HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.c. Traffic Control for Highway 3 at County Road 42:1 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 18, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Traffic Control Agreement for AGENDA SECTION: Highway 3 at County Road 42 New Business PREPARED BY: Ron Wasmund& AGENDA Public Works Director/Building Official 1"M # 8CE ATTACMlENTS : Copy of Agreement JZZL U The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT) is going to reconstruct Highway 3 from a pint approximately 100 feet south of 160th Street West to a point approximately 700 feet north of County Road 42. This construction will take place this summer with the bids anticipated to be let in March or April of 1992. As part of the project, the intersection of Highway 3 and County Road 42 will be completely rebuilt. Along with this reconstruction this intersection will be equipped with traffic control signals. The cost of the signalization will be shared between the State, County and City. The City's share will be 25% of the estimated $105,000 cost or approximately $26,250. This expense has not been budgeted for separately in operation budget, but has been anticipated as a MSA expense. This is an eligible MSA expenditure. The agreement as presented also has provisions for an Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption System (EVP) which allows for our emergency vehicles control of the signal and override the regular timing sequence. This would be provided at an expense of approximately $9,000. The City would be responsible for 100% of those costs. I have discussed the EVP system with Fire Chief Aker and Police Chief Knutsen. While it is a desireabie feature for this intersection as well as all other signalized intersections, it has been decided that the expenditure for the EVP system is premature at this time. In order to activate the EVP it is necessary to have an emitter in an emergency vehicle. None of our vehicles currently have those emitters. They currently run approximately $1,000 for each vehicle. This expense has not been budgeted for in 1992 so the decision has been made to wait and budget for the EVP system and emitters in future budget years. At this point in time as part of the signal project we will have the State provide space in the controller cabinet for the EVP control, install the infrared sensor mounts on the mast arms and install the detector loops within the pavement. This practice has been used by us in other signalization projects such as Shannon Parkway and County Road 42. This part of the EPV system contributes an insignificant cost to the project. The terms of the agreement will remain essentially the same except for the omission of any reference to the E.V.P. system and its associated cost. I have contacted the DOT and informed them of our decision not to install the EVP system. They will draft a new agreement for signatures. If you are in agreement with the concept of participation and the project then I recommend your approval of the agreement. The State will deliver a new agreement next week for signatures. I would be happy to answer any questions you have regarding this item. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion t between MNDOT, Dakota County County Road 42 with payment M.S.A. funds. COUNCIL ACTION: 10 o authorize execution of an agreement and the City for signalization of Hwy 3 at of the City's share to be dispersed from MINNESOTA TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL AGREEMENT NO. 69168 BETWEEN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE COUNTY OF DAKOTA AND THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT TO Install a new Traffic Control Signal with Street Lights, Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption and Signing on Trunk Highway No. 3 at County State Aid Highway No. 42 (150th Street West) in Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota. S.P. 1921-50 Prepared by Traffic Engineering ESTIMATED AMOUNT RECEIVABLE County of Dakota $27,825.00 City of Rosemount $37,365.00 AMOUNT ENCUMBERED None Otherwise Covered THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as the "State", and the County of Dakota, hereinafter referred to as the "County", and the City of Rosemount, hereinafter referred to as the "City", WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 161.20 authorizes the Commissioner of Transportation to make arrangements with and cooperate with any governmental authority for the purposes of construction, maintaining and improving the Trunk Highway system; and WHEREAS, the State has determined that there is justification and it is in the public's best interest to install' a new traffic control signal with street lights, emergency vehicle pre-emption and signing on Trunk Highway No. 3 at County State Aid Highway No. 42 (150th Street West) and WHEREAS, it is considered in the public's best interest for the State to provide a new cabinet and control equipment to operate said traffic control signal; and WHEREAS, the City requests and the State agrees to provide an Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption System, hereinafter referred to as the "EVP System", as a part of the traffic control signal with street lights installation in accordance with the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; and 69168 - 1 - WHEREAS, the materials, equipment, labor and miscellaneous items necessary to operate, maintain, revise and remove said EVP System shall be at the sole cost and expense of the City; and WHEREAS, the County, City and State will participate in the cost, maintenance and operation of the traffic control signal with street lights, EVP System, and signing as hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The State shall prepare the necessary plan, specifications and proposal which sh@Lll constitute "Preliminary Engineering". The State shall also perform the construction inspection required to complete the items of work hereinafter set forth, which shall constitute "Engineering and Inspection" and shall be so referred to hereinafter. 2. The contract cost of the work or, if the work is not contracted, the cost of all labor, materials, and equipment rental required to complete the work, except the cost of providing the power supply to the service pole or pad, shall constitute the actual "Construction Cost" and shall be so referred to hereinafter. 3. Costs for EVP System control and interface equipment, cables, detectors and lights for the new traffic 69168 - 2 - control signal provided for herein shall be paid by the City at its sole cost and expense. 4. The State with its own forces and equipment or by contract shall perform the traffic control signal work provided for under State Project No. 1921-50 on Trunk Highway No. 3 at County State Aid Highway No. 42 (150th Street West) with the Construction Costs shared as follows: a. Install a new traffic control signal with street lights. Estimated Construction Cost is $105,000.00 which includes State furnished materials. Antipipated State's share is 50 percent. County's share is 25 percent. City's share is 25 percent. b. Install EVP System. Estimated Construction Cost is $9,000.00 which includes $6,000.00 of estimated State furnished materials costs (EVP System control and interface equipment). City's share is 100 percent. 5. The State shall install or cause the installation of overhead signing and shall maintain said signing all at no cost to the County or City. 6. Upon execution of this agreement and a request in writing by the State, the County and the City shall each advance 69168 - 3 - to the State an amount equal to their portion of the project costs. The County's and the City's total portion shall consist of the sum of the following: a) The County's and City's respective share (as specified in Paragraph 4) based on the actual bid prices and the estimated State furnished materials costs. b) Six (6) percent of each respective share [Item (a) above] for the cost of Engineering and Inspection. 7. Upon completion and final acceptance of the project, the County's and City's final share shall consist of the sum of the following: a) The County's and City's respective share (as specified in Paragraph 4) based on the final payment to the Contractor and the actual State furnished materials costs. b) Six (6) percent of each respective final share [Item (a) above] for the cost of Engineering and Inspection. The amount of the funds advanced by the County and City in excess of the County's and City's final share will be returned to the County and City without interest and the County and City 69168 - 4 - agrees to pay to the State that amount of their final share which is in excess of the amount of the funds advanced by the County and City. 8. The County and the City shall jointly be responsible for the installation of an adequate electrical power supply to the service pad or pole, and for providing the necessary electrical power for the operation of the new traffic control signal installation, at the shared costs of 50 percent County and 50 percent City. The County shall receive the bill for the installation of the electrical power supply and the monthly electrical bill for the new traffic control signal, and invoice the City for 50 percent of the costs. 9. Upon completion of the work contemplated in Paragraph 4a hereof, responsibility for the new traffic control signal with street lights is as follows: a) It shall be the County's responsibility, at its cost and expense, to relamp the traffic control signal, and clean and paint the traffic control signal, cabinet and luminaire mast arm extensions; b) It shall be the City's responsibility, at its cost and expense, to maintain the luminaires and all its components, including replacement of the luminaire if necessary, and to relamp and provide necessary electrical power for the operation of the street lights; and c) It shall be the State's responsibility, at its cost and expense, 69168 — 5 — to perform all other traffic control signal and street light maintenance. 10. The EVP System provided for in Paragraph 4b hereof shall be installed, operated, maintained, revised or removed in accordance with the following conditions and requirements: a. All modifications, revisions and maintenance of the EVP System considered necessary or desirable, for any reason, shall be done by State forces, or, upon concurrence in writing by the State's Traffic Engineer, may be done by others all at the cost and expenses of the City. b. Emitter units may be installed and used only on vehicles responding to an emergency as defined in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 169.01, Subdivision 5 and 169.03. The City will provide the State's Assistant District Engineer or his duly appointed representative a list of all such vehicles with emitter units. C. The City shall maintain and require others using the EVP System to maintain a log showing the date, time and type of emergency for each time the traffic signal covered hereby is actuated and controlled by the EVP System and that said logs 69168 - 6 - shall be made available to the State upon request. Malfunction of the EVP System shall be reported to the State immediately. d. In the event said EVP System or components are, in the opinion of the State, being misused or the conditions set forth in Paragraph b. above are violated, and such misuse or violation continues after receipt by the City of written notice thereof from the State, the State shall remove the EVP System. Upon removal of the EVP System pursuant to this Paragraph, the field wiring, cabinet wiring and other components shall become the property of the State. All infrared detector- heads etectorheads and indicator lamps mounted external to the traffic signal cabinet will be returned to the City. The detector receiver and any other assemblies located in the traffic control signal cabinet, which if removed will not affect the traffic control signal operation, will be returned to the City. e. All timing of said EVP System shall be determined by the State through its Commissioner of Transportation. 69168 — 7 - 11. Upon proper execution by the County, City and the State, the EVP System for the traffic control signal on Trunk Highway No. 3 at County State Aid Highway No. 42 (150th Street West) shall become a part of the Signal Maintenance Agreement No. 69216-R between the City and the State covering operation, revision, maintenance and removal of EVP Systems by State forces at the cost and expense of the City. 12. Any and all persons engaged in the aforesaid work to be performed by the State shall not be considered employees of the County or City and any and all claims that may or might arise under the Worker's Compensation Act pf this State on behalf of said employees while so engaged, and any and all claims made by any fourth party as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said employees while so engaged on any of the work contemplated herein shall not be the obligation and responsibility of the County or City. The State shall not be responsible under the Worker's Compensation Act for any employees of the County or City. 13. Timing of the traffic control signal provided for herein shall be determined by the State, through its Commissioner of Transportation, and no changes shall be made therein except with the approval of the State. 69168 - 8 - COUNTY OF DAKOTA APPROVED AS TO FORM: By County Attorney Chairman of the Board Dated RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: (County Seal) By County Highway Engineer County Auditor a CITY OF ROSEMOUNT APPROVED AS TO FORM: By City Attorney Mayor (City Seal) By City Administrator -Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By Assistant District Engineer Assistant Commissioner Operations Division Dated APPROVED AS TO FORM AND EXECUTION: DEPARTMENT OF ADMINLSTRATION By Assistant Attorney General—State of Minnesota Dated 69168 10 - RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Rosemount enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation for the following purposes, to wit: To install a new traffic control signal with street lights, emergency vehicle pre-emption and signing on Trunk Highway No. 3 at County State Aid Highway No. 42 (150th Street West) in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth and contained in Agreement No. 69168, a copy of which was before the Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proper City officers be and hereby are authorized to execute such agreement, and thereby assume for and on behalf of the City all of the contractual obligations contained therein. CERTIFICATION State of Minnesota County of Dakota City of Rosemount I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by the Council of the City of Rosemount at a duly authorized meeting thereof held on the day of , 1992, as shown by the minutes of said meeting in my possession. City Administrator -Clerk (Seal) �b �9 D Prepared by: Utilities Agreements Unit (Receivable) ($24,149.77) S.P. 1921-45 (T.H. 3) Dakota County T.H. 3 from 1.0 Mile South of CSAH 42 to 0.25 Mile North of CSAH 42 City of Rosemount Agency Agreement No. 59162 AGENCY AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made by and between the State of Minnesota, acting by and through its Commissioner of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as the "State," and the City of Rosemount, hereinafter referred to as the "Utility". WITNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS, the State is preparing plans and specifications and proposes to let a contract for the construction of Trunk Highway 3, said project being identified in the records of the State as S.P. 1921-45; and WHEREAS, the Utility desires to relocate water main and sanitary sewer, hereinafter referred to as the Utility System; and WHEREAS, the Utility is not staffed or equipped to perform such construction at this time, and a separate contract to be let by the Utility for the Utility System construction would result in interference with the operations of the State's contractor and would not be in the best interest of the State, the Utility has requested Agency Agreement No. 69162 that the Commissioner of Transportation act as its agent for the purpose of constructing said Utility System; and WHEREAS, the Commissioner has determined that including said Utility System in the State's construction contract would eliminate possible duplication of services and would facilitate coordination of activities so as to generally simplify and expedite the supervision and construction of the trunk highway construction project and would be in the best interest of the State; and WHEREAS, state law requires a written agreement between the State and the Utility setting forth their separate responsibilities in accomplishing the Utility System work: NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED: ARTICLE 1. AGENCY APPOINTMENT AND CONSTRUCTION PLANS Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 161.45, subd. 2, the Utility in connection with the construction of the aforesaid portion of Trunk Highway 3 does hereby appoint the Commissioner of Transportation as its agent to prepare final plans and specifications, advertise for bids, award the contract and construct said Utility System in accordance with plans and specifications designated as State Project 1921-45 which are on file in the Office of the Commissioner of Transportation at Saint Paul, Minnesota. Said plans and specifications are made a part hereof, with the same force and effect as though -2 Agency Agreement No. 69162 fully set forth herein. The Utility (through the State) agrees to submit to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) the plans and specifications for the construction or reconstruction of its sanitary sewer facilities covered by this agreement and to obtain, pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 115.07, subd. 1 and Minn. Rules pt. 7001.1030, subps. 1 and 2C, either a permit or written waiver from the MPCA for that work to be performed by others pursuant to this contract. When MPCA issues that permit or waiver, the City will promptly furnish the Minnesota Department of Transportation a copy of that permit or waiver so that the work may be performed by the state contractor. The Utility is advised that pursuant to Minn. Rules pt. 7001.1040 a written application for the permit or waiver must be submitted to the MPCA at least 180 days before the planned date of the sanitary sewer facility construction or reconstruction. PLAN CHANGES If a change in plan or character of work is required to complete the Utility System satisfactorily, the Utility and the State or their authorized representatives shall agree to such change before entering into a supplement to the construction contract or the agreement. A supplemental agreement between the State and the Utility will be entered into for both the agreed change and division of cost -3- Agency Agreement No. 69162 upon receipt of written approval from the Utility to commence such work. ARTICLE 2. -:AGENCY CONSTRUCTION The construction of said Utility System shall be under the supervision and direction of the State, but the work may be inspected periodically by the Utility's authorized representative. If the Utility believes the work has not been properly constructed or that the work is defective, the Utility shall inform the State's Project Engineer in writing of such defects. Any recommendations made by the Utility regarding the Utility System work performed under this agreement are not binding on the State. The State shall have the exclusive right to determine whether the Utility System work has been satisfactorily performed by the State's contractor. All work shall be performed in substantial accordance with the approved plans. The State's Project Engineer shall make a final inspection with an engineer designated by the Utility, and the State shall advise the Utility in writing when it has accepted the installation. When the State accepts the Utility System, it shall become the property of the Utility. Risk of loss of partial or complete Utility System construction shall be on the State's contractor or the Utility as provided in Standard Specification 1716, Minnesota Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Construction, 1988 Edition. The maintenance of said Utility System and appurtenances thereto shall -4 Agency Agreement No. 69162 be performed by the Utility without cost or expense to the State. ARTICLE 3. - AGENCY PAYMENT The actual cost of said installation shall be determined on a contract unit price basis. The Utility hereby authorizes the Commissioner of Transportation, as its agent, to pay the State's contractor directly for said installation. The Utility agrees to pay to the State the "Total Cost" incurred by the State in the construction of said Utility System. Total Cost as referred to shall consist of. 1. Construction Cost; All bid item costs received from the successful bidder involved to satisfactorily construct said Utility System according to the plans, specifications and special provisions. 2. Construction Engineering, A sum equal to 8% (percent) of the Construction Cost. 3. Design Engineering; A sum equal to 6.5% (percent) of the Construction Cost. It is estimated that said cost of the Utility's share of the work hereinunder and based on the Estimating Unit Engineer's estimate as shown on Exhibit "B", will be Twenty Four Thousand One Hundred Forty Nine and 77/100 Dollars ($24,149.77). -5- Agency Agreement No. 69162 It is contemplated that all of said work as provided for in said plans, specifications and special provisions in the aforesaid construction of Trunk Highway 3 is to be done by contract basis. Immediately following the State's bid opening procedures the Utility will be notified of the Total Cost. Upon receipt of written notification, the Utility has ten calendar days to accept or reject the Total Cost as shown on the transmitted "Cost Schedule". If written notice has not been received within the prescribed ten calendar days, this shall constitute acceptance by the Utility and the State shall proceed in the same manner as if having received the Utility's written acceptance of said Total Cost. The Utility agrees to advance to the Commissioner of Transportation said sum as approved on the transmitted Cost Schedule forthwith upon the awarding of the construction contract and upon receipt of a request from the State for such payment. Upon completion and acceptance of the work provided for in said contract by the State, and the preparation by the State of a final computation determining the amount due the contractor performing the work, the Commissioner shall determine and compute the amount due the Trunk Highway Fund of the State of Minnesota hereunder from the Utility. After the Commissioner has determined as aforesaid the actual amount due from the Utility, he shall apply on the payment thereof as much as may be necessary of the aforesaid funds advanced by the Utility. If the amount found due from the Utility shall be less than the amount of the funds advanced, then, -6- Agency Agreement No. 69162 and in that event, the balance of said advanced fund shall be returned to the Utility without interest. If the amount found due from the Utility shall exceed said amount of funds advanced, the Utility agrees to promptly pay the State the difference between the said amount due and said amount of funds advanced. It is further agreed that the aforesaid computation and determination by the Commissioner of Transportation of the amount due from the Utility hereunder shall be final, binding, and conclusive. It is further agreed that the acceptance by the State of the aforesaid completed work provided for in said plans, specifications, and special provisions to be performed under contract as aforesaid shall be final, binding and conclusive upon the Utility as to the satisfactory completion of said work. ARTICLE 4. - PLANS AND ESTIMATES Attached hereto, marked Exhibit A and made a part hereof, are comprehensive and detailed plans for the Agency Work. Also attached, marked Exhibit B and made a part hereof is the Estimate of Costs for the Agency portion of the State Project. The Utility System work is to be constructed in accordance with Exhibit A. ARTICLE 5. - FUTURE MAINTENANCE Upon completion of construction, the Utility shall thereafter maintain the Utility System at its own expense. Should any such maintenance require work on trunk highway right-of-way, the Utility shall first obtain a written permit from the proper authority, -7- Agency Agreement No. 69162 which application shall be acted upon promptly and shall not be unreasonably refused. Said permit shall contain reasonable regulations relating to such maintenance. The Utility may open and disturb the surface of the trunk highway right-of-way without a permit only where an emergency exists that is dangerous to the life or safety of the public and requires immediate repair. The Utility upon knowledge of such emergency, shall immediately notify the Minnesota State Patrol. The Utility shall take all necessary and reasonable safety measures to protect the traveling public, and shall cooperate fully with the State Patrol to that end. The Utility in such event shall request a permit from the proper authority not later than the second working day thereafter. ARTICLE 6. - MISCELLANEOUS The Utility will indemnify, save, and hold harmless the State and all of its agents and employees of and from any and all claims, demands, actions, or causes of action of whatsoever nature or character arising out of or by reason of the performance or nonperformance of the inspection to be performed by the Utility and further agrees to defend at its own sole cost and expense any action or proceeding commenced for the purpose of asserting any claim of whatsoever character arising hereunder by virtue of the performance or nonperformance of the inspection to be performed by the Utility. This paragraph is not, as to third parties, a waiver of any defense or immunity otherwise available to the Utility; and the Utility, in defending any action on behalf of the Agency Agreement No. 69162 State shall be entitled to assert in any action every defense or immunity that the State could assert in its own behalf. Within 90 days after completion of the construction herein described, the Utility shall submit to the State's Director, Agreements Services Section five copies of a permit application, including "as built" sketches, for all the facilities within highway right of way. \ S.P. 1921-45 Dakota County Agreement No. 69162 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the parties have duly executed this Agreement by their duly authorized officers and caused their respective seals to be hereunto affixed. (CITY SEAL) CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By Mayor By city DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Recommended for Approval: District Engineer Director, Pre -Letting Services Section Approved as to form and execution: Special Assistant Attorney General State of Minnesota -10- STATE OF MINNESOTA Commissioner of Transportation By Director, Office of Technical Support Approved: Commissioner of Administration By Authorized Signature Encumbered: Commissioner of Finance By Authorized Signature Exhibit B S.P. 1921-45 (T.H. 3) Agency Agreement No. 69162 Cost Estimate Sanitary Sewer Items -11- Estimated Item No. Item Estimated Price Ouantitv Extended 2104.523-00004 Salvage Castings 80.00 3 $ 240.00 2503.511-13080 8" PVC Pipe Sewer 19.00 210 3,990.00 2506.501-00032 Const. Drainage Structures 185.00 5.1 943.50 2506.511-00010 Reconstruct Manholes 170.00 3 510.00 2506.521-00010 Install Castings 90.00 3 270.00 Sub Total Cost Extended $5,953.50 Water Main Items Estimated Item No. Item Estimated Price Ouantity Extended 0503.603-03240 24" Steel Casing Pipe (.25") 54.00 172. $9,288.00 0504.602-00015 Relocate Hydrant & Value 1,400.00 1 1,400.00 0504.6014)0040 Temporary Water Service 450.00 1 450.00 0504.603-01130 Relocate Water Main -12" Duct Iron 20.00 200 4.000.00 Sub Total Cost Extended $15,138.00 Sub Total of Sanitary Sewer and Water Main Facilities $21,091.50 Plus Construction Engineering 8%x21,091.50 1,687.32 Plus Design Engineering 6.5%x21,091.50 1,370.95 Total Cost $24,149.77 -11-