclosed a copy of last year',s letter from Dave Jennings which describes the annual recertification requirements in. greater length. As with all of my assigned communities I am available to assist you in completing these activities by either participating or facilitating planning sessions or by providing information on other communities economic development efforts. If you need any assistance please contact me at 297-1168. Sincerely, YEune E. Go and mic Development Representative 4 A CITY OF ROSEMOUNT STARCITYONE YEAR ACTION PLAN FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1991-1992 GOAL #1 CONTINUE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT / REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES TO PROMOTE JOB CREATION AND COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY IN DOWNTOWN ROSEMOUNT GOAL #2 EVALUATE LAND USE POLICIES AND ENCOURAGE SAFE, CLEAN DEVELOPMENT ON THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA LANDS FOR THE CREATION OF JOBS AND DEVELOPMENT OF TAX BASE GOAL #3 CREATE A "COMMUNITY INFORMATION PROGRAM" GOAL #4 CONTINUE RETENTION ACTIVITIES OF EXISTING ROSEMOUNT BUSINESSES GOAL #5 PROMOTE COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Due to major staff and departmental restructuring at the City of Rosemount Offices, this document will be subject to revision in mid 1991. Because the annual Goals and Objectives Workshop for the City Council and Department Heads will not take place until the restructuring has been completed, that information will also have an effect on this document. All necessary changes resulting from these matters will be forwarded to MNDTED at that time. A, Economic Development Authority for final approval and implementation direction 2 Goal #1 CONTINUE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT / REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES TO PROMOTE JOB CREATION AND INCREASE COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY IN DOWNTOWN ROSEMOUNT Objective #1 Develop funding guidelines for the Rosemount Economic Development Authority Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Person 1. Contact metro area 11/1/90- C EDA E.D. Specialist communities for copies 1/1/91 their development and funding guidelines 2. Review the guidelines 1/1/91- C EDA E.D. Specialist obtained to determine 2/1/91 which ones may work in the Rosemount community 3. Compile draft document 2/1/91- I EDA C.D. Director using sample documents as 4/1/91 E.D. Specialist a guide 4. Present the draft 4/1/91- W EDA E.D. Specialist document to the Rosemount 6/1/91 Chamber of EDC Committee Chamber Economic Development Commerce Committee for review, input and endorsement 5. Present revised final 7/1/91 W EDA Staff Exec. Director draft to the Rosemount E.D. Specialist Economic Development Authority for final approval and implementation direction 2 Goal #1 CONTINUE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT / REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES TO PROMOTE JOB CREATION AND INCREASE COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY IN DOWNTOWN ROSEMOUNT Objective #2 Continue to participate in the Community Development Block Grant Program and relocate/rehabilitate existing Rosemount businesses and create new jobs. Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Person 1. Continue working with ongoing in I City Staff Asst. Admin. businesses which have 1991 E.D. Specialist shown an interest in relocating/expanding 2. Sign acquisition/dev. 2/11/91 I City Council ----- agreements with the parties 4/1/91 City Staff Asst. Admin. involved E.D. Specialist 3. Work closely with the 2/11/91 I DC HRA Deputy Director Dakota County HRA to 7/1/91 EDA Staff E.D. Specialist insure that relocation procedures are carried out correctly 4. Conduct clearance / 7/1/91- W City Staff E.D. Specialist preparation of properties 8/1/91 Bldg. Official 5. Work with developer 7/1/91- W City Council City Planner in planning site 1/1/92 Planning Comm. E.D. Specialist improvements EDA 6. Oversee construction 1/1/91 W City Staff City Planner activities 12/1/92 Bldg. Official E.D. Specialist 3 r Goal#2 EVALUATE LAND USE POLICIES / ENCOURAGE SAFE, CLEAN DEVELOPMENT ON UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA LANDS FOR THE CREATION OF JOBS AND DEVELOPMENT OF TAX BASE Objective #1 Take action, as necessary, to make known the concerns of the City of Rosemount in regard to the development of these lands. Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Person 1. Create/approve reso. 9/90 C City Council ----- stating Rosemount's wish City Staff City Admin. to gain control of those C.D. Director U of M lands within the City of Rosemount border 2. Create/approve reso(s) 10/90 C City Council ----- regarding Rosemount's City Staff City Admin. involvement in the C.D. Director metropolitan airport site search 3. Carefully follow the ongoing I Met. Council ----- progress of potential City Council Mayor developments on the U of M City Staff City Admin. properties: airport, Asst. Admin. incinerator, etc. by attending informational meetings and reviewing all printed materials ** RESOLUTIONS INDICATED IN STRATEGY/TASK THREE AND FOUR ARE ATTACHED AS REFERENCE MATERIALS 4 k $ CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1990-96 A RESOLUTION COMMENTING ON THE PROPOSED AIRPORT SEARCH AREA LAND USE CHANGE GUIDELINES WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council has been authorized by the Minnesota Legislature to prepare guidelines for reviewing land use changes in new airport search areas; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council has Conducted a series of public hearings to receive input on the guidelines. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount offers the following comments on the proposed guidelines: 1. Clarify whether the guidelines affect an entire community if only a portion is in the final search area. 2. Establish a process, or reference the appropriate regulations for a process, for local jurisdiction to request a change in the boundary of the final search area, or even "opt out" of the search area. 3. Include a variance procedure to the guidelines, to allow reasonable exceptions to strict and literal interpretation of the guidelines, particularly to communities that may located on the fringe of the final search area. 4. Establish an appeals process. ADOPTED this 2nd day of October, 1990. ATTEST: san M. JgXr&on, City Clerk ernon J. NappeV Mayor f Motion by: Napper Seconded by: Wipoermann Voted in favor: Wippermann, Napper, Oxborough, Klassen Voted against: None CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1990 87 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT'S DESIRE TO OBTAIN POSSESSION OF CERTAIN UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA PROPERTY AND CONTROL THE LOCATION OF CERTAIN WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECTS AFFECTING THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT WHEREAS, the University of Minnesota owns several thousand acres of property in the City of Rosemount; and WHEREAS, the University of Minnesota has indicated its desire to relinquish ownership of some of that property; and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount has long discussed the need to take control of University lands in Rosemount; and WHEREAS, Dakota County has chosen the location for its proposed resource recovery project to be on a portion of University property in Rosemount; and WHEREAS, Dakota County has exhibited the need to purchase additional University property for future waste management projects unspecified at this time; and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount has long exhibited an interest in supporting and promoting responsible waste management techniques throughout Dakota County; and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount through its City Council and City Staff has worked closely with Dakota County and has expended many staff hours and City tax dollars in reviewing many issues surrounding the proposed resource recovery project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount declares its intent to make every effort to obtain possession of University of Minnesota lands in the City of Rosemount lying east of Akron Avenue and north of 160th Street; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City advise Dakota County that it is the City's desire and position that whatever waste management projects occur in Dakota County, if they have any affect on the City of Rosemount, should be considered for location on University of Minnesota property in the City of Rosemount -- such waste management projects to include but not be I limited to the Dakota County resource recovery project, USPCI waste management project, incinerator ash monofill, coal ash landfill, demolition landfill, ash pelletization, composting, recycling, materials recovery facility and the University's existing hazardous materials storage facilities. 0 -'BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Dakota County in consideration for past involvement and effort on behalf of the City of Rosemount in working with Dakota County on the resource recovery project reimburse the City $75,000.00 and agree to reimburse the City of Rosemount 100 percent of all future documented costs the City incurs for its involvement on the resource recovery project and other related waste management projects; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount that Dakota County be asked to respond to the direction taken in this Resolution by October 10, 1990. ADOPTED this 18th day of September, 1990. ATTEST: S san M. Johnson, City Clerk Motion by: Willcox Voted in favor: Voted against: Vernon J. Napa miaycoe Seconded by: Napper Willcox, Napper, Oxborough, Klassen None Goal #3 CREATE A "COMMUNITY INFORMATION PROGRAM" Objective #1 Create a Rosemount newsletter or newspaper by which to get City of Rosemount information to the Rosemount community Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Person 1. Review newspaper/ 9/1/90- C City Staff E.D. Specialist newsletter options in terms 12/1/90 of frequency of production, circulation, and cost to purchase one full page. 2. Meet with representative 12/1/90- C from companies offering a 2/1/91 comprehensive and cost effective pkgs. to obtain details. 3. Meet with Chamber of 2/12/91 C Commerce to get input on going from separate news- letter to one page in an area newspaper. 4. Bring results and 3/91 I recommendation back to City Council for permission to formally draw up an agmt. with company or to pursue further information. 41 4 City Council City Staff City Staff Chamber of Commerce City Staff Newspaper Comp. Mayor City Admin. C.D. Director E.D. Specialist E.D. Specialist EDC Committee City Admin. C.D. Director Publisher r GOAL #3, OBJECTIVE #1 (continued); 5. Enter into contract 4/91 W City Council Mayor allowing for one page,of City Admin. City news to go to each Newspaper Comp. Publisher household on a monthly basis. 6. Designate a staff 4/15/91 W City Council Mayor member to coordinate City Staff City Admin. information gathering to go to paper 7. Do survey/questionnaire 4/1/92 W City Council City Admin. after 12 months to determine City Staff E.D. Specialist readership and effectiveness of "City Page" 8. Determine what changes 6/1/92 W City Staff E.D. Specialist need to be made based Newspaper Comp. Publisher on said survey. 6 Goal #3 CREATE A "COMMUNITY INFORMATION PROGRAM" Objective#2 Attend trade shows and business expos to promote development in Rosemount Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Person 1. Work to develop an 2/1/91- W EDA Exec. Director exhibit to bring to 6/1/91 EDA Staff E.D. Specialist various trade shows to promote Rosemount 2. Compile development information for dist. at trade shows 3. Research cost of various Rosemount marketing materials (key chains, letter openers) to hand out at trade shows / determine what may be feasible to purchase 4. Present cost overview and funding request to City Council and EDA 4/1/91- W 7/1/91 6/1/91- W 8/1/91 8/1/91- W 10/1/91 5. Designate staff person(s) 10/1/91- W to attend various trade 1/1/92 shows and business expos to promote development in Rosemount. EDA Staff Chamber of Commerce EDA Staff Chamber of Commerce City Staff EDA Staff City Council EDA City Staff E.D. Specialist EDA Committee E.D. Specialist EDC Committee City Admin. E.D. Specialist City Admin. Goal #3 CREATE A "COMMUNITY INFORMATION PROGRAM" Objective #3 Create an annual report for the city of Rosemount Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Person 1. Determine advantages and 6/1/91- W City Staff EDA Staff City City Admin. Clerk disadvantages of initiating 7/1/91 E.D. Specialist such a document 2. Determine to whom the 6/1/91- W City Staff EDA Staff City E.D. Clerk Specialist report would be useful. 7/1/92 3. Determine the amount of 7/1/91- W City Staff EDA Staff City E.D. Clerk Specialist staff time needed to 8/1/91 gather sufficient info. for such a report 4. Bring information to 8/1/91- W City Staff EDA Staff City City Admin. Clerk the City Council for 9/1/91 E.D. Specialist recommendation on whether staff should proceed or not. 5. If directed to proceed, 9/1/91- W EDA Staff E.D. Specialist get bids from several 12/1/91 companies that could do the report as well as assist and advise staff in the information gathering process. GOAL # 3, OBJECTIVE #3 (continued): 6. Obtain final approval 11/1/91- W City Staff on information to be 12/1/91 EDA Staff submitted to printing company 7. Staff and company gather 12/1/91- W City Staff and compile information 3/1/92 EDA Staff and submit for printing (time table may vary depending on directive from printing company) 8. Distribute finished 4/1/92 W City Staff product to appropriate.org. EDA Staff and individuals w] t City Admin. City Clerk E.D. Specialist City Clerk E.D. Specialist City Clerk E.D. Specialist Gaal #4 CONTINUE TO DEVELOP THE RETENTION OF EXISTING ROSEMOUNT BUSINESSES Objective #1 Work closely with and become involved in the activities of the business community. Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Person 1. Attend area Chamber of monthly I EDA Staff E.D. Specialist Commerce meetings to remain aware of issues and events within the local business community 2. Attend "Open House" and similar functions when they take place at local places of businesses monthly I 3. Review the MN Real Estate monthly Journal and similar publications so as to be aware of the real estate transactions taking place in Rosemount 4. Conduct meetings when as needed business persons show a special concern over City issues/events Wd EDA Staff E.D. Specialist Admin. Dept. Asst. Admin. City Planner E.D. Specialist City Staff Asst. Admin. EDA Staff E.D. Specialist Appropriate Staff GOAL #4, OBJECTIVE #1 (continued): 5. Participate, whenever on going possible, on groups/ committees working on local economic development issues. Specifically the Rosemount Economic Dev. Committee and the Private Industry Council E.D. Partnership 11 EDA Staff Asst. ' Admin. City Planner E.D. Specialist Goal #4 CONTINUE RETENTION ACTIVITIES OF EXISTING ROSEMOUNT BUSINESSES Objective #2 Meet with local businesses and conduct the Business Retention and Expansion Program Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Person 1. Train volunteers to 10/1/91- W Star City Comm. Star City conduct survey and 10/12/91 Coordinator interview business persons 2. Mail BRE surveys 10/15/91- W Star City Comm. Star City to businesses on local 10/19/91 Coordinator business listing 3. Visit businesses which 10/22/91- W Star City Comm. Trained Volunteers which received the BRE 11/9/91 surveys and complete questionnaire 4. Note red flag issues 11/12/91- W EDA Staff E.D. Specialist and respond to them in 12/31/91 a timely fashion 5. Forward all results 11/12/91- W Star City Comm. Star City to MNDTED 11/15/91 Coordinator 6. Use results in 2/1/92- W City Staff Asst. Admin. formulating long range 3/1/92 EDA Staff City Planner plans for the Rosemount E.D. Specialist business community 12 Goal #5 PROMOTE COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Objective #1 Encourage community involvement in City of Rosemount standing committees Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Person 1. Develop job descriptions 6/1/90- C City Council ----- and interview process for 10/1/90 City Staff City Admin. seats on all City of Rsmt. City Clerk standing committees 2. Advertise in area newspapers to get applicants for open seats on committees 3. Review application and conduct interview process 4. Appoint individuals to fill open seats 10/1/90 C City Staff 11/1/90 for 191 12/1/90- C City Council 2/1/91 for 191 City Staff 2/1/91- C City Council 3/1/91 for 191 City Staff City Clerk City Admin. City Admin. ** THIS PROCESS CURRENTLY APPLIES TO THE ROSEMOUNT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, PLANNING COMMISSION, PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE AND UTILITIES COMMISSION. IT IS INTENDED THAT THIS PROCESS WILL BE IMPROVED UPON AS NEEDED AND REPEATED WHEN THERE ARE STANDING COMMITTEE OPENINGS. 13 P Goal #5 PROMOTE COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT objective #2 Promote community involvement by encouraging citizens to apply to be a delegate for the Blandin Community Leadership Program Strategy/Task Begin/End Status organization Person 1. Contact citizens 10/91- W Blandin Foundation Blandin Rep. interested in assisting 12/92 BCL Alumni Chamber Rep. with the coordination of City Rep. the BCL program for potential Rosemount participants 2. Designate volunteers 6/92 W City Staff E.D. Specialist to sit on Steering BCL Alumni Committee to conduct publicity campaign 3. Set date for and 7/92- W Steering Comm. ----- advertise Informational 8/92 Town Meeting - 4. Recruit volunteers for 9/92 W EDA Staff E.D. Specialist Selection Committee Steering Comm. ----- 5. Determine delegates 10/92 W Selection Comm. ----- from applications received 6. Delegates attend 2/93 W Blandin Delegates ----- BCL program with purpose of learning to be better leaders in their community 14 , CITY OF ROSEMOUNT GOAL #1 Continue downtown development/redevelopment activities to promote job creation and increased commercial activity in downtown Rosemount. GOAL #2 Pursue development of a business park adjacent to downtown Rosemount. GOAL #3 Work with the Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority in completion of a senior housing project adjacent to downtown Rosemount. GOAL #4 Promote community involvement in the development process. GOAL #5 Coordinate development activities with other units of government and large land owners. 1 GOAL #1 Continue downtown development/redevelopment activities to promote job creation and, increased commercial . activity in downtown Rosemount, Objective #1 Provide staff support to the Downtown Scoping Committee. Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Person Provide committee 8/1/92- I Port Authority Economic Development members with meeting 6/1/93 City Coordinator space and support services Supply base maps 8/1/92- I Port Authority City Engineer & and related planning 6/1/93 City Economic material to committee Development Coordinator Print final 5/1/93 - W Port Authority Economic recommendation 6/1/93 Development Secretary Goal #1 CONTINUE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT / REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES TO PROMOTE JOB CREATION AND INCREASE COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY IN DOWNTOWN ROSEMOUNT Objective #1 Develop funding guidelines for the Rosemount Economic Development Authority Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Person 1. Contact metro area 11/1/90- C EDA E.D. Specialist communities for copies 1/1/91 their development and funding guidelines 2. Review the guidelines 1/1/91 - obtained to determine 2/1/91 which ones may work in the Rosemount community 3. Compile draft document 2/1/91 - using sample documents as 4/1/91 a guide 4. Present the draft 4/1/91 - document to the Rosemount 6/1/91 Chamber Economic Development Committee for review, input and endorsement 5. Present revised final 7/1/91 draft to the Rosemount Economic Development Authority for final approval and implementation direction C EDA I EDA W W FA EDA Chamber of Commerce EDA Staff E.D. Specialist C.D. Director E.D. Specialist E.D. Specialist EDC Committee Exec. Director E.D. Specialist GOAL #1 Continue downtown development/redevelopment activities to promote job creation and'.increased commercial activity in downtown Rosemount. Objective #2 Revise zoning ordinance to implement Scoping Committee recommendations for downtown land uses and design standards. Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Person Draft ordinance 7/l/93- W Port Authority Economic amendment 7/31/93 City Development Coordinator Planning Director Planning Commission 8/1/93 - W City Planning Director review and 8/30/93 recommendation Review and comment 8/1/93 - W Chamber of Commerce Chamber President & by Chamber of Commerce 8/30/93 President of Government Action Committee Adoption of ordinance 9/l/93- W City City Administrator & amendment by City 10/15/93 Planning Director Council insure that relocation procedures are carried out correctly 4. Conduct clearance / 7/1/91- W Goal #1 CONTINUE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT / REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES TO PROMOTE JOB CREATION AND INCREASE COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY IN DOWNTOWN ROSEMOUNT Objective #2 Continue to participate in the Community Development Block Grant Program and relocate/rehabilitate existing Rosemount businesses and create new jobs. City Council City Strategy/Task Begin/End Status organization Person 1. Continue working with ongoing in I City Staff Asst. Admin. businesses which have 1991 E.D. Specialist shown an interest in City Staff City Planner relocating/expanding 12/1/92 Bldg. 2. Sign acquisition/dev. 2/11/91- I City Council ----- agreements with the parties 4/1/91 City Staff Asst. Admin. involved E.D. Specialist 3. Work closely with the 2/11/91- I DC HRA Deputy Director Dakota County HRA to 7/1/91 EDA Staff E.D. Specialist insure that relocation procedures are carried out correctly 4. Conduct clearance / 7/1/91- W City Staff E.D. Specialist preparation of properties 8/1/91 Bldg. Official 5. Work with developer 7/1/91- W City Council City Planner in planning site 1/1/92 Planning Comm. E.D. Specialist improvements EDA 6. Oversee construction 1/1/91 W City Staff City Planner activities 12/1/92 Bldg. Official E.D. Specialist 3 Goal #2 EVALUATE LAND USE POLICIES / ENCOURAGE SAFE, CLEAN DEVELOPMENT ON UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA LANDS FOR THE CREATION OF JOBS AND DEVELOPMENT OF TAX BASE Objective #1 Take action, as necessary, to make known the concerns of the City of Rosemount in regard to the development of these lands. Strategy/Task Begin/End Status organization Person 1. Create/approve reso. 9/90 C City Council ----- stating Rosemount's wish City Staff City Admin. to gain control of those C.D. Director U of M lands within the City of Rosemount border 2. Create/approve reso(s) 10/90 C City Council ----- regarding Rosemount's City Staff City Admin. involvement in the C.D. Director metropolitan airport site search 3. Carefully follow the ongoing I Met. Council ----- progress of potential City Council Mayor developments on the U of M City Staff City Admin. properties: airport, Asst. Admin. incinerator, etc. by attending informational meetings and reviewing all printed materials ** RESOLUTIONS INDICATED IN STRATEGY/TASK THREE AND FOUR ARE ATTACHED AS REFERENCE MATERIALS 4 GOAL #1 Continue downtown development/redevelopment activities to promote job creation and increased commercial _ activity in downtown Rosemount. Objective #4 Complete CMC Heartland Partners residential development planning process. Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Person Complete subdivision and to be completed W City Planning Director platting process for 103 by 5/1/93 acre residential development adjacent to downtown Installation of 4/1/93 - W City City Engineer infrastructure for 6/l/93 phase I J GOAL #1 Continue downtown development/redevelopment activities to promote job creation and increased commercial activity in downtown Rosemount. Objective #5 Provide assistance r to Rosemount Mall in meeting building and fire code requirements, gaining building accesses. Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Person Work with mall owners and adjacent land to be completed by 3/1/93 I Land owners Port Authority Land owners Economic Development owners on land swap to Coordinator, provide access to north side of building Transfer Port Authority 3/1/93 - W Port Authority Economic Development land to local land 4/15/93 Coordinator owners making trade feasible Improve parking and 5/1/93 - W Port Authority City Economic Development Coordinator sidewalk areas 8/30/93 City Engineer GOAL #1 Continue downtown development/redevelopment activities to promote job creation and increased commercial . activity in downtown Rosemount. Objective #6 Maintain viability of and credibility of business community by assuring the public of an orderly and reliable retail sector. Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Person Adopt ordinance regulating 1/2/93- W City City Administrator activities of peddlers 4/l/93 and street merchants GOAL #1 Continue downtown development/redevelopment activities to promote ,fob creation and increased commercial activity in downtown Rosemount. Objective #7 Successfully relocate "Armory property" businesses Person Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Enter into contractual 10/l/92- C Port Authority Economic Development agreement with "relocation 11/15/92- Coordinator consultant" Review legal requirements 12/l/92- I Port Authority Board of Commissioners with Port Authority 12/31/92 Begin contact with local 11/15/92- I Consultant Assigned staff person businesses 12/15/92 Prepare "relocation 12/15/92- I Consultant Assigned staff person claims" 2/15/93 Disposition of claims 1/15/93 - W Port Authority Board of Commissioners 5/1/93 GOAL #1 Continue downtown development/redevelopment activities to promote job creation and increased commercial activity in downtown Rosemount. Objective #8 Clean-up of Soo Line property at intersection of C.R. 42 and T.H. 3. Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Person Begin negotiations with ll/l/92- I Port Authority Economic Development Soo Line 1/2/93 Coordinator Board of Commissioners Complete Phase I 1/15/93 - W Port Authority Economic Development Environmental Audit 2/28/93 Coordinator. Complete appraisal of 1/13/93 - W Port Authority Economic Development land 2/28/93 Coordinator . Negotiate and complete 3/1/93 - W Port Authority Chairperson sale 5/1/93 Executive Director Demolish structure and 6/l/93- W Port Authority Economic Development prepare site 8/30/93 Coordinator 9 GOAL #2 Pursue development of a business park adjacent to downtown Rosemount. Objective #1 Complete engineering and financial feasibility studies. Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Person Direct consulting engineer to be completed I Port Authority Consulting Engineer to complete land use by 1/15/93 Economic Development concept plan/phasing Coordinator recommendations/ and cost estimates for business park development Determine land costs 12/l/92- I Port Authority Executive Director 1/15/93 Economic Development Coordinator' Request financial 1/15/93 - W Port Authority Economic Development consultant to review 1/30/93 Coordinator Financial Consultant funding options for purchase Obtain purchase agreements 2/1/93- W Port Authority Attorney from land owners 3/1/93 Complete purchase to be completed W Port Authority Attorney by 5/,1/93 10 GOAL #2 Pursue development of a business park adjacent to downtown Rosemount. Objective #2 Install Phase I infrastructure. Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Person Economic Development Direct engineering 6/1/93 - W Port Authority consultant/surveyor 6/30/93 Coordinator Consulting Engineer to complete sub- division and plat of Phase I of business park Direct engineering 6/l/93 - W Port Authority Economic Development consultant to develop 7/30/93 Coordinator .: Consulting Engineer plans and specifications for Phase I Receive bids and 8/15/93 W Port Authority Economic Development order project Coordinator' Consulting Engineer GOAL #2 Pursue development of a business park adjacent to downtown Rosemount. ` Objective #3 Develop marketing plan. Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Person Seek private sector 2/1/93- W Port Authority Economic Development Coordinator, partners for business 6/l/93 park Enter into purchase 6/l/93 - W Port Authority Attorney agreement with private 7/l/93 sector partner Work with private 7/l/93- W Port Authority Economic Development sector partner to 10/1/93 Business Park Coordinator develop marketing Partner program for business park 12 GOAL #3 Work with Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority in completion of a seruor"housing project adjacent to downtown Rosemount. Objective #1 Determine appropriate site and design. Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Person Study feasibility of to be completed I DCHRA HRA Executive Director of Burnley Avenue by 3/1/93 Port Authority Economic Development site and Baptist Coordinator Church site including accessibility to downtown, cost of land acquisition, impact on neighborhood and adjacent properties Completion of concept 3/1/93 - W DCHRA HRA Executive Director plan for selected 5/1/93 site Approval of site and 5/1/93 - W DCHRA HRA Executive Director concept plan 6/15/93 Port Authority Planning Director City Council Economic Development Planning Commission Coordinator Chamber of Commerce Chamber President 13 GOAL #3 Work with Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority in completion of a senior housing project . adjacent to downtown Rosemount. Objective #2 Enter into memorandum of agreement with DCHRA to complete senior housing project. Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Person Draft memorandum of 6/l/93- W DCHRA HRA Executive Director agreement determining 6/30/93 Port Authority Economic Development the roles of the city, Coordinator HRA, and Port Authority in the project Obtain agency approvals 7/l/93- W DCHRA HRA Executive Director 9/l/93 Port Authority P.A. Executive Director 14 GOAL #3 Work with Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority in completion of a senior housing project adjacent to downtown Rosemount. Objective #3 Begin land acquisition. Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Person Complete property 9/1/93 - W Port Authority Economic Development appraisals 10/15/93 Coordinator Complete Phase I 9/l/93- W Port Authority Economic Development environmental audit 10/15/93 Coordinator Begin property ll/l/93 - W DCHRA HRA Executive Director negotiations 1994 15 GOAL #4 Promote community involvement in the development process. Objective #1 Work closely with and become involved in the activities of the business community. Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Person Attend area Chamber of Commerce meetings to remain aware of issues and events within the local business community Attend "Open House" and similar functions at local businesses Review the MN Real Estate Journal and similar publications to be aware of real estate transactions taking place in Rosemount monthly monthly monthly I I I 16 Port Authority Economic Development Coordinator Executive Director P.A. Chairperson Port Authority P.A. Chairperson Economic Development Coordinator Executive Director Port Authority Economic Development Coordinator GOAL #4 Promote community involvement in the development process. Objective #2 Provide public information about development activities. Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Person Continue the "Happenings Continuing I City City Clerk Page" in the local newspaper Continue individual Continuing I Port Authority Economic Development business liaison Coordinator meetings 17 GOAL #4 Promote community involvement in the development process. # ' Objective #3 Determine feasibility of televising public meetings of council, planning commission, and port authority. Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Person Work with local cable Continuing to I City City Administrator City Clerk commission to determine 9/1/93 feasibility of televising public meetings starting 1/2/94 Enter into agreement 9/l/93- W City City Administrator with local cable 12/1/93 Attorney company to televise meetings ° 18 GOAL #4 Promote community involvement in the development process. Objective #4 Encourage community involvement in City of Rosemount standing committees. Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Person Review job descriptions 8/1/93 - C City Council City Administrator and interview process 10/1/93 City Staff for seats on all City of Rosemount standing committees Notify council of pending 10/l/93- C City Staff City Administrator vacancies and attendance ll/l/93 records of individuals whose terms are expiring Furnish applications to 11/l/93 C City Staff City Administrator incumbents who are eligible for re- appointments Advertise in area 11/15/93 - I City Staff City Administrator newspapers to get 12/15/93 applicants for open seats on committees G 19 GOAL #4, Objective # 4 (cont'd) Notify local Chamber of 11/15/93- I City Staff City Administrator ` Commerce of vacancies and 12/15/93 ask them to publicize in newsletter Review applications and 12/15/93- I City Council City Administrator conduct interview process 1/15/94 City Staff Appoint individuals to 1/15/94- W City Council City Administrator fill open seats 1/30/94 City Staff NOTE: This process currently applies to the Rosemount Port Authority, Planning Commission, Parks & Recreation Committee and Utilities Commission. It is intended that this process will be revised as needed and repeated when there are standing committee openings. „ 20 GOAL #5 Coordinate development activities with other units of government and large land owners. Objective #1 Continue to follow and participate in the airport planning process. Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Person Continue to support and Continu*ing I City City Administrator participate in SOAR Planning Director City Council Continue liaison with Continuing I City City Administrator local legislators Involve Port Authority 12/l/93- I Port Authority Executive Director in monitoring and 12/31/94 City P.A. Chairperson planning process Initiate study on impact 1 /2/93 - W Port Authority Economic Development of airport relocation on 12/31/94 Coordinator community 21 GOAL #5 Coordinate development activities with other units of government and large land owners. Objective #2 Update Star City plan and maintain Star City designation. Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Person Complete one-year action 10/l/92- I Port Authority Economic Development plan for calendar year 2/15/93 Coordinator 1993 Develop three-year long 10/l/92- I Port Authority Economic Development range plan 2/15/93 Coordinator Coordinate plan update 10/l/92- I Port Authority Economic Development with Star City Committee 2/15/93 Coordinator GOAL #5 Coordinate development activities with other units of government and large land owners. , Objective #3 Monitor master planning of University of Minnesota property. Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Person Maintain contact with Continuing I City City Administrator University of Minnesota administration through "University of Minnesota Land Advisory Council" 23 GOAL #5 Coordinate development activities with other units of government and large land owners. 1` Objective #4 Work with Metropolitan Council to assure supply of developable land is maintained. Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Person Complete comprehensive Continuing - I City Planning Director land use plan update 2/15/93 Planning Commission Monitor development Continuing I City Planning Director measuring land absorption. Make findings available to Metro Council staff on informal basis 24 GOAL #5 Coordinate development activities with other units of government and large land owners. Objective #5 Complete the Pine Bend Utility Feasibility Study. Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Person Monitor and review work 9/l/92- I City City Engineer of engineering consultant 5/1/93 City Administrator Consider implementation 5/l/93 - W City City Engineer strategies 9/1/93 Port Authority City Administrator Land Owners P.A. Chairperson Various GOAL #5 Coordinate development activities with other units of government and large land owners. Objective #6 Evaluate impact of 1993 legislative session on land development strategies. Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Person Review new legislation 3/1/93 - W Port Authority Executive Director with financial consultants, 6/l/93 Economic Development bond attorney, and local Coordinator legislators a GOAL #5 Coordinate development activities with other units of government and large land owners rx" Objective #7 Coordinate local business activities with county, state, and national economic development programs. 5 Strategy/Task Begin/End Status Organization Person Maintain membership and 1/2/93- W City City Administrator participate in Dakota 12/31/93 County Economic Development Partnership Maintain membership and 1/2/93- W Port Authority Executive Director participate in Economic 12/31/93 Development Association of Minnesota Maintain contact and 1/2/93- W Port Authority Economic Development working relationship 12/31/93 Coordinator with Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development representatives Maintain membership and 1/2/93- W Port Authority Economic Development participate in Minnesota 12/31/93 Chapter of National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Organization 27 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 3. Enter into agreement with the Dakota County HRA to complete a senior housing project 4. Maintain Star City designation 5. Continue to increase public involvement in the development process. 6. Continue to follow and participate in airport planning. 7. Analyze impact of 1993 legislative session 8. Monitor University of Minnesota Research Center planning effort 9. Continue business liaison B) Year Two - 1994 1. Begin implementation of Downtown Redevelopment Plan. 2. Update "Five Year Capital Improvements Plan" 3. Follow up on impact of 1994 legislative session 4. Continue expansion and improvement of development (commercial/retail) in designated areas emphasizing the business park 5. Follow-up on industrial development in the Pine Bend area and the University of Minnesota property 6. Initiate a new promotional brochure to market business opportunities in Rosemount 7. Continue to follow and participate in airport planning process 8. Continue to work with Dakota County HRA on senior housing project M S,tar "-ty Three Year Plan (cont'd) C) Year 'Three = 1995 1. Update Star Cities pian and maintain Star City designation 2. Update "Five Year Capital Improvements Plan" 3. Follow up on impact of 1995 legislative session 4. Continue promotion of retail, commercial and industrial businesses in planned areas emphasizing the business park 5. Evaluate capacity of services with relationship to marketing, i.e. transportation, public utilities and public services 6. Continue to participate in the airport planning process if necessary 7. Continue to work with Dakota County HRA on senior housing project 8. Continue implementation of Downtown Redevelopment Plan W