HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgendaCITY (DF ROSEMGUNT d4��,� A GE N D A REGULAR C'OUNCIt MEETING AUGUST 4, '1992 7:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance 2. Additions or Corrections to Agenda - Council, Staff, Audience 3. DEPARTMENT HEADS REPORTS/BUSINESS a. Airport Planning Process S.U.A.R. Update b. Update on Storm Water Utility C. ISO Fire Rating Report 4. CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes of July 21, 1992 Regular Council Meeting b. Approval of Bills Listing C. Approval of Licenses and/or Permits d. Block Party Request e. Transfer/Loan - Flexible Spending Account f. Expenditures from Donation Revenues g. Expenditure for Pumper Repair h. Expenditure for Tanker Repairs i. Staff Attendance at ICBO Business Meetings j Planning Commission Bylaws -- Amendment No,, 1 k. Approve Plans & Specs/Authorize Ad for Bids - Shannon Hills 4th Addn. 1. Resolution Approving Port Authority & Filing with State('-"--3r--'-- M. tate(Se'--m. 5. OLD BUSINESS a. Accept Bids/Award Sale - G.O. Improvement Bonds 1992 est 199a 77 b. Accept Bids/Award Sale - G.O. Storm Water Bonds 1992B � � /9�fo�--TB. C. Accept Bids/Award Contract - Jayce Park Shelter d, Carrollton 4th Addition Final Platsa e. Accept Quotes/Award Contract - Erickson Community Square Rink Grading f. Fire Station Referendum Citizens Committee g. National League of Cities Conference h. Goal Setting_ Report , J- Siftr-,- 11-7- Ze B0 usn►/� �r_-e---"Al 8:00 P.M. - PUBLIC HEARING 6. PUBLIC HEARING - O'LEARY'S HILLS 5TH ADDITION STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS a. Open b. Conduct C. Close d. ActionEsa /99a- 8,Z)R�s o/9 7. PUBLIC HEARING - COMP GUIDE PLAN AMENDMENT - ARMORY MUSA ADDI a. Open b. Conduct C. Close d. Action 8. NEW BUSINESS a. Country Hills 6th Addition Final Plat �Sa 07 b. b. Islamic Community Cemetery - Concept PUD/Land Use c. Workplace Harassment Policy d. Transportation Studyr; ftP f - /- cIA9caj)T//�7/?!' :e744wi/io et Le. 7-,,o,,)r%i✓/ 9. MAYOR' S REPORT La � c E di �/A/ 6% , T/.✓may ON�AfJ�� 10. ADMINISTRATOR S REPORT / /s 11. ANNOUNCEMENTS 12. ADJOURNMENT *** M O R N I N G A F T E R CITY OF ROSEMOUNT A G E N D A REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 4, 1992 7:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance 2. Additions or Corrections to Agenda- Council, Staff, Audience 3. DEPARTMENT HEADS REPORTS/BUSINESS a. Airport Planning Process/S.O.A.R. Update - Sheila Klassen provided update on S.O.A.R. activities and future meetings. Steve Jilk gave brief description of work being done by Technicial Advisory Committee. b. Update on Storm Water Utility - Ron Wassmund provided updates: 3686 billings mailed out with 1,277 for storm water only. Received approximately 177 calls; have made approximately 100 adjustments; 800 billings in arrears. Harry Willcox suggested yearly billing for storm water customers. It was also suggested residents be notified they can make annual payment. C. ISO Fire Rating Report - George Lundy reviewed process how City received lower ISO rating from 6 to S. Felt Rosemount's rating is very good in comparison to nearby cities' ratings. Lower rate can reflect in 1-5% decrease in commercial insurance rates. Survey may be conducted every 10 years. 4. CONSENT AGENDA - Approved a. Minutes of July 21, 1992 Regular Council Meeting b. Approval of Bills Listing c. Approval of Licenses and/or Permits d. Block Party Request e. Transfer/Loan - Flexible Spending Account f. Expenditures from Donation Revenues g. Expenditure for Pumper Repair h. Expenditure for Tanker Repairs i. Staff Attendance at ICBO Business Meeting j. Planning Commission Bylaws - Amendment No. 1 k. Approve Plans & Specs/Authorize Ad for Bids - Shannon Hills 4th Addn. 1. Resolution Approving Port Authority & Filing with State <pv� M. 5. OLD BUSINESS a. Accept Bids/Award Sale - G.O. Improvement Bonds 1992A b. Accept Bids/Award Sale G.O. Storm Water Bonds 1992B - Interest rates very favorable. Council approved sales of bonds for 1992 A.& B. c. Accept Bids/Award Contract - Jaycee Park Shelter - Council awarded contract. Shelter should be completed mid-November. d. Carrollton 4th Addition Final Plat - Council approved plat subject to several conditions to be met by developer. e_ Accept Quotes/Award Contract - Erickson Community Square Rink Grading - Approved, f. Fire Station Referendum Citizens Committee- Council approved appointments. g. National League of Cities Conference - Council approved attendance of up to 3 Councilmembers and Administrator. h. Goal Setting Report - Accepted report. .00 P.M. - PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC HEARING - O'LEARY'S HILLS 5TH ADDITION STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS a. Open b. Conduct c. Close d. Action - Approved project and ordered plans and specifications. PUBLIC HEARING - COMP GUIDE PLAN AMENDMENT - ARMORY MUSA ADDITION a. Open b. Conduct C. Close d. Action - Approved project and ordered plans and specifications. NEW BUSINESS a. Country Hills 6th Addition Final Plat - Approved final plat. b. Islamic Community Cemetery- Concept PUD/Land Use Council reviewed concept plans to develop an Islamic Cemetery between Biscayne Avenue and Rosemount Woods. Council voiced no objections. c. Workplace Harassment Policy - Adopted. City Attorney Mike Miles will conduct training sessions in near future to all employees. d. Transportation Study - Council authorized staff to proceed with study. Study will provide plan for future street construction west of Akron Ave. Study to be completed in 6-8 weeks. e. MVTA update per Sheila Klassen. MAYOR'S REPORT a. Mayor McMenomy requested staff to look into requiring newly built homes to have time requirements for putting in new lawns. b. Mayor McMenomy requested staff to research cost for televising meetings' on cable. Council agreed costs should be presented to residents and residents be asked if they would like to have meetings televi.(sed. This survey could be done on "R.P." - �Ieubpo_pvz, -%uJ-n Pa V4_ ). ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT 1. ANNOUNCEMENTS • • 1