HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda ` i CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ���� �� � A G E N D A /���j��� REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING � JULY 21 , 1992 7 : 30 P.M. 1 . Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance 2 . Additions or Corrections to Agenda - Council, Staff, Audience 3 . DEPARTMENT HEADS REPORTS/BUSINESS a. Introduction of Cheryle Coughlin, Feceptionist b. Metropolitan Council Population & Employment Forecasts �-`• L�.✓�/`� �a/�1�C.,L�i �:.j"�/_�>L � 7- /L'T_ (_J�t�'� Tl=--� 4 . CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes of June 15 , 1992 Special Council Meetir.g b. Minutes of June 23 , 1992 Special Council Meeting c. Minutes of June 30 , 1992 Special Council Meeting d, Minutes of July 7 , 1992 Regular Council Meeting e. Minutes of July 16 , 1992 Special Council Meeting f. Approval of Bills Listing g B1ock Party Request h. Confirmation of New Fire Fighters i. Attendance at MN State Fire Chief ' s Fall Conference � , j . Set Special Council Meetings - Budget Discussion -/�7c-�%.� � �� /�' k. Set Special Council Meetings - Comprehensive Guide Plan Updatej�o���=� ��v l. Payment Voucher #1 - Shannon Hills 3rd Addition ic�� m. Payment Voucher #1 - 145th Street Reconstruction n. Payment Voucher #1 - West Ridge 4th Addition o. Set Public Hearing - Guide Plan Amendment No. 23 - Armory Project � p. Set Public Hearing - Dave Lawson Rezoning Petition (See 10-G) q. Renewal of Building Inspector Contract r. Renewal of Building Inspections Agreement with City of Coates s. Approval of Supplement No. 2 to Dakota County CDBG Agreement t. Leprech�un Days Parade Route Approval u. Contract for Relocation Services - Dakota County HRA v. Expenditures from Donation Revenues w. Contribution/Lxpenditure of Funds Approval x. Temparary On Sale Beer License y. Fire Hall Roof Contract z . 5 , OLD BUSINESS a. Receive Feasibility Report/Set Public Hearing - O`Leary' s Hills Stn b. C�IC Planned Unit Development ���� /��y�_��L c. �,- s� i 9 �i� -�� 8 : 00 P.M. - PUBLIC HEARINGS 6 . PUBLIC HEARING - Shannon Hills 4th Addition Improvements a. Open b. Conduct c. Close d. Action �sd /��To?-� �e ��sv /�i9'�-� �. 7 . PUBLIC HEARING - Section 31 Trunk Sanitary Facilities a. Open b. Conduct c. Close d. Action �-�-��d /99�- �� 8 . PUBLIC HEARING - Armory Site Watermain Improvements /'�E �U i 9 ga - � � a. Open b. Conduct c. Close d. Action��� j���_ �� F ��sri /9'S�'d - �T/ 9. PUBLIC HEARING - Armory Site Sanitary Sewer Improvements � a. Open b. Conduct c. Close d. Action��� ^ ���a_ �a 1 0 . NEW BUSINESS �'=5v �q �a - �,j ` a. Shannon Hills 4th Addition Final Plat ������ /��y�_ 7� . b. 1992A Bond Issue - Authorizing Issuance & Setting Bond Sale �� /99'0?-�'� c. 1 992B Bond Issue - Authorizing Issuance & Setting Bond Sale' !=;� /9Q,�-7� d. Accept Quotes/Award Contract - Erickson Ccmr�unity Square Rink Grading � e. �dational League of Cities Conference �. i�icizens �,aviso-ry Committee - F'ire Station Rererendum g. Set Public Hearing - Dave Lawson Rezoning Petition - ��_`,�� h. �C�;�C cS -�L J.�c��L. ,�i« ''7!�f�;•�v�L— � �L . �i�r ry7C�.t� �rt r/� �ft a�v E�. / c���=� �\� 1 1 . MAYOR' S REPORT b �- �T���'� �� �� �v� �S ;: ���.T/�/�' C�f}��� a. J " + b. f 12 . ADMINISTRATOR' S REPORT a. Armory Community Center Update - Verbal b. 13. ANNOUNCEMENTS 14. ADJOURNMENT CITY OF ROSEMOUNT A G E N D A REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JULY 21, 1992 7:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance 2. Additions or Corrections to Agenda - Council, Staff, Audience 3. DEPARTMENT HEADS REPORTS/BUSINESS a. Introduction of Cheryle Coughlin, Receptionist b. Metropolitan Council Population & Employment Forecasts 4. CONSENT AGENDA / a. b. c. d. e. f. g h. i. k. 1. M. n. o. P• q• r. S. t. u. v. W. x. y - z. Minutes of June 15, 1992 Special Council Meeting Minutes of June 23, 1992 Special Council Meeting Minutes of June 30, 1992 Special Council Meeting Minutes of July 7, 1992 Regular Council Meeting Minutes of July 16, 1992 Special Council Meeting Approval of Bills Listing Block Party Request Confirmation of New Fire Fighters Attendance at MN State Fire Chief's Fall Conference Set Special Council Meetings - Budget Discussion Set Special Council Meetings - Comprehensive Guide Plan Payment Voucher #1 - Shannon Hills 3rd Addition Payment Voucher #1 - 145th Street Reconstruction Payment Voucher #1 - West Ridge 4th Addition UpdateAodr--b �6) /IXv j Set Public Hearing - Guide Plan Amendment No. 23 - Armory Project Set Public Hearing - Dave Lawson Rezoning Petition (See 10-G) Renewal of Building Inspector Contract Renewal of Building Inspections Agreement with City of Coates Approval of Supplement No. 2 to Dakota County CDBG Agreement Leprechaun Days Parade Route Approval Contract for Relocation Services - Dakota County HRA Expenditures from Donation Revenues y Contribution/Expenditure of Funds Approval Temporary On Sale Beer License Fire Hall Roof Contract 5. OLD BUSINESS a. Receive Feasibility Report/Set Public Hearing - b. CMC Planned Unit Development C. 8:00 P.M. - PUBLIC HEARINGS O'Leary's Hills 5th W� s. 0 /9 q. 2, -6'/ Rlr sz, / 9 q1A - lc'14-- 6. PUBLIC HEARING - Shannon Hills 4th Addition Improvement a. Open b. Conduct C. Close d. Action 9v?.-'� P9"�-6 J. 7. PUBLIC HEARING - Section 31 Trunk Sanitary Facilities a. Open b. Conduct C. Close d. Action/99��-e�S' 8. PUBLIC HEARING - Armory Site Watermain ImprovementsI q q,? - & a. Open b. Conduct C. Close d. Action, 9. PUBLIC HEARING - Armory Site Sanitary Sewer Improvements a. Open b. Conduct C. Close d. Action��� 1 0 . NEW BUSINESSc--- -.5 C) a. Shannon Hills 4th Addition Final Plate /99�-`7f b. 1992A Bond Issue - Authorizing Issuance & Setting Bond Sale ---;4) /9gd-7a c. 1992B Bond Issue - Authorizing Issuance & Setting Bond Sale L f9�s_2-74, d. Accept Quotes/Award Contract - Erickson Community Square Rink Grading e. National League of Cities Conference I. Citizens Advisory Committee - Fire Station Referendum g. Set Public Hearing - Dave Lawson Rezoning Petition —_� It 1 1 . MAYOR'S REPORT/y a . J " y b. ` 12. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT a. Armory/Community Center Update - Verbal b. 13. ANNOUNCEMENTS 14. ADJOURNMENT CITY OF ROSEMOUNT A G E N D A REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JULY 21, 1992 7:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance 2. Additions or Corrections to Agenda - Council, Staff, Audience 3. DEPARTMENT HEADS REPORTS/BUSINESS a. Introduction of Cheryle Coughlin, Receptionist -Welcome 0 b. Metropolitan Council Population & Employment Forecasts - Low projections add c. Dennis Ozment Legislative Update (had to leave for a meeting) 4. CONSENT AGENDA - Approved with Minutes Amended (j. + k. pulled) a. Minutes of June 15, 1992 Special Council Meeting b. Minutes of June 23, 1992 Special Council Meeting c. Minutes of June 30,1992 Special Council Meeting d. Minutes of July 7, 1992 Regular Council Meeting - As Amended e. Minutes of July 16, 1992 Special Council Meeting f. Approval of Bills Listing g Block Party Request h. Confirmation of New Fire Fighters i. Attendance at MN State Fire Chief's Fall Conference j. Set Special Council Meetings - Budget Discussion Pulled k. Set Special Council Meetings - Comprehensive Guide Plan Update -Pulled 1. Payment Voucher #1 - Shannon Hills 3rd Addition m. Payment Voucher #1 - 145th Street Reconstruction n. Payment Voucher #1 - West Ridge 4th Addition o. Set Public Hearing - Guide Plan Amendment No. 23 - Armory Project p. Set Public Hearing - Dave Lawson Rezoning Petition q. Renewal of Building Inspector Contract r. Renewal of Building Inspections Agreement with City of Coates s. Approval of Supplement No. 2 to Dakota County CDBG Agreement t. Leprechaun Days Parade Route Approval U. Contract for Relocation Services - Dakota County HRA V. Expenditures from Donation Revenues W. Contribution/Expenditure of Funds Approval X. Temporary On Sale Beer License y. Fire Hall Roof Contract 5. OLD BUSINESS a. Receive Feasibility Report/Set Public Hearing - O'Leary's Hills 5th - Accepted, Public Hearing Aug. 4, 1992 b. CMC Planned Unit Development - Motion for inclusion of 226 ac. in MUSA Year 2000. 8:00 P.M. - PUBLIC HEARINGS 6. PUBLIC HEARING - Shannon Hills 4th Addition Improvements a. Open b. Conduct c. Close d. Action - Approved Called for Plans & Specs 7. PUBLIC HEARING - Section 31 Trunk Sanitary Facilities a. Open b. Conduct c. Close d. Action - Approved Called for Plans &Specs 8. PUBLIC HEARING - Armory Site Watermain Improvements a. Open b. Conduct c. Close d. Action - Approved Called for Plans & Specs 9. PUBLIC HEARING - Armory Site Sanitary Sewer Improvements a. Open b. Conduct c. Close d. Action — Approved Called for Plans & Specs 10. NEW BUSINESS a. Shannon Hills 4th Addition Final Plat - Approved b. 1992A Bond Issue - Authorizing Issuance & Setting Bond Sale -Approved C. 1992B Bond Issue - Authorizing Issuance & Setting Bond Sale -Approved d. Accept Quotes/Award Contract - Erickson Community Square Rink Grading - Called for add'1 info on complete project - no motion. e. National League of Cities Conference - no action taken f. Citizens Advisory Committee - Fire Station Referendum - Formation of Committee approved g. Set Public Hearing - Dave Lawson Rezoning Petition - Removed from agenda add h. Hertogs, Fluegel Law Firm Billing - Approved add i. Diamond Path Change Order to Add Paved Shoulders - Approved ,j,_ (41. & 4k.) Set Special Meetings Comp Guide & Budget - Aug. 5,- Sept 2 and Aug. 11 and Sept. 9 11. MAYOR'S REPORT 12. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT a. Armory/Community Center Update - Verbal b. 13. ANNOUNCEMENTS 14.ADJOURNMENT