HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.e. Armory / Community Center Project Contract Awarde CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETINGIDATE: September 15th, 1992 Bids for this project have been received and tallied. Review of these bids was completed by the Minnesota State Armory Building Commission, the architect on the pr jest, Art Dickey and the Citys Armory Committee. Following the revieu of these bids the apparent low, qualified bidder is PCL construction Co.. The bid of PCL amounts to a total cost bid of $10,763,000.for all 39 bid items. This would include the construction of the Armory, park an recreation offices, the enlargement of the gymnasium, the enlargeiment of the auditorium, the construction of the banquet hall and the multipurpose arena. The construction co.t of the project with all bid items included would be $5,199,525. The Armory Committee is.further recommending the deletion of certain bid items to reduce the cost of the project. These items are 14b, 29, 35a, which will cause a cost reduction of $85,500. This would reduce the overall contract with FCL t $5,114,025. for all remaining bid items. Itis the recommended action to award the contract for the construction of the Armory, Community 'Center and Multi - Purpose Arena and other associated bid items except 14 29, and 35a to PCL Construction in the amount of $5,114,025. RECOMMENDED ACTIO :Motion to adopt Resolution AGENDA SECTION: Old Business AGENDA ITEM: Armor( Proje Community Center t Contract Award PREPARED BY: Steph n Jilk AGENDA111�h� �)OE ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Awarding Bid MAPL20BY - Bids for this project have been received and tallied. Review of these bids was completed by the Minnesota State Armory Building Commission, the architect on the pr jest, Art Dickey and the Citys Armory Committee. Following the revieu of these bids the apparent low, qualified bidder is PCL construction Co.. The bid of PCL amounts to a total cost bid of $10,763,000.for all 39 bid items. This would include the construction of the Armory, park an recreation offices, the enlargement of the gymnasium, the enlargeiment of the auditorium, the construction of the banquet hall and the multipurpose arena. The construction co.t of the project with all bid items included would be $5,199,525. The Armory Committee is.further recommending the deletion of certain bid items to reduce the cost of the project. These items are 14b, 29, 35a, which will cause a cost reduction of $85,500. This would reduce the overall contract with FCL t $5,114,025. for all remaining bid items. Itis the recommended action to award the contract for the construction of the Armory, Community 'Center and Multi - Purpose Arena and other associated bid items except 14 29, and 35a to PCL Construction in the amount of $5,114,025. RECOMMENDED ACTIO :Motion to adopt Resolution #1992- ,-a resolution " awarding the Cont act for the construction of the National Guard Armory, Rosemount Commun y'Center, Multi -Purpose Arena and associated bid items` except bid items L4b, 29 and 35a at a cost not to exceed $5,114,025. and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract documents. COUNCIL ACTION: 0 V CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1992- A RESOLUTION AWARDING THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE NAT ONAL GUARD ARMORY, ROSEMOUNT COMMUNITY CENTER, MULTI-PURPOSE ARENA AND ASSOCIATED BID ITEMS EXCEPT BID ITEMS 14b, 29 AND 35a AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $5 114,025 AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY LERR TO AUTHORIZE THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, as follows: (1) All bids on construction of the Minnesota National Guard Armory and City add-ons were received and tabulated. (2) The bid of PCL, in the amount of $5,114,025, the cost to the City for the construction of said improvements except bid items 14b, 29 and 35a, in accordance with the plans and specification and advertisement for bids is the lowest responsible bid and shall be -and hereby is accepted. (3) The Mayr and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said bidder for the constrution of said improvements for and on behalf of the City of Rosemount. (4) The Citi the Mini action. ADOPTED this ATTEST: Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advise sota State Armory Building Commission of this 15th day of September, 1992. Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Voted in favr: Voted against: E. B. McMenomy, Mayor Seconded by I CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING 1 CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ARMORY/COMMUNITY CENTER/ARENA PROJECT 3. ADJOURNMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITYOF ROSE 4OUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION DATE: September 14th, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Armory % Community Center Project AGENDA SECTION: Public Meeting -Project Overview Public Meeting PREPARED BY: Stephan Jilk AGENDA NO. ATTACMUMTS: None SYs ` n The purpose of this public meeting is to provide an overview of the Armory/Community Center/Arena Project and allow the Rosemount Citizens to give input to the City Council on this project. Following is an outline I intend to follow in this presentation. 1) Overview of the project Brief history of Armory and Community Uses Cost,Fun ing of the project Armory - Sources of funds Communit Center - Source of Funds Multi Purpose Arena - Source of funds Funding.,ackage concept 2) Port Authority and City Ownership - City Leasing 3) Effect on Property Taxes 4) Citizen input j cpiestions After this presentation and discussion I would suggest theat the following questions be asked so that the residents in attendance can give the council a good indication of where they stand on the key issues. A "straw" vote could be taken on each of these issues. 1)would you be against the construction of the arena no matter what? 2)would you be against the construction of the arena if there is a tax subsidy needed for its construction and/or operation? 3)would you support he construction of the arena if it would be self supporting? 4)are you neutral on the construction of the arena? I believe that this rocess will help you inyour decision making on this matter. RECOMMENDED ACTIO :None at this time action is requested on Tuesday evening at the regular city council meeting. COUNCIL ACTION: