HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Contract for Fire Hall Roof Architectural ServicesCITY OF ROSE4OUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 18, 1992 AGENDA ITEM:Approve Contract for Architectural AGENDA SECTION: Services to Re -Roof Fire Hall Old Business PREPARED BY: Ron Wasmund RW AGENDA ITEM -5 B i! 'Yl Public Works Director/Building Official ATTACM1ENTS: Memo and Letter of Proposal AP OVE BY - This item is a continuation of Councils authorization to proceed with preparation of plans and spec's for the replacement of the roof on the Fire Station. It was previously felt that spec's could be prepared in-house, however after closer examination of the roof and its components that it was going to require more detailandcloser attention than could be provided in-house. Consequently we, requested proposals from two firms that have extensive background working with cities and public entities. I have attached a memo from Paul Heimkes with his recommendations and the two letters of proposal for your examination and approval. We are going to jointly seek alternate bids for replacement of roofing materials on two pump houses. This item has been presented to the Utility Commission and they have agreed to pay a proportionate share of the architectural fees. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve proposal and authorize staff to enter into a contract with Vanney Associates to prepare plans and spec's for re -roofing the Fire Hall, Well #3 and Well #6 for a cost not to exceed $2,750.00. COUNCIL ACTION: 7 D. o(Rosemount PHONE (612) 423.4411 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR Edward B. McMenomy FAX (612) 423.5203 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068.0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James (Red) Stsats Harry Willcox TO: Steve Jllk Dennis Wippermann Ron Wasmund ADMINISTRATOR Scott Aker Stephan Jilk Mike Widstrom e1 FROM: Paul Heimkes ; DATE: February 7, 1942 RE: Awarding Contract for Architectural Services to Re -roof Fire Hall I have consulted with and have received bids from two well established and very reputable architectural firms in the area for re -roofing the fire station and two well houses. CNH Architects, in Apple Valley, submitted a proposal for services requested at a fee not to exceed $3000.00. Vanney Associates in Eagan, submitted a proposal for services requested at a fixed fee of $2750.00. Attached is a copy of each firms submittal for services. As you will note, plans and specs for two well houses are included in both bids, however they will both be specified as "add on alternatives" should we be able to re -roof 'the fire hall and have monies left to do the wells. Upon reviewing the proposals and meeting with both principals of the two firms, it is my recommendation that the firm of Vanney Associates be hired as the vendor the architectural services for this project. As you can see Vanney associates not only came in with a low set fee for work, but also was much more thorough in outlining exactly what they will and will not provide. Vanney associates seemed to provide more personal attention to not only me, but each of the three buildings they inspected and.assured me that careful attention would be paid to budget constraints. Upon your approval, I will notify Mr. Robert Vanney of contract approval and he will start work immediately. (Sverytking s d oming Ub (Rosemoun'Y Vanney Associates Dear Mr. Heimkes; LETTER OF PROPOSAL The following shall constitute proposal to the City of Rosemount, hereinafter referred to as the Owner, from Vanney Associates, Inc., hereinafter referred to as VA, for provision -of Architectural Services to re -roof the existing Fire Department Building, Pump House #3 and Pump House #6 in the City of Rosemount. This proposal is based on sending the contract documents out to bid to pre -qualified roofing contractors. This proposal does not include surveying or soil testing, mechanical, electrical, sprinkler, or civil engineering services. A. VA SERVICES A.1 VA shall provide the following professional services. Each will be referenced as a phase: * Field Measure Existing Building Roofs (Fire Station, Pump Houses #3 & #6). * Prepare Base Building Roof Drawings from Field Verified Measurements * Programming Requirements with the City. * Meetings with city staff. * Prepare Roof Plans * Design New Roof Edges to be Compatiable with the Existing Building Design. * Design New Roofing System to Incorporate Roof Slopes. * Design Roof Details. 3440 FEDERAL DRIVE Eagan. Minnesota cclil (Q1,71 ec,)_nna' 31 January 1992 Mr. Paul Heimkes Page 2 A. VA SERVICES (continued) * Exterior Building Elevations as Required to shown New Roof Edge. * Contract Documents/ Bidding Bid Documents will Include Break out of Alternate Bids to do Pump House Re-roofingSeparate from Fire Station. * Contractor Submittal Review/ Site Observation (3 visits @ 2 hrs per visit). * Prepare Site Observation Reports for Each Site Visit. * Prepare Punch List. A.2 VA shall not provide the following services under this agreement: * City Submittals related to preliminary and final platting . * Traffic Study * Civil Engineering * Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering * Sprinkler Engineering * Soil Testing * Surveying/Topography * Special Inspection outlined in the UBC B. THE OWNERS RESPONSIBILITIES The Owner shall provide VA with the following: * Designate the Owner's representative at beginning of project. * Plans and other available drawings of the existing site and building. * Program material sufficient to clearly establish design goals. * A description of any special requirements, regarding functional prerequisites, or similar constraints which the Owner considers absolutely essential to its program. * Designate completion date of project (occupancy). * Instruct VA as to whom to send invoices. 31 Janaury 1992 Mr. Paul Heimkes Page 3 C. COMPENSATION The Owner shall compensate VA for Architectural Services on a fixed fee basis of $2,750.00 (Two Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars). This fee is based on VA doing the contract documents for all three re -roofing projects ( Fire Station, Pump House #3 & #6) at the same time. If the work is abandoned or suspended, VA shall be compensated for the work performed up to the point of suspension based on the percentage of work completed. VA shall be compensated on an hourly basis for additional services described in C.2 at a rates listed in VA Hourly Rate Schedule in section C.1. VA shall invoice the Owner on a monthly basis. The amount of the invoice shall be due and payable within fifteen (15) days of the date on the invoice. Interest on the unpaid balance of the invoice shall accrue at a rate of 1.5 % per month simple interest. The invoice amount shall be based on the percentage of work completed during the month. Payment to 'VA shall not be, contingent on project funding by the Owner or withheld pending the Owner securing funds from a financial institution. C.1 VA Hourly Rate Schedule * Principal ............... $65.00/Hour * Architect ............... $35.00/Hour * Draftsperson ............. $25.00/Hour * Clerical $20.00/Hour 31 January 1992 Mr. Paul Heimkes Page 4 C.2 The Owner shall pay VA additional compensation for the following: * Changes in the scope of work requested by the Owner occurring after acceptance of the work in a previous phase. The Owner and VA shall sign off at each appropriate stage of design. (See Section A. VA SERVICES). * Any perspective, plan and other presentation materials requested by the Owner. * Printing plans, reproduction, postage and deliveries * Travel and Lodging * Mileage, parking, and any other authorized expenses * City submittals related to preliminary and final platting. I trust this proposal is consistent with the scope of work you expect to be performed on this project. If you have any questions or comments please call. Thank you for this opportunity. We are looking forward to working with you. Sincere y, Obert F. Van y, ASA President January 29, 1991 Mr. Paul Heimkes, Building Inspector Rosemount City Hall 2875 145th St. W. Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Proposal for Architectural Services For Re -roofing Fire Station and Two Pump Houses Dear Mr. Heimkes: CNH Architects, Inc. appreciates the opportunity to submit a proposal for the re -roofing of three buildings for the City of Rosemount. We are a full service architectural firm which prides itself in our repeat clientele and our responsiveness to our clients needs and desires. CNH is located in Apple Valley, close to Rosemount. Much of our work is in the southern suburbs and we are concerned about maintaining our reputation in this area. We will work hard to make sure the City is happy with our work. Some of our clients you may recognize include Apple Valley, Lakeville, Dakota County, Dakota Electric Association, Metropolitan Mosquito Control District and MNDOT. Attached is some information on our firm along with a proposal for the re -roofing work. Very Truly Yours, R. Natwick Architects, Inc. JN:fmw Enclosure PROPOSAL FOR: Re -roofing Three (3) Buildings for The City of Rosemount, including the Fire Station and Two (2) Small Pump Houses. The following services are proposed: • Survey plans, building conditions and photograph areas of concern for preparation of bidding documents. Identify code requirements as they pertain to re -roofing. • Provide specification and details for work, including a base bid for price for the fire station work, with Add Alternates for each pump house. • Provide in documents unit prices to cover unknown conditions which may be encountered. • Assist City in handling bidding and writing construction contracts. • Provide periodic inspection at various phases of work to insure compliance with plans and approval of pay requests. We propose to provide the above work on an hourly basis with a not to exceed limit fee of $3,000.00. Reimbursable expenses, include printing required for bidding and postage/delivery. These will be billed at cost.