HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.b. Accept Quotes / Award Contract - Jaycee Park & Erickson Park Back Drop FenceCITY OF ROSMIOUNT EXECUTIVE SU2*=y FOR ACTION I CITY COUNCIL MEETING- D T� : September t5, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: RECEIVE QUOTES/ AWARD CONTRACT AGENDA SECTION: JAYCEE PARK & ERICKSON PARK RINK OLD BUSINESS "BACK ROP F _ -- _ PREPARED BY'- d� AGEND I�Y� bAVID' J. rBECHTOL / DIR . P & R # 108 ATTACBMM, TS :APPROVED BY NOTES /SUMMARY At the ends of each hockey rink is a "back drop fence This fence, is of heavy duty construction. It serves to aid in stopping hockey pucks and broomballs from leaving the rink area. This "back dropfence" is constructed- in the same manner as outfield fences are for baseball and softball fields. It is comprised of steel chain link fence, 2 1/2" steel posts, and steel cross bars to support the fence. Jim Koslowski.has obtained quotes for this item that identified a quote for materials and a quote for materials and labor. The Parks staff' feels that the installation of chain link fence is best left up to the vendors who do that work. For that reason we have recommended the quote that includes both the labor and materials. Quotes received were for the total of three rinks as listed below. `VENDOR NAME tMATERIALS LABOR & MATERIALS Dakota Fence $ 9,408 $ 15,408 ($ 5,133 per rink) Crowley Fence 7,886 11,220 ( 3,740 per rink) Century Fence 7,973 10,398 ($ 3,466 per rink) The staff recommendation is to award the contrast for the "back drop fence materials and installation to Century Fence Co. The budget areas where the dollars are to come from are the CIP account # 534 for the Jaycee Park rink aid CIP account # 202 - 2441 for the Erickson Park rinks. The project numbers are A - 92.2 and J - 92.4. The estimated cost of the rinks has been $ 11,000 @. The total construction costs through taking quotesthat included: the (Paint -- 282.22, Steel - 44 .54, "Back trop" 3,466, Boards/nails/bolts- 3,238) is $ 7,427. RECOMMENDED ACTIO Motion is to receive the quotes and to award the contract for the "back drop fLnce" aterials and labor to Century Fence Co. for $ 10,398 with $ 6,932 to come from CIP account # 202 - 2441 and $ 3,466 to come from the CIP account # 534 for projects A - 92.2 and J - 92.4 COUNCIL ACTIO14 - TO: Mayor / City ouncil Steve Jilk - �ity Administrator FROM: David J. Bechold - Director of Parks & Recreation DATE: September 9, 1992 RE: Notes on RinklProposals Two motions are bein requested for Council approval this evening. They deal with the c nstruction of the two hockey rinks in Erickson Community Square and the one hockey rink in Jaycee Park. Rinks in the Erickson Community Square area were listed to be replaced in 1984. As reported in a prior report to Council this project had been delayed several times due to budget restraints. The rinks and lights are in a state of condition that require replacement. The Pa kage this evening includes the lighting in another item of Old Business along with the rinks and back drops in this section of Old Business. The estimated costs of the rinks has been listed in previous CIP budgets and carried forward to this season at an amount of s 11 ,000 pei-' rink . ( s 22,000 total) This amount included ( includes ) the materials and installation of those materials as listed in the estirnates. Those fundi Have been encumbered and carried forward for several years under account # 202 - 2441. The to�_ai cost per link without installation is $ 7,427 ($14,854) The total cost with installation is $ 11,277. ($ 22,554) Staff feels that in an effort to save dollars that they would construct the 'rinks as time a. lows. Jim Koslowski would direct this construction with the use of one additional full time and one part time staff member. Each rink i expected to take up to 7 to 8 days to construction. Members of the RAHA organization have offered to assist when possible if our Parks staff are assigned to the construction. In an effort to save dollars our staff is willing to take on this project, however, it will take staff from other projects that should be addressed this fall. NOTE: Lighting for these rinks is listed in another section of the agenda under Old Business. TOTAL COSTS FOR ER CKSON PARK RINK AND LIGHTING WOULD BE: LIGHTING - 31,122 ESTIMATE - $ 30,000 RINKS - 14,8E4 ESTIMATE - 22,000 TOTAL - 45,926 ($ 6,074 UNDER ESTIMATES) NOTE: COSTS ARE UN ER ESTIMATES DUE TO STAFF ACCEPTING THE ROLE. OF COMPLETING THE COPS TRUCTION, AS TIME ALLOWS, ON THE RINK POSTS AND BOARDS RATHER THAN CONTRACTING OUT THAT LABOR. JAYCEE PARK RINKS When Jaycee Park was rinks planned to be Park to that of a Ne including the number in the concept plans designed during the later 1980's there were two ncluded. Because of a down grade from a Community ghborhood Park several items were changed of rinks being dropped to only one being included Assistance in the financing of the rink and lights for that rink was requested by way of a development grant that was written. That grant was approved for a total of s 35,000 which included a total of $ 10,000 to be used towards the rink and lighting projects. The total amount est mated for the rink and lighting was $ 35,000. s 10,000 was to come from the grant account and $ 25,000 was to come from CIP account # 5-2. As listed in a previ us item for rink lighting in another section of the agenda under Old Business I have identified the cost of the lighting for the rink in Jaycee Park to be s 28,255. The cost of the rink including materials and labor is the same as the amount listed for Erickson Park rinks. That total amount is $ 11,277. The cost for materials only with staff constructing the rink boards'is $ 7,427. THE TOTAL COST FOR JAYCEE PARK RINKS AND RINK LIGHTING WOULD BE: LIGHTING - $ 28,25 RINK CONSTRUCTION - $ 7,277 NOTE: TOTAL ESTIMATED COST - s 35,000 TOTAL COST - $ 5,532 ($ 532 OVER ESTIMATES) The Park staff is recommending again that they work to curb the budget amount to be expendEd by constructing the rink boards with inhouse labor. This would keep us very close to the estimate and the dollars allocated for this project. The rink would be c nstructed as time permits and in coordination with other fall work tha needs to be completed. Once again RAHA has offered to assist if possib e with the construction. Staff plans to set the posts and construct the corners and ends. RAHA volunteers would be coordinated to assist with the straight line boards. Council approval of these projects would be greatly appreciated. The rink projects have been on the schedule to be completed for Erickson Park for as long ago as 1984 and for Jaycee Park since 1990. The projects have been well researched, designed, and "good" quotes have been received. With the assistance of volunteers Rick Cook and his staff feel that they -will be able t complete these projects in a timely manner.