HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.d. Transportation StudyCITY OF ROSEMOIINT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 4, 1992 AGENDA ITEM:- Transportation Study AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson & Ron Wasmund AGENDA1M # ATTACE[IENTS: LetterIto OSM, Memo APPR OSM Response Attached to this is a memo which explains the purpose of t Transportation Study. MEMO TO: MAYOR McMENOMY COUNCIL MEMBERS: KLASSEN STAATS WILLCOX WIPPERMANN FROM: BUD OSMUNDSON, CITY ENGINEER DATE: JULY 30, 1992 RE: TRANSPORTATION STUDY The purpose of this item on the agenda is to obtain Councils approval for authorizing Staff to have a consultant, OSM Engineering, provide the City with a Transportation Study for the western portion of Rosemount. Currently the eastern portion of Rosemount adjacent to Highway 52, 55 and 56 are being investigated under a joint agreement with Dakota County, Inver Grove Heights, Rosemount and Koch Refining Company. The purpose of the Highway 52 Corridor Study was to investigate current traffic volumes, current traffic patterns and accident data, and provide alternatives for the future of that area. This agenda item tonight will dovetail with that study and provide the western part of Rosemount a plan for the future transportation routes in western Rosemount, being that part west of Akron Avenue. The purpose of the study, which Staff feels is quite necessary, will be to: (1) provide needed information and planning for the Comprehensive Guide Plan, (2) assist with the Street Capital Improvements Program, (3) and guide future transportation planning for the developing areas and existing areas of western Rosemount. The plan will assist City Council, Staff and developers in planning subdivisions and additions in Rosemount. We have been, and will be, asked to provide transportation routes through currently undeveloped areas east of Highway 3 and in northwest Rosemount, due to development pressure on the Kelly and CIVIC properties. With the proper plan in place to act as a guide for these developing areas, we will have the necessary information to address transportation issues prior to platting of undeveloped parcels. The same holds true for reconstruction projects on our collector streets. The actual study will analyze existing and projected traffic data from the City, Dakota County, adjacent cities and the State. They will utilitize the land use plans for the area and model the traffic on a computer program package which generates the impacts on land use and needed transportation network improvements on the systems. With that information the City can plan for the future knowing the sizes and widths of streets for future routes. This information will also be used to provide the City with information for existing areas which will require reconstruction at some point in the future. The Consultant has been asked to work with the Dakota County, Met Council and MNDOT Staffs in providing the City with an up-to-date transportation plan. In addition, we have asked the Consultant to investigate particular concerns regarding railroad crossings and connections to major highways. The plan will consider pedestrian issues also. The model can be modified as development occurs and changes are made to our existing system. It will show where the City needs to make adjustments in our present system to channel traffic and will guide us in planning future improvements. This plan will work and guide the City in much the same way the Comprehensive Water System Plan and Drainage Plans have for the City. Funds for this study will be a combination of $5,000 from Public Works budget for engineering services, $3,000 from Council designated funds, $1,000 from professional services in Council budget and $2,000 from consultant services in Planning Department budget. Staff feels that the $12,000 spent on this study will eliminate many last minute investigations regarding traffic issues when a development concept is submitted to the City. The present cost of street construction is approximately 5100 per foot for a 32' wide residential street and much higher for collectors and arterials. The cost of this study is minor in comparison to the cost of modifying already constructed streets. We think it is a much needed plan to have on hand for the future development of Rosemount. The timing of the plan is to have it completed in 6-8 weeks. 2 City of (O?osemouni PHONE (612) 423-4411 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612) 423-5203 Mailing Address: Edward B. McMenomy P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James (Red) Staats June 3, 1992 Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jiik Mr. Ron Bray, P.E. Transportation Department Head Orr, Schelen, Mayeron, & Associates, Inc. 2025 East Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55124 Re: Transportation Plan - Western Rosemount Dear Mr. Bray: As previously discussed with you, the City of Rosemount requests a quotation from your firm for a Transportation Plan investigating the western one third (1/3) of the City. The enclosed map shows the general area of the proposed study and highlights some of the specific concerns of the City which will be discussed in more detail below. The purpose is to provide the City with transportation information for our Comprehensive Guide Plan and to enable City Staff to complete the Capital Improvement Program for streets. A. Fees We request that you study the details of this letter, formulate your estimate, then arrange a meeting with our Staff to confirm any loose ends which may be apparent. We would then request a letter confirming your quotation. We may ask for additions to the study which we would request quotations for at that meeting and/or at a later time. The fees shall be paid on a cot -plus basis invoiced monthly. The Consultant shall keep the City informed as to the status of the fee compared to the quote. B. Scope The scope of the report would include the investigation of the following items: A. Investigation of existing traffic data, existing City, County and State roadways, and projecting the traffic counts for designated roadways utilizing a Staff approved Land Use Plan compiled from City, County, MNDOT and Met Council data. B. Modeling of present and future traffic compatible with MNDOT and/or Dakota County data on the western roadway system utilizing a generally accepted software (DOS Compatible) package. The data disk(s) will be provided to the City on request. A 20 year plan should be the basis, but the plan should be based and answer the questions for the issues that follow. ,'jverylhings Coming V,6 gosemounl.1.1 0, Transportation Plan OSM C. Investigation and recommendations for the following specific items including, but not limited to, recommendations for the timing of roadway improvements depending on development of particular areas and/or traffic count parameters; recommended street widths, number of traffic and parking lanes; recommended routes per land use, terrain, and property line parameters with a general emphasis on railroad crossings; consideration of pedestrian issues, growth of pedestrian traffic, and utilization of the City's Comprehensive Parks Plan. 1. 145th Street East of Trunk Highway 3, especially in relation to C.M.C. property. 2. Connemara Trail - Proposed future route east and west of Trunk Highway 3; proposed intersection of Trunk Highway 3; proposed timing; use of this street for High School, Schwarz Park and Armory/Community Center access. (Provide feasible concept plans/routes.) 3. Relationship of Connemara Trail, Dakota County Road No. 38 and Bacardi Avenues East of Trunk Highway 3, with an emphasis on railroad crossings. 4. Bacardi Avenue -Route north of County Road 42 and its relationship to the C.M.C. property, further development north of this property, County Road 38 and the City of Inver Grove Heights (IGH) and the possibility of it being a north/south route to County Road 32 in IGH. 5. Akron Avenue -issues the same as Bacardi Avenue plus Dakota County Technical Institute and the proposed site of the Dakota County incinerator. 6. Biscayne Avenue -issues the same as Bacardi Avenue from 160th Street (C.R.46) to County Road 38. 7. Diamond Path south of 145th Street West to County Road 46; included because of strong Rosemount development in the area and generally a lack of development in Apple Valley. What affect does this have on timing, funding, etc. The City Staff will provide you with copies of all pertinent data available. The Consultant will be expected to work closely with City Staff, appropriate adjacent City Staffs, appropriate Dakota County, MNDOT, and Met Council personnel. 2 Transportation Plan OSM C. Plan Content The report should include the project scope, the procedures followed and assumptions made. The data should be presented in a manner which will allow the City to easily determine the required future widths, driving lanes, parking lanes, intersection controls which may be needed in the future. The timing of the proposed improvements should be apparent to the City based on traffic counts and on years based on the current growth of Rosemount and its Comprehensive Land Use and future MUSA boundaries. The Consultant shall deliver fifty (50) copies of the 8Y2" x 11 " report to the City along with a copy of the originals for future copying. The maps shall be 8 Y2" x 11 " or fold outs included in the report. You will note that State Trunk Highway No. 3 is not mentioned as a specific item to be investigated. At this time, the City and the local Chamber of Commerce have initiated a "Downtown Development Plan" to determine the future of the downtown area. Until this plan is completed, an investigation of the future T.H. 3 through Rosemount would not be prudent. All of your recommendations should be based on the assumption that the location and use of T.H. 3 shall remain as is for the next 20 years. D. Timetable Some of the particular issues covered in scope above will require recommendations within 2 to 4 weeks after the Consultant is given the Notice to Proceed. The entire report is expected to be completed within 6 - 8 weeks. Thank you for your cooperation in providing a quotation for this Transportation Plan. Please call me at 322-2025 if you have any questions. Sincerely, '2�k Bud Osmundson, P.E. City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director 3 Orr Schelen ' r Mayeron & Associates, Inc. June 30, 1992 Mr. Bud Osmundson City Engineer City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55468 2021 East Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55413 612-331-8660 FAX 331-3806 Engineers Architects Planners SwA eyors Re: City of Rosemount Transportation Plan Proposal - Western Rosemount Dear Mr. Osmundson: Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates, Inc. (OSM) is pleased to submit this proposal to the City of Rosemount for the preparation of a transportation plan for Western Rosemount. We are appreciative of your interest in our firm and are eager to help the city meet it's needs in the area of transportation planning. OSM utilizes a transportation planning software package called TRANPLAN Modeling Software. TRANPLAN is currently used by many local transportation planning agencies including MNDOT, Minneapolis -St. Paul Metropolitan Council, Dakota County, Arrowhead Regional Development Commission (Duluth), St. Cloud Area Planning Organization, Rochester -Olmstead Council of Government, and the Fargo -Moorhead Council of Governments. Transportation planning agencies in adjacent states, i.e., Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota and Iowa, are also utilizing TRANPLAN Modeling Software. The capabilities of TRANPLAN involve an integrated suite of programs for forecasting the impacts of alternative land use scenarios and/or transportation network improvements on highway and public transit systems. The attached work program outlines the scope of services required to successfully develop a transportation plan for the western half of the City of Rosemount. The plan can provide guidance to decision makers relative to the types of transportation infrastructure improvements necessary and the subsequent scheduling of such improvements. When determining transportation impacts on an area such as the City of Rosemount, consideration must be given to the "larger" picture. Therefore, it is our intent to involve the City of Rosemount together with Dakota County, The Metropolitan Council and MnDOT in a series of meetings to assure the compatibility with other agencies' transportation plans. The cost for professional services rendered in connection with the work outlined in the attached work program will be based on our current hourly rate for staff personnel. Based on our experience in similar projects, we estimate our fee at $12,000.00. Should the City request the analysis of alternatives in addition to those discussed in Task 4, each additional alternative would be estimated at that time. Mr. Bud Osmundson June 30, 1992 Page 2 OSM is well qualified to perform this work for the City of Rosemount. Our staff has experience providing similar services. Road design and construction, traffic signal analysis and design, transportation planning, bridge design and construction, etc., are types of projects that constitute a large portion of the daily work of our transportation and municipal engineering staff. Knowledge of these services is an essential component in comprehensive planning of a transportation system. We appreciate the opportunity to present our capabilities and project methodology to you, and we look forward to your favorable consideration of our professional services. If you have any question regarding this proposal, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. Ron.Bray, P.E Manager, Transportation Department b,f attachment _ WORK PROGRAM Task 1 - Data Collection All available data from the City of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minneapolis -St. Paul Metropolitan Council and MnDOT will be assembled and reviewed. The data will include: • Existing and Projected Land Use • Existing and Projected Population • Development Patterns • Traffic Volumes, Peak Hour and Average Daily Traffic • Programmed and anticipated roadway improvements, etc. Additional traffic counts will be conducted as required. Task 2 - Model Department Based on existing roadway and traffic data collected, a computer model will be developed using the TRANPLAN transportation modeling software program. This task will include: • Accessing the Minneapolis-St.Paul Metropolitan Council's Metropolitan Area Model and "windowing" an area including the City of Rosemount. • Adding additional roadway links, in order to model the City's primary street system. • Developing the model and entering data, based on the Metropolitan Council's new transportation analysis zone (TAZ) system. This will provide compatibility with other agencies (i.e. MnDOT, Metropolitan Council and Dakota County) transportation plans. Task 3 - Model Calibration Once the model has been developed and the data has been entered by TAZ, an initial (existing) assignment can be run. The results will be compared to existing traffic counts on the street network. Adjustments will be made to trip generation rates, roadway capacities, vehicle speeds, etc., to calibrate results to existing conditions. Work Program Page 4 Task 4 - Alternative Analysis Once the model has been calibrated to existing conditions, a future year (Year 2000 or 2010) alternative analysis can be conducted. This would include first entering the projected land use, population and programmed roadway network into the model by TAZ for the City of Rosemount. The model will then be run for a variety of alternatives. The future land use and roadway network found in the Metropolitan Council's model will be used for adjacent cities and counties. The transportation improvements that will be analyzed are those discussed at the June 25, 1992 meeting and outlined below: 145th Street East of TH 3, in relation to C.M.C. Property. 2. Connemara Trail - Proposed future route east and west of TH 3; proposed intersection of TH 3; timing; use of this street for high school, Schwarz Park and Armory/Community Center Access. (Concept Plans and Routes) 3. - Relationship of Connemara, CR 38 and Bacardi Avenue East of TH 3, including the railroad crossing. 4. Bacardi Avenue - North of CR 42 and its -relationship to the C.M.C. property, further development north of the property„ CR 38 and the City of Inver Grove Heights, and the possibility of it being a north/south route to CR 32 in Inver Grove Heights. 5. Akron -Avenue - Same issues at #4 (Bacardi Avenue) plus Dakota County Technical Institute' and proposed site of the Dakota County incinerator. 6. Biscayne -Avenue Same issues as #4 (Bacardi Avenue) from 160th Street (CR 46) to CR 38. 7. Diamond Path - 145th Avenue South to CR 46 - This is included due to strong Rosemount development in the area and generally a lack of development in Apple Valley. What affect does this have on timing, funding, etc? This issue will include a coordination effort with Apple Valley. Task 5 - Report Preparation A draft report will be prepared outlining the study methodology, data collection, alternative analysis, study results, recommendations and conclusions. The study results will include a series of technical memorandums addressing specific issues as outlined in Task 4. The recommendations will include, but not limited to: timing of roadway improvements, street widths number of lanes, land use, terrain and property line issues with respect to railroad Work Program Page 5 crossings, pedestrian issues, etc. The draft report will be distributed to the City,. Dakota County, MnDOT and Metropolitan Council for comments. The final report will then be developed addressing all comments. The final report will be presented to the City Council and recommended for adoption as the transportation element of the cities comprehensive plan. TASK 1. Data Collection l 2. Model Development 3. Model Calibration 4. Alternative Analysis S. Report Preparation Total BASIS FOR COST ESTIMATE COST $1100.00 1400.00 900.00 6100.00 2500.00 $12,000.00 s � s