HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.b. Minutes of August 5, 1992 Special MeetingROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL MEETING AUGUST 5, 1992 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was jointly held with the Planning Commission, Port Authority, Parks and Recreation Committee and Utilities Commission on Wednesday, August 5, 1992, at 6:37 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 - 145th Street West. Mayor McMenomy called the meeting to order with all members present. Staff members present included Stephan Jilk, Lisa Freese, Rick Pearson, Marie Darling, and Ron Wasmund. Mike Miles, City Attorney, and various commission and committee members were also in attendance. Mayor McMenomy led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The purpose of the meeting was to receive input and direction on several remaining issues regarding the Comprehensive Guide Plan update. As an addition to the agenda, Mayor McMenomy requested that residents of Country Hills, Rosemount Hills and Shannon Oaks be allowed to be speak in regard to land development of the surrounding areas of their developments. The following questions were asked: 1. Is their an allotment for commercial property in the Country Hills development? 2. Size of lots - smaller city style lots or bigger estate lots? 3. Would city consider 1 -acre lots against south end of Rosemount Hills? A resident stated that they would like to see the area between Schwarz Pond and Rosemount Hills III be developed as rural residential lots. Residents were informed that a transition zone between the smaller city lots and the larger rural residential lots has been discussed in great detail. Any changes would require a Comprehensive Guide Plan amendment and this is something that will be discussed to try and accommodate the desires of everyone. The regular agenda was resumed at this time. Planning Director Freese began discussions with Industrial Land Use. Discussion centered around extending urban services into the eastern industrial areas of Rosemount and the benefits of having this done before a large amount of development occurs in this area. Freese asked for support or non-support to do a utility study of the area. Consensus was reached to proceed with study. Costs and whether Koch could be involved in a joint venture were discussed. Freese also advised that this study would need to be done before the City could present a Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) extension proposal to the Metropolitan Council. Alternative scenarios for developing the western Rosemount industrial park, or the Abbott Property, was discussed. There was agreement that the northern end of this property should not be developed initially but saved for high end industrial or commercial type businesses at a later date. Discussion centered around where to place the urban service boundary and where a trunk line for utility services would be placed. Consensus was reached that the property should remain Industrial Park and that the ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL MEETING AUGUST 5, 1992 proposed 2000 MUSA boundary should be adjusted to exclude the southerly section of the property along 160th and Biscayne Avenue until after 2000. Also discussed was the South Rose Park area, located between Chippendale and Highway 3 north of 160th Street. Discussion centered around whether it should be developed as a business park or as higher density residential. Consensus was reached that designation should be designated Business Park, but that higher standards for development should be incorporated for any nonresidential development west of State Highway 3. Members affirmed the Urban Residential land use designation for the Broback Industrial Park as proposed in the concept plan. The implementation plan would include re -zoning this property to a residential classification. Freese commented that the focus would be to develop commercial type businesses at C.R. 42 and Highway 3. Another area of discussion was the property south of C.R. 42 between Shannon Parkway and Diamond Path. It was decided that a decision had been made earlier to leave this property zoned agricultural and that decision was reaffirmed. The 103 acres surrounding the University property, between 145th and C.R. 42, is to remain Urban Residential. Consensus was reached that the Zanmiller property on 145th Street, west of Peoples Natural Gas, should be developed as Business Park because of its proximity to Peoples and Greif Brothers. Similar type businesses should be considered for development. After considerable discussion and reviewal of two alternatives to deal with waste management land uses and locations, members decided to choose the concept of allowing waste management facilities in General Industrial and Public/Institutional areas as designated on the Comprehensive Plan with performance standards established to influence facility locations. Fred Hoisington introduced discussion on State Trunk Highway 3. He advised that members had three options to consider: 1) follow policy and risk incompatibility with Town Center plan, 2) propose re -location of Highway 3, or 3) Implement a phase fashion plan - whereas, when certain traffic patterns exist, phase into effect plans to accommodate that traffic. City Administrator Jilk advised that MNDOT has no plans to relocate Highway 3. If the City were to request an alignment of the highway, the state would work with the City at the City's expense. After considerable discussion regarding the future housing mix policy, it was decided that there was a need to allow for a limited amount of diverse housing. Therefore it was decided that the 112010 Housing Unit Mix" percentages should remain as proposed. Metropolitan Urban Service Area Boundaries to the year 2000 and the year 2010 were discussed. Discussion centered around the Keegan Lake area and whether to include this in the MUSA boundary or designate it Rural Residential. various areas with homes with septic systems and ways to resolve the problems associated with these systems was also discussed. Consensus was reached to leave MUSA boundaries as proposed, with one adjustment to include the Keegan Lake area as Rural Residential. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL MEETING AUGUST 5, 1992 MOTION by McMenomy to adjourn. SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Respectfully submitted, Deborah Widstrom Recording Secretary ATTEST: Stephan Jilk City Administrator