HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.e. Comprehensive Guide Plan Process• CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September `1, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Comprehensive Guide Plan AGENDA SECTION: Process OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: Lisa Freese AGENDA Man nn 5 E Director of Planning ATTACHMENTS: Memo. APPROVED BY: �6v�— V The Comprehensive Guide Plan work session on August 5, 1992 was quite successful. All of the agenda items were covered and closure was achieved on those issues. As you will recall, when that meeting was set, a second meeting was also set for September 2, 1992. Because of the success of the August meeting, and some timing problems with some remaining elements discussed in the attached memo, I am recommending that the September 2nd meeting be canceled and the final work session be rescheduled for Monday, October 5,1992 at 6:30 p.m. The memo highlights the remaining work tasks, the remaining policy decision areas, and proposed public hearing schedule. RECOMMENDED ACTION: A MOTION to reset the Special City Council Meeting on the Comprehensive Guide Plan Update from September 2, 1992 to October 5, 1992 at 6:31D p.m. COUNCIL ACTION: t�l'1PF�l�►q�F� eity of (Rosemount PHONE (612) 423-4411 2875 • 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612) 423.5203 Mailing Address: Edward B. McMenomy P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068.0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen Mayor E.B. McMenomy James rylSteals Harry City Council Members Rlassen, Staats, Willcox, and Dennis Wippermann Wlppermann ADMINISTRATOR Stephan Jilk FROM: Lisa Freese, Director of Planning DATE: August 28, :1992 SUBJ: Comprehensive Guide Plan Status The Comprehensive Guide Plan work session on August 5 was quite successful. All of the agenda items were covered and closure was achieved on those issues. As you will recall, when that meeting was set, a second meeting was also set in for September 2, 1992. Because of the success of the August meeting and some timing problems with some remaining elements, I am recommending that the September 5 meeting be canceled and the final work session be set for October'5th at 6:30 PM. The Public Hearing should not be set until the final plan document is put together and all remaining elements are resolved (see discussion below). If the meeting is held on September 2, one more meeting would be necessary to complete the remaining tasks. Itis my assessment that only one more special meeting is really necessary to cover the remaining items, so we should wait until all of the remaining elements are ready. By doing this we will be keeping consultant costs down for meeting attendance and save you from attending a meeting. The Minnesota State Statutes require all formal public hearings on plans or plan amendments be noticed 10 day prior to the hearing in the official city newspaper. I would recommend that the City Council set the hearing at the conclusion of the October 5th special meeting. I would suggest that the hearing for the Comprehensive Plan occur at a Special meeting rather than the regular City Council meeting. I would also encourage that you allow a few days for staff to prepare the final document (with revisions from the October 5th meeting) prior to the 10 -day public review period. October, 27th at 7:00 p.m, after the regular Planning Commission meeting would be a potential date for this hearing. The remainder of this memo highlights the remaining work tasks, the remaining policy decision areas and proposed public hearing schedule. REMAINING ELEMENTS/POLICY DECISION AREAS The final document is nearing completion, but there are a few remaining elements that need to be finalized and compiled. verylhings �oming (Ub gosemouvnl" 1. Residential Planned Unit Development Performance Standards. Fred Hoisington has prepared a first draft of the performance standards for the residential PUD encompassing the Kelley property. The Planning Commission reviewed the initial draft and requested that more detail be put into the performance standards. Mr. Hoisington's firm is doing a site analysis and incorporating this information into the proposed performance standards. The Planning Commission asked Mr. Hoisington to bring the results of this analysis back to them on September 8th for their review and analysis. 2. Transportation Study. OSM began the Transportation Study in mid August and indicated to me that by September 30 most of the work would be complete. This will enable: us to incorporate any necessary changes in the Transportation Element of the Guide Plan prior to the public hearing. 3. Implementatich Plan Planning Staff and the Consultant have identified the items that need to be included in the City'.s implementation element of the Plan. The Development Review Committee and department heads will be reviewing this plan over the next two weeks. On September 8,_ the Planning Commission will be reviewing this element. I would suggest that the City Council could discuss the Implementation Plan at the September 15th Regular meeting. 4. Sewer Diversion Request. The basic assumption used to develop the year 2000 Metropolitan Urban Service Area Boundary (MUSA) discussed at the last meeting was that the Metropolitan Council will approve the City's Sewer Plan Amendment request. If this diversion from Rosemount WWTP to Empire WWTP is not approved as submitted, it will be necessary to revise the year 2000 MUSA. Due to extensive information requests from the Metropolitan Council, their review of that amendment was delayed. The current schedule will require that they take action by October 29. Metropolitan Council staff has scheduled the amendment for the Systems Committee's review on September 21 and will be reviewed by the full Metropolitan Council on October 8. The Rosemount City staff is scheduled to meet with the Metropolitan Council staff next week and we hope to be able to pulse whether or not that request will be supported by their staff. 5. Completion of the Maps. The plan document will have approximately 10 maps. The Planning Department has put together the rough drafts of the maps. Next week, Mr. Rick Pearson, with the assistance of the engineering staff, will begin drafting final report maps. 6. Completion of the Plan Document. Prior to the Planning Intern, Marie Darling's departure she was able to complete the first draft of all but two sections of the draft document: the public and institutional plan element and the introduction. Other areas need some minor revisions. Since the entire document has been authored by at least four different individuals, it will also require an extensive editing effort to make the writing style and chapter formats consistent. 7. Informal review by the Metropolitan Council. Prior to the next special meeting, I will be requesting an informal review of the plan with Metropolitan Council staff. I feel that this informal review will assure the City of a more timely review and possible action, when it is officially forwarded to the Metropolitan Council. I am working with Council staff to schedule this review during the last two weeks in September. PUBLIC HEARING PROCESS The Minnesota State Statutes requires a public hearing to receive testimony and public comment prior to the adoption of the Comprehensive Guide Plan. This is to insure that the general citizenry and/or affected persons have an opportunity to comment on the Comprehensive Plan prior to its adoption. The City's planning process to date has been quite open and the citizenry has been allowed to make comments at all of the special work sessions. This, however, does not meet the legal requirements of a public hearing. A Public Hearing must be officially noticed 10 days prior to the public hearing in the City's official newspaper. Additionally, a copy of the plan document must be made available for public review. In some communities very elaborate public hearing processes are developed. Given the ongoing citizen participation and involvement of all of the advisory commissions and boards, I would suggest a more limited process. I would, however, encourage you to consider putting a special announcement of the public hearing in the Rosemount Town Pages and publish the year 2000 MUSA Map. On Tuesday, if time permits the Council can discuss the public hearing approach and provide some direction to me. Attached is a proposed timeline for the completion of remaining tasks for the Comprehensive Plan for your consideration. Thank you for your continued support with this important and difficult task. CC: Planning Commission Port Authority Utilities Commission Parks and Recreation Committee 3 Timeline for Remaining Tasks Comprehensive Guide Plan Update 9/1/92 Reset Special City Council Meeting. Review timeline. Discuss Public Hearing process. 9/8/92 Planning Commission: Review PUD Performance Standards. Discuss Implementation Plan. Between 8/28/92 and 9/21/92 STAFF: Complete draft. Prepare maps. Edit document. Between 9/21/92 and 9/30/92 MET COUNCIL informal review. 9/15/92 CITY COUNCIL: Review Implementation Plan. 9/21/92 MET COUNCIL Systems Committee reviews diversion amendment. 9/30/92 OSM nears completion of Transportation Study. 10/2/92 Plan distributed to City Council and Commissions. 10/5/92 Special City Council Meeting: Approve PUD _Performance Standards, Implementation Plan, and final plan document. Set Public Hearing. 10/12/92 Submit press release and map to Town Pages for publication. Send official notice to Farmington Independent. 10/19/92 Plan document available for public review. 10/27/92 Public hearing for Comprehensive Plan. 11/3/92 City Council approves the Plan and authorizes staff to forward it to the Metropolitan Council. 11/9/92 City staff transmits 7 copies of final plan and application to the Metropolitan Council (90 day review period). 4 (Pity of (Rosemount PHONE (612) 4234411 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612) 4235203 Mailing Address: Edward 8. McMenomy P.O. Box 510, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068.0510 COUNCILMEMBERS TO: Mayor McMenomy Sheila Wasson James (Red) Siam Councilmembers Klassen, Staats, Willcox, Wippermarm Harry Willcox Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR FROM: Lisa J. Freese, Director of Planning Stephan Jilk DATE: September 1, 1992 RE: Final Comprehensive Guide Plan Document Preparations Expenditure Request for Professional Services RECOMMENDED MOTION: MOTION to approve expenditures of an amount not to exceed $4,200.00 from Account No. 1.01-41910-01-319, Other Professional Services, for the purpose of preparing the final Guide Plan documents. As the Planning Department is trying to pull together the final document of the Comprehensive Guide Plan for the Metropolitan Council review, we have identified areas in which additional work will be necessary. In order to meet the desired timelines, I am recommending that we contract out for some limited services. Primarily, the services required are editing, organization, graphics layout, printscreening, and printing. All funding can be met from ,Account No. 101-41910-01-319, Other Professional Services. As you will recall, the Planning Department budget was amended earlier this year after receiving the Metropolitan Council loan for the purpose of completing the Comprehensive Guide Plan. EDITING & DOCUMENT ORGANIZATION: The document, as it is currently assembled, was put together over a 2-112 year time span, by several individuals. At the present time the document needs a major editing effort to make it a more coherent report. While my staff is capable of doing this task, the time frame is tight and other responsibilities will impede our ability to meet that timeline. Therefore, I am recommending that we hire a planner/editor to review this document and to work with us to complete this task. The tasks will include, but are not limited to, the following: * Review the final table of contents and comment on organizational format; * Work with Planning staff to re -work sections to conform to that format; * Edit the entire text, reviewing for grammar, tense consistency, continuity, sentence structure, and comprehension at the level understood by general public. * Review charts, tables, and graphs to determine consistency with text and usefulness in conveying complex information; and * Identify policies that need further clarification. This task will take approximately two weeks to complete and the price should not exceed $600. 6verylking s Doming (up gosemmou"IY MAP LAYOUT DESIGN SERVICES: Rick Pearson and Marie Darling of my staff put together a conceptual layout for the maps that will be included in the Guide Plan. I think we would be well served if a graphics design professional was employed to help us finalize the map layout and set up lettering and design standards. This will ensure better readability and help us to improve the layout that we have put together. The tasks will include: • Review Planning Department's proposed map layout and make design suggestions; * Provide lettering and design standards; * Assist with design of a cover for the Guide Plan; and * Assist with setting up page layout headers and footers. This task will take a week to complete and the cost should not exceed $300. GRAPHIC LAYOUT SERVICES: The Guide Plan document will have several tables, charts, and graphs integrated into the text. At the present time we have not been able to successfully merge QuatroPro graphics into WordPerfect. We either need to contract out to complete this task or obtain technical assistance for Donna Quintus of my staff to master this task. The more expensive, but quicker method would be to contract out for these services. I would estimate that the cost for this desktop publishing assistance or technical assistance would not exceed $350. FINAL EDITING After the informal review at the Metropolitan Council and the last Special Council Meeting we will need a final editing review to eliminate all grammatical errors. This task would require a quick turnaround and would be done by an editing professional. The estimated cost for this review would not exceed $250. (Based on $2.50/page standard for editing). MAP SCREENING AND REDUCTIONS The maps for the Guide Plan document are being prepared on a 1" = 1,000 scaleformat. They will need to be reduced to 11" x 17° paper size. To do a quality reduction, these large scale maps will need to be photographed, reduced, and printed on a smaller format. The estimated cost is $500. PRINTING When the Guide Plan is approved by the Metropolitan Council, we will be printing the Guide Plan. These copies will be distributed to the Council, Planning Commission, staff, and other identified individuals. The Guide Plan will also be available for sale to the general public. We have obtained several estimates for printing 200 copies of the Guide Plan. Approximately $2,200 will be necessary to pay for the final printing. This printing, however, will not take place until the Guide Plan has been approved by the Metropolitan Council. METROPOLITAN COUNCIL Mears Park Centre, 230 East Fifth Street, St. Paul, MN 55101-1634 August 27, 1992 Lisa Freese, AICP Planning Director City of Rosemount 2575 - 145th Street W Rosemount, MN 55068-0510 RE: City of Rosemount Comprehensive Plan Amendment Review National Guard Armory'Community Center Metropolitan Council District No. 16 Metropolitan Council Referral No. 15468-4 Dear Ms. Freese: 612 291-6359 FAX 612 291-6550 77T 612 291-0904 The Metropolitan Council staff has reviewed the city's proposed comprehensive plan amendment received by the Council on August 17, 1992. We have determined that the proposed amendment has no potential impact upon any of the metropolitan system plans. Therefore, the city may place the amendment into effect immediately. However, beyond an initial determination of no potential impact, the Council has 60 days from receipt of a proposed amendment to review and comment upon the apparent consistency of the proposed amendment with the adopted chapters of the Metropolitan Development Guide. The 60 -day period ends on October 17, 1992. Within that 60 -day period, Council staff will complete its review and forward comments to the city prior to consideration by the Metropolitan and Community Development Committee. If you have any questions, please contact Steven Schwanke, the principal reviewer of this amendment, at 291-6594. Sincerely„ F aj&WI771 Mary E. d ersonn Chair MEA:kp cc: E. Craig Morris, Metropolitan Council District No. 16 Lynda Vogue, Metropolitan Council Staff Steven Schwanke, Metropolitan Council Staff