HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.c. Newpaper Contract" CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 20, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Rosemount Town Pages AGENDA SECTION: 1992-93 Contract OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: Stephan Jilk City Administrator AGENDA NO.-; �t 1 .5 77� ATTACMdENTS: Contract - as proposed APP OVED_ Yt ✓ 6/ The City currently holds a six month contract with Heikkila Productions of Farmington to produce and distribute the Rosemount Town Pages. The contract calls for the production and distribution at an annual cost of $26,000 City staff has had two meetings with Mr. Heikkila in preparation of renewing the contract. Based on these two meetings, a proposed twelve- month contract, commencing November 6, 1992, was drafted. I was prepared to recommend the Council's approval of the contract on October 20th, as Mr. Heikkila had agreed to the significant issues being cost and process, as outlined in the contract. On Friday morning I had a follow-up discussion with Mr. Heikkila regarding the contract. In that discussion he indicated to me that he is not willing to enter into the contract, contrary to his previous indications of acceptance, because he feels the price should be increased to $20,000 for a six- month contract and he wants to change the newspaper to a fully paid subscription newspaper on January 1, 1992. He feels that the paper would be of better quality and would be able to turn a profit if he is able to go to a subscription approach. He is willing to run the paper through December, 1992, as it is being run now, but would terminate our relationship as of January 1, 1992. I have asked him to attend the meeting on Tuesday to discuss this. I cannot recommend increasing payments to Mr. Heikkila at the $40,000 per year rate, as requested. I don't feel that the community' receives that amount of benefit from the expenditure. I would recommend allowing the paper to go subscription and renewing a City newsletter concept. RECOMMENDED ACTION: A MOTION to proceed with existing contractual arrangements for the publication of the Rosemount Town Pages through December 31, 1992. COUNCIL ACTION: L A GREMENT for, the PUBLICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE ROSEMOUNT TOWN PAGES AGREEMENT made this 20th day of October, 1992, by and between the CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City"), and HEIKKILA PUBLICATIONS, INC., a Minnesota corporation ("Publisher"). 1. Legal Notices. The Publisher shall publish all City legal notices in "The Farmington Independent" newspaper. 2. Newspaper Office. The Publisher shall maintain a secondary office, as defined in Minn. Stat. 1990 § 331A.02, in the City of Rosemount. The office shall be staffed with a reporter between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding public holidays. When the office is not staffed, calls shall be automatically forwarded to the Publisher's main office in Farmington''. 3. Newspaper. The Publisher shall publish, print, and distribute a weekly newspaper known as "The Rosemount Town Pages.." The paper size, print type, and layout shall generally be similar to the "The Farmington Independent." The Publisher shall distribute the newspaper by mail or direct delivery and without charge to all addresses in the City of Rosemount. Free copies of the newspaper shall also be made available at retail. outlets throughout the City of Rosemount and at Rosemount City Hall. The newspaper shall include, but not be limited to the following content: - * One page available for "Rosemount City News", the content of which shall be furnished by the City to the Publisher by Wednesday, prior to the publication date, at 5:00 p.m. to the office in Rosemount. The content -of this page provided by the City will not be altered prior to publication by the publisher. * Quarterly publication of park and recreation programming schedules as provided by the City. * Quarterly publication of recycling promotions and educational information as provided by the City * Publication of all City legal notices as provided by the City. * Publication of all City Council, Planning Commission, Parks & Recreation Committee, Utility Commission, and Port Authority agendas and minutes as provided by the City. * Coverage of all City Council, Port Authority, and Planning Commission -meetings. * Coverage of school sporting events in the City of Rosemount. 41. Term. The term of this contract shall commence with the publication of the newspaper on November 6, 1992, and shall end with the publication on October 29, 1993. 5. Payment. The City shall pay the Publisher $ per column inch for all legal notices published in the Farmington Independent which will remain the legal newspaper for the City of Rosemount until such time the Rosemount Town Pages attains "Legal Newspaper" status. At such time the City will designate the "Rosemount Town Pages" the City's legal newspaper. Payment shall be made within thirty (30) days of receipt of an invoice from the Publisher. The City shall also pay the Publisher $26,000 for the period this contract covers for writing, publishing, printing, distributing, and the like, the newspaper described in paragraph 3 of this Agreement. Payment shall be $2,167 per month for the K term of this contract. The first payment shall be within 10 days after this agreement is approved and signed. Each of the remaining payments shall be due by the 15th day of each month as follows: 2nd Payment 3rd Payment 4th Payment 5th Payment 6th Payment 7th Payment 8th Payment 9th Payment 10th Payment 11th Payment 12th Payment November 15, 1992 December 15, 1992 January 15, 1993 February 15, 1993 March 15, 1993 April 15, 1993 May 15, 1993 June 15, 1993 July 15, 1993 August 15, 1993 September 15, 1993 The payments listed here are all inclusive of costs the City will pay the Publisher for all items listed in paragraph three above. 6. Non -Payment. If the Publisher fails to provide any of the services listed in paragraph number three or number five, the City may withhold payment on a pro -rated basis for the week that the Publisher fails to comply in providing these services. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT HEIKKILA PUBLICATIONS INC. BY: BY: E.B. McMenomy, Mayor Todd Heikkila, President AND: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk 3