HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.p. Vermillion River Watershed Management Organization Commissioner AppointmentCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EX3CUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTI©N CITY COUNCIL MEETIN DATE: OCTOBER 20, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: VERMI MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION LLION RIVER WATERSHED - - COMMISSIONER APPT. AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK AGENDITEM 7T j, P ATTACB2MTS: WMO APPOINTMENT NOTIFICATION APP ; The City of Rosemount is a member of the Vermillion River Watershed Management Organization. This organization provides review and management of stormwater management planning in the Vermillion River Watershed. The process for selecting commissioners (5 positions) is ,such that each city and township in the organization is grouped by size, geographic area and, in some sense, financial resources. One group, made, up of all the townships has two commissioners, the small cities have one commissioner and the large cities have two commissioners. Each city and township has a delegate representing itself on a committee which chooses the five commissioners from applicants from the different groups. This selection process needs to take place as five commissioner positions are open on December 31, 1992. I would recommend tat the City of Rosemount's delegate to the selection committee be Mr. Ro Wasmund our Public Works Director. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to authorize Mr. Ron Wasmund to represent the City of Rosemount as its delegate to the Vermillion River WMO for selection of commissioners to the WMO. COUNCIL ACTION: PBELL, KNUTSON, SCOTT & FUCHS, P.A. Attorneys at Law Thomas J. CampheII Roger N. Knutson Thomas M. Scott Gary G. Fuchs James R. Walston Elliott B. Knetsch Michael A. Broback Renae D. Steiner CASTLE ROCK TOWNS Penny Dimmen, Cle DOUGLAS TOWNSHIP Ralph Schweich, lerk EMPIRE TOWNSHIP Floyd Henry, Clerk EUREKA TOWNSHIP Hilman Leine, Cl rk HAMPTON TOWNSHIP Judy Kimmes, Clerk MARSHAN TOWNSHIP Nick Liefeld, Cl rk October 8, 1992 NINNINGER TOWNSHIP Judith Krupich, Clerk RAVENNA TOWNSHIP Roger Benson, Clerk VERMILLION TOWNSHIP Roger Stoffel, Clerk (612)452-5000 Fax(612)452-5550 CITY OF FARMINGTON Larry Thompson, Clerk CITY OF HAMPTON Kim Doffing, Clerk CITY OF HASTINGS Barb Thompson, Clerk CITY OF APPLE VALLEY CITY OF LAKEVILLE Mary Mueller, Clerk Char Friedges, Clerk CITY OF BURNSVILLE CITY OF NEW MARKET Sue Olesen, Clerk Jan Seykora, Clerk CITY OF COATES CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Marjorie Karnick, Clerk Susan Walsh, Clerk NEW MARKET TOWNSHIP CITY OF ELKO CITY OF VERMILLION Wm. Thalhuber, Clerk Mary Ellen Flicek, Clerk Gina Hamilton, Clerk RE: Appoin ment of Vermillion River W.M.O. Commissioners Dear Member Communities: Our office is legal counsel for the Vermillion giver Watershed Management Commission. The following Commissioners' terms expire on December 31, 1992: GROUP A Jerry Stelzel Larry Hamre The communities GROUP AA Jean Benci ppointing the Commissioners are: GROUP A Empire Township Marshan Township Eureka Township Castle Rock Township Douglas Township Nininger Township New Market Township Ravenna Township Vermillion Township Hampton Township Suite 317 • EaQaridale GROUP AA City of Coates City of Elko City of Hampton City of Vermillion City of New Market GROUP AAA Dan O'Neill John Gretz GROUP AAA City of Lakeville City of Rosemount City of Apple Valley City of Farmington City of Hastings City of Burnsville Office Center • 1380 Corporate Center Curve • Eal-an, IMN 55121 Vermillion W.M.( Member Township: October 8, 1992 Page 2 and Cities The Joint Powers Agreement provides that for the purpose of appointing a Commissioner: "Each member (community] shall appoint a delegate. The delegates of Group A shall meet upon 10 days' notice at a time and place selected by the clerk of the Empire Township Board. Group AA shall meet upon 10 days' notice at a time and place selected by the city clerk of Coates. Group AAA shall meet upon 10 days' notice at a time and place selected by the city clerk of Lakeville. The delegates of each group shall select the commissioner(s) by majority vote of the delegates present." Prior to Selecting a Commissioner public notice is required. To save the time arid trouble of every community publishing a notice, the Vermillion W.M.O.. will publish a notice in its official newspaper, the Dakota County Tribune. Enclosed is a copy of the notice. Any community, of course, may ublish a notice in its official newspaper. The Townships may w nt to consider meeting at the Annual Township Officers meeting. The existig Commissioners, with the exception of Dan O'Neill, have requested �eappointment. If you have any questions, please call me. RNK:srn Enclosure cc: W. M.O. iissioners Very truly yours, CAMPBELL,)NUTSON, SCOTT � FUCHS P.A. ger N. Knutson P U B L I C N O T I C E PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, the terms of five (5) Commissioners of the Vermillion River Watershed Management Commission expire on December 31, 1992. The Commissioners are a joint appointment of the following co unities: GROUP A (2 Commission Empire Townsh Marshan Towns Eureka Townsh Castle Rock T Douglas'Towns Nininger Town New Market To Ravenna Towns Vermillion To Hampton Towns ip ship ip GROUP AA (1 Commissioner) City of Coates City of Elko City of Hampton City of Vermillion City of New Market GROUP AAA (2 Commissioners) City of Lakeville City of Rosemount City of Apple Valley City of Farmington City of Hastings City of Burnsville If you a e interested in being considered for appointment as a Commissioner, you may contact the City or Township Clerk of any community Dated: an appointment. 1992. VERMILLION RIVER WATERSHED MANAGEMENT COMMISSION BY: John Gretz, Chairman