HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.e. Accept Quotes / Award Contract - Erickson Community Square Rink GradingCITY OF ROSEKOUN'T ExECUTIVE SMOLZ.RY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING -DATE; ` August, 4, 1992 AGENDA I 7V�� AGENDA SECTION: EPT QUOTES y AWARD CONTRACT FOR ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE RINK PREPARED BY: DAVID J. BECHTOLD / DIR. P & R AGmWEM # 5E r APP BY: ATTA LAST MEETINC - QUOTE MATERIALS NOTES HIST RY / COST SUMMARY The concept plans for the Erickson Community Square area next to City Hall call for e major alteration of that present site. The flower garden is being expanded, and the shelter and amphitheater are to be addressed 'shortly. Along with the development plan is the change in location of the hockeyrinks. The old ones' are to be torn down and two new ones constructed. Engineering plans for those rinks call for their new location to be in an area behind the old Mn Dot Garage at the north end of the City Hall parking lot. This site is to be the present location, however, the concept plan does call for the rinks to be placed in the northerly portion of Erickson Park in the next phases of development of this park. The time schedule for the replacement in within the next ten to fifteen years The engineering firm of OSM was requested to; complete a survey of the rink site as well as plans and specs for the grading 'work for those rinks. Quotes were requested and obtained for the grading work. The following is a summary of those quotes: 1. Hust i ng &- Engstrom $ 24,400.00 2. Brown & Cris, Inc. $ 13,512,50 3. DLR Excavating' $ 12,512.50 Our estimatedcostfor the project was $ 14,200. The money for, this project is scheduled to come from-CIP account # 530. RECONDIENDED ACTION: Requested Council action is to accept the quotes and to award the contract for the grading of the hockey `rink site in the Erickson Community Square to' the firm of DLR Excavating for $ 12,512.50. COUNCIL ACTION: I ERICKSON PARK RINKS & LIGHTS NOTES & COMMENTS BUDGET HISTORY and INSIGHTS OF PROJECT BUDGET PROPOSALS 1984 1. Rink construction was scheduled to be completed 2. Cost was $ 11,200 (using our own labor) 3. Budget cuts & time restraints for work - moved it to 1985. 1985 1. Rink construction was to be completed 2. Cost was to be $ 11,000 (using our own labor) 3. Budget cuts and time restraints for work - not completed 1986 1. George"Romo did major straightening and alignment of boards 2. Some new materials were added to replace broken boards 3. Budget discussion put item into 1987 CIP proposal for 1989 to replace rinks 1987 1. Identified need for rinks to be replaced as early as 1989 2. South rink was in worse shape and was to be replaced in 1989. Cost was $ 11,000 for materials and outside labor. 3. North rink was to wait because of budget restraints until 1990. That cost was also $ 11,000 for materials and labor 1988 1. Budget/remained in the 1989 & the 1990 CIP when 1988 budget had been adopted. 2. Budget discussions for 1989 changed the amounts to $ 13,000 for both rinks to be replaced because of their condition for materials and inhouse labor. Note this change as it shows up in the next item for 1989. 1989 1. Not completed because of labor and budget shortages 2. Budget identified through the 1988 discussions for this year put the amount for $ 13,000 for materials and inhouse labor to build the rinks. 3. $ 8,000 had been identified for replacement of lighting fixtures with using the same old wooden poles. 4. Project moved to 1990 CIP for both rinks. Identified cost increases raised the estimate to replace the rinks at $ 22,000 for materials and outside labor. 5. Lighting and poles were identified to be in very poor shape. An amount of $ 15,000 approved for upgrading the wiring and fixtures - because of $'s old poles were to stay at this time 6.* Shelter was recommended to be built along with rink 1990 1. Rinks and lights were delayed because of a study being done on space needs of the city. This area including the parking surface etc. may have been needed for expansion of city hall buildings, parking lots, etc.. 2. Money from project was encumbered to 1991. 3. Parks Carpenter replaced boards, fixed hinges on doors, etc.. 1991 1. Rinks and lights were delayed because of Town Green Study. 2. Money was encumbered to 1992. 3. Erickson Community Square area was identified. a. where rinks were to go (the present location) and next to the pond site the amphitheater is now planned b. the rinks will remain in the new location behind the old MnDot garage area until they need to be torn down in 10 - 15 years c. the rinks are planned to not be replaced on this site 4. $ 12,000 from the 1991 CIP budget report showed an item in 1992 that was to be spent for score boards in Erickson Park softball fields. That item was changed in the 1992 CIP to pay for grading and engineering of the new site for the rinks and lights. (#16) The score boards have been delayed for being put back into the CIP as a priority at this time. 1992 1. Replacement of the rinks is estimated at: a. materials - $ 6,800 @ ($ 13,600) b. contracted labor - (s 5,000) c. inhouse staff time (2 staff / 5 - 6 working days per rink) NOTE: RAHA is willing to donate some time to assist 2. Replacement of the lighting is estimated at: a. lighting fixtures / 40' metal poles / install 30,000 b. electrical engineering - 3,500 1. draft specs 2. write specs 3. direct project 4. sign off on project * 5. metal poles & fixtures to be used on future rink sight(S) 3. Warming house a. materials - .$ 4,500 b. contracted labor - $ 1,500 c. inhouse staff time ( 2 staff 4 days) d. old bulding seems to be able to be moved $ 350 in repairs * e. building can be used on future rink or park sites f. electrical to rink site, connection to lines, etc. 4. Grading a. engineering - completed with survey work of Erickson Park b. rink sight - $ 12,000 *_ c. grading will allow for future uses of site when rinks are determined to be taken from this location d. site has been surveyed and grade plans laid out for shelter, area at this time - rink site is at same level as shelter PARKS' STAFF REVIEW ERICKSON COMMUNITY SQUARE HOCKEY RINKS AUGUST 4, 1992 NOTE: RINKS WERE BUILT IN 1976 I. 11 WOODEN POLES 9 ORIGINAL - OBTAINED IN 1976 USED FROM THE V0. TECH. WE WERE TO HAVE RECEIVED THE POLES FROM THE OLD SKI LODGE IN PINE BEND, BUT THOSE POLES WERE NOT LONG ENOUGH. THE SCHOOL GAVE US THESE USED POLES AND TOOK THE SHORTER ONES. 2 REPLACEMENTS - FROM PILE OF USED POLES BEHIND MN.DOT GARAGE II. 35 LIGHT FIXTURES 14 LIGHTS DO NOT WORK 6 LIGHTS BURNED OUT 8 ARE ON POLES WHERE WIRING IS OUT CANNOT GIVE ACCOUNT IF BURNED OUT OR NOT AT THIS TIME UNTIL WIRING WOULD BE REPLACED ALL OF THE LIGHTS FIXTURES NEED TO BE ADJUSTED. III. SOME LIGHTS ON NORTH RINK WERE PURCHASED FROM THE CITY OF EAGAN THREE YEARS AGO WHEN THEY TORE DOWN THE RINKS TO BUILD NEW ONES. THAT IS THE TIME WHEN TWO OF THE POLES THAT STORMS BROKE OFF WERE REPLACED FROM THE PILE BEHIND THE MN.DOT GARAGE. IV. NORTH RINK LIGHTS ON THREE POLES ON THE NORTH SIDE ARE OUT DUE TO UNDERGOUND WIRING NOT FUNCTIONING. ESTIMATE FROM ELECTRICIAN TWO YEARS AGO WAS $ 2,000 TO GET BACK INTO USE. SINCE THE RINKS WERE TO BE REPLACED WE DID NOT FEEL THAT WE SHOULD SPEND THE MONEY AT THAT TIME TO GET THE WORK DONE. V. 1992 WORK TO BE DONE TO GET THE RINKS ON LINE FOR SEASON RINKS NEED TO HAVE TOP 2x4'S REPLACED ALONG WITH THE SCREENING MATERIALS. No work had been budgeted nor scheduled this season due to the fact that the replacement was to take place. The poles and fixtures should be replaced with new electrical wiring at a minimum. The cost of that would be the electrical engineering related to the specs and the construction as well as the listed cost of poles and fixtures. The approval of the amphitheater within approximately five years means that the poles and fixtures in this location would be required to be moved to another location at that time. With the timing of the projects it seems logical to move ahead with the proposal as identified to Council last year. Approval was for the surveying, engineering, and writing of specs and grade plans.