HomeMy WebLinkAbout7. Modification of Rosemount Development Plan of 1979, Modification of Development Program, District #1, Amendment of Tax Increment Financing PlanCITY COUNCIL MEETING D. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT KECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION : September 15, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Public Hearing g - AGENDA SECTION: Modification of Rosemount Redevelopment Plan Public Hearing PREPARED BY: Stephan JIlk AGENDA ITEM# ATTACHMENTS: Draft Document APP Resolution On August 11, 1992 the City Council adopted Resolution # 199 87. This Resolution called for a Public hearing for 9 - 15 - 92 to consider the modification to the Rosemount Redevelopment Plan. This plan, originally adopted in May of 1979, allowed for the use of tax increment funds to conduct certain activities` in area, designated in the original' plan for those purposes known as "redevelopment" activities. The modification now 'under -consideration will allow the city, through the auspices of the Rosemount Port Authority, to conduct those activities necessary for the construction of the Rosemount Community Center, the Arena and the relocation and acquisition of the existing business along Highway #3. The modification calls for the expansion of the "Redevelopment Project Area" established in 1979 to encompass the entire Municipal Development District #1 established in 1990. This "Development District" did include the Armory / Community Center property along with the businesses on Highway #3. In order for the Port Authority to issue debt and utilize tax increment dollars on'these projects it is necessary to modify the plan to include the site in the Rosemount Redevelopment Plan area. On Monday evening the Rosemount Port Authority will consider action to recommend this same action. Action by the Port Authority and the City, Council is necessary prior to expenditure of funds for these activities. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt A RESOLUTION APPROVING MODIFICATION OF THE ROSEMOUNT REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND THE DEVELOPMENT' PROGRAM' FOR DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 1, AND THE AMENDMENT OF THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT NO. 1-1. COUNCIL ACTION: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1992 - RESOLUTION APPROVING MODIFICATION OF THE RO EMOUNT REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND THE VELOPMWT PROGRAM FOR DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO1 1, AND THE AMENDMENT OF THE TAC INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT NO. 1-1 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota (the "City") as follows: Section 1. 1.01. The Ro asked the City Cou Redevelopment Plan modification to th No. 1, and an amen Tax Increment Fina No. 1-1, both of w which modification the Redevelopment Plan and authorize from the Redevelop Financing District municipal ice aren the Redevelopment 1.02. The Au law to be performe and amendments inc Dakota County and 917, which have to Redevelopment Proj consultation with the City approve t holding of a publi required by law. Section 2. District No. 1. emount Port Authority (the "Authority") has cil to approve a modification to the Rosemount originally adopted on May 1, 1979, a Development Program for Development District ment to the tax increment financing plan for cing District (Economic Development) District ich were originally adopted in March 1990, and amendments, among other things, enlarge roject Area, as defined in the Redevelopment the expenditure of tax increments generated ent Project Area and the Tax Increment to finance a portion of the costs of a to be located in the Development District and roject area, as enlarged. hority has performed all actions required by prior to the adoption of the modifications uding, but not limited to, notification of ndependent School District Nos. 196, 199 and ing jurisdiction over the property in the ct Area and Tax Increment Financing District, is planning commission, and has requested that e modifications and amendment following the hearing upon published and mailed notice as The City Counc Redevelopment Plan District No. 1 are Council, the effect development in the Redevelopment Plan Section 3. F Financing Plan. it hereby finds that the modification of the and the Development Program for Development intended and, in the judgment of the City will be, to provide an impetus for commercial City, to promote certain public purposes and and Development Program. 3.01. The City Council hereby ratifies the findings heretofore made inconnection with the establishment of the Tax Increment FinancingDistrict as an economic development district. 3.02. The Ci development, in th solely through pri foreseeable future financing is deeme Plan, as amended, development or red Tax Increment Fina opportunity consis whole for developm Section 4. 4.01. The Mo and the Modificati District No. 1 and Plan for Tax Incre No. 1-1 in the for approved. 4.02. The st City's and Authori and directed to pr and amended Redeve Increment Financin draft, prepare and consideration any contracts necessar y Council further finds that (a) the proposed opinion of the City Council, would not occur -ate investment within the reasonably and, therefore, the use of tax increment necessary; (b) the Tax Increment Financing conforms to the general plan for the :velopment of the City as a whole; and (c) the .cing Plan, as amended, will afford maximum ent with the sound needs of .the City as a !nt by private enterprise. ification to the Rosemount Redevelopment Plan, n of the Development Program for Development the Amendment of the Tax Increment Financing ent Financing (Economic Development) District s on file with the Port Authority are hereby off of the City, and the Authority and the .y's advisors and legal counsel are authorized )ceed with the implementation of the modified .opment Plan, Development Program and Tax I Plan and for this purpose to negotiate, present to the City Council for its .urther plans, resolutions, documents and r for this purpose. 2 MODIFICATION OF ROSEMOUNT REDEVELOPMENT PLAN ORIGINALLY ADOPTED MAY 1, 1979 MODIFICATION ADOPTED: September 15, 1992 This document was drafted by: BRIGGS AND MORGAN PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 2200 First National Bank Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 223515 TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE I - BACKGROUND AND MODIFICATION OF ROS,EMOUNT REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA . . . . . Page 1 ARTICLE II - DEFINITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ARTICLE III - STATEMENT OF PUBLIC PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY . . . 4 Section 3.01 Statement of Need and Public Purpose 4 Section 3.021r Statutory Authority . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Section 3.03 Statement of Development Objectives . . . 5 ARTICLE IV - THE 'PAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN 6 Section 4.011. Statement of Redevelopment Plan. . . . . 6 Section 4.02,. Parcels to be Included in Tax Increment Financing District . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Section 4.031,. Property to be Acquired . . . . . . . . . 6 Section 4.04. Development Activity in the Redevelopment Project for which Contracts Have Been Signed . . . . . . Section 4.051. Other Specific Development Expected to Occur Within The Redevelopment Project Section 4.06',,. Estimated Cost of Redevelopment Project . Section 4.071. Estimated Amount of Bonded Indebtedness . Section 4.08. Public Costs; Sources of Payment . . . Section 4.09,. Original Tax Capacity . . . . . . . . Section 4.10'1. Estimated Tax Capacity and Computation of Tax Increment . . . . . . . Section 4.11. Type of Tax Increment Financing District . . . . . . . . . . . Section 4.12. Duration of Tax Increment Financing District . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 4.13��,. Estimated Impact of Tax Increment Financing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section 4.141. Studies and Analyses . . . . . . . . Section 4.15. Use of Tax Increment . . . . . Section 4.16. Modifications of Tax Increment Financing Districts . . . . . . . . . Section 4.111. Limitation on Administrative Expenses Section 4.18.. Excess Tax Increments . . . . . . . . Section 4.19. Administration of Tax Increment Financing Districts . . . . . . Section 4.20. Annual Disclosure Requirements . . . . 223515 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 10 10 10 EXHIBIT A - EXHIBIT B EXHIBIT C - EXHIBIT D - EXHIBIT E - 223515 N I RIPTION OF ROSEMOUNT REDEVELOPMENT ECT AREA AS ORIGINALLY ADOPTED L DESCRIPTION EL IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS VELOPMENT PLAN L DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE ACQUIRED ARTICLE I BACKGROUND AND MODIFICATION OF The Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Rosemount (the "HRA") has heretofore adopted the Rosemount Redevelopment Plan dated May 1, 1979, copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibiit D (the "Redevelopment Plan") pursuant to which it elected to use tax increment financing to finance all or a portion of the costs of the Rosemount Redevelopment Project. A narrative descriIPtion of the boundaries of the Redevelopment Project Area, as originally adopted is attached hereto as Exhibit A. The Rosemount Port Authority, as successor in interest to the HRA, has determined that it is necessary and desirable to enlarge the Redd Ivelopment Project Area to make it coterminous with the boundaries of Municipal Development District No. 1. Therefore, the Redevelopment Plan is hereby amended to enlarge the Redevelopmenjt Project Area to include the land within Development Dist rict No. 1, which is legally described on Exhibit B hereto. Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.179, subdivision 2 provides, in part, that i� additional activity is undertaken within a tax increment distrct created prior to August 1, 1979, the provisions of t�e Tax Increment Financing Act must be complied with as they relate to the new activity. Therefore, the Authority has prepared the following tax increment financing plan for the Rosemount Redevelopment Project. 223515 ARTICLE II DEFINITIONS The terms d'fined below have, for purposes of this Tax Increment Financng Plan, the meanings herein specified, unless the context specifically requires otherwise: "Authority"Imeans the Rosemount Port Authority. "Authority aw" means Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.048 to 469.068. "Bond" means any tax-exempt or taxable bonds issued by the City or Authoritand payable in whole or in part from Tax Increments to fi ance the Public Costs, and any obligations issued to refundlsuch bonds. "City" mean "City Counc "County" me the City of Rosemount. " means the City Council of the City. Dakota County, Minnesota. "Environmental Controls" means federal, state or local laws, statutes, rules, regulations or orders governing matters of protection of theenvironment as the same pertain or apply to the Redevelopment Prject. "Governing Body" means the duly elected City Council. "HRA" means the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Rosemount. "HRA Law" mans Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047 "Land Use Regulations" means all federal, state and local laws, rules, regulations, ordinances and plans relating to or governing the use or development of the Redevelopment Project, including but not limited to platting, zoning and building code laws, regulations and ordinances, but excluding Environmental Controls. "Public Costs" means all legally permissible costs incurred or to be incurred by or on behalf the Authority in carrying out the Redevelopment Plan, including but not limited to: (a) the costs of the Redevelopment Activities set forth in the 223515 2 Redevelopment Plan as originally adopted; (b) all capital and administrative cuts incurred in connection with the acquisition, relocation, cons ruction and equipping of a municipal ice arena; (c) costs of administering the Redevelopment Project; and (d) debt service payments on any obligations issued to finance Public Costs authorized by the Redevelopment Plan and this Tax Increment Financing Plan. "Redevelopment Project" means the Rosemount Redevelopment Project Area, as modified, the boundaries of which are described on the attached (Exhibits A and B. "Redevelopment Plan" means the Redevelopment Plan for the Redevelopment Project, dated May 1, 1979, as herein modified, as the same may hereafter, from time to time, be amended or supplemented. "State" means the State of Minnesota. "Tax Increment Financing District" means the Rosemount Redevelopment Prjoject, as originally established on May 1, 1979, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.585, the legal description of which is attached as Exhibit A. "Tax Increment Financing Act" means Minnesota Statutes, 1978, Section 4,2.585 and Minnesota Statutes, 1988, Sections 469.174 through ',469.179, both inclusive, as amended and supplemented from time to time. "Tax Incr Financing Plan adopted by the the City on Se time, be amend "Tax Incre Tax Increment F 223515 ent Financing Plan" means this Tax Increment or the Tax Increment Financing District initially uthority on September 15, 1992, and approved by ember 15, 1992, as the same may, from time to or supplemented. ts" means the tax increments derived from the ncing District. 3 STAT] Section 3.0: of 1979, the Cit; of Commissioners and for the City was a need for t} designed to encoi development and : underutilized an( provide additions City and the sur: City, the County and 917 (collect them to better u - public services, Specifically, th, the HRA 'determin, Redevelopment Pr to a variety of property, inadeq excessive proper and soil correct the property; al investment; that adequate employm the tax base and District, the Co therefore, that its authority un a program design commercial devel in the Rosemount accomplish the p While prog Redevelopment P is desirable. competitive, a Rosemount Redev additional publ opportunities. private investor preventing dete values. 223515 ARTICLE III OF PUBLIC PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY Statement of Need and Public Purpose. In May Council of the City of Rosemount and the Board of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in of Rosemount (the "HRA") determined that there e Authority to undertake certain activities rage, ensure and facilitate commercial edevelopment by the private sector of unused land located within the City in order to 1 employment opportunities for residents of the ounding area, to improve the tax base of the and Independent School District Nos. 196, 199 vely, the "School District") thereby enabling ilize public facilities and provide needed and to improve the general economy of the City. City Council and the Board of Commissioners of :d that the property within the Rosemount ,ject Area was either underutilized or unused due 'actors, including fragmented ownership of the tate and multiple zoning of the property, .y cost comprising costs of clearance, grading .on, and inadequate public improvements to serve of which had resulted in a lack of private as a result, the property was not providing :nt opportunities, and was not contributing to general economy of the City, the School inty and the State to its full potential; and, .t was necessary for the Authority to exercise ter the HRA Law to develop, implement and finance :d to encourage, ensure and facilitate the )pment and redevelopment of the property located Redevelopment Project area, to further and iblic purposes specified in this paragraph. ss has been made since creation of the ject Area, the continued development of the area order to protect past investments and remain dification to the Redevelopment Plan for the opment Project needs to be adopted, to provide investment to bolster employment and recreation he public investment program will encourage t and the use of underutilized land, while oration and stabilizing and improving property 4 The develops Financing Plan f( solely through p;, Tax Increment Fii the Redevelopmen, afford maximum o) the City as a wh+ property located sent proposed through this Tax Increment �r the Redevelopment Project area would not occur -ivate investment in the foreseeable future; the ancing Plan proposed herein is consistent with Plan; and the Tax Increment Financing Plan will iportunity, consistent with the sound needs of ile, for the development or redevelopment of the in the Redevelopment Area by private enterprise. The welfare',of the City, the County and the State of Minnesota requires active promotion, attraction, encouragement and development Of economically sound industry and commerce by the City and theAuthority. Section 3.0; 1979, the effect. HRA established the Redevelopmen- addition, the HR contemplated and 462.585. The Au, intends to under, heretofore conte; of Minnesota Sta must, with regar the Redevelopmen the provisions o the Authority ha Authority and th Tax Increment Fi which provides f the cost of addi undertaken in th which are specif Increment Financ . Statutory Authority. Prior to August 1, ve date of the Tax Increment Financing Act, the he Rosemount Redevelopment Project and adopted Plan therefor pursuant to the HRA Law. In utilized tax increment financing.as authorized by Minnesota Statutes, 1978, Section :hority, as successor in interest to the HRA, .ake additional activities which were not iplated. Therefore, pursuant to the requirements .utes, Section 469.179, subd. 2, the Authority I to the additional activity to be undertaken in Project, with certain exceptions, conform to 'the Tax Increment.Financing Act. Therefore, upon the making of certain findings by the City, and with the City's approval, adopted the lancing Plan set forth in Article IV hereof, )r the use of tax increment financing to finance :ional public activities and improvements to be Redevelopment Project Area, as modified and _ed in the Redevelopment Plan and the Tax .na Plan. Section 3.013. Statement of Development Objectives. The development objectives are set forth in the Redevelopment Plan. 223515 5 ARTICLE IV THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN Section 4.61: Statement of Redevelopment Plan. The statement of the Redevelopment Plan for the Redevelopment Project is set forth inl,the Redevelopment Plan. Section 4.62. Parcels to be Included in Tax Increment Financing District. The Redevelopment Project as originally adopted and as legally described on Exhibit A constitutes the Tax Increment District. It includes the parcels bearing the parcel identification numbers set forth on the attached Exhibit C. Section 4.63. Property to be Acquired. The Authority may acquire for itslor the City's use or may convey to any private developer any or all of the parcels of property located within the Redevelopment Project, as amended, including.but not limited to the land described in Exhibit E attached hereto. Section 4. Prosect for whi been signed at construction co construction of center. 4. Development Activity in tne_xeaevelopmenz h Contracts Have Been Signed. No contracts have his time. The City anticipates executing a tract or contracts in the near future for the a municipal ice arena, armory and community Section 445. Other Specific Development Expected to Occur Within The Redehzelogment Project. The following projects are proposed to beundertaken in the Redevelopment Project. A. The construction of a municipal ice arena and a multi-purpose community center and state armory. Section 4.106. Estimated Cost of Redevelopment Proiect. The estimated total cost of the new activities to be undertaken in the Redevelopment Project is $2,850,000. An estimate of the costs are as follows: A. Acquisition of Land and Relocation Expenses $ 400,000 B. Construction and Equipping of Ice Arena 2,300,000 C. Issuance Expenses (including Bond issuance Premium and Underwriter's Discount 100,000 223515 6 D. Contingency $ 50,000 ,TOTAL $ 2,850,000 The costsll',set forth above are estimates and the amounts allocated to any item may be reallocated among any of the other items set forth above, provided that the total principal amount of the costs for the items specified will not exceed $2,500,000. Section 4107. Estimated Amount of Bonded Indebtedness. It is anticipatedlthat Bonds in a principal amount not exceeding $2,500,000 will be issued to finance a portion of the estimated Public Costs of the Redevelopment Project. Any balance of the Public Costs will be paid from sources described in Section 4.08 hereof. Section 4108. Public Costs; Sources of Payment. The public moneys which may be used to pay the Public Costs of the Redevelopment Project are the proceeds of the Bonds, Tax Increments, gross or net revenues of the municipal ice arena, ad valorem property taxes, tax increments derived from Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-1, or other moneys legally available and appropriated for the purpose in the event the foregoing are not sufficient at any time, and other legally available sources of revenue which the Authority or City may in their sole discretion appropriate for this purpose. Section 4',.09. Oriainal Tax Capacity. The "original tax capacity" of all taxable property in the Tax Increment Financing District as last certified for taxes payable in 1992 is $186,687. Section 4'',.10. Estimated Tax Capacity and Computation of Tax Increment. Ea',ch year the County Auditor will continue to measure the amount of ',increase or decrease in the total tax capacity of the Tax Increment Financing District to calculate the Tax Increments payable to the Authority. In any year in which there is an increase, in total tax capacity valuation in the Tax Increment Financing District above the original tax capacity, Tax Increments will be payable to the Authority. In any year in which the total tax capacity valuation in the Tax Increment Financing District declines below the original tax capacity, no tax capacity valuation will be captured and no tax increment will be payable. The captured tax capacity is expected to annually approximate $246,161. The Authority determines that 100% of the Tax Increments resulting from the Tax Increment Financing District shall, if necessary, be used for the payment of Public 223515 7 Costs of the Redeve Redevelopment Plan ent Plan in accordance with the Tax Increment Financing Plan. Section 4.11. (Type of Tax Increment rinancinQ ulsLrlc%-. The Tax Increment Financing District was originally established in connection with the establishment of the Redevelopment Project on May 1, 1979, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 1978, Section 462.585 and is therefore not designated as a specific type of Tax Increment Financing,District. Section 4.12. JDuration of Tax Increment Financinct District. The Tax Increment Financing Act allows tax increment financing districts created prior to August 1, 1979, to remain in existence until April 1, 2001; and under certain conditions, August 1, 2009. It is anticipated that the Tax Increment District will terminate and the A thority will no longer collect Tax Increments from the Tax Increment Financing District on the earlier of (i) the date all tax increment Bonds issued prior to March 1, 1990 are fully discharged, or (ii) April 1, 2001. Section 4.13. Estimated Impact of Tax Increment Financing. This tax increment financing plan is being adopted for a Tax Increment Financing,District that was originally established prior to 1979. Theipurpose of this tax increment financing plan is to expand the scope of activity within the Tax Increment Financing District.'', It does not create or add property to the Tax Increment Financing District nor does it materially expand the duration of the Tax Increment District. Therefore, there is no impact on the affected taxing jurisdictions by the adoption of this tax incrementlfinancing plan. Section 4.14. Statutes, Section and analyses used t would not occur bui be identified. Th( determination that Authority, would n( private investment therefore, the use file with the City Section 4.15. determines that it from the Tax Increi 1. To Bonds. 223515 Studies and Analyses. Pursuant to Minnesota 69.175, subdivision 1(7), the specific studies .o make the determination that the development for the use of Tax Increment Financing must studies and analyses used to make the the proposed development in the opinion of the )t reasonably be expected to occur through within the reasonably foreseeable future, of tax increment is deemed necessary are on Use of Tax Increment. The Authority hereby will use 100% of the Tax Increments resulting lent Financing District as follows: Ly principal and interest on the Tax Increment 8 2. To finance or otherwise pay Public Costs of the Redevelopment Project. 3. To finance or otherwise pay premiums for insurance or other security guarantying the payment of Tax Increment Bonds or obligations issued under Minnesota Statutes 462C. 4. To acc�ulate or maintain a reserve securing the payment when duelof the principal and interest on Tax Increment Bonds br bond issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 4620. 5. To finance or otherwise pay Public Costs of the Redevelopment Project. These revenues s':,hall not be used to circumvent levy limitations applicable to the City nor for other purposes prohibited by Section 469.176, Subdivision 4 of the Tax Increment Financing Act. Section 4.16. 1 Districts. In accorc 469.175, Subdivision geographic area of t] of bonded indebtedne: to increase the amour on the Tax Increment Increment Financing of interest on the d of the captured asse increase in total es additional property approved upon the no and findings require Plan. Section 4.17. accordance with Minr 14 and Minnesota Stz administrative exper other than amounts F to contractors or of including architects connected with the I the district, reloci for persons residinc amounts used to pay discount bonds issu+ tive expenses inclu, 223515 odifications of Tax Increment Financina ance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 4, any reduction or enlargement of the e Tax Increment District, increase in amount s to be incurred, including a determination t of capitalized interest on debt to be paid Bonds over the amount shown in this. Tax lan, or to increase or decrease the amount bt to be capitalized, increase the portion sed value to be retained by the Authority, .imated Public Costs or designation of .o be acquired by the Authority shall be ;ice and after the discussion, public hearing I for approval of the Tax Increment Financing Limitation on Administrative Expenses. In esota Statutes, Section 469.174, Subdivision Itutes, Section 469.176, Subdivision 3, ,ses means all expenditures of an authority laid for the purchase of land or amounts paid lhers providing materials and services, �ral and engineering services, directly 'hysical development of the real property in tion benefits paid to or services provided or businesses located in the district or interest on, fund a reserve for, or sell at a ed pursuant to Section 469.178. Administra- des amounts paid for services provided by bond 9 counsel, fiscal consultants, and planning or economic development consultants. No Ta Increments shall be used to pay any administrative expenses which exceed ten percent of the total expenditures authorized by the Tax Increment Financing Plan and the Redevelopment Phan. Section 4.18. Statutes, Section 4 the Tax Increments Costs authorized by Financing Plan, inc levy as provided in Subdivision 3, the any of the followin 1. prepa 2. dis Excess Tax Increments. Pursuant to Minnesota 9.176, Subdivision 2, in any year in which xceed the amount necessary to pay the Public the Redevelopment Plan and Tax Increment uding the amount necessary to cancel any tax Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.61, .uthority shall use the excess amount to do the outstanding Tax Increment Bonds; rge the pledge of Tax Increments thereto; 3. pay into an escrow account dedicated to the payment of the Tax Increment Bonds; 4. return the excess to the County Auditor for redistribution),to the respective taxing jurisdictions in proportion to heir mill rate. In lieu thereof, the Authority may choose to modify the.Tax Increment Financing Plan as described in Article III, in order to finance additional (Public Costs of the Development Program. Section 4.19. Administration of Tax Increment Financing Districts. Administration of the Tax Increment Financing District will be handled by the City Administrator. The Tax Incremlents received as a result of increases in the tax capacity of the Tax Increment Financing District will be maintained in a special account separate from all other municipal accounts and expended only upon municipal activities identified in the Redevelopment Plan and Tax Increment Financing Plan. Section 4.20. Minnesota Statutes must file with the financial report f report shall also and county board. (1) ma: public funds 223515 Annual Disclosure Requirements. Pursuant to Section 469.175, Subdivision 5, the Authority State Auditor on or before July 1, an annual r the Tax Increment Financing District. The e filed by the Authority with the school board The report shall: full disclosure of the sources and uses of the Tax Increment Financing District; 10 (2) permit comparison and reconciliation with the Authority's accounts and financial reports; (3) permit auditing of the funds expended on behalf of the Tax Increment Financing District, or that is funded in part or whole through the use of a development account funded with tax increments from other Tax Increment Financing Districts or with other public money; and (4) be consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. In addition, the report shall contain the following infor- mation: (1) the griginal taxable value of the Tax Increment Financing District; (2) the captured of the Tax Increment Financing District, inclulding the amount of any gross tax capacity value shared with other tax districts; (3) the utstanding principal amount of Tax Increment Bonds issued o other loans incurred to finance project costs in the T x Increment Financing District; (4) for the reporting period and for the duration of the Tax Increment Financing District, the amount budgeted under the Tax Increment Financing Plan, and the actual amount expended for, at least, the following categories: (a) `acquisition of land and buildings through condemnation or purchase; (b) (c) public it (d) cost of (5) For of the proper developer; (6) The those reporte 223515 site improvements or preparation costs; installation of public utilities or other rovements; and administrative costs, including the allocated e Authority; roperties sold to developers, the total cost to the Authority and the price paid by the mount of tax-exempt obligations, other than under clause (3), that were issued on behalf 11 of private entities for facilities located in the Tax Increment Finan�ing District. 223515 12 EXHIBIT A B. Description of the Redevelopment Project 1 1. A'urruiirc Descriptiu]t of the 111-0jGct B01111rlur}' Beginning at a point fornned by the intersection of the northerly right -of -++ay line of Dakota County State Aid Highway 42 and the soNthwest corner of Lot 66 of Marian Terrace; northerly along the westerly Lot Line of said Lot 66 of Marian Terrace extended to z point Thence no ) formed by the southxest corner cf Lot 12 Marian Terrace Replat 2nd Addition; Thence, Easterly along the southerly lot line of said Lot 12 Marian Terrace Replat 2nd Addition con lot line of Lot 9 Marian Terrace Replat 2nd Addition to the southeast corner tinuino ?long the southerly of Lot 9 of Marian Terrace Replat Ind Addition; Thence northerly on the �East Lot Line of Lot 9 Marian Terrace Replat 2nd Addition to the South 'est 1 corner of Lot 13 Marian Terrace Replat; therly lot line of said Lot 13 extended to its intersection wit. the Thence soutnea>terl) along the Sou %vesterly lot kine of Lot 1.4 lvlari4n Terrace Replat; Thence southerly lot, south, %est corner of said Lot 14 N1zrian Terrace Replat; Thence southeasterly along the', southerly lot line of Lot 14 Marian Terrace Replat to the southeast corner of said Lot 14 Marian T race Replat; I lot lines of Lots i4 through 21 Marian Terrace Replat to the north- northerl ' along the easterly Thence ) erstcrly corner of Lot 27 Marin Terrace Rep' Thence westerly along the soutiherly right -of %+zy line of Lower 147th Street 1'r est to z point formed by the extension of the westerly ljne of Lot 61 Auditors Subdivision No. 1 Thence northerly along the +v�sterly line of Lot 61 Auditors Subdivision No. 1 extended to the south- east corner of Lot 4, Auditors',Subdivision No. 27; Thence westerly along the sou'',therly Lot Line of said Lot 4, Auditors Subdivision. No. 27 extended to the west right-of-way line of Cameo Avenue; right-of-way line to its intersection with the southeast corner of Lot 1 Thence northerly along said west, 1 Block 2 T.T. Conlcy Additiol; f Thence easterly across Cameo Avenue. to the southwest corner of Lot 13 School Addition; Redevelop rent Plan Rost:rnount Page 2 N,,ay 1, 1979 Thence northerly along easterly right-of-way line of Cameo Avenue to the: northwest cm ncr of Lot 12 School Addition; Thencc ccs:crly along the northerlly lot line of Lot 12 Schnol Addition to the northwest corner of said Lot 12; Thence northerly on the east line!lof the School Addition to the northwest corner of Lot 20, Auditors Subdivision No. 1 ; Thence easterly along the northerly lot line of Lot 20, Auditors Subdivision No. 1 to the northeast corner of said Lot 20, auditors Subdivision No. 1 ; Thence easterly to the northeast corner of Lot 23, Auditors Subdivision No. 1 ; Thence easterly alo,.0 aline exte�nnesota ded from said northeast corner of Lot 23 Auditors Subdivision No. 1 to easterly right-of-way line of P.iTrunk Highway no. 3 (South Robert Trail); Thence nort erly z'.ong said easterly right-0f-v.•zy line to a point formed by extending the northerly lot line of Lot 8, School Addition; Thence easterly along said exten4ed northerly lot line of Lot 8, School Addition to a point formed by is intersect;on e centerIi,7e of Burma .wenUe extended; Thence soutneriy to the nortnerl'Y right -0f -way line of 143th-S reet 1''-esz; -_- Thence easterly along s ---;;d northerly, right-0t-•.vay line to the easterly r.ght-of-w2v I;ne of B15c2yne Avenue; Thence southerly along said easterly right-of-way line to the northerly right-of-way line of Dakota County State Aid Highway 42; Thence westerly along said northerly right-of-way line to point of beainnino. Redcvelopmrnt Plan Rosu,mount Page 3 way 1, 1979 / AUG 12 '92 12:36 CITY OF / APPENDIX A DESCRIPTION OF PROPE. The boundaries of the Devi EXHIBIT B Develoornent District No. 1 District are as follows: I* P. Begin at a point formed by the intersection of the center line of 160th Street and Western right of way fine ofChippendale Avenue; Thence north along the western right of way line of Chippendale Avenue to the right of way of Dakota County State Aid Highway 42 (GSAH 42); Thence east along the northern right of way Gne of Dakota CSAH 42 to the westerly lot line of Lot 66 of Marian Terrace extended to a point formed by the southwest corner of Lot 2, Marian Terrace Replat 2nd addition; 1 Thence east along the southerly lot Eno of said Lot 12, Marian Terrace Replat 2nd continuing along the southerly lot line of Lot 9, Marian Terrace Replat 2nd Addition; Thence north on the east lot line of Lot 9, Marian Terrace Replat 2nd. Addition to southwest corner of Lot 13, (Marian Terrace Repiat; Thence southeasterly along the southerly lot line of said Lot 13 extended to its With the westerly lot line of Lot 14, Marian Terrace Replat; Thence south to the southwjest comer of said Lot 14, Marian Terrace Replat; Thence southeasterly alongl, the southerly lot line of Lot 14, Marian Terrace Replat to Southeast cornerof said lot;! 14, Marian Terraci., Replat; Thence north along the easterly lot lines of Lots 14 through 27, Marian Terrace Replat to the southeast corner of said lot 14, Marian Terrace Replat; Thence west along the southerly right of way line of Lower 147th Street west to a formed by the extension of the westerly Eno of Lot 61, Auditor's Subdivision Number 1; Thence north along the we$terty line of Lot 61, Auditor's Subdivision Number 1 extendec the southeast corner of Lot 14, Auditor's Subdivision Number 27; Thence west along the southerly lot line of said Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision Number extended to the west right df way -line of Cameo Avenue; Thence north along said w�st right of way line of Cameo Avenue to Its Intersection with southeast corner of Lot 1, Mock 2, T.T. Conley Addition; Thence east across Cameo I'', Avenue to the southwest corner of Tot 13, School Addition; Thence north along easterl� right of way line of Cameo Avenue to the northwest cornet Lot 12, School Addition; Proposed March 1990 Page to of CIT-, 1 Thence east along the north�rly lot line of Lot 12, School Addition to the northwest corner of said Lot 12; Thence north on the east line of the School Addition to the northwest corner of Lot 20, Auditor's Subdivision Number 1; Thence east along the northerly lot line of Lot 20, Auditor's Subdivision Number 1 to the northeast corner of said Lot 20, Auditor's Subdivision Number 1; Thence east to the northeast corner of Lot 23, Auditor's Subdivision Number 1; Thence east along a line extended from the northeast corner of Lot 23, Auditor's Sub- division Number 1 to Westerly right of way line of State Trunk Highway Number 3 (STH 3); Thence north along STH 3 Ito a point 1.5 rods south of the south line of the Southwest Quarter of Section 20; Thence west 515 feet along' a line 1.5 rods south of an parallel to the south line of the Southwest Quarter of Sectio 20; Tnence north 884.26 feet to a point 729.09 feet west of the western right of way of Dodd Boulevard; Thence east 729.09 feet parallel to the south nine of the Southwest Quarter of Section 20 to the western right of way line of Dodd Boulevard; Thence south along the we,'sterly right of way line of Dodd Boulevard to the westerly right of way line of STH 3; Thence north along the westerly right of way line of STH 3 to the northern right of way ling of Dakota County Road Nulmber 38 (DC Rd 38); Thence easterly along the northern right of way line of DC Rd 38 to the eastern right of way line of Biscayne Avenue; Thence south along the easterly right of way line of Biscayne Avenue to the southern right of way line of 145th Street) (CSAR 42); Thence east along the southern right of way line of 145th Street to the point at which 145th Street and County Sate Aid Highway 42 intersect; Thence southwest along the northwest right of way line of CSAH 42 to the easterly right of way line of Biscayne Avenue; Thence south along the rasteriy right of way line of Biscayne Avenue to a point formed by the eastern right of way line of Biscayne Avenue and the center line of 160th Street; Thence west along the center line of 160th Street to the point of beginning. Proposed March 1990 0 Page 22 Pige 1 4 EXHIBIT of CAV EXHIBIT "A" R. SOLUTION 1979-H2 SUBDIVISION N.�.ME PARCEL CODE Auditors Subdivision No. 1 34-03700-044-00 Auditors Subdivision No. 1 34-03700-045-00 Auditors Subdivision No. 1 34-03700-046-00 Auditors Subdivision No. 1 34-03700-047-00 Auditors Subdivision No. 1 34-03700-049-00 Auditors Subd0.vision No. 1 34-03700-050-00 Auditors Subdivision No. 1 34-03700-010-18 Auditors Subd'iivision No. 1 34-03700-010-20 Auditors Subdivision No. 1 34-03700-020-20 Auditors Subdivision No. 1 34-03700-030-20 Auditors Subdivision No. 1 34-03700-010-21 Auditors Subdlivision No. 1 34-03700-010-22 :.uditors Subdivision No.,1 34-03700-020-22 Auditors Subdivision No. 1 34-03700-030-22 Auditors Subdi, 'I No. 1 34-03700-010-23 Auditors Subdivision No. 1 3';-03700-010-29 Auditors Subdivision No.1 34-03700-010-30 Auditors Subcivision.No. 1 34-03700-010-31 Auditors Subdivision No. 1 34-03700-010-32 Auditors Subdivision No. 1 34-03700-020-32 Auditors S bdivision_No. 1 34-03700-010-33 u _editors Subdivision No. 1 34-03700-010-34 Auditors Subdivision No. 1 34-03700-010-35 Auditors Subdivision No. 1 31-03700-010-36 Auditors Subivision No. 1 34-03700-010-37 Auditors Subdivision No. 1 34-03700-010-38 Auditors Subdivision No. 1 34-03700-010-39 Auditors Subdivision No. 1 34-03700-010-47 Auditors Subdivision No. 1 34-03700-010-48 Auditors Subdivision No. 1 34-03700-020-48 Auditors Subdivision No. 1 34-03700-010-49 Audit6rs Subdivision No. 1 34-03700-010-50 Auditors Subdivision No. 1 34-03700-010-51 �. sbe 2 of 4 EXHIBIT "A" RESOLUTION 1979-H2 (continued). SUBDIVIS,ION N *iE PARCEL CODE Auditor Subdivision No. 1 34-03700-010-52 Auditors Subdivision No. 1 34-03700-010-53 Auditors Subdivision No. 1 34-03700-010-54 Auditor Subdivision No. 1 34-03700-011-55 Auditor Is Subdivision No. 1 34-03700-010-53 Subdivision NO. 1 34-03700-010-60 Auditors Auditor'Is Subdivision No. 1 34-03700-010-61 Avdito�-s Subdivision No. 1 34-03700-020-61 ,uditos S bdivision No. 1 34-03700-030-61 Auditors Subdivision No. 1 34-03700-040-61 1 =.udi-ods Subdivis_on ;No. 1 34-03700-051-61 :.uditots-SubGivision No. 1 34-03700-052-61 jAuditors Subdivision No. 1 34-03700-010-62 =Subdivision udltO—s No. 1 34-03700-020-62 :.uditors Subdivision•No:.1 34-03700-030-62 Auditolrs Subdivision No. 1 34<03700-010-63 Audit rs Subdivision'To. 1 34-03700-010-65 Audit --s S°'bdivisioa No. 1 34-03700-020-65 Audit S-bdivision No. 27 i5 - 34-03000-010-04 AuditQrs Subdivision No. 27 34-03S00-130-14 Audit8rs Subdivision No. 27 34-03500-140-14 Auditors S bdivision No. 27 34-03300-150-14 Auditors Sjbdivision No. 27 31-03500-200-14 Auditors Subdivision No. 27 34-03000-210-14 Auditors S°.:bdivision No. 27__ 34-0300-010-15 Conley Th.-as Addition 34-18200-160-03 34-18200-170-03 Conley Th.:-aS Addition I 34-47450-660-00 1 Marian Terraces 34-64800-010-03 Rosemount Village g 134•-64S00-020-03 J Rose. ount Village 34-64500-030-03 Rose�r�ount Village Rose$ Village oun c. 34-64500-070-03 1 Rose 01— Village ' EXHIBIT "A",RESOLUTION 1979-H2 (continued) SUBDIVISON ?AME PARCEL CODE Ros enount Vi112ge 34-64800-090-03 Rosemount V',11age 34-64800-091-03 Rosemount Village 34-64800-100-03 Rosemount V�llage 34-64600-130-03 Rosemount Village 34-64800-140-03 Rosemount Vlillage 34-64800-020-04 Rosemount Village - 34-64800-030-04 Rosemount Village 34-64600-040-04 Rosemount %niilage-1 34-64800-070-04 Village 34-64800-071-04 Rosemount Rot- e ount illage 34-64800-011-05 Rosemount �illage 34-64800-012-05 Rosemount �village illage 34-64800-020-05 Rosemount 34-64500-030-05 Rosemount Village. 31- 64600-050-05 34:64;500-081-05 Rosemount Village Rosemount iVillage 34-64800-062-05 Rosemount iilla 34-64E500-020-06 Rosemount Village 34-61500-050-06 Rosemount Village 34-64800-060-06 Rosemount 'iVillage 34-64500-070-06. RosemountliVillage 34-64500-011-07 Rosemount Village 34-64500-012-07 Rosemount'Village 34-64500-020-87 Rose:aour:t Village 34-64500-030-07 Rosemount'Village 34-64500-050-07 Rosemount''Village 34-64800-060-07 Rosemountl'Village 34-64800-070-07 Rose -mount', Village 34-64800-090-07 Rosemount',Village 34-64S00-091-07 Rosemount %Jillage 34=64500-110-07 Rosemounti Village 34=64800-111-07 Rosemount' Village 34 -64800 -130 -07 - Rosemount Village 34-64800-141-07 rase 4 of 4 EXH�BIT A RESOLUTION 1979-H2 (continued) SUBDIVISION JCAIME PARCEL CODE Rosemount Village 34-64300-142-07 1 School Addition 34-66500-131-00 J School Addition 34-66500-132-00 1 , 1 EXHIBIT D REDEVELOPMENT PLAN on file with thje City Administrator. 223515 DES Section 20, townsh southwest 1/4, beg way of highway #3, of the south line, seconds east, para feet south, 73 deg to the west right feet to beginning. Section 20, townsh southwest 1/4, com way of State Highw north of the south east;'on the west on right of way 75 west, 123.80 feet parallel to the hi 32 seconds east, 1 Section 20 TWN 115 Sth #3 & Line Parr R/W 129 Ft to Beg Hgwy R/V1 216.33 Ft 28S W on R/w 256 F 223515 EXHIBIT E 'PTION OF PROPERTY TO BE ACQUIRED p 115, range 19, part of the south 1/2 of the nning at the intersection with the right of in a line parallel with and l & 1/2 rods north west 130 feet, north 16 degrees, 0 meters, 28 lel with the right of way of highway 93.67 ees, 59 meters, 32 seconds east, 123.80 feet f way of highway, southwest on right of way 54 (Tour dot) p 115, range 19, part of the south 1/2 of the encing at the intersection with the right of y #3, in a line parallel with and 1 & 1/2 rods line, north 16 degrees, 0 minutes, 28 seconds ight of way 54 feet to beginning, continuing feet north, 73 degrees, 59 minutes, 32 seconds outh, 16 degrees, 0 minutes, 28 seconds west, hway, 75 feet south at 73 degrees, 59 minutes, 3.80 feet to beginning. (Rich's Auto) Range 19 Pt of S 1/2 of SW 1/4 Com Int W R/W with & 1 1/2 RDS N of S Line N 16D OM 28S E on 1 73D 59M 32S W 123.80 FT N 16D OM 28S E Parr E Parr S Line 130 Ft to W R/W Hgwy S 16D OM to Beg (Monk) shannon>::�. Park Elementary Ct Os C +toicrouKr := prow t 1i::... > a i ° 1a3�rd Sit .l�_:_�lLl7{ C 14 Uooar SCMCPL a ...Way♦th — 14 X. ; V J 45th t L � < C •' 4�t — It • a t Y t � t �o.r.rr 1A7 rh 3 •: O t 14 th t • �'^ =1 Uoo.r > ; 143tr, St t o > < < - LY 1' th t V 143 E > a ■ • T g a i t 111t h i t • U • u u u 149th It 14 E -�U. 1 t V G n St oo•r 149 th St Lower CIAH 42 Lt St • �� t c 155th st > Cornell 7, Ct < ' st . 3 Q tk : � c tO or^•��Li Pett' C V. C 160th 5 c t,t AMENDED (EXPAND -ED 1979 REDEVELOPMENT / DISTRICT T.I.F. DISTRIC NO.1-1 Farrington Independent AFFIDAVIT .OF PUBLICATION Diane Berge, being{ duly sworn, on oath says that she is an authorized agent and employee bf the publisher of the newspaper, known as The Farmington Independent , and has full knowledge of the facts which are stated below: (A) The newspaper hzs complied with all of the requirements constituting qualification as a le al newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statues 331A.02, 331A.07 and other, applicable laws, as amended. (B) The printed which is attached, was cut from the columns of said n wspaper, and was printed and published once each week for / successive we s; it was first) published on Thursday, the�I� day of 19 � and was t:`:ererfter printed a- d published on every Thursday, to and including Thursday, the ___`day of 19 and printed belo•ri is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z; bot I inclusive, �,hich is hereby acknowledged as being the size a ;d l:i::d c,- r.� useJ i:! Che composition and publication of the nobcc: Subsc 'bed and Of r 19 Notary Public AFFIDAVIT By: Title: Administrator for the Pu usher 32d worn to before me on this day -*- I -QM*W*^W*WV^W1W211 LG-£t'F '�'� 'u►uioJ �.'e VVMUIW*llqnd AMC 110a -Vj ` .LINd NOTICE ISHERED GIVEN that the City Council (the "Council') of the City of Rosemount, Dakota CounlN. Minnesota, will hold a public,+'heating on Tuesday, September 15, 1992, at 8:00 p.m., at the Rosemount City Hall, in the Council Chamber at 2;75 145th Street West, to consider the modification of the Rosemount Redevelopment Plan dated May 1, 1979, and the Development Program for Development District No. 1, and the amendment of tete Tax Increment Financing Plan for Ta Increment Financing (Economic De lopment) District No. 1-1, both adopted in darch of 1990. A map indi4 ating the location of the Redevelopment Project Area, as proposed to be modified, Development District and Tax Increment financing District No. 1-1 is set forth below. A copy of theproposed modifications and amendments will be on file and available for public inspecti n at the office of the City Clerk. All interest persons may appear at the hearing and pr ent their views orally or in writing. Dated the 17 day of August, 1992. PHONE (612) 423-4411 FAX (612) 423-5203 MODIFICATION DEVELOPIV AND THE STATE OF N COUNTY OF CITY OF RO Susan M. Walsh, I am a United States Minnesota. On August 31, 1992 Street West, copies t Rosemount Redevelc Development Distric Tax Increment Finar of 1990. Subscribed and sword (Pity of (Rosemount 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR Mailing Address: Edward B. McMenomy P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James (Red) Staats Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann AFFIDAVIT OF POSTED HEARING NOTICE ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ROSEMOUNT REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND THE Stephan Jilk ENT PROGRAM FOR DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 AMENDMENT OF THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING �ONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT NO. 1-1 30TA ) )TA ) ss. UNT ) first duly sworn, deposes and says: and the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Rosemount acting on behalf of said City, I posted at the City Hall, 2875 145th the attached notice of public hearing regarding modification of the ment Plan dated May 1, 1979, and the Development Program for No. 1, and the amendment of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for ing (Economic Development) District No. 1-1, both adopted in March Susab M. W�>ff City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota to before me this 91 �'fi day of August, 1992. No Pub 5 .tea, CINDY DORNIDEN NOTAR" PUELI�MINNESOTfi DAI:OTA COUNTY My comm. E)Vms Aug. 25, IM >b I6verylkings eomi.ng (Up gosemouvi `= recvueC paow PHONE (612) 423.4411 FAX (612) 423.5203 NOTICE. IS HERE] the City of RoE public hearing the Rosemount Street West, t( Redevelopment ] for Development Increment Finai Development) D: eity of (Rosemount 2675 • 145th Street West, Rosemount,, Minnesota MAYOR Mailing Address: Edward B. McMenomy P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James (Red) Staats Harry Willcox Dennis Wippennann NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk Y GIVEN that the City Council (the "Council") of emount, Dakota County, Minnesota, will hold a on Tuesday, September 15, 1992, at 8:00 p.m., at ity Hall, in the Council Chamber at 2875 145th consider the modification of the Rosemount lan dated May 1, 1979, and the Development Program District No. 1, and the amendment of the Tax cing Plan for Tax Increment Financing (Economic strict No. 1-1, both adopted in March of 1990. A map indicating the location of the Redevelopment Project Area, as proposed toibe modified, the Development District and Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-1 is set forth below. A copy of the Proposed modifications and amendments will be on file and availalble for public inspection at the office of the City Clerk. All interested 'persons may appear at the hearing and present their views orally or in writing. Dated the 17th day of August, 1992. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL S an M. WaZsh, City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota 11tings (Poming `UL1b gosemountll t � •ecvUed oaru� Park El.m.ntary lip 1 3 T at St . s02gAdouwr.•:.' •I i .y } ISI :.ti{.4 ~:...i•�; �. .t' id Jrmorant << 143rt! ..�•.:�: < :::;:>-143:-st U par 743rd 21 i'` SCMCpt • way � 45:h L 4{t r it • p 0 6 i 14{lA hl > Low■r 14 th t oos a < < n • t 14 lh t ■• L a 148th 51�i r U ■► ,t O : g t Toa th t ti > c ' ; u u 14 st f0 E v U. l3 srt p •r 749t sty Low• CiAH 42 A.f St = _ t �c 1S ► t St • r St 1S4 gt• � i 155th s til • ;I;JRlfl;i 1yt: corta.n rt33'$%DID 1 Is ash StIN " d a roF C a ,,"a id Pat c V. c...... 160th St '••'(_ "' AMENDED ( EXPANDED L 1979 REDEVELOPMENT / DISTRICT T.I.F. DISTRICN0.1