HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.i. Staff Attendance at ICBO Business MeetingEl I 110t ' � ^.*$*%*2■.x4**# AVENUES andBRIDGES Com .. LEADERSHIP M ®$%* ■ ■ Soo* 41t AVENUES ®' w-idRIDGES COMMUNITY LEADERSIIIP AvE provide mobility for people and products in our cities and towns, and we also talk of avenues of information and change in our communities. RIDGES carry people and goods across the changing landscape of our cities and towns, and we also talk of bridges that connect differing viewpoints and build understanding in 0111' COI1111111111t1es. OMMUNITIES are the places where our citizens live and work, where we grow up and grow old, and we also talk ' • • • • •�® communities as entities help define he goals of the with spirit, values eole who those places that pet_p p p c- _ home. For local government officials, C0111111LInity leadership involves a constant search for ideas that will help solve problems, stretch resources or strengthen the social and economic fabric of the community. GREAT IDEAS are needed more than ever by municipal leaders who find their communities struggling with a battered and sluggish economy, aid cutbacks and unfunded mandates, and the effects of growing disparities and discord among various segments of American society. Dear Mends: As Mayor of the City of New Orleans, it gives me great pleasure to invite to our community all of the delegates and attendees of the largest organization of local governments, the National League of Cities. As the immediate past president of NIX, I am proud that the oldest organization of municipal government leaders in the country has chosen New Orleans to host its 69th Annual Congress of Cities and Exposition, November 28 - December 2,1992. This five-day conference will bring nearly 8,000 partici- pants, representing over 1,400 cities and towns, to our city to discuss a wide variety of training opportu- nities for municipal officials. On behalf of all of our citizens, we are delighted that you have chosen our community as your meeting place. NLC could not have selected a liner city Ihat ours in which to convene. From the banks of the mighty Mississippi River to the levees of Lake Pontchartrain, New Orleans has something for every- one. Visit the Aquarium of the Americas to see exotic sealife and unique aquatic creatures. An afternoon ride on our famous St. Charles Avenue Streetcar will take you on a tour through an historic and enchanting part of our city called "Uptown." The original section of our community, known as the Vieux Carre, or French Quarter, remains as attractive today as it was nearly 300 years ago. Tjnroughout our city, historical preservation and urban development have blended together in an exciting landscape of old world charm and new world vitality. Again, I extend a sincere invitation to the mem- bers of the National League of Cities as you prepare to visit our city. We are glad you have chosen New Orleans and hope you will thoroughly enjoy your visit with us. We look forward to your arrival Sincerely, Sidney J. Barthelemy Mayor Givat ifleas is wluit the 1992 Congtvss of Cities is ,-& -60tit-- G1E r ID'EAS F OR CONMUNTlY UADERS C 11,11"XI' I D EAS have to begin Willi sollleolle doing something new of ingenious sonlewher'e, and the 1992 Congress of Cities will do the searching and discovering for you. All you have to do is plan to he in New Orleans November 28-Decenhller 2 for a close-up encounter with people who can explain how dozens of great ideas can work foryou and your community. '1'lle ABC's of tntiat ideas — Avenues and Bridges for Community Leadership — will encompass everything from making hard choices to planning a soft sell, from sharpening management techniques to smoothing racial tension, from building up infrastructure to tear- ing down barriers to jobs and housing. )'oil will want to plan this trip ahead of time, because the Avenues and Btidges you will bee traveling at the 1992 Congress of Cities will be filled with rewv is for you and your community. Take a look at the Congress of Cities pro- gram matrix and begin mapping out your route, following Avenues and Bridges to: / ■ Community Development& Design ■ Community Resources & Relations ■ CommunityGovernance & Management It all begins in New Orleans—on November 28. Plus a bigger -than -ever exposition of products, services and information resources for local government; RE'rIIERE. LEARN THERE. TATAKE I1011E SOME GREIDEAS ERO11 THE 1992 CONGRESS Or CYCLES. CO11I114UNHY DEVELOPMENT & DESIGN AVENUE The Avenue of Conttnunily Developnnenl.:uut Design will emphasize enhancing leadership skills that. can be applied to build- ing; or strengthening a conuttumi- ty's economic base, its aesthetic character, its present, idcnl ily and its vision for the future. Along; this Avenue, delegates will learn about. the latest. in Sl rate gic visioning and long range conn- munity planning, techniques in neighborhood downtown revital- ization including effective use of the Community Reinvestment. Act, innovations in growth manage ment, trends in geographic infor- mation systems, and suggestions on how to comply Willi the array of environmental regulations and mandates covering solid and haz- ardous waste, clean air:md sale drinking water. CO11111AN11'1' 1►E'SOUIU11?S 1tl;La'I'10NS AVENUE This Avenue, will focus on humulin services not only by describing specific programs and delivery mechanisms, but also by emphasizing; the processes needed for (heir success such as public- private part net -ships and collabo- ration, both within communities and among; neighboring cities and towns. iota will bring home innovative ways to educate yourcommunity on diversity; enourage cities' roles in educalion; deal with hate crimes; provide youth, elderly and child care services; minimize prob- lems with gangs; enhance racial relal ions, understand lite benefits and avoid the pitfalls of public housing; comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act; diminish homelessness; increase Job opporltill ities; respond to AIDS; work with community groups and civic .associations; and, create family -friendly communities. COMMUNITY GOVERNANCE & MANAGEMENT AVENUE This Avenue will focus on your role as a community leader respon- sible for setting policy and manag- ing service delivery. Learn from your colleagues and other experts to enhance your leadership skills, increase citizen involvement, bet- ter manage your city's budget, pool resources within your community with your neighbors to deliver ser- vices, market your city, find cre- ative sources of revenue, resolve conflicts, enhance mayor -council relations, achieve better employee relations, develop new leaders within the community, communi- cate with electronics and work with the media. �5'G'Fa ',V'N�•� �,. RII� �µi�tT`^s•i� fit': a S i'6'!a'�✓�j* "F7�+ K f 1 �� M� 1 1Y (. TE 9 i 0..1 yA T. i I Y.� t- r X• SPECIAL EVENTS AND PRE -CONFERENCE TRAMG SEMNARS PRECONFERENCE TRAINING SEMINARS LEADERSIIIP TRAINING INSTITUTE 1992 CONGRESS OF CITIES NEN ORLEANS, LOUISIANA SATURDAY, NOVti11BER 28,1992 Building coalitions, ft,rging strate- gies, and empowering others. Local officials are faced with the tough choices and challenges of community leadership. NLC's Leadership Training Institute has been established as a collaborative resource center for helping local officials respond to challenges with skill and innova- tion. The three full-day and four half-day seminars listed below have been designed to provide local officials with a variety of opportunities for solid, in-depth training. These seminars will be led by well respected experts in their fields who are experienced anti ."Klilcd in conducting effec- tive learning experiences. Aseparate registrat imr fire wilt be, rharged for these prermVerence seen inars. LEADERSHIP TlIROUG11 VISIONING 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Registration Fee: $125 Learn a powerful process for directing change and innovation within your com- munity. Visioning,orthcartofereatinga vision for one's community or organiza- tion, has been successfully used by take - charge organizations - both public and private - to initiate and guide complex change. A leading expert in the field of leadership innovations will bejoined by local government officials who have site- cessfully utilized visioning to teach you the process and steps for enhancing the quality of your community's programs and services. This seminar has been designed to be practical, interactive, and engaging. Itwill provide you with a new set of tools for leading critical decision making within a collaborative, pro -active framework. PLANNING AND FINANCING COMMUNITY SERVICES: HOW TO DO GOOD WHEN TIMES ARE BAD 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Registration Fee: $125 Neve heard it before: a city's budgeting process has to focus on more than num- bers and line items. But how is this possi- ble when 'no more taxes," "reduced government spending," and "cutting out the fat' keep turning up as citizen man- dates. This seminar will equip you with prac- tical ideas for responding to the immedi- ate fiscal crisis of your community. It will provide you with an evaluation of cost reduction and revenue enhancement tools that are being implemented across the country. Popular resource manage- ment techniques such as downsizing, right -sizing, privatization, and Total Quality Management will be discussed in terms of their strengths, their weakness- es, and their long-range effectiveness for dealing with your community's problems. Developed jointly by NLC and The Lincoln Institute of land Policy, this unique course brings together expertise and experience rarely found in a single scminaroncommunityftnance. Attend this seminar to discover systematic processes for increasing quality and cost- effectiveness while working through pre- sentand future shortfalls. SO DEAD-END MEETINGS DRIVE YOU CRAZY: ,MEETING LEADERSHIP AND FACILITATION FOR LOCAL GOVERNMEN'r OFFICIALS 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Registration Fee: $125 Quite often small informal groups can playa critical role in local government decision making- especially if a skilled meeting facilitator is available to encour- age and direct meeting activities. Without the help of a facilitator, time and opportunities can be lost to frustration. This seminar will focus on creating effective, productive meetings that moti- vate people and get things done. By the end of this full-day session, you will have learned and demonstrated a set of skills that will enable you to turn dead-end meeting into sources for generating cre- ative ideas, collaborative problem-soly- ing, and effective team -building. You will know how to help groups brainstorm issues, work through problems, prioritize connicling activities, and come to clo- sure. This seminar will provide hands-on training for local officials who want to playa more interactive, pro -active role in working with groups of citizens, commu- nity leaders, or staff This seminar is the first in a series of skill -based seminars on collaborative leadership. WOMEN AS LEADERS, WOMEN N POWER 9:00 a. in. -12:00 noon Registration Fee: $75 According to a growing body of research, traditional male leadership styles have proven ineffective and unsatisfying for successful women leaders. Alternative leadership styles that generate influence and power in non-traditional ways are now gaining increased recognition among women and men alike. This seminar will focus on the styles of consensus -building, empowerment, and risk-taking that women are using and developing as powerful leadership tech- niques. One of the best' selling authors on women in leadership will present her findings on this subject and conduct a stimulating discussion on skills and behaviors that women local government officials will want to nurture in them- selves and others. Attend this seminar to find out how your own style of leadership call work best for you. for thinking about and initiating an eco- nomic development agenda for your small, medium, or large size community. It will show you how to determine what strategies are best suited to your commu- nity's economy, what existing resources can be utilized, and how to identify and develop a realistic action plan that will move your community forward. It will also show you the kind of barriers to eco- nomic development that local govern- ments can move out of the way. By the end of this seminar, you will have a clear understanding as to what you can do personally -and in coll0o;ation with otin- ers- to achieve the specific economic development outcomes for your community. (This seminar is the first of two semi- nars on economic development. It may be taken individually or jointly with the second one that is described below and scheduled for the afternoon.) GENERATING JOBS AND INCOME: 111rat does it take to getyour community CRITICAL STRATEGIES FOR CHANGE, RISK, AND HUMOR: BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT STTRIIVAL SKILLS FOR LOCALS ' 1:30 p.m. -4:30 p.m. GOIERNMEN'7' OFFICIALS Registration Fee: $75 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Without a well designed strategy for sup - Registration Fee: $75 porting business development, a commu- If being more productive and less nity's tax base, jobs, and business climate stressed are important to you, you'll deft- may be left to circumstances that are nitely want to attend this lively seminar! potentially devastating to the whole com- C.W. Metcalf, author of the book, munity. For this reason, local officials 'Lighten -Up,' will revitalize you with his need to understand the critical role they insights, his candor, and his ability to can play in supporting business develop - teach you new strategies for tackling ment within their city. problems with greater flexibly, creativity, This seminar will provide you with an and satisfaction. Through demonstration in-depth understanding of the link and interaction, this seminar will show between business development and the you how to break down serious barriers short term and long term health of your to thinking, communicating, and working community. It will teach you specific with others. It will also make you laugh strategies and activities for engaging your and smile while providing you with community in small business develop - important skills you can use immediately ment, minority business development, and share with others. If you can only and entrepreneurial development. It will attend one preconference seminar, don't provide you with a clear understanding miss this one! of tine important role you and your coun- cil, staff and community can play in pro - LEAD, FOLLOW, OR GET OUT OF moting business development within 711E WAY: MAKING ECONOMIC your city. DEVELOPMENT HAPPEN IN YOUR (This second seminar on economic COMMUMI TT develop provides a critical look 9:00 a.m. -12 noon at one specific strategy for promoting eco- Registration Fee: $75 nomic development within communities. It provides a continuation and extension 111rat does it take to getyour community of the discussion on economic develop - hustling and bustling again- or perhaps mentthat will occur during the first semi - for a first time? Local officials who want nar listed above. This seminar maybe to promote community economic level- taken either by itself or jointly witin the opment can be the critical factor. flrsL) This seminar will provide you with the necessary knowledge and resources IME PAR'r IN NLC POLICY UI:VIiL01'BII:N'I' A("1'11'I'I'11;S If you arr alli'udirry the Collyress o(Cilirs, ,you r•an mulch NLC policy briny made -rind mraybetake part is flu` process goursell, It all starts on Saturday with the meetings of NLC's live policy conuniltees - • Communily and Economic Development • Energh,, Environment and Natural Resources • Finance, rldminisn•alion and htergovernnu`nlal Relations • Ilumaut Development • Truusportation and Communications During the year; die sleering tonuuit lees of each urthese policycononittees have debated possible changes tothe,valioual Municipal Policy. Althe ('()ngressofCities, the full policy couuniffees meet in business sessions at which thev eonsidt,r reconuneu- dalious for policy changes. If you art, regis- tered for (It(, Congress of Cilics, you may attend amv orthe policy committer meetings andjoin in the discussion; only polity cout- tnittee members, however, may voty at the policy conuniflee business sessions. Policv conunitice reconunt,ndations art sent to flit, Resolutions Col unillev, which in turn creates a composite slue of proposed changes for the delegates load on at Tuesday aflernoon's :Annual Business 1leeling. You mavalsoanendlht, Resolutions Conminee nceting, bill only nnembers of the Resoluliuns Conunif fee can speak, make notions, and vote. Af Tuesdav's Annual Business fleeting, the voling mu`mbership adopts the A'alioual .1luair ipal Policy and elects officers and new members of i he Board of Direr f m s. Again, if yon arc registered for the Congress of Cities, you may attend the business meet- ing. But onlytht,official votingreprtscnla- liyesofdirect nu`mbercitivsand member stat(` municipal leagues are allow•t,d on the floor, permitted to speak on the issues, and voleal the business meeting. Each member state municipal league is certified to cast 20 votes, and tach direct member city may cast. from I to 20 %•(tics, based on the cily's size. For information on how to inU)duee pol- icy proposals for consideral ion at the Congressorcities,writelo: Dougl'elerson, Office of Policy and Federal Relal ions, National League ofCilies,1301 Pennsyh•amia Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20004. JOIN COLLEAGUE'S 111'1'11 SIMILAR IN'I'I:RES'I:S A'I' NLC'S CONS11111ENCY, AFFILIA11s, AND ADVISORY GROUT' MEETINGS Cities aren't all alike -and neither are local officials. NLC's constihrency, alliliate, and advisory gr(tups represent a number of spe- cial interests within the will(, range orciiit,s and local of lcials that make up the National Leagueol'Cities. Anuugthesegroupsare the Nalional Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials (N'Itl'%LI?O),11onu`n in Municipal Governnuenl (11'I11G), Hispanic Elected Lord Officials (ITEM), Asian Pacific rinm`rican Municipal Officials(AI'AMO), Uniyt,rsily('onununilit,s Cancus(UCC),and CapitalCities('aucns. Manyoflhesegroups will bald business meet ings, seminars, or social events during the Congress of Cities. some ol'these events will be open to anyone regi-sIerrd for I he ('ongress or ('it ies, w'hilt, others will be open only to members of the group. S'I'A'I'1:11UNICIPAL LEAGUE MEETINGS Many slate municipal leagues hold meetings and receptions for their delegates allending the Congress of Cities. For information on the I inn` and plaet, (tf any meeting planned far your star dclt,galion, consult your stat league executive director. SPECIAL SESSIONS FOR SMALL ('1'1'11:S G While most cities share the same basic prob- lems, we know that what isa run-ofthe-mill problem fora large city can be a crisis fora -small one. A big lire, an almost daily occur- rt,nce in lane cities, can be a disaster fora small one. The loss ofone business, a pin prick in the economy of a big city, can para- I•zt, the economy of a small town. All hough ne;u ly all workshops deal with issues that mote to Cu it's of all sizes, work- shops have been designed specifically for small cit ies. 'Those workshops are marked with the special Small Cities symbol 0. The small Cilics Council swill also meet dur- ing the Congress of0ties. LOCAL EXCHANGE Have yon visited Nl.(,'s electronic shopping mall:' ItiscaOedLOCAL EXCDANGE (LEX) and it is flit, place whereyou can find infor- mation on proposed Congressional legisla- lion, search fin• new innovations, orask for help drnfling a new ordinance. Slop by the mgisn•alion area to sce a demonstration on howyou can find solu- lions to everyday problems simply and easi- ly. The follon'ingorg;nhizationsprovide informalion on LI:X: National League of Cilies ,> PublicTechnolo}gv,Inc. • National Associalionnrcounlies (NACo) • National Association of Ilousingand Redt,velopment (lflitials (NAIIRO) • National Tr st for -Historic Preserva ion • InternationalCily/county Managentenl Association • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Don't miss this opportunity to see what your community could be using as a resource! TIIE EXPOSITION In addition to the training and information sharing during workshop sessions, one of the most integral parts of the Congress of Cit ies is the exposition. This annual event brings you the latest new products, services, and ideas—direct from the manufacturers, consultants, and specialists who can help you pun them to work. Several activities are planned in the exhibit hall during the con- ference to provide you an opportunity to meet and talk with our exhibitors. You are encouraged to use this once a year opportu- nity to its fullest. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR GUARANTEED LOWEST AIR FARES Air fares vary across the country. That's why the NLC Travel Services Group guaran- tees to book you on the lowest air fare avail- able when your reservations are made. The fare might be a restricted published dis- count or an unpublished, unrestricted spe- cial fare that the Travel Services Group has negotiated. These fares are only available through NLC Travel Services Group. Call loll -free (800) 336-0227; from Alaska, Hawaii, and Virginia, call collect (703) 684- 2774, Monday through Friday, 9:00a.m. to 5:30p.m. E.S.T. WIN Two ROUND TRIP AIRLINE 7'ICKF rS Some lucky traveler who purchases a ticket through the NLC Travel Services Group for navel to the Congress of Cities will win two round trip tickets to the city of their choice in the continental U.S. The drawing will be held at the Congress of Cities, and the tick- ets may be used anytime within the 12 months following the Congress of Cities. Travel Services Group reserves the right to select the airline, and restrictions may apply. SPOUSE AND YOUTH PROGRAMS The City of New Orleans is planning an excit- ing calendar of activities and events for spouses and youth attending the 69th Annual Congress of Cities. What better place to spend you post -Thanksgiving week than the City they call New Orleans. Look for a complete description of tours and a reg- istration form in your delegate confirmation. SEND IN YOUR REGISTRATION FORM TODAY! CONFERENCE REGIS'I'RM'10N I it rrit;i, CONFE, RE, NCE HOUSING AND IIEGISTPATION FORM INF01Z11IN110N .11;1;1).11.111)1)M II )N INItY )R11:GION 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Every delegate, guest, slivaker, representative of the Inedia and any other conference part icipant \iUS'f REGISTER with this form. Complete this forst in full. Make your check for full pay- ment of all appropriate eonferenve registration fees payable lo: National League of Cities. Hail your form and check 141: NIX Conference Registral lon Center Duties international Airport P. 0. Box 17.113 Washington, D.C. 20011 NOTE: No registrations will be processed without payment in full, or without an accompanying gov- ernment purchmse order or city voucher. ti. NO REGISTRATION \PILL BE ACCEPTED BY TELEPHONE iii. CONFERENCE REGISTRATION DEADLINES SEI' MBEII 1.1,19!12: Postmark deadline for Early Registration OCTOBER 30,1992: Final post- mark deadline for Advance Registration and hotel requests. AFIT'WrIIIS DA'Z'E, ON SITE REGISTRATION ON'IN. N01 MIBER 6, 1992: Final post- mark deadline for cancellations. IV. CONFERENCE. REGISTRATION CANCELLATION POLICIES No telephone cancellations of con- ference registrations will be accepted. Your letter of cancella- tion 11UST be poshnarked tit) later than NOVEMBF•.R 6, 1992 to quli- fv fora refund of the registration fees. All cancellationsaresubject to a $30 cancellation fee NO par- tial refunds will be made if you decide not to attend particular functions. V. CONI-ERIi CE REG ISTR, T11)N I•'lili EXPLANATION UIRECI, MEMBER - V ufOcials from cities that pay dues dirrrlly Io NI.0 as well its to fheir stall. nnulicipal leagues. ASSOCIATE MEMBER— Ol galtizalions Owl par dues direvily 141 NI.('. INDIRECI' 11EMBElt- 01y officials frool viols 111x1 pay docs only 141 (heir state municipal Icagnes. NON-MEMBF.it— ('it)' officals who arc not members of NI,C or their wale municipal leagues. OTHER— Organizations that d41 nol pay dues directly 1 o N I,C. VI. TRAVEL ASSISTAN('E Special reduced aur ('ares are au;lib able through (h4- Nl,C'I'ravvI St•r'ices Center for individuals al lending the Congress of Cil ies. I'hnne lull free (81NI) aali 0207 to makoyourtravel reservation. Vi f. I IO'1'1:1, ACCOMMODATIONS The NIPConl'erenceRvgisnation ('trove will rake hotel ri-seralions I ININfill' regislPl' d atllrmlrrs. VIII. WHERE TO REGISTEIR Send the Conference Neglslraf ion and Iluusing Form, :long with your('onfcrence Registration Fees Check ONLY, to: NL(' Conference Registration Center Dulles International Airport 11. O. Box 1711:1 N'nshing(on, D.C. 20011 DO NOT send us your housing deposit. ADVANCE REGISTRATION $345 $425 $465 (postmarked between September 14 and October 30 to qualify) ONSITE REGISTRATION $380 $470 $515 (No mall registrations will be accepted with a postmark later thanOctober30. After (his date you must register onsite.) `Retain Ibi. pnnion for reference. RESERVATION INFORMATION AND I. No hotelre,rrafinnrrynrNls tvdl be prnc4-s,rol unless yon reg(, Irl' Ibr the conli•lence and Nov paid Ill• apprnpri;ue runli•rrnre Ices. II. NI I rovptests for It. r•,erva Untls twill Ili- acc4-plvd by IvIv 111141111'. MI I'eg11e,Is 11111'1 be sobillil lt•d.1111311IN 1i 11'111111' ldil111 l' 4 -"pies. III.'I'le poshnark deadline I'or Ill ld reserv;Ifion requests is f n "I'f II11iR al.. I!1!r!, ltnunls will br assigned on a first vont•, lir,( Nervi•d basi,. W. Change's Iu hold Iv,eraion mgne,l, nuNi b4-,llbnlined in writing h, the NI.0 ('onference Regi,u'ation Center and by post 111:11kvd by to ft M1:1::if , 1992. \'.:\ n advanrr h41nsi ng d4-pusi I egmll III oil(- Illght's 4-hafge, per number 411'1*41unls requested, mot 1st It(- sent 111 your hotel assigned, ;rad post aarked no later than No %VionsrR 1:1, 1942,uryoor reser'af ion only be automat icaily c:mcelled by the hold. '['his guar anlee ]lilts[ be made by the appro- priate credit card or by Sending IIIc hotel a deposit on your room a, sus Ill a, yon receive your reser- valfon contirmalion front the hotel. 'Phis is the only way to guar- antev (hal v41u will 11;1%r a room when you arrive in New Orleans. I IO Nl F Send it room deposit to NL( deal directly with your hotel. Arrive when you say you will. Otherwise, Ili(, hotel may sell your room to someone else and keep yn111, I't)uml deposit. IT II'}•oumakeyourhousing Irser•ation after OCTOBER :30, 1992, yon ma)' be sulyeet. to a high- er hole( room rate. i f IHIJLJLTJLT�� I p M I(,n ❑❑aot -....��I°ooaa l' TTPEIao0 � fi c-arnr innnn to S I P e r ss q os �` '4 'All meetings will be held all (Le New Orleans Convention Center A17ENDEE PROFILE: 1'ourassista nee in lilliugonl this box will greatly help us delrlop;ul atl4-ndrr prnl'ih•, aIN well as idenlil;v lies( tiro• aiu•ndccs. ('(case 4 -heck 41r lull in appr41pri;dr inf41rulal ion. _Ncn'I)'elerlydtoo0ic4-lhisveal' _ -,_, 1'41:u'sinoftice Appointedloofliceddsyear _- Ntit lrertroll fer4-11cosallended First Iifile cnnferenceall-Ill re CITY OF NEAV ORLEANS n10I1ILE WORKSHOPS This does not represent a sign-up. It is merely an indi4-aliou nl'y41nr interest in the proposed nlohilr Null; Shops hl help its design and plan (114-111. _NewOrle;uls:\irpnrl'I'rnn - Direct _ New Orleans Selvage and WillerIloordSeminal. -__ Ilislorit.WallcingTourofPlencb Member indirect REGISTRATION FEES Cities Members FOR TiIE 1992 and and CONGRESS OF CITIES Associate Non - AND EXPOSITION Members Members Otter EARLY REGISTRATION $310 $380 $415 (postmarked by September 14 to qualify) Mailing Address ADVANCE REGISTRATION $345 $425 $465 (postmarked between September 14 and October 30 to qualify) ONSITE REGISTRATION $380 $470 $515 (No mall registrations will be accepted with a postmark later thanOctober30. After (his date you must register onsite.) `Retain Ibi. pnnion for reference. RESERVATION INFORMATION AND I. No hotelre,rrafinnrrynrNls tvdl be prnc4-s,rol unless yon reg(, Irl' Ibr the conli•lence and Nov paid Ill• apprnpri;ue runli•rrnre Ices. II. NI I rovptests for It. r•,erva Untls twill Ili- acc4-plvd by IvIv 111141111'. MI I'eg11e,Is 11111'1 be sobillil lt•d.1111311IN 1i 11'111111' ldil111 l' 4 -"pies. III.'I'le poshnark deadline I'or Ill ld reserv;Ifion requests is f n "I'f II11iR al.. I!1!r!, ltnunls will br assigned on a first vont•, lir,( Nervi•d basi,. W. Change's Iu hold Iv,eraion mgne,l, nuNi b4-,llbnlined in writing h, the NI.0 ('onference Regi,u'ation Center and by post 111:11kvd by to ft M1:1::if , 1992. \'.:\ n advanrr h41nsi ng d4-pusi I egmll III oil(- Illght's 4-hafge, per number 411'1*41unls requested, mot 1st It(- sent 111 your hotel assigned, ;rad post aarked no later than No %VionsrR 1:1, 1942,uryoor reser'af ion only be automat icaily c:mcelled by the hold. '['his guar anlee ]lilts[ be made by the appro- priate credit card or by Sending IIIc hotel a deposit on your room a, sus Ill a, yon receive your reser- valfon contirmalion front the hotel. 'Phis is the only way to guar- antev (hal v41u will 11;1%r a room when you arrive in New Orleans. I IO Nl F Send it room deposit to NL( deal directly with your hotel. Arrive when you say you will. Otherwise, Ili(, hotel may sell your room to someone else and keep yn111, I't)uml deposit. IT II'}•oumakeyourhousing Irser•ation after OCTOBER :30, 1992, yon ma)' be sulyeet. to a high- er hole( room rate. i f IHIJLJLTJLT�� I p M I(,n ❑❑aot -....��I°ooaa l' TTPEIao0 � fi c-arnr innnn to S I P e r ss q os �` '4 'All meetings will be held all (Le New Orleans Convention Center A17ENDEE PROFILE: 1'ourassista nee in lilliugonl this box will greatly help us delrlop;ul atl4-ndrr prnl'ih•, aIN well as idenlil;v lies( tiro• aiu•ndccs. ('(case 4 -heck 41r lull in appr41pri;dr inf41rulal ion. _Ncn'I)'elerlydtoo0ic4-lhisveal' _ -,_, 1'41:u'sinoftice Appointedloofliceddsyear _- Ntit lrertroll fer4-11cosallended First Iifile cnnferenceall-Ill re CITY OF NEAV ORLEANS n10I1ILE WORKSHOPS This does not represent a sign-up. It is merely an indi4-aliou nl'y41nr interest in the proposed nlohilr Null; Shops hl help its design and plan (114-111. _NewOrle;uls:\irpnrl'I'rnn - Mosquito Cool rill Board _ New Orleans Selvage and WillerIloordSeminal. -__ Ilislorit.WallcingTourofPlencb For Office Use Only Q11:111er and Market _ Neighborhood Restoration Behind Iht• ScenesTourof iliv Nv%% _ ('ort of New Orleans Tour Olieans Convention (bW rr _SanilationandRecyciingTool. How it) Allrat•lTniri,nlanilConlrnllhe --- ---- - -----._-_ _ .----------- ----- -- ('rows IN NO REGISTRATIONS WILL BE Pito ESS(:D 11'I'f1101''I':\('('11111':1N1'ING RF.GIS'I'R:\'1'10\' 1':\1'111:X'1' I\' 1'1'11. PLEASE 1) PE Olt PRINT (D) Name — Six F 1\1 Title ' (E City or Organization $109 Mailing Address -- (F) New Orleansmarrinit- $98 City Stale _-- Zip- Tvh,phunc ( ) $97 $97 Family Member A((ending (No regisD'ation fee rcgnir4-(1): Spouse Full Name --- Sex F }I Child Age Child -- —_,-- Age Check applicable Conference Registration Fee fund enter total fees in the right hand colunut: F.r1Rl.l' REGIS'1'Rr1'I'ION I' I:I:S (I'achnarkrd by Sepu•mber 11, I!I!12) $alo Direct Member $ -_ $alt 1,,.1. late Memlher $ $x811 Indirect Memb4-r& Nom Member '(_ $115 Other $_ ADVANCI: REGISTRATION Fi;I:S (Postmarked by Oc(ober 30, 1992) $315 Direct Monlbcr $ $3451 Associmc \Member $__- $425 Indirect \(ember&- NomMenlber $165 Olhcl' $ LI:AI)i:RSIIiI''I'RAINING SEMINARS (Saturday, Noventber28) $125 Leadership through 1'isioning $ --$1$5 I'IaeningandFinmm•ingConunmfityServices $ $125 Meelilit, LeadershipandPari IHall iolI S_ $ 75 \\'unum as Leaders $-- $ 75 Survival Skills lin' Local (IOi4-ials $ $ 75 Making Ecotionlic Development Happen $ -- $ 75 Generling.lobsand Income $---------...----. SPECIAL EVENTS $ 25 1\'IJIGllrrnchallhehomeufl'ornmr Congresswoman Lindy Boggs, Sunday, Novendwr 29 Limited to first (fill regislrants. $ $150 NB(';LI?OActivities (I''eincludes workshops, banquet and 199:3 N I I('/I.E() does) . $100 I I I:LI I r\d ivi l urs (lir• i nt h u les a orkshops, I olul11v111and 199:11 IIELOdoes) $-- _ TOTAL ItI.GIS ('RATION REBS $ Make c beck payable for the total anunnt of the conference regisl ration fees to: NA PION:\\. LEAGUE, 0I•' ('III'IEs Registration cancellation letters nnlst be postmarked by November ti, 1192. All canceilaions are subject to if $:30 cancellation fee. Please make nt} hotel reservations aS indicated below. I do 11411 require hotel accommodations at any of the hotels listed below. Please contact nm regarding suite information. -- I prefer a non :smoking room (assigned on a space available basis) Arrival Dale / Time Departure Date / / Time Special (lousing Requesl e.. wromnts, etc. Ifyou have special housing12 . I 1 h,uls t Ii.ini n needs Ileasel•ontact theCon fercnc•e I •I Regisirat ion Cetller. I will be sharing m} room with: CoOccupanl Name Address Citto _ — Telephone (-- CREDIT CARD AUTHORiZATION Credit Parol Novidwr Itanf, Number Expiralion Date '17u• NI P Conf -n-nce Regia rat ion ('ewer is authorizeot to use the above card to gum:ulee my hotel resenations. I understated flat one night's mom charge will he hilted through f h is rmr l i I' I rail to shoe' up for any a,signeli housing on the confirmed dale unless I hate caneellod Illy resen•af ion kith the hotel at least 48 hours fn advance. l';irdholder Signal ore Dale HOTEL PRUFRENCE Rates listed beton ;Ire for cit hcra single or double room. Indicate your lilsl-choice hotel with the number Land circle the roots type you desire. Nmnber 111e of her hotels front '_'to 7 in order of your preference. Your hotel and room lype will be assigned based on your postmark and hotel rooms mailabilil at the line• your request is processed. Choice No telephone regisl ra I ions or -- caucellalions will hem ccepted. For Office Use Only Please relo1'11 this i'or111 %% it 11 yool' PMKRCVD registration payment lo: NLCCool'erenr4-Registltion Cenler -- D. -Iles International Airport CODE F-7 B C 1'. O. BOX 1711:1 --- ---- - -----._-_ _ .----------- ----- -- Washington, D.C. 20011 $97 (70:1):118-0701) (D) Please make nt} hotel reservations aS indicated below. I do 11411 require hotel accommodations at any of the hotels listed below. Please contact nm regarding suite information. -- I prefer a non :smoking room (assigned on a space available basis) Arrival Dale / Time Departure Date / / Time Special (lousing Requesl e.. wromnts, etc. Ifyou have special housing12 . I 1 h,uls t Ii.ini n needs Ileasel•ontact theCon fercnc•e I •I Regisirat ion Cetller. I will be sharing m} room with: CoOccupanl Name Address Citto _ — Telephone (-- CREDIT CARD AUTHORiZATION Credit Parol Novidwr Itanf, Number Expiralion Date '17u• NI P Conf -n-nce Regia rat ion ('ewer is authorizeot to use the above card to gum:ulee my hotel resenations. I understated flat one night's mom charge will he hilted through f h is rmr l i I' I rail to shoe' up for any a,signeli housing on the confirmed dale unless I hate caneellod Illy resen•af ion kith the hotel at least 48 hours fn advance. l';irdholder Signal ore Dale HOTEL PRUFRENCE Rates listed beton ;Ire for cit hcra single or double room. Indicate your lilsl-choice hotel with the number Land circle the roots type you desire. Nmnber 111e of her hotels front '_'to 7 in order of your preference. Your hotel and room lype will be assigned based on your postmark and hotel rooms mailabilil at the line• your request is processed. Choice Hotel Name Single Double _ _-- (A) Fainnow Iloilo[ $95 $95 (It) Hilton hive skit ATow•ers' $98 $98 (C) Ilulidat• Inn ( low ne Plaza— $97 $97 (D) Hotel intercontinental- ---$99 $99 (E Le Merit New•Orleans $109 $101 -- (F) New Orleansmarrinit- $98 $108 —.-_ ((1) Sheraton New Orleansllotel' $97 $97 ' No rete 0.41 rasing d.-I—ils b u c:nlcelhu imus rtweivetl after i? hours prior to arrival. "All g"an l„•dn•..,•n:Moos will br antnnmieally eanrelhvl ifthey are not guarantrd 10 da>'s I. ;.'I I - in hill. All r. m,. roquire a nue light dvloosil plus tax, ix•r nwnn, to guarantee accommodations. '('his is ucwdawn tern dyuu plan w:urivr beater tial(\ p.n1. If you fail w comply with this poli, ;v, writ rn.ml way 1--i All ma,lor credit can Is ave accepted an the:dx— holds for r,w10t delalsits and'or guarantees rvrpl me Inteec....I nal :uul IAS Meridien. '('hese two hotels do not acrepf Dixover Card. ) t n � MI is•r tet 1x11'11: rat ANu su:N -t •hl:urrcARn Am•noRlzA'1•uaN• setTUlx ADoee. All gnverumenl join It; vourhers or claims most be submitted to flit, appropriate heel 1'111'11 t% IITKSinad,; ofill rivaldafeand are subject to approval by iht, hotel.