HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.e. Minutes of May 26, 1992 Special Council MeetingROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL MEETING MAY 26, 1992 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Tuesday, May 26, 1992, at 7:00 p.m., at Rosemount High School Student Center. Mayor McMenomy called the meeting to order with all members present. Mayor McMenomy led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present were the following committee or commission members: Bill Mawe, Al Meyer, Linda Ladzun, John Edwards, Joan Anderson, Ed Dunn, Kurt Gundacker, Cathy Busho and Shawn Mulhern. Staff members in attendance were Ron Wasmund, Stephan Jilk, Lisa Freese, Rick Pearson and Marie Darling. Mayor McMenomy advised the purpose of the meeting is to discuss the Comprehensive Guide Plan Policies. Director of Planning Lisa Freese addressed the issues regarding the capacity of the Rosemount Treatment Plant and that the City's growth has exceeded the Metropolitan Council's growth projections which were used to determine the design capacity. Ms. Freese reviewed the alternatives available as interim measures until the treatment plant is expanded and the implications of this capacity issue on the development of the new guide plan. See Clerk's File 1992-22. Assistant Planner Rick Pearson informed the members of the Metropolitan Council's changed policies regarding unsewered development in its attempt to limit growth in rural areas. Planner Pearson commented on his discussion with Metropolitan Council representatives and felt there may be some flexibility in their policy for requiring a minimum of one housing unit per ten acres in unsewered rural areas. Planning staff discussed the implications of the policy change on the city and the alternative strategies the city could pursue. See Clerk's File 1992-22. Considerable discussion was held on how the group felt the Kelly Trust property should be developed and specifically whether the property should be developed as rural residential or urban residential with the rural residential serving as a transition zone. City Administrator Stephan Jilk provided background information on the acquisition of the property by the Kelly Trust, historical information on the zoning designations of the properties from the early 1970's to present, the development of Shannon Park Elementary and Shannon Park and pending assessments against the property. Administrator Jilk also discussed with the members the issue of down zoning and the legal implications involved. Public Works Director Ron Wasmund reported on a recent meeting with legal counsel for the Kelly Trust regarding the City's acquisition of Birger Pond and the current status of the water tower. Each commission and council member presented his/her viewpoint on how the property should be developed. These comments included concept development negotiations with the Kelly Trust representatives, preservation of the hills, designating the property as rural residential, designating the property as a transition zone, developing a PUD concept plan, keep the Kelly and Daly properties as separate development concepts, utilize park dedication and keep the current urban residential zoning designation. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL MEETING MAY 26, 1992 Consultant Fred Hoisington recommended developing a planned unit development concept for the Kelly Trust properties. Mr. Hoisington felt a PUD would allow for preservation of the land but still maintain the appropriate density to satisfy both the City and Kelly Trust needs. Following further discussion, it was agreed the consultant should develop a PUD land use concept for Council consideration at their June 30, 1992 special council meeting. Director of Planning Lisa Freese addressed commercial land use. Ms. Freese identified the area and reviewed the findings of the McComb study. Members of the group expressed their viewpoints on retail and commercial development in the downtown area and on County Road 42. NOTION by McMenomy to adjourn. SECOND by Klassen. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Respectfully submitted, ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, City Administrator E Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk