HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.d. Fire Station ReferendumCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: FIRE 'STATION REFERENDUM - AGENDA SECTION: NOVEMBER ELECTION OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: STEPILkN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGENIMM # 1 OD ATTACHMENTS: COST ESTIMATE INFORMATION/ AP O BY. RESOLUTION CALLING FOR ELECTION The City Council has directed that a referendum be h ld on N ember 3, 1992, in conjunction' with the general election on that day eb allow the voters in Rosemount to consider the approval of the construction of a new fire station, the remodeling of the current station for use as a public works facility and the acquisition of a new fire department aerial truck. The cost estimates or the construction, remodeling and apparatus acquisition is set at $3,722,850. The cost breakdown is as follows: Fire station site acquisition, design, and construction - $3,004,820. Fire aerial truck -- --- ------ ----- -$650,000. Existing station remodeling -------------------------------- $68,000 TOTAL - $3,722,850. Debt issuance and capitalized interest -------------------- $223,000. TOTAL -- $3,945,000. In order to formally set the referendum and establish the format of the ballot I am providing an attached resolution for your consideration. The resolution does the following by its adoption. 1) Officially sets the date for the referendum for November` 3, 1992 2) Indicates the purpose for the election as that of approving the spending of the indicated dollar amounts for the purposes` stated. 3) Sets the forma of the ballot and the dollar amount that the city is asking the 'voters to approve spending. The ballot, as established in the resolution and which the committee is recommending you approve, is set up to ask one question allowing the spending of a single dollar amount for the entire package. Your approval of this resolution is necessary prior to the 17th of this month in order to provide this information to Dakota County in a timely manner for the preparation of ballots for the November referendum. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION TO CONSIDER THE ISSUANCE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF MWICIPAL BUILDINGS, THE REMODELING OF EXISTING BUILDINGS, AND AC UISITION OF FIRE EQUIPMENT. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUN SPACE NEEDS ASSESSMENT 13UDGET 1990 A, PROPOSED NE FIRE STATION • BUILDING CONSTRUCTION @ S85.001S.F. (PHASE I - 5 APPARATUS SAYS) • EXPANSION TO MAIN STATION @ $s5.001S.F, (PHASE III - 2 APPARATUS BAYS) • SITE DEVELOPMENT • FURNISHIN S AND EQUIPMENT • CONTINGENCY • PROFESSIONAL FEES • LAND COS S SUBTOTAL INFLATION F -TOR @ 3% PER YEAR FOR EVERY EAR BEYOND 1991 UBT0TAL S. FIRE STATION APPARATUS C, REMODEL EXISTING FACILITIES • PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING • FIRE STATION BUILDING FURNISHINGS AND EQUIPMENT CONTINgENCY @ 10" PROFESSIONAL FEES SUBTOTAL INRLATION (FACTOR @ 30A PER YEAR FOR EVER`' YEAR BEYOND 1991 SUBTOTAL TOTAL fila: p:1rm31b18-Oxl -rimATE $1,926,140 5625,000 S45,000 $60,000 $203,300 $152,500 550,000 $3,073,940 5187,200 $3,261,140 NOT INCLUDED $25,000 NONE $2,500 (CITY STAFF) $27,500 $1,680 $29,180 $3,290,320 992, CITY OF ROSEMOU T PROPOSED NEW FI E STATION AND PUBLIC WORKS REMODELIN© REFERENDUM BUD ET 1992 ES T-) m A TE A. PROPOSED NEW FIRE STATION • SUILDING CONSTRUCTION @ $83.821S.F. (6 APPARATUS BAYS) • SITE DEVELOPMENT • FURNISHIN13S AND EQUIPMENT • CONTINGENCY @ 104y0 • PROFESSIONAL FEES • LAND COSTS USTOTAL B. FIRE STATION APPARATUS (SUBTOTAL C. REMODEL E�ISTING FACILITIES PUBLIC W RKS BUILDING FIRE STATION BUILDING FOR PUBLIC WORKS USE FURNISH( GS AND EQUIPMENT CONTINa ENCY @ 15% PROFES ZONAL FEES SUBTOTAL TOTAL file: rm31b18-dk1 $2,146,770 $278,050 $65,000 $260,000 $175,000 $90,000 $3,004,820 $650.000 $650,000 550,530 $7,500 $10,000 $68,030 53,722,850 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1992 - A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION TO CONSIDER THE ISSUANCE O GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF MUN CIPAL BUILDINGS, THE REMODELING OF EXISTING BUILDINGS, AND ACQUISITION OF FIRE EQUIPMENT WHEREAS, the C�ty Council of the City of Rosemount has determined the need to co struct anew fire station, the remodeling of the existing station for its use as a public works facility and the purchase of a view fire aerial truck; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has reviewed and accepted the recommendation of a citizen's committee formed to review these needs, along with architectural drawings and cost estimates for the construction of these facilities and the acquisition of the necessary equipment; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is in the best interest of the residents of the City of Rosemount to consider the construction of these facilities and the acquisition of the fire truck. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount d es hereby ordain and direct as follows: 1. The proposition of authorizing the issuance of General Obligation Bonds for the purpose of constructing a municipal building,,the remodeling of the existing fire station and the acqui ition of a fire truck at an estimated cost of $3,945,00 be submitted to the qualified electors of the City of Rosemount at the election to be held on Tuesday, November, 1992. Said election shall be held between the hours of :00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M. The polling places for this election shall be as follows: Precinct will be at Shannon Park Elementary School, 13501 Shannon P rkway; and Precinct ]I will be at St. John's Lutheran Church, 3285 144th Str et West; and Precinct EII will be at United Methodist Church, 14770 Canada Av nue; and Precinct Diamond Precinct Citizen's V will be at Lutheran Church of Our Savior, 14980 th West; and 7 will be the meeting rooms of the Rosemount Senior Center, 2900 145th Street West; and The City publish prepare ballot s in the square next an X in the square Resolution 1992 - Page 2 ;lerk is hereby authorized and directed to post and .cording to law a "Notice of Election", and to Lllots for use at said election, which notice and X11 be in substantially the following form: ELECTION OFFICIAL BALLOT NOVEMBER 3, 1992 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY MINNESOTA VOTERS: If you wish to vote in favor of this proposition, mark an X D the word "YES". If you wish to vote against the proposition, mark text to the word "NO". YES SHALL THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE ITS GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $3,945,000 TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NO NEW IRE STATION, THE ACQUISITION OF A NEW FIRE AERIAL TRUCK AND REMODELING OF THE EXISTING FIRE STATION FOR ITS USE AS A PUBLI WORKS GARAGE? 3. The ElectrPon Judges for this Special Election shall be appointed and assigned as follows: Joan Hawk Sharon Jo Irene Lin Mabel Mey Betty Knu Arlene Ra Gordon Do Jane WiDD Marcia Ro Margaret Rita Finn Ellen McN Dorothy S Myrna Sen Katherine , Captain on, Co -Captain r son rmann sh, Captain oehlke, Co -Captain gan nomy auffer Baumgartner PRECINCT II Lib McDonough, Captain Phyllis Curry, Co -Captain Muriel Barnes Theresa Erickson Barbara Wolf Joyce Eschenbacher Rosemary Mullikin Betty Ann Schneider PRECINCT IV Carol Wachter, Captain Janet Feldsien, Co -Captain Phyllis Larson Darlene Keller Katie Fox Phyllis Bohnert Helen Josephson Betty Zanmiller, Captain Dixie Cliff, Co -Captain Elouise Lucking Bernice Wenzel Bill Jord ADOPTED this lith day of September, 1992. ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, Motion by: Voted in favor Voted against: City Clerk Resolution 1992 Page 3 E. B. McMenomy, Mayor Seconded by: