HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.f. Fire Station Referendum Citizens CommitteeCITY OF ROSEKODNT EXECUTIVE SUMSARY_FOR ACTION ,CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: AUGUST 4, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: FIRE STATION REFERENDUM AGENDA SECTION: CITIZENS COMMITTEE OLD 'BUSINESS PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILR, AGENDfl ?M # 5 F CITY ADMINISTRATOR ATTACMaNTS : MEMO OF JULY 17, 19 92 APP OVE BY This item is back on the agenda to allow councilmembers to select appointees to serve on the "Fire Station Referendum Citizens Committee". As noted in the memo of July 17, 1992, this committee will assist the architect, staff and council in establishing design, cost estimates and public information on the proposed facility. RECObUdENDED ACTION: A motion to approve the appointment of the persons recommended by Councilmembers and Mayor McMenomy to the Fire Station Referendum Citizens Committee COUNCIL ACTIONS TO: Mayor McMenomy Councilmembers: FROM: Stephan Jilk, DATE: July 17, 1992 M E M O Klassen Staats Willcox Wippermann Administrat U! SUBJECT: Fire Station Referendum Citizens Committee A major factor in gaining approval for the construction of the new fire station, public works remodeling, and fire apparatus purchase is the involvement of the community. To insure that the citizens are comfortable with design, cost estimates, and approach to defining need it is vital to involve them in the process that will take us to the November 3, 1992 referendum. It is my recommendation that to do this a citizens committee be formed. The responsibility of this committee would be to assist the City Council, architect, and the city staff in the proper formation of concepts and specific items to move the process through to the referendum. The committee would meet about four times throughout the process with the architect and the city staff. Based on information provided by the architect, and efforts provided by the citizens committee, which worked on the facilities study and our "Armory Committee," I would suggest the following: 1. The committee should be of a size to include 25.members. 2. The committee should represent all areas of the city. 3. Current city committee members should be excluded. 4. The makeup of the 25 members should follow approximately as: A. 5001 women (12) 50% men (13) Page 2 B. 80% homeowners (20) 10% renters (5) C. 100i should be business owners D. Age groups represented 25-35 (7) 36-50 (10) >50 (8) These numbers, as recommended, are quite specific, and I understand it would take quite an effort to try to meet all these qualifications in putting a committee together. Since you will be presenting recommendations for these positions, and time is of the essence, I would suggest the following: 1. Each councilmember and Mayor McMenomy submit 5 members each. 2. Of these five try to provide: 2-3 women 2-3 men 1 renter 4 homeowners l business owner/operator spread age group representation as evenly as possible The folks that are picked should be willing to work on the committee knowing that this committee will not be recommending pro or con on the referendum. They must be in favor of the project, and be willing to work to provide the best project, at the least cost, and get out as much information that can be gotten out to the public to allow voters to be informed when they vote on November 3rd. With your approval to form this committee we would place this item back on the agenda on August 4th to approve appointments. It is important that this process move along so work can be completed on design, cost estimates, etc. so ballot information can be set by September 15th. Please see the attached (preliminary) schedule for this project. FIRE STATION - REFERENDUM / CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE Date Action June 23 Hire architect to provide services for referendum and construction (Boatman & Associates) July 1 approve survey of proposed property site July 13 Architect begins meeting with City Staff to review and confirm building program for Fire Station and Public Works facilities. July 20 Appraisal of property started July 21 City Council authorizes the formation of a Citizen's Committee to work with architect/city council on "informing" the community prior to the referend- um. July 30 Survey for Fire Station site complete. Begin review of alternate site uses (remainder of site after fire station site is excluded. Aug. 4 City Council approves Citizen Committee and authorizes act!vity(les). Aug. 15 Property appraisal complete. Cost estimate for aerial truck complete. Aug. 21 Final cost estimates on construction. Sept. 1 City Council considers recommendations for ballot questions. Sept. 15 City Council sets referendum date and sets ballot question/amounts. Authorizes preparation of newsletters/brochures, etc. for "Get out the Vote" campaign. Sept. 16 Ballot information sent to County Auditor Sept. -Oct Public Meetings "Get Out The Vote" Campaign Nov. 3 Election Day - Referendum Day City Council reviews election results and declares approval is received to proceed with final design and construction. Nov. 17 Architect given approval to begin Phase II Process. City Council authorizes schematic design drawings td be completed. Fire Station: Referendum/Construction Schedule Page 2 Dec. 1 City Council authorizes purchase of Fire Station Site. Jan. 19 Design schematic drawings approved. 1993 City Council authorizes design development drawings and bid documents prepared. Feb 193 Project is bid. Project bids received/contract awarded. City Council authorizes sale of bonds. Mar 193 Bond sale revenue received Construction becir_s. March - October 1993 - Construction Nov '93 Fire Station construction complete. A. Existing Lire station remodeling begins. Jan 195 Existing Fire Station remodeling complete. *Not considered in above schedule at this time (7/14/92): 1) Zoning of property. 2) Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment to bring into MUSA 3) Site Plan approval by Planning Commission. a) Alternate land use for remaining part of site.