HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.l. Set Public Hearing - Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment - FencesCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 2, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Text Amendments, Ordinance B = AGENDA SECTION: Fences; Set Public Hearing CONSENT PREPARED BY: Lisa Freese, AGENDA IffEll n # 4 Director of Planning 11 —M ATTACM1ENTS: Hearing Notice; Planning APP BY: Commission Review. In considering a recent set of text amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, the Planning Commission requested that staff examine some additional aspects regarding the fence regulations (Section 7.2 Supplemental Regulations) in the Zoning Ordinance. As,a result, these proposed revisions were not included in the text amendments considered and approved by the City Council at the May 12th meeting. At their May 26th regular meeting the Planning Commission reviewed a new draft of this amendment. The Planning Commission concluded that the concerns raised at the earlier meeting were addressed in this revision (athletic complex and utility pond fencing; barb wire fencing; fencing in agricultural and rural residential areas; and electrical fencing). They are recommending that the City Council set a public hearing for June 16, 1992 at 8:00 p.m. to consider this Zoning Ordinance amendment. RECOMMENDEDRECOMNED ACTION: A motion to set a public hearing at 8:00 p.m., June 16, 1992 to consider an amendment to Section 7.2 (Supplemental Regulations), Ordinance B. COUNCIL ACTION: eity of (0?osemouni PHONE (612) 4234411 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR Edward B. McMenomy FAX (612) 4235203 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068.0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James (Red) Staats Public Notice Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR Ordinance B, City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance Text Amendmefitphan Jill Fence Regulations TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the City Council of the City of Rosemount will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, June 16, 1992 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, beginning at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. The purpose of this hearing is to receive comments on proposed text amendments to Ordinance B, City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance. The City Council will consider additions and clarifications to Section 7.2 Supplemental Regulations, including but not limited to the following: Definitions for fences; Increasing the height limitations for fences in all front yards to 42 inches; Increasing the height limitations for fences in Commercial districts to eight feet; Allowing (six foot maximum height) barbed wire and electric boundary fences in Agricultural and Rural Residential districts related to permitted agricultural and animal husbandry practrices; Allowing eight foot security fences in General Industrial and Waste Management districts with three strands of barbed wire six feet above ground; Criteria for sight line triangles at intersections. Persons wishing tospeakon these proposed amendments are invited to attend this meeting on Tuesday, June 16, 1992 at 8:00 p.m. Dated this 2nd day of June, 1992. Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota l6verylht-ngs (Pouring (UP gosemounlY �ity of (Rosemount PHONE (612) 4234411 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota FAX (612) 4235203 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Richard Pearson DATE: May 22, 1992 SUBJ: May 26, 1992 Regular Meeting Reviews Agenda Item 5(a) 5a. Zoning Ordinance Amendments: Fences MAYOR Edward B. McMenomy COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James (Red) Staats Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk Recommended Action: Motion to recommend approval of the Zoning Ordinance Amendments for fences and that the City Council proceed with setting a public hearing for the June 16, 1992 City Council Meeting. The Planning Commission discussed Zoning Ordinance amendments on May 12, 1992. At that time, the Commission directed Staff to continue to study alternative amendments for fences. The following amendments to the Zoning Ordinance relative to fences are suggested by staff: SECTION 3.2 (DEFINITIONS) of Ordinance B, City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is amended as follows: Fence: A fence is defined for the purpose of this ordinance as any partition, structure or wall, or gate erected as a dividing marker, barrier, or enclosure and located along the boundary or within the required yard. All fences are subject to a building permit as required by the Minnesota State Building Code. DISCUSSION: This amendment adds a definition for fences that is specifically limited to the functions of boundary definition or enclosure for aesthetic, privacy or security applications. Similar structures that might be used for public or private athletic facilities are intended to be excluded. SECTION 7.2 (SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS), Subsection C, of Ordinance B, City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is amended to read: E. Fences and walls not exceeding six (6) feet in height, are permitted in any district in the side or rear yards, but shall not exceed 42 inches in front yards, provided that no structure shall interfere with sight distances for vehicles approaching intersections. Fences not exceeding eight (8) feet in height are permitted in all Commercial districts except along property lines adjacent to residential districts. All fences located in recorded easements are the sole risk of the property owner; and the cost of any removal, 6verythtngs coming (Up (RosemounlP Regular Planning Commission Meeting Reviews May 26, 1992 Page Two relocation or placement of said structures caused by any activity permitted in said easements is the sole responsibility of the property owner. Link fences shall be constructed in a manner that no barbed ends shall be at the top. Barbed wire and electric boundary fences not exceeding six (6) feet in height shall only be permitted in the AG, AG -P and RR districts when related to agricultural or permitted uses relative to animal husbandry. I. Security Fences not exceeding eight (8) feet in height are permitted in the IG and WM Districts. Barbed wire, not exceeding three strands, may be permitted on top of the fence, providing the arms do not project over the public right-of-way or any adjacent public or private property. The minimum height of the bottom strand of barbed wire shall not be less than six (6) feet from finished grade. In all cases where a barbed wire security fence is requested an application shall be made to the Building Official. A Certificate of Insurance indemnifying the City of Rosemount shall be submitted with the application subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form and in an amount as set forth in Minnesota Statutes Section 566.04. DISCUSSION: This amendment restricts barbed wire and electric fences to AG, AG -P and RR districts that are agricultural in use, or allow similar uses such as the permitted keeping of horses. It also allows barbs on security fences in the IG and WM Districts. It also allows fences up to eight feet in height in Commercial districts, IG, WM, AG, AG -P and RR districts. SECTION 7.2 (SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS) Subsection C, of Ordinance B, City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is amended as follows: 5. Visibility at intersections. A minimum sight triangle shall be established on each corner lot at every street intersection through which motorists shall have reasonable unobstructed view. The minimum sight triangle shall be defined as a triangle located at the corner of intersecting streets. The adjacent sides shall be located along the street right-of-way line (and adjacent property lines) of the intersecting streets and shall be 25 feet in length. The third side shall be a straight line joining the end points of the adjacent sides. The City shall have the authority to order the removal of vision obstructions located within the minimum sight triangle. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 2, 1992 AGENDA ITEM;Receive Petition/Order Feasibility AGENDA SECTION: O'Leary's Hills 5th Addition, Proj. 232 Consent PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA 11M. # 4 M City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director ATTACEMENTS: Petition, Map, Resolution APPD 7,70'.. The City is in receipt of a petition for public improvements from , Parkview, Incorporated for the installation of utilities and streets within the O'Leary's Hills 5th Addition. This is a 100% assessable project making payment guaranteed -by the owner. The attached map shows the location of the proposed 5th Addition. A tentative schedule is as follows: June 2, 1992 Order Feasibility Report (F.R.) July 7,'1992 Receive F. R., Set Public Hearing July 21, 1992 Hold Public Hearing, Order Plans ,& Spec's August 18, 1992 Accept Plans & Spec`'s, Order Ad for Bid September 22, 1992 Receive Bids, Award Contract November 15, 1992 Substantial Completion Staff.is asking Council to receive the petition and order the feasibility report. We recommend the firm of S.E.H. to be consulting engineer for this project. Pro j # -Z 3 Z CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PETITION FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS (100% Petition) To the City Council of Rosemount, Minnesota: We, the undersigned, being the owners of all tie real property legally described as follows: Co� ,Lrl Cf Nt �'`1 O�S2C 3I '71 / �/\ I / QiC�Of �l�f /7/IIS1'`7tlr%C17� 61 �1s Alls 21a-0 0%e �� ///its 3 r6' k hereby petition the city council to undertake without a public hearing under Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.031, the following improvements to such property and agree to pay for all costs for the preparation of the feasibility report for these improvements in the event the improvements are not ordered in: y Sanitary Sewer Walkways r/ Watermain l/ Streets Storm Sewer V Curb & Gutter Streetlights Other and to pay the entire assessable costs thereof against our property encompassing or abutting said improvements based on benefits received without regard to cash valuation. Signature of Owner(s)+ Address Date 2. 3. sS 0:' C1 / 4. We also agree to guaranty payment for the preparation of plans and specifications for the above petitioned improvemepts in order that the plans and specifications may be prepared simultaneously with the feasibility report. For City Use Only Date Recd: By: To Council: * Property owned in joint tenancy should be signed by each owner. 10/88 e CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1992 A RESOLUTION RECEIVING PETITION AND ORDERING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR O'LEARY'S HILLS 5TH ADDITION STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT # 232 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has received a petition from the developer and property owners of the proposed O'Leary's Hills 5th Addition Street and Utility Improvements, City Project #232. NOW THEREFORE BE 1T RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount as follows: (1) the aforesaid petition represents 100% of the owners of the affected property; (2) the property owner requests in the petition that the improvements be constructed and that the entire cost for their share less the City's share of the cost of the improvement be assessed against the property; (3) the aforesaid petition is approved and placed on file; and (4) the City's Consulting Engineer, S.E.H. is directed to have the necessary feasibility report prepared for O'Leary's Hills 5th Addition Street and Utility Improvements, City Project #232. ADOPTED this 2nd day of June, 1992. ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Seconded by: E.B. McMenomy, Mayor CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ICE ARENA FINANCIAL ANALYSIS June 2,1992 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ICE ARENA Sources of Funds Bond Proceeds Investment Earnings Total Sources Use of Funds Construction Contingency Cost of Issuance Discount $1,875,000 45.000 $1,920,000 $1,825,000 45,000 22,000 28.000 Total Use $1,920,000 Income Operations Ice Time Skate Sharpening High School Games Concessions Vending Pro -Shop Advertising Sales Tournaments Dry Floor Events Dry Floor Use Summer Ice Total Operating Income Other Income Banquet Facility Excess Increments Cost Reduction Contribution Building Depreciation (50%) Total Other Income Total Enterprise Income Total Enterprise Expense Net Income Before Debt Service Base Case $ 0 319000 243 780 $ 75,220 Aft. #1 $ 15,000 29,780 f 14,000 20,000 $ 78,780 0&780 2$ 43,780 $154,000 Alt. #2 $345,114 $ 15,000 29,780 14,000 20.000 $ 78,780 23 894 $243,780 $180,114 Expenses Total Operating and Maintenance $233,780 Total General and Administration 10,000 Total Operating and Administration $243,780 Ice Time Rates Base Case Rate Hours Income Peak $105 1,176 $123,480 Off -Peak 84 721 60,564 District #196 84 650 54,600 Total Ice Time Revenue $238,644 Alt. #2 Case Rate Hours Income Peak $115 1,176 $135,240 Off -Peak 94 721 67,774 District #196 94 650 61.100 Total Ice Time Revenue $264,114 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA Prepared June 2, 1992 $1,875,000 PROPOSED ICE ARENA By SPRINGSTED Incorporated BUILDING FACILITY Dated: 10- 1-1992 Mature: 2- 1 First_ Interest: 8- 1-1993 Total Net Projected Year of Year of Principal Operating Income Total Income Annual Surplus Cumulative Surplus Levy Mat. Principal Rates Interest & Interest Income Transfers (9) (10) (11) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 1992 1994 0 0.00% 154,568 154,568 101,334 78,800 1809134 25,566 0 25,566 24,774 1993 1995 65,000 4.50% 1151926 180,926 178,001 101,334, 101,334 78,800 78,800 180,134 180,134 2,133 26,907 1994 1995 1996 1997 65,000 70,000 4.80% 5.10% 113,001 109,881 1791881 101,334 78,800 180,134 253 3,823 27,160 30,983 1996 1998 70,000 5.30% 106,311 1761311 177,601 101,334 101,334 78,800 78,800 180,134 180,134 2,533 33,516 1997 1998 1999 2000 75,000 80,000 5.50% 5.70% 102,601 98,476 178,476 101,334 78,800 180,134 1,658 35,174 36,392 1999 2001 85,000 5.90% 93,916 178,916 178,901 101,334 1019334 781800 78,800 180,134 180,134 1,218 1,233 37,625 2000 2001 2002 2003 90,000 65,000 6.10% 6.20% 88,901 831411 148,411 101,334 490000 1501334 1,923 953 39,548 40,501 2002 2004 70,000 6.30% 79,381 149,381 101,334 101,334 491000 491000 150,334 1501334 363 40,864 2003 2005 75,000 80,000 6.35% 6.40% 74,971 70,208 149,971 150,208 101,334 49,000 150,334 126 40,990 2004 2005 2006 2007 85,000 6.45% 65,088 150,088 101,334 49,000 491000 150,334 150,334 246 729 41,236 41,965 2006 2008 90,000 6.50% 6.50% 59,605 53,755 149,605 148,755 101,334 101,334 499000 150,334 1,579 43,544 2007 2008 2009 2010 95,000 100,000 6.60% 47,580 147,580 101,334 49,000 150,334 2,754 0 46,298 45,652 2009 2011 110,000 6.60% 40,980 150,980 148,720 101,334 101,334 491000 49,000 150,334 150,334 1,614 47,266 2010 2011 2012 2013 115,000 120,000 6.60% 6.70% 33,720 26,130 146,130 101,334 49,000 150,334 4,204 2,244 51,470 53,714 2012 2014 130,000 6.70% 18,090 9,380 148,090 149,380 101,334 101,334 49,000 49,000 1501334 150,334 954 54,668 2013 2015 140,000 6.70% TOTALS• 1,875,000 1,645,880 3,520,880 2,229,348 1,346,200 3,575,548 Bond Years: 25,575.00 Annual Interest: 1,645,880 Avg. Maturity: 13.64 Plus Discount: 281125 Avg. Annual Rate: 6.436% Net Interest: 1,674,005 T.I.C. Rate: 6.552% N.I.C. Hate: 6.545% Interest rates are estimates; changes may cause significant alterations of this schedule. ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA $1,875,000 PROPOSED ICE ARENA BUILDING FACILITY Prepared June 2, 1992 By SPRINGSTED Incorporated ; Dated: 10- 1.1992 Mature: 2- 1 First Interest: 8- 1-1993 Total Net Projected Year of Year of Principal Operating Income Transfers Total Income Annual Surplus Cumulative Surplus Levy Mat. Principal Rates Interest & Interest Income (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1992 1994 0 0.00% 156,773 156,773 1011334 1011334 78,800 789800 1801134 1801134 231361 22,554 23,361 45,915 1993 1994 1995 1996 40,000 45,000 4.50% 4.80% 117,580 115,780 157,580 160,780 1041374 781800 183,174 22,394 681309 1995 1997 501000 5.10% 113,620 163,620 107,505 78,800 781800 186,305 189,530 22,685 23,460 90,994 114,454 1996 1998 1999 55,000 65,000 5.30% 5.50% 111,070 1081155 166,070 1731155 110,730 114,052 78,800 192,852 19,697 134,151 1997 1998 2000 701000 5.70% 1041580 174,580 117,473 78,800 196,273 21,693 24,208 155,844 180,052 1999 2001 75,000 5.90% 6.10% 100,590 96,165 175,590 181,165 1201998 1241628 781800 78,800 199,798 203,428 22,263 202,315 2000 2001 2002 2003 85,000 65,000 6.20% 901980 155,980 128,367 49,000 177,367 21,387 19,268 223,702 242,970 2002 2004 751000 6.30% 86,950 82,225 161,950 1621225 132,218 136,184 49,000 49,000 181,218 185,184 22,959 265,929 2003 2004 2005 2006 80,000 85,000 6.35% 6.40% 77,145 162,145 136,184 49,000 185,184 23,039 288,968 2005 2007 90,000 6.45% 71,705 1611705 1361184 49,000 49,000 185,184 185,184 23,479 19,284 312,447 331,731 2006 2008 2009 100,000 105,000 6.50% 6.50% 65,900 591400 165,900 164,400 136,184 136,184 49,000 185,184 20,784 352,515 2007 2008 2010 110,000 6.60% 52,575 162,575 136,184 491000 49,000 185,184 185,184 22,609 19,869 375,124 394,993 2009 2011 120,000 6.60% 6.60% 451315 37,395 165,315 162,395 1361184 1361184 49,000 1851184 22,789 417,782 2010 2011 2012 2013 125,000 135,000 6.70% 29,145 164,145 1367184 49,000 185,184 21,039 20,084 438,821 458,905 2012 2014 145,000 6.70% 20,100 165,100 165,385 1361184 136,184 49,000 49,000 185,184 1851184 19,799 478,704 2013 2015 155,000 6.70% 10,385 TOTALS: 1,875,000 1,753,533 3,628,533 2,761,037 1,346,200 4,107,237 Bond Years: 27,100.00 Annual Interest: 1,753,533 Avg. Maturity: 14.45 Plus Discount: 281125 Avg. Annual Rate: 6.471% Net Interest: 1,781,658 T.I.C. Rate: 6.590% N.I.C. Rate: 6.574% Interest rates are estimates; changes may cause significant alterations of this schedule.