HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.d. Fire Station Location StudyCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE:June 2 1992 AGENDA ITEK: Fire Station Location Study AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Stephan Jilk AGEND a a filM I #""-1 5 0 ATTACM4ENTS: Architect Comments and Sites D Y: Information Pursuant to discussion held regarding the location of a new fire station and the desire to consider an alternate site to the one recommended in the study completed in 1988 I have contacted an Architectural firm to review the alternate site, that being the Strese property on Shannon Parkway. That site is approximately ten acres in size and has water and sanitary. sewer available, either incloseproximaty to the site or on the property. David Kroos, of the architectural firm of Boarman and Associates, was asked to review that site and the site recommended in the study of 1988 to comment on "buildability and site amenities and site deficincies. Mr Kroos has completed that review and has provided information in that regard. Based on that review and Mr. Kroos's comments I would continue to recommend that the site recommended in the study of 1988 be considered and that the City Council reaffirm that choice I would further recommend that. the council authorise staffto,proceed to meet with the owners of the property and to authorize having an appraisal completed on the property. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to reaffirm the choice of the location for the proposed fire station as recommended in the 1988 Eire Station Location study. Motion to direct staff to meet "with -the property owners to ,discuss the purchase and to order appraisal of the property to determine value. COUNCIL ACTION: May 29, 1992 Mr. Stephan Jilk City Administrator City of Rosemount 2875145th Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068.0510 Re: Site location for the proposed new fire station Dear Steve: The enclosed is a brief analysis of the two site options currently being reviewed by the City for the proposed new fire station facility. The site diagrams for each option indicate a single story facility along with the anticipated area needed for the apparatus aprons and parking areas.The options are as follows., 1 Option A 145th Street Site Drlve-thru facility with access from 145th Street and from the proposed street connecting 145th Street to Dodd Boulevard. 2. Option B Shannon Parkway Site Drive-thru facility with access from Shannon Parkway only. 3. Option C Shannon Parkway Site One way in and out facility with single access from Shannon Parkway. The advantages and disadvantages of each option are listed as part the analysis overview. In summary, both sites can accommodate the projected building needs; provide expansion potential; have utilities immediately avallable; have access to a main arterial thoroughfare system; and, are In a good central fire service location. The differences are primarily In site development costs, Potential land costs,and any preference for direct fire service assts to 145th Street. In my opinion, the City can minimize the site development mats and potential land costs, provide better thoroughfare access as well as Internal site circulation, and optimize the land use In the area by pursuing Caption A, the 145th Street Site. I am hopeful that this overview analysis will be of value to the City in the early planning process. Please let us know 0 we can be of any further assistance. SI Y. v Executive Vice president BOA RMA N KROOS PFISTER a AS-SOCIATES A R C H I T E C T 1,1 R E I N T E R I O R D£ 5 1 G N $ N G I N E E R 1 N G 222 North Second Street • Mlnnrapolla Minne5ota $5401 • Fax 339-6212 Phone 61Z-339-3752: equal oppormnitp Employer 3Od S3.Lb*I60SSV 'S HVInWVOa pld2 T : T 0 36 7- 4 a a l fBoa E 0 a 0 O S S H 'S Id b► Int ?3 b► O S iAza 2 T : T O 38 'B 2 'S 0 'o aL 4 a a l fBoa E 0 a 0 O S S H 'S Id b► Int ?3 b► O S iAza 2 T : T O 38 'B 2 'S 0 OPTION A 145TH STREET SITE ADVANTAGES 1. Site size and shape accommodates projected building needs. 2. Site allows opportunity for facility expansion. 3. Flat buildable site minimizes site development costs. 4. Site Is served by utilities which are immediately available. 5. Site allows access from main arterial thoroughfare system as well as access from secondary proposed road for parking and drive-thru apparatus bays. 6. Site allows for fire station development on the northerly part of the site while providing compatible relationship with future development on the southerly portion. 7. Site location can provide "focal point" of area. 8. Site costs are minimized as City would purchase only .that part of the site which is needed for the fire station. The remainder of the site would be available for other developments. DISADVANTAGES 1. Site has few outstanding physical features, amenities, or vegetation. 2. Site has no natural screening potential of asphalt surfaces for parking and apparatus aprons. 3. Potentially higher landscaping costs due to lack of natural site vegetation. %Oa S3.LV100SSV IT rilV1gWV03* rlaz T : To 36 '63 '90 1 \ r � { m l � a Wo I" 39 F. l- J O z Q Z El 133MAS NJAVS ASMAft OWAW.I 50d S3.LVI OOSSV IV Nvyg3:ivOS* Wa3 T : TO 26 E2 'S0 OPTION B SHANNON PARKWAY SITE ADVANTAGES 1. Site size and shape accommodates projected building and parking needs. 2. Site allows opportunity for facility expansion. 3. Trees on Shannon Parkway provide natural screening of asphalt parking areas. 4. Site is served by utilities which are immediately available. S. Site allows access from main arterial thoroughfare system. DISADVANTAGES 1. As the optimum buildable area for the fire station Is in the center of the site,the remaining land areas to the north and south have diminished development potential. 2. Diminished development potential of remaining land areas may translate to the City having to purchase the entire site when only a portion is needed for the fire station. 3. Site development Costs would be higher due to site demolition and grading. 4. The screening potential of the large trees on Shannon Parkway is a negative for the sight lines of fire vehicles entering the thoroughfare. S. Intemal site circulation is restricted by a single point of access from Shannon Parkway. 6. The surrounding high areas of adjacent sites will be overlooking the roof of the fire station. 9 0 a 8asLv10003V '8 HVWUvasAC Plat T : T 0 F,B 'BZ 'So �`�1--• 4r���....�•-..�.. .................... r L 0 d 14 L -J z 0 P CL 0 W H tJa IL z 0 z z .Ls3m 1231!.1.3 1413I t . —�— • �-•� • . -_� S3.i.vl oQSSv 18 mvpgwvom�k WdZ T : TO 2G .Bz: *so OPTION C SHANNON PARKWAY SITE ADVANTAGES 1. Site allows access from main arterial thoroughfare system. 2. Location of building to the north of the site allows for Improved land usage and other development of the southerly portion of the site. 3. Trees along Shannon Parkway provide natural screening of asphalt parking areas. 4. Location of building to the north of the site requires the City to purchase only the land area needed, for the fire station. DISADVANTAGES 1. Increased construction costs due to the steep topography in the northern part of the site. 2. The steep topography will rule out the- potential for a drive-thru facility without an extensive retaining wall system. 3. The natural screening potential on Shannon Parkway is a negative for the sight lines of fire vehicles entering the major thoroughfare. 4. The surrounding high areas of adjacent sites will be overlooking the roof of the fire station. eOa 53.LVi00SSV •s XVN+IUd46* ir¢a3T : To 36