HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.h. Goal Setting ReportCITY OF ROSEKOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: AUGUST 4, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: GOAL 'SETTING REPORT AGENDA SECTION: OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, AGEND # 5 H CITY ADMINISTRATOR ATTACKS: GOAL SETTING SESSION REPORT AP BY - On June 12, 1992, the City Council and City Staff Department Heads joined together in a work session to develop goals and strategies for the next 90 _.. day work period. With the assistance of hon Bargen, a outside consultant, this work session was successful and several goals were established along with strategies to reach them. Attached find a written',narrative report on that session. f It is intended as a report, not only to those involved directly in the process but also to the public as a statement to the issues and priorities for work as set by their elected and appointed officials. Discussion on the report and acceptance of it as our "work plan" for the next 90 plus days is appropriate. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to accept the report for the 1992 goal setting session and to approve the goals and strategies as outlined. COUNCIL ACTION: MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL AND DEPARTMENT HEADS June 12, 1992 4:00 - 10:00 P.M. Rainbow Room, Dakota County Vocational School PRESENT: Mayor McMenomy, Sheila Klassen, James (Red) Staats, Dennis Wippermann, Stephan Jilk, Lisa Freese, Jeff May, Dave Bechtold, Ron Wasmund, Scott Aker, Lyle Knutsen. PURPOSE AND OUTCOMES FOR SESSION: The Mayor and City Council Members are entrusted to facilitate and articulate the direction and goals for the City of Rosemount. This is an on-going process of planning which involves the preferences and values of the citizens of the community, the insights of the city staff, the ,Judgments of city officials. In preparing for this session, the participants received for study in advance, a copy of the January 30, 1990 Goals Session which has served as a framework for action. Furthermore, the City Council called a special meeting on May 13, 1992 with City Commissioners "for the purpose of taking input from Commission members to assist the City Council in establishing goals for 1992." The proceedings of this meeting were also sent in advance as preparation for this session. PURPOSE The purpose of this June 15 session is to articulate goals for the City of Rosemount and to develop strategies for the next 90 days directed toward the implementation of those goals. For the purposes of this process, "goals" are broad statements of what the City Council and Administration want to accomplish over a 2-3 year period, providing a general direction for action. "Strategies" are statements which give direction to the work of an individual Council or Staff member within the first 90 days. The process assumes a statement of vision of the Community from which flow the goals. "Vision"_ in this report is a "realistic statement.as a community of what we want to be, which focuses our energies and efforts on our common hopes and values." With this in mind, the following report contains "elements" of a Community Vision which are implicit in the three goals that have been chosen. For each goal, there is an analysis of the "problem", an identification of "forces encouraging" and forces which are "barriers" toward affecting this goal.Finally, strategies over the next 90 days are delineated. OUTCOMES - To identify critical issues to be addressed by City Administration in 1992-1994 - To develop specific 90 -day work programs toward effecting our desired outcomes. REVIEW OF ISSUES AND AREAS OF CONCERN The Council and Department Heads received the report of a special meeting (May 13, 1992) of the City Council. The issues and ideas presented were grouped into the five following generally defined areas: (1) Infrastructure; (2) Economic Development; (3) Planning; (4) Public Communication; (5) Quality of Life. After reviewing the directions of the January 30, 1990 GOALS Session, the members decided that the five areas designated above would serve as a basis for dialogue and planning. Furthermore, it was decided: 1.) The areas of "Planning" can be subsumed in the other areas: the Comprehensive Guide Plan will be completed before Fall; the question of Parks should be considered as part of the "Infrastructure." 2.) Since the area of "Quality of Life" is pervasive to the three remaining ares, it would best be considered in the context of each of those three areas. 3.) Finally, the three areas or issues which we will need to address over the next three years are: Infrastructure; Economic Development; Public Communications. THREE ISSUES AND THE VISION OF OUR COMMUNITY The City Council, Commissioners and Administration implicitly have expressed a shared vision of the Community of Rosemount. The assumption is that the critical issues identified are "problems" or "concerns" because they are not consistent with the kind of community we want to be. Rosemount was to be a city where the public is well informed and involved in the political process in order to build an even healthier community. We are an increasingly effective community to the degree that the citizens are aware of and engaged in the significant issues affecting their life. It is critical that the people of the community have a high level of confidence in the City Council's and Administration's ability to work together for the good of the community. Effective communication among us as citizens and government increases the opportunities for cooperation and collaboration. In that context, our ,judgement is that we need to develop more effective internal and external communication within the community. Secondly, as a city we value economic development which provides a base to accomplish goals important to the community. It is essential that members of the community have the opportunities for employment which provides for a dignified life. From this perspective, we identify as a problem the lack of focus by the City Council on the limited resources we have to facilitate economic development. Thirdly, planning is an integral dimension of our decision-making as a community. As a process, planning enables us to become whom we are capable of being. Who we can be is dependent on the resources we have. Our infrastructure increases or limits the choices or options of the future available to us. With this point of view, we realize that the lack of sewage treatment capacity poses a problem for potential industrial and residential growth. THREE ISSUES Each of the three issues are considered below in detail. For each issue, there is: (1) An analysis of the problem; (2) Our goal; (3) Forces encouraging and Barriers to this goal; (4) Strategy over 90 days toward implementing this goal. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS 1.) PROBLEM: Need for more effective external and internal communications. Externally, the public feels they do not know what's going on in the city. Furthermore, they sense or perceive that their opinions as citizens will make a difference. Internally, barriers to communication exist between City Council members, between Council and Staff. Our community values being actively involved in the life of government. The public becomes frustrated and skeptical with government operations when there is insufficient opportunity for information or dialogue. As a community we also want to have confidence that the City Council is working together to serve us. A lack of consensus or cooperation among us as City Council makes it look like we're not organized, that we don't know what we're doing: all detracting from the public's confidence level in government. There are several factors causing this problem. The public is not given advance information on issues. Without such background, citizens lack the opportunities to discuss the issues and become actively engaged in the process. As a consequence, the public becomes frustrated and critical of government. The City government itself looks disorganized and the distrust of government continues to increase. 2.) OUR GOAL: To increase our effectiveness of working together as a City Administration and to enable the public to be more informed on and engaged in city issues. 3.) FORCES encouraging this goal: - Public confidence is a value, deepened by effective communication. - Trust in government is increased through information and interaction at public level. - Efforts of the City Council are credible to the degree that people have confidence that the members are working together for the good of the community. HARRIERS to this goal: - Time is essential for effective communication, external and internal. - Our habits or norms for working together as City Council sometime restrict our abilities to communicate. The personality differences among us as members of City Council. — Conflicts of personal interest. STRATEGIES• EXTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS: TASK RESPONSIBLE PERSON COMPLETION DATE OTHERS INVOLVED MORE EFFECIENT Department 10/15/92 City Clerk USE OF TOWN Heads/City PAGES Administrator -Department Heads provide Summaries of Major Current Issues -Guidelines to Sue Walsh 9/1/92 City Admin - be developed istrator and communi- cated to Department Heads STRATEGIES• INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS: TASK RESPONSIBLE PERSON COMPLETION DATE OTHERS INVOLVED A.) Informal Communication (Workshops to Ai -r Concerns and Issues Council/ Mayor 10/15/92 City Administrator Admini- Workshop strator Staff City Admin - Workshop istrator 10/15/92 Dept Heads Council/Staff Mayor/City 10/15/92 Dept Heads Workshop Administrator B.) Formal City Admin- 1/1/93 Facili- Team Building istrator/ tator Mayor C.) Consider City Admin- 2/15/93 Utili- televising of istrator ties City Council Comm./ meetings after City successful com Council pletion of team building ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1.) PROBLEM: A lack of focus on part of City Council on the limited resources to facilitate economic development, both industrial and commercial. This "lack of focus" is a problem for our community because it deprives us of the economic development which would afford tax base diversity. Without such economic development we are unable to successfully accomplish other goals important for the community. Some of the key factors causing this problem: there is a lack of a shared vision within the Council to guide choices and goals in regard to economic development; the influences of special interests make consensus more difficult among the council members". There are some evident consequences to the "lack of focus" on the part of the City Council. First of all, when we try to satisfy each special group, we cannot satisfy the city's common and real needs. Secondly, the lack of focus makes continuity of decision-making by the Council difficult, if not impossible. Stakeholders: A number of people are impacted by this problem. Those also seeing this "lack of focus: as a problem: City Council, Staff, land- owners, developers, Chamber of Commerce. Those most affected by the problem: the staff suffers from lack of direction; the residents of City as a whole lose many opportunities to be a healthier community. 2.) GOAL: To develop an optimum successful economic plan for the benefit of the City. 3.) FORCES encouraging this goal: - The business community calls for this -action. - An awareness of the loss of opportunities because of the lack of such a plan. —Citizens expect such a direction. BARRIERS to this goal: - There are striking differences of opinion among City Council members; managed growth, respect for "rural ambiance." - Special interests exert pressure, causing/ surfacing disagreements. - Limited infrastructure restricts possibilities. STRATEGIES• ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TASK RESPONSIBLE PERSON START DATE COMPLETE DATE OTHERS INVOLVED Direct City City 8/4/92 9/1/92 E.C. Admin. to Council Cord./ devise a P.A. process other for a plan staff to examine and Economic commi- Develop ssioners Resources/ types and the pros and cons of each Reports back City 9/1/92 10/1/92 to Council; Admin./ Council ap- E.D.C. proves pro- cess; direct staff, P.A. to proceed Using process E.D.C./ 10/1/92 12/1/92 dentifies P.A. resources/ E.D. types/ pros and cons Based upon E.D.C./ 11/15/92 1/5/93 above, de- P.A. vel op strategies and make recommenda- tions to Council STRATEGIES• ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (continued) TASK RESPONSIBLE PERSON START DATE COMPLETE DATE OTHERS INVOLVED Reports to E.D.C./ 12/6/92 3/2/93 Council; Council approves (effects C. G. P: Star City Evaluate P.A./ C.G.P./ P.C. Star City Recommended P.A./ 12/1/92 4/6/93 changes to P.C. C.G.P. and/ or Star City Plan Council Reviews and Approves INFRASTRUCTURE 1.) PROBLEM: Lack of sewage treatment capacity for continued industrial and residential growth. This situation is a problem because it limits all areas of growth in the community. Without this sewage treatment capacity we cannot grow at the rate and in the manner we want. Key factors causing this problem include rapid growth in our community and surrounding area, along with poor planning of the Metropolitan Council. Some of the consequences: lack of growth in our community and the lack of opportunity to develop in a manner which we believe is appropriate. Stakeholders: We recognize other people who are affected by or also see this as a problem. These people have a stake in this problem; we need to consider these people as we proceed with addressing this problem. People most affected by this problem: landowners, existing developers, business community, elected officials. Others seeing this as a problem: residential developers, surrounding communities, Metropolitan Council, existing businesses. 2.) OUR GOAL: To develop short term and long term sewage capacity sufficient to allow rate of residential and industrial growth at present and planned rate chosen by the city. 3.) FORCES encouraging this goal: - Comprehensive Guide Plan proposes this direction. - Developers are interested in and supportive of this choice. - There is a desire for growth in the community. - This direction is deemed environmentally sound. - Such a decision increases the opportunity to manage locally: it provides possibilities and increases arena of choices. BARRIERS to this goal: - There is a lack of overall vision. - A competition for funds could restrict this direction. - Regional policies do not account for overall growth management; at regional level, projections have been inadequate. STRATEGIES: Steps needed in next 90 days to move toward implementing this goal. INFRASTRUCTURE TASK COMPLETION DATE RESPONSIBLE PERSON OTHERS INVOLVED Comprhensive 9/15/92 Planning Staff, City Guide Plan Director Council Approved Planning Commission Met Council Amend Guide 9/15/92 Planning Staff Plan: sewer Director Met Council diversion to Empire Plant Form Coaltion 10/1/92 Planning Staff, (surrounding Director Council communities other and others cities, of similar Met Council interests) Separate 10/1/92 Planning Staff, Short Term Director/ Met Council Plant City Improvement Administrator Study Lobby for 11/1/92 Planning Staff, faster SIS Director/ Council, study City Met Council completion Administrator Adoption of 7/1/93 City Met Council expansion Administrator City Staff construction plan Construction 7/1/96 City City Staff, completion Administrator Council, of Plant Contractor, M. W. C. C. , Met Council CONCLUSION Such a planning process delineated above is intended to be an empowering experience for the Council and Staff --and, indeed, the Community of Rosemount. To the degree that the Community Vision is reflective of the values of the citizens, that the goals flow out of the vision, that the strategies are specific and accountable, that the strategies and goals are implemented in a very practical and effective way -- to that degree, the Council and staff can gain in confidence toward building a healthier community. If, on the other hand, that cycle is limited or interrupted, frustration and cynicism will result. Toward this end, the following steps appear critical. First of all, the Council is invited to affirm the three goals - and the values they represent - as relevant and significant to the interest and health of the community. That is, in implementing these goals, the Council and Staff will contribute toward building a stronger, more vibrant community. Secondly, in approving the 90 -day strategies, there is a realization that dates and time -lines are to some extent a "best guess effort." Effective planning is both focused and flexible. Thirdly, in receiving this report, there is a commitment to formally reviewing the process at the first 90 -day interval. At that point there is evaluation, revision and adoption of the next phase of implementation. Finally, in adopting the above direction, the Council affirms its commitment to oversee the process vision - goals - strategies - implementation in a way that builds confidence among themselves and with the Community that we can build a healthier Community. Submitted by: Donald F. Bargen P.O. Box 9975 St. Paul, MN 55109 (612)481-9335 MEETING SCHEDULE JULY - AUGUST 1992 LEPRECHAUN DAYS July 17 - July 26 Parks & Rec Committee Monday, July 20 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 21 5:30 p.m. Port Authority Cit Council Y 7:30 p.m. Jul 22 Wednesday, Y 1:15 p.m. Staff Meeting 5:00 p.m. Planning Commission Tuesday, July 28 Wednesday, July 29 1:15 p.m. Staff Meeting Tuesday, August 4 5:30 p.m. Port Authority Cit Council Y 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, August 5 1:15 p.m. Staff Meeting Finance THIRD DRAFT BUDGET DUE to Friday, August 7 Director Special Council Meeting with Monday, August 10 6:30 p.m. Administrator Utilities Commission 6:30 p.m. Budget/Staff Meeting Tuesday, August 11 1.15 p.m. 5.00p. m. Planning Commission Wednesday, August 12 1:15 P.M.Staff Meeting _ Burnsville MVTA Board Meeting 7:00 P.m. City Hall (July & Aug. meetings combined) Monday, August 17 6:30 p.m. Parks & Rec Committee Upper Level Utilities Commission - 6:30 p.m. Conference Room Tuesday, August 18 5:30 p.m. Port Authority Cit Council Y 7:30 p.m. August 19 Wednesday, g 1:15 p.m. Staff Meeting rum - Rosemount Growth Management Fo 7:00 P.M. City Hall Tuesday, August 25 5.00 P.M. Planning Commission Bud et Special Council Meeting/ g 7.30 p.m. Wednesday, August 26 1:15 p.m. Staff Meeting CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 21, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Set Public Hearing Date: Dave AGENDA SECTION: Lawson Rezoning Petition (14785 So. Robert Tr) NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: AGE NO. M N� 2 Lisa Freese, Director of Planning ITEM, Y ATTACHMENTS: Rezoning Petition; Public Notice; APP VED BY: Mailing List; Site Location Map. , a g " � U Mr. David Lawson, owner of Dave's Auto Body at 14785 South Robert Trail, is requesting that his property be rezoned from C-2 (Community Commercial) to C-4 (General Commercial) . The three businesses affected by this request (Pro -Tune, Dave's Auto Body, and David Lawson Auto Sales) are considered legal non- conforming in the Community Commercial district. Auto related uses are not permitted in the Community Commercial district. If the rezoning were to occur, all the buildings on the site would be encroaching in the rear yard setback that is adjacent to R-1 (Single Family Residential). The Community Commercial district exempts buildings and uses that pre -date the zoning regulations from the normally required setbacks. The setbacks imposed by the General Commercial district will cause his buildings to be non -conforming and, as a result, the zoning ordinance would require that any improvements bring them into conformance. Under the non -conforming provisions of the Zoning Ordinance some latitude exists for limited building improvements, especially those confined to the interior or connected with maintenance. In order to make this determination, staff will need to have more information regarding the extent of the improvements planned by Mr. Lawson. Planning staff will be exploring possible options, if any, with Mr. Lawson prior to making a recommendation. The Downtown Plan effort is just beginning and the Council might consider what impact a rezoning would have on their "vision" of this pivotal area of the downtown. No discussion is required at this time. The only action requested of Council is to set the date for the public hearing. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION to set a Public Hearing for the Rezoning Petition for 14785 South Robert Trail on Tuesday, August 4, 1992 in the Council Chambers at City Hall at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. COUNCIL ACTION: )YY� N Df 7/21/92006 No: Date: City of Rosemount REZONING PETITION H �5' 9a - & -703 Applicant: c., - w ', Phone --2 Address: / `� S �o �/�� rr / - �s.Y, 7 - STATUS - STATUS OF APPLICANT: Owner Buyer Lessee OTHER: LOCATION: LotBlock_, Additions Street Address: l tZ 7 S' S— S o a (o D, 7L . Metes & Bounds Description Attached: Survey or Plot Plan Attached: Affected Section(s): Present Zoning: C -- Proposed Zoning: C_ REASON FOR REQUEST: t. ` Q 3. Signature of Applican} Application received by: /J / Date: Fee: S Z� `� How Paid: _( /tet l �a Date: o�� 9 �'_ �eQc,�I�• #1%/ Planning Commission Action: Date: 0- k_/Tty of gosemount PHONE (612) 423-4411 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR Edward B. McMenomy FAX (612) 423.5203 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068.0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen Public Notice James (Red) Staats Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann Rezoning Petition ADMINISTRATOR kOR Dave Lawson, Property Owner - 14785 South Robert Trail Businesses include Dave's Auto Body, Auto Brokers, and Pro -Tune TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the City Council of the City of Rosemount will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, August 4, 1992 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, beginning at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. The purpose of this hearing is to consider a request to rezone property located at 14785 South Robert Trail and legally described as Lot 2, Block 1, Evenson First Addition, from C-2 (Community Commercial) to C-4 (General Commercial), to permit construction/remodeling of the current structure that would expand a current legal non -conforming property use. A rezoning from C-2 to C-4 would cause the three current auto service related uses of the property to be in conformance with the ordinance and an expansion of those businesses could be permitted, if other requirements of the City Ordinance can be met. Persons wishing to speak on this issue are invited to attend this meeting on Tuesday, August 4, 1992 at 8:00 p.m. Dated this 21st day of July, 1992. Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota 6verylLings (90ming `UP gosemouni.11 DANE LAWSON DAVE'S AUTO BODY - REZONING PETITION MAILING LIST EVENSON FIRST ADDITION 1. John F. & Margie M. Ryan 34.24850.010.01 3465 143rd Street West Rosemount, MSI 55068-4090 2. David Lawson 34-24850-020-01 14785 South Robert Trail Rosemount, Mn 55068-3127 3. David McKinley 34.24850-030.01 14805 South Robert Trail Rosemount, Mn 55068.3108 MARIAN TERRACE REPLAT 4. Wayne H. & Helen Lucking 34-47400-050.00 14755 Cambrian Avenue Rosemount, Mn 55068.4429 5. Francis J. & Madonna Goggin 34-47400.060.00 14765 Cambrian Avenue P.O. Box 243 Rosemount, Mn 55068-0243 6. Ervin & Donna I Hanks 34-47400.070-00 14775 Cambrian Avenue Rosemount, Mn 55068.4429 7. Thomas & Matralyn Buckley 34-47400.080-00 14785 Cambrian Avenue Rosemount, Mn 55068-4429 8. Wayne H. & Bernice E. Claussen 34.47400-090.00 14795 Cambrian Avenue Rosemount, M h 55068.4429 9. Donald & Doreen Thull 34.47400-100-00 14805 Cambrian Avenue Rosemount, Mn 55068-4445 10. John & Lorraine Degiovanni 34-47400-110.00 14815 Cambrian Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-4445 11. Leroy & Ruby 1,Getting 34.47400-120-00 14825 Cambrian Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-4445 12. Joseph J. & Dorothy A. Akin 14835 Cambrian Avenue Rosemount, MN'' 55068.4445 13. Jerome Fluegel 14830 Cambrian Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-4446 14. Virgil D. & Gladys Hestness 14820 Cambrian Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-4446 15. Ronald J. & Margery Pankratz 14810 Cambrian Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068.4446 16. Ronald J. & Deborah A. Russell 14800 Cambrian Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068.4446 17. Bernard F. & Alice C. Murphy 14790 Cambrialn Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-4404 18. Mary A. Fleming 14780 Cambrian Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-4404 19. Richard W. & Anna T. Klatt 14770 Cambrian Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068.4404 20. Kevin 1. & Julie A. Kuznia 14760 Cambrian Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-4404 21. William M. Matuska 14750 Cambrian Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068-4404 22. Helen C. Strese Rose M Ervasti 14740 Cambrian Avenue West Rosemount, MN 55068 MARIAN TERRACE REPLAT 2ND ADDITION 23. Thomas J. &''Mary Gavin 1205 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 24. Charles E. & Peggy Lane 14760 Camero Lane Rosemount, MN 55068 34-47400-130-00 34-47400-140-00 34-47400-150-00 34-47400-160-00 34-47400-170-00 34-47400.180-00 34-47400-190.00 34-47400-200.00 34-47400-210-00 34-47400.220-00 34-47400.230.00 34-47400.240-00 34-47401.010-02 34.47401-020.02 25. Donald L. & Josephine Lewis 14770 Camero' Lane Rosemount, MN 55068.4406 26. Wayne E. & Roxanne Swanson 14780 Camero', Lane Rosemount, MN 55068-4406 27. Donna D. Smith 14790 Camerol, Lane Rosemount, MN 55068-4406 28. Julia M. Kelly 14800 Camera Lane Rosemount, MN 55068-4440 29. Quincy D. & Sarah M. Moore 14810 Camera Lane Rosemount, MN 55068.4440 30. James M. & Quanah Bonrud 14820 Camera, Lane Rosemount, MN 55068-4440 AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 1 31. Charles Novaki Architect 14750 South Robert Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 32. Marquette National Bank Box 520 D Nelson Minneapolis, MN 55480 33. Olga A. Strese 14810 South Robert Trail Rosemount, MN 55068.3109 34. Milwaukee Land Co. 547 Jackson Blvd W - Suite 1510 c/o CMC Real Est Corp. - Box 6205 Chicago, IL 60680-6205 AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 27 35. Chicago Rock (',Island & Pacific RR 74520 La Sallie Station Chicago, ILL 60606 34-47401-030-02 34-47401.040-02 34-47401-050-02 34.47401-060.02 34.47401-070-02 34.47401-080.02 34.03700-010.62 34.03700.020.62 34-03700-030-62 34-03700-010-65 34-03800-010-15 ........... ....... ..................... ..................... ......................... ............... 3 C H 0 0 ............................ ............................. ...................... o ..... ............................ ............................ ............................ HiMH ........................... .................... .......... .......... W* L Fc; St 4 147 t] s"!, ier or i1c I 3 Ert h St e h s w.ft 149 wer 1 t;h sit, t Fciri�cap :- 140th St DAVID LAWSON REZONING REQUEST I. DAPPLE COURIr 2. DAPPLE CIRCLE. 3. DARWIN WAY 4. CRESCENT CIRCLE 5. COPPER COURT 6. BURNLEY AVENUE 8. 3 Biscatoo� 1� 1 1 0 r r, Djavid Lawson R� p1nnina lPetitior M E M'0 R A N D U M TO: Mayor M Menomy Council embers Willcox, Wippermann, Staats, Klassen FROM: Susan Walsh, Administrative Assistant DATE; July 21 1992 SUBJ: Additio al Agenda Items for July 21 Council Meeting Representative Dzment has requested he be allowed to speak to the Council for five minutes at the beginning of the Council Agenda. Attached is a 'green sheet from Steve J'ilk. This will be added under new business. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JULY 21, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: 'DIAMOND PATH PROJECT, AGENDA SECTION: CHANGE ORDER TO ADD PAVED SHOULDERS NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGENDA NO. /D. C. ATTACEKENTS: NONEAPP VED Y Dave Everds, Dakota County Highway Engineer, has contacted me with a proposal for a change order for the Diamond Path Project. He is proposing that thE project include paving 10' wide shoulders all the way to- County 'Road 42 from the southerly end of the existing (now being done) project. This change order would then cover about one half a mile and require grading, class five crushed rock base placement and paving/striping of a 10 wide strip. The estimated cost for the 10' wide shoulders on both sides of the road would be approximately 11,000. The county would pay '55 Apple Valley has agreed to pay the 45% o- the west side and the City's share would be approximately $3,200. This would provide a paired shoulderconnectinglink between County Road 42 and 145th Street West at a minimal cost RECOMMENDED ACTION: Mo� tib to approve payment of up to $3,200 for the paving of 10' wide shoulders on Diamond, Path from County Road 42 north to the southern' terminus of the reconstruction of Diamond Path. COUNCIL ACTION: CITYOF ROSEKOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JULY 21, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: -FIRE STATION REFERENDUM AGENDA SECTION: CITIZENS COMMITTEE NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: STEP JILK, ADMINISTRATOR AG"DI TN t ATTACI�lENTS : MEMO APP VED BY: As part of the referendum process to consider the construction of a new Fire Station Facility, and the purchase of Fire apparatus,;I would recommend the formation of a citizens advisory committee. The responsibilities of this citizens committee would be to work with the Architect, City Staff and the Council in the formation of building concepts, and various Items such as ballot questions and public information process as we work toward the referendum. Attached is additional information and suggestions on the formation of this committee. RECOW1ENDED ACTION: A MOTION TO AUTHORIZE THE FORMATION OF A CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR THE FIRE STATION REFERENDUM PROCESS AND TO DIRECT CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS TO PROVIDE NAMES OF POTENTIAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS AT THE AUGUST 4, 1992 MEETING. COUNCIL ACTION: Wi i itE is comb can Plea M g 14 O TO: Mayor McMeno,Y. Klassen Councilmembe Staats Willcox Wippermann Jilk, Administrat ty FROM: Stephan DATE July 17,1992 Station Referendum SUBJECT: Fire Committee of the Citizens the construction aratus approval for and tire aPP factor in gaining app remodeling, A majorpublic works unity• stati n, p of the comm cost new fire involvement with design,cost purchase is th comfortable vital to in volve citizens are need it is 3� 1992 that the to defining to the November To insure an will take us estimates, process that them in the P committee be that to do this a citizens comm referendum. m reco endation the City It is y to assist formed. ittee would be he roper formation of onsi ilio,°and thechmo eaff inrocess through to the The resp ite the P Council+ arc specific items to concepts and p throughout the process referendum. four times The committ e would meet about the city staff. and efforts with the ar hitect and architect, the rovided by thearchitect worked on suggest the on in ormation P committee, I would Based the citizens c A ory Committee, provided by study Our 11 ers. facilities include 25 members - following: following: be of a size to The committee should areas of the city. 1 . resent all The committee should rep embers should be excluded. 2. urgent city committee m roximately 3• members should follow apP 4. The makeup of the 25 as: A. 505k women (12) 50% men (13) FIRE STATIiON REFERENDUM / CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE Date Actio June 23 Hirerchitect to provide services for referendum and const�ction (Boarman & Associates) July 1 Appro e survey of proposed property site July 13 Archi ect begins meeting with City Staff to review and confirm building program for Fire Station and Public Works (,facilities . July 20 Appraisal of property started July 21 City Council authorizes the formation of a Citizen's Commitee to work with architect/city council on "infoing" the community prior to the referendum. July 30 Survey for Fire Station site complete. Begin ',review of alternate site uses (remainder of site after '',fire station site is excluded. Aug. 4 City Council approves Citizen Committee and authorizes activi',ty(ies) . Aug. 15 Property appraisal complete. Cost estimate for aerial truck complete. Aug. 21 Final licost estimates on construction. Sept. 1 City Council considers recommendations for ballot questijons . Sept. 15 City Council sets referendum date and sets ballot question/amounts. Authorizes preparation of newsleltters/brochures, etc. for "Get out the Vote" campaign. Sept. 16 Ballotl,information sent to County Auditor Sept. -Oct Public!,Meetings "Get Out The Vote" Campaign Nov. 3 Election Day — Referendum Day City Cpuncil reviews election results and declares approval is received to proceed with final design and construction. Nov. 17 Architect given approval to begin Phase II Process. City Council authorizes schematic design drawings to be completed. Dec. 1 Jan. 19 1993 Feb '93 Mar '93 Fire Station: Referendum/Construction Schedule Page 2 City Council authorizes purchaseofFire Station Site. Design schematic drawings approved. City ouncil authorizes design development drawings and bid d cuments prepared. Project is bid. Project bids received/contract awarded. City Council authorizes sale of bonds. Bond sale revenue received Constiruction begins. _ March - October'1993 - Construction Nov 193 Fire Station construction complete.` Existing fire station remodeling begins. Jan 194 Existing Fire Station remodeling complete. 1) Zoning of property. 2) Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment to bring into MUSA. 3) Site Plan approval by Planning Commission. 4) Alternate land use for remaining part of site. CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY OF ROSFMOUNT XECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION E: July 21, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: NATIONAL CONVERE19CE LEAGUE OF CITIES AGENDA SECTION: NEW 'BUSINESS' PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, ADMINISTRATOR 'ITE*M # 10 E ATTACiii+2ENTS : NONE AP OVEI> BY: The annual National League of Cities Conference is scheduled to be held in New Orleans, Louisiana this year. The dates of the Conference are November 28th to December 2nd. November 28th is the Saturday following Thanksgiving. In order to prepare for scheduling and early registration opportunities, I' would 'request that Cou cilmembers consider attendance now, and make final decisions for authorization to attend by August 4th. Registration information will be coming out early August. In past years at least one Councilmember and the City Administrator has attended. Funds are -budgeted for up to three persons to attend. The estimated cost, including transportation, meals, lodging and conference fees, is about $1300.0. Attendance has always been considered well worthwhile. RECOM ENDED ACTION: NONE AT THIS TIME COUNCIL ACTION: PREPARED BY: ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS, PLANNERS, AND SURVEYORS 2021 EAST HENNEPIN AVENUE, SUITE 238 MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55413 (612) 331-8660 OSM PROJECT NO. 1783.06 ii CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under y direct supervision and that i am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. t, BriaiyJ. Bourassa, P.E. Date: May 11, 1992 Reg No. 21816 OSM Project No. 1783.06 CERT - 1 TITLE PAGE CERTIFICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS BIDDING REQUIREMENTS Instruction to Biddei Proposal Form CONTRACT FORMS Affidavit of Non -Coll Contract for Constn Performance and P; CONDITIONS OF THE COI General Conditions Supplementary Gen SPECIFICATIONS 01010 01014 01050 01052 01060 01200 01300 01400 01515 01546 01561 01562 01568 01710 01740 01903 TABLE OF CONTENTS Bond Conditions Summary f Work Work Sequence Field Engineering Hubs and Lath Permits Project Meetings Submittals Quality Control Construction Water Protect Existing Utilities Noise Control Dust Control Erosion Control Cleanup Warranty for Increased or Decreased Quantities UIVIAIVII G.V - iICWVI 02000 General SM 02104 Removing Pavement and Miscellaneous Structures OSM Project No. 1783.06 TOC - 1 I PARAGRAPH NO. INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS INDEX N IKE Instruction to Bidders 1 Examination of Pians, Specifications and Site Work t 2 3ld Security 1 3 Ontract Documents 1 4 reparation of Proposal 1 5onditions in the Bidders Proposal 2 6 nterpretation of Estimates 2 7 elivery of Proposals 2 8 ejection of Proposal 2 9 ithdrawal of Proposals 2 10 Public Opening of Proposals 2 11 Disqualification of Bidders 2 12 13 Equipment Furnishing of Evidence of Responsibility 2 2 14 Requirements of Contract Bond 3 15 Failure to Execute Contract 3 16 Unit Prices 3 17 City Deleting Right 3 Instruction to Bidders G1 1. his satisfaction Quantities indic rely on their c Including all Gi Bidders shall infon which the work is 1 existence of surfa encountered, mea transporting equip contract. No plea that will be encoui necessary examin or omission on the or will be accepte< of time. No bidd employee of,the 'C other hazards whi INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS 'PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND SITE WORK - The bidder shall examine to quantities of work to be done as determined from the plans and specifications. I by the Engineer on drawings or elsewhere are estimated only, and bidders must calculations. Bidders shall be thoroughly familiar with Contract Documents 31 Conditions and Special Provisions. i themselves of the character and magnitude of work and the conditions under be performed concerning the site of the work, the structure of the ground, the ;e and ground water, availability of drainage, the obstacles which may be is of approach to the site, manner of delivery and handling materials, facilities of nent and all other relevant matters pertaining to the complete execution of this of ignorance of conditions that exist or that may hereafter exist or of difficulties tered in the execution of the work hereunder which result from failure to make ,tions and investigations, will be accepted as a sufficient excuse for any failure part of the Contractor to fulfill in every detail all the requirements of this contract, as a basis for any claim whatsoever for extra compensation or for an extension ?r may rely upon any statements or representations of any officer, agent or wner with reference to the conditions of the work, of the character of the soil or ;h may be encountered in the course of construction. 2. BID SECURITY - Each bid shall be accompanied by a bid security in the form of and amount as specified in the A vertisement for Bids. Such bid security is a guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract wit the Owner for the work described in the proposal, and the amount of the bid security of a succ ssful bidder shall be forfeited to the Owner as liquidated damages in the event that such bidder fails to enter into a contract and furnish Contractor's bond. 3. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS - The Contract Documents will consist of the Advertisement for -Bids, Instructions to Bidders, General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions, Specifications, Proposal Form, Contract for Construction, Non -Collusion affidavit, Contract Bond, and all plans and drawings. These documents are on file with the Owner. 4. PREPARATIONQ F PROPOSAL - The bidder shall submit his proposal on the form provided by the Engineer. The blank spaces lin the proposal shall be filled in correctly with ink where indicated for each and every item for whi h a quantity is given, and the bidder shall state the prices for which he proposes to do each item of the work contemplated. The bidder's proposal shall be signed correctly with ink. If the proposal is made by an individual, his name and post office address shall be shown. If made by a firm or partnership, the name and post office address of each member of the firm or partnership shall be shown, if made by a corporation, the erson signing the proposal shall show the name of the State under the law of which the corpo tion was chartered, and names, titles and business addresses of the President, secretary, and tr surer.. All bids for Corporations shall bear the official seal of the Corporation. IOSM Project Instruction to Bidders I.T.B. - 1 5. CONDITION'S IN JHE BIDDER'S PROP SAL - The bidder shall not stipulate in his proposal any conditions not pro ided for on the proposal form. 6. INTERPRETATION OF ESTIMATES - The Engineer's estimate of quantities as shown in the proposal shall be used as a basis of calculation upon which the award of contract will be made, but these quantities are not guaranteed to be accurate and are furnished without any liability on the part of the Owner. 7. DELIVERY OF PROPOSALS - All bids shall be placed in a sealed envelope with a statement thereon showing the work covered by the bid, and addressed as stipulated in the Advertisement for Bids. Proposals may be mailed or submitted in person. No bids will be received after the time set for receivingthem Bids arriving by mail at the office of the Owner after the hour designated for receiving bids will be returned to the sender unopened. 8. REJECTION OFR POSAL - Proposals may be rejected If they show any omission, alteration of form, additions no called for, conditional bids or alternate bids not specified or irregularities of any kind. Proposals i which the prices are obviously unbalanced may be rejected. 9. WITHDRAWAL Ot PROPOSALS - A bidder may withdraw his proposal without prejudice to himself, provided he files 4 written request to the Owner before the hour of letting, and such withdrawn proposal may be modified and resubmitted by the bidder at any time prior to the hour set for the opening of bids. 10. PUBLIC OPENING OF PROPOSALS - Proposals will be opened publicly and read aloud in such place as designated at the time and the date set in the "Advertisement". Bidders ortheir authorized agents are Invited lto be present. 11. 12. DISQUALiFiCATI N OF BIDDERS - More than one proposal for the same project from an individual firm, pa nership or corporation under the same or different names will not be considered. Evidence that an bidder is interested in more than one proposal for the same work will cause rejection of all such proposals. Collusion between the bidders will be considered sufficient cause for the rejection of all bids so affected. Failure on the part of any bidder to carry out previous contracts satisfactorily or his lack of the experience or equipment necessary for the satisfactory completion of the work may be deemed sufficient cause for his disqualification. EQUIPMENT -V make, size, weir length of service a 13. FURNISHING OI shall furnish a bc sixty (60) days p assets and liabili work of a similar any other additic as maybe requc 11 OSM Project n requested by the Owner, the bidder shall furnish a complete statement of the (where weight is one of the specified requirements), condition and previous all equipment to be used in the proposed work. VIDENCE OF RESPONSIBILITY - When requested by the Owner, the Bidder ce sheet, certified by a certified public accountant as to a date not more than to the date of the opening of the proposals which shall set forth outstanding In reasonable detail. The bidder shall also furnish when requested, a list of ture performed with dates of completion thereof. The bidder shall also furnish Information relative to financial responsibility and competence to do the work ,d by the Owner prior to the acceptance of any proposal. Instruction to Bidders I.T.B. 2 14. REQUIREMENTS F CONTRACT BOND - The successful bidder, at the time for the execution of the contract, shall furnish and at all times maintain a satisfactory and sufficient bond in full amount of the contract as required by law with a corporate surety satisfactory to the Owner. The Form of Bond is that required by Statute. Personal sureties will not be approved. 15. FAILURE TP EXECUTE CONTRACT - Failure to furnish the Contract bond in a sum equal to the amount of the a ard, or to execute the contract within ten (10) days, as specified, shall be just cause for the annulment of the award, and it shall be understood by the bidder that In the event of the annulment of the award, the amount of the guaranty deposited with the proposal shall be retained by the 'Owner, not as a penalty, but as Liquidated Damages. 16. UNIT PRICES - In case of error in the extension of prices, the unit bid prices shall govern. The Owner reserves the right to waive any informality in the bids at his discretion. 17. CITY DELETION 1GHT - The City reserves the right to delete any line item from the base bid prior to final contract a ecution. OSM Project Instruction to Bidders I.T.B. - 3 TOTAL BID To The City Council of Rosemount, Minnesota 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota City Officials: H PROPOSAL FORM BIDDER'S FIRM NAME OFFICIAL ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NO.: FAX NO.: Erickson Park Improvements Park Project NO. 91-6 Rosemount, Minnesota 1. The following proposal is made for Erickson Park Improvements, Park Project No. 91-6, City of Rosemount, Minnesota. 2. The Undersigned certifies that the Contract Documents listed in the Instructions to Bidders have been carefully examined, and that the site of the work has been personally inspected. The Undersigned declares that theamount and nature of the work to be done is understood, and that at no time will misunderstanding of the Contract Documents be pleaded. On the basis of the Contract Documents the Undersigned propo I es to furnish all necessary apparatus and other means of construction, to do all the work and furnish all the materials in the manner specified, and to accept as full compensation therefore the sum of the various products obtained by multiplying each unit price herein bid for the work or materials, by quant ties thereof actually incorporated in the completed project, as determined by the Engineer. The Und rsigned understands that the quantities mentioned herein are approximate only, and are subject to increase or decrease, and hereby proposes to perform all quantities of work as either increased or decreased, in accordance with the provisions of the specifications, at the unit prices bid In the following Proposal Schedules, unless such schedule designates lump sum bids. 3. PROPOSAL SCHEDULE: The Bidder agrees to perform all work described in the specifications and shown on the piano for the following unit prices: OSM Project No. 1783.06 PF - 1 PROPOSAL FORM PROJECT: ERICKSON PARK IMPROVEMI CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PROJI ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA PARK PROJECT 91-6 NO: 91-6 BID DATE: TOTAL PARK PROJECT 91-6 S GRAND TOTAL S Total Item No ------- Spec No -------- Descjription ---------------------------------------- Quantity -------- Units Unit Price Item Total 1 2105.501 CEXCAVATION 5000 CU YD S 2 2573.503 SEE ING 2 ACRE S 3 2575.501 EROSION CONTROL 400 LIN FT S 4 2575.523FIBER BLANKET TYPE REGULAR 150 S. Y. t TOTAL PARK PROJECT 91-6 S GRAND TOTAL S 4. The Contract shall b awarded to the lowest responsible bidder for the Grand Total Bid only. 5. The Undersigned fu her proposes to execute the Contract Agreement and to furnish satisfactory bond within ten (10) days after notice of the award of contract has been received. The Undersigned further proposes to begin work as specified, to complete the work on or before date specified, and to maintain at all times a Contract Bond, approved by the City, in an amount equal to the total bid. 6. In submitting this pr posal it Is understood that the right is reserved by the Owner to reject any or all proposals and to waive informalities. 7. In submitting this proposal, the Undersigned acknowledges receipt of Addenda Nos. Issued to the Contract Documents. 8. If a corporation, what is the state of incorporation? 9. If a partnership, stat full name of all co-partners. Official Address 19 OSM Project No. 1783.06 By - Title By - Title Firm Name PF -3 AFFIDAVIT AND INFORMATION REQUIRED OF BIDDERS Affidavit of Non -Collusion: I hereby swear (or affirm) under the penalty for perjury: (1) That I am the bidder (if the bidder is an individual), a partner in the bidder (if the bidder is a partnership), or an officer of employee of the bidding corporation having authority to sign on its behalf (if the bidder is a corporation); (2) That the attached bid or bids have been arrived at by the bidder independently, and have been submitted without colluslon with, and without any agreement, understanding, or planned common course of action with, any other vendor of materials, supplies, equipment or services described in the invitation to bid, d igned to limit independent bidding or competition; (3) That the contents Of the bid or bids have not been communicated by the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished with the bid or bids, and will not be communicated to any person prior to the official opening of the bid 'or bids; and (4) That I have fully informed myself regarding the accuracy of the statements made in this affidavit. Signed: Firm Name: Subscribed and sworn to b�efore me this day of , 19 Notary Public My commission expires '19— p � _ Bidder's E. I. Number: (Number used on Employe�'s Quarterly Federal Tax Return, U.S. Treasury Department Form 941): Fair Trade Items: List below each item upon which a bid is made, the price of which is affected by a resale price maintenance or "fair trade" contract between the bidder and the person or firm supplying the item to the bidder. (Use reverse side if necessary). I ANC - 1 CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION THIS AGREEMENT, made band entered into as of the day of , 1992, by and between the City of Rosemount, a muncipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter called the "Owner", and 1 , hereinafter called the "Contractor". WITNESSETH: That in consideration of ther mutual covenants and agreements as hereinafter set forth, the Owner for itself and the Contractor for itself, its successors, and assigns, covenants and agrees as follows; to wit: 1. The Contractor ag every other thing r all Contractor's s improvement whic agreed to provide contractor's corps complete the work No. 91-6" prepares all respects with t conditions and spe Project No. 91-6" 1 2. 3. The Contractor a conditions of this ADVERTISEME ?es to furnish all the necessary materials, labor, use of tools, equipment, plant and scessary to perform the work designated and referred to in this contract, including perintendence and to furnish everything necessary for the completion of the is the subject of this agreement (except such things as the Owner has specifically according to the contract documents); and agrees under penalty of a public ate surety bond in the amount of ($ ) to perform and shown in the plans and drawings, entitled "Erickson Park Improvement, Park Project by Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates, Inc., and dated , and to conform in e provisions and requirements of the general conditions, supplementary general ;ifications for said improvement, which is entitled "Erickson Park Improvements, Park r the Owner prepared by Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates, Inc., and dated that performance shall be in accordance with* the terms, requirements and nent, and laws of the State of Minnesota, and the following documents. FOR BIDS for said Improvement No. 91-6 for the Owner. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS for said Improvement No. 91-6 dated referred to in the preceding paragraph of this /agreement and made a part of the aforementioned proposal PLANS AND DRAVVINGS for said Improvement No. 91-6 as identified in a preceding paragraph of this Agreement and which are dated ANY ADDENDA to the plans, drawings, general conditions and specifications for said Improvement No. 91-6 which addenda were prepared by Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates, Inc. PUBLIC CONTRACTOR'S SURETY BOND in the principal sum of the amount bid. Each and all of th aforementioned contract documents are hereby incorporated into this Agreement by specific referen a and the terms and provisions thereof are and constitute a part of this Agreement as though attach hereto or fully set forth herein. The Owner agrees) to pay the Contractor for the performance of this Agreement and the Contractor agrees to accept in full compensation therefor, the sums set forth within the aforementioned proposal IOSM Project No. 1783.06 C.F.C. - 1 of the Contractor for each unit and each type of unit of work to be performed. It is understood and agreed that the said proposal is for the construction of said Improvement No. 91-6 on a unit price basis in accordance withhe said proposal, and that sum of $ as set out in said proposal, is the sum of the unit pries, multiplied by the estimated quantities of the respective units of work listed ■ therein. KNOW ALL MEN PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND ' THESE PRESENTS that we as principal _ and — (a corporation certified by the Minnesota Commission of Insurance as a surety as provided in Minnesota Statutes Sec. 71.31 and 574.15) 1 firmly bound unto the a Minnesota ter called the "Obligee", for the use of the Obligee and of all persons ng work or furnishing skill, tools, machinery, materials or insurance lent or supplies, for any camp maintained for the feeding or keeping ;ngaged under, or for the purpose of, the contract described below, in Dollars ($ ), for the ll and truly to be made we bind ourselves, and each of us, and our, and rs, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a written contract with the Obligee dated and for which a boi NOW TFTEREFOI accordance with its work, tools, machin shall save the Oblig doing of the work brought hereon, in successfully maintai bond shall be void, No assignment, moc and authorized to ac a Surety, are held an corporation, hereinal and corporations doi premiums, or equipn of men and animals the amount of _ payment of which we a each of our, successc PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND ' THESE PRESENTS that we as principal _ and — (a corporation certified by the Minnesota Commission of Insurance as a surety as provided in Minnesota Statutes Sec. 71.31 and 574.15) 1 firmly bound unto the a Minnesota ter called the "Obligee", for the use of the Obligee and of all persons ng work or furnishing skill, tools, machinery, materials or insurance lent or supplies, for any camp maintained for the feeding or keeping ;ngaged under, or for the purpose of, the contract described below, in Dollars ($ ), for the ll and truly to be made we bind ourselves, and each of us, and our, and rs, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a written contract with the Obligee dated and for which a boi NOW TFTEREFOI accordance with its work, tools, machin shall save the Oblig doing of the work brought hereon, in successfully maintai bond shall be void, No assignment, moc 1 19 , for the regularity and validity of which is hereby affirmed 1 is required by Minnesota Statutes Section 574.26; E, if the Principal shall perform and complete said contract in erms and shall pay, as they may become due, all just claim for such ry, skill, materials, insurance premiums, equipment and supplies, and harmless from all cots and charges that may occur on account of the ;)ecified and for the enforcing of the terms of this bond if action is luding reasonable attorney fees, in any case where such action is ed and for the compliance with the laws appertaining thereto, then this nit otherwise shall remain in full force and effect. ifications, or change in the contract, or change in the work covered nsion of time for completion of the contract, shall release the Surety and dated this day of , 19 is Signature: (Seal of Contracto if a Corporation) Witness to Surety's Signature: By. Its And Its Its thereby, nor any ext, on this bond. Sealed with our seal Witnesses to Contra 1 19 , for the regularity and validity of which is hereby affirmed 1 is required by Minnesota Statutes Section 574.26; E, if the Principal shall perform and complete said contract in erms and shall pay, as they may become due, all just claim for such ry, skill, materials, insurance premiums, equipment and supplies, and harmless from all cots and charges that may occur on account of the ;)ecified and for the enforcing of the terms of this bond if action is luding reasonable attorney fees, in any case where such action is ed and for the compliance with the laws appertaining thereto, then this nit otherwise shall remain in full force and effect. ifications, or change in the contract, or change in the work covered nsion of time for completion of the contract, shall release the Surety and dated this day of , 19 is Signature: (Seal of Contracto if a Corporation) Witness to Surety's Signature: By. Its And Its Its GENERAL CONDITIONS INDEX PARAGRAPH DESCRIPTION PAGE NO. 1. General 1 2. Definitions 1 3. Interpretation of Proposed Contract Documents 2 4. Engineer's Status 3 5. Compliance with Laws, Building Codes and Regulations 3 6. Owner's Instructions for Bonds and Insurance 4 7. Indemnification 6 8. Patented Devices, Materials and Processes 7 9. Permits and Licenses; Rights-of-way and Easements 7 10. Assignment of Contract 7 11. Subcontracting 7 12. 13. Contractor's Responsibilities Termination of Contractor's Responsibility 7 8 14. Measurements 8 15. Commencement and Performance of Work 8 16. Contractor Disputes 9 17. Conformity with Plans and Specifications 9 18. Coordination of Plans and Specifications 9 19. Contractor's Right to Request Changes 10 20. Changes in Plans, Specifications or Character of Work 10 21. Supervision 11 22. Labor 12 23. Storage of Materials 12 24. Testing of Materials 12 25. Defective Work 12 26. Protection of Work, Persons and Property 13 27. Damage to Existing Improvements 14 28. Privileges of Contractor in Streets, Alleys and Rights -of -Way 16 29. 30. Observatio i of Work Delays and Extension of Time 16 16 31. Removal of Nonconforming Material 17 32. Correction of Work After Final Payment 17 33. Failure to Complete Work on Time 17 34. The Right of the Owner to Do the Work 18 35. Right of the Owner to Declare Contractor in Default 18 36. Exercise ol the Right to Declare in Default 19 37. quitting the Site 19 38. Completion of the Work After Default 19 39. Partial Default 20 40. Progress Payments 20 41. Scope of Payment 21 42. Payments Withheld 21 OSM Project G.C. - Index PARAGRAPH DES RIPT ON PAGE NO. 43. 44. Final Inspection Final Payment 21 21 45. No Waiver of Legal Rights 22 46. Workin Storms 22 47. Night Work 22 48. Use of Exp osives 22 49. Noise Elimination 23 50. Water 23 51. Sanitary Provisions 23 52. Fossils 23 53, Accident Prevention 23 54. "Or Equal" lause 23 55. Discriminat on on Account of Race, Creed, or Color Prohibited 23 56. Sites to be Kept Clean 24 57. Guarantee 24 58. Severability 24 59. Effect on Headings and Table of Contents 24 60. 61. Contract Counterparts Construction 24 24 62. Written Notice to Parties 25 63. Compliance with Human Rights Requirements 25 64. Permissive Arbitration Clause 25 OSM Project G.C. - Index 1. 2. GENERAL - The work covered' un ni:mmIT1nMq GENERAL CONDITIONS owing conditions are part of the Contract Documents and shall prevail on all this Contract. en used in this Contract, the following terms and their pronouns have the following meanings unless the context clearly requires otherwise: "A.S.T.M." means A erican Society for Testing Materials. "ATTORNEY'S FEEO" means fees charged by counsel and the costs of litigation, including the costs of prosecuting or defending an appeal, regardless of whether the appeal is of right or merely discretionary. "BIDDER" means any individual, firm or corporation submitting a proposal for the work contemplated, acti 'g directly or through a duly authorized representative. "COMPLETION DATE" means the date on which the Engineer certifies, in writing, to the Owner that the Project is complete. "CONSTRUCTIONDETAILS" means the engineer drawn directions pertaining to labor and material construction requir ments on specific portions of the project. "CONTRACT" meas the agreement covering the performance of the labor and the furnishing of materials in the construction of the Project. The Contract shall include the "Contract Documents", the "Contract Bid", and all supplemental agreements which reasonably may be required to complete the construction of the Project. "CONTRACT BOND" means the approved form of security furnished by the Contractor and his Surety as a guarantee of good faith on the part of the Contractor to execute the work in accordance with the terms of the Contract Documents. "CONTRACT DOCUMENTS" means this Contract, the Plans and Specifications, the Construction Details, the Bid Proposal, the Proposal Guarantee, the Contract Bond, all insurance policies insuring any risk associated with this Project, all amendments, changes, or addendums made in accordance with the provisions of any of said documents. "CONTRACT PRICE" means the amount of money the Owner has agreed to pay to the Contractor pursuant to the Contractor's bid: "CONTRACTOR" means the individual, firm or corporation with whom the Owner contracts herein and unless specified otherwise includes subcontractors. "ENGINEER" means the City Engineer or its designee with respect to its responsibilities as Project engineer. "LABORATORY" means the testing laboratory approved by the Engineer to inspect and determine the suitability of materials and other aspects of the Project. "OBSERVER" meas an authorized representative of the Owner or Engineer assigned to observe OSM Project General Conditions G.C. 1 the work. "OWNER" means the individual, or other entity as identified in the Supplementary General Conditions. "PLANS" means all E pproved drawings or reproduction of drawings pertaining to the construction ■ of the Project.' "PROJECT" means t e construction, erection, installation or other improvement to real property as contemplated in the Plans and Specifications and all work fairly implied or understood as included in the Contract Documents. "PROJECT SITE" means the land in which, or on which, the Project is to be constructed, erected or installed and includes all areas for which the Owner has acquired easements for purposes of this Project. "PROPOSAL" mean the written proposal of the Bidder to complete the Project as contemplated in the Contract Documents, submitted in the Proposal Forma "PROPOSAL FORM" means the approved form prepared by the Owner on which the Bidder submits . his proposal for the Project. "PROPOSAL GUARANTY" means the security as designated in the Proposal to be furnished by the Bidder as a guarantee of good faith to enter into a contract with the Owner, if the Contract is awarded to him. "SPECIFICATIONS" eans the directions, conditions, provisions and requirements, together with all written agreements ade or to be made, pertaining to the method and manner of performing the labor, and to the quality and quantity of materials to be furnished under the. Contract. "SURETY" means the individual or corporate body which is bound with and for the Contractor for the acceptable performance of the Contract and for his payment for all obligations pertaining to the Project. "WORKING DAYS" means any day, excluding Saturday, Sunday, or State recognized Legal Holidays, when weather conditions or the results of weather conditions will allow the Contractor to pursue, for two hours 'between 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. with the normal working force, any item or items of work which would be in progress at that time. MEANING OF EXPRESSIONS: In order to avoid cumbersome and confusing repetition of expressions in the Contract Documents whenever it is provided that anything is, or is to be done, if, or as or when, or where "contemplated", "required", "directed", "specified", "authorized "ordered "permitted", "suspended", "approved", "accepted", "given", "designated", "indicated", "considered necessary", "unacceptable", "suitable", "unsuitable", "satisfactory", "unsatisfactory", or "sufficient", it shall be taken to mean by or to the Engineer. 3. INTERPRETATION OF PROPOSED CONTRACT DOCUMENTS - Prior to submitting a bid on the Project, any person in doubt as to the meaning of any part of the Plans, Specifications or other OSM Project General Conditions G.C. 2 proposed Contract Documents, may submit to the Engineer a written request for an interpretation thereof. Any, interpretation of the proposed documents will be made or delivered to each person receiving a set of tf e Contract Documents and such other prospective bidders who have requested that they be furnisf ed with a copy of each addendum. The Owner will not be responsible for any other explanation or interpretations of the proposed Contract Documents. 4. ENGINEER' STATUS - The Engineer shall be responsible for administration of the Contract. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to supervise and control its subcontractors and employees and their actions. The Engineer will be the interpreter of the requirements of the Contract Documents and the judge of the performance thereunder by both the Owner and Contractor. The Engineer will render with reasonable promptness interpretations necessary for the proper execution of progress of the work. Either party to the contract may make written request to the Engineer for such interpretations. Claims, disputes and other matters in question between the Contractor and the Owner relating to the execution or progress of the work or the interpretation of the Contract Documents shall be initially referred to the Engineer for decision, which decision will be rendered in writing within a reasonable time. Iri the case of any discrepancy occurring between the Plans and Specifications, the decision of thE Engineer is final. Unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents, the Owner shall forward all instructions to the Contractor through the Engineer. The Engineer will be the initial interpreter of the requirements of the Contract Documents and judge of the acceptability of the Work thereunder. Claims, disputes and other matters relating to the acceptability of the work or the interpretation of the requirements of the Contract Documents pertaining to',the performance and furnishing of the work and claims under this contract in respect of the changes in the Contract Price or time of the performance will be referred initially to the Engineer in writing with a request for a formal decision in accordance with this paragraph, which the Engineer, will render in writing within a reasonable time. Written notice of each such claim, dispute and other matter will be delivered by the claimant to the Engineer and the other party to the Contract promptly (but in no event later than thirty days) after the occurrence of the event giving rise thereto, and written supporting data will be submitted to the Engineer and the other party within sixty days after such occurrence unless the Engineer allows an additional period of time to ascertain more accurate data in support of the claim. When functioning cis interpreter and judge under this paragraph, the Engineer will not show partiality to Owner or Contractor and will not be liable in connection with any interpretation or decision rendered in good faith in such capacity. The rendering of the decision by the Engineering pursuant to this paragraph with respect to any such claim, dispute or other matter will be a condition precedent to any exercise by Owner or Contractor of such rights or remedies as either may otherwise have under the Contract Documents or by laws or regulations in respect of any such claim, dispute or other matter. The Engineer shall not be responsible for the means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction selected by the Contractor or its agents, employees, subcontractors or delegatees or for afety precautions and programs incidental to the work of the Contractor. 5. COMPLIAN E W TH LAWS BUILDING CODES AND REGULATIONS - The Contractor shall familiarize himself ith all codes, laws, ordinances and regulations which in any manner affect those engaged or employed in the Projector the materials or equipment used in or upon the Project, or OSM Project General Conditions G.C. - 3 in any way affect the performance of the work on the Project. The provisions of such codes, laws or ordinances are deemed to be a part of this Contract and the Contractor shall be bound by the provisions thereof. To the fullest extent permitted bylaw, the Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Owner and Engi ieer and all of their directors, officers, employees, agents and servants against any loss, claim, iiabi ity or expense (including reasonable Attorney's Fees) arising from or based on the violation by Con ractor, its employees, subcontractors, agents or delegatees of any such code, law, ordinance or regulation. If the Contractor shall discover any provisions in the Plans, Contract, or Specifications or any direction of the Engineer or Observer which is contrary to or inconsistent with any such code, law, ordinance, regulation, he shall forthwith give notice of the inconsistency to the Engineer. OWNER'S IN TRU TI NS FOR BONDS AND INSURANCE - No Contractor or Subcontractor shall commence work under this contract until he has obtained at his own cost and expense all insurance required herein. All insurance coverage is subject to approval of the Owner and shall be maintained by the Contractor until final completion of the work. All insurance shall be on an occurrence basis form only. A. Bid S curit Bid security in the amount of five percent (5%) of the bid shall be submitted with the bid. Failure of the successful bidder to execute the Contract and to furnish an acceptable bond within ten (10) days after receiving written notice of the award of bids shall cause, the bid security to be forfeited as liquidated damages. B. Cont[' ct B ind: A contract or perfomance bond is required in the amount of 100% of the Contract. C. Work is C m ensation: The Contractor shall obtain, and maintain for the duration of this Contract, statutory Worker's Compensation Insurance and Employer's Liability Insurance as required under the laws of the State of Minnesota. 1. State: Minnesota - Statutory 2. Applicable federal (e.g. Longshoreman, harbor work, work at or outside U.S. Bo ndaries) 3. 4. 5. D. Compr Protecti shall ',ol through Bodily I Employer's Liability Benefits required by Union Labor contracts: As applicable. VCUCIIrldl LICIUUUYkI I Jt;JUUJJJY l- I CIINJCJ-VNc/Qu V�. ucNcwo.•v... oducts and Completed Operations• Broad Form Property Damage: Contractor the following minimum insurance coverage and maintain it at all times e life of the Contract, with the Owner included as an additional name insured: $2,000,000 each occurrence OSM Project General Conditions G.C. 4 $2,000,000 aggregate, products and completed operations Property Da age: $2,000,000 each occurrence $2,000,000 aggregate Produ is and Completed Operations Insurance shah be maintained for a minimum period of thre (3)ears after final payment and Contractor shall continue to provide evidence of such cover a to Owner on an annual basis during the aforementioned period; or if for any reason Contractor's work ceases before final payment, for a minimum period of three (3) years from a date Contractor ceases work. Property Damage Liability Insurance shall include coverage for the following hazards: X (Explosion) C (Collapse` U (Underground) Contractual Liability (Identifying the contract Bodily Injury: $2,000,000 each occurrence Property Damage: $2,000,000 each occurrence $2,000,000 aggregate Personal Injury, with Employment Exclusion deleted: $2,000,000 aggregate Com rehen ive Automobile Liability owned non -owned hired Bodily Inju $2,000,000 each person $2,000,000 each accident Property Damage: $2,000,000 each occurrence Aircr ft Lia Ilii owned and non -owned when applicable, as follows: With limitsproposed by Contractor for Owner's approval. Watercraft Liabilitv (owned or non -owned when applicable, as follows: Bodily Injury: $2,000,000 each person $2,000,000 each occurrence Property Damage: $2,000,000 each occurrence The terms used in this Paragraph E to specify the required insurance are to be interpreted according to the ordinary usage of the insurance industry. N Project General Conditions G.C. - 5 ' E. Builde 's that if is maintained, Owner and of the lOwnE the Owner 1 F. Proof',gf Inc with cbmpa to the Own{ they shall s days prior certificates evidence of waiver of C, as an'estor c - Fire and Extended Coverage Insurance: If the nature of the Project is such urable against the perils of fire, extended coverage, vandalism, malicious or off site storage and in transit. Such insurance shall be procured and intil final acceptance of the project, by the Contractor on behalf of himself, the its subcontractors on a completed value form. If it is deemed in the interest , the Owner may purchase the above coverage and Contractor shall reimburse ie cost thereof. irance: Insurance certificates evidencing that the above insurance is in force pies acceptable to the Owner and in the amounts required shall be submitted r for examination and approval prior to execution of the Contract, after which ecifically provide that a certificate will not be modified except upon thirty (30) ritten notice to the Owner. Neither Owner's failure to require or insist upon , r other evidence of insurance, nor Owner's acceptance of a certificate or other insurance showing a variance from the specified coverage shall constitute a ntractor's responsibility to comply with the insurance specifications or operate )el against Owner. G. Contra ctor' Insurance: Contractor provides the financial protection of the required insurance to benefit both Owner and Contractor. Providing and paying for this insurance is part of the consideration which Contractor offers Owner. Owner does not in any way represent or warrant that the types or limits of insurance specified in this article adequately protect Contractor's interest or sufficiently cover Contractor's liabilities. 7. INDEMNIFICATIO - To the fullest extent permitted by laws and regulations Contractor shall indemnify, defend a id hold harmless Owner, its Officials and Engineer and their consultants, agents and employees fro n and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, direct, indirect or consequential (inCIL ding but not limited to fees and charges of engineers, architects and Attorneys Fees), arising',out Of or resulting from the performance of the work, provided that any such claim, damage, loss or expense (a) is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or for injury to or destruction of roperty, including but not limited to the loss of use resulting therefrom and (b) is caused in whole or in part by a negligent act or omission of Contractor, any Subcontractor, any person or organizat on directly or indirectly employed by any of them, to perform or furnish any of the work or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, regardless of whether or not it is caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder or arises by or is imposed by law and regulations irrespective of the negligence of any such party. In any and all, claims against Owner or Engineer or any of their consultants, agents or employees by any employee of Contractor, any subcontractor, any person or organization directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform or furnish any of the work or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, the indemnification obligation under this paragraph shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for Contractor or damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for Contractor or any such subcontractor oro her person or organization under worker's or workmen's compensation acts, 1 disability benefit acs or other employee benefit acts. The obligation of Contractor under this paragraph shall not extend to the liability of Engineer, Engineer's consultants, agents or employees arising out of the preparation or approval of maps, drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, change orders, designs or specifications. OSM Project General Conditions G.C. - 6 , � Contractor ag�ees that the indemnities stated in this Paragraph 7 should be construed and applied in favor of Ind ('mnifi ation. To the extent permitted by law, the stated indemnities apply regardless of any strict Liability or negligence attributable to the Owner (including sole negligence) or Engineer and regardless of t ie extent to which the underlying harm is attributable to the negligence or otherwise wrongful ct or omission (including breach of contract) of Contractor, its subcontractors, agents, employees r delgatees. Contractor also agrees that if applicable law limits or precludes any aspect of the mated indemnities, then the indemnities will be considered limited only to the extent necessary tt comply with that applicable law. The stated indemnities continue until all applicable statutes of limitations have run. If claim arises within the scope of the stated indemnity, Owner may require Contractor to: (a) furnish and pay for a surety bond, satisfactory to Owner, guaranteeing 'perfor ance of the indemnity from Contractor's insurance company. Contractor will take the action reqL fired by Owner within fifteen (15) days of receiving notice from Owner. 8. PATENTED DiEVIC S MATERIALS AND PROCESSES - If the Contract requires, or the Contractor desires, the use of z ny design, device, material or process covered by letters, patent or copyright, trademark or trade r iame, the Contractor shall provide for such use by suitable legal agreement with the patentee or ow er and a copy of said agreement shall be filed with the Owner. If no such agreement is' madE or filed as noted, the Contractor and the Surety shall indemnify and save harmless the Owner and Engineer from any and all claims for infringement by reason of the use of any such patented c esign, device, material or process, or any trademark or trade name or copyright ' in connection with t ie Project agreed to be performed under the Contract, and shall indemnify and defend the Owner and Engineer for any costs, liability, expenses and Attorney's Fees that result from any such infringement. ' 9. PERMITS AND LICENSES; RIGHTS-OF-WAY AND EASEMENTS - The Contractor shall procure all permits and licenses, pay all charges and fees therefore and give all notices necessary and incidental to the construction and completion of the Project. The Owner will obtain all necessary rights of way and easements. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional compensation for any construction delay resulting from the Owner's not timely obtaining rights of way or easements. 10. ASSIGNMENT OF ONTRACT - No assignment by the Contractor of his rights or obligations under the Contract bocu ents, or of the funds to be received thereunder by the Contractor, will be valid unless such assign ent has the prior written approval of the Owner, and each Surety has been i given due notice o such assignment and has furnished written consent thereto. The following language must be iricluded in any assignment of funds by the Contractor. ' "It is agree that the funds to be paid to the assignee under this assignment are subject to the prior lin for services rendered or materials supplied for the performance of the work called for in said Contract in favor of all persons, firms or corporations rendering such services or supplying such materials." 11. SUBCONTRACTI G - All Subcontractors shall be subject to the approval of the Owner and the Engineer and; no SL bcontract shall be let without such approval. Contracts between the Contractor and the Subcontra tors shall incorporate all the provisions of this Contract. 12. CONTRACT R'S I IESPONSIBILITIES - The Contractor shall furnish all necessary equipment, tools, labor, and material of every character and shall fully complete the Project in accordance with the Plans, Specifications and detail drawings, for the Contract Price. The work to be performed under OSM Project General Conditions G.C. - 7 this Contract for this improvement is to be at the Contractor's risk and he is to assume the responsibility f r, and risk of, all damages to the Project or to property adjacent to the Project site. The Contractor is further responsible for the safety and protection of its employees, subcontractors or delegatees on theProject. The Contractor shall have charge of and be responsible for the entire Project until its completion and acceptance. He shah be liable for any defects or deficiencies in his work. The Contractor warrants to the Owner and the Engineer that all materials and equipment furnished under this Contract i vill be new unless otherwise specified, and that all work will be of good quality, free from faults and defects and in conformance with the Contract Documents. All work not conforming to these requirements, including substitutions not properly approved and authorized, may be considered efective. If required by the Engineer, the Contractor shall furnish satisfactory evidence as to the k nd and quality of materials and equipment. This warranty is not limited by the provisions of Paragraph 57. The Contractor shall have sole responsibility for the means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction selected by the Contractor or its agents, employees, subcontractors or delegatees and for safety precautions and programs incidental to the work of the Contractor. 13. TERMINATION OFCONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY Except as otherwise provided for in the Contract Documents, the Contractor's responsibility shall continue until final acceptance of his work by the Engine ier, such acceptance to be made in accordance with the provisions of this Contract. 14. MEASUREMENTS Before ordering any material or doing any work, the Contractor shall verify all measurements, dist nces, and calculations contained in the Specifications and shall be responsible for the same. No extra charge or compensation will be allowed on account of difference between actual dimensions and dimensions indicated on the drawings; any difference which may be found shall be submitted to the Engineer for considerations before proceeding with the work. U.S. Standard Me sures will be used in the measurement of all work completed and such measurements will a used as a basis for the computation of the quantities of work performed. Linear measuremen s will be taken horizontally on all work except structures which will be measured according to the neat line shown on the Plans or as ordered. Where work is to be paid for by units of length, area, volume or weight, only the finished work shall be paid for, local customs to the contrary notvithsta ding. For the estimating of quantities in which the computation of areas is required, it is agreed that the planimeter shall be considered an instrument of precision adapted to the measurement o such areas. 15. COMMENCE MENTAND PERFORMANCE OF WORK - No work shall be started until the Contract has been executed and the Contractor has fulfilled all preliminary requirements of the Contract. ' Following exe cutior of this Contract, at the Owner's discretion, the Owner shall give the Contractor written notice; to cc mmence work on the Project. The Contractor shall commence work on the Project within ten ( 0) days of the date of such notice. The starting date for work on the Project shall be the date the Contractor actually commences work on the Project or the tenth day after the ' date of the notice to commence work, whichever occurs first. 1 OSM Project General Conditions G.C. - 8 1� The completion date shall be calculated using the starting date as defined above. In the event work on the Project is temporarily discontinued by the Contractor, he shall notify the Engineer, in writing, at least 24 hours before resuming work on the Project. The Contractor' shall submit, at such times as may reasonably be requested by the Engineer, schedules which shat show the order in which the Contractor proposes to carry on work on this Project, with dates on which the Contractor will commence working on the several parts of the Project and esti i matec dates of completion of the several parts. The Engineer shall have the right to change the schedule as he deems necessary. The work shall be performed in a manner that will insure completion within the time set in the contract. In case of failure to perform the work in such manner, the Engineer shall have the right to require the Contractor to place in operation such additional force and equipment as he deems necessary. CONTRACTOR DISPUTES - In case of a dispute arising between two or more Contractors engaged on the same Project, the Engineer shall determine the matters at issue and shall define the respective rights oft the various interests involved. His decisions shall be final and binding on all parties concerned and shall not in any way be a cause for claim for extra compensation by any one of the parties. CONFORMITY'WIT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS - The Contractor shall not deviate from the Plans, Specifications, details or the approved working drawings of the Project without the written approval of the 'Engin er. All work performed and all materials furnished shall be in conformity with the material requirements indicated in the specifications or Special Provisions. If, in the opinion of tt e Engineer, any of the work performed or any materials furnished are not in conformity with', the P ans or Specifications, such work or materials will be. considered as defective work, and will be subj ct to Provision 1512 of the Minnesota Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Highway Construction. COORDINATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS - The Contractor shall notify the Engineer of any apparent error or omission in the Plans, Specifications or details. The Engineer shall be permitted to make Such corrections and interpretations as he deems necessary for the fulfillment to the intent ofthe Plans, Specifications or Details. Work not specifically included in the Contract Documents, but which may be fairly implied or understood as included therein, shall be performed by the Contractor without extra charge. Any ambiguity or discrepancy in the Contract Documents regarding work to be performed or materials to be, used shall be resolved in favor of the best class of work or materials reasonably available to the Cont actor. In the case of any die, crepancy between the scale and figures on all Pians, details or drawings, the figured dimensions s iall govern. In the case of any discrepancy between the quantities shown in the Proposal and those shown on the Plans, the Plans shall prevail. In the case of any other discrepancy in the C ntract Documents, the decision of the Engineer shall be conclusive. OSM Project General Conditions G.C. - 9 � 16. 17. The completion date shall be calculated using the starting date as defined above. In the event work on the Project is temporarily discontinued by the Contractor, he shall notify the Engineer, in writing, at least 24 hours before resuming work on the Project. The Contractor' shall submit, at such times as may reasonably be requested by the Engineer, schedules which shat show the order in which the Contractor proposes to carry on work on this Project, with dates on which the Contractor will commence working on the several parts of the Project and esti i matec dates of completion of the several parts. The Engineer shall have the right to change the schedule as he deems necessary. The work shall be performed in a manner that will insure completion within the time set in the contract. In case of failure to perform the work in such manner, the Engineer shall have the right to require the Contractor to place in operation such additional force and equipment as he deems necessary. CONTRACTOR DISPUTES - In case of a dispute arising between two or more Contractors engaged on the same Project, the Engineer shall determine the matters at issue and shall define the respective rights oft the various interests involved. His decisions shall be final and binding on all parties concerned and shall not in any way be a cause for claim for extra compensation by any one of the parties. CONFORMITY'WIT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS - The Contractor shall not deviate from the Plans, Specifications, details or the approved working drawings of the Project without the written approval of the 'Engin er. All work performed and all materials furnished shall be in conformity with the material requirements indicated in the specifications or Special Provisions. If, in the opinion of tt e Engineer, any of the work performed or any materials furnished are not in conformity with', the P ans or Specifications, such work or materials will be. considered as defective work, and will be subj ct to Provision 1512 of the Minnesota Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Highway Construction. COORDINATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS - The Contractor shall notify the Engineer of any apparent error or omission in the Plans, Specifications or details. The Engineer shall be permitted to make Such corrections and interpretations as he deems necessary for the fulfillment to the intent ofthe Plans, Specifications or Details. Work not specifically included in the Contract Documents, but which may be fairly implied or understood as included therein, shall be performed by the Contractor without extra charge. Any ambiguity or discrepancy in the Contract Documents regarding work to be performed or materials to be, used shall be resolved in favor of the best class of work or materials reasonably available to the Cont actor. In the case of any die, crepancy between the scale and figures on all Pians, details or drawings, the figured dimensions s iall govern. In the case of any discrepancy between the quantities shown in the Proposal and those shown on the Plans, the Plans shall prevail. In the case of any other discrepancy in the C ntract Documents, the decision of the Engineer shall be conclusive. OSM Project General Conditions G.C. - 9 � ,e The completion date shall be calculated using the starting date as defined above. In the event work on the Project is temporarily discontinued by the Contractor, he shall notify the Engineer, in writing, at least 24 hours before resuming work on the Project. The Contractor' shall submit, at such times as may reasonably be requested by the Engineer, schedules which shat show the order in which the Contractor proposes to carry on work on this Project, with dates on which the Contractor will commence working on the several parts of the Project and esti i matec dates of completion of the several parts. The Engineer shall have the right to change the schedule as he deems necessary. The work shall be performed in a manner that will insure completion within the time set in the contract. In case of failure to perform the work in such manner, the Engineer shall have the right to require the Contractor to place in operation such additional force and equipment as he deems necessary. CONTRACTOR DISPUTES - In case of a dispute arising between two or more Contractors engaged on the same Project, the Engineer shall determine the matters at issue and shall define the respective rights oft the various interests involved. His decisions shall be final and binding on all parties concerned and shall not in any way be a cause for claim for extra compensation by any one of the parties. CONFORMITY'WIT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS - The Contractor shall not deviate from the Plans, Specifications, details or the approved working drawings of the Project without the written approval of the 'Engin er. All work performed and all materials furnished shall be in conformity with the material requirements indicated in the specifications or Special Provisions. If, in the opinion of tt e Engineer, any of the work performed or any materials furnished are not in conformity with', the P ans or Specifications, such work or materials will be. considered as defective work, and will be subj ct to Provision 1512 of the Minnesota Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Highway Construction. COORDINATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS - The Contractor shall notify the Engineer of any apparent error or omission in the Plans, Specifications or details. The Engineer shall be permitted to make Such corrections and interpretations as he deems necessary for the fulfillment to the intent ofthe Plans, Specifications or Details. Work not specifically included in the Contract Documents, but which may be fairly implied or understood as included therein, shall be performed by the Contractor without extra charge. Any ambiguity or discrepancy in the Contract Documents regarding work to be performed or materials to be, used shall be resolved in favor of the best class of work or materials reasonably available to the Cont actor. In the case of any die, crepancy between the scale and figures on all Pians, details or drawings, the figured dimensions s iall govern. In the case of any discrepancy between the quantities shown in the Proposal and those shown on the Plans, the Plans shall prevail. In the case of any other discrepancy in the C ntract Documents, the decision of the Engineer shall be conclusive. OSM Project General Conditions G.C. - 9 19. CONTRACTOR'S RIGHT TO REQUEST CHANGES - If the Contractor shall discover, prior to or during construction, anything in the Contract Documents or in supplementary directions by the Engineer which 1h the opinion of the Contractor appears to be faulty engineering or design, he shall forthwith advise the Engineer in writing of the apparent error. If no objection is raised by the Contractor under the provisions of this paragraph, the Contractor waives any right to contest the provisions of the Contract Documents on the basis of faulty engineering or design. 20. CHANGES IN PLANS. SPECIFICATIONS OR CHARACTER OF WORK - The Engineer has the right as the work on the Project progresses, to make changes in the Contract Documents or in the character of the work as may be considered necessary or desirable to complete construction of the Project. Such changes shall not invalidate the Contract. If the Contractor claims that any instructions, by drawings or otherwise, are unfair or involve extra costs for which he Would claim extra compensation, he shall give the Engineer written notice thereof within a reasonable time after the receipt of such instructions, and in any event before proceeding to perform the work, except in an emergency endangering fife or property, and the procedure shall then be as provided for changes in the work. The Owner or the Engineer may make changes in the Contract Documents by altering, adding to, or deducting from theContractor's obligations and the contract sum may be adjusted accordingly. In the event the 'chan a made by the Engineer is to delete certain work or materials, no claim for anticipated profits shall be made by the Contractor. No such order f ! or extra work or change shall be valid unless authorized by official action of the Owner and communicated to the Contractor in writing. All such work shall be executed under the terms and conditions of this Contract, except that any claim for extension of completion time caused thereby may beadjus ed at the time of ordering such change. The Contractor shall be informed in writing of any such changes before performing the work. After receipt of such' notic , the Contractor shall have five (5) days to submit a written request for clarification, for addec compensation or for extension of completion time. Should the Contractor, after having been noti led and before any agreement regarding added compensation or extended completion time has been reached, perform any of the work covered by such changes, it will be construed that he has accepted such change of the work without added compensation or extension of time. For the purpose, of co npensating the Contractor, the value of any authorized extra work or change shall be determined in the following manner: A. For all labor required to implement the change, the Contractor will receive the actual wages paid for, each and every hour that laborers are actually engaged in such work, plus the cost of bond,, insurance, and taxes allowable to such wage cost, to which cost shall be added ten percent (0%) of the sum thereof. No charge shall be made by the Contractor for organization or overhead expenses. B. For all materials used the Contractor will receive the actual cost of such materials including freight charges as shown by originals receipted bills, to which cost shall be added fifteen percent (15%) of the sum thereof. OSM Project General Conditions G.C. 10 7 l Where materials are not specifically purchased for such extra work or changes, but are taken from the Contractor's stock, the Contractor shall submit an affidavit of the quantity, price a,bd freight on such materials in lieu of original bills, and invoices. This affidavit shall be approved by the Engineer. C. For any mac iinery, trucks, or equipment required to implement change, the Contractor will receive a rez sonable rental price for each and every hour that said machinery Wicks and equipment are in use on such work, and to which sum no percentage will be added. Such rental price shall not exceed the rates established by the Rental Hate Blue Book for Construction Equipment for this district for comparable rentals and shall be subject to the Enalneer's a nroval. The compensation as herein provided shall be received by the Contractor as payment in full for ' work done pursuant to any change and said ten percent (10%) for labor and said fifteen percent (15%) for materials shall cover profit, superintendence, general expense, overhead, bond premiums, insurance, the use ol small tools and equipment for which no rental is allowed, and all other costs ' incidental to implem Ming the change. The Contractor or his representative and the Engineer or his representative shall compare records of work performed pursuant to change at the end of each day. Copies of the records shall be ' made in triplicate an signed by both parties. All such claim's for abor, affidavits of materials used, and claims for equipment used shall be presented to the Engineer for payment not later than the first day of the month following that in which the work was actually performed and shall include all labor charges and material charges insofar as they, can be verified. ' Should the Contractor refuse or fail to execute the work as directed, or to submit his claim as required, the Owne may withhold payment of all current draw requests or, after giving the Contractor due noti a the Owner may make payment for said work on a basis of a reasonable estimate of the valu of the work performed. 21. SUPERVISION - The Contractor shall designate one or more of his employees who shall have responsibility and control of the Contractor's obligations and rights under the Contract Documents. At least one of,such designated individuals will be present on the Project Site at all times that work is in progress. ' These designated individuals shall represent the Contractor and all directions given to them pursuant to the Contract Doc iments shall be binding as if given to the Contractor. All directions shall be confirmed on writter1 request by Contractor. The Contractor shall give efficient supervision to the Project using his best skill and attention, shall carefully study, and compare all drawings, specifications and other instructions and shall promptly notify the Engineer of any inconsistency or omission which he may discover. ' Copies of the Plan and Specifications will be supplied to the Contractor by the Engineer. The Contractor shall have the Plans and Specifications available on the Project Site at all times during ' the performance of the work. He shall give the Project his constant attention to facilitate the progress thereof and shall cooperate with the Engineer in setting and preserving stakes, bench OSM Project General Conditions G.C. - 11 J marks, and all other things that are necessary for satisfactory completion of the Project. 22. LABOR -Only dompe ent labor shall be employed on this Project. Whenever mechanical work is required, it shall' be p rformed by skilled labor. The foreman or other person directing the work shall be competent, s ber, and reliable, and shall extend every facility to the Engineer to enable him to properly discharge his duties, and shall furnish such help as may be necessary to facilitate the inspection of materials. The Owner reserves the right to require the removal of any particular workman or workmen on the job if, in the judgment of the Engineer, it shalt be for the best interests of the Project that su h particular workman or workmen be removed. Wherever possible, local workers shall be:: given preference over imported workers, provided that they are equally competent at the work applied for. Except for labor performed pursuant to a change in the Plans, Specifications or Character of the work as stated above, and authorized by the Engineer, the Contractor will not be allowed any compensation for any work performed on Saturdays, Sundays or legal holidays. 23. STORAGE OF MATERIALS - Materials shall be stored so as to insure the preservation of their quality and fitness for the work. Such materials, even though approved before storage, shall be subject at any time to testing and must meet the requirements of the Contract Documents at the time if they are' used in the Project. Materials shall be stored in a manner that will facilitate inspection. 24. 25. The portion of the Project Site or right-of-way not required for public travel may, with the consent of the Engineer, be u ed for storage purposes and for the placing of the Contractor's plant and equipment; but any ac ditional space required, unless otherwise stipulated, shall be provided by the Contractor at his expense. All materials, supplies and articles used in the Project shall, whenever so specified, and otherwise wherever practicable, be the standard stock products of recognized reputable manufacturers.. From the commencement of the work until the completion of the same, the Contractor shall be solely responsible for the care of the materials delivered at the site and intended to be used in the Project, and all injury or damage to the same from whatever cause, shall be at his expense. The Contractor shall', provide suitable means of protection for and shall take all necessary precautions to prevent injury or damage to the materials of construction due to inclemencies of the weather at any and all times. and at the expe facilities as the materials repre, to satisfy the C without charge. IALS - When tests of materials are necessary, such tests shall be made by he Contractor unless otherwise provided. The Contractor shall provide such per may require for collecting and forwarding samples, and shall not use the by the samples until tests have been made and the materials have been found Documents. The Contractor in all cases shall furnish the required samples DEFECTIVE WORK - All work not conforming to the requirements of the Contract Documents shall be considered as defective and will be rejected. The Contractor shall remove and renew or repair all such defective wok as ordered, in writing, by the Engineer: Should the Contract r fail or refuse to remove or renew any defective work or to make any necessary repairs in a acceptable manner and in accordance with the requirements of the Contract OSM Project l General Conditions G.C. 12 t 7 1 in the me indicated in writing, Engineer shall have the authority to cause the , the Documents with 9 unacceptable or defective work to be removed and renewed or repaired at the Contractor's expense. Any expense incurred by the Owner in making these removals, renewals, or repairs, which the Contractor has failed o refused to make, shall be retained by the Owner from monies due or which may become due the C ontractor, or may be charged against the Contract Bond. Continued failure or refusal on the ',part c f the Contractor to make any or all necessary repairs promptly, fully and in acceptable manner sh ill be sufficient cause for the Owner, at his option, to purchase materials, tools and equipment, nd employ labor to perform the work. All costs and expenses incurred thereby shall be charged against the Contractor, and the amount thereof deducted from all monies due or which may become due to the Contractor under this Contract, or shall be charged against the Contract Bond. Any work performed, as described in this paragraph, shall not relieve the Contractor in any way from his responsibility for the work performed by him. 26. PROTECTION OF WORK. PERSONS AND PROPERTY- The Contractor shall be solely responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the work. The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions for the safety of and shall provide all reasonable protecti n to prevent damage, injury or loss to: A. All employees on the project and all other persons who may be affected thereby; B. All the work and all materials and equipment to be incorporated therein, whether in storage or on or off the site, under the care, custody or control of the Contractor, sub -contractors, employees, ac ents or delegatees; and C. Other propert at the site or adjacent thereto, including trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavements, roadways, structures and utilities not designated for removal, relocation or replacement in the course of the construction. The Contractor shall give all notices and comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and lawful orders of any public authority bearing on the safety of persons or property or protection from da age, injury or loss. The Contractor shall erect and maintain, as required by existing conditions and progress of the work, all reasonable safeguards for safety and protection, including posting danger signs and other warnings against hazards, promulgating safety regulations and notifying owners and users of adjacent utilities. The Contractorshall furnish, erect and maintain good and sufficient lighted barricades at all approaches to the Project Site as necessary to protect the Project and the public. He shall protect all portions of the improvements from damage or defacement, and shall keep all public vehicular traffic off the Project Site during construction of the Project and as required by the Engineer. Where work on,the P oject is carried on, in , or adjacent to any street, alley or public place, the Contractor shall furnish and erect such barricades, fences, lights and danger signals and shall provide such watcher and take such other precautionary measures for the protection of persons and property asare necessary. Excavations in or adjacent to public streets or alleys in which water stands more than on (1) foot deep shall be securely barricaded so as to prevent access by the public at all times work is not being carried on at the site of excavations. Barricades shall be placed in accordance with the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and Minnesota G.C. - 13 OSM Project General Conditions 27. Standard Signs Mai to protect the work When a detour is n shall designate its required by the Oen When existing sewer; provide and maintain The Contractor shall t for this purpose he sh temporary outlets and and other necessary received from these t( returned to service. 1 under the contract, e) or sewage shall be di: the work in progress At shaft sites and on hydrants, water and g open or other satisfac The Contractor $hall Project and shall as; resulting from such methods of draining. No trees shall be cut shall be protected fr( Parts I, LI and 111. The Contractor shall furnish watchers in sufficient numbers >sary because a street is blocked by the work on the Project, the Engineer and the Contractor shall furnish and post detour signs of type and size at places designated by the Engineer. have to be removed, the Contractor shall at his own cost and expense mporary outlets and connections for all private or public drains and sewers. responsible for all sewage and drainage from these drains and sewers; and I provide and maintain, at his own expense, adequate pumping facilities and iversions. The Contractor at his own expense shall construct troughs, pipes, ructures, and be prepared at all times to dispose of drainage and sewage nporary connections until such time as the permanent connections shall be e existing sewers and connections shall be kept in service and maintained ept where specified or ordered to be abandoned by the Engineer. All water posed of in a satisfactory manner so that no nuisance is created and so that ill be adequately protected. open cut work, the Contractor shall provide and maintain free access to fire valves, manholes and similar facilities. Gutters and waterways shall be kept )ry provisions made for the removal of stormwater. wide at his own cost and expense all methods for adequate drainage of the ne full responsibility and Liability for damage to any persons or property ainage. No separate compensation will be paid for sub -drains, or other 'he cost thereof shall be included in the Proposal and Contract. ;ept upon the specific authority of the Engineer. Trees adjacent to the work all damage by the construction operations. a IMPROVEMENTS - The Contractor shall be entirely responsible for the protection of all impr vements that are not designated by the Engineer to be removed for proper construction of the project. The Contractor shall not enter upon private property for any purpose without having previously obtained written per ission from the owner thereof. The Contractor shall be responsible for the preservation of, and phall use every precaution to prevent damage to, all trees, shrubbery, plants, lawns, fences, culvert!;, bridge, pavements, driveways, sidewalks, etc., all water, sewer and gas lines; all conduits; all over ead pole lines or appurtenances thereof; and all other public or private property along or adj cent to the work. All damage to existing improvements during the progress of this improvement shall be promptly repaired by the Con ractor under the direction of the Engineer. Such repairs shall be made according to the requirements of the standard specifications of the City for various types of improvements or classes of work required. The Contractor shall notify the proper representatives of any public utility, corporation, or company or individual, not less han forty-eight hours in advance of any work which might damage or interfere IOSM Project l General Conditions G.C. 14 with the operation of their or his property. The Contractor shall be responsible for all damages or injury to property res Iting from any act, omission, neglect or misconduct in the manner or method of executing th w:ork, or due to his non -execution of the work, or at any due to defective work or materials. H shal restore, or have restored at his own cost and expense, all damaged property to a condition similar or equal to that existing before such damage or injury was done, by repairing, rebuilding, of herw se restoring as may be directed, or he shall provide compensation for such damage or injuy in a manner acceptable to the Owner or the Engineer. In case of failu a on he part of the Contractor to restore such property or compensate for such damage or injury, th Owner may, upon forty-eight hourswritten notice to the Contractor under ordinary circu stanc as, without notice when a nuisance or hazardous condition results, proceed to repair, rebuild, or otherwise restore such property as he may deem necessary, and the cost thereof will be deduc ed from any monies due to the Contractor under this Contract and if not so deducted, the ontr ctor will be obligated to forthwith reimburse the Owner for the cost thereof. Prior to construlction, the Contractor shall determine the existence and location of public and private utilities which may be underground or overhead within street and highway rights-of-way or within easements and which may be interfered with under this contract. Existing under( in the Contract roun )ocu , surface, or overhead structures or conditions are not necessarily indicated ents, and those shown are only approximate indications and no responsibility is assumed b the Owner or the Engineer for the accuracy of locations or conditions. The Contractor shale make such investigations as are necessary to determine the extent to which existing structures or conditions may interfere with construction and completion of the Project. The sizes, locations and depths of such structures or conditions as are shown on the Contract Documents are only approximations and the Contractor is responsible for verifying the accuracy of the information given. I The Contractor shall iot claim nor be entitled to receive compensation for any damages sustained by reason of the inaccuracy or the omission of any of the information on the Contract Documents relative to the s rfac % overhead, or underground structures or conditions or by reason of his failure to properly protect aid to maintain such structures or conditions. The Contracto is to axercise extreme care in crossing or working adjacent to all utilities and shall be responsible to protect and maintain utility operation during the time the work is in progress. The Contractorshalh rest structures, including, but not limited to re,'at his own expense, any publics uc g, , watermains, water connections and appurtenances, sewers, manholes, catch basins and sewer connections, which are damaged or injured in any way during construction of the Project. The Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Owner and Engineer, their offices, agents, ees or delegatees from any suit, liability, expense (including reasonable Attorney's Fees) or claim bro ght for or on account of any damage, maintenance, removal and/or replacement, o relocation of mains, conduits, pipes, poles, wires, cables or other such structures of private utility firms, or corporations, whether underground or overhead, that may occur during construction of the Project. However, in cases where the alignment of the utility, as shown on the Plans, coincides witt the existing location of either an overhead or underground privately owned utility so that, i the c pinion of the Engineer, the relocation of said utility is required to complete the Project, the OW ner s iall provide for such relocation. General Conditions G.C. 15 employee of either, or by any other Contractor employed by the Owner, or by changes ordered in the work, or by strike, or other causes beyond the Contractor's control, or by any cause which the Engineer shall determine justifies the delay, then the Completion Date shall be extended for such reasonable time, as the Owner may decide, and the decision of the Owner shall be binding on both parties and shall not be arbitrary or unreasonable. No such extension shall be made for delay unless a claim therefo a is made in writing to the Engineer within seven (7) days after the period of delay commenced. The Contractor shalt not be entitled to extension of time for each one of several concurrent causes of delay, but only for the actual period of delay, The Contractor shall have no claim for damages against the Owner for delay in performance of the Contract due to any actor omission of the:Owner or any of its representative. His sole remedy for delay, shall be hisrightto apply to the Engineer forextensionof time as provided herein. 31. REMOVAL OF NONCONFORMING MATERIAL - The Contractor shall promptly remove from the premises all materials determined by the Engineer as failing to conform to the Contract, whether Incorporated in the Pr ject or not, and the Contractor shall promptly replace and re -execute his own work in accordance with the Contract Documents and without expense to the Owner and shall bear the expense of restoring all work of other Contractors destroyed or damaged by such removal or replacement. All materials not conforming to the requirements of the Specifications shall be considered as defective and all such materials, whether in place or not, will be rejected and shall be removed immediately. No material which has been rejected, the defects of which have been corrected or removed, shall be used until approval has been given by the Engineer. If the Contractor does not remove rejected material within a reasonable time, the Owner may remove them and maV store the material at the expense of the Contractor. If the Contractor does not pay the expense of removal within ten (10) days after demand for payment is made in writing, the Owner, may, upo ten (10) days written notice to the Contractor, sell such material at auction or at private sale and shall account to the Contractor, for the net proceeds thereof, after deducting all the costs and expenses of removal, storage and sale. 32. CORRECTION OF WORK AFTER FINAL PAYMENT - Neither the Certificate of Completion, nor payment, nor any pro, /ision of the Contract Documents, shall relieve the Contractor of responsibility for faulty materiel or workmanship, and unless otherwise specified he shall remedy all defects and pay for any damage -o other work resulting therefrom which shall appear within a period of one (1) year from the datof substantial completion. The Owner shall give notice to the Contractor of observed defects wit reasonable promptness. 33. FAILURE TO COMP LETE WORK ON TIME The Contractor guarantees that he can and will complete the work within the time limit stated in the Contract Documents, or within the time as extended as provide ' elsewhere in the Contract Document. Inasmuch as the damage and loss to the Owner which wil result from the failure of the Contractor to complete the work within the stipulated time will be most difficult or impossible to accurately assess, the damage to the Owner for such delay shall b a liquidated at a daily rate as set in the Supplementary General Conditions or in the amount thereo in accordance with the following table for each calendar day, Sundays and holidays included, thE Project is not substantially complete beyond the completion date as originally determined or therea ter extended. OSM Project General Conditions G.C. - 17 34. SCHEDULE OF LIQUIDATED DAMAGES Original Contract Am 'unt Charge per From More Than To and Includinci Calendar Day $ 0I $ 50,000 $150 50,000 100,000 250 100,000 500,000 400 500,000 1,000,000 500 1,000,000 2,000,000 600 2,000,000 ---- 900 The liquidated damages shall not be considered a penalty. The Owner has the right to deduct and retain out of any money due, or to become due to the Contractor, the amount of liquidated damages accrued, and in case those amounts are less than the amount of liquidated damages, the Contractor shall pay the difference upon demand. The Owner shall' not a deemed to have forfeited or waived its right to liquidated damages by permitting the Ckontra for to continue work on the Project beyond the Completion Date, nor by assuming control of tf a Contractor's obligations and completing the Project as provided for in this Contract, nor by term nating this Contract as provided herein. THE RIGHT OF THE 6WNER TO DO THE WORK - If the Contractor should neglect to properly perform his obli 'atio s under this Contract, or fail to perform any provision of the Contract, the Owner, after thr a (3) day's written notice to the Contractor, may without prejudice to any other remedy the Ow er may have, correct such deficiencies and may deduct the cost thereof from the payment then o thereafter due the Contractor. 35. RIGHT OF THE,: instances specifically OW' ER TO DECLARE CONTRACTOR IN DEFAULT - In addition to those referred to in other Articles herein, the Owner shall have the right to declare the Contractor iii default of this Contract upon the occurrence of any of the following: A. The Coal tract r becomes insolvent; or B. The Co tract 'r makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors pursuant to the statutes of the Sate ol Minnesota or the laws of the United States; or C. A voluntary or involuntary petition in bankruptcy is filed by or against the Contractor; or D. The Contractor fails to commence work within the time prescribed under the Contract after being duly notified to do so by the Engineer; or E. The Contractor abandons the Project; or F. The Contract 'r refuses to proceed with work on the Project when and as directed by the Engineelr; or G. The Contractor, without just cause, reduces his working force to a number which, if maintained, would be insufficient, in the opinion of the Engineer, to complete the work in OSM Project General Conditions G.C. - 18 39. PARTIAL DEFAULT - Ln the event the Owner shall declare the Contractor in default as to a part of the Project only, the Contractor shall discontinue work on such part, in conformity with the terms of the Contract, and st all in no way hinder or interfere with any other Contractor or persons whom the Owner may, enga a to complete the portion of the Project for which the Contractor was declared in default. The provisions of Article 35 relating to default as to the entire Project shall be equally applicable to a declaration of partial default, except that the Owner shall be entitled to utilize for completion of the part of the Project s to which the Contractor was declared in default only such plant, materials, equipment, tools and supplies as had been previously used by the Contractor on such part. 40. PROGRESS PAYME TS - Application for progress payments shall be submitted prior to the first day of each calendar i nonth. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a verified application for each payment, and, if equired, receipts or other vouchers showing his payments for materials and labor, including paym nts to subcontractors. In addition, if required by the Engineer, the Contractor shall before the first application, submit to the Engineer a schedule of values and quantities of the various parts of the Project. The division of the Project into parts shall be in accordance with the instructions of the Engineer. This schedule shall apportion the total contract price among the various parts of the Project and shall be in form and accompanied by supporting evidence as required by the Engineer. In applying for payments, the contractor shall submit statement based upon this schedule, supported by such evidence as the Engineer may direct, showing his right to payment claimed. Payment claimed on account of materials delivered and suitably stored at the site, but not incorporated in the work, shall, if required by the Engineer be conditions upon submission by the Contractor of bills of sale, or such procedure as will establish the title of the Owner to such material, or otherwise adequately protect the interest of the Owner. Upon receipt of: he Contractor's claim for payment, the Engineer shall approve the claim for the amount he determines to be properly due. The Engineer will examine claims for payment promptly and his determination of the amount due on progress payments will be final. Unless payments are withheld by the Owner for reasons as provided in this Contract, payment will be made once a month on a basis of ninety-five percent (95%) of the approved claim, provided the work is progressing to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Monthly payment claims may include the value of acceptable materials required in the construction which have been delivered on the site of the work or adjacent railway siding, and for which acceptable provisions have been made for their preservation and storage and for which title of the Owner has been satisfactorily established. All materials, when so paid for by Owner may use those materials in the performance of the work provided for in the contract. The amou t paid by the Owner for materials should go to reduce estimates due the Contractor as the materials are used in the work. From the total claim, five, percent (5%) will be retained. The Contractor shall have the options regarding retaining in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 15.71 to 15.74. Progress payment applications will be processed for payment by the Owner not later than the third Monday of the following month, unless delayed by requirements for examination or auditing by other authorities. Progress payments shall not constitute acceptance by the Owner of the work performed nor waiver of any defects therein. OSM Project General Conditions G.C. - 20 41. SCOPE OF PAYME T - The Contractor shall receive and accept the compensation, as herein provided, in full payment for furnishing all materials and labor and for all costs of whatever nature associated with perfc rming all work contemplated and embraced under the Contract; for all loss or damage arisingout of the nature of the work, or from the action of the elements, until its final acceptance by the wner; for all risks connected with the performance of the work; and for all expenses incurred in consequence of the suspension or discontinuance of performance of the work as herein specified. 42. PAYMENTS WITHHELD - In addition to retained percentages, the Owner may withhold from payment to the Cont actor such an amount or amounts as may be necessary to cover: A. Defective work not remedied. B. Claims for labor or materials furnished the Contractor or subcontractor, or reasonable evidence indicating probable filing of such claims. C. Failure of the Contractor to make payments properly to subcontractors for material or labor. D. A reasonable doubt that the contract can be completed for the balance then unpaid. E. Evidence of damage alleged to be caused by the Contractor to other persons or property in conn: ectio with the work under the Contract for which claim has been or will be asserted against the Contractor, the Owner or the Engineer. The Owner may disburse and shall have the right to act as agent for the Contractor in disbursing such funds as have been withheld pursuant to this paragraph to the party or parties who are entitled to payment therefrom, but the Owner assumes no obligation to make such disbursement. The Owner will render to the Contractor a proper accounting of all such funds disbursed. 43. FINAL INSPECTION - The Engineer will make final inspection of the Project as soon as practicable after notification by the Contractor that work is nearing completion. If the work is not acceptable to the Engineer at the time of his inspection, he will advise the Contractor in writing as to the particular defects to be remedied before acceptance. If, within a period of (10) days after such notification, the Con ractor has not taken steps to speedily complete or correct the defect as directed, the Engineer may, without further notice and without in any way impairing the Contract, make such other arrangements as he may deem necessary to have the work completed in a satisfactory manner. The cost of so completing such work shall be deducted from any monies due, or which may becorne due the Contractor on this Contract. If the amount due or to become due is insufficient to co r the cost, the Contractor shall pay the unpaid amount to the Owner on demand. 44. FINAL PAYMENT - Upon completion of the Project and its acceptance by the Engineer, the Engineer will prepare a final estimate containing quantities of each and every item of work performed by the Cc ntractor and the value thereof and will certify in writing to the Owner that the Project is complete and that he has accepted the work. Upon performance by the Contractor of all other obligations herein, the Owner will accept the certificate for final payment and will notify the Contractor and his cl and the Engineer, b urety or Sureties of the acceptance of the Project. The action of the Owner which the Contractor is to be bound and the Contract concluded according to the terms thereof, shall be evidenced by the aforesaid Certificate of Final Payment. All prior OSM Project General Conditions G.C. - 21 on which payment may have been made are merely partial estimates and the final payment. made for the work on this Project, the Contractor must make a satisfactory -nplied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92, as now existing or Wring the withholding of State income tax for wages paid employees on this Compliance from the Commissioner of Taxation will satisfy this requirement. be made until the Contractor has filed with the Owner evidence in the form h other evidence as may be required, that all claims against him by reasons been fully paid, or satisfactorily secured. In case such evidence is not iay retain out of any amount due the Contractor sums sufficient to cover all LL RIGHT - The Owner, or the Engineer, shall not be precluded or estopped ne, that any measurement, estimate or certificate is incorrect or that the work t thereof do not conform to the Contract Documents. The Owner shall have whole or any part of the work or material, should the said measurement, payment be found, or be shown, to be inconsistent with the terms of the ;hall not be precluded or estopped, notwithstanding any such measurement, payment in accordance herewith, from demanding and recovering from the ety such damages as it may sustain by reasons of his failure to comply with act Documents. Neither the acceptance of the Owner or its Engineer or any of their agents or employees, nor any certificates by the Engineer, for payment of money, nor any extension of time, nor any possession taken by the Owner o its employees shall operate as a waiver of any portion of the Contract or any power or right herein -eserved by the Owner, nor shall any waiver of any breach of the Contract be held to be a waiver of any other breach. 46. WORK IN STORMS or snow storms or of stoppage or delay, manner as to preve purpose. The Contractor will Engineer due to any 47. NIGHT WORK Wor on upon direction of opinion, it is for 'the t under the direction be provided by the allowed by the Cont 48. USE OF EXPLOSIV' Contractor shall obts He shall fully protect IOSM Project The Engineer may have the right to order the stoppage of work during rain r meteorological situations that, in the opinion of the Engineer, require work d all freshly placed work shall be protected by suitable covering in such a damage. Sufficient covering shall be provided and kept ready for this be entitled to extra compensation for work stopped or delayed by the :eorological phenomenon. on the Project shall not be done at night except in the event of an emergency ie Engineer. The Engineer may order work to be performed at night, if in his st interest of the Owner. All work performed at night shall only be performed d supervision of the Engineer. Suitable and sufficient lighting facilities shall :ontractor for all work performed at night. No extra compensation will be ctor for work performed at night. - If it is necessary to use explosives in the construction of the Project, the permits and comply with all the applicable laws, ordinances and regulations. completed works as well as all overhead surface or underground structures General Conditions G.C. - 22 45. NO WAIVER OF LEI certificates or claims subject to torr fiction the right to reject ti Before final payment showing that he has hereafter amended, r, Project. A Certificate Final payment will nc of an affidavit, and SL of the Contract havf furnished, the Owner claims unpaid. on which payment may have been made are merely partial estimates and the final payment. made for the work on this Project, the Contractor must make a satisfactory -nplied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92, as now existing or Wring the withholding of State income tax for wages paid employees on this Compliance from the Commissioner of Taxation will satisfy this requirement. be made until the Contractor has filed with the Owner evidence in the form h other evidence as may be required, that all claims against him by reasons been fully paid, or satisfactorily secured. In case such evidence is not iay retain out of any amount due the Contractor sums sufficient to cover all LL RIGHT - The Owner, or the Engineer, shall not be precluded or estopped ne, that any measurement, estimate or certificate is incorrect or that the work t thereof do not conform to the Contract Documents. The Owner shall have whole or any part of the work or material, should the said measurement, payment be found, or be shown, to be inconsistent with the terms of the ;hall not be precluded or estopped, notwithstanding any such measurement, payment in accordance herewith, from demanding and recovering from the ety such damages as it may sustain by reasons of his failure to comply with act Documents. Neither the acceptance of the Owner or its Engineer or any of their agents or employees, nor any certificates by the Engineer, for payment of money, nor any extension of time, nor any possession taken by the Owner o its employees shall operate as a waiver of any portion of the Contract or any power or right herein -eserved by the Owner, nor shall any waiver of any breach of the Contract be held to be a waiver of any other breach. 46. WORK IN STORMS or snow storms or of stoppage or delay, manner as to preve purpose. The Contractor will Engineer due to any 47. NIGHT WORK Wor on upon direction of opinion, it is for 'the t under the direction be provided by the allowed by the Cont 48. USE OF EXPLOSIV' Contractor shall obts He shall fully protect IOSM Project The Engineer may have the right to order the stoppage of work during rain r meteorological situations that, in the opinion of the Engineer, require work d all freshly placed work shall be protected by suitable covering in such a damage. Sufficient covering shall be provided and kept ready for this be entitled to extra compensation for work stopped or delayed by the :eorological phenomenon. on the Project shall not be done at night except in the event of an emergency ie Engineer. The Engineer may order work to be performed at night, if in his st interest of the Owner. All work performed at night shall only be performed d supervision of the Engineer. Suitable and sufficient lighting facilities shall :ontractor for all work performed at night. No extra compensation will be ctor for work performed at night. - If it is necessary to use explosives in the construction of the Project, the permits and comply with all the applicable laws, ordinances and regulations. completed works as well as all overhead surface or underground structures General Conditions G.C. - 22 45. NO WAIVER OF LEI from showing at any or materials or any r the right to reject ti estimate, certificate Contract. The OwnE estimate, certificate i Contractor and his ; the terms of the Coi on which payment may have been made are merely partial estimates and the final payment. made for the work on this Project, the Contractor must make a satisfactory -nplied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92, as now existing or Wring the withholding of State income tax for wages paid employees on this Compliance from the Commissioner of Taxation will satisfy this requirement. be made until the Contractor has filed with the Owner evidence in the form h other evidence as may be required, that all claims against him by reasons been fully paid, or satisfactorily secured. In case such evidence is not iay retain out of any amount due the Contractor sums sufficient to cover all LL RIGHT - The Owner, or the Engineer, shall not be precluded or estopped ne, that any measurement, estimate or certificate is incorrect or that the work t thereof do not conform to the Contract Documents. The Owner shall have whole or any part of the work or material, should the said measurement, payment be found, or be shown, to be inconsistent with the terms of the ;hall not be precluded or estopped, notwithstanding any such measurement, payment in accordance herewith, from demanding and recovering from the ety such damages as it may sustain by reasons of his failure to comply with act Documents. Neither the acceptance of the Owner or its Engineer or any of their agents or employees, nor any certificates by the Engineer, for payment of money, nor any extension of time, nor any possession taken by the Owner o its employees shall operate as a waiver of any portion of the Contract or any power or right herein -eserved by the Owner, nor shall any waiver of any breach of the Contract be held to be a waiver of any other breach. 46. WORK IN STORMS or snow storms or of stoppage or delay, manner as to preve purpose. The Contractor will Engineer due to any 47. NIGHT WORK Wor on upon direction of opinion, it is for 'the t under the direction be provided by the allowed by the Cont 48. USE OF EXPLOSIV' Contractor shall obts He shall fully protect IOSM Project The Engineer may have the right to order the stoppage of work during rain r meteorological situations that, in the opinion of the Engineer, require work d all freshly placed work shall be protected by suitable covering in such a damage. Sufficient covering shall be provided and kept ready for this be entitled to extra compensation for work stopped or delayed by the :eorological phenomenon. on the Project shall not be done at night except in the event of an emergency ie Engineer. The Engineer may order work to be performed at night, if in his st interest of the Owner. All work performed at night shall only be performed d supervision of the Engineer. Suitable and sufficient lighting facilities shall :ontractor for all work performed at night. No extra compensation will be ctor for work performed at night. - If it is necessary to use explosives in the construction of the Project, the permits and comply with all the applicable laws, ordinances and regulations. completed works as well as all overhead surface or underground structures General Conditions G.C. - 22 49. 50. 51. and shall be liable public or private pry in his operations. 'E All firing shall be d( in a storage facility be stored at the sa r any damage done to the work or to the Project or to other structures on erty, and for injuries sustained by persons by reason of the use of explosives dosives shall be handled, used and detonated by experienced personnel only. 9 by electricity. All explosives supplies shall be safely stored and protected parked clearly "DANGER- EXPLOSIVES". Caps or other exploders shall not location where dynamite or other explosives are stored: NOISE ELIMINATIO - The Contractor shall eliminate noise to as great an extent as possible at all times. Air compressing plant shall be equipped with silencers and the exhausts of all gasoline motors or other power equipment shall be provided with mufflers. WATER - The Contractor shall make arrangements with the proper state and local officials and/or private parties for obtaining any water which may be needed for construction or personal use. SANITARY PROVISIONS - The Contractor shall comply with all laws, ordinances and regulations, as now existing or hereafter amended, of the State and local health authorities and shall make the necessary precautions to avoid unsanitary conditions. 52. FOSSILS - If any fossils or treasure or other unusual or valuable geological formations are found in the progress of excavating, such fossils, treasures or samples of geological formation shall be carefully preserved by the Contractor who shall convey such items to the Engineer. These items shall become the property of the Owner unless otherwise governed by applicable law. 53. ACCIDENT PREVENTION Precautions shall be exercised by the Contractor at all times for the protection and saf ty of persons and property in accordance with the applicable OSHA requirements. 54. "OR EQUAL° CLAU E - Whenever in any of the Contract Documents any article, appliance, device or material is design ted by the name of the manufacturer or vendor or by any proprietary name, and such name is not followed by the words "or equal', it shall be deemed that such words "or equal' do follow such designation, unless the context clearly requires a contrary construction. Any article or material equaling the standards of the item specified may be used in place of that specifically mentioned by the Contract Documents provided that the material proposed is first submitted to and accepted by the Owner or his authorized representative. 55. DISCRIMINATION ON ACCOUNT OF RACE CREED OR COLOR PROHIBITED The Contractor agrees to abide by the following requirements regarding discrimination and to include the following requirements in each of its subcontracts: A. That, in the hiring of common or skilled labor for the performance of any work under any contract, or any subcontract hereunder, no contractor, material supplier, or vendor, shall by any reason of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status with regard to public assistance, membership or activity in a local commission, disability or age discriminate against the person or persons who are citizens of the United States who are qualified and available to perform the work to which such employment relates; B. That no Contractor, material supplier, or vendor shall, in any manner, discriminate against, or intimidate, or prevent the employment of any such person or persons, or on being hired prevent, or conspire to prevent, any such person or persons from the OSM Project General Conditions G.C. - 23 11 performance of work under any contract on account of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, membership or activity in a local commission, disability or age; C. That this Contract may be canceled or terminated by the Owner, and all money due, or to become due hereunder, may be forfeited for a second or any subsequent violation of the terms or conditions of this Article; D. Any other provisions required by law. 56. SITES TO BE KEPT CLEAN - The Contractor shall promptly remove all waste materials or refuse resulting from his operations from the Project Site, the streets and public and private property occupied by him or ac jacent to the Project. Equipment not usable on the Project shall be promptly removed and the ad acent premises maintained in a neat and orderly condition at all times. Advertising signs will riot be permitted on the Project except one sign identifying the Contractor and subcontractors, whict signs have been approved in writing by the Engineer. Upon completion of the work and before acceptance and final payment, the Contractor shall remove from the street and adjacent property, all surplus and discarded materials, equipment, rubbish and temporary structures; restore in an acceptable manner all property, both public and private, which has been damaged during construction of the Project and shall leave the site in a neat and presentable condition 57. GUARANTEE - The Contractor shall be held responsible for any and all defects in workmanship, materials and equipment which may develop in any part of the entire Project, and upon written notice by the Engineer shall immediately replace, without expense to the Owner, any such faulty part or parts and darr age done by reason of same during the period of one (1) year from the date of final acceptance of the Project. Should the Contractor fail to repair or replace the defective work within a period of thirty (30) days of such notification, the Owner may replace the defective work and charge the expense to the Contractor. 58. SEVERABILITY - In the event any provision of this Contract shall be held invalid, illegal or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not invalidate or render unenforceable any other provision hereof, and the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby. headings 59. EFFECT OF HEADINGS AND TABLE OF CONTENTS - The section, article or paragraph herein and the Table of Contents are for convenience only and shall not affect the interpretation or construction of this Contract. 60. CONTRACT COUNTERPARTS - This Contract may be simultaneously executed in several counterparts, each ol which shall be an original and all of which shall constitute one of the same instrument. 61. CONSTRUCTION - I his Contract shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. OSM Project General Conditions G.C. - 24 r othercommunications hereunder shall 62. WRITTEN NOTICE PARTIES - All notices, certificates o o e be sufficiently given and shall be deemed given when hand delivered or maned by certified mail, return receipt 'requested, postage prepaid, with proper address as indicated below. The parties hereto r ay, by written notice to the other(s), designate any other address or addresses to which such com unications to them shall be sent when required under this Contract. Unless and until otherwise wovided by the respective parties, all notices, certificates and communications to each of them shall be sent to the following addresses: TO THE OWNER: See Supplementary General Conditions TO THE CONTRACTOR: 63. COMPLIANCE WITH HUMAN RIGHTS REQUIREMENTS - The Contractor shall execute the enclosed form for compliance with human rights requirements. 64. PERMISSIVEARBITRATION TION CLAUSE - Claims, disputes, or other matters in question between the parties to this agreement, arising out of or relating to this agreement or breech thereof, may be subject to and decided by arbitration in accordance with the Construction Industry Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association currently in effect upon mutual agreement of the parties. OSM Project General Conditions G.C. - 25' SI SUPPLEMENTARY CONDIT PPLEMENTARY GENERAL CONDITIONS These Supplementary Conditions amend or supplement the General Conditions of the Construction Contract... and all other provisions, as indicated below. All provisions which are not so amended or supplemented remain in full force and effect. The "Owner" is defined as: The City of Rosemount, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068. SC -2C - "Contract Documents" are the Advertisement for Bids, Instructions to Bidders, Bid Proposal, Bid Bond Form, General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions, Specifications and all plans and drawings. SC -6 - "Contractor's Insuran c e": The excess liability coverage shall be an Umbrella Excess Liability Policy in at least the amount of $1,000,000. SC -15 - Add the following: "The entire project shall be completed by August 21, 1992. All work performed after the date specified shallbe s bject to liquidated damages as stated in the General Conditions No. 33." SC -64 - Permissive Arbitratio i Clause - Delete General Condition No. 64. "Permissive Arbitration Clause" from this Contract. IOSM Project No. 1783.06 S.G.0 - 1 DIVISION 1.0 GENEAL REQUIREMENTS INDEX PARAGRAPH DESCRIPTIO 01010 Summary of 01014 Work Work Sequen e 01050 Field Engineering 01052 Hubs and Lath 01060 Permits 01200 Project Meetings 01300 Submittals 01400 Quality Control 01515 Construction Water 01546 Protect Existing Utilities 01561 Noise Control 01562 Dust Control 01568 Erosion Contr 01710 Cleanup 01740 Warranty 01903 Compensation for Increased or Decreased Quantities OSM Project No. 1783.06 PAGE NO. 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 G.R.I. - 1 DIVISION 1.0 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (linin _R1 IMMARY OF WOR The work to be done under this Contract shall include the furnishing of all labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to complete the sit grading as shown on the plans and specified herein, including but not limited to the following: IThe Owner is the City of 01014 - WORK SEQUENCE All work is to be completed by July 31, 1992. All work under this Contract shall be constructed in accordance with the elevations shown on the drawings. The new contours shown on the plan are finished grades. The Owner will provide horizontal and vertical control construction stakes to allow the Contractor to grade the site as follows: A. Grading 1 One set of grade stakes at 100 foot intervals with cuts and fills. The Contractor shall rough grade the entire site based on the plans and these stakes. 2. Prior to black dirt being spread for turf establishment, the Surveyors will check all grades. The Project Engineer will then authorize the Contractor to proceed with turf establishment. It shall be the Contractor's total responsibility to accurately grade the park in accordance with the construction stakes. The Contractor shall give the grade so that the Engineer m< been given by the Engineer, other marks given shall be pi The Contractor shall be billed expense, correct any mistake: stakes. The Engineer may i properly followed. No additional compensation lack of one grade stakes, or ngineer forty-eight (48) hours notice of his need for the establishment of line and V have time to provide them. After lines and grades for any part of the work have he Contractor will be held responsible for such lines and grades. All stakes or )tected and preserved by the Contractor until he is authorized to remove them. ;he cost of any restaking due to his negligence. The Contractor shall, at his own that may be caused by the unauthorized disturbance or removal of line and grade .quire that work be suspended when, for any reason, such marks cannot be be allowed the Contractor for any claims of crews being held up because of ansion of work when line and grade cannot be properly followed. OSM Project No. 1783.06 G.R. - 1 1 1 u 01052 - HUBS AND LATH The Contractor shall furnish a 100-1"x2"x12"poi 100 - 32" pointed lath Payment for hubs and lath sh 01060 - PERMITS Any necessary permits shall C I deliver to the project site: :ed hubs be considered incidental to the project. the responsibility of the Contractor. Prior to the start of the work there will be a Pre -Construction Conference arranged by the Engineer. Representatives of the City of R osemount, Engineer, and Contractor shall be present at this meeting. The Contractor's project superintendent will be present at this meeting. He shall be familiar with all phases of the work to be executed and shall oversee the work during its progress. The project superintendent shall represent the Contractor in his absence, and communications and directions given to him shall be as binding as if given to the Contractor. The Contractor's work schedule shall be reviewed along with any other information necessary for an orderly execution of the work. Throughout the construction p ase regular meetings will be called, as deemed necessary by the Engineer, to review progress and discussit ms necessary for an orderly completion. 01300 - SUBMITTALS To assist the Contractor, the following summary of submittals is given. This list is not necessarily complete and items specified elsewhere shallbe submitted as required even though not listed hereinafter. If not otherwise specified in the referenced specifications or paragraph or article, or if not otherwise directed, make all submittals to the Engineer. Performance Bond Labor & Material Payment Bond Insurance Certificate Subcontractor List Progress Schedule Certificate of Withholding Final Lien Waivers Consent of Surety Tax When Required With Executed Agreement With Executed Agreement With Executed Agreement At Pre -Construction Meeting At Pre -Construction Meeting Before final payment Before final payment Before final payment OSM Project No. 1783.06 G.R. - 2 Any person representing feder I or state agencies, the Engineer or Owner shall have the right of entry to inspect the work being performed by he Contractor. If the case warrants, the Contractor shall provide proper facilities for such access and inspecti n. The Contractor shall notify the Resident Inspector anytime he anticipates working on this project. No work will be allowed without notifying the Inspector before hand. Water for new construction p rposes may be obtained from the City at a cost to the Contractor of $0.95 per 1000 gallons from a site near he City Hall. Altematively, the Contractor will be allowed to pump construction water from a pond, designat by the Owner, at the Contractor's expense. Every effort has been made to show all known existing underground utilities; however, the Owner does not guarantee the locations as sh wn on the plans or that all utilities are shown. It is the Contractor's responsibility to ascertain the final location of these utilities and to notify the utility companies when construction commences. 01561 - NOISE CONTROL The Contractor shall comply with local and state ordinance on noise abatement. Any piece of equipment not meeting the requirements shall either be repaired or replaced. The City of Rosemount has working hours as follows: No operation shall be conducted prior to 7:00 a.m. nor after 8:00 p.m., nor at any time on Sundays and legal holidays unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. 01562 - DUST CONTROL The Contractor shall be resposible for dust control. Water is available to the Contractor for this use from the City of Rosemount. The cost of the water shall be borne by the Contractor. If the Contractors response to l controlling dust is determined to be inadequate, the City will sublet the work and charge the Contractor three times the cost. Erosion control, as specified on the detail plates (Appendix), shall be placed and maintained by the Contractor and as directed by the Engi eer. The Contractor shall use the appropriate means of control for individual situations. The erosion cont fol types will include filter fence, sediment basins, rock construction entrances, diversion ditches, and hay bales around all catch basins. Failure to maintain the erosion control will be sufficient cause to withhold further payments on the project until the maintenance is complete. Payment for erosion control shall be by the lineal foot and shall include complete maintenance for the length of the project. OSM Project No. 1783.06 G.R. - 3 Where materials or debris hav drains, catch basins, or else% removed and satisfactorily disl In a dean and neat condition. , the area affected shall be kept dean and free of all rubbish and surplus ion equipment shall be removed from the site and all damage repaired so that owners are inconvenienced as little as possible. washed or flowed into or have been placed in water courses, ditches, gutters, are as a result of the Contractor's operations, such material or debris shall be ised of during progress or work. All ditches, channels, drains, etc., shall be kept On or before the completion f work, the Contractor shall, unless otherwise directed in writing, remove all temporary works, tools and m chinery or other construction equipment placed by him. He shall remove all rubbish from any grounds which he has occupied and shall leave all of the premises and adjacent property affected by the operation in a r eat and restored condition satisfactory to the Engineer. All cleanup work is considered I incidental to the project. 01740 - WARRANTY The Contractor, for his work, shall guarantee and maintain the stability of all his work, equipment, and materials for a period of one (1) year fr m date of final payment. The one (1) year maintenance guarantee shall be included in and be a part of the Contractor Security (Performance Bond) previously specified. The provisions of this paragraph shall not be construed as restricting the Contractor's liability for breech of contract by reason of nonconformance with the specification for defects or faulty workmanship. Delete Section 1903 of the 'The work to be perfoi All basis of payment p event of increased or d be valid and shall be amount of percentage item in its entirety. IOSM Project No. 1783.06 Specification in its entirety and replace with the following: ,d is recognized to be construction of a type' involving uncertain quantities. risions of these specifications specifically preclude price adjustments in the eased quantities of contract items. Any payments provided by bid Item shall epted by the Contractor as compensation in full for work, regardless of the increased or decreased quantities. The Owner has the right to delete a bid G.R. 4 ' 01710 - CLEANUP During the progress of the materials. All unneeded con the public and adjacent pro Where materials or debris hav drains, catch basins, or else% removed and satisfactorily disl In a dean and neat condition. , the area affected shall be kept dean and free of all rubbish and surplus ion equipment shall be removed from the site and all damage repaired so that owners are inconvenienced as little as possible. washed or flowed into or have been placed in water courses, ditches, gutters, are as a result of the Contractor's operations, such material or debris shall be ised of during progress or work. All ditches, channels, drains, etc., shall be kept On or before the completion f work, the Contractor shall, unless otherwise directed in writing, remove all temporary works, tools and m chinery or other construction equipment placed by him. He shall remove all rubbish from any grounds which he has occupied and shall leave all of the premises and adjacent property affected by the operation in a r eat and restored condition satisfactory to the Engineer. All cleanup work is considered I incidental to the project. 01740 - WARRANTY The Contractor, for his work, shall guarantee and maintain the stability of all his work, equipment, and materials for a period of one (1) year fr m date of final payment. The one (1) year maintenance guarantee shall be included in and be a part of the Contractor Security (Performance Bond) previously specified. The provisions of this paragraph shall not be construed as restricting the Contractor's liability for breech of contract by reason of nonconformance with the specification for defects or faulty workmanship. Delete Section 1903 of the 'The work to be perfoi All basis of payment p event of increased or d be valid and shall be amount of percentage item in its entirety. IOSM Project No. 1783.06 Specification in its entirety and replace with the following: ,d is recognized to be construction of a type' involving uncertain quantities. risions of these specifications specifically preclude price adjustments in the eased quantities of contract items. Any payments provided by bid Item shall epted by the Contractor as compensation in full for work, regardless of the increased or decreased quantities. The Owner has the right to delete a bid G.R. 4 PARAGRAPH 02000 02104 02105 02575 General - OS Removing PE Excavation a Turf Establisl DIVISION 2.0 SITEWORK INDEX nent and Miscellaneous Structures Embankment ►nt - Mn/DOT PAGE NO. 1 1 1 1 OSM Project No. 1783.06 S.W.I - 1 DIVISION 2.0 SITEWORK 02000 - GENERAL - OSM This work shall be done in accordance with the Minnesota Department of Transportation's "Standard Specifications for Highway Cons ruction" (referenced "Mn/DOT")1988 Edition and any amendments thereto. The numbering system used herein corresponds to the numbering systems used in the above named specifications with the exception that a "0" has been added preceding the 5 digit number. 02104.1 - DESCRIPTION: This work shall consist of removal and disposal of structure to be abandoned and other obstructions within thew area. 02104.3 - CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS: Removals of pavements, surfacing and other structures shall be scheduled to occur as close in time as possible to actual excavation operations. There is an existing 3 inch diameter PVC watermain located in the proposed hockey rink area. The Contractor may encounter this watermain line during the ex vation operation. This watermain line is proposed to be abandoned. If this watermain line is exposed the c )ntractor shall cut the existing PVC line and remove and dispose of the exposed portion. The Contractor shall al o cap both ends of the exposed watermain using a gasket or solvent -cemented type joint with the approval of he Engineer. The Contractor shall also place a concrete block at the capped ends to provide reaction blocking. ' 02104.4 - METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT: All of the work and materials required for the removal and disposal of the existing 3" VC watermain shall be considered incidental to the project. 02105.1 - DESCRIPTION: All topsoil shall be stripped an by the Engineer at the time of 4 inch thickness, or as directs grading. All excavation on this project needed to complete the excav proctor. All grading on the site shall The finished topsoil shall be or other objectionable mat( work shall consist of grading the site as per the grading plan. stockpiled at various locations as determined by the Contractor and approved onstruction. This topsoil will be respread on all disturbed areas at a minimum by the Engineer. The site shall be seeded within 72 hours of completion of be classified as common excavation regardless of the type of equipment Excavation and embankment areas shall be compacted to 95% of standard within 0.2 feet of the grading plan. >onably free of clay lumps, stones larder than 2" diameter, weeds, roots, stumps, incapable of sustaining plant growth. 02105.4-.5 - METHOD OF MEP SUREMENT AND PAYMENT: Common excavation shall be a measured quantity (as cubic yards) determined by cross-sections. Payment will be made at the price quoted in the Bid Proposal. Payment for salvaging and plz cing topsoil shall be incidental to the project. IOSM Project No. 1783.06 S.W. 1 I tj�r L7 INOLf.7 fl1Y1 fL.l• t 02575.1 - DESCRIPTION: As directed by the Engineer, graded areas shall be finished by establishing a turf generally in accordance with the Mn/DOT Specifications. Upon completion of the grading and approval by the Engineer, seed shall be placec I within 72 hours. Fiber blankets may be placed at the direction of the Engineer after consultation with the Con ractor on specific areas appearing to be subject to erosion. Rock picking, before and after seeding, will be corr pleted by this Contractor at no additional compensation. The Contractor shall berespo sible for successful turf establishment. 02575.2 - MATERIALS: Seed hall be Mixture No. 500. Seed shall be applied at a rate of 50 pounds per acre. Fertilizer shall be applied at a rate of 100 pounds of 10-10-10- per acre. Mulch shall be type 1 with disc anchoring. Fiber blankets shall be Mn/DOT "Regular~ type (3885). 02575.5 - BASIS OF PAYMENT: Payment shall be made per acre for soil preparation, regrading, rock picking, seeding, mulching, fertilizing and any reseeding as required. Payment for fiber blankets shall be made by the square yard. OSM Project No. 1783.06 S.W. - 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i Erosion control, as sp Contractor and as dir means of control for in sediment basins, rock catch basins. Failure further payments on t control shall be by the the project. PROJECT: CITY: OSM EROSION CONTROL DIRECTIVE :ified on the detail plates, shall be placed and maintained by the :ted by the Engineer. The Contractor shall use the appropriate vidual situations. The erosion control types will include filter fence, instruction entrances, diversion ditches, and hay bales around all maintain the erosion control will be sufficient cause to withhold project until the maintenance is complete. Payment for erosion neal foot and shall include complete maintenance for the length of City Projt t No. Contracto. OSM Comm. No. CONTRACTOR: Representative Signature: Date Received CONSTRUCTION OBSERVER: TYPE OF DEVICE: (Fabric Fence, Straw ales, Etc.) GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF AREA RE UIRI (Drawing below -include stationing, Lot No's, etc.) 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Maintenance 1. FILTER BARRIERS SHALL BE INSP CTED IMMEDIATELY 3. SEDIMENT DEPOSITS SHOULD BE REMOVED AFTER EACH AFTER EACH RAINFALL AND ATL AST DAILY DURING STORM EVENT. THEY MUST BE REMOVED WHEN DEPOSITS PROLONGED RAINFALL. ANY REQUIRED REPAIRS SHALL REACH APPROXIMATELY HALF THE HEIGHT OF THE BARRIER. BE MADE IMMEDIATELY. 2. SHOULD THE FABRIC DECOMPOSE OR BECOME 4. ANY SEDIMENT DEPOSITS REMAINING IN PLACE AFT _R THE SILT INEFFECTIVE PRIOR TO THE END OF THE EXPECTED FENCE OR FILTER BARRIER IS NO LONGER REQUIRED, SHALL BE USEABLE LIFE AND THE BARRIER STILL BE NECESSARY, DRESSED TO CONFORM WITH THE EXISTING GRADE, PREPARED THE FABRIC SHALL BE REPLACED PROMPTLY. AND SEEDED. POST —= TRENCH 4"X 4" ;�I 1, FILTER FABRIC --► BOTTOM OF DRAINAGE W Y WIRE FENCING SET POSTS AND EXCAVATE A 4"X 4"TRENCH UPSLOPE ALONG THE LINE OF THE POSTS ATTACH THE FILTER FABRIC TO THE WIRE FENCING AND THE TRENCH COMPACTED BACKFILL 2 STAPLE THE WIRE MESH FENCING TO EACH POST 4 BACKFILL THE TRENCH AND COMPACT THE EXCAVATED SOIL 111:420.Iwo €'E e Mimi Pe2 __�i! '�- B r A ELEVATION: POINTS "A' SHOULD BE HIGHER THAN POINT "B" EROSION CONTROL PLACEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION OF A SYNTHETIC FILTER BARRIER NO SCALE Drown By:pp Drawing Title Comm. No. Scelen CS%tkMayeron & Date: Associates, Inc. Sheet no. Engineers • Surveyors a Planners SM toot Kell,,,, Alva„ 8 � ss*&V*1 ,KeK" e,.,, ..,,.,,,.,,, ROSEMOUNT , MINNESOTA 4 hA CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DA July 21, 1992 AGENDA QUOTES AGEDWBUSIC MS T / AWARD CONTRACT FOR NEW ERICKSON COMM T K GRADING PREPARED BY:DAUID J. CHD 1 DIR. P & RNJ AGENDA ATTACffi+IENTS CONSULTANT QUOTE MATERIALS"' BY • The concept plans for the Erickson Community Square area next to City Hall call for a major alteration of that present site. The flowergardenis being expanded, and the shelter and amphitheater are to be addressed shortly. Along with the development plan is the change in location of the hockey rinks. The old ones are to be torn down and two new ones constructed. Engineering plans for those rinks call .for their new location to --be in an area behind the old Mn Dot Garage at the north end of the Ci y Hall parking lot. This site is to be the present location, however, the concept plan - does call for the rinks to be placed in the northerly portion of Erickson Park in the next phases of development of this park. The time schedule for the replacement in within the next ten to fifteen,years. The engineering firin of OSM was requested' to complete a survey of the rink site as well as plans and specs for the grading work for those rinks. Quotes were requested and obtained for obtained for the .grading work. The following is a summary of those "quotes: 1. Husting & Engs rom $ 24,400.00 2. Brown & Cris, Enc. $ 13,512.50 S� 3. DLR Excavating 1, -,-�S"1_ Our estimated cost for the project was $'14,200. The money for this project is -scheduled to come from CIP account # 530: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Requested Council a tion is to accept the quotes and to award the contract for the gr ding of the hockey rink site in the Erickson Community Square to the firm of DLR Excavating for $ 12,512.50. COUNCIL ACTION: e Orr Schelen O�S)& Mayeron & Associates, Inc. July 14, 1992 Mr. Dave Bechtold City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Erickson Park Improvement City of Rosemount City Project No. 91-6 OSM Project No. 1783.06 Dear Mr. Bechtold: 2021 East Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55413 612-331-8660 FAX 331-3806 Engineers Architects Planners Surveyors Quotes were received for the referenced project at 11:00 a.m. on July 8, 1992 and were opened and read aloud. A total of three responsible bids were received. DLR Excavating, 11545 190th Street East, Hastings, MN 55033 submitted the lowest bid in the amount of $12,512.50. The bids were checked for mathematical accuracy and tabulated. The Engineer's Estimate was ($14,200.00. We recommended award of the Contract to DLR Excavating, Inc., in the amount of $12,512.50 Enclosed is the bid tabu Sincerely, ORR-SCHELEN-MAY & ASSOCIATES, INC. Brian J. Bourassa, P.E. Project Manager Enclosure cc: Bud Osmundson, on. ON City of Rosemount Equa� opp�uw�•.it: mnlr�_ , Extension of Bids ERICKSON PARK IMPROVEMENTS OWNER PROJECT 91-6 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA CITY OF ROSEMOUNT #N/A item Spec No Description Quantity Unit ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE Total Bid: $14.200.00 Unit Plat Item Total LOW BIDDER DLR EXCAVATING, INC. Total Bid: $12,512.50 Unit Price Item Total 2ND BIDDER BROWN & CRIS, INC. Total Bid: $13,262.50 Unit Pelee item Total 3RD BIDDER HOSTING S ENGSTRO Total Bid: $24,400.00 Unit Pdoe Item Total i qrn0 2.00 10 000.00 4.00 20.000.00 1 21 u5.5uj uumMON EXCAVATION 5000 CU YDri 1,200.00 _2,400.00 550.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 2,200.00 1,200.00 2,400.00 2 2573.50 SEEDING 2 ACRE 3 2575.501 EROSION CONTROL 400 LIN FT 1.00 400.00 2.00 800.00 2.00 800.00 3.50 1,400.00 4 2575.52 WOOD FIBER BLANKET TYPE REGULAR 150 S. Y. 1.00 150.00 1.75 262.50 1.751.262.50 4.00 600.00 Page 1 of 1 M E M O TO: Mayor McMe omy Councilme ers: Klassen Staats Willcox Wippermann FROM: Stephan ilk, Administrat DATE: July 17, 11992 SUBJECT: Firetation Referendum Citiz ns Committee A major factor in gaining approval for the construction of the new fire station, public works remodeling, and fire apparatus purchase is the involvement of the community. To insure that the citizens are comfortable with design, cost estimates, and approach to defining need it is vital to involve them in the process that will take us to the November 3, 1992 referendum. It is my recommendation that to do this a citizens committee be formed. The responsibility of this committee would be to assist the City Council, architect, and the city staff in the proper formation of concepts and specific items to move the process through to the referendum. The committee wuld meet about four times throughout the process with the archit ct and the city staff. Based on information provided by the architect, and efforts provided by thelcitizens committee, which worked on the facilities study and our "Armory Committee," I would suggest the following: 1. The committee should be of a size to include 25 members. 2. The committee should represent all areas of the city. 3. Current city committee members should be excluded. 4. The makeup of the 25 members should follow approximately as: A. �0% women (12) 0% men (13) w Page 2 B. 80t homeowners (20) iot renters (5) C. '10% should be business owners D. kge groups represented 35-35 (7) 6-50 (10) >50 (8) These numbers, as recommended, are quite specific, and I understand it would take quite an effort to try to meet all these qualifications lin putting a committee together. Since you will be presenting recommendations for these positions, and time is Of the essence, I would suggest the following: 1. Each Icouncilmember and Mayor McMenomy submit 5 members each.) 2. Of t 2-3 2-3 1 re 4 ho 1 bu spre The folks that committee knowi pro or con on t project, and be the least cost, gotten out to t vote on NovembE With your app item back on is important completed On can be set by se five try to provide: er owners ness owner/operator age group representation as evenly as possible are picked should be willing to work on the ng that this committee will not be recommending he referendum. They must be in favor of the willing to work to provide the best project, at and get out as much information that can be he public to allow voters to be informed when they r 3rd. val to form this committee we would place this e agenda on August 4th to approve appointments. It at this process move along so work can be sign, cost estimates, etc. so ballot information eptember 15th. Please see thelattached (preliminary) schedule for this project.