HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.f. Gambling Premises Permit Application - City LimitsCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECU'TI'VE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 20, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: GAMBLING PREMISES PERMIT AGENDA SECTION:. APPLICATION - CITY LIMITS CONSENT PREPARED BY: SUSAN M. WALSH AGENDI-w ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 7T 4E ATTACBMENTS: APPLICATION __ APP VED BY: RESOLUTION V I/ — Attached for Council's review and consideration is a Gambling Premises Permit Application submitted by Celebrity Bowl Charities, Inc. This organization is requesting the City's approval to sell pull -tabs at City Limits Lanes and Lounge. In past years and up through November, 1992, the Lions organization has operated a pull -tab booth at City Limits. City Limits has decided not to renew its lease agreement with the Lions and has entered a lease agreement with Celebrity Bowl Charities effective December 1, 1992. I have had telephone conversations with representatives of Celebrity Bowl Charities and Jean Doyle, owner of City Limits. I have been informed that 800 of the net proceeds will be spent within the community. The Doyles will have a voice in how this money will be distributed within the city. The remaining 20%- funds this organization's state bowling projects such as Big Brothers or Missing Children. Celebrity Bowl Charities officials have advised me that 50 percent of the gross profits, which is allowable by state law, is used for allowable expenses such as salaries, rental, equipment, etc. Normally gambling premises permits are for a two year period. Since the State license issued to Celebrity Bowl Charities expires on March 31, 1994, Council approval would only extend to this expiration date. Celebrity Bowl Charities currently operates in Rochester plus ten other cities. It is my recommendation that the City Council approve this application effective December 1, 1992 (start date of the lease) to March 31, 1994 (expiration of the license). - RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING A MINNESOTA LAWFUL GAMBLING PREMISE PERMIT APPLICATION COUNCIL ACTION: LG21 d n12"rl `1l itiuiesatot Lamfut awitbling Premises Pei=At Application - Part 1 of 2 honewd Ordanization bash Ii,;tin3tf ntnnber _� Premises permit number New FOR BOARD USE ONLY BASE 0 PP # FEE _ CHECk. INITIALS DATE Class of premise's permit (check one) ❑ A ($400) Pull -tabs, tipboards, paddle+vheels, raffles, bingo it (;250) Pull -tabs, tipboards, paddlewheels, raffles ❑ C: ($200) Bingo only F] D (3150) Raffles only Name of Organisation Celebrity Cowl Chsiiftles, ` Inc. Business Address of OrganizH;n i St ;t �. O Box (Do nonuse the address oTyour gambling manager) 5959.hicoliet Avenue; South Name of chief executive officer (cdnnol be your gambling manager) Title John A, Lever C.E.O. Daytime phone numb ( 5071388-6208 if applying fot a class A oi• C Pem lt. fill in days and begitming & ending hours of bingo occasions: No tnote Ulan seve#i b1mg4i occasiOns may be conducted by your organization per week. Day l3eginhing/Enditig Hours,Day Beginning/Ending, tiours Day Beginning /Ending flours _— to --- --- to -- to 1t bingo will not ba condiscled. check #sore Is the premises lor.:ated within city limits? tEl Yes M No If no, is township C:j organized M unorganized J unincorporated City and CbUnty OW gambling ptemises It located OR Township end County where gambling premises Is located If outside of city limits lie W Name and address of legal owner otpremises -� City State Zip Code fuCpN PoL6' /6 .sem ' &&624 ._ ss S _ Does yout organization own the building wivre the gambling will be conducted? C:I YES q NO It no, attach tt,A following: + a copy of fie lease (form LG202) widt terms for at losi st one year. a tvpy of a skntcl7 of the floor plan with dimensions, showing what portion is being leased. 1e6'166 ttrtd iketch lire not required for Class D appliaitions. --- 110 East Walnut St Mankato MN 56001 - oau o 6Aow-s /S-wo Se, xv,6EAf tmiC 415667C 4,,V1 fhAl J -'5 -,(OX --j/Vu&AdV`tr ' '`�` d {,! lfihtiro>le:aota Lawful Gambling Prernisre Petmi t Application - Past 2 of 2 YorwesE — C--1 1 o ti. . . _. Leslie Huikko " R;6 Box 198, Buffalo, MIt 55313 President Roger Ellatson R:3 Boil 44, Maple Lake, HN 5535$ - Garnhl 4 no t.tn„nno,- John Lever 2100 Roe Crest Ct, No. Mcankato, MN 56003 - C.E.O. -1 am the chief oxecutive officer of the organization; I her,A)y consent that local law enforcement officers, the -I assume full responsibility for the fair and lawful opera- boan:t or agents of the board, or the commissioner of lion of all activities to be conducted; revenue or public safety, or agents of Iho 66finmissbriers, may tlntet the pramistt:a to enforce the law. -1 *111 lamiliartze myself with the laws of Minnesota Dank Rebbtdi Intdhnatlott governing (awful gambling and rules of the board and The heard It authorized to Inspect thb bank records of the agree, it licensed, to abide by those laws and rules, nambling accoUnt Whotievee nece§sary to 1Uffill Including amendments to them; requitorn6ht9 01 cUrrenl gambling tule-1 and law. -any changes in application information will be submitted ORUI to ilia board and local unit of government within io days i declare that: of the change; and -i have read this tipplir~atbn And iiiinfdttnallon submitted -I understand that failure to provide required Information Irl flirt hoard is true, accurate end barripiste; or providing false or misleading information may result In :VI other Faqulted Ihlol,fitalion has baett fully disclosed; the denial or revocation of the license. >icinalure oLch.191 execuiiya officer Urate t� _ 4�.�s /Q - 1. Thea city must sign this application it tha gambling prem- Ises H located WhIllri elty limlts. �! Thi) coUnty +'ANI) township*l must ilgri thl3 application H the gombling premises i3 located Within a township. :i. 11tH local Unit govaiijm6rit (city br baUnty) Must pass a resolu-llort lPecilicillly 140roving br datiylnd this application. d. _A coov of the jQ;al unit of goveoment's rasolu bn ao- l2roylad this aontt ipri Will be Wachod to thIg ApRH,CAtlon, S. 11 this applicat on is denied by the local Unit 61 government, it shriuld not be submitted to the ©ambling Control Board. Toftship: By signature below, the township acknowledges that the organization is applying for a premises permit within towtiship limits. I or County" _� ._ Townshlp" City or C-3unty Name Toiknship Name Sigrah' sal para n Ivkiiapp callod Signature of person receiving application -�4 r /7 baw FWwved TWO oaDa pacai�rea n9ler b ilia Instructions Icsh required attsehrthonth. Kbii to: Gambling Conlrol Hoord ltoaewood Plora South, 3rd rtaor 17i1 W. Counter Flood 0 ftoseviile, UN UiO L0214(r'art 2) tn„,rrrio q Fj , Long ` Aflnne otd 140&t thunbiing Least Agreelnent Fjt'6ti Ls et l ortM.t ddir>r NameAddress of Losior Addrois CNy/Zip-Fpbit, Phone Name of Light O*thet of Osmblino Promises Addre:ks City/Zip Coda Phone 11W0 _ i' oYcE ' als'��` ►bpp RosEMor,,�t mn+ srah$ (aS/.Z } 44Z- yy a Nsms of Otgalniza len 1-6ahing the Proms (lessee) License Number, N known CELEM111 BOWI:, CHARITIES, INC. 02650 The IdMul tlambiing aclivhy which the organization will conduct b (chuck all thst.Apply): E-1 blhdd UX -3 L paddlawhoois EzR:] pial-thbs EJ tipboards nelit }[ tdrbilitloj i (See 14ulse 7860.oMd, Subp 3) ClAis A and C prdmI644 petmitc Class B and d promises permits: Dent lot bingo and all oth6t gambling activities conducted Flent for gambling activities not Including bingo duting thtil bingo b6biti6h creaky h61 oxcbod,, 1§ a maximuni of $i Otto per month. $200161, Up to 6,60d hOU64 feet; $300 Idt Up to 12,000 squats toot; and tdoo (dr mare than 12,600 5quara tdet. Idb6p bingo occasion t NIA o a r nth I(I4O. Q 0 ,, tlsh! Ii iy Hot 66 66MIJ oN A pitcentage of rocoipts, profits from lawful gambling, or on the number of patticlpstit.-4 Ifidtiding A bingd 6ccasl6H. ' An otoAnizttion may hot p6y t6ni to Itsalf or to any of No &011iatos lot.a� iir:o used for the conduct of lawful gambling. ... . the WA(A) IWAd within th6 pfohilsh 9,t6 X 1641 bV feet, for s total of tb square toot. s %; •,!i - ; ' _ _. -S-Uhl by � toot. (or Atotal of 30 square feat. r F , 1e6t by 1e64 for A total 61 square feet. CombMed iota! squttN 100! Skk6h V"' ,< <. Attach A tkbtch which sh wi th6 ldcation and dimensiond 01 the lease! street Th6 dash Will gd Intd 01f6d at 12:01 a.m. bn IA JI 19 . -2- j and will and at 12:00 a.m. on. 10 10 A petbd of of 1660 dh6 yattr. T11th64 diid Ddy9 df JJlitgd Aciflulty (if horn; lln:11644 WA) : WA The go O coslont,wil bit hold (a. maximum of 7 bingo occasions p4.r organization): front (ho' M —, (a.m.fp.m.) tcl _ (as.m./p.m. on (days of week) from (hourb) (ati.m./p.tn.); ld:_. ��" (LnUo.m.) bn (days of week) from (houtll) (a.rii./p.m.) tci ~. (ihm.tp.m.) tin (days of wdok) _ Whi (houts) — (a.m./p.m.) tcl (a m.ip.m.) on (days of week) , from (houri) (a.m.lp.m.) to_ (a.m./p.m.) on (days of week) from (hourt) „_, (a.m./p.m.) to � _ (a.m.lp.m.) on (days of week) from (hours) ;:a.ni./p.m.) to _ (a.m.tp.m.) on (days of week) - ^ _ Dy agrei3jjdg to Lhe te> lxiS of t.liis )lease, It is tnulatallp agreed that " Wharf loning from A licel-ts6d bingo hull, the lessor must be legal owrior of the property. V� The own#11 of the property or the lessor may not managd,gambling at the prom4e3. the ids i+ crl'tsf th8 ptontlses, hi 4 d h6r Wmeldlate famliy, And any agents or omployo@r patiicipalk its player! In the WhdUct of i9wful gambling on the leased promisos. The lossof and the 1@4366 do riot have ti direct or indirect financial interest In the distribution or t.. of gdmbIlAV bquipmaitt. + The lossof of the promisor; will allow the Board or agents of the Board, the Commissioner of Public Safety of ggonts cif 1116 00mrriI§4ioh-1h bf the Conimlr.Mondt of Anvonue or agdrtlb of the commissioner, and law enfdtc@mbnt p@rsohmil to Inshoct the pr6m14e6 at any reasonable tim4, and permit the organization to conduct lawful gamblin at thh ptamisedl according to the terms of thki lease. 7110 lessor may not Impose any conditlong on the otgan�stiod togardin4j distributors of gambling equipmont, garvIcos, ar the use of profits. The orgdnization must; obtain An orgAnNalion license, gAmbling man tiger license and a promises permit from the Gambling Control Botird. 'the organization will bd responsible for complying with the laws and rules of lawful gambling. The organitation must have, at the gambling premises, a curront Invontory of gambling equipment, a sketch with dimonsiong of the promisEis available for review, and a clear physical toparation or divider between the lessee's gambling bqulpmont and the lessor's business equipment. " The orgariization will bb to!iponsible for ensuring that the lessor's business activities are not conducted on the logged promises. : t The lease !hall be terminated irnrnediatniy for any gambling, liquor, ptostifutlon or tax evasion violations occurring on thb prbinlso:l. ' The (essot iif the promisd9 §hall provide the lossao accoO to the liconkod promises during any time reasonable and n@cesbAry to conduct lawful gambling on the promisor and as aglbed upon iii this lease. (Write In any other conditions or tostrictiens that will be Included as pa,i of the lease. Attach additional shoots N nocassary) TIIIS LI'ASE MAY BE TFRMINATEU BY EITHER PARTY BY WRITTEN NOTICE, L THE L88'81311 ANNOR HIS (ITER) t-24PLOYEES MAY BE COMPENSATED IN ACCORDAN1,$ WfTil T11E SCiIEllUL> ON ELLE t This 1660 It the t6tal and only agrdanwht botwbon the lessor #rid the organUatlon conducting lawful gambling activities. 'tharb It ho other tigroom"6611 acid rid dthel consideration roquirdd between IM partle3 is to the lawful gambling and other ni9ittAt9 Wiled td this 16i*6. Ahti phdhgbd in this 16aso must ba submittodid the Gambling Control Board within 10 days nl Iii 661ngo, - r .. 1: . official (Iassea) p i 9/As/10a- A M& of this 160s.4 gild sketch With d1'm6ns16M must be submitted with the bromises permit application renewal or when clatrigat In the lartse occur to:, . Gambling Control Board posewood 13192!1 South, 3rd Floor 1711 W. County goad Et posoville, Minnesota 551 13 (7/10/91) 10/09/92 15:55 It a 612 560 8318 Talley -CASH [TC Tab s_ b 6` SXE�ew 10110 ff y P.01 V ttttr of Mitturiolatit Lawful Gambling Control. Board (612) 639-4000 HAS ISSUED Gambling Manager License G-02650-001 Roger Elletson tt#r of tt tt Lawful Gambling Controi Board (612) 639-4000 HAS ISSUED Organization License B-02650 To Conduct Lawful Gambling To: Celebrity Bowl Charities Minneapolis 60th & Nicollet S Minneapolis MN 55419 fFFECTfOE DATE EXPIRATION DATE 04 /g1 /Q9 - - 03J31/94 .........----^....dam.... CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1992 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING A MINNESOTA LAWFUL GAMBLING PREMISE PERMIT APPLICATION WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount received a Premise Permit Application from the Celebrity Bowl Charities to conduct lawful gambling within the City of Rosemount at City Limits Lanes and Lounge, 15400 South Robert Trail; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the Premise Permit Application and has received a recommendation from the Chief of Police to approve said application. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount approves the Premise Permit Application submitted by Celebrity Bowl Charities for the conduct of lawful gambling at City Limits Lanes and Lounge during the period of December 1, 1992 to April 1, 1994. DATED this 20th day of October, 1992. E B McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Second by: Voted in favor• Voted against: