HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.i. Approve Armory Site Storm Drain Utility Improvements, City Project #238CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September '1, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Approve Armory Site Storm Drain AGENDA SECTION: Utility Improvements, City Project #238 Consent PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA NO. City Engineer/Assistant: Public Works Director Add On ATTACHMENTS: Resolution APPROVED BY: This item is being added to the agenda as a formality. During the August 18, 1992 regular meeting, Council received the feasibility report and ordered plans and specifications. However, a motion to approve the project was not made. Staff is asking for approval of Project #238 in a formal motion. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION FOR APPROVAL OF ARMORY SITE STORM DRAIN UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT #238. COUNCIL ACTION: 4 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1992 - A RESOLUTION FOR APPROVAL OF ARMORY SITE STORM DRAIN UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #238 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount by a unanimous vote ordered a feasibility report for the Armory Site Storm Drain Utility Improvements, City Project #238; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received and accepted the feasibility report on August 18, 1992 on City Project #238; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby orders the improvements of . the Armory Site Storm Drain Utility Improvements, City Project #238. ADOPTED this 1st day of September, 1992. E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Votedagainst: FEASIBILITY REPORT AND COST ESTIMATE FOR ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS ON TRUNK HIGHWAY 3 FOR THE ROSEMOUNT ARMORY SITE ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO. 239 PREPARED BY: ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS, LAND PLANNERS 2021 EAST HENNEPIN AVENUE, SUITE 238 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55413 (612) 331-8660 OSM COMMISSION NO. 4845.20 Orr Schelen Mayeron & Associates, Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55413 August 24, 1992 612-331-8660 FAX 331-3806 Engineers Architects Planners Surveyors Honorable Mayor and Council City of Rosemount 2875 - 145th Street Rosemount, MN 55468 Re: Feasibility Report and Cost Estimate For Roadway Improvements on Trunk Highway 3 (TH 3) For the Armory Site Rosemount, Minnesota City Project No, 239 OSM Project No. 4845.20 Dear Mayor and Council: Transmitted herewith is a Feasibility Report and cost estimate for the above mentioned project. We would be glad to discuss this report with all interested parties at your convenience. Please give us a call if you have any questions. Sincerely, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. Ronald B. Bray, P.E. Manager, Transportation Department bjf enclosure cc: Mr. Bud Osmundson - City Engineer Equal Opportunity Employer CERTIFICAnON SHEET I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Ronald B. Bray, PIE. Date: August 24, 1992 Reg. No. 18327 OSM Project No. 4845.20 TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE SHEET LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CERTIFICATION SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE INTRODUCTION................................................... 2 Authorization................................................. 2 Data Available................................................. 2 Project Background............................................. 2 Traffic....................................................... 2 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS Alternatives................................................... 4 Right-of-Way/Access............................................ 4 FINANCING......................................................0 5 Cost Estimate................................................. 5 Funding................................................,...... 5 RECOMMENDATIONS............................................... 6 PROJECT SCHEDULE............................................... 7 APPENDIX Project Location Map Typical ,Sections Construction Estimate OSM Project 4845.20 TH 3 ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO. 239 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report addresses the feasibility and cost for the construction of left and right turn lane treatments on TH 3 from 143rd Street to north of Connemara Trail. These improvements are recommended in order to promote the safe and efficient access to the Armory/Community Center from TH 3. Mn/DOT has required that at a minimum a by pass lane be pursued as part of the access permit approval. The by pass lane would be 100% City cost. We recommended Alternative A which includes the construction of a continuous left turn lane, from 142nd Street through Connemara Trail and right turn lanes at major intersections and driveways. This Alternative provides the most efficient and safe improvement for the project area. The estimated project cost would be approximately $309,000. The funding for the project would be through a cooperative agreement between the City of Rosemount and the Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) The project would be constructed and completed prior to the opening of the Armory/Community Center. Based on the existing and projected average daily traffic (ADT) and the existing and proposed accesses on TH 3, this project is feasible. I OSM Project No. 4845.20 Page 1 i I. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Authorization - The City Engineer requested Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates (OSM) to prepare an engineering feasibility report for improvements required on TH 3 associated with the proposed Armory/Community Center access. 30 MPH - 145th to 143rd Street 40 MPH - 143rd Street to Armory Site 50 MPH - Armory Site to 132nd Street OSM Project No. 4845.20 Page 2 1.2 Data Available - Information and materials used in the preparation of this report include: • City of Rosemount Aerial Photos/Topography Maps • Armory/Community Center Site Plan • City of Rosemount and Mn/DOT ADT Volumes • Mn/DOT State -aid Standards • Mn/DOT Roadway Design Standards 1.3 Project Background = This project would be constructed in conjunction with the proposed Armory/Community Center project. The Armory site is located on TH 3 between 142nd Street and Dodd Road. Two site accesses will be provided from TH 3. Access will also be provided to the Armory via Dodd Road. The TH 3 Roadway Improvement Project would include left and right turn lane treatments from 143rd Street to north of Conemara Trail. It is the intent of the project, by providing the left and right turn channelization, to maintain a high level of service and safety to the existing and proposed businesses and residences on TH 3. 1.4 Traffic - Existing ADT volumes on TH 3 were collected from the City of Rosemount and Mn/DOT. The existing ADT volume in the project area is 8,700 vehicles per day. The 20 year projected ADT is estimated at 18,270 vehicles per day. This ADT is based on the Mn/DOT State Aid projection factor of 2.1 over a twenty year period for the Dakota County area. The existing speed limit is variable through this length of TH 3. The ® speed limits and approximate locations are shown below: 30 MPH - 145th to 143rd Street 40 MPH - 143rd Street to Armory Site 50 MPH - Armory Site to 132nd Street OSM Project No. 4845.20 Page 2 For the purpose of this analysis, it was assumed that the PM peak hour P � Y � volume was 10% of the ADT and that the directional split was 50/50. Based on Mn/DOT Roadway Design Standards, a facility with a speed of 40 MPH, a peak hour volume 435 VPH in each direction, and as few as 40 vehicles turning left, left turn lane treatments should be provided as a minimum. This represents the worst case condition. The proposed development site will exceed the 40 vehicles per hour requirement. r i OSM Project No. 4845.20 Page 3 i i 2. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 2.1 Alternatives - Two roadway improvements rovements alternatives have been developed based on coordination with the City and Mn/DOT. Each alternative is discussed below and are illustrated on maps in the Appendix. Figure 2, located in The Appendix, shows the typical roadway section for the existing condition and each alternative. Alternative - A continuous center left turn lane providing for left turning vehicles into all entrances and driveways. Right turn lanes are included at major intersections. Alternative B - A bypass lane providing for through traffic to pass (on the right) left turning traffic. Right turn lanes are included at major intersections. This alternative is the minimum requirement of Mn/DOT. 2.2 Right of Way/Access - The project is planned to be constructed in the existing MN/DOT right-of-way. Currently the right-of-way varies from 90 feet near 143rd Street to 150 feet adjacent to the Armory site. No temporary construction easements are anticipated to be needed along the project. r 1 OSM Project No. 4845.20 Page 4 3. FINANCING 3.1 Cost Estimate - The cost estimates are based on 1991 and 1992 construction costs and include a 10% contingency factor and related administrative costs. The administrative costs are estimated at 30 percent and include legal, engineering, interest and other administration. Detailed cost estimates can be found in the Appendix. The following is a summary of the estimated projects cost for each alternative described previously. Alternative A - $309,000.00 Alternative B - 91,000.00 3.2 Funding - Funding for Alternative B would be the responsibility of the City as part of the Armory/Community Center project. Alternative A would be funded through a cooperative agreement with Mn/DOT for the majority of the difference between Alternative A and Alternative B. It is anticipated that Mn/DOT would fund 100% of the actual construction cost difference plus 8% for engineering or approximately $190,000 through the cooperative agreement process. OSM Project No. 4845.20 Page 5 4. RECOMMENDATIONS It is our recommendation that Alternative A, a continuous center left turn lane be constructed, based on the existing and projected ADT volumes and the existing and proposed accesses on TH 3. The project would provide for the most efficient and safe movement of traffic on TH 3 now and in the future. The funding for the project would be through a cooperative agreement between the City and Mn/DOT. This cooperative agreement would provide the City and Mn/DOT with a much safer and efficient project for very little additional cost. The Cooperative Agreement funds need to be secured from Mn/DOT upon approval by the City Council to proceed on Alternative A. The Coo erp ative Agreement requires that a letter reguesligg these funds along with a resolution from the City Council be sent to Mn/DOT to initiate the approval of these funds Mn/DOT has indicated a willingness to enter into a Cooperative Agreement process. IOSM Project No. 4845.20 Page 6 i - 5. PROJECT SCHEDULE The proposed roadway improvement project would be constructed in conjunction with the Armory/Community Center project, and would be completed prior to it's opening. The following is an approximate schedule: • Approve Feasibility Report/Order plans and Specifications ......................... ..... . August 1992 • Secure Funding Agreements..... ... ... .. •October 1992 APP P • rove Plans and Specifications .................. December 1992 • Secure State Aid Approval/Agreement ............... February 1993 • Receive Bids and Award Contract ............ ... .. March 1993 • Begin Construction ..................... Aril 1993 • Complete Construction . ........... ...... August 1993 OSM Project No. 4845.20 Page 7 "Id 4Y 1Zdt Sr. V ON ►27th Er M. 69T11i fA S� i W a � aa x ft1/A; Sr. t 00 nml ;. V � on r8 n / 7' ST x HSN ANN s " �� ❑ O Q . 4� O MAY j 4AGSr. Y /30th S7 It ` of t h i W V� • 13Isf Sr V I33e AN 13fa sr. rr LAKE kl;: � sr, tr PROJECT ROSEMOUNT EON A rR LOCATION 1990 POP. 867 ylAc�ilEh TR. l Trullel� 111 AVE Court r 147ed Sr ti i 7y. 41s CT. V 4rH 2qLU rHSN NNV �Q. NT < 143rd s S 1 x MAY Wf/PPER 143rd ST ` `. J 144►h " Sr Q A ST W. 1451 V Sr. u V 1431h ST W •` W 145I Si •L. W 1401 Sr 3t n i s 6L.10. 144th ; �' LOVER /471h ~ST 4 8/9: �� O c 606 %tsT 147► Sr. z a D gF c o 1211 148th ST. UPPER 1471 IT s z e i UPPi .x. 1481h ST g y x O V V O a c LOVE Bt /4fl 83.14 140th OHE IyIh ST 1401 is Sr LZ v r �Z rsrlh sr r V V O e 151st ST TH3N NNW x ,� i UNIVERSITY OF "od I �r a y o 81. CHRYSLER AVE. S v 82. ChIORLET AVE: TIP V a IS<IA i 83. UPPER 419TH CL W. Sr V 155th Sr V 84 CHEVELLE CT 8a CHARLESTON AVE. W COI O BIA� JCORNCL l7N 86. 149TH ST. W. r � 4 ,p [7. 15416 sr N W �- ai x J V 0pNELL TR Drawn By: Drawing Title Comm. No. LAM Schelen4845.20 Mayeron & PROJECT LOCATION MAP Date Associates, Inc. TH 3 Figure No. Engineers ■ Architects ■ Planners a Surveyors R O S E M O U N T, M N 2021 East Hennepin Avenue 11 Minneapolis. UN 55413■ 612.331-6680 R/W 45'/75' TYPICAL INPLACE SECTION It R/W 45' /75' ALTERNATIVE A CONTINUOUS LEFT TURN LANE R/W 45'/75' (t R/W 45'/75' 8'/12 12' 1 13' 12' 1 8'/12' 21 SHLD/RTL THRU LANE LTL 1 THRU LANE SHLD/RTL 21 ALTERNATIVE B BY PASS LANE R/W 45'/75' R/W 45'/75' 2' 8'/12' 12' 12' 12' 2' SHLD/RTL RTL/BYPASS i Drawn By: Drawing Title Comm. No. t L.A.M. Orr TYPICAL SECTIONS 4845.20 Mayeron & Dote SAAssociates, Inc. TH 3 Figure No. 8/24/92 Engineers ■ Architects . Planners ■ Surveyors ROSEMOUNT, MN 2021 East Hennepin Avenue ■ Winneepolis.WN 55413 a 612.331-8660 2 T.H. 3 ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT 143RD STREET TO NORTH OF DODD ROAD ROSEMOUNT, MN ' OSM COMM. NO. 4845.20 8/24/92 ALTERNATIVE A - CONTINUOUS LEFT TURN LANE ITEM SPEC. UNIT TOTAL NO. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT COST QUANTITY COST 1 2104.501 REMOVE METAL CULVERT LF 5.00 170 $850.00 2 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SY 1.50 7111 $10,666.50 3 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION CY 2.00 7566 $15,132.00 4 2112.501 SUBGRADE PREP. RS 150.00 40 $6,000.00 5 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 3 TON 3.80 4986 $18,946.80 ' 6 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 TON 5.30 3740 $18,822.00 7 2331.514 TYPE 31 BASE COURSE TON 20.00 2177 $43,540.00 8 2341.514 TYPE 41 WEAR COURSE TON 22.00 2237 $49,214.00 9 2331.521 IRREGULAR WIDTH PAVING SY 9.00 1322 $11,898.00 10 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK GAL 1.00 1356 $1,356.00 11 2503.541 15" CMP PIPE LF 12.80 200 $2,560.00 ' 12 2501.515 15" CMP PIPE APRON EA 62.00 8 $496.00 13 2575.505 SODDING SY 2.00 17778 $35,556.00 SUBTOTAL $215,037.30 +10% CONTINGENCIES $21,603.73 SUBTOTAL $237,641.03 +30% ADMINISTRATION TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $71,358.97 $309,000.00 ALTERNATIVE B -BYPASS LANE ' ITEM SPEC. NO. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT COST QUANTITY COST ' 1 2104.501 REMOVE METAL CULVERT LF 5.00 90 $450.00 2 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SY 1.50 3378 $5,067.00 3 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION CY 2.00 5360 $10,720.00 4 2112.501 SUBGRADE PREP. RS 150.00 19 $2,850.00 5 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 3 TON 3.80 896 $3,404.80 6 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 TON 5.30 672 $3,561.60 7 2331.514 TYPE 31 BASE COURSE TON 20.00 391 $7,820.00 8 2341.514 TYPE 41 WEAR COURSE TON 22.00 117 $2,574.00 9 2331.521 IRREGULAR WIDTH PAVING SY 9.00 867 $7,803.00 ' 10 11 2357.502 2503.541 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK 15" CMP PIPE GAL LF 1.00 12.80 72 140 $72.00 $1,792.00 12 2501.515 15" CMP PIPE APRON EA 62.00 6 $372.00 13 2575.505 SODDING SY 2.00 8444 $16,888.00 ' SUBTOTAL $63,374.40 + 10% CONTINGENCIES $6,337.44 ' SUBTOTAL $69,711.84 +30% ADMINISTRATION $21,288.16 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $91,000.00 Page 1